the chemical muse - drug use and the roots of western civilization - d. c. a. hillman

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  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman



    An imprint of St. Martin's Press.

    THECHEMICALMUSE. Copyri!t " #$$% &y D. C. A. Himan( P!.D. A ri!ts

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  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    For Dante

    May yo0 a1ays 3no1 yo0rsef


    Intro*0+tion -

    - T!e An+ient Cr0+i&e 7

    # An+ient Me*i+ines 33

    5 :ree3s( ;omans( an* ;e+reationa Dr0s /9 8 Promet!ean E0p!oria %%

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    / Dra1in Do1n t!e Moon 114

    9 T!e Di)ine :ift of Min*4Ben*in Into

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    3no1in as m0+! as I +o0* a&o0t e)eryt!in t!at !a* !appene* o)er t1o t!o0san*

    years ao>I sat in t!e ony s0it I +o0* affor*( a1aitin t!e )er*i+t on my *issertation


  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    &riety as a )irt0e. It in*0e*... an* from t!is 1or* in 1!i+! *r0s 1ere a 0ni)ersay

    a++epte* part of ife spran art( iterat0re( s+ien+e( an* p!iosop!y.

    In or*er to 0n*erstan* t!e *eman* for nar+oti+s an* t!e pre)aen+e of psy+!otropi+

    *r0s in anti0ity( it's important aso to 0n*erstan* t!e !ars! reaity of ife se)era

    t!o0san* years in t!e past. T!e first +!apter of t!is &oo3 is a a&o0t t!e ris3s( in?0ries(

    an* *isappointments t!at *ominate* ife in an+ient :ree+e an* ;ome an* offers someeif not t!o0san*s>of years of tria an*( no

    *o0&t( error 1it! o+a pants an* )eetation. Li3e ot!er +0t0res( t!e :ree3s an*

    ;omans fo0n* o0t t!at some &otani+a spe+ies +o0* treat 1o0n*s( some +o0* ease

    pain( ot!ers +o0* e)en pre)ent prenan+y... an* t!ey 0se* t!em 1it!o0t reser)ation.

    T!e :ree3s an* ;omans 0n*erstoo* t!at pants +o0* &e 0se* as +0rati)es( &0t t!ey

    aso *is+o)ere* t!at *r0s +o0* *ri)e yo0 o0t of yo0r senses. T!ey !a* et!ins i3e opi0m poppies( erot( m0s!rooms( an*

    &ea*onna>t!at +ontaine* stron( min*4aterin +!emi+as. T!e t!ir* +!apter of t!is

    &oo3 e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    In +!apter 9 I e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    m0+!. An* t!at's 1!at !appens 1!en yo0 o &eyon* t!e imits of yo0r feo1

    mortas. =it! t!at !e 1is!e* me oo* 0+3 an* 1a3e* a1ay. I *i*n't t!in3 t1i+e

    a&o0t o0r itte +on)ersation( &0t ran !ea*on in to my fatef0 meetin.

    At t!e time( I m0st a*mit( I t!o0!t t!is enteman m0st !a)e &een a &it of a 3oo3.

    After e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    &ro0!t !ope an* prosperity to t!e =est an* 0timatey spar3e* t!e ;enaissan+e an*

    Eni!tenment( &0t t!e an+ient 1or* 1as )ery m0+! a pa+e of o)er1!emin an0i4

    s!. :ree+e an* Itay 1ere !ome to reno1ne* a0t!ors an* statesmen i3e Piny( t!e na4

    t0ra !istorian( Peri+es( t!e *emo+rati+ reformer( an* G0ian( t!e ;oman emperor 1!o

    trie* in )ain to &rea3 C!ristianity's strane!o* on state affairs( &0t in t!e mi*st of

    s0+! psy+!ooi+ay i&eratin ten*en+ies( *istress an* misery 1ere a++epte* fa+ts ofife( +r0e torments sent &y a !ost of mer+iess o*s. Men an* 1omen *ie* a t!o0san*

    pre)enta&e *eat!s in anti0ity( 1!ere e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    In or*er for 0s to 1rap o0r mo*ern min*s aro0n* t!e an+ient o)e affair 1it! *r0s(

    1e m0st first 0n*erstan* 1!y t!ese +!emi+as 1ere so *esperatey nee*e*@ 1e m0st

    as3 o0rse)es 1!at +ompee* t!e :ree3s an* ;omans to see3 t!e soa+e offere* &y

    p!arma+e0ti+as( an* !o1 t!eir ifestyes an* i)in +on*itions in*0+e* t!em to

    &e+ome e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    minent +itiens. He too3 an assinment 1it! t!e ;oman miitary in :ermany an* &e4

    +ame a+0ainte* 1it! Tit0s( t!e son of t!e f0t0re emperor espasian( an asso+iation

    t!at 1o0* e)ent0ay ser)e !im 0ite 1e. Ho1e)er( t!ins 0i+3y &ean !eatin 0p

    for t!e r0in eite in ;ome 1!en t!e emperor Nero ass0me* po1er( an* Piny 1isey

    too3 a &a+3seat in poiti+a affairs. D0rin t!is perio* of !is ife !e *e)ote* !is ener4

    ies to 1ritin an* s+!oary resear+!.Piny 1as not!in ess t!an a 1or3a!oi+( a man 1!o spent a !o0rs of t!e *ay rea4

    *in an* 1ritin. His reatest 1or3( t!e!atural "istory, is a mar)eo0s en+y+ope*ia

    of fa+ts an* fi+tions of t!e nat0ra 1or*( e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    =i &e t!e atti+ tenant( 1ay 0p amon t!e nestin

    Pieons 1it! not!in &0t ties &et1een !imsef an* t!e 1eat!er.#

    ,ires +o0* 1ipe o0t entire nei!&or!oo*s in an in+re*i&y s!ort time@ an* t!e fire

    *epartment 1asn't a1ays reia&e( parti+0ary if yo0 *i*n't !a)e eno0! money to

    pay it off.Nat0ra *isasters an* poor +onstr0+tion materias t!reatene* s0r)i)a in t!e premo4

    *ern =est( &0t misfort0ne aso 1ore ot!er 0ises to ife's misera&e mas0era*e. ,a4

    mine 1as a mena+e( a fien* t!e first 1or* !as ony re+enty earne* to i)e 1it!o0t.

    O&esity 1as more of an o**ity t!an a re0ar o++0rren+e in an+ient so+iety( 1!ere

    +on+erns a&o0t fatty foo*s 1ere 0n3no1n@ fe1 !a* t!e reso0r+es to &e 0ttons. ,at

    1asn't 0nseemy &e+a0se it 1as 0nfas!iona&e( it 1as ?0st 0nnat0ra.

    Part of t!e reason peope 1ere s3innier in At!ens an* ;ome t!an t!ey are to*ay 1as

    t!e *iffi+0ty of maintainin a +onstant( safe foo* s0ppy. =it!o0t ari+0t0ra

    +ontros an* a*)an+e* foo* *istri&0tion systems( famines +o0* &e +a0se* &y a )ariety

    of en)ironmenta fa+tors. Simpe f0+t0ations in rainfa( temperat0re( an* reati)e

    !0mi*ity +o0* sinifi+anty re*0+e +rop yie*s an* *iminis! t!e n0tritiona )a0e of

    ari+0t0ra pro*0+e. In a**ition( pant *iseases( i3e 1!eat r0st( *e)astate* 1i*e

    s1at!s of ari+0t0ra an*s an* 0i+3y t!reatene* +riti+a foo* s0ppies. E)en if a

    parti+0ar season's yie* !appene* to &e &o0ntif0( t!ere 1as no 0arantee t!at t!e

    foo*st0ffs 1o0* &e propery *istri&0te*. T!e Me*iterranean Sea 1as anti0ity's &est

    means of transportin its rain a+ross reat *istan+es( &0t +riti+a s!ippin ro0tes 1ere

    re0ary *isr0pte* &y storms( 1arfare( an* pira+y@ often faie* to rea+! t!eir

    *estinations( an* peope *ie* as a res0t.

    ,0rt!ermore( foo* s!ortaes 1ere 0s0ay a++ompanie* &y mass mirations( +i)i+

    0nrest( or *ea*y pa0es. Diffi+0ties i3e t!ese ony a**e* to t!e n0m&er of t!e *ea*(

    1!i+! meant t!at star)ation an* man0trition 1ere amon t!e most sinifi+ant +a0sesof *eat! in t!e Cassi+a 1or*. ,or e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    no&o*y 1as imm0ne from ran*om atta+3s@ r0ra famiies( fie* sa)es( tra)eers(

    mer+!ants( an* so*iers 1ere fri!tf0y a++0stome* to t!e si!t of *anero0s sna3es6

    As a +ontemporary poet *es+ri&e* it6

    Consi*er no1 t!e m0r*ero0s asp( &ristin 1it! *ry s+aes( t!e most s0is! of a sna3es. Its

    form is terrifyin( &0t 1!en in mo)ement( it 0n+ois its 1ei!t so1y an* e)er seems to 1eara fi

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    Ces0s( a first4+ent0ry A.D. me*i+a 1riter( preferre* a more aressi)e approa+!6

    ... a most *istressin *isease( in 1!i+! t!e patient is tort0re* sim0taneo0sy &y t!irst an*

    &y *rea* of 1ater. In t!ese +ases t!ere is very itte !ope for t!e s0fferer. B0t sti t!ere is ?0st

    one reme*y( to t!ro1 t!e patient 0na1ares into a 1ater tan3 1!i+! !e !as not seen &efore4

    !an*. If !e +annot s1im( et !im sin3 0n*er an* *rin3( t!en ift !im o0t@ if !e +an s1im( p0s!

    !im 0n*er at inter)as so t!at !e *rin3s !is fi of 1ater e)en aainst !is 1i.8

    ;e+oniin t!e *aners of *e!y*ration( some an+ient *o+tors s0&mere* t!eir pa4

    tients in +o* 1ater( !opin to for+e t!em to +ons0me f0i*s. T!is 1as 0n*o0&te*y an

    0npeasant pro+e*0re( &0t *anero0s *iseases +ae* for *esperate meas0res. T!e +o*

    1ater may !a)e !epe* to re!y*rate t!e patient( &0t ra&ies 1as sti a et!a *isease.

    ery fe1 peope s0r)i)e* it.

    ,or t!ose &itten &y ra&i* *os( p!ysi+ians +a0terie* t!e fes! aro0n* t!e &ite an*

    trie* to aay t!e se)erity of any symptoms &y intentionay &ee*in t!eir patients.

    T!is strane pro+e*0re( 3no1n appropriatey as p!e&otomy from t!e :ree3 1or*s

    $hle$s-&oo* )esse an* tom- +0t( may !a)e a+t0ay !epe* t!ose s0fferin from&a* infe+tions in anti0ity@ for( 1it! a s0**en oss of &oo* )o0me( t!e +on+entration

    of fe)er4promotin fa+tors in t!e &oo* *rops an* t!e &o*y may temporariy ose t!e

    a&iity to ee)ate its temperat0re. Un+ontroa&e fe)er 1as a ma?or +a0se of *eat! in

    t!e an+ient 1or*( so &ee*in one's patient may !a)e !epe* to +ontro potentiay

    ife4t!reatenin +ir+0mstan+es.

    Danero0s for+es of nat0re( pro&ems 1it! meetin &asi+ !0man nee*s i3e s!eter

    an* sanitation( an* +!an+e en+o0nters 1it! )enomo0s or ra&i* +reat0res 1ere ma?or

    so0r+es of mor&i*ity an* mortaity in anti0ity( &0t man's &atte 1it! &a+teria an*

    )ir0ses 1as +eary t!e most *e)astatin aspe+t of an+ient ife. S+!oars estimate t!at

    as m0+! as 9$ per+ent of t!e :re+o4;oman 1or* may !a)e *ie* from infe+tio0s

    *iseases aone. Many of t!e inesses t!at 3ie* )ast n0m&ers of peope in anti0ity

    are +0ra&e to*ay. In earier times o)er+ro1*e* +ities( ina*e0ate !eat! +are( an* a

    imite* 0n*erstan*in of &asi+ epi*emiooy +reate* !aar*o0s en)ironments( 1!ere

    t!e sprea* of infe+tio0s *isease 1as rampant. ,or ( t0&er+0osis fo0ris!e* in are

    +ities( 1!ere it transforme* !eat!y( )i&rant peope into pae an* ema+iate* p!antoms(

    !o0is! )i+tims 3no1n for t!e persistent !a&it of spittin 0p +otte* &oo* aon 1it!

    &its of 0n tiss0e. ,or t!is reason( it 1as 3no1n in anti0ity as t!e 1astin *isease.

    Disease an* s0fferin 1ere +ommonpa+e in t!e an+ient metropois( &0stin as it 1as

    1it! )isitors from a aro0n* t!e Me*iterranean. Typ!0s( inf0ena( meases( eprosy(

    an* a !ost of ot!er *iseases *ominate* t!e narro1 streets( mar3etpa+es an* +ro1*e*

    tenements( 1!ere +ity *1eers 0i+3y re1 a++0stome* to t!e si!ts( smes( an*so0n*s of 0nimaina&e !0man s0fferin. Cose 0arters an* intimate persona

    +onta+t pro)i*e* a perfe+t en)ironment for t!e rapi* sprea* of *iseases.

    Epi*emi+s in anti0ity rapi*y *es+en*e* on +omm0nities 1it!o0t any 1arnin(

    ra)ae* +ities in a s!ort time( an* t!en *isappeare*( ea)in a !ost of fri!tene*

    s0r)i)ors. T!0+y*i*es( a :ree3 !istorian( a)e 0s a impse of t!e *ist0r&in so+ia

    effe+ts of one of t!ese pa0es@ !is a++o0nt of an epi*emi+ at At!ens is &ot! a

    testimony to t!e +o0rae of t!ose 1!o en*0re* t!e imits of !0man s0fferin an* a

    !asty remin*er of t!e fraie nat0re of o0r a1s an* +0stoms6

    =or*s in*ee* fai one 1!en one tries to i)e a enera pi+t0re of t!is *isease@ an* as for

    t!e s0fferin of in*i)i*0as( t!ey seeme* amost &eyon* t!e +apa+ity of !0man nat0re to en4

    *0re . . . T!e most terri&e t!in of a 1as t!e *espair into 1!i+! peope fe 1!en t!ey reai4

    e* t!at t!ey !a* +a0!t t!e pa0e@ for t!ey 1o0* imme*iatey a*opt an attit0*e of 0tter !o4

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    peessness( an*( &y i)in in t!is 1ay( 1o0* ose t!eir po1ers of resistan+e . . . t!ey *ie* i3e

    fies. T!e &o*ies of t!e *yin 1ere !eape* one on top of t!e ot!er( an* !af4*ea* +reat0res

    +o0* &e seen staerin in t!e streets . . . t!e +atastrop!e 1as so o)er1!emin t!at men( not

    3no1in 1!at 1o0* !appen ne

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    Epi*emi+s i3e t!e one t!at 3ie* Peri+es 1ere far more +ommon t!an most

    !istorians are 1iin to a*mit. S0r)i)in tean* I t!in3 it's fair to *o so>1e +an

    +on+0*e t!at are +ities s0ffere* 1i*esprea* pa0es appro

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    for o0r =estern an+estors.

    Ho1 +ommon 1ere se

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    !a)e &een for peope to *ie from t!ese )ario0s nat0ra +a0ses( t!ey 1ere not t!e

    ony so0r+e of fear@ ot!er( more pre*i+ta&e( manma*e t!reats to s0r)i)a aso taine)ita&y 0arantee* a

    so*iers *eat!. Bo1e a+erations +o0* &e +eane* an* repaire*( &0t t!e &a+teria in4

    fe+tions t!at foo1e* 1ere typi+ay fata. Many so*iers *ie* on t!e fie* of &atte(

    &0t many more *ie* !o0rs or e)en *ays ater after an0is!in 1it! massi)e infe+4


    :r0esome &atte 1o0n*s eft an imprint on t!e +reati)e 1or3 of anti0ity. :rap!i+

    *epi+tions of )ioen+e are a stan*ar* +!ara+teristi+ of t!e 1or3s of many a0t!ors. ,or


  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    s0ffere* a !0miiatin *efeat at t!e !an*s of Hanni&a( ro0!y $($$$ so*iers *ie*.

    To p0t it anot!er 1ay( t!e ;omans ost more sons in a sine *ay( on a sine &atte4

    fie*( t!an Ameri+a ost in ro0!y a *e+a*e of 1ar in ietnam. Li)y *es+ri&e* in !or4

    rifi+ *etai t!e appearan+e of t!e &attefie* t!e *ay foo1in t!e ;oman *efeat6

    At *a1n t!e ne

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    )a. He trie* to restore tempe sa+rifi+es t!ro0!o0t Itay an* :ree+e an* *isao1e*

    C!ristians from &e+omin tea+!ers of t!e Cassi+s>&eie)in t!ey 1o0* *istort

    t!em. He e)en pro+aime* 0ni)ersa reiio0s toeran+e( somet!in t!e C!ristians )e4

    !ementy oppose*.

    T!e prorams G0ian initiate* temporariy +0rtaie* t!e po1er of t!e +!0r+! an* mi!t

    !a)e e)ent0ay p0s!e* it to t!e perip!ery of =estern reiio0s pra+ti+es( if t!eemperor !a* i)e* on eno0! to see !is paan re&irt! +ome to fr0ition. Ho1e)er(

    s!orty after +omin to po1er !e 1as 3ie* in +om&at 1!ie fi!tin t!e Persians.

    T!e most po1erf0 mem&ers of t!e +!0r+! imme*iatey seie* t!e opport0nity to

    restore t!eir reiion to its position of poiti+a po1er an* 0i+3y re)erse* G0ian's

    *e+rees. If G0ian !a* not &een s1ao1e* 0p &y t!e Cassi+a 1ar ma+!ine( t!e

    Eni!tenment mi!t !a)e ta3en pa+e a t!o0san* years &efore it a+t0ay *i*( an*

    =estern so+iety 1o0* not sti &e str0in 1it! t!e separation of +!0r+! an* state.

    =ar 1as a1ays an important eement of t!e an+ient 1or*( &0t e)en 1!en t!ere 1ere

    no a+t0a &attes to &e 1ae* or meees to &e fo0!t( t!e :ree3s an* ;omans +reate*

    t!eir o1n forms of )ioen+e. ,rom t!e infan+y of =estern so+iety( &oo* sport 1as an


    t!e p!rase &rea* an* +ir+0ses. T!ere 1ere no ; ratins or 4+!ips in anti0ity. T!e

    )ioen+e of t!e arena 1as ne)er sim0ate*. It 1as rea. =!en a*iators trie* to +!op

    ea+! ot!er to &its( t!ey 1eren't fa3in it. T!e ;omans 1at+!e* men 3i ea+! ot!er

    an* +!eere*.

    By t!e ae of t!irty( t!e a)erae mae +itien of t!e an+ient 1or* i)e* a ife t!at 1as

    ra*i+ay *ifferent from t!at of !is mo*ern +o0nterparts6 2o0t! 1as a time of ar*0o0sp!ysi+a a&or( 1!en !e earne* t!e riors of an ararian eif !e s0r)i)e* t!em>1ere a &a*e of !onor@ t!ey

    meant t!at &ot! at !ome an* a&roa* !e 1as a s0r)i)or. T!e a++i*ents( in?0ries( an* i4

    nesses t!at +aime* t!e i)es so many of !is famiy an* frien*s ony !ar*ene* !im to

    t!e reaities of s0r)i)a.

    =omen aso i)e* )asty *ifferent i)es in anti0ity6 Upon rea+!in p0&erty( most

    +0t0res *eeme* t!em rea*y for marriae@ t!irteen4( fo0rteen4( an* fifteen4year4o*

    irs 1ere typi+ay paire* 1it! mat0re men in t!eir ate t1enties or eary t!irties.:ro1in 0p at !ome( irs earne* to manae *omesti+ affairs an* ass0me t!e same

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    *0ties as t!eir mot!ers. As yo0n &ri*es( 1omen fa+e* t!e oomin 0n+ertainty of

    +!i*&irt!( 1it! its 5$ per+ent mortaity rate( an* t!e reaity t!at !af of t!eir offsprin

    1o0* *ie &efore t!e ae of fi)e. After en*0rin mis+arriaes( sti&irt!s( an* infant

    *eat!( t!e typi+a 1ife 1as often i3ey to 1itness t!e *emise of !er 0+3ier +!i*ren

    at t!e !an*s of iness( a++i*enta tra0ma( an* 1arfare.

    Ho1 *i* =estern +i)iiation manae to &ear 0p 0n*er t!e press0re of s0+! *iffi+0t+ir+0mstan+es Ho1 *i* it en*0re in+re*i&e emotiona an* p!ysi+a strain in t!e

    mi*st of a 1or* t!at seeme* so 0n+arin an* so ar&itrary =as t!ere a so0tion to t!e

    pro&em of !0man s0fferin t!at in+0*e* somet!in ot!er t!an an eary *eat! or

    s0i+i*e T!e ans1ers to t!ese 0estions may &e fo0n*( para*o

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    pes an* pres+riptions !a)e s0r)i)e*( +aref0y t0+3e* a1ay in :ree3 an* Latin me*i4

    +a treatises( preser)e* 0n*er t!e 1at+!f0 eyes of mon3s( s+!oars( 3ins( popes( an*

    ot!er iterate in*i)i*0as 1it! more t!an ?0st a passin interest in t!e !istory of me*i4

    +ine. Me*ie)a man0s+ripts( +0rrenty at!erin *0st in m0se0ms an* i&raries a+ross

    E0rope( +ontain t!e m0sins of p!ysi+ians on t!e o*est attempts to !ea in?0ries an*

    fi!t inesses. T!ese 1or3s of Cassi+a me*i+a 1riters an* nat0ra !istorians s!o10s t!at an intri+ate reations!ip on+e e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    ,or t!e ;omans( a sine eneri+ 1or* for *r0 1as ins0ffi+ient6 In Latin( medica-

    menta represente* !eain *r0s( 1!ie t!e more omino0s 1or* venena sinifie*

    poisono0s *r0s. B0t t!ey *i* itte to *istin0is! t!e pra+ti+e of me*i+ine from t!e

    a*ministration of *r0s. T!at is( to pra+ti+e me*i+ine an* to a*minister *r0s sy4

    nonymo0s e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    nat0ra me*i+ations an* t!e 0est for effe+ti)e *r0s. He re+or*e* fas+inatin me4

    t!o*s of treatment an* *is+0sse* re+ipes for me*i+ations 0se* t!ro0!o0t t!e Me*iter4

    ranean reion. Not m0+! is 3no1n a&o0t !is ife( &0t !is me*i+a treatise (e medicina

    is an e

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    tors 1or3e* *iienty to a*)an+e t!e st0*y of me*i+ine aon its so1 &0t stea*y pat!

    to1ar* eni!tenment( &0t a p!ysi+ians( rear*ess of t!eir s3i or taent( *epen*e*

    !ea)iy on ae4o* *r0 tra*itions.

    Se)era an+ient p!ysi+ians ma*e s0+! sinifi+ant +ontri&0tions to t!e pra+ti+e of

    me*i+ine t!at t!eir names are rea*iy re+onie*( e)en to*ay. ,or e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    is f0 of information on pants( animas( an* mineras an* t!eir 0sef0ness in me*i+i4

    ne. One of !is near +ontemporaries( S+ri&oni0s Lar0s( atten*e* t!e ;oman army 0n4

    *er Ca0*i0s an* 1rote a simiar 1or3 in Latin tite* Com$ositiones, or The 'rescri$-

    tions It !as ne)er &een transate* into Enis!( t!an3s to its in+re*i&y esoteri+ nat0re.

    E*itions of t!is 1or3 +an &e fo0n* +oe+tin *0st in 0ni)ersity i&raries. It( too( +on4

    tains *etais on an+ient p!arma+y an* t!e +ompe< pres+riptions 0se* in t!e treatmentof *isease an* in?0ry as 1e as a n0m&er of entries on t!e 0se of *r0s in t!e treat4

    ment of ;oman a*iators.

    Hippo+rates' reatest a*mirer( a ;oman p!ysi+ian name* :aen se+on* +ent0ry

    A.D.( &e+ame one of !istory's reatest intee+t0as as 1e as an ean* a ot of patien+e. T!e nineteent!4+ent0ry e*ition of !is +ompete

    1or3s +ontains t!o0san*s of paes of 0ntransate* p!arma+e0ti+a treatises. Cassi4

    +ists !a)e a)oi*e* t!em atoet!er &e+a0se of t!e !i!y te+!ni+a an* s+ientifi+ infor4

    mation t!ey +ontain. T!e most re+ent e*ition of t!e :aeni+ +orp0s 1as p0&is!e* at a

    time 1!en E0ropean an* Ameri+an anst o)er re+reationa *r0 0se &ean to +ome to


    :aen's &riian+e +an &e seen in !is ean* t!en restore* t!e anima's )oi+e &y reeasin t!e iat0re.

    =it! s0+! pres+ient me*i+a e

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    In one passae( !e tes !is a0*ien+e to +0ti)ate a potent nar+oti+4pro*0+in pant

    aonsi*e t!eir +ommon rains6

    =!en t!e &aan+e ma3es t!e !o0rs of *aytime an* seep e0a t!e fa e0ino

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    &ot! 1ere 0se* as p0rati)es( an* &ot! !a* simiary profo0n* effe+ts on t!e &o*y.

    An+ient p!ysi+ians *istin0is!e* t!e t1o &y t!e *ire+tion of t!e p0re t!ey in*0+e*@

    =!ite !ee&ore p0re* 0p1ar*( an* &a+3 !ee&ore p0re* *o1n1ar*. Piny i)es

    0s a impse of t!e 0nsettin pro+e*0re in)o)in t!e 0se of 1!ite !ee&ore as a p0r4


    ,or se)en *ays pre)io0sy t!e &o*y m0st &e prepare* &y a+i* p0nent foo*s an* &y a&sti4

    nen+e from 1ine@ on t!e fo0rt! an* t!ir* *ays &efore( an emeti+ m0st &e ta3en( an* t!e pre+e4

    *in *ay t!ere s!o0* &e a&stinen+e from *inner. =!ite !ee&ore is i)en in a s1eet me*i0m(

    at!o0! most s0ita&y in entis or pottae . . . omitin &eins after a&o0t fo0r !o0rs( an*

    t!e 1!oe &0siness is o)er in se)en.7

    T!ree !o0rs of s0staine*( for+ef0 ret+!in is far more t!an most mo*ern =ester4

    ners are 1iin to en*0re. Usin !ars! emeti+s o)er a perio* of *ays is +ertainy *an4

    ero0s( as 1itnesse* &y t!e fa+t t!at some an+ient a0t!ors mo+3e* t!e tra*itiona 0se

    of p0rati)es an* !ee&ore4pres+ri&in *o+tors( 1!i+! t!ey &eie)e* 1ere more *an4

    ero0s t!an !epf0. E

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    repaire* tiss0es from any form of +orr0ption or *e+ay. It +ontains an interestin mi?0st as it *oes to*ay. T!at is( o0r te

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    Eypt. T!eir sma sie may in*i+ate t!at t!ey 1ere spe+ifi+ay *esine* for persona

    0se. S0+! e)i*en+e points to t!e e

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    opi0m strent!ene* t!e nee* for anti*otes ma*e from n0mero0s pants.

    T!e morp!ine fo0n* in opi0m a+ts on t!e &rain to en!an+e feeins of peas0re an* to

    *e+rease pain per+eption( &0t( as any morp!ine 0ser 1i te yo0( t!e *r0 *oesn't

    a&ois! pain sensations atoet!er@ it simpy mitiates t!e response to pain. T!at is(

    morp!ine a+ts 0pon ne0ra pat!1ays in)o)e* in$ain inter$retation rat!er t!an ?0st

    $ain $erce$tion Un*er norma +ir+0mstan+es( t!e ner)o0s system reays informationa&o0t &o*iy in?0ry to t!e &rain( 1!ere *ifferent n0+ei interpret t!ese sinas an*

    *etermine t!e proper response. Un*er t!e inf0en+e of opi0m( pain4sensin ner)es

    sen* t!eir messaes *ire+ty to t!e +entra ner)o0s system( &0t t!e &rain per+ei)es

    t!ese sinas in a *ifferent &io+!emi+a i!t@ t!at is( t!an3s to opi0m 1e fee pain &0t

    1e ?0st *on't +are.

    T!is ma3es morp!ine an in+re*i&y effe+ti)e treatment for tra0mati+ in?0ry.

    T!e tr0e po1er of opi0m( t!e so0r+e of its astin rip on t!e so0 of !0manity( is

    +ertainy t!is profo0n* a&iity to reie)e pain@ no *r0( no form of me*i+ine( no man4

    ma*e +!emi+a( no s+!oo of Eastern me*itation( no s!amanism( no aternati)e means

    of !eain>+rystas( positi)e t!in3in( an* a>+an e)en &ein to ri)a t!e anaesi+

    +apa+ity of opi0m. T!o0san*s of years of !0man !istory re)ea it to &e t!e &est of anar+oti+s in t!e tr0est sense of t!e 1or* narc- from t!e :ree3 for to n0m&. ,or t!e

    fo0n*ers of =estern so+iety( ife 1it!o0t opi0m 1o0* !a)e &een impossi&e. Opi0m

    ena&e* !0manity to p0s! &eyon* t!e pain of e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    of t!e profo0n* psy+!ooi+a effe+ts of t!e nar+oti+. It *es+ri&es t!e opi0m trip in

    asto0n*in *etai an* preser)es t!e e

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    T!e fa+t 1as t!at t!e Spartans !a* +ae* for )o0nteers to &rin into t!e isan* ro0n*

    +orn 1!eat( 1ine( +!eese( an* any ot!er form of foo* 0sef0 in a siee . . . T!ere 1ere many

    rea*y to ta3e t!e ris3 of *oin so ( ( .(ivers also sam in under ater from the har%our,

    dragging %ehind them %y a cord s#ins containing $o$$yseed mi/ed ith honey and $ounded


    Transations i3e t!is ma3e it appear t!at t!e 1o0n*e* Spartans 1ere *esperate for

    &a3e* oo*ies toppe* 1it! tasty poppy see*s. In reaity( t!e Spartans !a* &een +a0!t

    0p in !an*4to4!an* +om&at 1it! t!e At!enians an* 1ere *efen*in t!emse)es aainst

    a reentess assa0t( so t!ey 0n*o0&te*y !a* many in?0re* so*iers 1!o 1ere in *ire

    nee* of me*i+a attention. If 1e transate t!e 1or* poppy *melton as opi0m( t!e

    passae ma3es m0+! more sense. T!e &ra)e *i)ers ris3e* t!eir i)es to &rin t!eir

    +omra*es opi0m in or*er to treat t!e si+3 an* 1o0n*e*. T!e +onte

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    its 0sef0ness an* +0ti)ation. T!ese t!ree men 1rote eeary farmer's

    amana+s>a type of prose +omposition t!at &e+ame 0ite pop0ar in ;ome. ,armers

    1ere t!e &a+3&one of an+ient +i)iiations an* typi+ay remaine* more +onser)ati)e

    t!an t!eir +osmopoitan +o0nterparts. ,or e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    !i!t t!e st0pi*ity an* inoran+e of one of !is +!ara+ters( 1!o *i*n't 3no1>0ni3e

    e)eryone ese in ;ome>t!at 1orm1oo* +ame from Pont0s.-8

    After a( 1!y 1o0* t!ey !a)e +ae* it Ponti+ 1orm1oo* T!is foois! +!ara+ter

    1as o&)io0sy o0t of t!e 3no1 an* a+3e* proper so+ia refinement. O)i*@ t!e

    ;oman poet( 1!ie in et!e ony +rop

    of t!is a++0rse* pa+e.-9

    He may !a)e &een +riti+a of t!e reion's *epressiny 0n4;oman attri&0tes( &0t !e*i* a+3no1e*e t!at 1orm1oo* 1as at east a 0sef0 ari+0t0ra +ommo*ity.

    L0+reti0s( a first4+ent0ry B.C. Epi+0rean poet( mentions 1orm1oo* in !is reat

    1or3 n the !ature of Things He tes 0s t!at t!e 0nsa)ory o*or of 1orm1oo* an*

    ot!er parti+0ary stin3y pants +o0* &e *ete+te* &y r0&&in t!eir ea)es &et1een

    one's finers.-

    Doin t!is 1o0* !a)e i&erate* 1orm1oo*'s )oatie oi an* t!ere&y

    pro*0+e* a stron o*or. Of +o0rse( 1orm1oo* +ertainy smee* &a*. &0t it aso taste*

    terri&e. L0+reti0s presents a )i)i* pi+t0re of t!e means ;oman p!ysi+ians 0se* to

    foo t!e *is+riminatin taste &0*s of a si+3 +!i*6

    B0t e)en as !eaers( 1!en t!ey essay to i)e oat!some 1orm1oo* to +!i*ren( first to0+!

    t!e rim a ro0n* t!e +0p 1it! t!e s1eet o*en moist0re of !oney( so t!at t!e 0n1ittin ae

    of +!i*ren may &e &e0ie* as far as t!e ips( an* mean1!ie may *rin3 t!e &itter *ra0!t of

    1orm1oo*( an* t!o0! +!arme* may not &e !arme*( &0t rat!er &y s0+! means may &e resto4

    re* an* +ome to !ep . . .-%

    On+e aain( i3e opi0m( fo04tastin *r0s 1ere often mi

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    *omesti+ animas.-7

    T!at's ri!t( t!e ;omans a)e +anna&is to t!eir +atte@ it may &e for a mo*ern a0*ien4

    +e to a++ept s0+! pra+ti+es( &0t ;oman farmers 1ere pra+ti+a>an* if it !a*n't !epe*

    t!eir animas( t!ey 1o0* ne)er !a)e 0se* it. As a *r0( mari?0ana 1as effe+ti)e in

    treatin a n0m&er of mor&i* +on*itions. Many potent psy+!otropi+ s0&stan+es 1ere

    +onsi*ere* to &e potentiay poisono0s( &0t +anna&is 1as ne)er )iifie*@ t!e an+ient

    1or* +eary tr0ste* t!e *r0 as m0+! as t!ey *i* any ot!er safe me*i+ation.

    Mari?0ana( opi0m poppies( an* 1orm1oo* a +ontain potent +!emi+as t!at +!an4

    e per+eption( &0t t!ey 1ere not t!e ony min*4aterin *r0s a)aia&e in anti0ity.

    T!e :ree3s an* ;omans aso 0se* anti+!oineri+s( a ro0p of stron +!emi+as +!a4

    ra+terie* &y an a&iity to interr0pt norma ne0ra transmission. T1o of t!ese *r0s(

    atropine an* s+opoamine( are fre0enty 0se* &y mo*ern anest!esiooists in a +!e4

    mi+ay p0rifie* form( &0t t!ey 1ere oriinay fo0n* in a are famiy of pants 3no4

    1n &y t!e +ommon name ni!ts!a*e. A )ariety of spe+ies i3e !en&ane "yoscyamus

    niger,&ea*onna 0tro$a %elladonna, man*ra3e 0tro$a mandragora, an* ?imson

    1ee* (atura stramoniumpro*0+e atropine( s+opoamine( an* ot!er potent a3aoi*st!at 1ere 0se* to pro*0+e !a0+inations( e0p!oria( an* eneraie* *eiri0m. T!ese

    pants t!ri)e* in t!e Me*iterranean( an* T!eop!rast0s 1as 1e a1are of t!eir potent


    Of t!e pants +ae*stry#hnos possi&y &ea*onna one in*0+es seep( t!e ot!er ?imson

    1ee* +a0ses ma*ness . . . T!e 3in* 1!i+! pro*0+es ma*ness . . . !as a 1!ite !oo1 root

    a&o0t a +0&it on. Of t!is t!ree t1entiet!s of an o0n+e in 1ei!t is i)en( if t!e patient is to

    &e+ome merey sporti)e an* to t!in3 !imsef a fine feo1@ t1i+e t!is *ose if !e is to o ma*

    o0tri!t an* !a)e *e0sions@ t!ri+e t!e *ose( if !e is to &e permanenty insane . . . fo0r times

    t!e *ose is i)en( if t!e man is to &e 3ie*.-7

    Anti+!oineri+ *r04pro*0+in pants i3e &ea*onna an* ?imson 1ee* +a0se*

    +!anes in menta per+eption an* +onition &0t 1ere aso potentiay et!a@ t!ey pos4

    sesse* t!e &enin a&iity to ee)ate one's moo*( 1!i+! ma*e t!em e

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    +!an+e to intera+t more +osey 1it! t!e o*s t!ey +reate* an* 1ors!ipe*.

    T!e min*4aterin a+ti)ity of anti+!oineri+s( as appeain as it m0st !a)e &een( often

    +ame 1it! a sinifi+ant +ost. Ho1e)er( i3e many ot!er to

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    t!e seeminy mai+a po1er t!ey possesse*( &0t t!ey 1ere e0ay a1are of t!e fa+t

    t!at t!ey +o0* aso &e et!a. Cassi+a a0t!ors repeate*y 1arn aainst t!e 0se of

    +ertain m0s!rooms an* pro)i*e +ompi+ate* reme*ies for t!ose 1!o fo0n*

    t!emse)es poisone* &y t!em. Anti*otes for m0s!rooms are often t!e same as t!ose

    for ni!ts!a*e( 1!i+! is a oo* in*i+ation t!at t!e :ree3s an* ;omans &eie)e* t!eir

    !a0+inatory +apa+ities to &e some!o1 reate*. M0s!rooms 1ere so pre)aent t!ate)en emperors 1ere fon* of t!em. In fa+t( at t!e time of !is *emise( it 1as 1i*ey

    &eie)e* t!at t!e ;oman emperor Ca0*i0s some!o1 *ie* of m0s!room poisonin.

    Opiates( anti+!oineri+s( an* m0s!rooms 1ere +ertainy amon most pop0ar *r0s

    in anti0ity( &0t t!e :ree3s an* ;omans aso e

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    se*om topi+s for serio0s *is+0ssion amon note* s+!oars. His0le/i$har-maca is e4

    neray +onsi*ere* to &e a s!ort an* 0ninspire* *i*a+ti+ poem on t!e *aners of spe+i4

    fi+ poisons an* t!e )ario0s me*i+ines 0se* to +o0ntera+t t!eir !armf0 effe+ts on t!e

    &o*y. Most a+a*emi+s +onsi*er t!e 1or3 a +e)er &0t 0nimpressi)e treatise on t!e 0se

    of anti*otes a*ministere* in +ases of poisonin( 1!en +rafty poiti+a ri)as *i* a1ay

    1it! t!eir enemies &y sippin t!em a Mi+3ey ,inn. At!o0! m0r*er &y poison 1as+ertainy not 0n+ommon in anti0ity>espe+iay in ;ome 1it! t!e e)ent0a rise of

    po1erf0 aristo+rati+ famiies an* t!e *e+ine of rep0&i+anism>it's a &it of a stret+!

    to t!in3 t!at Ni+an*er's 1or3 is not!in more t!an an e

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    T!is passae !as anot!er sinifi+an+e. It's no +oin+i*en+e t!at Ni+an*er( 1!o is &e4

    ie)e* to !a)e &een a priest of Apoo( +ompare* arro14poison intofor yo0 are not far off.

    Let 0s p0nis! !imF ,irst p0t !im o0tsi*e t!e min*.

    Insti a i!t4!ea*e* freny. Sin+e( if !e reasons 1e(

    He *efinitey 1on't &e 1iin to *ress in a 1oman's +ost0me.

    B0t if !e *ri)es off t!e roa* of reason( !e 1i *ress 0p.#/

    Not ony 1as Dionys0s a&e to insti !is foo1ers 1it! e+stati+ freny( &0t !e aso

    !a* t!e po1er to *ri)e !is enemies o0t of t!eir min*s. In fa+t( yo0 +o0* say !e 1as

    t!e o* of temporary insanity. As a mani+ *eity. E0ripi*es +aims Dionys0s a+t0ay

    possesse* !is foo1ers( 1!o in essen+e *ran3 0p t!e o* as t!ey 1o0* a ass of

    1ine>or per!aps 1ine mi

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    T!e +onne+tion &et1een *r0 0se an* insanity is 0n*enia&e. E0ripi*es' a0*ien+e

    o&)io0sy 0n*erstoo* t!at some *r0s ma*e t!eir 0sers appear to &e ma*. T!is ma*e

    it easier for t!e :ree3s to em&ra+e t!e Eastern aspe+ts of t!e 1ors!ip of Dionys0s(

    pre+isey &e+a0se t!ey 0n*erstoo* t!at Dionys0s's foo1ers 1ere fie* 1it! t!e o*

    an* t!ere&y ma*e e+stati+( in t!e same manner as t!eir o1n re+reationa *r0s !a* t!e

    po1er to &rin in*i)i*0as 0n*er t!eir mani+ +ontro.T!e +onne+tion &et1een Dionys0s an* psy+!otropi+ *r0s is an an+ient one. Dr0s

    appear to !a)e &een an important part of t!ese at!erins 1!ere)er t!ey too3 pa+e@

    e)en t!e ;oman a0t!orities s0spe+te* mem&ers of t!e +0t pra+ti+in in Itay of 0sin

    stron *r0s in t!eir se+reti)e +eremonies. An* 1!y *i* t!ey 0se t!ese *r0s Di*

    Dionys0s's foo1ers rey 0pon re+reationa *r0s to en!an+e t!eir spirit0a e

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    pro&a&y a1ays 1i &e>t!e 0y *0+3in of st0*ies. Dr0s are an a+a*emi+ !ot

    potato. ,e1 Cassi+ists e)er +!oose to st0*y t!is s+an*ao0s topi+( an* far fe1er 1i

    e)er +!oose to a*mit t!e pre)aen+e of *r0s in an+ient so+iety. Ho1e)er( one t!in is

    +ertain6 T!ere are too many referen+es to re+reationa *r0s in t!e te

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    " #roethean $u%horia

    ,or t!o0! a man !a)e sorro1 an* rief in !is ne1y4tro0&e* so0 an* i)e in

    *rea* &e+a0se !is !eart is *istresse*( yet( 1!en a siner( t!e ser)ant of t!e M0ses(+!ants t!e orio0s *ee*s of men of o* an* t!e &esse* o*s 1!o in!a&it Oymp0s( at

    on+e !e forets !is !ea)iness an* remem&ers not !is sorro1s at a.


    T!e firm +0t0ra fo0n*ation of Cassi+a +i)iiation 1as its ea&orate myt!ooy@

    o*s an* !eroes *ominate* t!e iterat0re of anti0ity. T!o0san*s of stories a&o0t *i)i4

    nities an* !0man +!ampions( in ora an* 1ritten forms( +apt0re* an* preser)e* t!e

    tra*itions( +0stoms( an* so+ia )a0es of t!e past. Myt!s 1ere m0+! more t!an ?0st

    fi+tiona &its of entertainment@ t!ey 1ere( in essen+e( t!e *istiations of anti0ity' s

    most +entra &eiefs. T!e o*s of t!e Cassi+a 1or*( per!aps more t!an t!e *eities of

    any ot!er +0t0re( 1ere ?0st men +ot!e* in t!e fi0rati)e )estments of immortaity.

    T!ey 1ere e

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    o*s( 1ere mysterio0s +eestia &its of n0triment@ t!ey often appear as foo* an*

    *rin3( &0t t!eir effe+ts on t!e o*s 1ere m0+! more i3e *r0s t!an anyt!in ese.

    Am&rosia an* ne+tar 1ere ony meant for immortas@ t!e o*s sefis!y 0ar*e* t!eir

    se+rets an* rarey ao1e* anyone &0t t!emse)es an* t!eir *i)ine offsprin to e

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  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    psy+!otropi+ s0&stan+es 0se* &y !is +ontemporaries@ an+ient so+iety 1as free to em4

    &ra+e t!e 0se of min*4n0m&in &otani+as( so t!eir o*s 1ere( too. In+orporatin ee4

    ments of *r0 0se into t!e myt!s of t!e o*s f0rt!er )ai*ate* t!eir ant!ropomorp!i+


    T!e o*s of t!e :re+o4;oman 1or* +ertainy possesse* e0p!oria4in*0+in

    pain3iers( ?0st i3e t!e morta 1or* o)er 1!i+! t!ey r0e*( &0t an+ient nar+o4myt!ooy aso trie* to e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    Promet!e0s +eary s0ffere* for !0manity's sa3e. Despite !is p!iant!ropy( t!e

    o*s )ie1e* !is p0nis!ment as fittin@ in t!e 1or*s of Hep!aest0s( t!e o* 1!o for4

    e* t!e +!ains t!at !e* !im fast to t!e mo0ntainsi*e( !e *eser)e* 1!at !e ot6

    S0+! is t!e re1ar* yo0 reap of yo0r man4o)in *isposition. ,or yo0( a :o*( feare*

    not t!e aner of t!e :o*s( &0t a)e !onors to mortas &eyon* 1!at 1as ?0st... Many a

    roan an* many a amentation yo0 s!a 0tter... ,or t!e min* of Je0s is !ar* to soften

    1it! prayer.../

    T!e myt! of Promet!e0s is trai+@ it's an a++o0nt of t!e painf0 roa* of premo*ern

    ife( a !i!1ay 1!ere t!e fo1erin !opes of men 1ere often +r0s!e* mer+iessy &e4

    neat! t!e !ee of 0n+!e+3e* an* 0nrestraine* po1er. An* t!at is 1!y it 1as aso a sto4

    ry of !ope@ it 1as aso a tae a&o0t t!e oriins of pain3iin *r0s>t!e min*4n0m4

    &in sa)iors of !0manity. A++or*in to t!e myt! of Promet!e0s( *r0s &ro0!t +om4

    fort to o1y !0mans( t!e )i+tims of tyranni+a oppression an* *i)ine sef4interest.

    Promet!e0s +ommitte* t1o 0npar*ona&e sins in t!e eyes of t!e po1ers t!at

    &e>an* &ot! 1ere ?0st )ariations on a sine t!eme. His reat faiin 1as !is a+3 of

    respe+t for a0t!ority. He &atanty +!aene* t!e e to ma3e !im s!o1 !is ina*e0a+y as a 3in>!e

    trie* to *e+ei)e !im into ma3in a &a* *e+ision. It 1as a *i)ine test meant to re)ea

    Je0s' s s!ort+omins as a r0er( a &o* am&it t!at s!o0* !a)e s0++ee*e*... &0t *i*n't6

    ,or at Me3one( on+e( t!ere 1as a test 1!en o*s an* morta men *i)i*e* 0p an oan* +onse0en4

    ty( t!e oo* ift 1as i)en to man3in*. In a sine stro3e of eni0s( Promet!e0s re4)eae* t!e ea*er of t!e o*s as fai&e an* strippe* t!e *i)inity of !is so)ereinty

    an* &esto1e* it 0pon t!e ra+e of !0mans. Unfort0natey( t!ins *i*n't t0rn o0t 1e

    for Promet!e0s. T!e a41ise Je0s reay !a* seen 1!at 1as +omin. He 3ne1 t!e

    tri+3 Promet!e0s 1as tryin to pay( &0t se+rety potte* to p0nis! !0manity aon

    1it! its *i)ine a*)o+ate( so !e 1ent aon 1it! t!e r0se an* *ei&eratey +!ose t!e in4

    ferior ift. T!en( in a reat t!eatri+a *ispay of ri!teo0s aner( !e +0rse* man3in*

    1it! perpet0a inoran+e@ !e 1it!!e* fire( t!e sym&o of a s3i an* 1is*om t!at

    +o0* possi&y assist t!e s0r)i)a of t!e !0man ra+e. H0mans 1ere fore)er *oome* to

    s0ffer( 1it!o0t any so0r+e of enery( an* 1it!o0t t!e !ope of sa)ation. T!is )enef0

    a+t reesta&is!e* or*er an* t!e a&so0te a0t!ority t!at a++ompanie* t!e rein of Je0s.

    Of +o0rse( Promet!e0s +o0*n't ?0st sit &y an* 1at+! t!e ra+e of mortas *ie as a re4s0t of *i)ine in*ifferen+e to t!eir s0fferin( so !e +ommitte* anot!er reat +rime after

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    t!e test at Me3one@ !e stoe fire from t!e o*s an* a)e it &a+3 to man. On+e aain(

    t!is o0trae* Je0s. T!e 3in of !ea)en *e+i*e* t!at eno0! 1as eno0!. ,or t!e +ri4

    me of +!aenin !is a0t!ority( !e *e+i*e* to p0nis! Promet!e0s aon 1it! t!e enti4

    re ra+e of mortas6 T!e o*s +!aine* Promet!e0s to a ro+3 an* t!en a)e man3in* t!e

    reatest possi&e +0rse imaina&e... t!e femae of !is o1n spe+ies.

    As if mortas *i*n't !a)e eno0! tro0&e area*y( Je0s a)e t!em 1i)es>somet!int!ey *i* not pre)io0sy possess a++or*in to t!e myt!. T!is form of p0nis!ment

    ma3es itte sense 0ness 1e +onsi*er t!at :ree3 myt!s oriinate* in a mae4

    *ominate* so+iety 1!ere 1omen's roes 1ere !i!y restri+te* an* femaes 1ere a

    +onstant so0r+e of mas+0ine ana for t!e sa3e of !is 0n+on*itiona o)e. In Promet!e0s's o1n 1or*s6

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    2o0 see me a 1ret+!e* :o* in +!ains( t!e enemy of Je0s( !ate* of a t!e :o*s t!at enter

    Je0s's paa+e !a( &e+a0se of my ean* it aso meant t!e +omm0nity 1as a&e to feast onmeat.

    Promet!e0s's &oo* 1as aso +onse+rate*@ it 1as a potent ife4i)in s0&stan+e.

    Ho1e)er( its poten+y 1as m0+! more t!an ?0st a sym&o of re*emption>or( in t!e

    :ree3 1ay of t!in3in( a +eansin of po0tion. A++or*in to t!e myt!( on+e !is

    &oo* 1as s!e* it mai+ay transforme* into a re)itaiin *r0( a trans0&stantia

    means of sa)ation. Promet!e0s's *rippin &oo* &e+ame a pant( not ?0st any

    !o0sepant or 1ee*( &0t t!e so0r+e of a potent( pain3iin( e0p!oria4in*0+in *r06

    It t!e pant s!ot 0p first4&orn 1!en t!e ra)enin eae on t!e r0e* fan3s of t!e Ca0+a4

    s0s et *rip to t!e eart! t!e &oo*4i3e i+!or of tort0re* Promet!e0s. An* its fo1er appeare* a

    +0&it a&o)e ro0n* in +oo0r i3e t!e Cory+ian +ro+0s( risin on t1in sta3s@ &0t in t!e eart!t!e root 1as i3e ne1y4+0t fes!. T!e *ar3 ?0i+e of it( i3e t!e sap of a mo0ntain.


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    T!e :ree3s +ae* t!e *ar3 ?0i+e of t!is pant t!e *r0 of Promet!e0s. It rante*

    t!e men 1!o +ons0me* it reat strent! an* en*0ran+e. It 1as e)en sai* t!at anyone

    1!o 0se* it 1o0* &e 0naffe+te* &y pain( in+0*in in?0ries from 1eapons an* fire.

    Of +o0rse( t!ere +an &e no 0estion a&o0t 1!at t!e *r0 of Promet!e0s a+t0ay

    1as. It appears no *ifferent from oo* o*4fas!ione* opi0m( t!e &esse* ?0i+e of t!epoppy pant. T!ere are too many simiarities to *eny t!at t!e t1o 1ere t!e same. T!e

    *r0 of Promet!e0s 1as pro*0+e* an* !ar)este* ?0st i3e opi0m( it oo3e* ?0st i3e

    opi0m( an* it a+te* ?0st i3e opi0m. No *r0 is simiar in so many 1ays. In a**ition(

    t!e pa+e Promet!e0s +onten*e* 1it! Je0s 1as +ae* Me3one( 1!i+! in :ree3 means

    poppy. Promet!e0s's &oo* a)e &irt! to t!e poppy( an* t!e poppy a)e &irt! to

    pain3iin opi0m. Promet!e0s eni!tene* man3in* &y i)in it nar+oti+s.

    Unfort0natey for Promet!e0s( &e+omin a sa)ior fi0re is a1ays a *iffi+0t +areer

    mo)e. T!e first step in any messia!' s ?o0rney is *eat!@ after t!is( t!e ony t!in t!at

    remains is +omm0nion( t!e intimate an* mysterio0s i*entifi+ation of t!e *i)ine 1or*

    1it! morta reaity. ;es0rre+tion is more of an aftert!o0!t t!an a ne+essity@ it ena&es

    t!e tra*itiona myt!i+ fi0re of t!e *yin o* to perform !is or !er o1n persona a+tof +omm0nion. T!e myt!i+ sa)ior s0ffers( *ies( an* opens a sort of ate1ay to a

    *eeper spirit0a 0nion &et1een o*s an* men@ t!is remar3a&e +on?0n+tion of t1o

    s0+! *isparate &eins typi+ay res0ts in t!e !ei!tene* a1areness of &ot! parties.

    ,eein pain( t!e o* &e+omes morta@ fie* 1it! t!e essen+e of *i)inity( t!e morta

    sees t!e 1or* from a !ea)eny perspe+ti)e. In t!is 1ay( sa)ation is a a&o0t t!e

    ee)ation of t!e so0 a&o)e t!e ream of p!ysi+a pain an* menta s0fferin@

    Promet!e0s a)e t!e 1or* a means of trans+en*in t!e miseries of morta e

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    =ritin a&o0t a pant 3no1n for its *eiri0m4in*0+in po1ers( !e sai*6

    T!e root of !ai+a+a&os is ta3en in *rin3 &y t!ose 1!o( to +onfirm s0perstitio0s no4

    tions( 1is! to pay t!e inspire* prop!et( an* to &e p0&i+y seen ra)in in 0npreten*e*


    T!ere 1as a re+epti)e a0*ien+e for t!e *r04a**e* seer( an* s0+! peope m0st !a)e

    !a* sinifi+ant +re*i&iity or Piny 1o0* ne)er !a)e trie* to +on*emn 1!at 1as in !is

    )ie1 not!in more t!an s0perstition. To*ay( a spe+ta+e i3e t!is>a person ra)in in

    p0&i+ a&o0t t!e o*s 1!ie 0n*er t!e inf0en+e of somet!in i3e LSD or

    opi0m>1o0* &e reporte* to t!e poi+e@ in anti0ity( peope *i*n't *ismiss *r04in4

    spire* insanity( t!ey oo3e* 0pon s0+! +!emi+a 0na+y as a tr0y reiio0s e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    a pant +ae* ony/ in :ree3.-5

    T!eop!rast0s sai* t!at a&an0m 1as an espe+iay poisono0s $harma#odes in

    :ree3 pant( 1!i+! +o0* aso &e transate* as strony me*i+ina( or per!aps e)en


  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    in re+reationa *r0s i3e opi0m( 1orm1oo*( or man*ra3e( t!ey a1ays mi&0t t!at *oes not mean it

    *i* not +ontain any sort of *r0. After a( me*i+a a0t!ors( 1!en spea3in a&o0t 1i4

    nes +ontainin nar+oti+s( *on't refer to t!em as mi

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    fore +ons0mmatin !er 0nion6

    Do not !esitate to parta3e of t!e +ommony 0se* poppy =it! its mi3y41!ite ?0i+e miaso 3no1n as

    opi0m>1it! t!is important marriae rit0a is stri3in. Cassi+ists ten* to s!y a1ay

    from any +ear efor etymooi+a or ot!er reasons>of spe+ifi+ pants( i3e t!e Spartan

    &oy Hya+int!0s. He 1as Apoo's &eo)e* yo0n o)er 0nti 3ie* &y a poory t!ro1n

    *is+0s. A &ea0tif0 fo1er spran 0p from t!e pa+e 1!ere !is &oo* staine* t!e

    ro0n*. T!e a++o0nts of mai+a transformations in3e* 1it! t!ese fi0res are not!iness t!an spe+ta+0ar testimonies to t!e po1er of *r0s to ater +ons+io0sness. O)i*

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    +apt0re* t!is sentiment in !is )ersion of t!e story of :a0+0s( a morta 1!o 1as mai4

    +ay transforme* into a sea +reat0re &y a potent pant6

    Co0* some o* !a)e *one it or

    T!e ?0i+es of some pant An* yet 1!at pant

    Co0* !a)e s0+! po1er I pi+3e* some sta3s an* +!e1e*=!at I !a* pi+3e*. T!e ?0i+e( t!e 0n3no1n ?0i+e(

    Ha* !ar*y passe* my t!roat 1!en s0**eny

    I fet my !eart4strins trem&e an* my so0

    Cons0me* 1it! yearnin for t!at ot!er 1or*.

    I +o0* not 1ait. ,are1e( I +rie*( fare1e(

    Lan* ne)er more my !ome( an* p0ne* &eneat!

    T!e 1a)es.#$

    O)i*'s narrati)e rea*s )ery m0+! i3e t!e first4person a++o0nt of some reat trip.

    On+e aain( 1it!o0t t!e presen+e of some potent nar+oti+ t!e meanin an* sinifi+an4

    +e of t!is myt!( i3e many ot!ers( 1o0* simpy *isappear.An an+ient myt! a&o0t a yo0n &oy name* Nar+iss0s( as to* &y O)i*( is one of t!e

    &est e

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    )es an* sine1s an* +a0ses a *0 !ea*a+!e( its name &ein *eri)e* from t!e 1or* in :ree3

    narce, torpor( an* not from t!e yo0t! in t!e myt!.##

    A++or*in to Piny t!e pant *eri)e* its name from its pain3iin properties. T!e

    nar+iss0s pant pro&a&y earne* its name t!ro0! its +apa+ity to n0m& t!e min*@ Nar4

    +iss0s's rea+tion to *rin3in t!e poisone* 1ater m0st !a)e &een simiar to t!e effe+tsof t!e *affo*i on its 0sers. Ese1!ere in t!e!atural "istory, Piny aso tes 0s t!at

    t!e nar+iss0s +a0se* *eiri0m.

    T!e myt! of Nar+iss0s ma3es sense 1!en pa+e* 1it!in t!e &otani+a +onte

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    0n*erstan* an+ient myt!s is to 0n*erstan* an+ient so+iety( 1!ere e)en t!e !eroes an*

    o*s 1ere no straners to *r0 0se.

    & Dra'in! Do'n the Moon

    =!en s!e *rin3s( 1!en s!e eats( 1!en s!e !as inter+o0rse 1it! someone ese( I

    1i &e1it+! !er !eart... I 1i &e1it+! !er &reat! ... 0nti s!e +omes to me.

    >,rom t!e ree# Magical 'a$yri

    T!e :ree3s +reate* many types of !eroes@ 1!et!er t!ey 1ere o*s( semi*i)ine+!ampions( or ?0st ant!ropomorp!i+ representations of nat0ra for+es( t!ese arer4

    t!an4ife s0permen performe* mira+0o0s feats of strent!( 1is*om( an* s3i. T!ey

    refe+te* t!e norms an* &iases of :re+o4;oman +0t0re 1it!in t!e frame1or3 of t!e

    narrati)e story. Some of t!ese immortas 1ere en*o1e* 1it! mai+a a&iities( an*

    many of t!em 1ere 3no1n as ora+es( seers( an* sor+erers( &0t t!e art of mai+ itsef

    1as not ?0st a fiment of t!e an+ient iterary imaination@ it 1as )ery m0+! a reaity.

    In t!e :re+o4;oman 1or*( rea peope>1!o 0se* rea *r0s>pra+ti+e* mai+

    openy an* 1ere re+onie* as sor+erers &y t!eir +ontemporaries. Most of t!e time

    t!eir pra+ti+es 1ere toerate*( 1!ie at times t!ey 1ere perse+0te*( &0t rear*ess of

    t!eir e)er4+!anin p0&i+ imae( mai+ians 1ere a1ays an intera aspe+t of Cassi4

    +a +i)iiation. T!e men an* 1omen 1!o pra+ti+e* t!e arts of sor+ery( +on?0ration(

    an* *i)ination 1ere not fi+tiona +!ara+ters@ t!ey 1ere or*inary peope i)in or*inary

    i)es( 1!o 0se* or*inary *r0s to +reate t!e mysti+a transformations for 1!i+! t!ey

    1ere so 1e 3no1n.

    Sor+erers( 1it+!es( an* mai+ians are seen as rotes0e +0riosities from an 0nin4

    forme* past &y m0+! of t!e mo*ern =estern 1or*( &0t mai+ 1or3ers 1ere not a4

    1ays +onfine* to t!e ream of fa&es an* !ost stories. At one time( t!ey 1ere )a0e*

    mem&ers of so+iety( 1!ose professions rea+! &a+3 as far as t!e s!amans of eary !04

    man pre!istory. In Cassi+a anti0ity sor+erers 1ere not!in more or ess t!an men

    an* 1omen 1!o too3 a*)antae of t!e po1ers of re+reationa *r0s in or*er to ain

    some form of menta an* metap!ysi+a trans+en*en+e>an* for perfe+tin t!e in+re*i4&e min*4e

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    t!e ;omans fre0enty pa+e* t!eir fait! in t!ose 1!o +aime* to &e masters of 1!at

    1o0* no1 &e +ae* t!e &a+3 arts. Mai+ians +aime* to !a)e spe+ia insi!t into t!e

    1or3ins of nat0re( t!e o*s( an* t!e in)isi&e entities t!at s!ape* t!e 1or*. Despite

    t!e :re+o4;oman 1or*'s a)o1e* fait! in oi+ an* menta *is+ipine( it often +ae*

    0pon t!e ser)i+es of t!ese spe+iaists( 1!o 0se* t!eir po1ers to foresee t!e f0t0re(

    *ra1 *o1n t!e moon( an* e)en raise t!e *ea*.Cassi+a mai+ians +an &e *i)i*e* neaty into pra+titioners Eastern an* =estern

    pers0asions( &0t t!ey 1ere a intereste* in *r0s to )aryin *erees. Eastern

    mai+ians *eri)e* t!eir pra+ti+es from an+ient reiio0s tra*itions roote* in Persia(

    1!ie =estern sor+erers e)o)e* 1it!in t!e on4esta&is!e* +0stoms of *r04frien*y

    :ree3s an* t!e Etr0s+ans( t!e pre4;oman in!a&itants of Itay. Base* on t!e +ommon

    fait! in t!e po1er of mai+( Cassi+a a0t!ors peope* t!eir myt!s 1it! stories of

    sor+erers an* 1it+!es( immensey po1erf0 in*i)i*0as 1!o +o0* manip0ate t!e

    a1s of nat0re at 1i. T!ro0!o0t m0+! of an+ient iterat0re( t!ese potion41ie*in

    sor+erers>&e t!ey !eroes or )iains>s!o1e* tremen*o0s s3i in t!e 0se of min*4

    aterin *r0s( transformati)e s0&stan+es( an* poisono0s pants. On stae or in rea

    ife( t!ey reie* 0pon *r0s as a mainstay of t!eir art.T!e mo*ern Enis! 1or* mai+ is *eri)e* from an Eastern se+t of 1ise men

    3no1n as t!e Mai( a ro0p of peope more i3e p!iosop!er4priests t!an a+t0a mai4

    +ians. T!eir &eiefs *e)eope* 0n*er t!e 0i*an+e of Joroastrianism( one of t!e

    1or*'s o*est an* most )enerate* reiio0s tra*itions. As Piny( a rationa s3epti+ of

    t!e +raft of sor+ery tes 0s( Eastern mai+ 1as in+re*i&y inf0entia in t!e =est6

    . . . I !a)e often in*ee* ref0te* t!e fra0*0ent ies of t!e Mai( 1!ene)er t!e s0&?e+t an*

    t!e o++asion re0ire* it( an* I s!a +ontin0e to e

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    =estern mai+a tra*itions( parti+0ary t!ose t!at *e)eope* in :ree+e( 1ere *istin+t

    from t!e pra+ti+es of t!e Eastern Mai. Nati)e :ree3 mai+ians in+0*e* a motey

    ro0p of in*i)i*0as s0+! as *i)iners( 1an*erin priests( mira+e 1or3ers( an* anyone

    1!o +o0* perform +ertain important mai+o4reiio0s rites. =!at *istin0is!e* t!ese

    men from t!e Mai 1as t!e fa+t t!at t!eir pra+ti+es spran from :ree3 +0t0re itsef(

    an* 1ere ine1it+!+raft( t!at is( in t!e tra*itiona me*ie)a sense of t!e

    1or3 of a potion4minor 1as s!e a+tin as ?0st a *r0ist or poison *ispenser.

    S!e 1as *oin &ot!@ s!e 1as pra+ti+in t!e art of t!e$harmaheus.

    Sor+erers reie* 0pon n0mero0s *r0s to +arry o0t t!eir +rafts. ,or e

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    t!eir e

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    1or3e* 1e as a seep4in*0+in *r0 for anyone in anti0ity( 1!et!er a rep0ta&e

    p!ysi+ian or a mai+ian pres+ri&e* it. Dr0s i3e man*ra3e 1ere o&)io0sy )a0a&e

    to *o+tors>t!ey 0se* it to anest!etie t!eir patients>&0t it's a &it more *iffi+0t to

    0ess 1!at a sor+erer 1o0* nee* 1it! s0+! a pres+ription.

    Some of t!e materia fo0n* in t!e mai+a papyri +osey resem&es t!e *r0 ore of

    Cassi+a me*i+a te

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    ;eno1ne* Paian( 1!o i)e in Koop!on(

    :i)e !ee* to !oy son. An* 0i+3y +ome

    To eart! from !ea)en an* +on)erse 1it! me.

    Stan* near an* from am&rosian ips inspire

    My sons@ +ome( or* of son( yo0rsef@ reno1ne*

    ;0er of son. Hear( &esse* one( !ea)y

    In 1rat! an* stern. No1( Titan( !ear o0r )oi+e(

    Unfaiin one( *o not inore. Stan* !ere(

    Spea3 presae to a s0ppiant from yo0r

    Am&rosian mo0t!( 0i+3y( a4p0re Apoo./

    T!e prayer( or in+antation( 1as meant to &rin some sort of re)eation to t!e one

    1!o re+ite* it. Passaes i3e t!is ma3e it appear as if t!e$harma#eus 0se* *r0s to

    enter a spirit0a or metap!ysi+a ream( 1!ere !e or s!e +o0* fin* ans1ers to some of

    ife's more *iffi+0t 0estions.

    T!e asso+iation of p!arma+e0ti+a pants 1it! mai+ manifests itsef t!ro0!o0t

    an+ient iterat0re. Mai+ artf0y +om&ine* *r0s an* metap!ysi+s in a sine *is+ipi4ne. =estern sor+erers 1ere a*ept at t!e 0se of spe+ifi+ *r0s an* 3ne1 t!eir min*4a4

    terin effe+ts( an* t!ey e)en s!o1e* tremen*o0s respe+t for t!e &otani+as t!ey 0se*.

    One of t!e entries in t!e mai+a papyri mentione* a&o)e *emonstrates t!e in+re*i&e

    respe+t Eyptian mai+ians fet for t!e toos of t!eir tra*e6

    Amon t!e Eyptians !er&s are a1ays o&taine* i3e t!is@ t!e !er&aist first p0rifies !is

    o1n &o*y. ,irst !e sprin3es 1it! natron an* f0miates t!e !er& 1it! resin from a pine tree

    after +arryin it aro0n* t!e pa+e 5 times. T!en( after &0rnin #y$hi Eyptian@ +ompo0n* re4

    +ipe +ontainin n0mero0s aromati+s an* po0rin t!e i&ation of mi3 as !e prays( !e p0s 0p

    t!e pant 1!ie in)o3in &y name t!e *aimon to 1!om t!e !er& is &ein *e*i+ate* an* +ain

    0pon !im to &e more effe+ti)e for t!e 0se for 1!i+! it is &ein a+0ire* . . . 2o0 1ere so1n

    &y Kronos( yo0 1ere +on+ei)e* &y Hera( yo0 1ere maintaine* &y Ammon( yo0 1ere i)en&irt! &y Isis( yo0 1ere no0ris!e* &y Je0s t!e o* of rain( yo0 1ere i)en ro1t! &y Heios

    an* *e1. 2o0 are t!e *e1 of a t!e o*s( yo0 are t!e !eart of Hermes( yo0 are t!e see* of t!e

    primor*ia o*s( yo0 are t!e eye of Heios( yo0 are t!e i!t of Seene( yo0 are t!e ea of

    Osiris( yo0 are t!e &ea0ty an* t!e ory of O0ranos( yo0 are t!e so0 of Osiris' *aimon 1!i+!

    re)es in e)ery pa+e( yo0 are t!e spirit of Ammon. As yo0 !a)e e

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    remem&er t!at t!e mai+ t!ey 1or3e* 1as not a1ays +on*0+i)e to 1i*esprea* so+ia

    a++eptan+e. Sor+erers 1ere feare* as 1e as respe+te*. T!e Cassi+a 1or* &eie)e*

    t!at mai+ 1or3ers +o0* +a0se ?0st as m0+! pain as t!ey +o0* peas0re( an* t!e ite4

    rat0re is fie* 1it! a en0ine trepi*ation for mai+'s potentia. As a res0t( many of

    t!e most fearsome )iains fo0n* in :re+o4;oman 1ritins 1ere pra+titioners of ma4

    i+. Spe4+astin ro0es an* t!eir *isrep0ta&e pra+ti+es 1ere t!e st0ff of een*@ sor4+erers fas+inate*( !orrifie*( an* titiate* t!e :ree3s an* ;omans. Cassi+a a0t!ors

    *re1 0pon t!is e

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    from t!e 0se of pants6

    T!ere is a mai*en( n0rt0re* in t!e !as of Aeetes( 1!om t!e o**ess He+ate ta0!t to

    !an*e mai+ !er&s 1it! ea t!at t!e an* an* fo1in 1aters pro*0+e. =it!

    t!em is 0en+!e* t!e &ast of 0n1earie* fame( an* at on+e s!e stays t!e +o0rse of ri)ers as

    t!ey r0s! roarin on( an* +!e+3s t!e stars an* t!e pat!s of t!e sa+re* moon.

    Imaine t!at. Me*ea's 3no1e*e of *r0s ao1e* !er to +ontro t!e )ery for+es of

    nat0re. T!at 1as rea po1er in anti0ity( t!e a&iity to manip0ate one's en)ironment

    1it! imp0nity>an* t!e Cassi+a 1or* &ot! *espise* an* a*mire* !er profo0n* a&i4

    ities at t!e same time.

    As t!e story oes( Me*ea 1as smitten 1it! o)e for Gason an* promise* to assist

    !im on !is 0est to re+o)er t!e famo0s :o*en ,ee+e( a pri+eess treas0re t!at 1as

    0ar*e* &y a monstro0s serpent. Before !e +o0* e)en et to t!e fee+e( !o1e)er( Ga4

    son !a* to *o somet!in ese( somet!in any !ero 1o0* fin* *a0ntin. He !a* to

    yo3e toet!er a pair of fire4&reat!in o

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    &e nat0re of p!arma+y an* mai+ in :ree+e( !a)e trie* for years to t0rn t!e poor ir

    into an or*inary( mo*ern 1it+!. T!ey +an't resist t!e temptation to +ast !er in a s0p4

    portin roe inMac%eth T!is ana+!ronisti+ rea*in of o0r Cassi+a teoften aforetime 1an*ere* t!ere in 0est of +orpses an* noafter a( t!ey +reate* t!e s+ientifi+ met!o* it4se. T!ey 3ne1 t!e moon 1as

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    not an o&?e+t t!at +o0* &e p0+3e* from t!e s3y i3e some o)erripe appe. Cassi+a

    +i)iiation 1as not peope* &y i*iots@ t!ey 0n*erstoo* t!e in+re*i&e psy+!ooi+a

    effe+ts of nar+oti+s an* t!eir impa+t on !0man per+eption. Min*4aterin *r0s ampi4

    fie* t!e min*'s +apa+ities( +reate* )isions( an* a)e fi!t to t!e an+ient 1or*'s ima4

    ination@ in t!is 1ay( *r0s ena&e* t!e :ree3s an* ;omans to *ra1 *o1n t!e moon.

    =it! *r0s as t!e so0r+e of t!e an+ient sor+erer's s0pernat0ra po1ers( t!e myt! ofMe*ea perfe+ty i0strates t!e means 1!ere&y anti0ity 1as a&e to rise a&o)e t!e

    !ars! reaity of its pre4mo*ern e

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    +e's *ream a)e !er t!e a&iity to s!ape !er o1n *estiny. In a sense( :ree3 myt! pre4

    sente* *r04in*0+e* )isions( i3e t!is one( as a tr0e means of persona i&eration.

    A++or*in to Apooni0s( *r0s a)e Cir+e t!e a&iity to 1reste 1it! t!e f0t0re.

    Most of 0s are trappe* in t!e present( !epess )i+tims of t!e ran*om e)ents t!at a+4

    +ompany ea+! ne1 an* 0npre*i+ta&e *ay. ,rom a :ree3 perspe+ti)e( *r0s a)e Cir4

    +e t!e a&iity to +!ane t!e 1or*. S!e &e+ame famo0s for !er +apa+ity to transform!0mans into animas an* )i+e )ersa. T!is po1er 1as &y no means ?0st some a&stra+t

    notion enerate* &y !er *r04a**e* psy+!e. It 1as rea@ Cir+e for+ef0y transforme*

    t!e 1or*6

    An* &easts( not resem&in t!e &easts of t!e 1i*( nor yet i3e men in &o*y( &0t 1it! a

    me*ey of im&s( 1ent in a t!ron( as s!eep from t!e fo* in m0tit0*es foo1 t!e s!ep!er*.

    S0+! +reat0res( +ompa+te* of )ario0s im&s( *i* eart! !ersef pro*0+e from t!e prime)a si4

    me 1!en s!e !a* not yet ro1n soi* &eneat! a rainess s3y nor yet !a* re+ei)e* a *rop of

    moist0re from t!e rays of t!e s+or+!in s0n@ &0t time +om&ine* t!ese forms an* mars!ae*

    t!em in t!eir ran3s@ in s0+! 1ise t!ese monsters s!apeess of form foo1e* !er.-9

    Cir+es *r0s a)e !er tr0e po1er. S!e *i*n't foo1 *i)ine +omman*s( s!e iss0e*

    t!em@ an* 1!en s!e ta3e*( nat0re istene* an* o&eye*.

    Cir+e an* Me*ea are t1o fi+tiona representations of t!e an+ient 1it+!. T!ey 1ere en4

    tirey imainary( &0t t!e po1er t!ey 1ie*e* 1as &ase* 0pon t!e i)es of rea sor+e4

    rers( mai+ians( an* 1it+!es( 1!o s!are* t!e an+ient 1or* 1it! e)eryone ese. Sor+e4

    rers an* 1it+!es 1eren't 0ni)ersay perse+0te*( nor 1ere t!ey &0rnt at t!e sta3e as a

    means of s+arin t!e masses into +onformin to pre)aiin ort!o*o

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    to rasp t!e essen+e( impa+t( an* )a0e of t!e an+ient$harma#eus )ery m0+! 1rappe*

    0p in o0r mo*ern 1ar aainst *r0s. Dr0s !a)e &e+ome anat!ema to a !eat!y

    so+iety( an* so !a)e t!eir 0sers. As a res0t( 1e see not!in &enefi+ia in t!e potentia

    of p!arma+e0ti+as to pro)i*e insi!t( )isions( mira+0o0s transformations( or any

    ot!er sort of mai+. T!is p0ts 0s at a serio0s *isa*)antae 1!en 1e try to transate

    an* interpret any *o+0ment 1ritten &y t!e :ree3s an* ;omans@ 1e often see t!e &ipi+t0re &0t fa s!ort of t!e fine n0an+es +reate* &y anti0ity's 0nion of *r0s an*


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    ( The Divine Gi)t o) Mind*+endin! Intoication

    T!ose 1!o +an not )isit t!e min*'s Antipo*es at 1i an* t!ey are t!e ma?ority

    m0st fin* some artifi+ia met!o* of transportation.

    >A*o0s H0t!e :ree3s

    +reate* san+t0aries 1!ere t!e arts of 1ritin an* m0si+ 1ere !onore* an* preser)e*

    for t!e sa3e of t!e e*0+ation an* t!e 1e4&ein of t!e :ree34spea3in 1or*. T!e

    most famo0s of t!ese 1as t!e reat M0se0m of Ae

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    to !a)e noti+e* t!e s0rrea 0aity of t!e imaes an* +!ara+ters fo0n* t!erein.

    Dreams( )isions( an* !a0+inations 1ere an a)en0e of *is+o)ery for t!e

    :ree3s>espe+iay 1!en t!ey so0!t sef43no1e*e.

    T!e M0ses in*0+e* a sort of +reati)ity t!at 1as a3in to *reamin( e+stasy( or into

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    t!o0!ts of t!e Cassi+a 1or* !a* &een !ea)iy inf0en+e* &y t!e 0se of

    psy+!otropi+s. Despite inn0mera&e referen+es in t!e iterat0re to pants +ontainin

    min*4aterin +!emi+as( *espite pre+ise *es+riptions in t!e same 1or3s of t!e effe+ts

    of t!ese psy+!otropi+ s0&stan+es on !0mans( an* *espite t!e *o+0mente* 0se of

    nar+oti+s in Cassi+a me*i+ine( mo*ern s+!oars of a strains are +0t0ray 0nite* &y

    t!eir 0n1iinness to a*mit t!at *r0s !a* a sinifi+ant impa+t on t!e e)o0tion of=estern iterat0re.

    ;ear*ess of mo*ern preo++0pations 1it! t!e mora impi+ations of re+reationa *r0

    0se( t!ere e1it! a )ie1 to t!e impa+t

    t!at re+reationa *r0s !a* on t!eir 1or3s>an*( t!erefore( on t!e *e)eopment of

    =estern +i)iiation as 1e. T!ese men( Homer( iri( an* O)i*( are t!ree of t!e

    most inf0entia a0t!ors of a time. ,in*in referen+es nar+oti+s in t!eir 1or3s is

    easy. A t!ree mention spe+ifi+ *r0s &y name an* *es+ri&e t!e effe+ts of t!ese po4

    tent( min*4aterin s0&stan+es on t!ose 1!o 0se* t!em.If yo0 1ant to &ein 1it! t!e &est an* most inf0entia a0t!or of t!e Cassi+a

    1or*( yo0 start 1it! Homer. Not m0+! is a+t0ay 3no1n a&o0t !is ife( &0t most

    Cassi+ists 1i te yo0 t!at !e 1as a &in* &ar* 1!o entertaine* t!e ar+!ai+ :ree3

    1or* 1it! ora performan+es of epi+ taes. T!ese stories 1ere s0n in a meo*io0s fa4

    s!ion at &an0ets an* +ee&rations( 1!ere a0*ien+es ate( *ran3( an* re+ine* 1!ie i4

    stenin to t!e tri0mp!s an* trae*ies of t!eir pre*e+essors.

    Homer is +re*ite* 1it! t!e +reation of t1o reat epi+s t!at fore)er +!ane* t!e 1or*.

    Mo*ern s+!oars 0estion 1!et!er !e a+t0ay +ompose* &ot! t!e&liad an* t!e

    dyssey,&0t t!e an+ient 1or* amost 0niformy +re*ite* &ot! 1or3s to !im. T!e

    poems 1ere pro*0+e* in t!e ate ei!t! +ent0ry B.C.( an* too3 as t!eir s0&?e+t t!e

    myt!ooy s0rro0n*in t!e siee of Troy &y t!e :ree3 +onfe*eration an* t!etrae*ies an* tri0mp!s of a fe1 of its main +!ara+ters. :ree3s an* ;omans( 1!o i)e*

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    +ent0ries after Homer( st0*ie* t!e&liad an* t!e dyssey as yo0n s+!oo+!i*ren an*

    1ere enamore* of t!e stories' reat !eroes.

    ,rom Aes+!y0s to Aristop!anes( from Ae

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    t!e -79$s( O*ysse0s 1as +ertainy 0n1iin to sa+rifi+e any of !is so*iers to t!e

    !ypnoti+ po1ers of a *r0( so !e *rae* t!em &a+3 to t!eir s!ips 3i+3in( s+reamin(

    an* trippin a t!e 1ay. T!eir emotiona response to !is &raenness( an o0tpo0rin

    of neati)e emotions( is !i!y +!are* an* )ery m0+! i3e t!e rea+tion 1e 1o0* e

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    to en)ision t!e strane an* ein one orio0s( spitef0 +onfaration.

    Before s!e 3is !ersef( Di*o tes !er sister a&o0t &0i*in t!e pyre an* +on)in+es!er t!at t!e 1!oe 0n*erta3in is part of a mai+a rite meant to 0re Aeneas &a+3 to

    !er si*e. As part of t!is *e+eption( Di*o i)es !er pot eitima+y &y +aimin t!e my4

    sti+a a0t!ority of a Massyian priestess 1!o 0ar*e* t!e tempe of t!e Hesperi*es

    an* pra+ti+e* simiar mai+ a+ts. Di*o's *es+ription of !er is 0ite re)eain6

    T!en+e a priestess of Massyian ra+e !as &een s!o1n to me( 1ar*en of t!e fane of t!e He4

    speri*es( 1!o a)e *ainties to t!e *raon an* 0ar*e* t!e sa+re* &o0!s on t!e tree( sprin4

    3in *e1y !oney an* s0m&ero0s poppies. =it! !er spes s!e professes to set free t!e !earts

    of 1!om s!e 1is( &0t on ot!ers to &rin +r0e o)e4pains@ to stay t!e fo1 of ri)ers an* t0rn

    &a+3 t!e stars@ s!e a1a3es t!e !osts of ni!t.-5

    A++or*in to Di*o( t!is priestess possesse* in+re*i&e po1er an* performe* 1on4

    *ro0s *ee*s( &0t t!e ony toos of !er tra*e mentione* !ere &y iri 1ere !oney

    an* seep4in*0+in poppy. On+e aain( mo*ern Cassi+ists prefer to &eie)e iri's

    so$orifer-um+ue -$a$aver 1as a+t0ay poppy see*s( &0t ony opi0m +an in*0+e t!e

    p!ysi+a st0por impi+it in t!e Latin 1or*so$or, an* !oney 1as often mi

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    ery of t!e0eneid 1it!o0t 0n*erstan*in t!e +ontroe* ma*ness of t!e *r0 trip.

    iri 1as not t!e ony reat ;oman a0t!or to e

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    If I'* 3no1n t!e !arm I'* s0ffer from !er an* !er sisters

    I'* ne)er !a)e set my !an* to t!eir !oy ame> &0t 1!at to *o no1

    I'm !oo3e*. Creati)e inspiration !as ot me. T!o0! )erse4r0ine*(

    I'm ma* eno0! to o)e )erse sti.-9

    Creati)e inspiration +apt0re* O)i*. He 1as 0na&e to &rea3 t!e &on*s t!at s!a+3e*

    !im to !is poeti+ m0se. In t!is )ery same poem( O)i*>m0+! in t!e )ein of

    Homer>in3s +!emi+a into

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    s!ortae of 1ine mit!e ;oman Ha*es>1it! its ra)eno0s +anine

    0ar*ian Cer&er0s( t!e +a)e of Seep re0ires no sentine@ for( O)i* says( a 1!o en4

    ter s0++0m& to t!e o)er1!emin po1er of t!e seep4in*0+in pants t!at ro1 at its


    in t!e +a)e . . . a itte stream( a &ran+! of Let!e( tri+3es( 1it! a m0rm0r o)er t!e s!iny

    pe&&es( 1!isperin SeepF Before t!e *oors reat &e*s of poppies &oom an* ot!er !er&s(

    1!ose ?0i+es Ni!t *istis to sprin3e s0m&er o)er t!e *ar3ene* eart!.#-

    Poppies( ot!er seep4in*0+in pants( an* e)en t!e ri)er Let!e itsef>3no1n in

    myt! as t!e 0ni)ersa so0r+e of foretf0ness>are a fo0n* near t!e +a)e entran+e.

    T!e sym&oism is openy s0esti)e.

    ;eferen+es to poppies an* ot!er *r04pro*0+in pants reinfor+e O)i*'s *epi+tionof t!e +a)e as a so0r+e of seep an* somnoen+e. Usin metap!ors i3e t!ese( 1e +an

    see t!at O)i* ass0me* !is rea*er !a* an a*e0ate 0n*erstan*in of t!e spe+ifi+ effe+ts

    of opi0m an* ot!er soporifi+s. Bot! O)i* an* !is ;oman a0*ien+e m0st !a)e 0n*er4

    stoo* t!e nar+oti+ po1ers of opi0m( or t!e passae 1o0* ma3e itte sense.

    T!e ;oman stae is set( &0t 1!at a&o0t O)i* !imsef Ho1 *o 1e 3no1 !e personay

    0se* opi0m( or ot!er *r0s T!e e)i*en+e for !is o1n famiiarity 1it! nar+oti+s +an

    &e s0mme* 0p in t!ree 1ays. ,irst( !e mentions opi0m fre0enty in !is 1or3s an*

    ma3es n0mero0s referen+es to *r04in*0+e* states( in+0*in intoor at east t!ose of !isnarrati)e persona.

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    O)i* 1as e)en famiiar 1it! t!e ari+0t0ra te+!ni0es for +oe+tin opi0m( an*

    !e aso 3ne1 somet!in a&o0t its si*e effe+ts. In an important passae a&o0t an en4

    +o0nter of t!e o**ess Ceres 1it! a poppy pant( O)i* says t!at t!e poppy en*e* !er

    !0ner. Does t!is mean t!at Ceres *ine* on t!e poppy as if it 1ere !er e)enin mea(

    a sort of &otani+a repast( an* 1as t!erefore no oner !0nry Certainy not. S!e 1as

    no oner !0nry &e+a0se s!e &r0s!e* aainst t!e pant an* t!en taste* of t!e opi0mt!at ooe* from t!e !ea* of t!e poppy. In s+ientifi+ terms( t!e a3aoi*s fo0n* in

    opi0m a+t on re+eptors in t!e &rain to stife !0ner. O)i* 0n*erstoo* t!e si*e effe+ts

    of t!e *r0 an* in+orporate* t!is 3no1e*e into !is ren*ition of t!e myt!.

    O)i* 0n*erstoo* opi0m( &0t !e 1as aso famiiar 1it! a fe1 ot!er re+reationa *r0s.

    T!e ;omans possesse* n0mero0s *r0s +apa&e of a0mentin feeins of se &y !is o1n a++o0nt>famiiar 1it! t!ese ap!ro*isia+s. In

    fa+t( on se)era o++asions( !e in*i+ate* t!at !e !a* a oo* &it of persona eor at east from t!e persona e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    not 0n+ommon to see !emo+3 0sers st0m&in aon streets in a *r04a**e* st0por6

    Ta3e note too of t!e no

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    - The #haracolo!y o) .estern #hiloso%hy

    T!e 1or* is my i*ea.

    >Art!0r S+!open!a0er

    O++asionay !istory i)es &irt! to an e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    !is 1or3 1it! a *is+0ssion of *i)iners( mai+ians( an* se+reti)e mystery +0ts( many

    of 1!i+! o++0pie* t!e interest of eary :ree3 t!in3ers.

    Dioenes +aime* t!at t!e intee+t0a *is+ipine 3no1n as p!iosop!y arose 1it! t!e

    eary :ree3s( &0t !e rea*iy a*mitte* t!at ot!er an+ient a0t!orities &eie)e* it +ame

    from &ar&arian non4:ree3 so0r+es. Sor+erers( priests( an* mem&ers of an+ient o0s

    +0ts 1ere a possi&e aternati)e fo0n*ers of p!iosop!y6

    B0t t!e a*)o+ates of t!e t!eory t!at p!iosop!y too3 its rise amon t!e &ar&arians o on to


  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    says t!at Pyt!aoras 1as t!e first sae to +a !imsef a p!iosop!er an* t!at nati)e

    :ree3 p!iosop!y 1as oriinay *i)i*e* into t1o prominent s+!oos6

    B0t p!iosop!y( t!e p0rs0it of 1is*om( !as !a* a t1ofo* oriin@ it starte* 1it! Anap!iosop!y an* me*i+ine 1ere

    in*istin0is!a&e *is+ipines in pre4Cassi+a :ree+e> Dioenes says !e 1as aso a

    root +0tter.

    In anti0ity( root +0tters an* *r0 seers 1ere often 0mpe* into one amorp!o0s +ate4

    ory@ it 1as t!eir ?o& to at!er &otani+a *r0s an* s0ppy t!em to t!e enera pop0a4

    tion. T!eop!rast0s( t!e fat!er of &otany( tes 0s t!at root +0tters 1ere a &it e++entri+

    1!en it +ame to t!e art of +oe+tin potent *r0s( &0t i)es t!em *0e +re*it for +o4

    min 0p 1it! t!e &est met!o*s of o&tainin many *anero0s an* potentiay et!a


    ,0rt!er 1e may a** statements ma*e &y *r0ists *r0 seers an* !er&4*iers

    root +0tters( 1!i+! in some +ases may &e to t!e point( &0t in ot!ers +ontain

    efor instan+e( in +0ttin tha$sia ot!ers( an* t!at one s!o0* first anoint

    onesef 1it! oi( for t!at one's &o*y 1i s1e 0p if one stan*s t!e ot!er 1ay. Aso

    t!at t!e fr0it of t!e 1i* rose m0st &e at!ere* stan*in to 1in*1ar*( sin+e ot!er1ise

    t!ere is *aner to t!e eyes... T!ese an* simiar remar3s may 1e seem to &e not off

    t!e point( for t!e properties of t!ese pants are !0rtf0@ t!ey ta3e !o*( it is sai*( i3e

    fire an* &0rn.8

    Some of t!e most +ommon me*i+ina *r0s 0se* in anti0ity 1ere se)erey to

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    ,or !ee&ore too soon ma3es t!e !ea* !ea)y( an* men +annot o on *iin it 0p

    for on@ 1!erefore t!ey first eat ari+ an* ta3e a *ra0!t of neat 1ine t!ere1it!(/

    ,rom t!is *es+ription( it so0n*s as if !ee&ore eit!er a)e its +oe+tors se)ere

    !ea*a+!es or ma*e t!em a &it tipsy. Har)estin *anero0s pants s0+! as !ee&ore

    1as a s3i( pro&a&y !an*e* *o1n from eneration to eneration.

    ;oot +0tters i3e Epimeni*es 1eren't ?0st p!arma+e0ti+a te+!ni+ians of t!e Cassi4

    +a 1or*@ t!ey *i*n't ?0st !ar)est t!e ?0i+es an* po1*ers of me*i+ina pants an* sen*

    t!em to t!e *r0 seers 1!o 1or3e* in t!e mar3etpa+e. T!ey 1ere preo++0pie* 1it!

    a+ti)ities in)o)in some of t!ese s0&stan+es. ,or e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    !is o1n potent stim0ant. T!is 1o0*n't !a)e &een an o**ity in anti0ity@ t!e Cassi+a

    1or* !a* its o1n effe+ti)e stim0ants. ,or e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    t!an any of !is :ree3 +ontemporaries. It's no 1on*er t!at t!e an+ient 1or* !e* !im

    in s0+! a1e as to +onsi*er !im 1ort!y of !is o1n reiio0s foo1in. Pyt!aoras 1as

    a mat!emati+a eni0s( a &riiant p!iosop!er( a tr0ste* *o+tor( an* a *r04ta3in 1i4


    Pyt!aoras's initiation into n0mero0s reiio0s +0ts is )a0a&e &e+a0se it s!o1s 0s

    t!at !e 1as a+ti)ey in)o)e* in t!e 0se of psy+!otropi+s. Mystery +0ts 1ent !an* in!an* 1it! se

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    ot!er :ree3 an* ;oman p!iosop!ies.

    Pyt!aoras 1asn't t!e ast :ree3 intee+t0a to em&ra+e t!e 0se of *r0s. Empe*o+es(

    1!o i)e* in t!e si

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    !aiF I o a&o0t amon yo0 an immorta o*( no more a morta.-/

    Ne)ert!eess( Empe*o+es' intee+t0a inf0en+e is 0n*enia&e. T!e =estern 1or*

    profite* tremen*o0sy from !is t!eories a&o0t t!e nat0ra 1or*. His spe+0ations on

    t!e &asi+ eements t!at ma3e 0p t!e 0ni)erse pa)e* t!e 1ay for t!e s+ien+e of

    +!emistry an* t!e re*is+o)ery of t!e atom. Later p!iosop!ers an* s+ientists( 1!o

    &0it 0pon t!e i*ea t!at t!e p!ysi+a 0ni)erse +o0* &e e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    stern 1or* &ean t!e st0*y of p!ysi+s( anatomy( &iooy( oooy( &otany( meteoro4

    oy( an* n0mero0s ot!er fie*s 1e ta3e for rante*. Of +o0rse( E0rope *i* not a1ays

    em&ra+e or a*)an+e an+ient :ree3 earnin@ for on perio*s of time( =estern so+iety

    seeme* to *o m0+! more &a+3si*in t!an ma3e any sort of proress. In fa+t( t!e pa4

    pa+y *i* m0+! to stem t!e ti*e of :ree3 earnin t!at &ean to s1e in t!e Cassi+a

    perio*. Ho1e)er( *espite t!e &est efforts of t!e C!ristian +!0r+! *0rin t!e Mi**eAes to e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    a response to t!e +as! of mo*ern +onser)ati)e =estern +0t0ra )a0es 1it! t!e

    i&era pra+ti+es of t!e :ree3s an* ;omans. 0een i+toria mi!t !a)e 0se*

    mari?0ana to ae)iate t!e pain of !er menstr0a +ramps 1it!o0t *amain !er

    rep0tation( &0t mo*ern i+torians 1ant to oss o)er t!e 0se of nar+oti+s an*

    psy+!otropi+s &y respe+te* !istori+a fi0res.

    Mo*ern a+a*emi+s may miss t!e point entirey( &0t Pato 1as 1e a1are of t!e po1erof into

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    1ere no *ifferent from Homer's Lot0s4Eaters. T!eir *r0s( fi0rati)e or itera( stife*

    t!eir !0ner an* pain@ a t!ey 1ante* to *o 1as sin t!eir sons an* *ie.

    So t!e inf0en+e of t!e M0ses +osey resem&e* t!e ma*ness4in*0+in *r0s of an4

    ti0ity@ t!ey pa+e* men in an ine

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    / Deocracy, Free 0%eech, and Dru!s

    T!e sa)e is *oome* to 1ors!ip Time an* ,ate an* Deat!( &e+a0se t!ey are reater

    t!an anyt!in !e fin*s in !imsef( an* &e+a0se a !is t!o0!ts are of t!ins 1!i+!

    t!ey *e)o0r.

    >Bertran* ;0sse

    ;e+reationa *r0 0se an* free spee+! 1ere amon t!e )a0e* +i)i i&erties preser4

    )e* &y t!e o)ernment in At!ens of t!e fift! an* fo0rt! +ent0ries B.C. T!ere ri+! an*

    poor ai3e e)ent0ay s!are* e0ay in t!e &essins of t!e 1or*s first ra*i+a *emo4

    +ra+y.(emo#ratia, or t!e r0e #rat- of t!e peope *dem-, 1as a simpe i*ea t!at

    so1y emere* foo1in &itter +ass str0es t!at !a* pa0e* t!e prospero0s +ity

    of At!ens. Before *emo+rati+ reformers a)e a poiti+a )oi+e to a At!enian +itiens(

    At!ens 1as a pa+e 1!ere ri+! aristo+rats( 0n*er t!e 0i*an+e of 1e4to4*o tyrants(

    s0ppresse* any potentia for so+ioe+onomi+ mo&iity amon t!e masses an* e)en

    ma*e sa)es of t!ose 1!o +o0* not pay off t!eir *e&ts.

    Demo+ra+y &ean as an ans1er to t!e *isparity of po1er t!at e1ere a manife4

    stations of t!is free so+iety.

    T!e poiti+a i*eooy 1e +a *emo+ra+y 1as t!e +reation of reformers( men 1!ostro)e to i)e po1er an* a0tonomy to t!e entire +itien &o*y. It 1asn't 1ritten in

    stone( nor 1as it !an*e* *o1n to t!e masses &y a priesty +ass as t!e 1or* of o*(

    nor *i* it !a)e any sort of poiti+a or so+ia pre+e*ent@ tyranni+a *i+tators!ips an*

    a&so0te monar+!ies fi more paes of re+or*e* !0man !istory t!an *oes *emo+ra+y

    or *emo+rati+ rep0&i+s. Demo+ra+y 1as a fesomet!in t!at &e+omes a

    too apparent 1!en *emo+rati+ o)ernments +e*e a0t!ority to t!e efforts of t!ose 1!o

    fa)or a&so0te po1er. Demo+rati+ o)ernan+e i*eay prote+ts t!e poorest +itiens

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    from t!e 1!ims( +r0eties( an* sef4ser)in *i+tates of t!e 1eat!iest mem&ers of


    At!enian *emo+ra+y *i*n't sprin 0p o)erni!t@ prote+tin t!e poor an* 0n*erpri)ie4

    e* is ne)er an easy or rapi*y a++epte* i*ea. D0rin t!e si

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    In At!ens( for amost t1o +ent0ries at east( *emo+ra+y fo0ris!e* in spite of repea4

    te* attempts &y 1eat!y an* inf0entia aristo+rats to ass0me tota +ontro of t!e o4

    )ernment. Unfort0natey( in 5## B.C.( t!e Ma+e*onians 0se* aressi)e miitary for+e

    to a&ois! At!enian *emo+ra+y an* to impose an oiar+!y. =it! t!e fa of :ree3 in4

    *epen*en+e at t!is time( ra*i+a *emo+ra+y *isappeare* from t!e fa+e of t!e eart!.

    T!e =estern 1or* to*ay !as a n0m&er of *emo+rati+ o)ern4ments( &0t no tr0e*emo+ra+ies. T!e Unite* States is not a *emo+ra+y@ it's a *emo+rati+ rep0&i+( a ti!t

    +onfe*eration of states t!at 1iiny s0&mits to a +entraie* a0t!ority. Ameri+ans

    )ote for representati)es s0+! as t!e presi*ent an* mem&ers of Conress( an* t!en pay

    t!em to +on*0+t t!e affairs of state on t!eir &e!af( in+0*in t!e +reation of

    eisation an* *e+arations of 1ar. At!enians( 0ni3e +itiens in *emo+ra+ies of t!e

    mo*ern era( !a* a *ire+t !an* in t!e a+tions of t!eir o)ernment@ t!ey ran t!ins

    1it!o0t t!e mi**emen( 1it!o0t e

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    &y ot from o+a nei!&or!oo*s. T!eir inet!ey ser)e* for one year( 1it! t1o4term imits>&ot! !epe* to

    0arantee t!ey !a* some interest in a*)an+in t!e +ommon oo*. T!ey met to

    *etermine t!e iss0es t!at 1o0* &e raise* at t!e meetin of t!e assem&y. In t!is 1ay(

    t!e +o0n+i ser)e* t!e important f0n+tion of esta&is!in t!e aen*a for t!e assem&y.

    T!e +o0n+i aso 1at+!e* o)er t!e a+ti)ities of ee+te* offi+ias an* ma*e s0re t!eassem&y's *e+isions 1ere propery e1!o 1ere eneray

    intereste* in t!e prosperity of t!e +itienry( an* 1!ere entire +omm0nities sat as ?0riesto *etermine t!e o0t+ome of important ea +ases. ;a*i+a *emo+ra+y !a* itte room

    for pai* representati)es( interest ro0ps( or o&&yists@ rea poiti+a po1er reste*

    firmy in t!e !an*s of t!e )otin ma?ority.

    Hero*ot0s re+onie* t!e 0ni0e nat0re of a poiti+a system spe+ifi+ay *esine* to

    i)e +ontro of t!e o)ernment to t!e . In !is"istories,poiti+a an* ant!ropooi+a

    oo3 at t!e most prominent so+ieties of !is *ay( Hero*ot0s +reate* a fi+titio0s +on)er4

    sation &et1een se)era Persians( 1!o ostensi&y *e&ate* t!e merits of *ifferent types

    of o)ernment( in+0*in monar+!y( oiar+!y( an* *emo+ra+y. One of t!ese men


    Contrast 1it! t!is monar+!y t!e r0e of t!e peope6 first( it !as t!e finest of a names to*es+ri&e it>e0aity 0n*er a1@ an*( se+on*y( t!e peope in po1er *o none of t!e t!ins t!at

  • 8/13/2019 The Chemical Muse - Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization - D. C. a. Hillman


    monar+!s *o. Un*er a o)ernment of t!e peope a maistrate is appointe* &y ot an* is !e*

    responsi&e for !is +on*0+t in offi+e( an* a 0estions are p0t 0p for open *e&ate.5

    T!is spea3er ma*e it +ear t!at a0tonomo0s r0ers +an &e 0n?0st( &0t t!e r0e of t!e

    peope is a1ays s0&?e+t to s+r0tiny. Criti+ism from t!e masses +0rtaie* +orr0ption

    an* t!e a&0se of po1er. In ot!er 1or*s( *emo+ra+y prote+te* !0manity from itsef.T!e +on+ept of in*i)i*0a i&erty t!at so +!ara+terie* t!e r0e of *emo+ra+y in

    At!ens manifeste* itsef &est in an+ient t!eaters. At!enian pay1ri!ts 1ere +!am4

    pions of free spee+!. T!e trae*ies an* +ome*ies 1ritten *0rin t!e !ei!t of t!is *e4

    mo+rati+ perio* t!e fift! +ent0ry +riti+ie*( 0estione*( an* ampoone* a aspe+ts of

    ife in At!ens. Not!in 1as sa+re*>from se< an* marriae to m0r*er an* &etraya(

    from ieitimate 1ars to t!e ina*e0a+ies an* persona fa1s of prominent +itiens.

    T!e stae in At!ens 1as a pa+e 1!ere +itiens +o0* et!e 1ors!ip of t!e o* Dionys0s>an* 1ere i*eay entirey 0nrestri+te*.

    :ree3 poets steppe* on toes &e+a0se t!ey 1ere free to *o so.

    At!enians 1ere not ony free to spea3 t!eir min*s( t!ey 1ere aso free to in*0e in

    t!e 0se of min*4aterin *r0s. Citiens of At!ens em&ra+e* min*4aterin s0&stan+es(

    1!et!er for me*i+ina( reiio0s( prop!eti+( or re+reationa 0ses. In t!e free so+iety

    t!at emere* *0rin t!e fift! an* fo0rt! +ent0ries B.C.( re+reationa *r0s 1ere a&0n4

    *ant( ine

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