the call of saul - san antonio...

The Call of Saul Deep Prep Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 The Big Idea: Jesus can make evangelists out of enemies. Learning Goal: Learners will discover that the great evangelist, Paul, worked to destroy Jesus' followers before seeing the light and joining them. Biblical Foundation Saul's religious credentials were impeccable. He was "circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; and as to the law, a Pharisee; and as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; and as to righteousness under the law, blameless" (Philippians 5:5-6). Saul saying he was blameless under the law was not a moral claim, but a religious claim. Saul was observant of rituals, kept feasts, and maintained purity requirements. Saul's persecution of Christians was part of an effort to destroy the growing Jesus movement, which Saul and other leaders felt threatened their customs (Acts 6:13-14). Stephen's martyrdom, which has parallels to Jesus' death, follows his extended speech in which he prophesied against the temple (7:1-53). Saul's call resembles other calls we hear in scripture, including visual and aural experiences and a dramatic change in the course of one's life. Other calls that were similar include Abraham (Genesis 12:1-9), Moses (Exodus 3:7-12), Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-10), Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-19), and Mary (Luke 1:26-38). Theological Emphasis Saul is not the only murderer God has called. Remember Moses' premeditated murder of an Egyptian (Exodus 2:12)? Jesus' call to Saul gives us a surprising perspective on those we regard as enemies of God, but who might become followers of Jesus Christ and evangelists for God's reign. Saul's call also gives us an important perspective on ourselves. If Jesus were to call only those who are without sin, Jesus would have no one to call, not you or me. What is the distance between Saul's violent persecution of Jesus' followers and our own seemingly small murderous acts, such as letting food spoil or overeating when more than 16,000 of God's children die daily from hunger-related causes (visit the Bread for the World Web site at The good news, as Paul proclaims from his own experience, is that in Christ the distance is no distance because we are one in Jesus' love. "While we still were sinners Christ died for us....while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son" (Romans 5:8, 10), and nothing can ever separate us from that love (Romans 8:38-39). Historical Context We commemorate the martyrs Perpetua and her companions on March 7. They included her infant child, a pregnant slave named Felicitas (whose child was born in prison and adopted by The Call of Saul page 1

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The Call of Saul

Deep Prep Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 The Big Idea: Jesus can make evangelists out of enemies. Learning Goal: Learners will discover that the great evangelist, Paul, worked to destroy Jesus' followers before seeing the light and joining them. Biblical Foundation Saul's religious credentials were impeccable. He was "circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; and as to the law, a Pharisee; and as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; and as to righteousness under the law, blameless" (Philippians 5:5-6). Saul saying he was blameless under the law was not a moral claim, but a religious claim. Saul was observant of rituals, kept feasts, and maintained purity requirements. Saul's persecution of Christians was part of an effort to destroy the growing Jesus movement, which Saul and other leaders felt threatened their customs (Acts 6:13-14). Stephen's martyrdom, which has parallels to Jesus' death, follows his extended speech in which he prophesied against the temple (7:1-53). Saul's call resembles other calls we hear in scripture, including visual and aural experiences and a dramatic change in the course of one's life. Other calls that were similar include Abraham (Genesis 12:1-9), Moses (Exodus 3:7-12), Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-10), Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-19), and Mary (Luke 1:26-38). Theological Emphasis Saul is not the only murderer God has called. Remember Moses' premeditated murder of an Egyptian (Exodus 2:12)? Jesus' call to Saul gives us a surprising perspective on those we regard as enemies of God, but who might become followers of Jesus Christ and evangelists for God's reign. Saul's call also gives us an important perspective on ourselves. If Jesus were to call only those who are without sin, Jesus would have no one to call, not you or me. What is the distance between Saul's violent persecution of Jesus' followers and our own seemingly small murderous acts, such as letting food spoil or overeating when more than 16,000 of God's children die daily from hunger-related causes (visit the Bread for the World Web site at The good news, as Paul proclaims from his own experience, is that in Christ the distance is no distance because we are one in Jesus' love. "While we still were sinners Christ died for us....while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son" (Romans 5:8, 10), and nothing can ever separate us from that love (Romans 8:38-39). Historical Context We commemorate the martyrs Perpetua and her companions on March 7. They included her infant child, a pregnant slave named Felicitas (whose child was born in prison and adopted by

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Christians), a slave named Revocatus, and two others, Saturninus and Secundulus. All were converts to Christianity, who were baptized during their imprisonment. These Africans were martyred in 202 b.c. in Carthage. The account of their martyrdom, primarily from Perpetua's prison diary, describes their torture by scourging and exposure to animals, which attacked and tore at them. Finally they were beheaded by gladiators' swords. Other martyrs commemorated on the church calendar include Jan Hus (July 6), Dietrich Bonhoeffer (April 9), and Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15). Church leaders burned Hus (c. 1371-1415) at the stake for his teachings, many of which we celebrate today as aspects of the Reformation, which took place a century later. Nazi executioners hanged Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) for his faithful opposition to Hitler. A killer shot civil rights, peace, and justice activist King (1929-1968) in Tennessee, where he was working in support of striking sanitation workers. Contemporary/Cultural Saul was persecuting members of his own faith with whom he disagreed. Likewise, perhaps as often as not, Christians may have been martyred at the hands of other Christians. How contrary to the gospel, which teaches us that we are one in Jesus Christ. How is it that we Christians lose sight of our unity, allowing our differences and disagreements to divide what God has reconciled? How may we learn to be together amidst differences? At its Ninth Churchwide Assembly in May 2005, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) overwhelmingly adopted a resolution to "concentrate on finding ways to live together faithfully in the midst of disagreements, recognizing the God-given mission and communion we share as members of the body of Christ." Living together faithfully amidst disagreement is something for us to learn.

Quick Prep Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 The Big Idea: Jesus can make evangelists out of enemies. Learning Goal: Learners will discover that the great evangelist, Paul, worked to destroy Jesus' followers before seeing the light and joining them. • Saul's persecutions were part of efforts to destroy the Jesus movement, which Saul and other leaders felt threatened their customs (Acts 6:13-14).

• Saul's call resembles other calls we hear in Scripture.

• If Jesus were to call only those who are without sin, Jesus would have no one to call. Enemies of God can become followers and evangelists of Jesus Christ.

• "While we still were sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

• Martyrs we commemorate include Perpetua and her companions, John Hus, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King Jr.

• We can join other Christians in concentrating on finding ways to live together faithfully in the midst of our disagreements, recognizing the God-given mission and communion we share as

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members of the body of Christ.

Adolescent Connection Often when youth have done things of which they may not be too proud, they feel they cannot be a good follower of Christ. They believe that Jesus wouldn't consider them worthy of being his follower. Youth are vulnerable and need to hear that they are worthy. Hearing the story of Saul's persecution of Jesus' followers may make the life-to-Bible-to-life connection for them. The fact that Jesus specifically called Saul and changed his life around is a wonderful story of how Jesus can take anyone and transform her or his life. This transformation is possible for the least, the last, and the lost. There is no power or no action that could make Jesus reject anyone from becoming a follower. Be sure the students hear this good news again and again.

Baptismal Connection In the Rite of Affirmation of Baptism, a five-part question addresses each confirmand's intent to continue in the covenant God made with them in Holy Baptism. Here We Stand resources help adolescents—with support from parents, leaders, and the entire congregation—prepare to answer this question as they continue in their lifelong faith journey. Today's lesson focuses on the clause "to live among God's faithful people" (Lutheran Book of Worship, page 201; Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 236).

Welcoming Prepare your large group space by playing upbeat music in the background and by welcoming learners as they arrive. Make a special effort to welcome and thank adult small group leaders for their presence and for being willing to help pass on the faith to the next generation. • Begin by thanking learners for coming! Remind the group what a privilege you feel it is to serve God by leading confirmation, and what a gift from God you consider all of them to be.

• Ask learners to recall last week's Big Idea if they can. Reward the first person to get it right with a handful of candy or some other small treat to share with their small group. (Be aware of any food allergies in the group.) Ask for a volunteer to capture last week's lesson in their own words; affirm all genuine responses; keep going until you're satisfied everyone has been oriented.

• Project this week's Big Idea on the screen or write it in HUGE block letters on your presentation board or overhead slide. Invite learners to recite it with you aloud. Repeat it two or three times.

Skit: The Great Saul Ask or assign a small group to perform the skit. In a pinch, grab enough volunteers from the audience to form an impromptu "readers' theater" troupe.

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CHARACTERS: Yasmina and Jermaine (timid Christians), Paul (a new Christian with a bad past) PROPS: chairs, blanket, index cards (invitations) The scene opens with Yasmina and Jermaine hiding behind a low wall made out of two chairs and a blanket. Paul is hiding behind the other side of the wall, unseen by Yasmina and Jermaine. Yasmina and Jermaine slowly peer over the wall and throw some invitations over the top. YASMINA: You're invited to our (looks at invitation) pizza bash lock-in. JERMAINE: (Throws invitation folded as paper airplane.) Jesus rose from the dead to give us life! YASMINA: (Wads one up and throws it.) There will be door prizes! PAUL: (Shouts in deep voice.) ENOUGH! (Yasmina and Jermaine both jump back, shaking in fear.) JERMAINE: Well, we're dead if he saw us! That is Paul. He's been killing Christians since he was young. YASMINA: Shh! Keep your voice down. JERMAINE: It's no use! We have to tell people about Jesus. They're going to catch us eventually. YASMINA: Well, let's try to hand out all of these invitations we made at youth group. (Both peer over the edge to throw more invitations.) PAUL: (Jumping up to scare them.) Hi! Are you Christians? JERMAINE and YASMINA: (Cowering.) Yes, we are Christians. YASMINA: And we won't back down. We're prepared to die! PAUL: Hey, guys, sit down for a while, let's talk. I want to hear all about what you've been doing. JERMAINE: Yeah, he wants to hear about it so he can bring us to trial. YASMINA: Paul, we know who you are. What do you want from us? PAUL: Oh, you don't understand. I've changed. I had this vision, and God showed me how wrong I was. I follow Jesus now. YASMINA: Don't mock us. That's mean.

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PAUL: I'm not mocking. I know this must be impossible to believe. I don't know how to show you that I've changed. YASMINA: I don't believe Jesus would reveal himself to someone as horrible as you. JERMAINE: Well, that is why Jesus came to the earth, you know. None of us was worthy to be in his presence, so he paid the price for us. PAUL: Hey, I can help you guys tell people about Jesus. JERMAINE: Well, we do have a few more invitations to hand out. PAUL: (Taking the invitations and heading for the audience.) Hey, everyone! I have good news! YASMINA: Wow. He's probably going to get himself killed. JERMAINE: Well, if the great Paul is willing to give his life away for the cause, then I am too. (Runs after Paul.) Jesus brings life! YASMINA: Hey, wait for me!

Quiz Show Reproduce this information on the board or on chart paper to play "Conversion of Saul Jeopardy." (Turn each of the lines below into a column, with the category on top and the numbers underneath, like on the game show Jeopardy.) Damascus: 10 20 30 40 Ananias: 10 20 30 40 After Ananias: 10 20 30 40 Organize three teams or choose three individuals to play. Explain to the learners that an answer and question corresponds with each point value on the chart, and that they get progressively harder as the point value increases. You may need to add questions and categories according to the size of the group. Tell the group that the one whose turn it is will choose a category and a point value that has not already been used. You will read the answer corresponding to the category and point value. The first person to raise a hand must immediately give the question for the answer. If incorrect, the other two players (or teams) get a chance to answer. Damascus 10 Saul hated these people. (Who are Christians?) 20 This person talked to Saul through a bright light. (Who is Jesus?) 30 Saul wanted to take Christians here to prison. (What is Jerusalem?) 40 Saul asked for letters to these places in Damascus. (What are synagogues?)

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Ananias 10 Ananias lived in this town. (What is Damascus?) 20 Ananias did this to Paul when he saw him. (What is put his hands on his face?) 30 Ananias healed Saul from this. (What is blindness?) 40 Ananias found Saul on this street. (What is Straight Street?) After Ananias 10 Saul did this at once after being with Ananias. (What is preaching?) 20 Saul grew in this while he preached. (What is power?) 30 Saul escaped death by this. (What is being lowered in a basket through a wall?) 40 He brought Saul to the disciples. (Who is Barnabas?)

Presenter's Interruptions Keep this menu of short theme-related bits at the ready for those moments when you feel you're losing your audience. • When the leader yells "Five," a learner must give five reasons why he or she follows God. The leader will then yell "Four," and another learner must give four reasons he or she follows God. Continue until the leader gets to "One," and have all learners who have not yet shared give one reason they follow God.

• Yell, "God is good!" Learners will reply, "All the time!" Follow with, "All the time," and the group replies with, "God is good!" Have the learners write five ways that God has done good things for them. Have the group applaud God for loving them unconditionally.

Opening Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for being with us during every part of our lives. We know you see the good times, the bad times, and even the ugly times. Thank you for sticking by us even when we do not stick by you. This world has seen some horrible events such as wars, famine, and death. Please help us remember that you turned evil into good by rising from the grave and beating death. Help us daily find ways we can do good in this world. Thank you for letting us live the good life in you. Amen

My Faith Story Open with a story about the faith in which you were raised. Discuss how children are apt to believe almost exactly what their parents believe. Talk about the rituals in your family that occurred due to your parents' beliefs. Tie your story in with Saul's story. Saul may have been practicing what he had been taught by his parents. Jesus challenged everything Saul knew, and

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Saul had to make a choice what to follow. How did your own beliefs emerge? Which of your parents' beliefs did you keep?

Guest Speaker Try to find someone who has recently experienced a life-changing situation, such as a near death experience, major surgery, cancer or other illness, new baby, or marriage. The guest speaker may want to respond to these questions, prompts, and ideas:• How have things changed in your life?

• Do you feel closer or more distant from God? Why?

• How would you tell people to handle the experience you have just gone through?

• What are your next steps? How do you prepare for something else?

Cartoon Connection: Beware of Identity Theft The Funny Shape of Faith, page 48 Who hasn't wanted to be somebody else at some time or another? Maybe someone better looking, or skinnier, or smarter...wouldn't it be great if we could remake ourselves into someone new everyday? The good news of the Gospel is that we can! Through baptism, God calls us to be a new person—a person who leaves behind the ways of hate, anger, and violence to be truly transformed by God's love, peace, and justice. Through the water of baptism, we are transformed into new people. Ask your young people to think about the kinds of people they want to transform into. Encourage them to think about that new person each time they touch water this week—washing their hands or taking a shower are both reminders of their baptisms and of the new people of God they are becoming!

Handbook Connection Have the learners turn to pages 128-130 of The Lutheran Handbook and read "How to Be Saved (by Grace through Faith and Not by Your Good Works)." Read the first four paragraphs with the class. This seems to speak directly to the story of the conversion of Saul. While Saul was prosecuting Christians, he thought he was doing it in the name of God. He was following rules and felt good about his religion. The great truth about Saul's life is that we can clearly see Jesus giving him a free gift through his love and forgiveness. Although Saul hated Christians, Jesus still loved him as much as he loves us. Go through the seven points presented in the handbook to make it a little easier to understand. 1. God gave Saul forgiveness just because God loved him. 2. Saul gave up everything to preach the gospel. Even his name was changed to Paul.

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3. Paul became completely absorbed in his work of spreading the gospel. 4. Paul is quick to mention when he was weak. He wrote that he was the greatest of sinners. 5. Paul knew Jesus loved him because Jesus came and spoke to him. 6. Even when he was in jail for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, Paul praised God. 7. Paul wrote often that he felt unworthy of God's love but was grateful for the free gift of grace. Under the section of "Be Aware" on page 130, Paul summarizes the grace and free gift of love that Jesus has given us. Paul wrote this because his old self (Saul) was gone, and he lived his new life in the knowledge that Jesus loved him no matter where he had been or what he had done. Jesus is always waiting for us and cheering us on.

Bible Connection: Changes • Have learners read Acts 7:58-8:1; 9:1-30 aloud, four verses at a time. Make a time line of Saul's life. Have the students brainstorm different events in Saul's life and write them on the time line. An example of a possible time line is given in the binder pages and PDF file for this lesson.

• Another variation of the above time line activity would be to make strips of paper with events of Saul's conversion written on them. Put enough copies in different envelopes for many groups. Have the learners take out the strips and put them in chronological order. Possible events could include:

Saul watches the stoning of Stephen. Saul breathes murderous threats against Christians. Saul is blinded on the road to Damascus. Jesus talks to Saul on the road to Damascus. The Lord talks to Ananias. Saul is blind for three days. Ananias goes to Saul, and Saul can see again. Paul preaches about Jesus in the synagogues. • The learners may also fill out a K-W-L chart. A K-W-L chart allows students to write down what they know, what they want to know, and what they actually learned during the lesson. They may know that Saul changed on the road to Damascus. They may want to know what made him change, and they may write down that they learned about Ananias and what he did for Saul (Paul). They may also be surprised to find out that Saul did not change his name to Paul immediately.

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• The important idea for the learners to grasp is that God took someone who was persecuting Christians and turned him into a champion for Christ.

More Bible Connections • Follow up the study of the call of Saul with this movement activity. It gives the learners a real sense of Saul seeing the light. • Set up five to seven chairs as a maze through which the learners can walk. Blindfold a volunteer so he or she cannot see. Spin the volunteer around a few times. Then instruct the volunteer to walk through the maze of chairs without any help. The volunteer will likely run into chairs and get disoriented without any help.

• Next, take that same volunteer and have him or her start again. This time, however, have another student give verbal clues as to which direction the volunteer should walk. Compare the result with the previous task.

• Finally, take the blindfold off the volunteer and have him or her walk through the maze.

This exercise illustrates the three phases of Saul's life: In phase one (blindfolded with no directions), Saul blindly went after Christians without knowing the truth. In phase two (blindfolded but with directions), Saul hears Jesus and starts to follow him. In phase three (not blindfolded), Saul follows Jesus and has seen the light.

Object Lesson: Different Substances The leader starts with a clear glass of water and an Alka-Seltzer® tablet. Explain to the learners that we are much like that glass of water—bland, without much substance. Tell the learners that the tablet is much like God. It seems solid and unmoving, but packed inside is a lot of power. Drop the tablet into the water and explain to the learners that God comes into our lives and changes it. God helps us to bubble up and bubble over. God recharges us and gives us energy, the energy we need to make a difference in someone's life.

Science Connection: Shining in the Dark In advance of this lesson, assemble the following items and read through this experiment. Black light White paper Tonic water Vitamin B-12 tablet, vinegar, and a plastic cup Laundry detergent Postage stamps Assorted rocks or gems

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Saul was probably one of the worst enemies of the early Christian church, yet God had a plan for Saul. After a conversion experience on the road to Damascus, Saul was a changed man. He really saw the light! A black light is a fascinating tool that is used by scientists for a variety of reasons. What things will glow under a black or ultraviolet light? The glow is called fluorescence. The list of items for this experiment all contain fluorescent molecules and will seem to glow under a black light. Add other everyday items to a display table, and then turn on a black light to see what glows. White paper is treated with fluorescent compounds to make it whiter and brighter. Scientists can often detect forged historical documents by placing them under a black light. Pour tonic water into a clear plastic cup. The quinine glows blue-white. Crush the vitamin and dissolve it in a clear plastic cup of vinegar. It should glow a bright yellow under a black light. The whiteners in laundry detergent will make white clothing look somewhat blue at times. Stamps are often printed with inks that contain fluorescent dyes. Impurities in gems and minerals can make them look fluorescent under a black light.

Video/DVD: Love Conquers Hatred Option 1: The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Provide the movie The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006, G) Start cue: (Chapter 19, 01:18:57) Santa stands in his workshop, talking with his father-in-law and gold-crowned Mother Nature. Lucy rushes in. "Uncle Scott!" "Lucy, what's happened?" End cue: (Chapter 19, 01:23:07) Santa and Mrs. Clause kiss. Newly-thawed Jack laughs as a group of children surround him and hug him. Jack Frost has been nothing but trouble. Tired of playing second fiddle, he plots to overthrow Santa and take over as the new boss at the North Pole. As part of his scheme, Jack holds Lucy's parents hostage by putting them in the deep freeze. But Santa and Lucy both know that they have one secret weapon that will take the chill out of Jack's heart—which spurs a radical change of heart, similar to Saul's. • How is this scene similar to Saul's experience on the road to Damascus and in the days following?

• Who is worthy to be Jesus' disciple? How might Saul's story be a comfort and inspiration to us?

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Option 2: Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas Provide the movie Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000, PG). Start cue: (Chapter 17, 1:21) Cindy Lou Who rolls out of a giant red pipe. "Mr. Grinch?" End cue: "And I care! What is the deal!" The Grinch hates Christmas, and resolves to crush his neighbors' holiday spirit by stealing their presents and decorations. As he's about to destroy his loot, he hears an unexpected sound. Describe a time when you had a major change of heart toward a person or situation. How does your understanding of God's love for Saul affect your actions and attitude toward others who challenge and persecute God's people today? How long do you think God wants us to pray for and love our enemies? Please preview this content to determine its appropriateness for your setting. Option 3: The Gospel Provide the movie The Gospel (2005, PG). Start cue: (Chapter 22, 1:59) Reverend Frank and his wife walk down a hallway. "Minister Hunter, have you got a moment?" End cue: "Don't let that legacy get lost in this new vision of Frank's ego." Before David Taylor's father died, he appointed Reverend Frank rather than Minister Hunter as the new head pastor of Revelations Church. Hunter struggles with honoring Bishop Taylor's last wish as Frank's ego grows and their conflict starts to affect their ministry. • What is the mission of the church?

• How can we as the body of Christ function when our members disagree?

• What can you do this week to promote healthy relationships between yourself and other members of the body of Christ?

Please preview this content to determine its appropriateness for your setting. NOTE: Consult Christian Video Licensing International at Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (1.800.462.8855 or for its umbrella licensing program covering the use of videos/DVDs or video/DVD clips in any public gathering.

Music: Reunited with God Option 1: "Unwritten"

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Provide the song "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield (from Unwritten, Sony-BMG Music Entertainment (UK) Limited, 2005). The story of Saul is powerful and exciting. He completely changed as a result of Jesus coming to him on the road to Damascus; his life began again, and he was a new man who believed in Jesus. In this song by Natasha Bedingfield, the lyrics speak of people as being a blank page … a book of life on which nothing has yet been written. This must have been what Saul felt like after the conversion; his new life in Jesus was fresh and as yet "unwritten." • What do you think of the story of Saul?

• How would you have felt about Saul after his conversion if you had known him before it happened?

• What has been the story in your book of life so far? What kinds of things do you think might be written in the blank pages of life that are ahead?

Please preview this content to determine its appropriateness for your setting. Option 2: "In Wonder" Provide the song "In Wonder" by Newsboys (from Go, Inpop Records, 2006). "In Wonder" captures the excitement and desire to praise God that Saul must have felt when he was changed and converted to following Jesus. The song is also an anthem of praise for us to sing today as we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The lyrics speak of every living creature and all of nature joining together to praise God. • How do you praise God in your life today?

• What kinds of things can you celebrate and praise God for?

• If you were to create your own song of praise, what would it say?

Please preview this content to determine its appropriateness for your setting. Option 3: "So Excited" Provide the song "So Excited" by Straight Company (from the album So Excited: Acapella, Verity, 1997). The early Christians probably hated Saul and thought God hated him, too. While God did not approve of what Saul was doing, God still loved him and saved him. God's love is something to get excited about! • Has anyone ever tried to turn you away from the love of God? What things or people in your life might be attempting to do that?

• Can you recall times when you have been saved by God's love?

Please preview this content to determine its appropriateness for your setting.

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Learning in Motion: Things Get in the Way Place a chocolate bar on a table. Each person gets a chance to roll a die. The first person who rolls a six will start eating the candy bar—but only after putting on mittens, a cap, a scarf, and running once around the table. The candy bar must also be eaten only with a knife and fork. The process of rolling the die for a six continues while the person is getting ready to eat the bar. If someone else rolls a six, then the first person stops eating, and the second person must try to eat the candy before someone else rolls six. This is an interesting game to tie in the fact that activities and time sometimes get in the way of us telling others about Jesus.

Closing Questions Consider starting the Closing Time with a "Stump the Presenter!" moment in which learners may ask you questions that have come up during their small group discussions, but for which they want further explanation. This gives the small group leaders an "honorable out" when they get into sticky theological territory, and it's a great way to start out your final minutes together. If there are no "Stump the Presenter!" questions, tickle learners with one or more of the following questions to connect Small Group Time with the larger conversation: • In what ways can you tell others about God? Is it enough to just live a good life or do others need to hear about Jesus from you?

• Are there individuals who you think are too awful to change for God? Are there any lost cases or can anyone be changed through God?

• What things get in the way of Christians talking about God to others?

Closing Ritual Lead the group in prayer. L: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. Let us pray: Lord God, you always want what is best for us. Even when things look dark and the road is hard, you are working in ways that we do not even know about. You want us to seek your will as Saul did after his experience on the road to Damascus. Help us see the good in others and be a champion for you. Amen

Closing Blessing Before anyone leaves to go home, make sure each learner receives the following blessing from the small group leader, or from you! (Or, if you like, consider writing your own blessing, based

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on your teaching time.) Have leaders trace the cross on each learner's forehead as they say the blessing. May the God who is more powerful than any evil that may come, bless you this day and always. In the name of the Father +, and the Son +, and the Holy Spirit +. Amen

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Small Group Leader Sheet: The Call of Saul Instructions Make sure each learner has a Learner Sheet for use during your discussion. At the end of the lesson they can take the Learner Take-Home Sheet to use with their household at dinner or bedtime. Be sure to start on a positive note. Welcome each learner by name. Let them know you're glad they're here! If anyone is absent, mention you'll be praying for that person together. Small Group Time is for give-and-take discussion. Your main job is to draw learners out and get them talking about the theme. Ask open-ended questions that will provoke responses. Once the conversation begins, intervene only to bring it back on track or to stimulate more talk. Quick Prep Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 The Big Idea: Jesus can make evangelists out of enemies. Learning Goal: Learners will discover that the great evangelist, Paul, worked to destroy Jesus' followers before seeing the light and joining them. • Saul's persecutions were part of efforts to destroy the Jesus movement, which Saul and other leaders felt threatened their customs (Acts 6:13-14).

• Saul's call resembles other calls we hear in Scripture.

• If Jesus were to call only those who are without sin, Jesus would have no one to call. Enemies of God can become followers and evangelists of Jesus Christ.

• "While we still were sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

• Martyrs we commemorate include Perpetua and her companions, John Hus, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King Jr.

• We can join other Christians in concentrating on finding ways to live together faithfully in the midst of our disagreements, recognizing the God-given mission and communion we share as members of the body of Christ.

Prayer Time Go around the group and have each learner share the best and worst thing from his or her week. Remind learners to pay special attention to (for example) the person on their right, as they will be praying for that person in a moment (alternate prayer partners from week to week). When the group has finished, prayer partners can pray for each other. Key Words

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CONVERSION is the act of changing one's beliefs, usually moving from one religion to another. REDEMPTION is the act of Jesus sacrificing himself to save humankind by delivering all people from their sin. DELIVERANCE is being rescued from bondage or despair. Discussion Time Use the following questions to kick off a conversation about the theme: • Imagine you are one of the Christians who knew Saul before his conversion experience. What kinds of things would you expect him to say? How would you expect him to act around others? What would others think of his actions? What would your reaction be?

• Have you known anyone who changed completely? What did it take for you to believe that she or he really changed? What is your response to someone who says he or she has changed, but whose past seems too horrible for that to be true?

• Why did God pick Saul to change? (God most likely picked Saul to show that God could change anyone. God picked Saul because Saul was an unlikely person to be a champion for Christ. When others saw his change, they were probably more receptive to God's message.)

• Saul changed his name to Paul as a symbol of his lifestyle change. He also changed his behavior. How can we show that our lives are changed through Christ? (Answers could include loving our neighbors as ourselves and doing good works.)

Big Fun Idea Ask the learners to identify students at school who do not attend any church or who simply need some love and care. Have the learners commit to becoming the students' "undercover angels." Plan a social event for welcoming your new friends to your youth group. Invite them often to the fun activities your group plans. Big Serving Idea Take your group to a local Habitat for Humanity project site or another home project that helps people change their lives and start over fresh. Have the learners assist in building or painting or cleaning a house for a family who is needy. Discuss how they are changing the house into something new and showing God's love in the process.

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Funny Shape of Faith Small Group Devotions: The Call to Saul Have a volunteer read the devotion that corresponds with this cartoon: "Beware of Identity Theft," The Funny Shape of Faith: Devotions for the Rest of Us (Augsburg Fortress, 2007), p. 49. Then use the following questions to spark group discussion. Tell about a time when you felt like a totally new person. Paul's father is absent from this scene, but imagine for a minute how he might react to his son's news. Imagine a family meeting between Paul and his parents. What would each person say? Paul goes out on his first mission trip. He sends his mom his first postcard from the road. They're still trying to see eye-to-eye on the Christianity thing. "Dear Mom...," he writes. You fill in the rest!

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Learner Sheet: The Call of Saul Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 The Big Idea: Jesus can make evangelists out of enemies. Big Fun Idea Identify students at school who do not attend any church or who simply need some love and care. Commit to becoming a student's "undercover angel." Invite your new friend to a social event designed to welcome friends to your youth group. Invite your new friend often to the fun activities your group plans. Big Serving Idea Visit a local Habitat for Humanity project site or another home project that helps people change their lives and start over fresh. Assist in building or painting or cleaning a house for a family who is needy. You are changing the house into something new and showing God's love in the process. Prayer Time Remember your partner's prayer needs—record them here. Discussion Time • Imagine you are one of the Christians who knew Saul before his conversion experience. What kinds of things would you expect him to say? How would you expect him to act around others? What would others think of his actions? What would your reaction be?

• Have you ever known anyone who changed completely? What did it take for you to believe that she or he really changed? What is your response to someone who says he or she has changed, but whose past seems too horrible for that to be true?

• Why did God pick Saul to change?

• Saul changed his name to Paul as a symbol of his lifestyle change. He also changed his behavior. How can we show that our lives are changed through Christ?

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Learner Take-Home Sheet: The Call of Saul Acts 7:58—8:1; 9:1-30 Take this sheet home and keep it someplace near the dinner table, like on the fridge. At least three times next week at dinner, use Prayer Time and one other family activity to make your confirmation learning come alive! Prayer Time Have one family member lead the family in prayer. Lord God, you always want what is best for us. Even when things look dark and uphill, you are working in ways that we do not even know about. Just like Saul, you want us to always listen and trust in you. Help us see the good in others and be a champion for you. We love you. Amen Key Words Keep a family white board someplace near the dinner table, and write these words on it. Try writing a family definition for each one during the week. CONVERSION REDEMPTION DELIVERANCE Talk Time • Many Lutherans are baptized as infants and do not have dramatic conversion stories like Saul. When have you made a decision based on your relationship with Christ?

• Why do we sometimes single out certain groups of people to make fun of or hurt them? Saul went after the Christians and approved when Stephen was stoned for being a follower of Jesus. How can we make sure we do not fall into the trap of making fun of someone because of his or her relationship within a certain group or type of people (such as those who are Muslim, Iraqi, overweight, mentally challenged)?

• Jesus hung out with a crowd that included tax collectors and other undesirable members of society. Are there certain individuals at work or school who need somebody to just be a friend? What is stopping you from being that friend?

Web Time Use an Internet search engine to find individuals who have had a life-changing conversion for God. Examples to look up would be John Newton, C. S. Lewis, Lee Strobel, and Constantine.

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Ritual Time Put a piece of paper on the refrigerator that reads: "I follow Jesus because..." For each day of a single week, everyone in the family should try to write one reason she or he loves Jesus. Try not to repeat answers, and at the end of the week, review what was written and take time to thank God for sending Jesus to us.

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Video (High Resolution): Darkness to Light Media file: Saul persecuted Christians until he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Some people might say he was blind to the light of Christ, wandering in the dark. After his conversion experience, Saul stopped persecuting Christians, was baptized and began preaching the good news of Jesus wherever he went. He left the darkness and became a child of the light of Christ. The man in the video is going through life "blind." What may contribute to his blindness? He has an experience in the vacant parking lot; after that, he can see. What may have contributed to his conversion experience? Ask youth to consider times in their lives when they have been "blind." Who helped them out of the darkness? What did they see when they were able to see again? What did they do? How does the light of Christ impact their lives?

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Video (Low Resolution): Darkness to Light Media file: TheCallofSaul.mp4 Saul persecuted Christians until he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Some people might say he was blind to the light of Christ, wandering in the dark. After his conversion experience, Saul stopped persecuting Christians, was baptized and began preaching the good news of Jesus wherever he went. He left the darkness and became a child of the light of Christ. The man in the video is going through life "blind." What may contribute to his blindness? He has an experience in the vacant parking lot; after that, he can see. What may have contributed to his conversion experience? Ask youth to consider times in their lives when they have been "blind." Who helped them out of the darkness? What did they see when they were able to see again? What did they do? How does the light of Christ impact their lives?

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Music Clip: Beaten by Sin Media file: TheCallofSaul.mp3 Song: "Prodigal Man" CD: This Is Life ( Artist: Peder Eide © Peder Eide Jesus, it's me again I'm feeling so alone Beaten by sin This confidence I thought I knew Has slowly disappeared As I lost sight of you How would you feel if someone who was notorious for killing Christians came walking into your church? That's exactly what some of the early believers had to deal with after Paul's conversion. It might have taken them a while to trust Paul. However, God chose to use Paul to reach the very people he had been killing. This song expresses feelings that Paul might have felt. Play the song, then ask the following questions. • Who would be a modern-day version of Paul (having been an enemy of the church)?

• Would you have trusted Paul if he came to your church after his conversion?

• Why do you think God chose to use Paul in this way?

Note: You can purchase the CD featuring this song from the Augsburg Fortress online store (

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PPT® Presentation (versions 2002 and later) This presentation includes a video file and an audio file. All three (the presentation, the video, and the audio) will download at once as a ZIP archive. Unzipping the archive will produce a single folder containing all three files. For the presentation to work properly, the files must all be in the same folder; therefore, we recommend you not remove them from the folder produced when you unzip the archive, but rather move the entire folder as a single unit. Media file:

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PPT® Presentation (versions 1997-2000) Media file: TheCallofSaul.ppt

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Cartoon Media file: TheCallofSaul.tif From HERE WE STAND Confirmation Series. Copyright 2009 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Here We Stand Annual License.

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