the breckenridge news. (cloverport, ky) 1909-07-07 [p...

es r I 0- p I MI w 7 Hbr j THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWSI I JNO D BABBAGE SONS PUBLISHING CO ifi t i Issued Every Wednesday I 1 1 1 I A ASuhPcriptioh Price 100 a year in advance i CARDS OF THANKS over fivo linos charged for at the rate of 10 cents per lino- OBITUARIES ft r I charged for at the rate of 6 cents per lino Money pcfev r 11 advanceExamine the label on your paper If it is not correct please I Ktf f I usI I ordering a change in the address subscribers should give r their old as well as the new address 1 I EIGHT PAGES CLOVERPORT KY WEDNESDAY JULY 7 1909 i Iii i i Kentucky Editors Have a Glorious Meeting Busi ¬ ness Transacted on the Side Sam Under ¬ > wood of Jlopltinsville Elected President Estill Springs Ky July 21909Editorial Correspondence Beautiful Estill I The members of the Kentucky Press Association r f arrived hero Monday evening and to say there has been something doing every moment is putting it in a mild way Everybody had ° l their energy stirred up for a good time and not a guest was present who failed to get Ii big slice of fun j Business was simply brought in on tho side merely to elect Mr I Sam Underwood president and Dan Bowman secretary and treasurer I A D Miller was elected vicepresident and Clarenco Woods orator I Tuesday morning the Association was welcomed to Estill Springs by Mr Robert Friend His address was splendid and the cordial spirit of it rippled through the crowd all week A Y Ford M 11 That ¬ cher and TT Newman of Louisville were hero Thursday as were bookedon the program There was considerable dashing around in the debate Resolved That StateWide Prohibition Would be a Good Thing for Kentucky C K Woods affirmative T M Gilmore negative The whiskey lawyer was drowned by the editors and before many hours ho was like a fish out of water t1 1 Mrs Breckinridgo of Lexington lighted her candle before the Association Thursday morning and the editors wore much pleased with the light she threw on school suffrage There was a largo at ¬ I tendance delightful set of people and everyone left Friday night reluctnntlyLounm Our Court House at Hardinsburg isa thing of beauty and a joy forever It never appeared to better advantage than it did last Mon ¬ day The Circuit Court room was beautifully decoraated for tho I Teachers Institute and there were present as handsome and intelli tgent body of teachers as any county in tho State can turn out The exercises were inspiring and uplifting Dr Corsons talk Monday afternoon was one of the best wo ever heard in an Institute No doubt his surroundings were an inspiration How wo are progress ¬ ing in educational matters 1 And theres no one prouder of it than this editor Judge Moorman has the endorsement of all good citizens for his work in renovating the court house and yard Men feel more like be having themselves and acting like men and not like brutes in a clean I house It took courage and back bone for the young Judge to do I f 0what he has done but to our mind no greater work could have been I i II done for the general good and uplift of tho county It is to be hoped i t f that his successor will carry on the good work i I I himselff I promptl t dealings ready and willing to servo you Strictly temperate and a square man He would make on ideal circuit clerk and the Democrats will make no mistake if they nominate him I t l f IIIJudge a candidate for reelection No finer man ever saton the bench than Judge Settle An able judge a genial gentleman broadminded andp liberal this district will make no mistake in reelecting him It Itthe Democrats Independents and conservative Republicans allover county see in Vic Robertson n clean sweep for victory if nominat i ed at the coming Democratic Mass Convention II Everybody wants 1 a clean ticket for the Democrats and likewise t t tone for the Republicans The first one in the field will have the ad J r vantage The thing to do in this county is to raise more stuff for tho kit ¬ then and loss for the trusts N I It is tho duty of all good citizens to l lend a hand in nominating good men for the officesp OJ i II0 I QOL II QOO I t 01piij I f 1 f 11HIS ISA L l y- k t i- H o 0 s t i SPACE FROM NOW ON r0 WATCH IT 0 0 C0GOiQOI0II m Read Our Story ry t = 11 < Or t T7 WOMANS RIGHTS IN NORWAY Mss Gula Krog Pioneer Tells What Her Sex Has Gained Miss Gulu Krog n prominent Norwe gian delegate to the quinquennial meet Ing of the National Council of Women held In Toronto this month said re Gently to a New York Sun reporter The women of Norway have had municipal suffrage and have been eligi- ble for all municipal offices for the last nine years and next fall will cxcrcls their rights as lull voters for the first time Though we speak of It as unl versal suffrage we dont really have the ware rights to the ballot ns the men have at present Before 1808 tho men of Norway hat suffrage with the taxation quallflca lion On that lute they got universal suffrage Next fall the women of Nor- way will begin to vote just about on the same terms that the men did be fore 1S9S with the advantage that married women cnn vote on the taxes paid bythelr husbands and unmarried women on those paid by their parents That is better than the men started with you see- The women of Norway have served on juries for upward of five years Often a woman is elected as foreman We serve In all sorts of cases Just as the men do They look upon us wom ¬ en of Norway as being Interested In the welfare of our country aside from our sex We have no childrens court ns yet In its place we have a body of officers men and women elected by the municipal authorities to look after the welfare of the children There may be women elected to par ¬ lament next fall but I hardly expect It You see with us the Conservative party is very much stronger than the Liberals or the Social Democrats Our ablest women those who might bo elected to parliament belong to the Liberals I hardly expect them to get in One thing we who have worked for suffrage In Norway have noticedthat a good many women held back re ¬ fused us their assistance but now that the work Is accomplished they come forward with enthusiasm and are eager to take part In It I believe the same will be found to be true here- In the United States HEALTH AND BEAUTY A cup of cold water before retiring and a cup of hot water in the morning before breakfast work like magic aa n cure for indigestion Almond meal I is preferred by some women to soup mud acts ns a pleasing alternative to soap at any time Tills softens cleanses nUll wftlens time skin The most easily digested foods which contain the greatest amount of nour ¬ ishment and are free frour gelds and stprches arc those best adapted jo the childs needs A glass of warm water before break ¬ fast is a tonic for the whole system If the complexion is in need of Im ¬ provement try squeezing half n lemon into the water Just before drinking Ila o 11z4 nice towels as you can af ¬ ford but pay lent attention to tho qual ¬ ity than to tat h rleirllwsj There ii little use tl careful tablmicd Ifa t l j lngI a i weakened condition of the system but external applications roHeve auJ iJltI I tor rile lids A pouiilo fur the pur ¬ pose la made from four grams white vaseline cud live centigrams each of white precipitate and oil of birch This is applied at night A drop of belladonna on n lump of sugar is an old fashioned remedy that is taken when symptoms of a sty are first maul fested At the same time the lids ore 4 he bathed in warm elder flower wa A skin whitening preparation that an be easily made at home is in the- roportion of two tablespoonfuls of oatmeal a half tablespoonful of pow- dered borax and a half pint of rose water Let the mixture stand three days strain and add a half ounce of alcohol Tho addition of the alcohol prevents the souring which is the drawback to so many oatmeal prep- arations If preferred Instead of using all oatmeal it can be mixed with half this bulk of almond meal Either of these washes makes the skin feel soft and smooth if rubbed on the hauls or face after washing The biggest problem of all to the wo ¬ man who would keep her good looks is the matter of wrinkles A generation ago she gave up without n fight but since the coming of massage and sum ¬ ie devices of all sorts she dares no eager hmdulgo J such disfiguration ns long ns It may be prevented One wo ¬ mans simple cureall is the cream bath She dabs her face with hot wn tcr until it is heated thoroughly then applies the cream fresh from the dairy letting it dry on her face She puts on more cream massaging it into the wrinkles particularly It is then washed with warm water and lightly powdered Nail Polish In Tubes The latest toilet novelty is a nail polish which conies in a tube and can be pressed out llko artists pigments The polish itself Is of n consistency be ¬ tween n cream and u llqud easy to put on Time case Is a neat little one nickel plated with a top that pulls off and furnished with an ejector to force out the enamel Delicately Put The first day out was perfectly bvoly said tho young lady Just back Irom abroad Tho water was ns smooth as glass and it was simply I gorgeous But tho second day was tough and or decidedly dlsgorgeouB HvsrybpdyJ a Magazine JJ 0IJIIIII < o j fh + RAYMOND Rev C E Scott tilled his regular np pointmenfhere Saturday and Sunday Cant Chappell is ill with typhoid u this writing tl Ahmed Cashman is all smiles over the arrival of a fine boy that arrived at his house July 1 Filmore Johnston had a cow killed by Hghthing last week Several from here attended the picnic given by the Modern Woodmen at Lo diburpr on last Saturday It is repor ¬ ted a financial success Why dont you delight the housewife by furnishing her pure and wholesome flour Your grocer Keeps it Its the Lowisport flour Mr and Mrs Thomas Hall attended church here Sunday and after church they had a family reunion vhich con- sisted of the following children and grandchildren Mr and Mrs Hayden Bassett and two children Mr and Mrs Levy Pollock and five children Mr and Mrs Willis Chappell and three boys Mr and Mrs Floyd Hall and four chil- dren ¬ Mr and Mrs June Hall and one child Mr and Mrs Frank Philpot Mr and Mrs Sam Johnson Miss Blanche Hall and Mr and Mrs Tom Johnson the last were grandchildren All their children and grandchildren were pre ¬ sent except one grandson There were a few present besides their own immed ¬ iate family This was very much en ¬ joyed by all and more especially by Mrs Hall who is an invalid and not- able to be out much t Mr and Mrs Otto Stiff went to Lo diburg Sunday to have some picturei- nacie forMfclvin Mrs Jones of Louisville has been visiting at J E Mucus for several I days STATE OF OUlO OITY OF TOLEDO I S3 LUCAS COUNTY N f l < rank J Cheney makes Lath that ho I Is senior partner of tho firm of K J Cheney d Co doing business In tho City of Toledo County and Stato aforesaid and that said I firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED I UOL LA US for each and every case of Catarrh I that cannot bo cured by tho use of Halls s Catarrh Cure KKANIC J CHENEY Sworn to boforomo mind subscribed In my presence thtsfithdlyotDecember A D1SSO < SEAL A WGLEASON NOTARY lUllLJO Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of thosystoin Send for testimonials free V J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by till Druggists 75c Take tails Family Pills for constipation JACK HORNER PIE The Latest Guise of This Popular Con crpiece An addition has been made to the contrivances for curial navigation and while It would defy the skill of n Wright or n zeppelin to operate It has attracted considerable attention from all beholders It Is fashioned from 4S lt JACK IIORNEH WE crape paper and as the accompanying Illustration shows It Is carried out in realistic fashion even to tho basket suspended by tinsel cord from which depend satin bags for favors the mis ¬ slot of this particular airship being to servo as n Jack IIorner pie sMATTINGLY S ofI Mrs Nancy Pate at Pisgah last Sunday Mrs Annie Holderman of Tennessee is visiting relatives in Balltown Mrs G P Burdette who has been sick for some time is im roving rapidly Mrs R C Mattiugly iMrs Ben Mc Quady and children were visiting Mrs Ida Ball Sunday- s Miss Malissu Mattingly was visiting Misses Euna and Lila Burdette last SundayMr rank Ball was visiting his bro ¬ ther Chas Ball lost Sunday Mr and Mrs Peyton Scott of Clover port were visiting their parents Mr and Mrs W N Pate last Saturday and Sunday F 11tg1tlyiIl h I ma MRS JOHN HOP- PMUS JOHN IIOPP Webster Ave L III NY writes i I have boon suffering for tho past ton years with many symptoms Inci ¬ dent to my ago also catarrh and indi ¬ i gestion I was weak and discouraged had no ambition could not sleep at night and lost greatly in weight ItI tried otlicr remedies hut with no success until I commenced to take Po runa I now feel better in ovory ro spout can sloop well and have gained i I In weight I cannot praise Peruua highly enough for tho good it has done mo IIIt any women are suffering as I did 1 would advise thorn to try Poruna and convince themselves Pcruha has donw me good I know by my experience that it ic worth its weight In gold to any ono who needs it- Itl also took lIanaUn forconstipaUon in connection with Pornua and I found it helped mo where other laxatives failed jMow j Miss Malian Jolloy Parmole N 0 writes I have been taking your Pe runa and can say that I am well of the catarrh HI thank you for your kindness and your fldvlceV t nt Why dont you delight the houso ¬ wife by furnishing her pure and wholesome flour Your grocer keeps it Its the Lewlsport flour Aunt Millie Pate will soon be 93 end is as spry as a kitten Crops are very good now but there has been so much rain there is likely to be a drouth There is a large fruit crop this year nnd we hear people willmake good use of itr I E QI Q017 JI CHOEZD 1I2J1I JI C= > Jill 101 E QI 11QOI = Dri0EJ Ii 11 1 I 1I Statement of Condition 1 of o 0 r The Bank of Hardinsburg Trust Co Hardinsburg Kentucky 0 At the close of business June 30 1909 1 ° Resources ° Notes and Bills J26066451 Cash in Safe 16339 59 Cash in other a 1ks7 39225 80 Stocks and Bonds I 18157 61 o Banking House and Lot 1800 00 ° Other Real EstateL 136 79 Furniture and Fixtures L 4 < > 400 00 < s Total 336724 30 i Liabilities Fl ° j jCapital Stock Pad in 50000 00 QSurplus and Undivided Profits 12016 91 L ° Dividend No 38 4 per cent 2000 00I Amount Due Depositors 272707 39 r Total 336724 30- VERY t o 0 N RESPECTFULLY l l- e t i M H> BEARD CashierA IQJlf IQJIIcIOI tlf lIf tr 10 1lf D IU U II t 10 Jlo 1 a ati + t 1 2 a ilS jtytiJ S i fi

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Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1909-07-07 [p ] · A skin whitening preparation that an be easily made at home is in the-roportion

esr I






ifi t

i Issued Every WednesdayI 1



AASuhPcriptioh Price 100 a year in advancei CARDS OF THANKS over fivo linos charged for at the rate of

10 cents per lino-


charged for at the rate of 6 cents per lino Money


r 11advanceExamine

the label on your paper If it is not correct pleaseI

Ktf fIusII

ordering a change in the address subscribers should giver their old as well as the new address



Kentucky Editors Have a Glorious Meeting Busi ¬

ness Transacted on the Side Sam Under ¬

> wood of Jlopltinsville ElectedPresident

Estill Springs Ky July 21909Editorial CorrespondenceBeautiful EstillI The members of the Kentucky Press Association

r f arrived hero Monday evening and to say there has been something

doing every moment is putting it in a mild way Everybody had°

l their energy stirred up for a good time and not a guest was present

who failed to get Ii big slice of funj Business was simply brought in on tho side merely to elect MrI Sam Underwood president and Dan Bowman secretary and treasurerI A D Miller was elected vicepresident and Clarenco Woods orator

I Tuesday morning the Association was welcomed to Estill Springs by

Mr Robert Friend His address was splendid and the cordial spiritof it rippled through the crowd all week A Y Ford M 11 That ¬

cher and TT Newman of Louisville were hero Thursday as were

bookedon the programThere was considerable dashing around in the debate Resolved

That StateWide Prohibition Would be a Good Thing for KentuckyC K Woods affirmative T M Gilmore negative The whiskey

lawyer was drowned by the editors and before many hours ho was

like a fish out of watert11 Mrs Breckinridgo of Lexington lighted her candle before the

Association Thursday morning and the editors wore much pleased

with the light she threw on school suffrage There was a largo at ¬I

tendance delightful set of people and everyone left Friday nightreluctnntlyLounmOur Court House at Hardinsburgisa thing of beauty and a joy

forever It never appeared to better advantage than it did last Mon ¬

day The Circuit Court room was beautifully decoraated for thoI Teachers Institute and there were present as handsome and intellitgent body of teachers as any county in tho State can turn out The

exercises were inspiring and uplifting Dr Corsons talk Mondayafternoon was one of the best wo ever heard in an Institute No

doubt his surroundings were an inspiration How wo are progress ¬

ing in educational matters 1 And theres no one prouder of it thanthis editor

Judge Moorman has the endorsement of all good citizens for hiswork in renovating the court house and yard Men feel more like be

having themselves and acting like men and not like brutes in a clean I

house It took courage and back bone for the young Judge to do I

ff 0what he has done but to our mind no greater work could have beenIi

II done for the general good and uplift of tho county It is to be hopedi

t f that his successor will carry on the good work iII

himselff Ipromptlt dealingsready and willing to servo you Strictly temperate and a square manHe would make on ideal circuit clerk and the Democrats will makeno mistake if they nominate him


t l

f IIIJudgea candidate for reelection No finer man ever saton the bench thanJudge Settle An able judge a genial gentleman broadminded andpliberal this district will make no mistake in reelecting him

ItItthe Democrats Independents and conservative Republicans allovercounty see in Vic Robertson n clean sweep for victory if nominat

i ed at the coming Democratic Mass Convention

II Everybody wants 1a clean ticket for the Democrats and likewiset ttone for the Republicans The first one in the field will have the ad



The thing to do in this county is to raise more stuff for tho kit¬

then and loss for the trustsN


It is tho duty of all good citizens to llend a hand in nominatinggood men for theofficesp


i II0 IQOL IIQOO I t 01piijI

f 1f 11HIS ISA L




t i-

H o 0s t



0 C0GOiQOI0IIm Read Our Story


= 11 < Or tT7


Mss Gula Krog Pioneer Tells WhatHer Sex Has Gained

Miss Gulu Krog n prominent Norwegian delegate to the quinquennial meetIng of the National Council of Womenheld In Toronto this month said reGently to a New York Sun reporter

The women of Norway have hadmunicipal suffrage and have been eligi-

ble for all municipal offices for the lastnine years and next fall will cxcrclstheir rights as lull voters for the firsttime Though we speak of It as unlversal suffrage we dont really havethe ware rights to the ballot ns themen have at present

Before 1808 tho men of Norway hatsuffrage with the taxation quallflcalion On that lute they got universalsuffrage Next fall the women of Nor-way will begin to vote just about onthe same terms that the men did before 1S9S with the advantage thatmarried women cnn vote on the taxespaid bythelr husbands and unmarriedwomen on those paid by their parentsThat is better than the men startedwith you see-

The women of Norway have servedon juries for upward of five yearsOften a woman is elected as foremanWe serve In all sorts of cases Just asthe men do They look upon us wom ¬

en of Norway as being Interested Inthe welfare of our country aside fromour sex We have no childrens courtns yet In its place we have a body ofofficers men and women elected bythe municipal authorities to look afterthe welfare of the children

There may be women elected to par ¬

lament next fall but I hardly expectIt You see with us the Conservativeparty is very much stronger than theLiberals or the Social Democrats Ourablest women those who might boelected to parliament belong to theLiberals I hardly expect them to getin

One thing we who have worked forsuffrage In Norway have noticedthata good many women held back re¬

fused us their assistance but nowthat the work Is accomplished theycome forward with enthusiasm andare eager to take part In It I believethe same will be found to be true here-In the United States


A cup of cold water before retiringand a cup of hot water in the morningbefore breakfast work like magic aa ncure for indigestion

Almond mealI is preferred by somewomen to soup mud acts ns a pleasingalternative to soap at any time Tillssoftens cleanses nUll wftlens time skin

The most easily digested foods whichcontain the greatest amount of nour ¬

ishment and are free frour gelds andstprches arc those best adapted jo thechilds needs

A glass of warm water before break ¬

fast is a tonic for the whole systemIf the complexion is in need of Im ¬

provement try squeezing half n lemoninto the water Just before drinking

Ila o 11z4 nice towels as you can af¬

ford but pay lent attention to tho qual ¬

ity than to tat h rleirllwsj There iilittle use tl careful tablmicd Ifa

t l jlngI ai weakened condition of the system butexternal applications roHeve auJ iJltII

tor rile lids A pouiilo fur the pur ¬

pose la made from four grams whitevaseline cud live centigrams each ofwhite precipitate and oil of birchThis is applied at night A drop ofbelladonna on n lump of sugar is anold fashioned remedy that is takenwhen symptoms of a sty are first maulfested At the same time the lids ore4 he bathed in warm elder flower wa

A skin whitening preparation thatan be easily made at home is in the-roportion of two tablespoonfuls of

oatmeal a half tablespoonful of pow-dered borax and a half pint of rosewater Let the mixture stand threedays strain and add a half ounce ofalcohol Tho addition of the alcoholprevents the souring which is thedrawback to so many oatmeal prep-arations If preferred Instead of usingall oatmeal it can be mixed with halfthis bulk of almond meal Either ofthese washes makes the skin feel softand smooth if rubbed on the hauls orface after washing

The biggest problem of all to the wo ¬

man who would keep her good looks isthe matter of wrinkles A generationago she gave up without n fight butsince the coming of massage and sum ¬

ie devices of all sorts she dares noeager hmdulgo J such disfiguration ns

long ns It may be prevented One wo ¬

mans simple cureall is the creambath She dabs her face with hot wntcr until it is heated thoroughly thenapplies the cream fresh from the dairyletting it dry on her face She putson more cream massaging it into thewrinkles particularly It is thenwashed with warm water and lightlypowdered

Nail Polish In TubesThe latest toilet novelty is a nail

polish which conies in a tube and canbe pressed out llko artists pigmentsThe polish itself Is of n consistency be¬

tween n cream and u llqud easy to puton

Time case Is a neat little one nickelplated with a top that pulls off andfurnished with an ejector to force outthe enamel

Delicately PutThe first day out was perfectly

bvoly said tho young lady Just backIrom abroad Tho water was nssmooth as glass and it was simplyIgorgeous But tho second day wastough and or decidedly dlsgorgeouB

HvsrybpdyJ a Magazine


0IJIIIII <o j fh+


Rev C E Scott tilled his regular nppointmenfhere Saturday and Sunday

Cant Chappell is ill with typhoid uthis writing tl

Ahmed Cashman is all smiles over thearrival of a fine boy that arrived at hishouse July 1

Filmore Johnston had a cow killed byHghthing last week

Several from here attended the picnicgiven by the Modern Woodmen at Lodiburpr on last Saturday It is repor¬

ted a financial success

Why dont you delight the housewifeby furnishing her pure and wholesomeflour Your grocer Keeps it Its theLowisport flour

Mr and Mrs Thomas Hall attendedchurch here Sunday and after churchthey had a family reunion vhich con-

sisted of the following children andgrandchildren Mr and Mrs HaydenBassett and two children Mr and MrsLevy Pollock and five children Mr andMrs Willis Chappell and three boysMr and Mrs Floyd Hall and four chil-


Mr and Mrs June Hall and onechild Mr and Mrs Frank Philpot Mrand Mrs Sam Johnson Miss BlancheHall and Mr and Mrs Tom Johnsonthe last were grandchildren All theirchildren and grandchildren were pre ¬

sent except one grandson There werea few present besides their own immed ¬

iate family This was very much en¬

joyed by all and more especially byMrs Hall who is an invalid and not-

able to be out mucht

Mr and Mrs Otto Stiff went to Lodiburg Sunday to have some picturei-nacie forMfclvin

Mrs Jones of Louisville has beenvisiting at J E Mucus for severalIdays


l< rank J Cheney makes Lath that ho IIssenior partner of tho firm of K J Cheney dCo doing business In tho City of ToledoCounty and Stato aforesaid and that saidI

firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDREDI

UOL LA US for each and every case of CatarrhI

that cannot bo cured by tho use of Hallss

Catarrh Cure KKANIC J CHENEYSworn to boforomo mind subscribed In my

presence thtsfithdlyotDecember A D1SSO< SEAL A WGLEASON

NOTARY lUllLJOHalls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally

and acts directly on the blood and mucoussurfaces of thosystoin Send for testimonialsfree

V J CHENEY CO Toledo OSold by till Druggists 75cTake tails Family Pills for constipation


The Latest Guise of This Popular Concrpiece

An addition has been made to thecontrivances for curial navigation andwhile It would defy the skill of n

Wright or n zeppelin to operate It has

attracted considerable attention fromall beholders It Is fashioned from

4S lt


crape paper and as the accompanyingIllustration shows It Is carried out inrealistic fashion even to tho basketsuspended by tinsel cord from whichdepend satin bags for favors the mis ¬

slot of this particular airship being toservo as n Jack IIorner pie

sMATTINGLYSofIMrs Nancy Pate at Pisgah last Sunday

Mrs Annie Holderman of Tennesseeis visiting relatives in Balltown

Mrs G P Burdette who has beensick for some time is im roving rapidly

Mrs R C Mattiugly iMrs Ben McQuady and children were visiting MrsIda Ball Sunday-


Miss Malissu Mattingly was visitingMisses Euna and Lila Burdette last

SundayMrrank Ball was visiting his bro ¬

ther Chas Ball lost Sunday

Mr and Mrs Peyton Scott of Cloverport were visiting their parents Mrand Mrs W N Pate last Saturday andSunday

F 11tg1tlyiIl

hI ma


PMUS JOHN IIOPP Webster AveL III N Y writes i

I have boon suffering for tho pastton years with many symptoms Inci ¬

dent to my ago also catarrh and indi¬ i

gestion I was weak and discouragedhad no ambition could not sleep atnight and lost greatly in weight

ItI tried otlicr remedies hut with nosuccess until I commenced to take Poruna I now feel better in ovory rospout can sloop well and have gained

iI In weight I cannot praise Peruuahighly enough for tho good it has donemo

IIIt any women are suffering as I did1 would advise thorn to try Poruna andconvince themselves Pcruha has donwme good I know by my experiencethat it ic worth its weight In gold toany ono who needs it-

Itl also took lIanaUn forconstipaUonin connection with Pornua and I foundit helped mo where other laxativesfailed jMowj

Miss Malian Jolloy Parmole N 0writes I have been taking your Peruna and can say that I am well of thecatarrh

HI thank you for your kindness andyour fldvlceV t nt

Why dont you delight the houso ¬

wife by furnishing her pure andwholesome flour Your grocer keepsit Its the Lewlsport flour

Aunt Millie Pate will soon be 93 endis as spry as a kitten

Crops are very good now but therehas been so much rain there is likely tobe a drouth There is a large fruit cropthis year nnd we hear people willmakegood use ofitrI EQIQ017JI CHOEZD 1I2J1IJI C=>Jill 101 EQI11QOI=Dri0EJ

Ii 11 1


1I Statement of Condition1

ofo 0 r

The Bank of Hardinsburg Trust Co

Hardinsburg Kentucky0

At the close of business June 30 19091

° Resources °

Notes and Bills J26066451Cash in Safe 16339 59

Cash in other a1ks7 39225 80

Stocks and Bonds I 18157 61o Banking House and Lot 1800 00 °

Other Real EstateL 136 79

Furniture and Fixtures L 4<> 400 00

< s

Total 336724 30




jjCapital Stock Pad in 50000 00

QSurplus and Undivided Profits 12016 91L °

Dividend No 38 4 per cent 2000 00IAmount Due Depositors 272707 39r

Total 336724 30-




et i

M H> BEARD CashierAIQJlf IQJIIcIOI tlf lIftr 10 1lf DIU U II t 10 Jlo



1 2 a ilS jtytiJ S ifi