the blessings of god

THE BLESSINGS OF GOD This poem is written by Mrs Cecil Alexander. In this poem, she tells us about the greatness of God. She says that all these beautiful things, which are bright and beautiful, wise and wonderful are made by God. In the second stanza she says that sweet smell of flowers, which look beautiful, all the little birds that sing sweet songs and give us comfort are the blessings of God. In the third stanza the poetess gives us a beautiful look of hills and mountains, rivers flowing nearby fields. The very beautiful scene of morning and evening are also the blessing of God. In the fourth stanza she says that all the changing weather with their beauties are also the blessings of God. She says that God Almighty has produced different kinds of vegetables and fruits for us. In the fifth stanza the poetess gives us a beautiful description of the forest and tall trees. She says that all these lush green fields, grounds and lawns which are the great source of pleasure for us are also the blessing of God. In the last stanza the poetess thanks God Almighty for granting her eyes, lips etc. without asking any question. In fact God is the greatest who has made all these objects. A NATION’S STRENGTH The poem is written by R. W. Emerson. In this poem the poet tells us about the man’s role in making a nation

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Page 1: The Blessings of God


This poem is written by Mrs Cecil Alexander. In this poem, she tells us about the

greatness of God. She says that all these beautiful things, which are bright and

beautiful, wise and wonderful are made by God.

In the second stanza she says that sweet smell of flowers, which look beautiful, all

the little birds that sing sweet songs and give us comfort are the blessings of God.

In the third stanza the poetess gives us a beautiful look of hills and mountains,

rivers flowing nearby fields. The very beautiful scene of morning and evening are

also the blessing of God.

In the fourth stanza she says that all the changing weather with their beauties are

also the blessings of God. She says that God Almighty has produced different

kinds of vegetables and fruits for us.

In the fifth stanza the poetess gives us a beautiful description of the forest and tall

trees. She says that all these lush green fields, grounds and lawns which are the

great source of pleasure for us are also the blessing of God.

In the last stanza the poetess thanks God Almighty for granting her eyes, lips etc.

without asking any question. In fact God is the greatest who has made all these



The poem is written by R. W. Emerson. In this poem the poet tells us about the

man’s role in making a nation healthy and strong, the poet says that no metal or

wealth can make a nation happy and prosperous. Man is the most important thing

in the development and progress of a nation. As he says, “Not gold, but only men

can make, a people great and strong.”

In this poem, the poet tells us the greatness of man. He says that the man is the

crown of creatures. As Hemingway says:

“A man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated”.

The poet is of the view that only those people have respect and honour, who stand

fast and suffer long. They believe in the truth. As J. S. Mill says,

“Truth is the only supreme power of the world”.

The poet pays tribute to the dignity of work. He says that brave men are those who

work while others sleep. They remain firm and strong and face all the problems

bravely. They make the foundation of their nation very strong. In a nutshell, we

may say that this poem has great importance for the destiny of a nation. So, we

may say that this poem is the symbol of a nation’s strength.

Page 2: The Blessings of God


This poem is written by Henry Wotten. It is a very short poem but full of moral

advice. In this poem the poet tells us about the character of a happy life. The poet

says that the man is happy, who is born and educated well. He believes in honesty

and truth. He has good control over his passions. He is always ready for death. He

loves everybody. He is not slave of others. He spends a life of discipline. He is a

man of principles. He is least afraid of anybody and nobody can harm him. He

enjoys the company of religious books. He has no desire of rise and fall. He is

considered the lord of himself.

In short we may say that this poem is the test of life. It is quite hard to be a good

person in this material life.


This poem has been written by H. W. Longfellow. He was a very famous poet of

his age . in this short beautiful poem he tells us about the importance of time. In

fact he wants to tell us, “Time is the only supreme power of the world, time is

money and time is everything”. He asks us to awake and arise early in the morning.

According to the poet, the Angels of blessings come and knock at the doors early

in the morning. They are in hurry and they do not wait for anybody. Once they go

back they never come again. There is agreed maxim,

“Time and Tide wait for none”.

In this poem, the poet advices us to get up early in the morning without any delay.

If we continue taking rest, we will lose our strength and become useless person like

a barren land, where nothing grows but weeds only. So we should abide by the

time, this is the only key to success.


This poem has been written by Anonymous. It is a beautiful and simple poem. In

this poem the poet tells us about the great importance of words on others. We

should use our words very carefully. He wants to tell us that we should think

before speaking. We should use selected words in our day to day language. The

poet says,

“A kind or soft word can make a broken heart happy”.

With the help of a sweet word we can win the love of other people. Kind words

can make our enemies our sincere friends. Apparently a kind word is a little thing

in itself but it has great power in it.

Page 3: The Blessings of God

“Kind words give pleasure and happiness to other people”.

On the other hand a harsh word can take away all the pleasures. To cut the matter

short we may say that in this poem the poet tells us about the both sides of our life.

It depends on us that how we spend it. Good manners, behavior and attitude can

bring the world of flora and pan for us. If we have harsh attitude than we cannot

progress in our life. So we should try to life happily and make other people happy

as well.


This poem has been written by Ann Taylor. It is a very simple poem and the

language and vocabulary of the poem is very easy to understand. In this poem the

poetess pays great tribute to her mother. She says that she was loved very much in

her childhood by her mother. Her mother kept sitting, while she was sleeping in

her bed. She used to care me every time. She told me interesting stories to amuse

me. In second half of the poem the poetess feels that now her mother has gone old

and weak. Her hairs have turned gray. Now she thinks is the right time to give her

care and comfort. The poetess promises that she will try her level best to sooth her

pain. She would support her mother in her strong arms.

In a nutshell, we may say that this poem is the master piece of her poetry. She

wants that we should realize that mother is a great blessing of God. God Almighty

has created her with great source of love and care. She is the symbol of happiness,

sincerity, sympathy, purity, honesty, sacrifice, dedication, hard work and

commitment etc. so, she would try to make and keep her happy and tension free.