the brihat jataka of varaha mihira

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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    stxoiogital ttits.


    *3I2AT 8ATA9A.or

    VARAHA #I2I3A.T*A&*6AT7, I&T5 7&Gli+2


    N. 02I,A#*A3.All :173" *. A." r. T; s.'FOUNDER

    TI3/4A!I 85TI+TA&T3A +A*2A.




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    ? $ . [email protected]

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    .,ment and how do you prove that(.their one rendy rerly is

    that their common sense tells them so. They forget

    that commosense is a sense which ch 6nges in its nature

    asone advances in bis study"and it ehanges tlo much that

    the common sense of one age is dilferent from;the common

    aense of another ag" the common seaae of oue nation or of

    one individual is different from the common sensa of ano

    ther nation or im2vidtaa6 here proof is advnaced by a

    fe"."" it i

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    plaoea for inatanee on the same meridian and therefore

    due north and south of each other. &ow the 'ueation ia


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    one birih begin to bear sweet and sour fruita in;notber

    birh according to their 'uality.

    In this connection we /I31 any a few wot;dstouchingthe long di pud 'uee ion of fatalism t er.uft;ee$will. !etF

    aona of thQ former echool hold that even the minut.eseveuta

    of ones life are pre$ordained" and tlFat mnn is completely a

    puppGt in the banda of certain higher agencies. This error

    has evidently been the result of the observation of a number

    of well projected efforu in particulnr dit;eetions having

    been horoughly discomfited. Agllin" men of the othor school

    bold that mao is a ft;ee agent" and tbat there is nothing

    impracticablefor him if only pt;opermeaus are employed for

    the purpose. Tbis error again has been the. result of the

    observation of even illprojeceffortsin particular dit;e

    tiona" proving highly su00flssful$the failures" if any" being

    accounted for by tbe insufficiency of the means employed.

    In the one man becomes an ilteaponsible agentKand

    in Rbe other "e not only booltessly grieves over his

    failures".but repeats his at mpta" Pbusputting himself to

    trouble" expense and ve(xatiou only to fail agnin. &ow"as regards the former position" it is held tha@t mans pre

    sent deeds are all the effects of hia previous deeds. As

    free agency of nny sort is digcarded fa;om the 'uestion"

    it would fo88ow tbathese previous deeds are the effect.sof

    deeds still more previous" and so on" ad itpnitum! or till weare bronghto a state of cosmic evolutiou when oifrei0(mces

    of s tes nod conditions were infused into bnman souls by

    the 0reator. +uch condition of ir8eaponaibility is opposedto reason" oppC

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    for tlte former reaping no rewards 3nd the latter taca$piogpunir.hment. A satisfactory eplanation would point to the

    fot;metF%II being the aftaota of previous katt1na,aml tho Iutter

    as deeds for wbioh mun willboth suffer" aud enjoy in his next

    life" Taking entire human life into coo

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    means to be empioyed for the p/rpose. lhe former knowF

    ledge is supplied to man by nst.t;ologyf and B.he latter by

    such works as the 9at;mtt.vipaka 0:t;ndhn. The menusprescribed in the lattet consist of giftll" of 8apa

    Bpsychic training or development.? and eertaiK" fire 5ere

    monies having

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    human sufVering or enjoyment. lbeae people from a baiSa,

    point of view cannot conceive the possibility of morecaosea

    tham one fotF an event$$(.each.cau

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    b Google

    I8Il95,li5TI5&. .M

    curse of a human incarnation" attended with much

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    10 I&T.5,/5TI53.

    the officer no doubt iP aactive agent" though the honor

    was the immediate effect of the persons services. e there;

    fohold that planets not only indicate human destinies" but

    bring about snob d stinies. The world is a mixed field ofhonor" of punishment and of probation. And the planets are

    the rewardig and obaatisipg officers" end 8Seddle iu no way

    when man exercises his free will within ita own sphere.

    he same ideF mighb be rept;esented in another way (

    planetary activity is t'e total activity of a number of forces"

    some for good ansomefor LL4i8" and while @ mans karma

    leads him into the one force or the other" there are other

    forees by a knowledge of which man may benefit himself"though it may not be his loF to be drawn into any of them

    by his pllo+t " kan(na. If this were not the correct view of

    tho part played by the planetsKn largNeportion of the science

    of astrology" in which man is advised to avail bimsel0of snob

    and such planetary positiot(s for particularpurposes" wonlil

    become useless. The planets therefore can be made to do

    m"ore than the work of jailors and rewarding offioera. Vor

    "inst.anoe" in the fourth ch3.pter B*rihat 8ataka? which treatsof &iaheka Bconception?" a man is advised to avail himself of

    partionlar planetary positions if he desires an excellent issue(

    H !arasara" who was a great astronomer and astrologer"finding

    that snob an hour fot &isheka happroaoh.ed" joined a boat

    mans daughter in an it(dand on the 8umna and the issue was

    the greut 4edavy=P6. *rahmin astrologer under similar

    oiroumstanoes joined a potters daughter" and the issue was

    the great +alivahana.

    That man is not altogether a free agent is an idea

    caught by +hakespeare in one Nof his well known passagea

    in GG As 1ou 6ike It.@@AllthM world isa atage"

    And all the men and women merely playell sThey have their uita and their encranoe."And one man in hia 6imeplaya man8 parta"2it acta beiog

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    i&T5,/0TI5&. 11

    Again" while the heavens fotm the macrocosm" man is

    the microcS+m. In other words" eOCh man is a 8it"le worldxactly representing the /niverse. hile all seems 'uiet

    without" there is au active world ithin. +uch a world is

    visible to the inner eight of a 1ogi. 5ccult science treatingof this subject says($

    8I +lif tll

    Gflf+"GIT l


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    12 I9TI5,/0TI52.

    heave,*; +uch being the case" there . i1 a subtle connec

    tion" imperceptible because subtle" between the"oonditiona

    of the planets and the stars above and those of man below.

    we shall now say a few . words touching the causes of

    failure of astrological predictions( the most important of

    these we will take up firat.

    Astrology tFests on astronomy. The latter science was

    probably in a good condition at the time of 4ibamarka.

    The tables for the calculation of tlte p aces of the planets

    which were then framed 5l then in use"were allsuited to the

    time. 5wing probably to the wear and tear of the severalworking p$.rts of the whD>le machinery of the +olar system"

    the tables of one age are unsuited to another age. To this

    truth the ancient 2indu astronomers were keenly alive.

    They have accordingly laid down this broad tule for the

    guidarice of the future astronomers.


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    I&T*S,/5TI5&. 18

    not give the true places of the planets. The error bas been

    going on for the last

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    (1) *ombay Almanac 18 14 CB? #adras :dB=? 5ombooonum C FFF

    BU? *enares do ... < 58 M;B>? 4akbya a!... 41 77t"#$+iddhanta do ... C UO 15

    I discovered the true length to range betweenCZ LT1 = and CZ > @ on the lat. 8anuary


    Arie"is" and 9asea;9rhika ... ... 'I Taari. Aloyone1u"*obini ... F..Ill Tauri" Aldebaran;(#ri aairaha ... 1. 5rioala

    $Ardra ... ;; ... Ill 5rionis


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    02. l


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    as(. I#M ,*/IAT ..8ATA9A;

    ka?" of the shape or a( crab( 6eo B+imlta?" of t.he shape ora;lionK and +oo pio B4lischika?" of the shape of a scorpion. .

    lhis stan%a as well as stan%a U are chiefly useful in'uestions bonneoted wit.h horary astrology$in the disco

    very of stolen property .and the like ;

    O. #ars" 4enus" #eroory" the #oon" the +un" #7Er

    cury" 4enus" #ara" 8upiter" +aturn" +aturn and 8npiter .nrarespectively the lords of the +igna" and of the &avamsns

    and ,wada.samsasK and tbe several signs Bof 6he [odiac

    beginning from Aries? commence lespeo6ively wit.h. the&a amof#L

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    9 li3I/AT 8ATA9.l. Ycu. r.

    . The lorda of the &avami/ anc8 ,wadaa,IIIal are the llllme aa thelorda of tha *aliF Bsigna?. Theae are men oned in the ten in the ordeof the aigua. It willbe foand that the +un and llooo have eaob a hoC

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    0,. I;? .*3IIIAT .8A.lA/. '1

    In the odd signa the rat five degreesare . .theTrim$* aam3* of Ban

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    = *38l/.T 8ATA8rA. Ycu. I#

    othtEr signs rise with their .. headsBc? and are powerfulby

    dayBd?. The two fish rise by bothNBhead and foot?B*?;


    Xa? . Therefore the dlHy signs are 6eo" 4irgo" 6ibra"

    +corpio" A'uaa;ios and !iscesF .

    #b) +igna that rise by their feet are known as !rish

    todaya 3a tis and these at;e Aries" Taurus" 0ancer" +agittarith "" ;;..+ons" iutelligeoce" previous karma.Oth " "..7nemies"kiusmen" diseases.

    Jth ". . ...if" generosity" respect.=th 1,. #,eath" duration of life. *

    Mth "" L ..,eedsof virtue" f@tber" medicine.

    l5th ". ...Avocaticin"knowledge"clothes. ;;

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    0*; I.` **I*A.T /TA8(A. "

    angles?. If these four houses should happen to be biped"

    a'uatic" oeutiped and 'uadr.npd respectively" they then

    poeeeaa strength F . .. . ". . . .&5T7+.

    The biped signs are( Gemini" 6ib" 4irgo" t.hfirst ;

    half of + gittari and A'uarius l.....t; ;The a'uatic signs are( 0ancer" the '-'+ halt of 0t6pri

    ;; oorn_and !i=C==. ; ;

    The only oentiped sign is +corpio.

    The 'uadruped signs are Aries" T turus"6eo"the second

    half of +agitfiari an of 0apricorn.0F

    .;. I I


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    ,*I2AT ./.TL8rA" P?u. u.

    of the next six signs are UC" =O" =" =" U" and C respeoF

    tively. The rd house is known as 8?uschikya. The Mth

    as Tnpas and Trita;i ona"


    Ba? It thererore follows tbt !annpbara houses Are ;less powerful than the 9end

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    Yell. n.;

    ; The waning #oon" the +un"#ara" +aturn and #et;cury

    when in coujunctic.n with any of these are malefic

    plauets (d,.


    Bt8? These are useful in asoortaining the color of st5len

    . rticles and in determining the color of the ftowers to be


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    02.; /.` (*I/2AT i8.t./d.

    =. The +un t"i.u8 (somewbayenoweyesKieof the heighof the length ot the two #as stretched ottt" of biliousnature and with very little hair on his hea.d. * ; ; 'E G t F * . t . F F

    The #oGo. baa a thin and a . round .body" is

    of ;an exceedingly windy. and ( phlegll?atio . nature" is

    learned and has a soft voice and bea.utiful.eyesF.;

    M. #ars has sharp and cruel eyes and a young body" .

    is generonst of bilious nature" of ttnsteady; mind" and ha.s a

    narrow middle.

    #ercury has an impediment in his speech" is fond of

    joke" and is of a bilious" windy and phlegmatic nature.

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    Bo2. II.

    ABe?y is iretKthat of 8upiter is somewhat used .tbaof 4enus is strong Kandthat of +aturn is torn.. Tl

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    )0 Ycu..8r.

    pign;as well as the lord of the .e altation sign .of snob

    planet" provided they do not conflict with the lords of the ;

    remaining honses.Bb?"


    (a) The other planets are the enemies.

    #b) The same may be expressed otherwilie( the lords

    .of theN.8emaininghouses are the foes of a planet" provided

    they do not conflict with tl

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    0I6 ,? **I3AT 8ATA8/.F or J or

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    b G l

    ,ni/AT AT$9A. ="F.F

    poworlo*2" the fneo" tho legs" and the I8nuds of the child will

    bo doubled F . If the #oon occupy sign lam;us and if malefiu

    planots otcnpy the 3ikshn +andbiesBb8" the .issue will be amute child ' but if t.:le #oon be aspected by a benefic

    plane" t.htlre will bo speech after a long tiweBc?.


    (a) According to some 0omm Entntors the word lri

    kona in tho text iii interpreted ns #oola trikona" tbnt .is

    sign 4i

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    O ,3I3A.T ILTL]lF . YouF .2.

    Xc? +o that if the planets be aspected by 8upiter" the

    cfft cts will not occur.

    lM. If the bo nspccted by the +un" the #oon

    o.nd +aturn. ;

    &c.tes.Ba? +ome 0ommentators interpret this part of the

    text as followsK if #ars occupy the

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    b G l

    en. >.` ,3IIIAT .8AT.A9AK =J

    # #(7) !rovided the +un or tlie #oon ;is at pected by

    #ars and +aturn according to bubodhini 0ommentator.

    Bd? That is beginning from +tan%a

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    -8 ,3I+AT

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    52A!r73 4.

    5# #ATTI*+ con80T8, KI'l'l( 5u T,ll.

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    i. IfJ at thL? timtt ofbirth" U$rie. 6"e' pr T r'.a tthe risi'g sig'" and Ef +at'rn or lfaipF!.!U jgnl t tt jss ewill be a child born with hB? pmbilipal poriL twjoeU ro''d

    t'tt p..rt J 'o " jndioa d 2 e iafl4g lfayft Bp?&otes.

    Ba?. If the &'.nm.s'" of Aribe h t rishg &'.18lllllft the time" thQ/l roSnd the head Kif it be thUii Sf Ta r'a"

    then round the face and ao p'." fDLl8owing !djvja o fItboityreferred8n+ ana U." 0!"ap" r A&'J

    t?. If 8upiter t the time of irih tFil t9 peeb'ti8. heas endant sign and the #oooBa? or the oo when popjupptDLll witL8 thS +un" or Ef thtt #o'n e in eonj'nc i58(L.with the un when he is accompa8(L.iedby F e pl

    et". 8le isse ilben Se itiffia.te child( ; ;


    Ba? 1f.f piteaspet e hLr hS BL,tt 5f t!"e ot ethphild will not be le itimate

    Accordiut' 1avane wara" 'if e

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    tai*AT iun. . U.

    aigns Geinini" 4irgo and !isces"the house will be one with

    two inner yerandahs.

    C. If either the ascendant sign" or the a ( oendnnt

    &avamsa" Bwhichever i@E powet;ful? be that of .AIies" 0ance

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    03. CF?

    the Jth and =th houses represent the pa.rh between the

    two hind legs" and the

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    Bcu. %.

    8n their own signs" &a.vamsas or ,rekkanas" c."the numbergiven by the several planets shall be doubled.

    =. The structure and other peculiariti!sBa? of the

    body shall be determined from the lord of the rising &a.vom

    sa or ft;om the most powerful plauet J and the colotXb? ot

    the body shall be determined ft;om the B6ord of.tbe?&avam

    sa occupied by the #oon Kand the si%e of the several parts

    of the body will follow the signs representing them" beginF

    iug ft;om the l@ising sign which

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    a+t* %.M 51

    tt.nci the I6hK tlus two feet. &ow in stan1.a.

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    Vor the purposes of this stan%a the division of body is

    that.rererred to in stan%a U.

    O. If three planets" whether maleo or beneOo occupy

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    ?u. O.` *3I2AT /TA]A. #-

    @single sign" a wound or a mole will appenr without fail iu

    the parts of body represented by the sign.Ba? Ag tin in the

    divisionB +) of the body into twelve parte beginning from thehead Bwhich the 6agna rtEpreseota? if a malefic planet oc

    cupy the sixth house a wound will appearBc? Bin the hip?K

    bot if the maleOoplanebe aapeot.ed by a.benefic planet"

    both a dark and a white mole will appearKbut if benefic

    planets oooupy the sixth house" there will only appear a.

    orowded growt.h of hair"


    Ba: lbe division of body F;eferred is tl

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ,3I*AT ./.TA6H" Ycu. O.

    thawb.ichsucceeds the moment when the +un hns just

    hnlf set" .dua;ing which tbe stars are invisible" is known as

    andhy@k@la or twilight period.

    Bb? In the odd tigns" the second halves" and in the

    ven signs the fia;st halves are known as lunar 2oras.

    I ejtl

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    YCth" =th and Mth houses" the child will die"if either the +un or the #oon be neither as ected nor ac

    companiedbypowerful boneflcplanets.

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    FFF O.` **I2Al 8AT 9'


    Ba?. Thais +aturn.

    (+). That is" if the eclipsed +an occupy the risingsign accompanied +f a malefic planet Beither #ercury or

    +aturn?" while #ars occupies the 8lth house.

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    .ss II*I3T 8ATA]AF YoF. eF


    Xa?. The# oon makes about I+ revolulioris in theoourse of a year. henever tbo #oon in the course of

    motion bccomas powedul nnd is nepected by powerful

    malefio planets on

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    **I*AT .8ATA/F o9

    it is waxing #oon" there will be no.early death even if the

    #oon occupy the Oth or the +th ouae.M. If the #oon be full nspected by 8upiter

    occupying a 9endra" there will be no early death.

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    #0 II/*8.T 88.TA8(8." Yo

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    #2 YIllF J."

    #ars wlten;wi hin

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    @; J.` ,3IIIAl 8ATA9AF -

    number of &avamsas between tho first point of .A. os nnd

    the 6agon. of the Lising &avn.msa and divide the product

    by 10/ . The 'uotient $Qill"be the number of years to be

    subtract.edBa? from the total number of years already o`"..

    tainedBb?. *ut if the malefio planet be nspect.ed by a bene..

    fie one" the amo'nt of reduction will only be" ou.e$half

    .of what was stated above.


    (a). Tho reduction is known n.s 9rurodayabarana.

    (+). According to some the number of years of.reduc

    tion iobta.tnedby multiplying the total number of ycnrs

    already obtained by the number of &avamsas of tlJ riaing

    sign that have risen above the hori%on an' dividibp( tho

    product by minutes in sign Taurus and whon all tho other planets

    occupy their exalta ion signs is the maximum leriod of 180years nnd >pays


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    O?" If all the planets 550Hlpy either a single sign olthe lrikoila or tbe 9endta houses" a pert on born in the

    yoga will either die immediately after birth or live for a.yuga by the power of fl2atttra,,

    O. If (m"alefioplanet.a do not occupy the Trikona housell"

    F benefic planets do not occupy the 9endi houses" and if the

    =th boute be not occupied by a malefic planet" a pel+5n

    born in the yowillbecome a ,eva..

    J. lhe rising sign is T

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    . Bl8I. J` . **I*UL 8ATAI/FF '+

    J. The +nn occnpios sign AriesK 8upiter either the

    9t" l

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    a. ,eva.U. 9uborn..

    C; n. 9innara.

    J. *brashta.

    +. 9ulaghna.

    M. Garala.

    . ,eva.O. Aa;dta.J. 9alinasa.

    =. 9sbitiswaa;a.

    M. 9amalakara.


    UO. +oumya.

    UJ. (#(a;idu.

    U=. +ositala.

    UM. ,amshtraka.rala.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    03F =` *3I3A.T .8AT8.9A" '1>

    02A!T73 4III.

    5& St.NI;2 ,tvlstows ND +oa$,nisrows or;6trw9&5w& As ,A3A+A2, A2lA,A+AA.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    5* .fc` (nmAKt 8ALAI/; >9

    no planets in any of these pleoei" the an ardasa periods of

    the other planeFs alone should be takenK ;.f.. The fractionsBe? should all be made tobava

    common denominator with different . numerators. The

    dasa period should be divided by the sum of the numera;

    tors and the 'uotient . when multiplied by the ;several

    numerators will give the periods of the several anw


    &otes.BG?. That is:" lF t" l aud lF "

    +uppose for instance there are planets in the several

    places referred to in the ;laat stan%a excepting say1 the Jthbouse from the sign occupied by the lord of the dasa.

    " T e periods of the four antardaaas$those of ; (I) the

    `ord of the dasa ' B? the planet with it K B=? the planet

    occupying the >th or the Mth honse from ih and B.f.? theplanet occupying the or tho =th honse from it$are inthe proportion of( (EA#3eductihnegse to fractionswith a oommon denominator" we get !IA

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    80 **l2AT lLTA9A. Yen. =

    Bb?. The dasa.period of a planet ocouupying simply itaexaltation sign and not very powerful is known aa Au-a.

    Bc;? The dasa period ofa. weak planet occupying simplyits depre*+ion sign is also known as ikta (a,)

    O. The dasa.(period of e!planet which 'uitting the ex

    altation degree moves toHvards the depression sign is known asAt1athini < while so moving" if the planet occupy a

    friendly or an exaltation .&avamsa #b) his dasa period is

    known as a7lhya-a. Again the dasa pet;iod of a planet

    which 'uitting the depression deglee moves towards its. exaltation sign is known as .tff'hini$ moving" if

    the planet occupy an imimical or a depression &avamsa"

    his dasa period is known.asAdha-iJ.

    Ba?. As well as the anta.rdasa. period aoeo

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    YoF. /

    M. The & aargika (t4l) daaaa in the oaae of allFcreatures are thoseof ihe #oon" (#ara" #eroory" 4enus"

    8opiter" the +un and he +aturn in the order stated" andtheir periods are respectively

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    D5. =? DIK*.; &;\.'. =

    (+). 4arga(If,for instance"the6agoabethe sign" 2ora",rekana" &avamea" ,wada.eamea or Trimeamea of the;

    lord odaea period.;

    Xc?. O Antardaea period according .to 0ommentator.Bd?; If either the fliendly planet or thebeneficplanet

    oooopying the 6agoa be an .A.timitraplanet to the lord ofthe(daaa period" such period will be a very prosperous oueK

    if auoh beneficplanet be an Atisatru?planet" the peliod wi lnot be a prospe

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ,*II/T 8.lTA9A; Yoa. =N

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    os.=` *3I*AT

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    8# Yos..e.

    stones. 2e w;m bo of fino appearance" valorous" and willNenjoyevery substance" provoking sexual passion" will be

    come learned in the +astra.s" will obtain the object of his

    desire" will ac'uire friends"will become skilled in trade andin agriculture" and will get hidden treasures and wealth.

    In the malefic dasa period of 4enus" the person will

    'uarrel with crowds of people" with the king" hunters and

    .wicked men and he willsuffe

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    cu. =` **I2A.T 8A.TA.ItA.. b>

    of disagreeable appearance or of slllall discs" the effects will

    be bad in their dasa periods. The planets" which" at the

    time of commencement of their antardusa. periods" mightbe aapected by benefic planet.a or occupy the 4argas Bdivi

    sions? of behefio or atimitra BvQEry friendly? planets are power

    ful and will not causo deathK if they be situated othet;wise

    they will cause death.

    C. In the benefic dasa periods of the planets a peF;son

    will ac'uire the severn: metals assigned to lhe planets Bvide

    0hapter II.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    *3I,iT lAT.l*(L. Bca. =

    particular elementary pt;incipla. 4araha #ihira. in 0hapter

    O= of his *rihat +amhita. B+tn.n%n.s MC (to M? has thus

    stated in detail the complexion due to each of the seven.planets(

    The complexion discernible in shining teeth" ;skin"nails and hairs of the body and of the bead will be uttend

    ed with prosperity K it is caused by the element of eatrth K

    it makes the person happy" rich and via;tuous.@@The complexion wbich is glossy" white" clen.r" green

    nd agreeable to look at is caused by the element of waterK


    make all creuturos poss ssing it happy and successful

    in all their attempts and will produce wealth" comfort"luxury and prosperity.@

    @The complexion which is fe3rfnl" unbearable" of the

    color or the lotos" gold or fire"and indicating strength" power

    and valor" is caused by the elementof fit;e" n.nd it bt;ings

    success to a person and enables him to gain his desired


    @The complexion which is dirty" not glossy" black

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    ea. =` *38,ll IAlA]A..

    the eyeK tha6 of air is Fouch" diaoetuible by the bodyKand

    that of .A.kas is sound" diaeernib

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    b G l

    g" **I*AT .8AT]A.. Yc3. =

    oharaotor and .one ano6her characte

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ca.=` 3I*aHT 1AT./(.t.. Ol

    2ow much of the peliod of a particula

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    02 oa.9

    ant.arda being the lo

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    97 *ai*L.T lATA 7A. Yoa. M

    Uth" nh" =th" th" Jth" Mth and th" =th" Mth and th" Oth


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    cu. M` ,*I*.lT IATA8(A.

    or exlHltation sigot"produce boneOo efVects fully i suoli

    8Fouaea or sigus are more benefic for the. planets 't"an

    /iAlefio K arid planets while passing through places which

    happen to be Apaohnya houses or which might be theil

    iuimiD.$al or depression signs" produce malefic effects fully if

    such houses ot; signa be more malefic for the planets than



    Ba.?. Vor instance" the trd" lith" Oth 3od l(.Ltu lth" Jth" =th" H(lth" and

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    b Google


    **I*.li 8.lTA6H. ; ga. 9

    000 A

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l


    The A.4. tables are /seful in the ptediction of inoet

    of tbtl important events of lite. 3egular treatises exist onthts braneh "r horosoopyK which mustK be consulted tortHtllpariioularsF e sha8l givehere some of the nses orthe A; 4.tablos.

    the tables preparedF sa stated aboveK with Ggules r=@

    presenting benefic dots are subjfloted to two reductions or

    e2mioationtt" known as Trikona 7kadhipnttya red.ucF

    tlons$that is" of the OgntFes in the triangular signs" and of

    the figures in the several pairs of signs forming Fhe bonsea

    of the planets from (#(arsto +aturn"


    T.tt805&.l O T/.25/6Aa 38(,/afi52+.

    The Triangular signs are given in the notelt to +btl a

    5 of 0baptelt. The reductiott rules are ($

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    '9/ D+&; &;'# Yoa. M

    be smaller than tho figure in the latter" make tho latter

    e'ual to the foa;meF;" B? if the figo

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    a..;M.` *3I/AT . These figulos;are and =.

    +o that after 3eduction&D;IIt!#6 #. 4. table of ABa1#s. will stand thus ($K$

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    100 **iitl.l +LTA9lK . YeliF M.

    1 < I CC


    A; v. labte;of lfan@aner *edao$tiona atFd8l.



    C C C

    The tot.a.l of figures after the

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    ca. M.` **I2AT 8ATA/.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    102 *0I2AT 8ATA80A..

    Vind out the ni@ or 'uarter as before.

    n will give the poOition of the kitchen in a peraonti8house"

    A.4. of (#ercury.

    hen +uturn passes through signs in wl

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b Google

    btl. M.`

    . hen the nn and the #oon pass through signs in

    whioh the figures are in the A. 4. of +aturn" a persondies Bin his year of death?.The lEik or 'uarter ascertained as beroro gives tht8

    position of the spot where the sweepings are gFthered.

    Qartadtuka ($a!4g

    lbe Ashtaka 4I/gas of the *un and other planets conF

    sidered separately are known as ,binilashtak va.rgus andtheir sum forms hat is known as +arvasbta8(ta vat;ga. Iii

    the latter" the figure;in sign Aries Nis the sum of the figuresin sign Aries bi the ;several*liinnashtaLta varg*sKsimilarlythe figure in sign; Tluros;of *. A. 4. is the sum of thefigures in aiign (ra ds of the *. A. 1s. arid the(< and =M.from+un to' +aturn. ;(

    &ow variua events of life I/= p edic.t.edby means of thefigureof the a(A.4. tabl. . . .B

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    em. D.M *3I3AT 8

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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    b Google

    cs. M.`




    #ultiply the several;figores in the sigos from Aries in

    the .Asbtakavarg@ of the +un by the figures of the 3asi

    Gunahra tnbl.e respectively and odd the products.

    Again ,nltiply the se(vera.l figures in the signLL occuF

    pied by t"e un nnd other planets by the figuros< of. tbe

    Aries ... J 8.8ibra

    Taurua ..F lC +corpioGemini = +agittari.0ancer 7 5apricom6eo lC A'uarius4irgo > !isces

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    (0- I5; &7'&',%.Q-. Yca. M.

    .Graha Gunakt"ra table ..respectively and add the products.

    Add tho hvo total . #ultiply the sum by JK divide the

    podnot hy J. TiltL 'uotient will give the yeani of the .+un.lluhiply the remaindetFbyl and divida the product by J

    the 'uotient will giveth." monthsK multiply the remainderby +5 tnd divide the pt;oduot by J K the 'nodent will give

    the days" and similally find the Gl

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    as. M.` l5f

    After making the seve.arl redactions add up the resalt8

    ing yeal* of the plauet=" mu. The 'notient will give the length of a

    person@8ire in years" mouths" days" e.

    Again" in the A. 4. of +aturn abefor7" mo2iply t.hefigures of t.he a nral signs from -rifs by the [odiacal fac..

    tors and add up the produot.*( #ultii8y the figut;es in the

    sever3lsignli occupied by the +un and other plan!t3 by the

    sevet;al pln.netary factors and add up the pruduct.s. .Add

    tog Ether the two tot..8s. To the yeat= more t"an the

    period obtained if such length be found to rango between

    OJ and

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    Bc?. +uch #

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    ? (F ,., ,.. +aturn"BO?

    ' 6#'4enu.a" 8ll

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



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    b G l

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    0*. l8.` l8ni*.lT 8Al.l8(A"

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    I//*A.t 8A.TAI(A. BC

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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    b G l


    degrees. .Accordingly the following .interpretation is proposed($

    @Irtheriaiog sign be thehooae of .8upiter" 4eau or 4ercur"$@;;

    *hatt /tpala" the commentator" while granting the

    validity ofthe objection" says" t.bat thinterpretationobjec$;ted to has the suppot;tof Garga whom be 'uutes. Asimilarremau;k applies to the 4ajra and other yogas described instan%a G of the next 5hspter" and in stan%a C.of the same"

    4araba #ibira while admitting the imposaibi2ty of the

    yoga" says that his task issimply to state the views or the G

    ancient writers and nothing more. (ide notes to; stan%a

    O" 0hapter ]ll.

    (+). l.boogh he may be poor.

    Bc?. This portion of the text is interpreted by some

    as follows(

    @heu powerful be,eao planets ocoapy the 9endru@

    *ut this interpretation is opposed to Garp whom the

    commentator 'uotes.

    02A!T73 ]II.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    l(+ Yc

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    FF .` C

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    124 oa.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



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    th" Oth and Jth


    (+). That is from the Uth to the l5th house.

    Bc?. That is from the Jth o the

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    FJI, ?.? **III.t.T /TA9.t... K"

    Bd?. That is from the l5th to the th to the

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    **I3.O.T l.O.T.t9AF YC

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    l=U **I*.L.T ./.TA9A. YC

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    18# 88IIIlT /T8.9A. Yo.

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    b G l

    13/ *8/2AT .l.lT.ll(... You. s.

    bat if these two not ao occupied be yoga is

    known as 9emadruma.

    U. The +unapha and the Anfopha yogaa are eauh ofthirty$one aorta" and the ,urudhura. yog R. The Uth series therefore is l" "

    =>. 5btain the Oth series aa follows( < );>\O. o)l>\

    th series tberefot;o is l" f., tho number of combinatiun

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    7O 8I3I*Ar 8.lTA.8/. B59.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    178 Yoa u..

    Bd?. +uch as 9emadruma yoga.

    . N# That is" suppose a person to beborn in aF9emf..K"K; druma yoga and suppose the benefic planets to occupy thu

    /pacbayll places from the aacendant or tile #oon or both"

    the person will become rich and not poor.

    02A!T73 ]I4.

    ON Dou5 Sun;2 1ooA+.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ,3I3A.T 8ATA.9A.(

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    >. If the double planets occupying together a sign of

    the [odiac at Fhe time of birth be 4enne and +aturn" theperson will be abort$sighted" will have an increase of wealththrough the friend ( hipof a young woman"and willbe skillecl

    in writing and painting. In the case of other pla etaryyogaa" (a) the effects described shall be determined and



    Ba?. That is" if three or more planets occupy together

    aaign of the [odiac at the time of birth" the yoga shall

    flrat be split into a number of double planetary yogas andthe efVects described in this 0hapter shall then be applied.

    /4N4+uppose the four planets" the +un" #oon" Bas ancl(#ercury to occupy together a single sign. This yoga canbe split into six double planetary yogns aa follows ( B

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    /1&5'; /TA/.

    XU?. The +un and 8upiter"be willbe earnest in work"

    will be a favorite with the king.and ri h.

    B>?. The +un and 4enus" he will ac'uire wea8fihthrough women" will have kinsmen and enemies and willbointelligent.

    BO?. The +un and +aturn" he will be oR dull under

    standing and subject to his enemies.6' BJ?. #.oon anDl #ara" he will be bold and born of a

    8ligh familyK will be virtuous" wealthy and posseased of

    aood 'ualities.

    B=?. #oon and #ercury" be willbe charitable" lear,edin sciences" and po**essed of excellent .'ualities.

    BM?. #oon and 8upiter"be willprotect; good and pions

    men and will be very intelligent.


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    b Google

    8U.O ,3ll/T 8LT.AI/. Yca.

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    b G l


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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    **I*.lT J UT.l8(.l" 8O>

    BO?. 7xcept the #oon$will be an energetic traveller

    and intelligent.

    BJ?. 7xcept the +un$will visit holy$places" and will


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    b G l

    15# *r.I2A.T 8A./9A.. Bcu. .

    B+?. *hibbu ($A *rahman ascetic who abandons hie

    house and family and subsists en"irely on alms.

    BU?. 4ridhasravka ($known as kapalika" c. followerof +iva.

    B>?. 0hakra ($known as 0hakradhara" is an ascetio

    who wears a discus.

    BO?. &it;grandha A-a naked asoetio.

    BJ?. 4anyas@na ($an ascetic who subsists on the roots

    of tho forest and is engaged in ,ivine meditation.

    . If the most powerful yogo planet be an .A.stangataplanet" (a) a person will not become a ,eekshita Xb? but will

    be attached to pelilons who are such. Again" if the power

    ful planet which suffers defeat in oov8unction be aspected

    by othe

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    cu. 8G` *3I*AT 8ATA9Ao 5*

    A person born when the #oon passes throngb the as8H terism of !. !hnlgnni will be of sweet speech" will be liher.ll

    in his giftLL" of wLndering hahits and will serve under kings;J. A person born when the #oon passes through the

    *Llterism of u( !halguui will be genet;ally liked" will earnmonoy by his learning aud will 8ive iu comfort.

    A petlLon bot;n when the #oon pa.c ses through the ns

    terism of 2asta will be of active habits" full of resources"

    shameless" merciless and a thief and a d

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    lG *f.IIIAT 8ATA9A. Ycu.

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    b G l

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l

    lGI /lA.r /l/A.; YC

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    b Google

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    0*. . A pert ou bom when the rising sign is 6eo will

    be severe" fond of anima food and of bilious temperAment"

    @ill conceal himself" will support hie fm2y by engagingin various woF;ks" will be a niggard" will like the people"

    i&l be a man of renown n.nd of re3ignationK will atmoy his

    kinsmen" w2l be able" and energetic" will be of a sinful

    nature" will po==e== several wives and will have a diseased

    waist" knees and teeth. 2e will meet his death by @ea..

    pons" hC

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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    4.>/ **I*AT 8ATA/; Yoa.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    l+O ,3I2AT 8ATA80A" Ycu.

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ca. C.` ,3I*AT 8.HTA8t.".

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    become blind Kif he occupy the Mth house" the person willhave sons

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira




    *lllll.lT 8L.TA9i.K

    person will be liked by ail 3nd wi/ have sons" kinsmen and

    wealth. Ifahe occupy the l5t.h house" be will be successful

    in all places" will be virtuous" wealthy" inte/igenand

    valorous. If abe occupy t?te 1Ith house" the person will be

    famous and will g""jn wealth ond the like and if she occupy


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    al'n1eld!o od>p.e. ecIF"a

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    0*; C.? bftt2AT 8.AT.At/. 185


    BB[?. rhllt ill if the houses occnpiotl by tlto planets hetheir exaltation signs" theitF ft;iendly signs;or theit own


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    l8< *lti2AT lAT.t.ll(

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    diseases. Ifive planetsdo ao the;person will aofterFim;prisonmentK if six pl".nets"j.the pe&on ;will be a victim to

    much grief and iR seven planets do ao" be will subject totorture persona who ought not;to be tor ured.


    #ercury and the +un cannot at the same time occupy

    their depre. 0& the.horae occupied by the malefic and beneficplanets be the same as stated abov.ewhile the signs are dif#

    erent" Xa? the person will be @u;uat has been stated abovefor the two yogas in a moderate degree K bot if both thehorae and signs be di the effects will fait.


    Ba?...8bat is if tbe mLttleOo planets occupy the$solar


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    @.n.` 18*

    Be?. 5batusbpad ,rekkauaa ( These are the gnd ,r k

    kana of Ari "the nd and rd of T@aras" tho

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b Google

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    ca...` **I2AT ./.T./(A; < O = I U$ 20 =C s 1' 85 I s C21 14 >O sa 8' 2' 22 82 8* 1' --

    - #* 8 #2 21

    81 18 B 88 =MM 25 B 70 1' 81 = 5' 49 22

    58 B %() 81 2' Q$ 41

    87. ' 52 B U.B 2* =M

    1# C 66 4' 281# 28 52



    B 8# 82 41 U= 1# 2# OC UC +O 8* B41 -' 25 UO li+ 2ll 2.5 8' 2'

    = 8 5* 4' 8# OC7/ UC 4' 4'I 14 C Uo= =U 28

    +M 8 55 2.5 $ =O 522.5 U. OC U= 14 18 UC 82 2*

    Q$ O=

    +l O< Uo= Q$ 5 55 O8


    UC41 28 2# 7/ < 10 = = ' 4*

    .a 1* 24 UU 8 2# 24 231 10 # #'- 1 #0 U

    Uo= li+ .s% 2.5 2# 2* 231 81 12 6 UU 531 4' U=ll 20 2.5 2* 88 81 85 14 4 41 2 5-


    25 31 18


    UO == 8' +O 8* 1# 2 831 C.D 8* 2.5

    7.C 8 Ut 15 431 =O U. UC U 1* 8 B UU =U 25

    s 4'

    85 1# 6 628 *@ .,25 5

    61 6'26 6 + 6J @ 1 2.Q S6

    C.D 25 I OC 1- 1' 8' 2* so+0 6 6'


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira




    4' 8 , 0 12 2.Q UC



    28 I =C UC =C2# C=

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    Table @4 Qhe8ing.the ntardasa periods of the (arious +akshatra Easas.A IITA.*,A8I/. I ot.IDT.HII,A=A=. i A8?.@TA*.,.6+/.

    +an ... ... C i 8 #oon ... ...C C


    or feet ft;om the ground" running east

    to west" nnd nbout > ot; O feet apart from ench other. &ow

    tlte two plumbliuos are cellaiuly vcrticnl"and tho plane$ pass

    ing through them will bo u. vertical plane. This plane may

    be mude to p

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira



    $0$ ,L . hllUitlf the time of euImittation q% tlte +un a8l the(erMI qui/o/.

    cnlK,ina$ /oof4.t1on en1l.&O=


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


    b G l


    !I'.,L) 1': lao8ig th timu at tohich the te6eral

  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


  • 8/9/2019 The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira


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