the cardiovascular system

The Cardiovascular The Cardiovascular System System The major organs of the cardiovascular system The heart structure and function

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The Cardiovascular System. The major organs of the cardiovascular system The heart structure and function. After today you should be able to: For more help: Chapter13 pp. 329-364. Name the organs of the cardiovascular system and discuss their functions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Cardiovascular System

The Cardiovascular SystemThe Cardiovascular SystemThe major organs of the cardiovascular system

The heart structure and function

Page 2: The Cardiovascular System

After today you should be able to: After today you should be able to:

For more help: Chapter13 pp. 329-For more help: Chapter13 pp. 329-364364

1.1. Name the organs of the cardiovascular Name the organs of the cardiovascular system and discuss their functions. system and discuss their functions.

2. Name and describe the locations and 2. Name and describe the locations and functions of the major parts of the functions of the major parts of the heart. heart.

3. Trace the pathway of the blood 3. Trace the pathway of the blood through the heart and the vessels of the through the heart and the vessels of the coronary circulation. coronary circulation.

Page 3: The Cardiovascular System

Major organs of the Major organs of the cardiovascular systemcardiovascular system

• The heartThe heart

• ArteriesArteries – strong elastic

vessels that carry blood away from the


• A common misconception is that all arteries carry oxygen-rich blood.

Page 4: The Cardiovascular System

Major organs of the Major organs of the cardiovascular systemcardiovascular system

• Capillaries: Capillaries: Arteries/arterioles branch into capillaries.– They are extremely narrow, microscopic tubes with

a wall that is only comprised of epithelium.

• VeinsVeins-- carry blood back to the atria of the heart following pathways that are almost parallel to the arteries.

Page 5: The Cardiovascular System

The HeartThe Heart

• Composed of cardiac muscle tissue (myocardium)

• Surrounded by a pericardium (thick membranous sack that supports and protects the heart)

• Is a cone shaped, muscular organ located medially between the lungs and deep to the breastbone (sternum).

In the course of a lifetime, a human heart can beat over two billion times.

Did you know…

Page 6: The Cardiovascular System

• The heart is divided into four chambers: – The LEFT and RIGHT ATRIA– The LEFT and RIGHT VENTRICLES

• There are four distinct valves.

• The valves actually create the beating sound of the heart.

The HeartThe Heart

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The Heart: Right sideThe Heart: Right side• Takes in deoxygenated (oxygen poor

blood) from the body to the heart.

• Begins with the Vena Cavas.

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Superior Vena CavaSuperior Vena Cavavein bringing de-oxygenated blood from the upper body to the heart and empties into the right atrium.

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Inferior Vena CavaInferior Vena Cava• vein bringing de-oxygenated

blood from the lower body to the right atrium of the heart.

What is meant by de-oxygenated blood?

Why is the blood de-oxygenated?

Page 10: The Cardiovascular System

• De-oxygenated blood = oxygen poor or has less O2 than CO2

• The oxygen that diffused from the alveoli into the blood gets delivered to the cells of the body.

• Inside the cell, the mitochondria uses the O2 for cellular respiration.

• During cell respiration, the O2 binds to a carbon, and is now CO2.

• CO2 diffuses into the blood stream and flows back to the heart.

Why is the blood de-oxygenated?

Page 11: The Cardiovascular System

Right AtriumRight Atrium

• receives de-oxygenated blood from the body through the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava .

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Tricuspid Valve • separates the right atrium

from the right ventricle. • It opens to allow the de-

oxygenated blood from the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle and prevents blood from returning to the right atrium.

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Right Ventricle

• receives de-oxygenated blood from the right atrium and pushes it next through the pulmonary valve.

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Pulmonary Valve• separates the right ventricle

from the pulmonary artery.

• Allows blood to flow from the Right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries.

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Pulmonary Artery

• is the vessel transporting de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.

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Summarize what we know so far: Summarize what we know so far: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:

1.Where does deoxygenated blood originate from? 2.Where in the heart does the deoxygenated blood enter first? 3.Where does the deoxygenated blood go next? 4.What two valves are on the right side of the heart? What are the roles of these 2 valves? 5.Where does blood exit and go to from the right side of the heart?

–Is it de-oxygenated (oxygen poor) or oxygenated (oxygen rich)?

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•Label the right side of the heart only on the heart diagram.

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The Heart: Left sideThe Heart: Left side• Brings oxygenated (oxygen rich blood)

from the lungs to the heart.

• Begins with the Pulmonary Vein.

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Pulmonary Vein

• is the vessel transporting oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium.

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Left AtriumLeft Atrium

• receives oxygenated blood from the lungs from the pulmonary vein

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Bicuspid ValueBicuspid Value• separates the left atrium from

the left ventricle.

• It opens to allow the oxygenated blood to flow into the left ventricle and prevents it from flowing back.

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Left VentricleLeft Ventricle

• receives oxygenated blood as the left atrium contracts and the bicuspid valve opens.

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Aortic ValveAortic Valve

• separates the left ventricle from the aorta.

• As the ventricles contract, it opens to allow the oxygenated blood collected in the left ventricle to flow throughout the body and prevents it from going back to the heart.

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• is the largest single blood vessel in the body.

• This vessel carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle to the various parts of the body.

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Summarize what we know so far: Summarize what we know so far: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:

1.Where does oxygenated blood originate from? 2.Where in the heart does the oxygenated blood enter first? 3.Where does the oxygenated blood go next? 4.What two valves are on the left side of the heart? What are the roles of these 2 valves? 5.Where does blood exit and go to from the left side of the heart?

–Is it de-oxygenated (oxygen poor) or oxygenated (oxygen rich)?

Page 26: The Cardiovascular System

Papillary Muscles• Papillary muscles: attach to

the lower portion of the interior wall of the ventricles.

• They connect to the chordae tendineae on the valves,

• The contraction of the papillary muscles opens the valves. When the papillary muscles relax, the valves close.

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Papillary Muscles

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Chordae Tendineae• Chordae tendineae are tendons linking the papillary

muscles to the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle and the mitral valve in the left ventricle.

• The chordae tendineae are string-like in appearance and are sometimes referred to as "heart strings."

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Ventricular Septum

• Ventricular Septum:

wall separating the lower chambers (the ventricles) of the heart from one another.

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The HeartThe Heart

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The HeartThe Heart

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Blood flow through the body

Page 33: The Cardiovascular System

Heart Activities:

1.Finish cardiovascular diagram2.Complete organ chart.3.Create Heart Foldable 4.Vocab Index Card Blood flow order activity

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Be Still My Be Still My Beating HeartBeating Heart

Electrical Conduction Pathway: Electrical Conduction Pathway:

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The Lub-Dub…

• Heartbeat is the sound you hear when the valves of the heart close.

• Each heartbeat is called a cardiac cycle.

• Controlled by the electrical conduction pathway

• First the Atria contract at the same time sending the blood to the ventricles.

• Then the ventricles contract at the same time sending blood to the pulmonary artery or the aorta.


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• Systole is the working phase of the heart – when the chambers contract.

• Diastole is the relaxing phase of the heart – when the chambers are resting.

The Lub-Dub…

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• Lub – is the sound you hear when the blood pressure increases in the ventricles forcing the tricuspid and bicuspid valves to slam shut but causing the pulmonary and aortic valves to open.

• Dup – the relaxation of the ventricles causes blood to flow backward momentarily and the pulmonary and aortic valves close.

The Lub-Dub…

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• Swishing sound after the lub

• Leaky valves allows blood to flow back into the atrias.

• The two types of heart murmurs are innocent (harmless) and abnormal.

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• Innocent murmurs are simply sounds made by blood flowing through the heart's chambers and valves, or through blood vessels near the heart.

• Congenital heart defects or acquired heart valve disease often are the cause of abnormal heart murmurs.


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Be Still My Be Still My Beating HeartBeating Heart

Electrical Conduction Pathway: Electrical Conduction Pathway:

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Sinoatrial Node (often called the SA node or sinus node)

• serves as the natural pacemaker for the heart.

• Nestled in the upper area of the right atrium, it sends the electrical impulse that triggers each heartbeat.

• The impulse spreads through the atria, coordinated wave-like manner.

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Atrioventricular node (or AV node)

• The impulse that originates from the SA node strikes AV node

• situated in the lower portion of the right atrium.

• The AV node in turn sends an impulse through the nerve network to the ventricles to contract.

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Right and Left Bundle Branches.

• electrical network serving the upper ventricles

• These nerve fibers send impulses that cause the cardiac muscle tissue to contract.

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Purkinje Fibers

• electrical network serving the lower ventricles

• These nerve fibers send impulses that cause the cardiac muscle tissue to contract.

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Electrical Conduction Pathway: Electrical Conduction Pathway:

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• The SA Node SA Node to the AV Node AV Node to the left and right Bundle Branches Bundle Branches - to the Purkinje Fibers Purkinje Fibers = THE HEART BEAT and CONTRACTIONSHEART BEAT and CONTRACTIONS

Electrical Conduction Pathway: Electrical Conduction Pathway:

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The force blood exerts again the inner walls of the vessels


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Arterial Blood PressureRises and falls in a pattern corresponding

to the phases of the cardiac cycle. Contracting ventricles (ventricular systole)

squeeze blood out and into the arteries – increases pressure in these vessels

This is called systolic pressure – the maximum pressure during contraction.

This value is usuallyaround 120mmHg

Systemic Blood Pressure

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Arterial Blood PressureWhen ventricles relax (ventricular

diastole) , arterial pressure dropsThe lowest pressure that remains is called

diastolic pressure.This value is usuallyaround 80mmHg

Systemic Blood Pressure

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Arterial Blood pressureAs blood rushes into the arterial system,

the elastic walls distendPressure begins to drop almost immediately

as contraction endsArterial walls will then recoilThe expansion and recoiling is felt as a

pulse.You commonly use the radial artery to feel

your pulse. Other pulse points – carotid, brachial, and

femoral arteries

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What influences arterial pressure?Cardiac output – the volume discharged

from the ventricle per minute; the volume of blood discharged from the ventricle with each contraction is called the stroke volume. determined by how much blood is in the ventricles

Calculation:Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rateCalculate if the stroke volume is 70 mL and

the heart rate is 72 bpm.Answer: 5,040 mL/min

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What influences arterial pressure?

Blood volume = the sum of the formed elements and plasma volumes in the vascular system. 5L for adults or 8% of your body weight in KgDepends on age, body size, and genderBLOOD PRESSURE IS directly proportional to blood

volumeChanges in blood volume change blood pressure

Hemorrage – loss of blood = blood pressure dropsBlood transfusion – increase in blood = blood

pressure may return to normalLack of water (dehydration) – fluid imbalance =

blood pressure drops – can be reestablished with fluid replacement

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What influences arterial pressure?

Peripheral resistance = friction between the walls of blood vessels; a force

Hinders blood flowPressure must overcome this force if blood is to

continue flowingFactors that alter the peripheral resistance affect

blood pressureContracting vessels – increase resistance by

backing up blood in the arteries, thus increase pressure

Dilating vessels – decrease in peripheral resistance, thus a decrease in pressure

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What influences arterial pressure?Blood viscosity = the ease at which the

molecules of fluid flow past one anotherThe greater the viscosity, the greater the

resistance, thus increased pressureThe lesser the viscosity, the resistance is

lessened and thus decreased pressure Blood cells and plasma increase blood


Page 56: The Cardiovascular System

Control of BPBP= CO x PRBP= blood pressureCO = cardiac outputPR= peripheral resistanceBlood entering the ventricles stretches the myocardial

fibers in the ventricular wallMore blood = more stretch = greater force with which

they contractLess blood = less stretch = less force with which they

contractTherefore, the volume of blood discharged is equal to the

volume of blood entering into the chambersBaroreceptors – neurons that sense changes in blood


Page 57: The Cardiovascular System

Find a book! Check it!Pg. 361 - 363Find the paragraph that begins with BaroreceptorsUsing the information within the following paragraphs,

create flow charts of how blood pressure is controlled through homeostasis.

Can you identify the stimulus? The receptors? The control center? The effectors? What is the final response?

Use 13.26 as an example. You do not need to copy this one, however, you never know what you will be tested on. Arterial pressure increasesArterial pressure decreasesPeripheral resistance increasesPeripheral resistance decreasesVenous blood flow

How does CO2, O2, and H+ affect peripheral resistance? Would this be a stimulus?

Page 58: The Cardiovascular System

BLOOBLOODD• Blood is a mixture Blood is a mixture

of Cells and Plasmaof Cells and Plasma

• The heart pumps The heart pumps blood through blood through arteriesarteries

• Blood carries Blood carries oxygen to the body oxygen to the body and wastes away and wastes away from the body. from the body.

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Blood Cells: Blood Cells:




Contains 3 types of Cells: Contains 3 types of Cells:

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Red blood cells


white blood cell


Blood Cells: Blood Cells: Identify the components:Identify the components:

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Red Blood Cells: Erythrocytes• Biconcave discs that allows it to transport gases• Hemoglobin binded to oxygen gives it the red

color. • RBC count for adults is: 4-6 million cells per

mm3• 120 day life span• Made in the bone


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White Blood Cells: Leukocytes White Blood Cells: Leukocytes • Protect against disease• Part of the Immune system• Twice the size of red blood

cells. • WBC count: 4-10 thousand

During an infection this number increases rapidly. After the infection goes back to normal.

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PlateletsPlatelets: Thrombocytes • Only fragments of cells (not full cells).• Their main function is in blood clotting. • Ten day life span• VERY SMALL!• Platelet cell count:

100 thousand

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PlasmaPlasma:• Clear yellowish fluid• Milky color when diet has a

lot of lipids and fats. • 90% is made of water• 10% salts, minerals and

nutrients dissolved in the plasma needed by your cells.

• Also contains, CO2, waste material, hormones, proteins, and sugars

• Transports the cells.

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Blood Typing: Blood Typing: • Four main types of blood:

__A__ __B__ __AB__ __O__

• Different proteins found on the RBC and determine the blood type.

• You can also be Negative or Positive

• Blood type is a Genetic Factor.

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Blood Type is Genetic:

• Each of us has two ABO blood type alleles, because we each inherit one blood type allele from our biological mother and one from our biological father.

• A description of the pair of alleles in our DNA is called the genotype.

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Blood Type is Genetic and the Rh Factor!• A and B alleles are dominant.

• O is recessive. To be type O blood you must have OO or two O alleles.

• Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-. Someone who Rh- has a genotype of Rh-/Rh-.

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Finding blood types: Finding blood types: • If mom is blood type A and dad is

blood type B- with your table hypothesize what possible types the children could be.

MOM Possible types Dad possible types



Now all you have to do is genetics: Punnett Squares!!

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Four options: Alleles B OA


Alleles B OA


Alleles B BA


Alleles B BA


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Blood Type and Genetics Practice: Work out the following problems: show your work on the back of this sheet:

1. What are the possible blood types of children if Mom is Type AA, and Dad is Type AB?

2. What Blood type(s) could mom be if Dad is Type B and their children are either Type O or Type B?

3. What are the possible blood

types of children if mom is

Type AB and dad is Type A?

4. Finish this punnett square

and tell me the possible

blood types:

Alleles A BO


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How do you know who can donate to who?

• By the antigens and antibodies located on the Red blood cell and in the plasma

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Blood type AB

Blood type BBlood type A

Antibodies in the plasma

Blood type O

Antibodies in the plasma

Antibodies in the plasma

Antibodies in the plasma

A Antigens

B Antigens

AB Antigens

No Antigens

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Blood Transfusions:Blood Transfusions:

• The transfusion will work if a person who is going to receive blood has a blood group that doesn't have any antibodies antibodies against the donor blood's antigensagainst the donor blood's antigens. But if a person who is going to receive blood has antibodies matching the donor blood's antigens, the red blood cells in the donated blood will clump

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What about the Negative or Positive factor?

• That is called the Rh Factor. You are either Rh – or Rh +

• This works the same way as the antigens and antibodies.

• If you are Rh + you have the Rh antigen on your red blood cells. (which means you do not have the antibody in your plasma)

• If you are Rh- you do not have the Rh antigen on your RBCs, BUT you Can have the Rh antibody in your plasma.

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So what does all this mean? 1. When a certain blood type donates to another blood

type, the antibodies and antigens can NOT aggulate (or clump together)

2. If they clump together these two types CAN NOT donate to each other!

3. The blood clumps and makes it difficult to pass through the blood vessels forming blood clots!

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Blood Typing activity

• Lets try and see who can donate and receive blood from whom.

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Here is what happens: • If Type B gives to Type A:

• Why did type A blood clump together?

Because Type B has anti-A antibodies and they fit with the antigens on type A causing it to clump!

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Blood Mixing Lab• With a partner work through the blood

typing lab.

Alleles &Antibodies





O None None None None

A Clump None Clump None

B Clump Clump None None

AB Clump Clump Clump None

Page 79: The Cardiovascular System

Lets review Blood TypesWith your partner answer the following questions:

1.Who can Type A donate to?

2.Can Type B donate to Type AB? Why?

3.Which Type is considered the Universal Donor (Can donate to everyone)?

4.Which Type is considered the Universal Recipient (Can receive from everyone)?

Page 80: The Cardiovascular System

Blood Donators and Receivers? Red blood cell Antigens

Plasma Antibodies

Blood Recipient (Receiving the blood)

Blood Donor(Donating blood)

TYPE A Blood

Antigen A anti-B

TYPE B Blood

Antigen B anti-A


Antigens A and B

Type OBlood

No Antigens Anti A&B


Type AType O

Type AType BType ABType O

Type BType O

Type O

Type AType AB

Type BType AB

Type AB

Type AType BType ABType O

Page 81: The Cardiovascular System

Blood Diseases: Problems of RBCProblems of RBC


Low iron or hemoglobin

Person feels tired, weak & short of


Cure: Add iron to diet

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Blood Diseases: Problems with Blood Diseases: Problems with White Blood cells: White Blood cells:

• Normal White blood cells help to fight infection

• When there is an injury or invasion of bateria/virsus the number of WBC’s increase in that area.

• WBC’s numbers go back to normal after fighting off the infection.

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WBC disease: LeukemiaLeukemia• Blood cancer

• WBC count increases abnormally

• Usually increases to 73k or above

• #’s don’t decrease after time

• Leukemia WBC’s don’t fight infections

• Bone marrow is busy making “bad” WBC instead of RBC, which leads to a lack of oxygen

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Blood Diseases: Problems of PlateletsPlatelets

• BruisesBruises

• Platelet number is low

• Blood clots can’t form

• Small black and blue marks

• Genetic disease

• Platelets don’t contain a chemical that starts clotting

• Trouble clotting blood when injured

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Blood Vessels disease: AtherosclerosisAtherosclerosis• Plaque builds up in the arteries that supply O2 to the heart.

• Can cause a heart attackbecause blood flow is blocked from getting to the heart. Not sure what causes this disease• factors damage that damage blood

vessels– Smoking– Increase of certain fats and cholesterol

in the blood– High blood pressure– Increase of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes

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Counting Blood cells to determine disease packet/lab.

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Monday 11/22/10 ReviewTuesday 11/23/10 TEST!!

• Review activities: – Vocab card activity for heart blood flow. (the

order blood flows through the heart and the structure of the heart)

– Draw the heart and label all of the components on red and blue paper in a group.

– Blood typing review with cut outs– Draw a diagram showing how respiratory works

with Cardio Sam’s white boards.