the camden journal (camden, s.c.).(camden, s.c.) 1836...

THE JOURNAL.: CAMDEN, JULY 16, 1836. FOR CtiffiffcKSS. Col. JOHN P RICHARDSON. FOR THE STATE SENATE. Col. JOHN CHE8NUT. Jy We are authorized U> »Ute that the following gentlemen hare consented to be candidates for the Hooaeof Representatives at the ensuing election: LAWRENCE L. WH1TAKER. JOHN D. MURRAY. M. M. LEVY. NOTICE .The Her. J. A. Rcsicll will bold Divine Service id the court house in this place, on ftiday, the 29th insL, at early candle light. July 15, is3b. Extract of a Utter from tht Editor of the Jovzxil, doled, M CoLcxtci, (Ga.) July St:>, 1636. " I shall go round the nation, by going ap the rivet to West Point, and then across to ciutnpka. u small town at the junction of the Coosa and Tal-, Sfwwr* rivers- This route has been travelled, j throughout the campaign, with perfect safety. 1 | am informed, by many, that there is no danger to j he apprehended in going directly through the natron. 1 do not wish, however, to run any unnecessary risk; and as this route will require only a day j more in travelling, 1 have decmrd it most prudent to adopt it. 1 shall go in company with too or three fndtflm. "Too will, no doubt, hare aero it rrpratedly stated thai the Creek war is over. This 1 do no; Isfaos, thoughgwe moat hope for the best. Jib Hmbt, the Creek Oecola, is undoubtedly-, now a prisoner at Tuskeegee Got. Sculct sen lover acotnpasy to demand bira, in order that he might here meet the fate doc to his crimes. But Got. Cut, of Alabama, had anticipated bita, and already taken tuCD into that Alabama, and not Georgia, will mete out to him that toward which his aggra rated cruelties merit- It is said here, that the troops will be disbanded in a few days, and wcenerer this event lakrs place, I anticipate a renewal of hostilities. They should not be discbar« ged until eTcry Indian is on the march for his arcsterm kerne, " ft is rumored here, this errning. bat open wbtl authority 1 know not, that Col. Bkall, who was seat aftcra large party of Indians, who were making their way to Florida, bad overtaken them some distance below Baker county, in this state, routed and cot tbcm to pieces. I hope it may be true, but there are such a variety ot rumors, of all sorts afloat that it is impossible to determine which to belie re. . " Gen. Scott is not mote popular here than in ! Florida, bat Geo. Jtncr m winning goIdea oyizion*. The notorious Jtx Hcsbt wee Ukrn by i puty of friendly Indians under his command. " It is expected that the < toge will commence running between this and Montgomery towards lbs end of the present week." KNO.W1LLE CONVENTION. We glean the following information from an cr *; trn of the Colombia Times and Gazette: -A member from this State who left Knoxville on the ; 7th, states that the convention was organised at the I appointed time,and Gen. Ilsvsa appointed I'rrsident, with400 nacubets in attendance, representing Un states. It is uncertain what luute will be is however adnutted by all that the road mast poos down the French Broad. T he cost « which is estimated at I! .000,000 dollar* It appear* ! there was an enderstanding among the members j far tkt jmrpoo* of prtsterrmg harmony, that no peculiar route should be spoken of, not even m pn> j v*.. THE COTTON CROP. \ Wo ore informed by our western papers that the rains and frrwrhets have been so frequent that not mot* than half crops will be made on the Alabama river, should the balance of tbr season be ever so favorable This wc believe is the case throughout the whole southern country.which, together with 1 the great deficiency consequent on the Indian and 4 Texian wars, must inevitably LU far short of.tho demand. This stale of things will, we think, be bo the means of on advance ic much so,' that the planter will grt almost, if not quite, as znocb for bis half crop u be would, bad a fall one beta made. Oar readers sriQ Sad in lo-daj'a paper a letter from the Editor, who ia at present on a toox through a portion of the western country. He differs with the latest information we have received as to a ( speedy cessation of hostilities in the Creek nation. A lino of posts has been established on the mail roate between Cutambas, Geo. and Montgomery, Ate. for the parpoaeot intercepting straggling In. diana and giving perfect -wearily to the maila. ), TEXAS. J | The rooogaitiou of tb Independence of Texas1 has bees, by common consent, left to the trill of the President. It is placing at Ha dupoaal the liberty of a people born to be free. This is indeed what ws did not expect from those who, at no very distant day, characterized him as li»c greatest tyrant on earth. j i THE SURPLUS. {i We have ascertained, from a tabic calculated on the of a surplus of 30,000,000 on the first o' January, 1837, that Sooth Carolina will receive, according to the mode of distribution, l,123,tr>l or 6,7*8 dollars more than she contributes. The question now is what shall be done with this money We say, loan a ou. to the several corporations fox the purpose o< Internal Improvements. The invention of Dr. Nott for rendering AnUxra* ( cits coal a substitute for wood, has been tried and proved successful. This gentleman has, tor several vMn. with no little lihnt ..i i . / ! . . . mutu cxpvnvr *!' plied Um power of bis funl mind to tne sccoraplnlr ment of this great object bj which he baa conferred upon bis count// an incalculable benefit. Had not tbia discover/ been made, the effect on our northern Steamers in a few /ears for the want of wood *rooid bare been «ach as to render almost necewa'^ , ry the destruction of one for the soslcuanoe of tlx other, and consequently the total suppression o this mode of- navigation on our northern vratrrs lt is well known that almost the whole northcxi portion of oar country aboands with inexbscstibt deposits of the Anthracite coal, the cost of wbid ia comparatively much so, that the ex pease of the steamer jVovtJty, by its substitution ii her trip between New York -od Albany, has, it one season, been curtailed near nineteen tkounmi dollars, the result of which, must be tbe means, no only of reducing the price of transportation, bn the establishment of a line of steam packets bctweci this country and Great Britain. Q7 We here been favored by a triced with tin perusal of the last Mo. of the Southern Baptist, pab lisbed in the City of Charleston. It is the first rr< have seen and therefore examined it attentively,fo: which we were liberally rewarded by its variety o useful and interesting matter. It is a pspe, wH worthy the notice not only of its doctrinal a 'berents lot of all whose becoming policy is, to collect lh< most information at the smallest expense. Improving by Degrees .The degree of Admiral Vice Admiral, and Rear Admiral has been created by the passage of the late Mary Bill. This hai been done to act as a stimulant to rouse its drooping Spirits, and spnr them on to deeds of " noble dar ing." Has it come to this T. then talk no more o Liberty and the love f country, but let our motu he.I'romotion. The schr. Urchin, CapL Bridges, arrived at Men Orleans, on the 28th ult. from Metamoru, reporti thai active preparations were making by the Mexicans for another descent upon 7>xas.thai the Commissioners who were sent to Metamorc* tc treat for an exchange of prisoners, had been arrested by the Mexican authorities and confined in prison, and all overtures for an acknowledgment o( icxiazi ibov}^uiwucv privaipwiuj muica. v.*pi Bridges also rrports, that the Mexicans bad 40OC troops at Mctaincraj, 4000 at the Ndcces and G00C at Salvitlo, all burning to meet the T?xiat» rifl? again. The Texians were also making preparation! to gire their invaders a team reception, both bj sea and land. The troops were to march for the Rio Grande to meet the enemy. On Saturday, the 9th inrL the members of the Camden Jockey Club convened at the Sumter Ii> frl and elected the following officers : Gen. J AS. W. CANTEY, PresT Msj JOHN MICKLE, 1st Vice Pres't. Maj JOHN CANTY, 8d. Col. JOHN BOY KIN, 3d. Mai. A -11. RtlFFlN, 4th. JESSES NETTLES, Esq. Sec'y. & Tr's i'ommti Bicationw, roa rue camps* socrsal. Setrrawvtt ta, 9th July, 1838. Mr. Editor ;.Tlic word allnded to in the conundrum which appeared in the Journal of the 2d July, wc have ascertained to be HEROINES.and i! you think the following worthy ol publicity, you vrill confer a favor by publishing it: Corcioius..J am a word of sis letters, and command own respect and esteem than all the be roes and heroines, whose chivalry has ever decked the pages of either ancient or modern history. 1 saaftw m* msottlftfi ni* nr f ! nnm a n i4« nf awsttisim ssitsiwnti I M»VI»PB IWIWV1 »«IVITV|» 1.Mjr 3d. 4tb sad (5th i* an old maid's choice ot i husband. 2.Mr let 3d, 2d and 5ih it an article ranch need by coach makers 3. Mr 5th, Sd, 3d and CUi, like the word you ore in search of. make* a great noise in town* 4.My 5th, 3d, 3d and 4llt u a piece of economy if used well, will urc a great deal of expense in buying stockings. i.My Sib, 3d and 5th i* an infantile expiration or father. 6. Mr Cth, 3d, 2d and 4th i* a material without which cloth cannot be mtnnfactnrrd. 7. My 4th, 3d and 6th b *x pram on amr nard by my subjects when »nr»Ud to pay baaugo to their "T, 3d and 4 th b what Co!. Tar I ton did at the tattle of the Cowj* u. "fi. My lat. 3d, 3,4th and 5th b what my true subject* frequently receive from the law* ot' their Buootrr. 10.My 1 at, 3d and Sth i* expressive of the character of my faithful subject*. 1 never foil to take the lib of "my moot particular friend* and gveate*! idatirrrs; and notwithstanding my tyranny, 1 am featly lorad by all my subjects. II... roa rut canoe* jocrxal ItKAD THIS. Ptlmird Kelt# f'Jtl Fog mot. Kit Ug am toibr bri Maga into T llebrim For wa Tern, Urn G (lien etlili feandlt ru. b. Tot bed ays, oft lie age oil addrthlength, Tothrts igbtof tbrst flongit add Kthal renglh. Sow ater lw ill drin Xnought butt bcc, Tho uparent ofbeal Hi sod dot Gy. Santa dma.-V^ uir been favored with the following extract of t letter from in offiecT in the Texian Naval Service, to a gentleman in thia city, dated the I4lh ult.."We had Santa Anna on-board of oar vesse 1, the fnvituiUe, intending to take him. by order of the President and Coun- cil, lo Vera Cruz, but to my satisfaction ihc citizen* of Velasco, with other*, came on board end took him off, determined not to let him go.".Char Cottr. . A report has reached Augusta, that Judge H N Rrid and family, on a trip from St Augustine to Tallalitsscc, have all been murdered bv the Seminole* DIED..At Claiborne, on the 10th till, of Phthi»ts Pulmonale, Mr. William //. Til ma a, formerly of Una plare NOTICE. THE firm heretofore existing under the fir.n of CARPENTER &. BONNEY, in consequence of the death of the lormcr, was dissolved on the 1st day of May last. All demands due bv, and to the concern tvill be attended hy the subscriber who having purchased the entire interest of the concern, will continue the business on his own account. The stock on hand will he disposed of at reduced prices through the summer months for cash, or to those who ninifiiml in th<Mr rt*virtrnts. C.nnntrv merchant? will find it for their interest to call (as his ohjcct is cash) and examine hit. stock, as he is determined to put goods to Uiom at a shade above cost. E. W. BO>\NEY. f LOOK AT THIS® ~M"R w"-LIAM CLAIBORNE, about . ItJ the year 1816 vr 1817, removed frona I,! the County of Amelia, in the State of Vir< ginia, and settled in some put of North # K.k. l.!^L > aM M Lia j ^oruiinii Bince which umr, icuububvc 1 nol heard from him or been able to aacer I tain the place of his residence. A Legscy bequeathed to him by his wife's father, Johu Bag by, will become payable the 1st of January 1837, and the undersigned Ex1. ccutor of the Estate is anxious that he j should come forward and receive it; and J that he, in the mean time, do advise the undersigned of the place of bis residence. * If Mr. Claiborne is dead, or has removed 5 from Carolina, his surviving relations 01 r any other person who can give any inforf nation concerning him, or his descendants 1 will"confer a favor on the undersigned, by , communicating such information by fcttci - directed to him at Kanawha Courthouse, Virginia. ! TIIOS MATTHEWS, El'ar June 1 I 1 CflmHpn Ornhnn Satia- . ty's Academy. ' AN Assistant is wanted for this institution ' to teach Penmanship, Arithmetic aad the other ordinary branches of an English education. Undoubted testimonials will be ' required, both for Literary and Moral qua' lifirations. Applicants, slating their terms and naming their references for character, 1 will appiv (all postage paid) to ' MOSES HO LB ROOK, Principal c o. s a. July 16-25.if r; Sporting Intelligence. | A Sweepstake open for three years old colts and fillies, to be run for on the day j preceding the regular races over the Cam' | den course, mile heats; entrance 8100, for1 frit 860, three or more to make a race: closes 20th of October neat. Persons wishing to make entries can do so by forwarding their names, color, sex, sirs and dam of the entry to the subscriber at Camden, at any lime before the 20th Oct. next. JESSE 8. NETTLES, See*jr. July 16-25-tf C7*"The Editor of the Courier, Augusta Ga. will give the above a place In his paper, until the 20th October next, aad forward his aecount to the subscriber; ASSIGNEE'S SALE. On Monday the 25th insl. at 10o*elock, A. M. Will be sold in rear of the subscriber^ store the effects of Henry Brace aa rendered in the schedule of bis assignment for the benefit nf creditors. One Portable Writing Dealt, Two Ctam, one shop Desk, One U kingtiiaM. Tables; Sworsl A Epnletfs, vnovei & tob**, Andliona, Clofhe« Horse, W a»h Viand, Chair*. Ac. Conditions cash, and »«lr positive. E W. BONNKV, Assignee July 16 Hagin's Hotel. BEL A IK, 8. C. SO 1-9 auto MMl (Juried*, A C «t Uu Camden road. Where the subscriber cootinoes bis Boose of Entertainment, baring built a are kamsc, expressly for (be accommodation of strsn* gcrs. lie hopes to be able to render his guests comfortable and happy, and solicits * oAAiinuinr# of former oatronaae.*. No exertion* shall be wanting on ibe part of ' the gubacribcr. david haoins. July I0--25~cm N. B. .Mr. C. Wingct, ray s gent for the boost, will be ia constant attendance. D. H. Trances Let,adm'x.T.8. Let) In Cbaooery, > Krninv. Joeph lee, et al. ) Bill. By virtue of an order of the Court cf Chancery in the above caoac, I will aeU at pablie auction, at the Brick Yard in Camdra, on the first monday in August neat, a quantity of brick, burnt and unburn!, and the wood, Ate. now on hand. 1 will alao eel! on the same day, before the court bonaa in Camden, four shares in the Camden Hotel Association Stock. TERMS.A credit until 1st January next on notes with approved personal security. W.M. J. GRANT, Ommistuner. | July 10..84-c ! LANDS FORSAXE /||HE subscriber offers fur sale hia va* luablc plantation, on ihe west aids of the Waierco river, and on both tide* of Sawney's Creek, about 10 miles above Citnden, consisting of upwards of 3,000 acres of land. There is about 400 acres of open land in ithe tract, aud tho balance well timbered with oak, hickory and pine. In the tract {there is a largo body of the best land, uncleared. On the premises are all the it necessary buildings, and in excellent repair for carrying on an extensive planta1 ti»n. and supplied with the best water.. 1' On Sawney's Crrek, running through the | land, there are some raluablo mill seals.. Any person desirous of purchasing, would do well to examine the premises, as s great bargain may be had, and on liberal terms. ALLEN STEWART. Juoe 18.21.if wesamBBSBBBmammmmmmmt j Just Arrived! 1 ©real and Important Hews FROM VIRGINIA!!; i ; This day notice has been received of * I the Virginia Schemes to be drawn during! * the month of Aogust, presenting a series' ' of prizes never before offered, including-; > 3 Capitals of $30,000 l 1 do 25,000; 4 do 20,000 ! in Grand Consolidated Lotteries! all to be i drawn in Cnrlir nA(i<n Im «iMni ." . « «§» « uvhm mm g.'vu > that distant Adrenlnrers may be enabled to forward their orders in time, to S. J.SYLVESTER, | 130, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 40 prizes of $1,000 VIRGINIA STATE ZaOTERT. CLASS A O. 10. For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevo1 lent Bleebanie Association, to be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, August 6.1836.' SCHEME. , $25,000,8.000,4,030,3000,2,000,40 prises of 1,000,60 of 200 60 of 150, 65 of j 100, dee. dee. [ Tickets $10..Shares in proportion. I Certificate of a package of 22 whole j tickets will be sent for $130. Delay not* to send youl orders to Fortune's Home. ! irmmivTA kTATR ! V 111 M.J.M. KJ M A A JUI Lottery. Class No. 5. . For the benc8t of the Mechanical Benevo-; j lent Sodety of Norfolk. To be drawn at 1 Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Aug. 13, 1396. m capitals. S30.OO® $30,000.10,000, 6.000. 3,140,3,000, 2,500 2,000, 50 of 1.000,20 of 500. 20 of 300 Tickets 10 dollars. A certificate of a package of 25 whole j tickets will beaent for 130 dollars. Pack- i ages of halves, qua ten and eighths in pro-) portion. Grand Consolidated i :msibbt : CLASS NO. 5. To be drawn at Wilmington, Wednesday, 1 August 17,1*36. SCliRME. #20,000, ! 5,000,3,000, 2.000,1,640,20 of 1,000, 20 of 300, 20 of 150, he. dec. Tickets only 5 dollars. A Certificate of a package of 25 whole ticket* will be seat for 06 dollars..Tackages of shares io proportion. VIRGINIA STATE LOiTERY, CLASS No. A. Pot the beaeft of the Town of WeUsbnrg To be draws at Alexandria, Saturday, AogastSO, 1830. SCHEME. 30.000 DOLLS. I6,0<>0.6.000,6,000,4,000.10 of 1,000,16 of 000, 30 of 600. 90 of 4,00,90 of 90IN Tickets only 10 dollars. Certificate of a package of 25 whole I Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 130 dollars. Packages of shares in proportion. Mammoth Scheme. VIRGINIA STATE % LOTTERY. Class No 3 Endowing the Leesbsrc Academy, and i for otficr purposes. To bi drawn it Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Aug. 27,1630. Scheme. Thirty thousand dollars. 8,000, 4,000.3,000,3.500, 1,067 1-2.100 of 1,000,10 or 500, SO of 300, 81 of 200 Tickets 10 dollars. i A certificate of a package of whole < ' Tickets will be scot for 130 dollars, shares in proportion. Orders for single Tickets or packages must bo addressed to S. J. SYLVESTER, 130 Broadway, N. Y ! NOTICE. ; THE snbrrribcr has just received a supply of choice Groceries, vs. SUGAR, MOLASSES, B ^rV otlitft J ftiv E, POHT do. i j TEMERIFF, MAR SAILS, DO. 1 Bbl. Fine Salmon Fish, M WB A. WW A. fa cWr %r w wv mm M m/9 ra M » Lcftwiich't best chewing TOBACCO, honey due do. J. |* J The aborc articles will be sold low for * cash. J. L. JONES. May 21-17 if NOTICE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and customers, that baring purch sed fr**r» Mr. A. C AXON NET, his entire stock of merchandise on very liberal terms, and added his own to it.he has removed to that well known stand, corner of Broad and Rutledge Streets, where, preparatory to bis^ laying in an entire new * supply he will continue gpllin» DRY GOODS, FOR CASH, AT COST, AND GROCERIES, WINES AND CONFECTIONARY, on very reasonable terms. From his customers, and those of Mr: Caton!Vbt*s, he solicits a continuance of their liberal patronage, which he hopes to merit by close attention to business, and a firm determination, to tell GOODS cheap. W. J. GERALD! April 0.11.If. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. Ut THE COURT OF COMMON PLEASE. Iliuv II. Rooe,} t*. > Case w Attachment. W«. Y. Fnrra. $ WHEREAS, the plaintiff in the shore action did, on the 13& day of April, A. D. 1635, file hi* declaration in the office of the Clerk of this Honorable Court, against aid defendant, who is nbscnt from, and without the limits of, this Stele, and has neither wile nor attorney known within the same, on whom a copy of the said declaration with a rah to plead thereto, within a year and a day, «.« »-.' * .. .- ..»»is, ukicioci uroepffl, in por* nance of an act of the General Amembly, In that ease made acd provided, th&t the said defendant do appear ant plead to the said declamation on or before the 29th day of J air, in the jeer of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then bo awarded uaiait him. JNO. B. BRUCE, C. C. P. Office of Common Picas, », ,, . Darlington, Jolj 29, 1835. J !*ld Pr * f6 List of Letters Remaining n the Post Office at Camden, & C July I, 1830. A.Mrs. Mary Allen. B.Leonard Bee be, Jss. L. Beatty, Vincent Bell, Jefferson Brecdco, Washington, Braeey. ^ C.Airs. Ann J. Collin*, Jas. Ckwd 2; John G. Campbell. E.Miss Sarah E. English, Abraham Eddy. G.G«saway Godbolt H--David Ho]man, Etheldred W. Ha well, Alfred Hammond, Jonathan Hayes, Alfred Hayes, Richard Hoot J.Sarah Jackson. K.Jcphtha Kelly, Everton Kennedy: L.Levin Lane, J. R. Laws, Mrs. Rebecca Lowry. M.Rrdick Hosely, Aoni M'Dooold, Tbos. MCrcadj, Roderick Morcbesoo, John' Mothertbcad, D. M'Caskill, AHen M'Caskill, Angus M'Sween. Hogb M*CaJl, Joseph M. Marshall: N.John A. NeUaon* R.Ed m and Rejr no Id*, E. H. Rogers, Tbos. Richardson, Geo. Riddle. 8.Tbos. Smith, David Scott, Mrs. Martha Shiver. T.Satnl. P Thompson, Win. J. Tickling. W.Mr. Watraan, Beth F. Watkins, Wm. R. Yoong. P. THORNTON, P. M. . FOR SALE. A Light 2 horse Barouche (new) with harness complete. Also a pair of well broke yoong horses, if immediate application be made they can be purchase^ low. ALSO. Two road wagons with harness complete, and a first rate saddle horse. Apply at this office. Jane 18.21-tf WET NURSE WANTED. Liberal wages will be given far a wet none of good character and bealtby; one without acbild would be preferred. Enquire at tbi ffice. Ma y 14-.16.-tr. Fresh Cordials.J net rerelffd Rantwrry and Lemon SYRUPS, Strop of Roses, I Crewe dt Rose, Ptsk Leaoa Sjrop, I do do Citron, D...C. I J. J_ O UU UC v ConeM, Parfcit Anwar, Omm d* Rono, lleile de Venn*, do dshoka, Anisette, For sal* by Oct. 17. H LEVY. NOTICE. t Those Indebted to M'Caskfll dt Rower, on note or aeconnt, for 1833 '4 and '5 are requested to make payment, aa it is desirable to close the books of that concern. P: M'CASKILL. April 9.11.if JI'ST RECEIVED, IN EXCELLENT ORDER, From AT. York and Philadelphia, A FULL scrrw of DRT70S & &23X0ZN28, French A Enflish Chemicals, Together with a large and varioos assortment of Cupping and Enemata Instruments of superior quality, deserving the attention ot families as well as practitioners of Medicine Dec 12- W'Jf. REYNOLDS. NOTICE. ]|i R. GABRIEL 8. GERALD will ItJL act at my lawful agent, during my ibsence from the stair. W. B. DANIELS. June 18-21 -tf LAW BLA1VKS for ealc at litis Office.

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Col. JOHN CHE8NUT.JyWe are authorized U> »Ute that the following

gentlemen hare consented to be candidates for theHooaeof Representatives at the ensuing election:


NOTICE .The Her. J. A. Rcsicll will boldDivine Service id the court house in this place, onftiday, the 29th insL, at early candle light.

July 15, is3b.

Extract of a Utter from tht Editor of the Jovzxil,doled,

M CoLcxtci, (Ga.) July St:>, 1636." I shall go round the nation, by going ap the rivetto West Point, and then across to ciutnpka.

u small town at the junction of the Coosa and Tal-,Sfwwr* rivers- This route has been travelled, jthroughout the campaign, with perfect safety. 1 |am informed, by many, that there is no danger to jhe apprehended in going directly through the natron.1 do not wish, however, to run any unnecessaryrisk; and as this route will require only a day jmore in travelling, 1 have decmrd it most prudentto adopt it. 1 shall go in company with too or threefndtflm."Too will, no doubt, hare aero it rrpratedly

stated thai the Creek war is over. This 1 do no;Isfaos, thoughgwe moat hope for the best. Jib Hmbt,the Creek Oecola, is undoubtedly-, now a prisonerat Tuskeegee Got. Sculct senlover acotnpasyto demand bira, in order that he might heremeet the fate doc to his crimes. But Got. Cut,of Alabama, had anticipated bita, and already takentuCD into that Alabama, and not

Georgia, will mete out to him that toward whichhis aggrarated cruelties merit- It is said here, thatthe troops will be disbanded in a few days, andwcenerer this event lakrs place, I anticipate a renewalof hostilities. They should not be discbar«ged until eTcry Indian is on the march for his arcstermkerne," ft is rumored here, this errning. bat open wbtl

authority 1 know not, that Col. Bkall, who wasseat aftcra large party of Indians, who were makingtheir way to Florida, bad overtaken them some

distance below Baker county, in this state, routedand cot tbcm to pieces. I hope it may be true, butthere are such a variety ot rumors, of all sortsafloat that it is impossible to determine which tobeliere. .

" Gen. Scott is not mote popular here than in !Florida, bat Geo. Jtncr m winning goIdea oyizion*.The notorious Jtx Hcsbt wee Ukrn by i

puty of friendly Indians under his command." It is expected that the <toge will commence

running between this and Montgomery towardslbs end of the present week."

KNO.W1LLE CONVENTION.We glean the following information from an cr *;

trn of the Colombia Times and Gazette: -Amember from this State who left Knoxville on the ;7th, states that the convention was organised at the Iappointed time,and Gen. Ilsvsa appointed I'rrsident,with400 nacubets in attendance, representingUn states. It is uncertain what luute will be adopted.itis however adnutted by all that the roadmast poos down the French Broad. T he cost «

which is estimated at I! .000,000 dollar* It appear* !there was an enderstanding among the members jfar tkt jmrpoo* of prtsterrmg harmony, that no peculiarroute should be spoken of, not even m pn> jv*..

THE COTTON CROP. \Wo ore informed by our western papers that therains and frrwrhets have been so frequent that notmot* than half crops will be made on the Alabamariver, should the balance of tbr season be ever so

favorable This wc believe is the case throughoutthe whole southern country.which, together with 1

the great deficiency consequent on the Indian and 4

Texian wars, must inevitably LU far short of.thodemand. This stale of things will, we think, bebo the means of on advance ic much so,'that the planter will grt almost, if not quite, as

znocb for bis half crop u be would, bad a fall one

beta made.

Oar readers sriQ Sad in lo-daj'a paper a letterfrom the Editor, who ia at present on a toox througha portion of the western country. He differs withthe latest information we have received as to a

(speedy cessation of hostilities in the Creek nation.A lino of posts has been established on the mailroate between Cutambas, Geo. and Montgomery,Ate. for the parpoaeot intercepting straggling In.diana and giving perfect -wearily to the maila. ),

TEXAS. J |The rooogaitiou of tb Independence of Texas1has bees, by common consent, left to the trill ofthePresident. It is placing at Ha dupoaal the libertyof a people born to be free. This is indeed whatws did not expect from those who, at no very distantday, characterized him as li»c greatest tyranton earth. j i

THE SURPLUS. {iWe have ascertained, from a tabic calculated on

the of a surplus of 30,000,000 on the first o'January, 1837, that Sooth Carolina will receive,according to the mode of distribution, l,123,tr>l or

6,7*8 dollars more than she contributes. The questionnow is what shall be done with this moneyWe say, loan a ou. to the several corporations foxthe purpose o< Internal Improvements.The invention of Dr. Nott for rendering AnUxra*


cits coal a substitute for wood, has been tried andproved successful. This gentleman has, tor severalvMn. with no little lihnt ..i i. / ! . . . mutu cxpvnvr *!'plied Um power of bis funl mind to tne sccoraplnlrment of this great object bj which he baa conferredupon bis count// an incalculable benefit. Hadnot tbia discover/ been made, the effect on our northernSteamers in a few /ears for the want of wood*rooid bare been «ach as to render almost necewa'^

, ry the destruction of one for the soslcuanoe of tlxother, and consequently the total suppression o

this mode of- navigation on our northern vratrrsltis well known that almost the whole northcxi

portion of oar country aboands with inexbscstibtdeposits of the Anthracite coal, the cost of wbidia comparatively much so, that the ex

pease of the steamer jVovtJty, by its substitution iiher trip between New York -od Albany, has, it

one season, been curtailed near nineteen tkounmidollars, the result of which, must be tbe means, no

only of reducing the price of transportation, bnthe establishment of a line ofsteam packets bctwecithis country and Great Britain.

Q7We here been favored by a triced with tinperusal of the last Mo. of the Southern Baptist, pablisbed in the City of Charleston. It is the first rr<

have seen and therefore examined it attentively,fo:which we were liberally rewarded by its variety o

useful and interesting matter. It is a pspe, wHworthy the notice not only of its doctrinal a 'berentslot of all whose becoming policy is, to collect lh<most information at the smallest expense.

Improving by Degrees .The degree of AdmiralVice Admiral, and Rear Admiral has been createdby the passage of the late Mary Bill. This haibeen done to act as a stimulant to rouse its droopingSpirits, and spnr them on to deeds of " noble daring." Has it come to this T.then talk no more o

Liberty and the love f country, but let our motuhe.I'romotion.

The schr. Urchin, CapL Bridges, arrived at MenOrleans, on the 28th ult. from Metamoru, reportithai active preparations were making by the Mexicansfor another descent upon 7>xas.thai theCommissioners who were sent to Metamorc* tctreat for an exchange of prisoners, had been arrestedby the Mexican authorities and confined in prison,and all overtures for an acknowledgment o(icxiazi ibov}^uiwucv privaipwiuj muica. v.*piBridges also rrports, that the Mexicans bad 40OCtroops at Mctaincraj, 4000 at the Ndcces and G00Cat Salvitlo, all burning to meet the T?xiat» rifl?again. The Texians were also making preparation!to gire their invaders a team reception, both bjsea and land. The troops were to march for theRio Grande to meet the enemy.On Saturday, the 9th inrL the members of the

Camden Jockey Club convened at the Sumter Ii>frl and elected the following officers :

Gen. JAS. W. CANTEY, PresTMsj JOHN MICKLE, 1st Vice Pres't.Maj JOHN CANTY, 8d.Col. JOHN BOYKIN, 3d.Mai. A -11. RtlFFlN, 4th.

JESSES NETTLES, Esq. Sec'y. & Tr's

i'ommtiBicationw,roa rue camps* socrsal.

Setrrawvtt ta, 9th July, 1838.Mr. Editor ;.Tlic word allnded to in the conundrumwhich appeared in the Journal of the 2d July,wc have ascertained to be HEROINES.and i!

you think the following worthy ol publicity, youvrill confer a favor by publishing it:Corcioius..J am a word of sis letters, and

command own respect and esteem than all the beroesand heroines, whose chivalry has ever decked

the pages of either ancient or modern history. 1saaftw m* msottlftfi ni* nr f ! nnm a n i4« nf awsttisim ssitsiwnti


1.Mjr 3d. 4tb sad (5th i* an old maid's choiceot i husband.2.Mr let 3d, 2d and 5ih it an article ranch need

by coach makers3.Mr 5th, Sd, 3d and CUi, like the word you ore

in search of. make* a great noise in town*

4.My 5th, 3d, 3d and 4llt u a piece of economyif used well, will urc a great deal of expense in

buying stockings.i.My Sib, 3d and 5th i* an infantile expiration

or father.6.Mr Cth, 3d, 2d and 4th i* a material without

which cloth cannot be mtnnfactnrrd.7.My 4th, 3d and 6th b *xpramon amr nard

by my subjects when »nr»Ud to pay baaugo to their

"T, 3d and 4th b what Co!. Tar Iton did atthe tattle of the Cowj* u."fi.My lat. 3d, 3,4th and 5th b what my true

subject* frequently receive from the law* ot' theirBuootrr.10.My 1 at, 3d and Sth i* expressive of the characterof my faithful subject*. 1 never foil to take

the lib of"my moot particular friend* and gveate*!idatirrrs; and notwithstanding my tyranny, 1 amfeatly lorad by all my subjects. II...

roa rut canoe* jocrxalItKAD THIS.

Ptlmird Kelt# f'Jtl Fog mot.

Kit Ug am toibr bri Maga into T llebrimFor wa Tern, Urn G (lien etlili feandlt ru. b.Tot bed ays, oft lie age oil addrthlength,Tothrts igbtof tbrst flongit add Kthal renglh.Sow ater lw ill drin Xnought butt bcc,Tho uparent ofbeal Hisod dot Gy.Santa dma.-V^ uir been favored

with the following extract of t letter fromin offiecT in the Texian Naval Service, toa gentleman in thia city, dated the I4lhult.."We had Santa Anna on-board ofoar vesse 1, the fnvituiUe, intending to takehim. by order of the President and Coun-cil, lo Vera Cruz, but to my satisfactionihc citizen* of Velasco, with other*, came

on board end took him off, determined notto let him go.".Char Cottr. .

A report has reached Augusta, thatJudge H N Rrid and family, on a tripfrom St Augustine to Tallalitsscc, haveall been murdered bv the Seminole*

DIED..At Claiborne, on the 10th till, of Phthi»tsPulmonale, Mr. William //. Tilma a, formerlyof Una plare

NOTICE.THE firm heretofore existing under the

fir.n of CARPENTER &. BONNEY, inconsequence of the death of the lormcr,was dissolved on the 1st day of May last.All demands due bv, and to the concerntvill be attended hy the subscriber whohaving purchased the entire interest of theconcern, will continue the business on hisown account. The stock on hand will hedisposed of at reduced prices through thesummer months for cash, or to those who

ninifiiml in th<Mr rt*virtrnts. C.nnntrvmerchant? will find it for their interest to

call (as his ohjcct is cash) and examinehit. stock, as he is determined to put goodsto Uiom at a shade above cost.

E. W. BO>\NEY.

f LOOK AT THIS®~M"R w"-LIAM CLAIBORNE, about. ItJ the year 1816 vr 1817, removed fronaI,! the County of Amelia, in the State of Vir<

ginia, and settled in some put of North# K.k. l.!^L > aM M Lia

j ^oruiinii Bince which umr, icuububvc

1 nol heard from him or been able to aacer

I tain the place of his residence. A Legscybequeathed to him by his wife's father,Johu Bagby, will become payable the 1stof January 1837, and the undersigned Ex1.ccutor of the Estate is anxious that he

j should come forward and receive it; andJ that he, in the mean time, do advise theundersigned of the place of bis residence.

* If Mr. Claiborne is dead, or has removed5 from Carolina, his surviving relations 01rany other person who can give any inforfnation concerning him, or his descendants

1 will"confer a favor on the undersigned, by, communicating such information by fcttci- directed to him at Kanawha Courthouse,

Virginia.! TIIOS MATTHEWS, El'arJune 1

I1 CflmHpn Ornhnn Satia-

. ty's Academy.' AN Assistant is wanted for this institution' to teach Penmanship, Arithmetic aad theother ordinary branches of an English education.Undoubted testimonials will be

' required, both for Literary and Moral qua'lifirations. Applicants, slating their termsand naming their references for character,

1 will appiv (all postage paid) to' MOSES HOLBROOK, Principal c o. s a.

July 16-25.if

r; Sporting Intelligence.| A Sweepstake open for three years oldcolts and fillies, to be run for on the day

j preceding the regular races over the Cam'| den course, mile heats; entrance 8100, for1frit 860, three or more to make a race:closes 20th of October neat. Personswishing to make entries can do so by forwardingtheir names, color, sex, sirs anddam of the entry to the subscriber atCamden, at any lime before the 20th

JESSE 8. NETTLES, See*jr.July 16-25-tfC7*"The Editor of the Courier, Augusta

Ga. will give the above a place In his paper,until the 20th October next, aad forwardhis aecount to the subscriber;

ASSIGNEE'S SALE.On Monday the 25th insl. at 10o*elock,

A. M. Will be sold in rear of the subscriber^store the effects of Henry Brace aarendered in the schedule of bis assignmentfor the benefit nf creditors.One Portable Writing Dealt,Two Ctam, one shop Desk,One U kingtiiaM. Tables;

Sworsl A Epnletfs,vnovei & tob**,

Andliona, Clofhe« Horse,W a»h Viand,Chair*. Ac.

Conditions cash, and »«lr positive.E W. BONNKV, Assignee

July 16

Hagin's Hotel.

BELAIK, 8. C.SO 1-9 auto MMl (Juried*, A C «t Uu Camden

road.Where the subscriber cootinoes bis Booseof Entertainment, baring built a are kamsc,expressly for (be accommodation of strsn*

gcrs. lie hopes to be able to render hisguests comfortable and happy, and solicits* oAAiinuinr# of former oatronaae.*.Noexertion* shall be wanting on ibe part of

' the gubacribcr.david haoins.

July I0--25~cmN. B. .Mr. C. Wingct, ray sgent for the

boost, will be ia constant attendance.D. H.

Trances Let,adm'x.T.8. Let) In Cbaooery,*» > Krninv.

Joeph lee, et al. ) Bill.By virtue of an order of the Court cf Chancery

in the above caoac, I will aeU at pablie auction, atthe Brick Yard in Camdra, on the first monday inAugust neat, a quantity of brick, burnt and unburn!,and the wood, Ate. now on hand. 1 will alaoeel! on the same day, before the court bonaa inCamden, four shares in the Camden Hotel AssociationStock.TERMS.A credit until 1st January next on

notes with approved personal security.W.M. J. GRANT, Ommistuner.

| July 10..84-c

! LANDSFORSAXE/||HE subscriber offers fur sale hia va*luablc plantation, on ihe west aids ofthe Waierco river, and on both tide* ofSawney's Creek, about 10 miles aboveCitnden, consisting of upwards of

3,000 acres of land.There is about 400 acres of open land in

ithe tract, aud tho balance well timberedwith oak, hickory and pine. In the tract

{there is a largo body of the best land, uncleared.On the premises are all theit necessary buildings, and in excellent repairfor carrying on an extensive planta1ti»n. and supplied with the best water..1' On Sawney's Crrek, running through the

| land, there are some raluablo mill seals..Any person desirous of purchasing,

would do well to examine the premises, ass great bargain may be had, and on liberalterms. ALLEN STEWART.Juoe 18.21.if


j Just Arrived!1 ©real and Important HewsFROM VIRGINIA!!;i ; This day notice has been received of

* I the Virginia Schemes to be drawn during!* the month of Aogust, presenting a series'' of prizes never before offered, including-;

> 3Capitals of $30,000l1do 25,000;4do 20,000

! in Grand Consolidated Lotteries! all to be idrawn in Cnrlir nA(i<n Im «iMni." . « «§» « uvhm mm g.'vu

> that distant Adrenlnrers may be enabled toforward their orders in time, to

S. J.SYLVESTER,| 130, BROADWAY, NEW YORK,40 prizes of $1,000


For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevo1lent Bleebanie Association, to be drawn atAlexandria, Va. Saturday, August 6.1836.'

SCHEME., $25,000,8.000,4,030,3000,2,000,40 prises

of 1,000,60 of 200 60 of 150, 65 ofj 100, dee. dee.

[ Tickets $10..Shares in proportion.I Certificate of a package of 22 wholej tickets will be sent for $130. Delay not*to send youl orders to Fortune's Home.

! irmmivTA kTATR! V 111 M.J.M. KJ M A A JUI

Lottery.Class No. 5.

. For the benc8t of the Mechanical Benevo-;j lent Sodety of Norfolk. To be drawn at 1Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Aug. 13, 1396.

m capitals.

S30.OO®$30,000.10,000, 6.000. 3,140,3,000, 2,5002,000, 50 of 1.000,20 of 500. 20 of 300

Tickets 10 dollars.A certificate of a package of 25 whole jtickets will beaent for 130 dollars. Pack- i

ages of halves, quaten and eighths in pro-)portion.Grand Consolidated i:msibbt :CLASS NO. 5.

To be drawn at Wilmington, Wednesday,1 August 17,1*36.


#20,000, !5,000,3,000, 2.000,1,640,20 of 1,000, 20

of 300, 20 of 150, he. dec.Tickets only 5 dollars.

A Certificate of a package of 25 wholeticket* will be seat for 06 dollars..Tackagesof shares io proportion.


CLASS No. A.Pot the beaeft of the Town of WeUsbnrgTo be draws at Alexandria, Saturday, AogastSO,1830.

SCHEME.30.000 DOLLS.I6,0<>0.6.000,6,000,4,000.10 of 1,000,16of 000, 30 of 600. 90 of 4,00,90 of 90IN

Tickets only 10 dollars.Certificate of a package of 25 whole

I Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme maybe had for 130 dollars. Packages of sharesin proportion.Mammoth Scheme.


Endowing the Leesbsrc Academy, and ifor otficr purposes. To bi drawn it Alexandria,Va. Saturday, Aug. 27,1630.

Scheme.Thirty thousand dollars.8,000, 4,000.3,000,3.500, 1,067 1-2.100of 1,000,10 or 500, SO of 300, 81 of 200

Tickets 10 dollars. iA certificate of a package of whole <

' Tickets will be scot for 130 dollars, sharesin proportion. Orders for single Ticketsor packages must bo addressed to

S. J. SYLVESTER,130 Broadway, N. Y

! NOTICE.; THE snbrrribcr has just received a supplyof choice Groceries, vs.

SUGAR, MOLASSES,B^rV otlitftJftivE,POHT do. i


1 Bbl. Fine Salmon Fish,M WB A. WW A. fa cWr %r w wv mm M m/9 ra M »

Lcftwiich't best chewing TOBACCO,honey due do. J. |* JThe aborc articles will be sold low for *

cash. J. L. JONES.May 21-17 if

NOTICE.THE subscriber begs leave to informhis friends and customers, that baringpurch sed fr**r» Mr. A. CAXONNET, hisentire stock of merchandise on very liberalterms, and added his own to it.he hasremoved to that well known stand, cornerof Broadand Rutledge Streets, where,preparatory to bis^ laying in an entire new *supply he will continue gpllin»

DRY GOODS, FOR CASH,AT COST,AND GROCERIES, WINES ANDCONFECTIONARY, on very reasonableterms.From his customers, and those of Mr:Caton!Vbt*s, he solicits a continuance oftheir liberal patronage, which he hopes tomerit by close attention to business, and

a firm determination, to tell GOODScheap.W. J. GERALD!April 0.11.If.

DARLINGTON DISTRICT.Ut THE COURT OF COMMON PLEASE.Iliuv II. Rooe,}t*. > Case w Attachment.W«. Y. Fnrra. $WHEREAS, the plaintiff in the shore actiondid, on the 13& day of April, A. D. 1635,file hi* declaration in the office of the Clerk of thisHonorable Court, against aid defendant, who isnbscnt from, and without the limits of, this Stele,and has neither wilenorattorney known within thesame, on whom a copy ofthe said declaration witha rah to plead thereto, within a year and a day,«.« »-.' *.. .- ..»»is, ukicioci uroepffl, in por*nance of an act of the General Amembly, In thatease made acd provided, th&t the said defendant doappear ant plead to the said declamation on or beforethe 29th day of Jair, in the jeer of oar Lordone thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, otherwisefinal and absolutejudgment will then boawardeduaiait him.

JNO. B. BRUCE, C. C. P.Office of Common Picas, », ,, .Darlington,Jolj 29, 1835. J !*ld Pr * f6

List of LettersRemaining n the Post Office at Camden,& C July I, 1830.A.Mrs. Mary Allen.B.Leonard Beebe, Jss. L. Beatty, VincentBell, Jefferson Brecdco, Washington,Braeey. ^

C.Airs. Ann J. Collin*, Jas. Ckwd 2;John G. Campbell.E.Miss Sarah E. English, Abraham

Eddy.G.G«saway GodboltH--David Ho]man, Etheldred W. Ha

well, Alfred Hammond, Jonathan Hayes,Alfred Hayes, Richard HootJ.Sarah Jackson.K.Jcphtha Kelly, Everton Kennedy:L.Levin Lane, J. R. Laws, Mrs. RebeccaLowry.M.Rrdick Hosely, Aoni M'Dooold,

Tbos. MCrcadj, Roderick Morcbesoo,John' Mothertbcad, D. M'Caskill, AHenM'Caskill, Angus M'Sween. Hogb M*CaJl,Joseph M. Marshall:N.John A. NeUaon*R.Edmand RejrnoId*, E. H. Rogers,Tbos. Richardson, Geo. Riddle.8.Tbos. Smith, David Scott, Mrs. MarthaShiver.T.Satnl. P Thompson, Win. J. Tickling.W.Mr. Watraan, Beth F. Watkins,Wm. R. Yoong.


FOR SALE.A Light 2 horse Barouche (new) with

harness complete. Also a pair ofwell broke yoong horses, if immediateapplication be made they can be purchase^low. ALSO.Two road wagons with harness complete,and a first rate saddle horse. Apply atthis office.Jane 18.21-tf

WET NURSE WANTED.Liberal wages will be given far a wet none

of good character and bealtby; one withoutacbild would be preferred. Enquire at tbiffice.May 14-.16.-tr.

Fresh Cordials.Jnet rerelffdRantwrry and Lemon SYRUPS,

Strop of Roses, I Crewe dt Rose,Ptsk Leaoa Sjrop, I do do Citron,D...C. I J. J_ O


ConeM, Parfcit Anwar,Omm d* Rono, lleile de Venn*,do dshoka, Anisette, For sal* by

Oct. 17. H LEVY.

NOTICE. tThose Indebted to M'Caskfll dt Rower, on

note or aeconnt, for 1833 '4 and '5 are requestedto make payment, aa it is desirableto close the books of that concern.

P: M'CASKILL.April 9.11.if


From AT. York and Philadelphia,A FULL scrrw of

DRT70S & &23X0ZN28,French A Enflish Chemicals,Together with a large and varioos assortmentof Cupping and Enemata Instruments

of superior quality, deserving the attention otfamilies as well as practitioners of MedicineDec 12- W'Jf. REYNOLDS.

NOTICE.]|i R. GABRIEL 8. GERALD willItJL act at my lawful agent, during myibsence from the stair.

W. B. DANIELS.June 18-21 -tf

LAW BLA1VKSfor ealc at litis Office.