the built environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of ghg...

Bioinformatics Platform Three-tier Architecture Object-based Relational Database implemented using Oracle Middleware implemented using Entity-Class Operations, Servlets in Java Static Pages (SHTML) for Web Site Dynamic pages (JSPs) for database driven Entry, Dissemination and Queries - Entity Relationship data model Ontology Diagram Implementation using Oracle BIO FU NC TIO N _CATE G O R Y B iofunction_key:IN TE G E R B iofunction_nam e:V A RC HA R 2(20 B IO LO G ICA L_S O UR CE biosource_key:INTEG E R Biosource_ID :V AR C HA R 2(20 kingdom :V A RC H A R2(20) Phylum :VA R C HA R2(20) Class:V A RC H A R2(20) G enus:VA R C HA R 2(20) Species:V A R CH A R 2(20) CARBOHYDRATE C arb_key:INTE G E R biosource_key:IN TEG E R C arb_ID:VA R CH AR 2(20) C arb_S cinam e:VA RC HA R 2(20) C arb_com m onN am e:V AR C HA R2(20) C arb_Fam ily:VA RC H A R2(20) C arb_S ubfam ily:VA R C HA R 2(20) C arb_Type:VA RC HA R 2(10) Carb_M W :NUM BER B iofunction_key:NU M BE R C arb_B iofunctionD esc:V AR C H AR 2(100 C arb_listdate:D ATE C arb_structure:VA RC HA R 2(500) C arb_structureIm gtype:VA RC H AR 2(10 C arb_structureIm g:B LO B A ccess_code:VA R C HA R 2(20) DNASEQ D NA SE Q _key:INTE G ER G ene_key:IN TE G E R D NA SE Q _ID :V A RC H A R2(20) D NA SE Q _ID type:VA RC H AR 2(20) D NA SE Q _sequence:V A R CH AR 2(20 GENE G ene_key:IN TE G E R G enom e:V A RC H AR 2(20) G ene_nam e:V A RC HA R 2(20 biosource_key:IN TE G E R PAPER P aper_key:NU M BE R P aper_ID :V AR CH A R2(20) ID_type:V A RC HA R 2(20) P aper_title:VA RC H AR 2(200) P aper_year:IN TEG ER Journal_nam e:VA R CH A R 2(200) P age_range:V A RC H AR 2(20) PAPER_REFERENCE Paper_key:N U M B E R Carb_key:IN TEG E R PROTEIN Protein_key:IN TE G ER Protein_ID :V AR C HA R 2(20) ProteinID _type:V A RC HAR 2(20) Protein_nam e:VA RCH AR 2(20) Protein_Com m onNam e:V A R CH A R2(20 Protein_fam ily:V A R CH A R2(20) Protein_subFam ily:V A RC HAR 2(20) Protein_superU nitK ey:IN TE G E R Protein_type:VA R C HA R 2(20) Biosource_key:IN TE G E R Biofunction_key:IN TE G ER G ene_key:V A R CH A R2(20) DN A S EQ _key:INTE G ER Protein_sequenceKey:INTE G ER Protein_biofunctionD esc:V AR CHA R2(2 Access_code:V A RC HA R 2(20) Protein_listdate:DA TE PRO TE IN S E Q UE NC E P rotein_sequenceK ey:INTE G E R P rotein_sequence:V AR CH AR 2(20 P rotein_key:INTE G ER REAGENT R eagent_key:INTEG ER R eagent_ID :V A RC HA R 2(20) R eagent_ID type:V AR C H AR 2(20) R eagnet_nam e:V A R CH AR2(20) R eagent_form ula:VA R CH A R 2(20 R eagent_M W :IN TE G E R CPBIN DING C pb_key:N U M B E R C pb_ID :VA R CH A R 2(20) C pb_ID type:V AR CH A R2(20) C arb_key:N U M B ER P rotein_key:NU M BE R C pb_flag:C HA R(1) B iofunction_key:NU M BE R C pb_B iofunctionDesc:V A R CH AR 2(100) C pb_K eq:NU M BE R C pb_D G :N U M B E R Cpb_D H:NUM BER Cpb_D S:NUM BER C pb_listdate:D A TE PROTOCOL Protocol_key:IN TE GER P rotocol_ID :V A R CHA R2(20) P rotocol_Category:V A R CH A R2(20) P rotocol_keyw ord:VA RC H A R2(20) P rotocol_Title:V AR C HA R 2(20) P rotocol_overview :V AR C HA R 2(20) P rotocol_procedure:C HA R (18) P rotocol_trobleshooting:V A R CH A R2(20) D buser_key:IN TEG E R CPATHREAGENT P rotocol_key:INTEG ER R eagent_key:INTEG ER R eactant_W eightg:IN TEG E R R eactant_m m ol:VA RCH AR 2(20 CPATHINSTRUM ENT Protocol_key:IN TE G E R Instrum ent_key:IN TE G E IN S TRU M E NT Instrum ent_key:INTEG ER Instrum ent_category:V ARC HA R 2(20 Instrum ent_nam e:V AR CHA R2(20) Instrum ent_m odel:V A RC H AR 2(20) Instrum ent_V ender:VA RCH AR 2(20) C AR B P RO FILE C arbprofile_key:N UM B ER C arbprofile_ID :V A RC HA R 2(20) C arbprofile_title:V AR CH A R2(30) C arbprofile_carbC om p:VA RC HA R 2(200) C arbprofile_avgM W :N UM BE R M ouseind_key:N U M B ER C arbprofile_source:V AR C HA R 2(100) B iofunction_key:NU M BE R C arbprofile_biofunctionDesc:V AR C HA R2(200) P arentprofile_ID :V AR C HA R2(20) CP RO FILE ID C arbprofile_key:N U M B ER C arb_key:INTEG ER C oncentration:VA R C HA R2(20) C PR O FILEE XP Cpexp_key:INTEG ER cpexp_ID :V ARC HA R 2(20) cpexp_title:VAR CH A R 2(20) Protocol_key:IN TEG ER Carbprofile_key:N U M BE R Cpexp_keyword:V AR CH AR 2(20) Cpexp_instrum ent:V AR CHA R2(20) Cpexp_date:D ATE Cpexp_com m ent:V AR CH A R2(20) Dbuser_key:INTE G ER M ICROARRAY M array_key:INTE G ER M array_ID:V A RC HA R2(20) M array_type:V A RC H AR 2(20) M array_desc:V AR C H A R2(20) M array_im gtype:V A R C HA R 2(20 M array_im g:BLOB M O U S ES TRA IN M ouse_key:INTEG ER M ouse_ID:VA RC H A R2(20) C ell_key:N UM BER M ouse_type:V A RC H AR 2(20) P rotocol_key:INTEG ER M ouse_keyword:V A RC H AR 2(2 M ouse_desc:V AR C HA R2(20) KOGENE K O gene_key:IN TEG E R K O gene_ID :VAR C H A R 2(20) M ouse_key:IN TE G E R G ene_key:IN TE G E R G ene_ID :V A R CH A R2(20) K O gene_synonym :V AR C H AR 2(20) K O gene_M type:V A R CH AR2(20) K O gene_U nigenD es:VA RCH AR 2(20) K O gene_H um anG ene:V ARC HA R 2(20) CELLSO URCE C ell_key:NU M B E R C ell_ID:V AR C H AR 2(20) biosource_key:N UM BE R C ell_line:V ARC HA R2(30) C ell_linetype:VA RC H AR 2(20 C ell_tissue:V AR C H AR 2(20) C ell_O rgan:V AR C H AR 2(20) M A E XP M aexp_key:IN TE G ER M aexp_ID :VA R C HA R2(20) M aexp_title:V A R CH AR 2(20) Protocol_key:IN TE G E R M array_key:INTE G E R M aexp_Sam pleID :V AR CH AR 2(20) M aexp_Sam pleDesc:V AR CH A R 2(20) M aexp_keyword:VA RC H AR 2(20) M aexp_readtype:V AR CH A R2(20) M aexp_raw :VA RC H AR 2(20) M aexp_date:DA TE M aexp_im gfiletype:V AR CH A R2(20) M aexp_im graw:BLO B Dbuser_key:IN TEG E R TARG ETG ENE M aexp_key:IN TEG ER G ene_key:IN TE G E R Targetgene_desc:V A RC H AR 2(20 P R O TIE N R EF Paper_key:NU M B E R Protein_key:IN TE G E R CARBPATHREF Paper_key:N UM B ER Cpath_key:INTE G ER PROTOCOLREF P aper_key:N UM B E R Protocol_key:IN TEG E CPBREF P aper_key:NU M B E R C pb_key:N U M B E R DBUSER D buser_key:IN TEG E R D buser_usernam e:VA RC H AR 2(20 D buser_passw ord:V ARC HA R 2(20 D buser_lastnam e:VA R CH AR 2(20) D buser_firstnam e:CH A R(18) D buser_em ail:V AR C H AR 2(20) D buser_em ployer:VA R CH AR 2(20) D buser_title:V AR C HA R2(20) D buser_C ore:VA R C HA R2(20) D buser_listdate:D A TE M OUSEHEM A M H_key:IN TE G E R M H_ID :V A R CH A R2(20) M ouseind_key:IN TE G ER M H_date:D A TE M H_age:IN TE G E R M H_w eight:IN TEG E R M H_W BC:INTEG ER M H_N eutrophils:INTE G ER M H_Lym phocytes:V A RC HA R 2(20) M H_H G B :IN TE G ER M H_H C T:IN TE G E R M H_P LT:INTE G E R M H_M P V :IN TE G E R D buser_key:INTE G ER M O U S EH ISTO LO G Y M H S_key:IN TE G E R M H S_ID :V A R CH A R2(20) M ouseind_key:INTE G E R M H S_date:D A TE M H S_age:IN TE G E R M H S_weight:INTEG E R P rotocol_key:INTE G ER M H S_purpose:V AR CH AR 2(20) M H S_result:VA RC HA R 2(20) M H S_com m ent:V A RC H A R2(20) D buser_key:IN TE G E R M OUSEIM M U M I_key:IN TEG E R M I_ID :V ARCHAR2(20) M ouseind_key:IN TE G E R M I_date:D ATE M I_age:IN TEG E R M I_weight:INTEG E R M I_sam pletype:VA R C HA R 2(20) M I_CD 4:IN TEG ER M I_CD 8:IN TEG ER B220:IN TE G E R IAB:INTEG ER IgM :INTEG ER IgD:IN TEG E R Dbuser_key:IN TEG E R M O USEIND M ouseind_key:IN TEG ER M IN D_ID :V A R CH AR 2(20) M ouse_key:IN TE G E R M ind_sex:V AR C H AR 2(20) MOUSEBEHAV M B_key:IN TEG E R M B_ID:VA R C H AR 2(20) M ouseind_key:IN TEG ER M B_date:D ATE M B_age:IN TEG E R M B_weight:INTE G E R M B_G rossNero:V A RC HAR 2(20) M B_SensorM otorR eflex:V AR C H AR 2(20 M B_PosturalReflex:VA RC HA R2(20) M B_m otoractivity:VA R C HA R 2(20) M B_Nocieption:VA R C HA R2(20) M B_AcousticS tartle:V ARC HA R 2(20) M B_SocialDom ine:VA RCH AR 2(20) M B_conditionedFear:VA R CH A R 2(20) M B_waterM aze:VA R CH A R 2(20) M B_radialArm M aze:V AR C H AR 2(20) Dbuser_key:INTEG ER M O USE M ETA BO LISM M M _key:INTE G E R M M _ID:VA RC H A R2(20) M ouseind_key:C HA R (18) M M _date:DA TE M M _age:INTE G E R M M _weight:INTEG ER M M _C ardiac:V AR C H AR2(20) M M _B loodDiastol:INTE G E R M M _bloodSystol:INTEG ER M M _plum onary:VA R CH AR 2(20) M M _FoodC onsum ption:IN TE G E R M M _waterConsum ption:INTEG ER M M _activityLevel:INTEGE R M M _O xygenConsum ption:IN TE G E R M M _CO 2O utput:INTE G ER M M _HeatO utput:INTEG ER D buser_key:INTE G E R M A REF M array_key:INTE G E R Paper_key:N UM B ER E NZYM E E nzym e_key:INTEG ER E nzym e_ID:V A RC H AR 2(20) E nzym e_type:V AR CH A R2(20) E nzym e_nam e:V AR CHA R2(20) E nzym e_C om m onN am e:VA R C HA R 2(20 E nzym e_fam ily:VA RC H AR 2(20) E nzym e_subFam ily:V AR CH AR2(20) biosource_key:IN TE G E R B iofunction_key:INTE G ER E nzym e_biofunctionD esc:VA R C HA R 2(2 G ene_key:V ARC HA R 2(20) D N AS E Q _key:IN TEG E R E nzym e_sequenceK ey:INTEG E R P roteindb_ID :V AR CH AR 2(20) S w issPort_ID :V A RC HAR 2(20) A ccess_Code:V A R CH A R2(20) P rotein_listdate:D A TE CARBPATHW AY C path_key:IN TEG E R C path_nam e:V AR C HA R2(20) C arb_key:IN TEG ER E nzym e_key:IN TE G E R C path__Reaction:VA R CH AR 2(20 C path_condition:VA R C H AR 2(20) C path_stepFrom C arb:INTE G ER C path_yield:IN TE G E R ENZYMESEQUENCE E nzym e_sequenceK ey:IN TE G E R E nzym e_sequence:V AR CH AR2(2 E nzym e_key:INTE G E R CARBEXP C arbexp_key:IN TE G E R carbexp_ID :VAR C H AR 2(20) carbexp_title:VA R C HA R2(30) P rotocol_key:NU M BE R C arb_key:N UM B ER C arbexp_keyw ord:VA RC H A R2(100) C arbexp_Instrum ent:V A RCH AR 2(100) C arbexp_com m ent:VA R C HA R 2(200) C arbexp_date:DA TE C abexp_batchno:VA R C HA R2(20) U ser_key:N UM B ER C A R BEXP IM G carbExpIm g_key:IN TE G E R Carbexp_key:N UM B ER CarbE xpIm g_exptype:V A RC HA R 2(2 CarbE xpIm g_filetype:VA RC H AR 2(20 CarbE xpIm g_im ageR aw:BLO B CPBEXP Cpbexp_key:NU M B E R cpbexp_ID :VA RC H AR 2(20) cpbexp_title:V AR C HA R 2(20) Protocol_key:INTEG ER Cpb_key:NUM BER Cpbexp__keyw ord:VA R C HA R2(20) Cpbexp_Instrum ent:VA RC HA R 2(20) Cpbexp_date:D ATE Cpbexp_com m ent:V ARC HA R 2(20) Dbuser_key:INTE G E R CPBEXPIM G cpbExpIm g_key:IN TE G E R C pbexp_key:N U M B ER C pbexpIm g_exptype:V A R CH AR2(20) C pbexpIm g_im ageRaw :BLO B C pbexpim g_desc:V AR C H AR 2(20) C pbexpIm g_filetype:V AR CHA R2(20) CPR OFILEE XPIM G cpexpIm g_key:IN TE G E R C pexp_key:IN TE G E R C pexpIm g_exptype:V A R C HA R 2(2 C pexpIm g_filetype:VA RC H AR 2(20 C pexpIm g_im ageR aw:B LO B C pexpIm g_desc:V AR C H A R2(20) M A EXPA N A LY SIS M aexpanaly_key:IN TE G E R M aexp_key:INTEG ER M aexpanaly_title:V A RC HA R 2(100 M aexpanaly_desc:VA R CH A R 2(50 CBPEXP C bpexp_key:IN TEG E R C bpexp_ID :V AR CH AR 2(20) C bpexp_title:VA RC HA R 2(20) P rotocol_key:INTEG ER P rotein_key:INTE G ER C bpexp_keyw ord:V AR C HA R2(20) C bpexp_Instrum ent:VA RC H AR 2(20) C bpexp_com m ent:V AR C HA R2(20) C bpexp_date:D ATE D buser_key:INTE G ER E NZEXP IM G EnzexpIm g_key:INTE G E R Enzexp_key:IN TEG E R EnzexpIm g_exptype:VA RC H A R2(2 EnzexpIm g_filetype:VA R C HA R 2(2 EnzexpIm g_im ageR aw :BLO B E N ZE E XP Enzexp_key:IN TE G E R Enzexp_ID :V A R CH AR2(20) Enzexp_title:V A RC HAR 2(20) Protocol_key:INTE G E R Enzym e_key:INTE G E R Enzexp_keyw ord:V ARC HA R 2(20) Enzexp_Instrum ent:VA R C HA R 2(20) Enzexp_com m ent:V A RC H A R2(20) Enzexp_date:D ATE User_key:IN TE G E R CBPEXP IM G C bpexpIm g_key:IN TE G E R C bpexp_key:INTE G E R C bpexpIm g_exptype:V AR C H AR2(2 C bpexpIm g_filetype:V AR CHA R2(20 C bpexpIm g_im ageRaw:BLO B GLYCOARRAY G array_key:INTEG ER G array_ID:V AR C HA R2(20) G array_type:VA RC H AR 2(20) G array_desc:V AR C HA R 2(20) G array_im gtype:V A RC H A R2(20 G array_im g:BLOB G A E XP G aexp_key:IN TEG E R G aexp_ID :V AR C H AR 2(20) G aexp_title:VA R C HA R 2(20) Protocol_key:INTEG E R G array_key:INTE GER G aexp_Sam pleID :V A RC H AR 2(20) G aexp_Sam pleD esc:VA R CH AR 2(20) G aexp_keyw ord:V AR C HA R 2(20) G aexp_readtype:VA R C HA R 2(20) G aexp_raw :V A RC H A R2(20) G aexp_date:D ATE G aexp_im gfiletype:VA RC H AR 2(20) G aexp_im graw:B LO B Dbuser_key:INTE G ER TA RG ETPR O TEIN G aexp_key:IN TE G E R P rotein_key:IN TEG E R Targetcbp_desc:VA RC HA R 2(20 CPATHEXP Cpathexp_key:IN TE G E R Cpathexp_ID :V A R CH A R2(20) Cpathexp_title:V A RC H AR 2(20) Cpath_key:INTEG ER Protocol_key:IN TE G E R Cpathexp_keyw ord:V A RC HA R 2(20) Cpathexp_Instrum ent:VA R CH A R 2(20) Cpathexp_com m ent:V A RC HA R 2(20) Cpathexp_date:D A TE User_key:INTE G ER CP A THE XP IM G C pathexpIm g_key:IN TE G E R C pathexp_key:INTE G ER C pathexpIm g_exptype:V AR C H AR 2(2 C pathexpIm g_filetype:V AR CH A R2(2 C pathexpIm g_im ageRaw :B LO B C A R BINV E NTO R Y C arbinv_key:NU M B E R C arbinv_ID:V AR C HA R2(20) C arb_key:N U M B ER C arbexp_key:V A R CH AR 2(20) Carbinv_Purity:N UM B ER C arbinv_color:V AR CHA R2(10) C arbinv_S tate:VA RC H AR 2(10) Quantity:N UM BER C arbexp_batchno:V A RC H A R2(20) CARBORDER C order_key:N UM BE R C order_ID :VA RC H AR 2(20) C order_date:D ATE C arbinv_key:N UM B ER O rder_receiver:V AR C HA R2(50) O rder_address:VA RC H AR 2(200) O rder_quantity:NU M BE R shipping_flag:CH A R(1) Part of CFG database overall ontology map - Communicates with database and user - Keeps the complexity of the database Invisible from user interface - Enables seamless acquisition and dissemination of data - Top-most layer of user interface - Static pages for web site management - Dynamic pages for database driven cont

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

The Built Environment

• 40% of the economy’s material throughput

• 65% of electricity• 30% of GHG

emissions• 60% of ozone-

depleting substances• Our everyday


Page 2: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Principles of a Green Economy1. The Primacy of Human Need, Service, Use-value,

Intrinsic Value & Quality 2. Following Natural Flows 3. Waste Equals Food4. Elegance and Multifunctionality5. Appropriate Scale / Linked Scale6. Diversity7. Self-Reliance, Self-Organization, Self-Design8. Participation & Direct Democracy9. Human Creativity and Development 10. The Strategic role of the Built-environment, the

Landscape & Spatial Design

Page 3: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

The Ecological Built-Environment

• Qualitative Development is Place-based• Eco-efficiency: tied to spatial design• Need to Integrate structures of Invisibility: “home” & “workplace” formal & vernacular landscapes

Page 4: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Industrialism: The Divided Economy

Invisible Visible Use-value Exchange-value “Consumption” “Production” People Things Unpaid Paid Women Men Informal Formal Private Public

Page 5: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Dematerialization & the ESCO model

• Savings as a virtual source of energy• The Green Economy: creates Wealth through

savings (or dematerialization) • Savings as a source of Investment

Challenge of financial design: dealing with first costs

Page 6: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

The Centrality of the Landscape

“The industrial age replaced the natural processes of the landscape with the global machine…while regenerative design seeks now to replace the machine with landscape.”

…John Tillman Lyle

Page 7: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Energy & Spatial Organization

• Energy & the Landscape

Eco-infrastructure: going with nature

• The Eco-system Model: eco-infill

• Integrating the Divided Economy

Every place a locus of eco-production

Buildings as producers not just

consumers of energy

Page 8: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

The Post WW II Waste Economy

Permanent War Economy

The Suburb Economy:

Oil / Autos / Subdivisions

Page 9: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

“The greatest misallocation of resources in human history.”

…James Howard Kunstler

Page 10: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Key Areas of Green Building

Green Building Certification

--new construction --retrofit --neighbourhoods

• Natural Building & eco-community design

Page 11: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

Organic DesignThe Timeless Way of

BuildingBioshelters / Living


Page 12: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

History of Green Building

earliest ‘green buildings’: hunting-gathering Neolithic, ‘vernacular’

Page 13: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

1973 Energy Crisis

Page 14: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment


• late 70s/early 80s• emphasis on holding

the heat in.• dangers:

– condensation: if not airtight enough.

– bad air: if too airtight• result: more attention

to ventilation and healthy materials

Page 15: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

1980sIndustrial Ecology: Living Machines

Roots of Certification: the Rainforest

Page 16: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment


Metrics of Sustainability Natural Building

Page 17: The Built Environment 40% of the economys material throughput 65% of electricity 30% of GHG emissions 60% of ozone-depleting substances Our everyday environment

“Waste” & Building

Shearing Layers
