the break in the radio emission spectrum of cassiopeia a

ASTROPHYSICS, VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 65 THE BREAK IN THE RADIO EMISSION SPECTRUM OF CASSIOPEIA A V. G. Malumyan Astrofizika, Vol. 2, No. I, pp. 128--131, 1966 According to [1, 2], the radio emission spectrum of Cassiopeia A experiences a break near the fre- quency v m ~ 30 Me/see. At frequencies v > u m the radio emission spectrum of this source has the form S u ~ u -a, where S v is the spectral flux density and the spectral exponent is ~0.8. However, "at frequencies u < v m, Sv ~v/3, where ~ > 0. Thus, near the frequency v m the spectral exponent Of the radio emission from Cassiopeia A changes sign and the flux density at this frequency is a maximum. The following are the two most probable mechanisms for explaining the break in the spectrum of Cassiopeia A [2--4]: 1. Absorption in regions of ionized hydrogen pro- jetted against the source. 2. The influence of a medium with a refractive index n(u) < 1, situated in the source itself. (Such a medium may be ionized gas.) These mechanisms have been discussed in [2--5], and therefore they will not be deseribed in detail here. Cassiopeia A is situated near the gaIactic plane (b = -2~ which favors the mechanism of absorption in HII regions situated in the direction of the source. In this ease the frequency Vm and the emission meas- ure ME of the ItII absorbing regions are reIated by the following expression [2]: ME ~ 1.15 ~ (1) (v m is expressed in Me/see, c~ is the spectral expon- ent of the radio emission from the source). In the case of Cassiopeia A, we obtain ME ~ 800 using (1). When relativistic electrons are emitted in a med- ium with a refractive index n(v) < 1, the intensity of the radiation from relativistic electrons decreases sharply at relatively low frequencies [4, 5]. This leads to a change in the sign of the spectral exponent for radiation from relativistic electrons. If this mechanism is the cause of the break in the spectrum of the source, we have [4, 5] at a frequency Pm vm -- f(7) ecNe, (2) Hi where f(7) is afunctionwhich depends on the exponent of the energy spectrum for relativistic electrons 7, e is electron charge, c is the velocity of light in a vacuum, N e is the electron density in the ionized gas, H• is the component of magnetic field strength per- pendicular to the velocity vector of the radiating elec- trons. For Cassiopeia A, 7 = 2~ + 1 = 2.6 and f(Y) ~ 3, so that ~,,.~.3ecN~ =40 Ne. (3) H• H~. N e, H/and v m are expressed in am -3, gauss, and cps, respectively. From (3), on the assumption that HA- = 10-4--10 -5 G, we have for the emission measure of the ionized gas, 2 2 ME- ~.~H• - 2.10 ~-2.10 ~ (4) 1.6.10 3 (l is the size of the source in parsecs; for Cassio- peia A, l ~ 4 parsecs). Lack of knowledge of the pre- cise value of H I in Cassiopeia A makes the evaluation of ME on the basis of (4) very unreliable. A comparison of the values of ME obtained using (1) and (4) reveals that even if a nebu]a with an emis- sion measure 103--102 is discovered in the direction of Cassiopeia A, we still cannot arrive at any definite conclusion concerning the mechanism responsible for the break in the source spectrum. The authors of [2, 4] cite several factors indicating that this break is apparently caused by absorption in HII regions. In these same studies it is noted that this conclusion cannot be considered final. We wish to mention one circumstance which in our opinion makes it possible to clarify the cause of the break in the spectrum of Cassiopeia A. Cassiopeia A belongs to the class of radio sources identified with the expanding remnants of a supernova flare. The type-If supernova responsible for the radio emission from Cassiopeia flared up approximately 300 years ago [6]. Because of its youth this source is expanding relatively rapidly. According to [6], the velocity of expansion is 7500 km/sec. Due to the expansion of the source the magnetic field strength and the energy of the relativistic particles in it decrease continuously, which leads to a systematic decrease in the radio flux [7]. A number of specially formulated observa- tions have made it possible to detect a decrease in the radio flux of Cassiopeia A [8--10]. We will show that if the break is caused by the in- fluence of an ionized medium with n(v) < 1, localized in the source, the expansion of the remnant of the supernova should lead to a systematic decrease in the frequency Vr~ of the break (as yet the remnant has not been slowed down significantly by the interstellar medium). As a result of expansion the electron density N e of the ionized gas should change. From the condition for

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Page 1: The break in the radio emission spectrum of Cassiopeia A



V. G. Malumyan

Astrofizika, Vol. 2, No. I, pp. 128--131, 1966

Accord ing to [1, 2], the r ad io e m i s s i o n s p e c t r u m

of C a s s i o p e i a A e x p e r i e n c e s a b r e a k n e a r the f r e -

quency v m ~ 30 M e / s e e . At f r equenc i e s v > u m the r ad io e m i s s i o n s p e c t r u m

of this s o u r c e has the f o r m S u ~ u - a , where S v is the s p e c t r a l f lux dens i ty and the s p e c t r a l exponent is

~ 0 . 8 . However , "at f r equenc i e s u < v m, Sv ~v/3, whe re ~ > 0.

Thus, nea r the f r equency v m the s p e c t r a l exponent Of the r ad io e m i s s i o n f rom Cas s iope i a A changes s ign and the flux dens i ty at this f r equency is a m a x i m u m . The fol lowing a r e the two mos t probable m e c h a n i s m s for expla in ing the b r e a k in the s p e c t r u m of Cass iope i a A [2--4]:

1. Absorp t ion in r eg ions of ion ized hydrogen p r o - j e t t e d aga ins t the s o u r c e .

2. The inf luence of a medium with a r e f r a c t i v e

index n(u) < 1, s i tua ted in the s o u r c e i t se l f . (Such a medium may be ionized gas.) These m e c h a n i s m s have been d i s c u s s e d in [2--5], and t h e r e f o r e they wil l not

be d e s e r i b e d in deta i l he r e . Cas s iope i a A is s i tua ted n e a r the gaIac t ic plane

(b = -2~ which f avo r s the m e c h a n i s m of absorp t ion

in HII r eg ions s i tua ted in the d i r ec t i on of the s o u r c e . In this ea se the f r equency Vm and the e m i s s i o n m e a s - ure ME of the ItII abso rb ing reg ions a r e r e I a t ed by

the fol lowing e x p r e s s i o n [2]:

ME ~ 1.15 ~ (1)

(v m is e x p r e s s e d in M e / s e e , c~ is the s p e c t r a l expon- ent of the rad io e m i s s i o n f r o m the sou rce ) . In the case of Cas s iope i a A, we obtain ME ~ 800 using (1).

When r e l a t i v i s t i c e l e c t r o n s a r e emi t t ed in a m e d - ium with a r e f r a c t i v e index n(v) < 1, the in tens i ty of the r ad i a t i on f r o m r e l a t i v i s t i c e l e c t r o n s d e c r e a s e s

sha rp ly at r e l a t i v e l y low f r e q u e n c i e s [4, 5]. This leads to a change in the s ign of the s p e c t r a l exponent for radiation from relativistic electrons.

If this mechanism is the cause of the break in the spectrum of the source, we have [4, 5] at a frequency


vm -- f ( 7 ) ecNe, (2) H i

w h e r e f(7) i s a f u n c t i o n w h i c h depends on the exponent of the e n e r g y s p e c t r u m for r e l a t i v i s t i c e l e c t r o n s 7, e is e l e c t r o n cha rge , c is the ve loc i t y of l ight in a

vacuum, N e is the e l e c t r o n dens i ty in the ionized gas, H• is the component of magnetic field strength per- pendicular to the velocity vector of the radiating elec- trons.

For Cass iope ia A, 7 = 2~ + 1 = 2.6 and f(Y) ~ 3, so that

~,,.~.3ecN~ =40 Ne. (3) H• H~.

N e, H / a n d v m a r e e x p r e s s e d in am -3, gaus s , and cps , r e s p e c t i v e l y .

F r o m (3), on the assumpt ion that HA- = 10-4--10 -5 G, we have for the e m i s s i o n m e a s u r e of the ionized gas,

2 2

M E - ~.~H• - 2.10 ~ - 2 . 1 0 ~ (4) 1.6.10 3

(l is the size of the source in parsecs; for Cassio-

peia A, l ~ 4 parsecs). Lack of knowledge of the pre-

cise value of H I in Cassiopeia A makes the evaluation

of ME on the basis of (4) very unreliable.

A comparison of the values of ME obtained using

(1) and (4) reveals that even if a nebu]a with an emis-

sion measure 103--102 is discovered in the direction

of Cassiopeia A, we still cannot arrive at any definite

conclusion concerning the mechanism responsible for the break in the source spectrum. The authors of

[2, 4] cite several factors indicating that this break is

apparently caused by absorption in HII regions. In these same studies it is noted that this conclusion

cannot be considered final.

We wish to mention one circumstance which in our

opinion makes it possible to clarify the cause of the

break in the spectrum of Cassiopeia A. Cassiopeia A belongs to the class of radio sources identified with

the expanding remnants of a supernova flare. The

type-If supernova responsible for the radio emission from Cassiopeia flared up approximately 300 years

ago [6]. Because of its youth this source is expanding

relatively rapidly. According to [6], the velocity of

expansion is 7500 km/sec. Due to the expansion of the source the magnetic field strength and the energy of

the relativistic particles in it decrease continuously,

which leads to a systematic decrease in the radio

flux [7]. A number of specially formulated observa- tions have made it possible to detect a decrease in the

radio flux of Cassiopeia A [8--10]. We will show that if the break is caused by the in-

fluence of an ionized medium with n(v) < 1, localized in the source, the expansion of the remnant of the

supernova should lead to a systematic decrease in

the frequency Vr~ of the break (as yet the remnant has not been slowed down significantly by the interstellar


As a result of expansion the electron density N e of the ionized gas should change. From the condition for

Page 2: The break in the radio emission spectrum of Cassiopeia A


conserva t ion of the number of e l ec t rons in the source we have

3 Neoro --NeTr 3, (5)

where Ne0, NeT, r 0 and r T a r e the e l ec t ron dens i ty and the rad ius of the source at some in i t ia l t ime T o and at t ime T re spec t ive ly .

The condi t ion for the conse rva t ion of the magnet ic flux gives

Hor~ =: Hr r~. ( 6 )

As before , the subsc r ip t s 0 and T apply to some i n i - t ia l t ime T o and a t ime T af ter the supernova f la re . The magnet ic field component H A a lso changes in con- fo rmi ty with the law (6). It follows f r o m the con- s e rva t ion of the ad iabat ic i nva r i an t (P s in 0)2/H = = const (P = E / e is the momentum of a r e l a t i v i s t i c par t ic le , E is its energy) that the angle 0 between the veloci ty vec tor of a r e l a t i v i s t i c e l ec t ron and the d i - r ec t ion of the magnet ic field, when H ~ r -2 and E ~ r -1, r e m a i n s cons tant [5, 7]. Thus,

H~. ,>r~ = H~ r r~. (7)

F r o m (5) and (7) we have NeT = Ne0(r0/rT) 3 and HAT = H• 2" Subst i tut ing these va lues into (3), we obtain

~ ~= 40 N~o ro 1"o - - "~,,,o ( 8 )

H : o rT rT

Due to the youth of Cass iopeia A, it can be a s s u m e d that the expansion is p ropor t iona l to t ime T, s ince in t h e in i t ia l s tages of expansion dece le ra t ion b y the i n t e r s t e l l a r medium has l i t t le effect. Then we f inal ly obtain for v m

7; f

The d e c r e a s e of v m for Cass iopeia A, de t e rmined f rom (9), is approx imate ly 0.1 M c / s e c per y e a r . If such a change is, in fact, occu r r ing , i t may be de t ec - ted by specia l observa t ions in the d e c a m e t e r r a n g e ,

If the b reak is caused by the absorp t ion of long- wave radio e m i s s i o n in zones of ion ized hydrogen projec ted onto tt!e s ouree~ no change in the f requency v m should be obserVed.


1 . L~ L. Bazeiya~l, S. Ya. Braude, e t a ! , Izv. VUZ. Radiofizika [Soviet Radiophysics], 6, 897, 1963.

2. L. L. Bazelyan, S, Ya. Braude. et al.0 Astron. zh., 42, 618, 1965.

3. E. V. Chaevskii and S. Ya. Braude. iz-v. VUZ. Radiofizika [Soviet Radiophysics], 5, 211, 1961.

4. V.A. Razin, Izv. VUZ. Radiofizika [Soviet Radiophysics], 3, 584, 1960.

5. S. A. Kaplan and S. B. Pikel'ner, The Izlter- stellar Medium [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1963.

6. R. Minkowski, "Radio Astronomy", Paris Sym- posium [Russian translation], IL, Moscow, [961.

7. I. S. Shkl0vskii, Astron. zh., 37, 256, 1960. 8. V. A. Sanamyan and A. M. Aslanyan, $oobshch,

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t0 December 1965 Byurakan As t rophys ica l Obse rva to ry