the celemi gold mine€¦ · welcome to the ”gold mine”! we all have our tips and tricks when...

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB The Celemi gold mine EMEA 2016 Partner Meeting

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Page 1: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

The Celemi gold mine

EMEA 2016 Partner Meeting

Page 2: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Welcome to the ”gold mine”!

We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations…

At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra, we did an activity that helped us to

share those tips.

The idea was simple: each of us brought one of their best sales secrets, a ”gold

nugget”, and we shared some of them in small groups then larger groups, leaving the

meeting with more ideas on how convert our prospects into clients.

While the activity was dynamic, a lot of the information is (naturally) lost in the process

– this document is meant for you to be able to read details on each gold nugget, in your

own time.

Happy reading and happy selling,

Your Celemi team

PS- if you missed the meeting, you can find more information on this activity at the end of this document

Questions and comments to: [email protected]

Page 3: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Overall mapping on the sales funnel

For details on each gold nugget, please flip through this document

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Small groups ”stories”

Group B


Group D


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Small groups ”stories”Group A


Group C


Page 6: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Think Big

Applicable to: All products

Useful when: At the planning stage in the sales cycle.

Description: Whether you are selling a single run of Apples & Oranges or

you are selling multiple runs of Decision Base or Tango, the sales effort is

almost the same. So, when planning for your sales activities you need to

have the mindset of going really big. The client with the biggest potential,

the client with the biggest need, the client with the highest degree of fit with

what business simulations can offer. The account with the highest impact

on market perception. Think Big .. Think everything that ends with ”est”.

Gold miner: Hesham El-Gamal

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Resonate with Change

Applicable to: all simulations

Useful when: Face-to-face meeting to demonstrate what the power of learning

does and how this is reflected and implemented in Celemi Simulations. We have

found that this little demo sticks much better than any slides and paperware and

actually represents our WHY.


Set up: 2 tuning fork (best if 1 is connected to a resonance box)

”We believe that real change cannot be imposed from outside, but must rely on becoming

excited intrinsically. Our value: being the trigger for this excitement.

How do we do that? It quite like a physical phenomenon: resonance.

The people in your company are represented by this tuning fork. We are the second fork,

which is vibrating as we facilitate a business simulation. The first tuning fork gets activated by

the resonance phenomenon. That means: your people start talking to each other and build a

common knowledge and representation of what happens in your company. Taking to each

other and building common understanding is actually a resonance phenomenon between

people. So, even if we leave (the second tuning fork is removed) the vibration in the first

(previously motionless) tuning fork remains.Gold miner: Wolfgang Karrlein

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Unearth the treasure!!

Applicable to: Apples & Oranges, Decision Base

Useful when: There is a high profile, cross-functional need to free up capital

Description: Show how much value there is to be gained through employees

understanding what working capital, cashflow and profitability mena in practice (This

nugget is still in start up mode, so not used in practice yet.)

Gold miner: Paul James

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Learning, not teaching

Applicable to: any simulation

Useful when: always - if the prospect does not understand this they will

probably not buy

Description: pass on this message to your prospect:

- The world is changing FAST and companies need to adapt.

- And nothing changes unless people are able to learn.

- But telling people isn´t enough for them to understand the necessity for change

or learn how/what to change.

- People need to have an experience from which they are able to discover the

implications of change for themselves.

- Only when they have gained this understanding will they be willing to engage in

ways that actually lead to sustainable improvements in performance.

Gold miner: Steven Hemmings

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Our VP of Sales.....

Applicable to: simulations that have videos online available for external

use (A&O, Tango, DB, Enterprise).

Useful when: You are short of time in explaining what we do, or

someone is struggling to get their head around what a simulation looks like

and/or you don’t have chance to get the materials out for a demo.

Description: When people can’t quite get it using the spoken word, I

would say something like ”You know who explains this best? Our VP of

Sales!” then immediately get out my phone. This creates tension because

people might believe I am going to get the VP on a call, but I just open up

the videos on my phone (pre-downloaded) and press play. For some

reason playing on the phone engages more than on computer. (I use VP of

Sales because he is in every video, but you don’t need to refer back to this

unless the other person specifically asks)

Gold miner: Ola Källqvist

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Mr. Magoo

Applicable to: All physical sales meetings

Useful when: First meeting. Getting the client talking and finding their needs.

Description: In order to pinpoint your offer, it is important to find the clients true

needs (both expressed and hidden). After a quick chat on the way to their

office/meeting room (“What a beeeeeautiful office you have, etc.”), it is time to sit

down. The client is usually expecting you to present yourself and your offer. What

say is: “Of course I will present my self and Celemi, but could please just tell me a

little about yourself and what challenges you are facing right now?” and then I dive

into my briefcase and start fumbling away (very much like Mr. Magoo) until they

start talking. It might take a while, but when they do, you emerge with a pen and

paper or computer (already turned on, of course) ready to do the needs analysis.

Keep asking question after question until you get what you need. Only then, start

presenting yourself, your company and your offer. By then you have learned A LOT

about both their needs and about them.

Rule of thumb: 70% of the time for the meeting = listening, 29% presenting the

solution, 1% signing the contract

Gold miner: Henrik Olofsson

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

CEO for a day

Applicable to: all simulations

Useful when: answering ”What do you do?” questions during an initial

conversation or when you are talking to people who want to develop

leadership in their organisations. It is useful to engage people in a longer

conversation, especially at networking events.

Description: Not many people know about Celemi so always ask ”What

does C-e-l-e-m-i do?” Talking about what are products are or offering a

category of company doesn’t do us justice or create sufficient interest, so I

say ”I make people CEO for a day.” This, at the very least, arouses some

curiosity in the other person. Then WAIT! Don’t jump straight in with more

information, wait for them to ask ”how?”, ”what?” or some other question.

The waiting is key, but be in control of the silence.

Gold miner: Ola Källqvist

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

”Something has to happen”

Applicable to: any simulation

Useful when: Client is not sure about a pedagogy centered on hands-on

and fun session.

Description: Nowadays there are too many ways to acquire knowledge in

organizations (internal e-Learning, reading blogs or following social

networks, MOOC platforms with high class teachers), and professionals’

time is very expensive (they are continously interrupted in their daily duties

to be taken out for a couple of days). If we take them away from their

desks and put them in a classroom, something exciting, different, and

significant has to happen, to make it worth the effort and take true

advantage of social active learning. And SIMULATIONS are the answer to

this challenge.

Gold miner: José Ochoa

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

”Small” CEOs everywhere

Applicable to: Strategy focused simulations (Tango, Enterprise)

Useful when: For elevator speech or during a meeting when explaining

the benefits of showing the big picture to your managers at all levels in the



In elevator speech: when we need to explain shortly or to bring interest about

the business simulations we the prospect: ”This is a tool that we use to create

”small” CEOs at all management levels within the organization”. And when

they ask ”How is that possible?”, we start explaining the helicopter view, the

bic picture understanding etc.

When in a sales meeting: we often challenge them by asking them: ”Don’t you

think it would be great if at all management levels in your organization you

had managers who have the same point of view and understanding of the

business as the CEO? Wouldn’t this help you to avoid misunderstandings?

Wouldn´t this make the organisation run in the same direction with high level

of synergy in all departments?” .

Of course we expect a positive answer and then we tell them: ”OK, let us

introduce you to a solution that can create such small CEOs at all

management levels, a shared understanding of your strategy, and tools to

execute it brilliantly”.Gold miner: Pavel Panov

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Networking before selling

Applicable to: any Celemi product when selling to a larger organisation

Useful when: you have access to several contacts in the clients organisation


When meeting different functions at the client you meet different interests:

Have patience and do not ask for a meeting with the decision maker too early.

Have one, two three meetings with other contacts.

Narrow down the risk of failure by gathering information and ”buying

arguments” from different perspectives.

Avoid only focusing on what they think is important. It not always the same as

the decision maker’s interest. Eg. HR vs Finance.

Still ask to confirm that you have a correct understanding when meeting with

the decision maker.

Make your contacts sell you to the decision maker.

Gold miner: Håkan Frödén

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Here and Now

Applicable to: most simulations, especially Decision Base & Tango

Useful when: demonstrating a simulation with a prospect.

Description: Create a short scenario with an issue to solve, part way

through the simulation. Use something which the client has aready stated

is an issue – e.g. Cash flow crisis, working capital management, capital

investment plans, responding to the competition. Allow the client to

consider the options based on the scenario on the board, and make a

decision on what to do.

Gold miner: David Newman

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

”There are only 3 problems in business”

Applicable to: Any business simulation – maybe Apples & Oranges more

than the others

Useful when: Linking learning to business challenges as a sales


Description: I often take a copy of the value drivers used at the end of

Apples & Oranges and make the the point that at any point a business only

has a maximum of 3 problems:

Increasing sales (volume or price)

Reducing cost of sales

Reducing overheads.

The trick is then to enlist everyone to focus on the most important ones.

Gold miner: James van der Westhuizen

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Answering the “Why ?”

Applicable to:

All simulations, especially Apples & Oramges and Decision Base

Useful when:

To help people realize the value of the simulation. On the phone or face-to-face meeting.


I try to find the real need. I don´t bring a workmat or coins. I explain what people can learn: ”we will answer

the question WHY, whatever it will be”

Ask prospect what the problem is and how they communicate it - and if people understand the why.

Examples of ”why?” the simulation helps to answer: ”Why focus on figures?”, ”Why these figures?”,

”Why do we need collaboration on the processes?”, ”Why these processes?”, ”Why do we need

agility in the fix structure of finance?”, etc…

Gold miner: Claudia Schmitz

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

The Wish List

Applicable to: All simulations

Useful when: During sales meeting where you will be showing/demo-ing the simulation to a ”test

group” – this helps to prove that the solution is right for them


Before the meeting

Call your key contact at the client to understand their needs and challenges in as much detail as possible. Take notes of the

exact words they are using on the phone.

Write a list of seminar objectives corresponding to the needs and challenges expressed on the call. Use their own words.

Reflect on how the simulation can help them achieve each objective on the list.

Use this list to prepare your PPT presentation and plan your demo session, making sure to cover points on the list.

During the meeting

Start by asking the group “just to make sure we don´t miss anything today, please share what you view as the most important


Write their input on a flipchart. Agree with them that this is their “wish list”. To the group, it will look spontaneous and inclusive,

but to you it will feel comfortable/safe because your prepared through your phone call.

Conduct the presentation and demo

Finish by going back to wish list – go through each item with the group, and tick those that are addressed by the simulation –

this proves your case that it meets their needs. And if you cannot tick every item, no problem: it may be an opportunity to clarify

the scope, and possibly add customized modules.

Gold miner: Véronique Havrehed

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…and listening is PLATINUM

Gold miner: Piotr Gryko

Applicable to: basically all simulations but Tango is a perfect case

Useful when: attempting to sell Tango to targets outside HR / OD sphere

= line / business managers

Description: trying to better understand their business situation in order

to find the hooks that Tango can be easily attached to PLUS using the

assumption that the more tangible the hooks, the better. Normally

especially in High Power Distance / High Uncertainty Avoidance countries

(e.g. bigger part of Europe except Scandinavia, Holland, UK, etc.) the

managers will often have a difficulty to admit that they do not really feel

how soft elements like leadership translates into tangible business results.

Thus by listening about their business often you can hear their (indirect)

complaints about that. Thus Tango can be positioned as an vivid

opportunity to experience and master the link: between simple managerial

and leadership decisions and hard KPI’s and business results. So before

running into leadership development program based upon e.g. Blanchard's

Situational Leadership II® or Vroom’s Decision Making for Leaders® it is

worthwhile to understand their actual systemic business impact, to

understand WHY it is necessary to invest in leadership development.

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Accelerated learning, fast education & immediate practice

Applicable to: any Celemi product when selling to a larger organisation

Description: 3 steps approach gives: 80% impact on business results with 20%

of learning investments

Gold miner: Konstantin Orlov



Implementation & Coaching:

• Accountability program

• Implementation phases

• Management support &


• Results evaluation


Project Session:

• Action plan


• Designing initiatives

• Forming plan of



Business Simulation:

• Learning & Education

• Communication

• Changing behavior

• Motivation to act






Page 22: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

The safe bet for Engagement

Applicable to: All simulations

Useful when: When you try to convince a new prospect who has no

previous experience of simulations.

Description: Unfortunately most decisions are taken to avoid failure

rather than to gain something good. We know that Celemi business

simulations work and give participants many “Aha” experiences. But a new

customer doesn’t know that. That’s why it’s so important that the customer

feels safe about how their employees will react to a simulation. So what I

tell them is that the worst case scenario is that the will have very happy

and engaged people for one or two days: “Can you handle that?”.

Gold miner: Hans Serebrink

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Selling profit

Applicable to: Apples & Oranges

Useful when: you have to make a negotiation really consistent,

understanding how your sales behaviors impact both your company and a

retailer or wholesaler or dealer (selling profit).

Description: Apples & Oranges is part of a negotiation process

considering both hard and soft skills. Participants learn how their offer will

impact internally and how they create customer profit, linking their usual

sales arguments to customer management levers.

Gold miner: Lorenzo De Grandi

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Honk honk! It’s lunch time!

Applicable to: All solutions, but particularly those with dynamic

competition (DB, Tango, Enterprise)

Useful when: At meetings with new clients who do not know our


Description: You bring a corny, noisy device like a horn or a trumpet or a

cowbell. When discussing the participant’s experience, you pull it out and

say ”People get really engaged in the exercise, and work in their teams to

beat the others. I use this horn – NOT to call them back from lunch - but to

actually make them break for lunch. That is how engaging this is. Our tools

are fueled by adrenaline.” If the person you meet realizes that the

participants will enjoy the session, then she understands there is a chance

she will be the internal hero of the company.

Here: insert your gold nugget´s ”logo”

Gold miner: Tore Byström

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

A new CFO nickname !

Applicable to:

Apples & Oranges, Decision Base

Useful when:

It looks like the target group could be bigger than HR thinks

HR have received the request to do something and are on their own


Make your contact person see the larger potential by involving CFO

Make CFO see the win for him / her / their department / the company

when they really become the project owner

Form a team and be ”partners in crime”

Gold miner: Diane Van den Berge

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Talk ”pane e salame”

Applicable to: Apples & Oranges

Useful when: you have to deal with sales people or other functions not

familiar at all with financials, afraid because of previous boring or too

difficult similar experiences.

Description: I explain that even if I’m graduate in economics, I’m a sales

guy, and using apples & oranges I’ll explain speaking plainly in a higly

comprensible way (talking pane e salame) how a company creates value.

Gold miner: Lorenzo De Grandi

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Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Maintaining margin

Applicable to: Any product or service

Useful when: you are negotiating the terms and conditions

Description: Don’t negotiate with yourself before you give the formal

contract to your customer. Make sure all the details that you have to offer

are included and priced properly. We all know that dropping some on the

topline can hurt the bottomline dramatically. Even though you know there

are things that purchasing at the client will never accept, they should be

included in your first offer. As you give it up you really show that you have

passed up something and it helps Purchasing to show that they have done

their job. Typical things that I have used have been items like travel time or

preparation time. Giving these up helps you avoid concessions on product

or facilitation (hopefully)

Gold miner: Kjell Lindqvist

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Blended Learning – essential part

Applicable to:

All simulations. Business simulations is a part of business school value proposition.

Useful when:

To attract people to IPM Business School, as a leading center for business education in Belarus.


Today objective knowledge is totally open and available online. The most valuable thing is a personal

knowledge and experience. The blended learning approach allows to give people best value from

systematic education. Business simulations, as one of the most powerful tools for getting a personal

knowledge and experience, are part of our blended learning mix.

Gold miner: Alexey Iskortsev

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Education without tension ;-)

Applicable to: All simulations

Useful when:

Presentation/printing materials: we use it on our post-cards, which we give to

people on our AMI-demo (special presentations for the clients), also we have this

slogan in our printing materials with shot descriptions of business simulations, in

weekly news

Sales meeting: any part of the meeting, mostly at the end of negotiations and

include it within commercial offers

Description: we use this slogan as an argument, when we need to stress

that business simulations allow people to get more knowledge without

tension, and to achieve more goals in a short period of time.

Gold miners:

Anastasia Vitkovskaya

and Irina Yakovleva

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AAO: Against All Odds

Applicable to: all simulations

Useful when: difficult times

Description: Always ensure you do your best to get delighted customers.

They will come back, also in difficult times – against all odds.

Gold miner: Michael Gieser

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In the following slides you will find the briefing for this activity, as reference for those of

you who could not join us.

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Time to open your treasure chest and share ”gold nuggets”…Dear all,

We all have your tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations…

This September at Sesimbra, we are going to ask you to share them!

The idea is simple: if each of us brings one of their best sales secrets, a ”gold nugget”,

then we can all leave the meeting enriched and better equipped to convert our

prospects into clients.

In order for this to succeed, we need you to think of one sales tip you want to share (a

”gold nugget”), describe it in writing and come prepared to present it to others.

In the next page we give you concrete details.

We need your contribution by August 15th to [email protected] please.

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What you need to prepare:1) One precious tip (we will call them ”gold nuggets”)

We need you to decide about one ”sales tip” you want to share:

• something you say, or do, that has consistently helped you to sell Celemi simulations. It could be

a slogan, some key words, a specific message, body language, a technique, a story, an example,

an object you use…

• it doesn´t matter which stage of the sales process you use this “nugget”: identifying a prospect,

getting a prospect to agree to a meeting, “catching” people through an elevator speech,

conducting a sales presentation or demo, negotiating the price, etc… If you hesitate between

several ideas, then please choose something that helps with the most challenging situation:

raising interest among completely new prospects who have no previous experience of a


• it can relate to any Celemi simulation, but if you hesitate between several ideas, then please

choose something that helps with selling Apples & Oranges

2) A name and a visual symbol for your ”gold nugget”

We will need a name and a symbol to map all our gold nuggets on flipcharts:

• A short name (3-4 words max) representing your sales tip – the more memorable, the better!

• A symbol (simple drawing or photo) symbolizing your sales tip – the simpler, the better!

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What you need to prepare:3) One slide

We need this before the meeting, to create the ”Celemi Gold Mine”: a catalogue of gold

nuggets that you will be able to consult and use in the future.

4) One short speech

At the meeting, you will be required to present your ”gold nugget” to the group, in a simple


• Short: 1 minute to share your gold nugget with your group

• Impactful: as fun and memorable as possible

• Easy to remember: mention your gold nugget´s name and show its logo (details on slide 3)

• Low-tech: we will do this outdoors if possible, so the speech must not require a computer/PPT, but a

flipchart will be available

• Creative: drawing on flipchart, staging with props, role-plays or other impactful techniques are

welcome of course!

Be creative and have fun! Win a prize for “best gold nugget” and/or “best speech”

Page 35: The Celemi gold mine€¦ · Welcome to the ”gold mine”! We all have our tips and tricks when it comes to selling Celemi simulations… At the 2016 EMEA Partner meeting in Sesimbra,

Copyright © 2015 Celemiab Systems AB

Here: write your gold nugget´s name(short, 3-4 words max, representing your sales tip – the more memorable, the better!)

Applicable to: (product name e.g. Apples & Oranges , Decision Base, All simulations, etc…)

Useful when: (write which types of situation your tip is useful for e.g. getting propects to agree to

a meeting, conversation before a demo, during as pilot, at the end of a sales meeting, to attract prospects

on LinkedIn, to get people to sign up for webinars, etc, etc..)

Description: (free text, describe your sales tip and how you use it – see slide 3 for details)

Template (please fill in and return) Here: insert your gold nugget´s ”symbol”