the body and the brain as controller (lecture, finland, 15 april 2013)

the body and the brain as controller Talk to Digital Culture students @University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 15 April 2013 erik champion [email protected]

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the body and the brain as controller (lecture, Finland, 15 April 2013)


  • 1. the body and the brain as controller Talk to Digital Culture students @University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 15 April 2013 erik champion [email protected]

2. Civilization comprises the laws that allow people to live close together, in a city, civitas. Culture is what is cultivated or allows one to cultivate a setting, a local domain. Osvald Spengler 3. virtual heritage the use of computer-based interactive technologies to record, preserve, or recreate artefacts, sites and actors of historic, artistic, religious, of cultural significance and to deliver the results openly to a global audience in such a way as to provide formative educational experiences through electronic manipulations of time and space. Stone, Robert, and Takeo Ojika. 2000. Virtual heritage: what next? Multimedia, IEEE no. 7 (2):73-74. 4. irtual meetings no more interesting than re ones so why recreate mundality? 5. Non digital-interactivity sometimes better than the digital 6. Goodbye body Spengler wrote This machine technics willend with the Faustian civilization and one day will lie in fragments, forgotten -- our railways and steamships as dead as the Roman roads and the Chinese wall, our giant cities and skyscrapers in ruins like old Memphis and Babylon. 7. scale is also important 8. the brain space and memory are inextricably linked memory is more a jigsaw than filing cabinet memory decay can be challenged games help multi-tasking biofeedback can help evaluation 9. Caption: The flow of object information in a monkey brain (left) and a human brain. Credit: Sabine Kastner, Princeton UniversityHumans See Tools Differently Than Other 10. RNA Game (Wired magazine) EteRNA Computers dont have flashes of insight. But the human brain can..for gamifying RNA. One proposal they kicked around was to havesnippets of RNA fight each other to the death, in the style of a Japanese combat game called Senshuken; another was to create a first-person experience in which players navigated the world as RNA molecules of their own design. 11. use lego to discover? 12. 13. prototyping for ownership Klaus Birk Roman Grasymedia architecture biennale or 15 November 2012, Aarhus 14. sketchy sketches 15. Xbox Kinect+Projector+VVV and Crazy dancers.. 16. dance projectionimagine... public squares flashmob dance mixes crowdsourcing VJs 17. machinima tools 18. MOODLE-unity 19. kinect, jibe, drawing interfaces 20. peripheral projection 21. warped screen peripheral fear our peripheral vision is not colour, it reacts to movement how to best utilize this? 22. biofeedback 23. biofeedback 24. Skyrim game can host virtual recreations (of Nordic stories or any other), the player can control the avatar, and issue voice commands recognised by the game). Inhabitants can be easily reprogrammed to share stories. Trading, praying, conversing healing etc are possible, not just violence.Skyrim + body 25. OblivionEric Fassbender PhD thesis project, scripted tour guide of lighthouse, Macquarie University 26. mixed realitySecond Life and VR tracker and googles see Georgia Tech Project 27. 2006 calligraphic interfacesUniversity of Queensland: project by year 3 multimedia students, Amy and Isaac, Team AI studios 28. Journey to the West 29. touch screen taoism @Vsmm2012, MILAN 30. new mediaoffers enormous possibilities for the enhancement and enrichment of heritage experience and interpretation Y. E. Kalay, T. Kvan, & J. Affleck, New Heritage: new media and cultural heritage. New York: Routledge, 2008. 31. literally refers to a unique seven-string Chinese music instrument Guqin, which was invented 3,000 years ago in ancient China. 32. is an ancient Chinese combination of religion, philosophy, and folk beliefs, including ritual healing. Its different strands of belief date far back in history. Daoism is deeply entwined with Chinese culture and history. 33. to be a scholar or a master is to be anartist, measured by ones grasp of the Four Arts. The Four Arts are Music (Qin), theboard game (Qi), calligraphy (Shu), and brush painting (Hua). Helped perceive the ultimate doctrine ofthe heavens, make themselves [be] enlightened, express their emotions/their understanding of the doctrine, and inspire others so that their lives achieve peace and harmony. Z. Dainian, Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2002. 34. youtube links Opening Game Hua Game Qi1 Game Qi2 Game Qin Game Shu 35. What are the Five Elements in the traditional Chinese culture?What are the Five Basic Tones in the traditional Chinese music?What are the traditional Chinese philosophical concepts revealed by Go?Which one of the following features is one of the main features of Chinese character writing system? ] Cuneiform / [ ] Alphabet / [ ] Pictography / [ ] Phonology?What are the tools for Chinese traditional painting? 36. Very difficult to recreate original action scenes and moments of discovery as game devices.Chinese players, familiar with a distorted version of the original, not aware their cultural knowledge was not accurate, did not appreciate being told this.Recreating linear narrative via game design is torturous.OR: simulate the procedural knowledge of rituals and symbol-making via thematically-akin interaction.. 37. what is needed: more comprehensive pre-test and post-test questionnaire. Ambient movies react to the players physiological changes -by biosensors.The general questions are too vague. Consider changing from rating games to ranking them. Test extrapolated knowledge rather than memory of simple facts. Examine how tacit knowledge can be learnt and evaluated. Compare tests between touch-screen and non-touch screen games. A more 3D interface: sculptures, HD projection on rice paper or liquid media, with 3D audio effects and ambient movies projection.Can interactive digital media convey and evaluate tacit knowledge? 38. crazy ideas 39. Dutch thriller App sends to your phone additional storyline information..why not have biofeedback sent back to the movie.. 40. fps... when your character dies, why not have the death spasms relate to the heartbeat-GSR? or only respawn when you calm down.. reactions relate to heartbeat enemies attack peripherally sensing fear 41. RPGs-chameleon effect when you start shaking you lose yourcharacter or change between ethnic profile Cinematic camera views=biofeedback you can only convince NPCs when calm 42. sew some characters 43. reflective gamesKuthodaw Paya: must walk around Buddhist description of universe-biggest book in the worldbut aesthetic experience being eroded 44. model+body