the bles ed · 2015. 2. 19. · the bles ed...

THE BLES ED TRU TH ======= =-= - V OLUME 4, NUM BER 2 CHRISTMAS IN PRISON Some years ago, while conduCting a series of meetings in Michigan City. I was asked to preach to the convicts ill the state prhion. I sat on' the platform with the governor and watched the prisoner:; march in -700 men, (oung and old. They marched !n lock-step every man's hand on the shoulder of the man be- fore him. At the word of command they sat down. AmJng that number there were "liters," ruen who had been committed to prJ son (or lite tor t he crIme of :nur der. After the sInging I arose to prcacn, bu t CQuid h ardly speak f or weeping. OiSTt>garding all the rules of tbe pr is- on, in my earnestness to help the poor, fallen men, 1 lett the Plattorm and walked d ,,')wn the aisle among th(>m, taking one, and then another by thp hand R1.d for him. At i Ill' ('Ild of the l'OW of men who were ("ommiUe ct for lOU .. der, sat a man wbo nlOrc tban hi s fellows see med marked by sIn's blighting curse. Hls face wa s seamed and rigid with scars and mnrks of vfce and sin. He looked t houe h hf 'llight be demon In- car nat e Ir to anger, I plaCf'!el my hunrl upon s noulder And wept aO ,l prayed tor and with him, Wlle-n the service was over, the i 'H" t!nnr J;; ' 1 Ka iu. do you kDOW you buve broken we rule s at the orison by l eav ing the platform?" "Yes , governor, but I neV- er cnn k('ep any rule while preaching. And J did wanl to gf't up close to th e poor despairing fellows, and p ray for t hem, and tell them of the love of J('RUS the SaVIour He came to seek anel to save which was lost.' This man (Jefms) and ('ateth with 19:10; 16:2.) recei yeth sinners tb em.' " (Luke "Do YOt' r t'membcr," sa!d the go v- ('mor, "thf"> roan "t the end of the lin e- in Ole life r 's row, whonl you prayed with? Would you like to h ear bls history?" "Yes: I an s wered, gladly, here it is in brief : Tom Gal so n was se nt here about eigh t yea rs ago for the crime of mur- der. He was. \vithout doubt, one of the most der;perate and vicious cha acters we had ever TEl-ceived, and, as was E' x pEl-cted, ga"e us a great d eal ot troubl e, ··One Christma s-eve. about STX y ears ag-o. duty compelled me to spen d tbe nigh t at the prison , instead ot at hom e, as I had antiCipated. Early in the morning, whil e it was ye t dark, ] lett the prison tor my home. my pockets lull of presents for my little girl. It was a bitter cold morni ng, and I button ed my overcoat up to ' pro tec t tram the cutting wind that swept In from the l ake. As I hurr ien along, r tllough t ] saw some- body skulking In the sbadow of tbe PrIson wnll. I and looked a little more closely, and then I saw a Iittlp girl, wrfltchedly clo th ed In a thin hf'r bare teet thrust into a pair at shoes much tbe worse for tlle wear. In her ha nd sbe beld, tigbtLy clasped, a small paper parcel. Wonde r ing who sho was an d why ahe was out 80 early In the morning, and! yet too weaty to bp int e rested, I " Walk in All The L ight of TIl e L ord " 1 EUREKA SPRJNGS, A RUNSAS, JANUARY 15, 1919 hurrIed aD. But I Boon beard that was me, and your little girl's belne- followed. I stopped, and ITnt": tad in t he poo rhouse, tUTllcd a.ronoa, and there stood be- fore me the same wr e tched looking child. ., 'What do you wan:.:.-' asked b....arpl y. 'Are you the governor 01 the prison, sir?' 'Yef',' who are you, nnd why are JOu not at home? ·Pleasc, Rlr, I have no home; mamma in tDe poor-house t wo weeks ago, Rn' s he told me jllst tlefore sh,e died that papa (that 'l'om Galson) was in prison; an ' sbe thought waybe he would like to see hi ,3 little girl, n ow that mamma Is dead Please, can 't YOU let me .see my papa? Today Is Chrislmas, and 1 want to give hiUlftt, present. ' 'No: 1 replied grutrly, 'Yo u will ha, -e to wait untll visitor's day,' and s tar t ed on. 1 had not gone many st eps when I fe lt a pun at my coat, nnd a pleading voice said, 'PleasE' don't go! I stopped once more, a nd look ed into the pinched, face before me, Great (earR 'Were in her eyes, whil e h er little chin qutv red with emotion. "'.:\Iister,' she said, 'if 'Your au' her papa was in th e prison, an' she had no place to go an' no 011& \0 love her, don't yoU think she would to s('e her papa? If it was Christmas, an' your Uttl e girl came to mE', jf I was governor of the prisoD, an' asked m(> to please let her pp her papa to give him a Christ· mas pr£'sent, don't you -do n 't you think I would say yes?' "By this time a great lump was in my throat, and my eyes Were swim- ming jn tear s. I 3nswered, ' Yes, my little girl. 1 thini{ you WOUld, and YOlt shall s(>e your pa pa; and t aking her han d, 1 hurried back to tb e prison, thinking of my own Calr-h n lrf'd ltttle girl at homp. Arriving in my office, 1 bade her come near the warUl stove, while I 8ent a gURrd to bring No. 37 from his cell. As soon as he came into the office and saw the little girl,\1 his race clouded with an angry frown, an d in R. gruft', s ava ge tone he snap- ped out: "'i\ ellle, what are you doing here; what do you want? Go back to your lContinued on Page 2.) Ne ws f rom the Field ; Workers in China En c ouraged WAANG KONG, SOU TH CH INA. , kind letH°l' to hand am truly grateful fer your help and co-opera· tion . Wp arp fepling the need of it more a nd more as th e lime draws nigh lor our Lord's return. Surely, our r ede mP tio n is not far away and I t behooves us to be faithful unto tlhe E- nd. He comes may we truly he found "Ca!:=ting our bread upon the waters," He says we shall reall If we taInt no t. We bave closed a t en days' revival meeting in which God grac- Iou sly poured out His Spirit. \\'p put up a bamboo mat shed to ac- commodate th e crowds who seeme d anxious to bear what we h ad to say. We held two tarr yi ng meetings an d one meeting for each day. The power and the presence of God would s weep down upon us at times likf> great OCea n VAves, Some shout ing and so me speaking torth in tongues .and some dancing, etc:. One little 1an c(>d for an hour un, der thp p(l"r .... ....r 4h t" Spirit . How it made our hI r ejoice to see God lflanlfes t Hls power among the heath- E'n. The powe" (If God is just the same today. Our la d,), - (8 formnl cl1Urch member) hp tl a wonderful Vision or heave n, She tbp saints of hea v. en rejolcin1" in th e g'lory of God and l'he left out tn darkness. This her to awaken and now she Is earneRtly seeking God. "·e are ex· pecting hpr to come througb to baptism soon, Please pray tor A tittle hf'athpn girl. 13 years old WR.S sav(>d and baptized in the Spirit ShE' I!; a swpet chl1d: an orphan an d th e on ly belIever in the gospel In her village. She waR here In sChool and when her peoPlo heard of her being ba Ptiz ed they came and .compelled her to re turn to her home, thrpe H n,6('1r' ny "he: s (l'c.z.y hec.l.llP she wor- 'tf' l,at"!1' WK. .0;0 tll;... t IJ. ' T 1'1 'n "'4( aa.J. wIll not per' j. llt'r to rec.'· ... e a Ie-tter tram ChristIans. We art trus ting God to gIve h e- r back to lUI, as she is a jewel found In the r01,Jgh. Join wi th us in prayer f or her. On Sunday, we bad two families "'ho derUcated four of their children to God, They were too small for haptism. It was such a precious se-rYlce a_nd bow blessedly God se t his Real upon It. It truly melted our la 'arts to see Chrlstlan men and wompn of China giv ing their child ren to God. The mother of one of these babies (just a month old) was one of the flight who were burled with Chri st In The next da), this mother took ill unto death and by Jl re va11fng praYer was r estored. We -were b,6lleving for her com plcte de- liveranc(> and Urne after time she wonderrully touche d and blessed, She wa s sick nearly two week!'; when God callf'd her home to be forever with Him. Jt was a severe shock to the fa mil y. A father, four daughters and two sons mourn he r loss. Three chtJdre-n have gonf' b eforf'. Th e he-athP ns were quite enraged nnel Raid we killed he r, and for days we were arraid to walk the streets. "God works in mys t erious ways wonders to p(>rforrn," so we are ex- pecting ,rood to come out ot all this p ersecution. During the me-ptlng!\ the enemy was also vpry Rtined. A mob gathered and threatpned the Uves of us ant.! our Christians. Of conr"le. their obje ct was to up the meetfngs, but God dId .01 permit It. In tI ! midst of th-a drunh:en mob, fly1ng l)t'fck -tevolvrrs, etc., one at our fa ltbful C'nrlstfanp got down on his kne es right among them on the SUBSCRIPTION 60c PEa YEAR THE ONE TRUE GOD The Jews had to ubmit to water baptism In the "nnmf> of Ut e Lord J(>sns ChrIst" at oncE', as a prelimi- nary pledge of lhfl'ir integrity of pur- pose tn nc('(>pUng Chri:--I. hefore tbp-y could tht' Holy Ghost. TIl( in {'a ses, ncei\'ed wat· er bal ltb m ih name" aftE r- wards , (Aclh 10.) The Jewish resistance to could only be broken by thplr tak. lng- on them His namt' . Tll py wpre not In n condition ot to receive th(> Holy ahOM otherwise. Th ey han to I)ublicly acknowlNige Him in bop llsm flr!'t. "'ith tIte- Gentllps the lay hf' onf' lrul' God, or Itods many, ThE" Jf',," ""S had been deliverE"d from ldolatry, P('ter who opf'n(>d th(' eloor to the (Acts 2:38), a18("1 first preach('ld tnf' Gosp(>1 to the (Acts 10:48.1 h; dying out as the "one IruC' God" In Jr 8u" Chrl!'{t I$( be- ing clearly revf>alpd rind pxpounde-d had kno\vledge of both tll(> Jf'Wg' and C'htfstiantt:r as and pra('ticC'd by thf' R o- man ('hurch In d:lY. lie was oUs- sntigl1 cd witn both he under"tood thf'm and lormed thp !\10s1em creed in tte latter end or the Sixth Cen :.1T' ... n r r lth Chr -ttanlty. ·It is gf-nerally C<.onecdcli. christians of the second, and even of th e third century. we re far tram tun'ing a cle-ar ly and rec· ognl7.ed doctri;le ot the sub j ect of lIle TrinHy, At the Council of NicaE' -A. D. 325-thev b(>gan to fonnulatt" a erred on thi s ord er Rut the doc- trine of a Trinity at was not fully completed .,_1 the addition or the Filloque cIs use In the We s tern (Romnn) churrh of the Rlxth cen- tury , which 1 ('c1 to thE" separation of the Grf'f'k church. from the LaUn."- .\elson's Enc-:f Jt by who work among th('m th'\t both th e J ews and. the :\10slpms thJnk the ChristianA tbrt'e Gods, Do we not need a cl('ar('r, Biblical undrrstandlng at! the naturf' of thp Godhead ("God's nature -Weymonl h, Coil. 2:!l) "th£' one truf' God?" Can it be a crime, as /'lamp think, to r6ntf'mplatp revprent- Jr, and prayerfully, a better un dpn;tandlng of the mystery ot the Godhead? "On a Ral'copbflgus rP<."f'ntIy dlsco,,- (' red, a nd now In thp Latprnn- Muse- um, thrpp bearded pPJ'80ns-"probably rf'preFl'nting the Trinity-are engag- ed in th(' Cl'entlon of Bvp.. Thts Ie to b(\ of thf' latter ha!J1 of the fourth ('('ntllry:'-Dlctlonary at ChrlJ!· tian Antiquities, by SmiTh and Cheel .. J13m. Wbnt rrudp of God men haw' hod who"e visIon hat> been blttr- red by }ll'nthE'n Ulolatry and pagan. About the definition many r.hrlf'tlnns can give of God t& day wonlrl be 'I\'e have three GodR. all alike. If Ch'1et la God He most be ·'thp. one tnle God," rOT there J8 nO' (f'n'ntlnlled (tT!

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Page 1: THE BLES ED · 2015. 2. 19. · THE BLES ED TRUTH ===== =-= --~..;;..--V OLUME 4, NUMBER 2 CHRISTMAS IN PRISON Some years ago,

THE BLES ED TRUTH ======= =-= -




Some years ago, while conduCting a series of meetings in Michigan City. I was asked to preach to the convicts ill the state prhion. I sat on' the platform with the governor and watched the prisoner:; march in -700 men, (oung and old. They marched !n lock-step every man's hand on the shoulder of the man be­fore him. At the word of command they sat down. AmJng that number there were seventy~six "liters," ruen who had been committed to prJ son (or lite tor t he crIme of :nu rder .

After the sInging I arose to prcacn, but CQuid h ardly speak f or weeping . OiSTt>garding all the rules of tbe pr is­on, in my earnestness to help the poor, fallen men, 1 lett the Plattorm and walked d ,,')wn the aisle among th(>m, taking one, and then another by thp hand R1.d prayiD~ for him. A t i Ill' ('Ild of the l'OW of men who were ("ommiUect for lOU .. d e r, sat a man wbo nlOrc tban hi s fellows seemed marked by sIn's blighting curse. Hls face was seamed and rigid with scars and mnrks of vfce and sin. He looked

t houeh hf 'llight be ~ demon In­carnate Ir Of~CC a~ouced to anger, I plaCf'!el my hunrl upon hi~ s noulder And wept aO ,l prayed tor and with him,

Wlle-n the service was over, the i 'H" t!nnr J;; ' 1 ~ t) ~"1 ··\\~e-ll. Kaiu. do you kDOW you buve broken we rules at the orison by leaving the platform?" " Yes, governor, but I neV­er cnn k('ep any rule while preaching. And J did wanl to gf't up close to the poor despairing fellows, and pray for them, and tell them of the love of J('RUS the SaVIour He came to seek anel to save which was lost.' This man (Jefms) and ('ateth with 19:10; 16:2.)

recei yeth sinners tbem.' " (Luke

"Do YOt' r t'membcr," sa!d the gov­('mor, "thf"> roan "t the end of the lin e- in Ole lifer 's row, whonl you prayed with? Would you like to hear bls history?" "Yes: I answered, gladly, ·'·~Ve ll, here it is in brief : Tom Galson was sen t here about eight years ago for the crime of mur­der. He was. \vithout doubt, one of the most der;perate and vicious char· acters we had ever TEl-ceived, and, as

was E'x pEl-cted, ga"e us a great deal ot trouble,

··One Christmas-eve. about STX years ag-o. duty compelled me to spend tbe nigh t at the prison, instead ot at home, as I had antiCipated. Early in the morning, while it was yet dark, ] lett the prison tor my home. my pockets lull of presents for my little girl. It was a bitter cold morning, and I buttoned my overcoat up to 'pro tect my~elt tram the cutting wind that swept In from the lake. As I hurr ien along, r tllough t ] saw some­body skulking In the sbadow of tbe PrIson wnll. I ~topp('d and looked a little more closely, and then I saw a Iittlp girl, wrfltchedly clothed In a thin dre~15; hf'r bare teet thrust into a pair at shoes much tbe worse for tlle wear. In her hand sbe beld, tigbtLy clasped, a small paper parcel. Wonder ing who sho was and why ahe was out 80 early In the morning, and! yet too weaty to bp interested, I

" Walk in All The L ight of TIle L ord "


hurrIed aD. But I Boon beard that ;~~irl was me, and your little girl's wa~ belne- followed. I stopped, and ITnt" tad d~('d in t he poorhouse, tUTllcd a.ronoa, and there stood be­fore me the same wretched looking child.

., 'What do you wan:.:.-' asked b....arply. 'Are you the governor 01 the prison, sir?' 'Yef',' who are you, nnd why are JOu not at home? ·Pleasc, Rlr, I have no home; mamma died~ in tDe poor-house t wo weeks ago, Rn' she told me jllst tlefore sh,e died that papa (that 'l'om Galson) was in prison; an ' sbe thought waybe he would like to see hi ,3 little girl, now that mamma Is dead Please, can 't YOU let me .see my papa? Today Is Chrislmas, and 1 want to give hiUlftt, present.'

'No: 1 replied gr utrly , 'You will ha,-e to wait untll visitor's day,' an d s tarted on. 1 had not gon e many st eps when I felt a pun at my coat, nnd a pleading voice said, 'PleasE' don't go! I stopped once more, and looked into the pinched, beseechtn~

face before me, Great (earR 'Were in her eyes, whil e h er little chin qutv red with emotion.

"'.:\Iister,' she said, 'i f 'Your littJ~

au' her papa was in the prison, an' she had no place to go an' no 011&

\0 love her, don't yoU think she would to s('e h er papa? If it was Christmas, an' your Uttle girl came to ~ee mE', jf I was governor of the prisoD, an' asked m(> to please let her pp her papa to give him a Christ·

mas pr£'sent, don't you-don't you think I would say yes?'

"By this time a great lump was in my throat, and my eyes Were swim­ming jn tears. I 3nswered, 'Yes, my little girl. 1 thini{ you WOUld, and YOlt

shall s(>e your pa pa; and taking her hand, 1 hurried back to tbe prison, thinking of my own Calr-h nlrf'd ltttle girl at homp. Arriving in my office, 1 bade her come near the warUl stove, while I 8ent a gURrd to bring No. 37 from his cell. As soon as he came into the office and saw th e little girl,\1 his race clouded with a n angry frown, an d in R. gruft', savage tone he snap­ped out:

"'i\ellle, what are you doing here; what do you want? Go back to your

lContinued on Page 2.)

News from the M~ssion Field; Workers in China Encouraged

WAANG KONG, SOUTH C H INA. , kind letH°l' to hand ~nd am truly grateful fer your help and co-opera· tion . Wp arp fepling the need of it more and more as the lime draws nigh lor our Lord's return. Surely, our redemPtion is not far away and I t behooves us to be faithful unto tlhe E-nd. \\~hen H e comes may we truly he found "Ca!:=ting our bread upon the waters," He says we shall reall If we taInt not.

We bave closed a t en days' revival meeting in which God grac­Iously poured out His Spirit. \\'p put up a bamboo mat shed to ac­commodate the crowds who seemed anxious to bear what we had to say. We held t wo tarrying meetings and one meeting for ~inller~ each day. The power and the presence of God would s weep down upon us at times likf> great OCean VAves, Some shout ing and cryl"~. some speaking torth in tongues .and some dancing, etc:. One little ,ei."~ 1anc(>d for an hour un, der thp p(l"r .... ....r 4h t" Spirit. How it made our hI ~l'" t rejoice to see God lflanlfest Hls power among the heath­E'n. The powe" (If God is just the same today.

Our la d,), t ('~f'lll - (8 formnl cl1Urch member) hp tl a wonderful Vision or heaven , She ~aw tbp saints of heav. en rejolcin1" in the g'lory of God and l'he hen~plt left out tn darkness. This cau.c~ed her to awaken and now she Is earneRtly seeking God. "·e are ex· pecting hpr to come througb to tb~

baptism soon, Please pray tor he~ A tittle hf'athpn girl. 13 years old

WR.S sav(>d and baptized in the Spirit ShE' I!; ~uch a swpet pr(>ciou~ chl1d: an orphan and the only belIever in the gospel In her village. She waR here In sChool and when her peoPlo heard of her being baPtized they came and .compelled her to re turn to her home, thrpe mlIN~ ~w"~· H n,6('1r'

ny "he: s (l'c.z.y hec.l.llP she wor­'tf' l,at"!1' WK. .0;0 tll;... t

IJ. ' T 1'1 'n "'4(

aa.J. wIll not per' j. llt'r to rec.'· ... e £'v~n a Ie-tter tram ChristIans. We art trusting God to gIve h e-r back to lUI, as she is a jewel found In the r01,Jgh. Join w ith us in prayer for her.

On Sunday, we bad two families "'ho derUcated four of their children to God, They were too small for haptism. It was such a precious se-rYlce a_nd bow blessedly God set his Real upon It. It truly melted our la'arts to see Chrlstlan men and wompn of China giving their childr en to God. The mother of one of these babies (just a month old) was one of the fligh t who were burled with Christ In baptl~m. The next da), this mother took ill unto death and by Jl r eva11fng praYer was restored. We -were b,6lleving for her complcte de­liveranc(> and Urne after time she \\'a~ wonderrully touched and blessed, She was sick nearly two week!'; when God callf'd her home to be forever with Him. Jt was a severe shock t o the family. A father, four daughters and two sons mourn her loss. Three chtJdre-n have gonf' beforf'.

The he-athPns were quite enraged nnel Raid we killed her, and for days we were arraid to walk the streets. "God works in myst erious ways Hj~

wonders to p(>rforrn," so we are ex­pecting ,rood to come out ot all this persecution .

During the me-ptlng!\ the enemy was also vpry Rtined. A mob gathered and threatpned the Uves of us ant.! al~o our Christians. Of conr"le. their object was to b~ak up the meetfngs, but God dId .01 permit It. In tI ! midst of t h-a drunh:en mob, fly1ng l)t'fck bat,~, -tevolvrrs, etc., one at our fa ltbful C'nrlstfa np got down on his knees right among them on the



The Jews had to ubmit to water baptism In the "nnmf> of Ute Lord J(>sns ChrIst" at oncE', as a prelimi­nary pledge of lhfl'ir integrity of pur­pose tn nc('(>pUng Chri:--I. hefore tbp-y could I'ect~h'(' tht' Holy Ghost. TIl( Gentl1e~, in ~olne {'ases, ncei\'ed wat· er balltbm ih "Jf'~u~' name" aftE r­wards, (Aclh 10.)

The Jewish resistance to Jesu~

could only be broken by thplr tak. lng- on them His namt'. Tllpy wpre not In n condition ot ~oul to receive th(> Holy ahOM otherwise. Th ey han to I)ublicly acknowlNige Him in bop

llsm flr!'t. "'ith tIte- Gentllps the QUN~tion lay betw(>~'n hf' onf' lrul' God, or Itods many, ThE" Jf',,"""S had been deliverE"d from ldolatry,

P('ter who opf'n(>d th(' eloor to the Jew~ (Acts 2:38), a18("1 first preach('ld tnf' Gosp(>1 to the Gf'nUle~. (Acts 10:48.1 ~lohamm('di~Dl h; dying out as the

"one IruC' God" In Jr8u" Chrl!'{t I$( be­ing clearly revf>alpd rind pxpounde-d ~tohaml1lpd had kno\vledge of both tll(> Jf'Wg' r.eti~ion and C'htfstiantt:r as tau~ht and pra('ticC'd by thf' Ro­man ('hurch In hl~ d:lY. lie was oUs­sntigl1cd witn both I\~ he under"tood thf'm and lormed thp !\10s1em creed in tte latter end or the Sixth Cen :.1T' ... n r r

lth Chr -ttanlty. ·It is gf-nerally C<.onecdcli. tbtl.~ ~e

christians of the second, and even of the third century. were far tram tun'ing a cle-ar ly under~tood and rec· ognl7.ed doctri;le ot the subject of lIle TrinHy, At the Council of NicaE'

-A. D. 325-thev b(>gan to fonnulatt" a erred on thi s order Rut the doc­trine of a Trinity at Pel'~ons was not fully completed .,_1 the addition or the Filloque cIs use In the Western (Romnn) churrh of the Rlxth cen­tury , which 1('c1 to thE" separation of the Grf'f'k church. from the LaUn."­.\elson's Enc-:f

Jt 1~ ~afd by fho~e who work among th('m th'\t both the J ews and. the :\10slpms thJnk the ChristianA wor~hip tbrt'e Gods, Do we not need a cl('ar('r, Biblical undrrstandlng at! the naturf' of thp Godhead ("God's nature -Weymonl h , Coil. 2:!l) "th£' one truf' God?" Can it be a crime, as /'lamp think, to r6ntf'mplatp revprent­Jr, and d('~ir.· prayerfully, a better u ndpn;tandlng of the mystery ot the Godhead?

"On a Ral'copbflgus rP<."f'ntIy dlsco,,­('r ed, and now In thp Latprnn- Muse­um, thrpp bearded pPJ'80ns-"probably rf'preFl'nting the Trinity-are engag­ed in th(' Cl'entlon of Bvp.. Thts Ie ~ald to b(\ of thf' latter ha!J1 of the fourth ('('ntllry:'-Dlctlonary at ChrlJ!· tian Antiquities, by SmiTh and Cheel .. J13m.

Wbnt rrudp c()nceI'tlon~ of God men haw' hod who"e visIon hat> been blttr­red by }ll'nthE'n Ulolatry and pagan. i~m. About the cJearE'~t definition many r.hrlf'tlnns can give of God t& day wonlrl be ~ha.t 'I\'e have three GodR. all ju~t alike.

If JpJm~ Ch'1et la God He most be ·'thp. one tnle God," rOT there J8 nO'

(f'n'ntlnlled (tT!>g~ ~,)

Page 2: THE BLES ED · 2015. 2. 19. · THE BLES ED TRUTH ===== =-= --~..;;..--V OLUME 4, NUMBER 2 CHRISTMAS IN PRISON Some years ago,


THE BLESSED TRUTH PubUahed lIemi-rnonthly at 1o::ure.i.a Svr-inp. Ark_.

on the lat and 15th or each month.

Own~ by the ren1.ecoatal people everywhere and l\eld In truat by .. of brethern.

Preach Thi. Bleued Truth With Gr.a. TeDderDe ••.

DAN 'L C. O. OPPERMAN EdItor LEE ~-LOYD Ax&ociale Editor

CoNTRIBUTING EDITORS: L. C. HALL ZIon City, III. I;'. BART1..EMAN Los Angeles. Cal. 1:1. A. GOSS Hot Springs, Ark. '!I'M. E. BOOTH·CLIBBOhN

St. Paul, Minn. R. C. LAWSON Columbus, OWo

Pcu:e w all ~unlriCb 6Q CCDta pee year, Ul o4v .. '" Papenl Kcnt out in buodlC.!& or 25. 60 and 100 at tho ra~ of 1 cent. per gOP".


Entered at aeeond claaa matter at tOe po,tr oUioe; .. ~ Eucek.e :';pr"Jt(II. Ark •• Ilccur,jlnl( to ~be ...:t of l~Rirl'GN Ot trt..rcb;l, 1871:1.


-------------------A TOULHING APPEAL.

The followlIlg is one of Dlany ap-. V~J.l:s that. we get from those who de-811 t.; to t!utl.:l' lJztll'lc, jjible and Liter­al'.,) School. ·)ur ~earts go out to .!:uch a. bese a.nd we have an Intense d(>. I! e tv 11l .. lIp all, but circumstances will not permit. But a are sure tho,..' l-eaderl:l ot The B l ed Trutb will be intcl'Psted in the following and Join U b in prayer tor the best means to meet the need.s.

lJl van, the let.ter recently received n'C1Js Uti follows:

"Bl'o. OllPerlllan, 1 am in trouble anti I feel tlutt 1 have been directed bl' the dear LoJ'd t4l COlle to you lor ilf!hJ and advice in my hour or trull. 1 am a \(idow with tour cWi-

dN'D The eldrst 1 101 Ot n yN1rs, ~ • ..j ol4er CiJ.rC;f\! • .lo:o",U v,. aud G yea ..... Sickness, death and bnJ management have bl'ou~t me to SUch rC'duced circumstances that I am now forced to make a living for my c:hlldren alone.

"And now what I waDt to know is this: Do YOU think I had better give my children away, as Bome have ad· vised me to dO? Or, .should I trust my blessE'd Saviour for some way to rE'lLf ::::·r darlings in the right way? I do not teel tbat r could part with them and 1 do not feel tbat 1 could let them eutfer and come up in tgno­rance. 80 ynu sep , dear brother. mY heart and my hands arc full and with­out the belp of the Lord I know I cO!Jid neTer stand It.

·'8ro. Opperman, do you know or any place r oould work Or Is there any thing I could do there tn the school among you blessed peoPle".' T am -will-Ing to sutter any prJvn just to have my chddren brO)lf _p tn the right w~1

MY FOon iF. 13 and deal') loves to T(' d his 1N'Itfllnent. He~·"ti read tt tb('(..1Ugh iwj('(>. nnd understands it wonderfully t.Jr a child. His mInd pel"mR to bt. on works at our Lord, It,~ plBym~teJ lnugh and make fun at him And cr..ll him the preacher, bu~ T am hopIng and praying that I I ruBY be able to rear hIm'" the rlgbt way T wlll pray from the bottom otI ruy heart that YOU shall be able to tell me of some WlOT by which 1 may work. and maJntain my children."

Brethren, what are we going to do wlth BPpeal3 like this? The word saYS: "Pure rellgfon and undefiled before God and the Fatber IS this, Ii> vlalt the fatherless and wldows In thE"tr atnlctlon, and to keep himself UDSpn·ted. ~ the world." Here II! a ~hance to demonstrate ·~e love or J~~. Tho schocl 15 re- tv do its

THE BLESShD T RUTH -art. But saints, we cannot d.o \I

all. All tt.~ (;eaCL~r6 aud workert. render all thplr service as unto th& Lord without money and without price. Not only that, but we have taken a numbr-r or r4 udents tor whose board and other sch.ool expenses we must trust the Lord. We would be glad to take more, but we feel that we dare not tak.e on a greater bur den till the saints awake to a sense of the grC'at need and co-operate with u.s more closely.

Who ot the readers of The Blessed Truth wH1 pay the board, $3.50 per weE>k, ot one of these children [or the remainder of this school year? There are those in our midst who can do It easily. You ought to be glad to do It. It will be a great opportunlll1 to lay up treasure in heaven. By sev· eral ot the brethren paying their board the children can be cared fo1 and educated. The mother can be free to work and ('am tbeir books and clothes, etc. Praise th.e Lord! We will be glad to hea r from th()5~_

who are wi1ling to co-operate Wttb us. VlE> wnt furnish the name and) addrpSA or tbls tamlly to anyone de­'!\iring to look tnto the matter fur· ther.

Addres. tb, Editor. .l' c!> ..



The school bas entered into the work at this year with a renewed in­terest, having two ,mottoes, namely, "1'11 Try," aud "Let NotWng Qi'" courage You and Never Give Up." These cover every phase of the work -Bible study, literary work and even to haVing Victory in thE'- se1"Vfces. It is interesting to watch the small stu. dentR, when one faces RD undertak

~ ,l U~ hQ d lld br. J.

r tl. !1\ ,"!1 Tr ey at~ dOing an excellent work III their Bi· ble studY. Yesterday mornJng, they had a beautiful demonstration, be­fore the lartrl!r Bible class of the text, HBe Kind."

The literary work ot the advanced classes ts growing tn interest, and I am sure the eighth grade Is talUng in love with aJgebra, as weH as some ot the other studies.

The Inter~~ting phase of the school to every SPirit filled person fs that of Splrl' ual love and harmony that the Lorn gives as we tollow on t.oi know Him. 1 rejoiced when 1 came to the boYs. wbo had gone to the woodland to cut wood, to flnd them having a prayer service out there In tbe woods.

Truly, It Is needful to educate the bands to work, the bead to be able to solve the problems ot lite, and the hE'"art to believe. trust and rely upon the lIvin", God.




I wish to say a word io regard to the Ozark Bible and Uterary School. \V.hHe there may be features about the school that I mIght see dUrerent to some, yet 1 wlBh to say that It certainly Is proVing Itselt a bleSSing to some dear cbtldren and ::young peo­Ple who hadly need such a school. The teachers are most consecrated saints of the Lord and each one of them lIaTe a real God·glven talent to teacb and Instruct chlldren, Oppenn.n haa fO!" Bll as­Blstant In the school Bro. S. C. Me· Lain, & devout man of God who hAS a Tlslon from God regarding the school. From the present outlook, if

I::)atan does not hinder, the futUre ot l,...o..1e school is bright It has prospects of increasing to be a more wonder­

,l fUI blessing in the hands of the Lord. LEE FLYOD.


Receipts. Balance rrom last report. .. _ . $ P_ N. Joyner . _ .... . , _ . ... ' " W. H. Lyon .... . ..... ...... . H. J. Frost ......... . .. , .•..• F. H. Glidewell .... . .. , .. , ..• A brother _ ........... . .. _ .. _ H . E. Stovall , . . , . .. . ..... . . W. H. Coulon ..... . .. .. • . .... G. N. Holt .. . ........ , •. . . .. , H, A. Goss ..... . , ..... , .... . J . C. Marsh ... , .. , ......... . W, G. Wood .... , ..• , .. , .•. ,. H. N. Wingate ... " .. , ..... . SIbYl Kraus . ......• , . . . . .. .

.29 10.00 36.00

2.80 6.00

20.00 3.00 1.00

20.00 5,00 5.00


7:50 2:50

Total ... .... .. .... .. ... . .. $128.09

D isbursements. John D. ' J.amp. . ............. $ 28.00 F. S. Ramsey .... . .... ... . ?hoebe Holmes . . .... _ .. _ .. . Sarab Kugler ........•....... Willa l3. Lowther . . ....... . . Alma HuH .. . ........•.•. __ ..


20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00


Total ..................... $128.09 DANIEl. C. O. OPPERMAN.


Jesus knows what's best for me, In His great wisdom He can see Wbat 'twnt take to make me free.

. I was bound wlth many chaIns. \\ ander ed down in sIn's dark lanes, Out upon vast weary plains.

• ~ pI I 'olee dId speak to me, '1 :1tIf, ~·\.IlJ.u u. you may be I.~e,'·

.. lruif you will come to Me.

Sweet spake that voice into my ear , Call ing, "Child, dlBmlss your fear, And trust In Me, for I AM near .

1 AM the LIfe, that all men seek, The Hope that the meek.

trees the tied tongues till they sepak.

to heaven, ill Rock that for your soul was riv­

en, e Name for your salvation given.

AM the Troth, tor whIch men sigh, d Me by faltb lYon can draw nigh,

e not afraid child, It lB I.

[ bowed my soul .and there dId suP, lAnd to the throne my cry went up,

II drank deep ot Salvation's cuP.

o you deRr one, He 8t111 does call o~nke your sins. give up your aU nd be redeemed from Adam's tall .



(Continued from Page 1.)

'Dothpr.' 'Please, papa: sobbed the li ttle,.., " 'mamma's dead. She died two weeks ago in the poorbouse. an' before she died she told me to take care of Uttle Jimmie, 'cause you loved 11 1m so; an· told me to tell you ahe Joved you, too-but papa/-and ber tolee broke in sobs and tears-Jim· mle died, too, last week, and n«w",

.J am alone, papa, an' today's Christ·

~M3' papa, an'-an' I thought, maybe

s yOU lOVed JImmie, you would Uke little Cbrl stmas present trom hlm." "Here sbe unrolled the little bnn·

lile ahe beld In her hand, untU 8he

came to Q. little l )DCJi:age of tissue pa .., from whiCh ahe took out a little fair curl, and put it In ber father's hand, saying ns she did so : '1 cut it ::rom dear little J1mmie's bead, papa: just before they buried hIm.'

"No. 37 by this time wa.s sobbing

like a child, and so was 1. Stooping own, 37 plcl\ed up the little girl,

pressed ber cOllvulsively to his breast, wblle his great frame shook with :;uppressed emotion.

"'l'he scene wns too sacred tor me to look upon, so 1 sortly opened tbe door nnd lett them alone. 10 abOut nn hour 1 returned. No. 37 sat near the stove, with bis littl ~ daughter on his knee. He looked at me sheepIshly tor a moment , and then said, 'Gov­ernor, 1 haven't lhe money'; then sud­denly stripping off his prison jaCket. be said, "For God's sake don't let ID)) little gIrl go out th is bitter cold day with tbat thin dress. Let me give her this coat. I'll work early and late; I'll do anything. l'lJ be a map' Please, governor, let me cover il l. ... wit 11 thIs coaL' Tears were stream-109 down the face ot the bardened man.

., 'No, Ualson: 1 said, "keep 'Your coat; your little girl shall not suffer _ I'll take her to my home and set: what my wite can do for her,' 'God bless YOU,' .sobbed Galson. I tOOk th~ girl to my home. She r emained with us a number or years. and became a true Christian 0-- faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Iod's Book shows man's need and God's remedy. (Rom. :;:9·24: John 3:1·16.)

"Tom Gal~on also became a Chris-Lian, Hnd· h

"I'> gave us DO mol'" t.roub 1, ~5 .) A year ago ... · conch. ·, "when I vis-ited tl again, the governoI" said to rut, ·"",dIll, would ,"OU Jlke to. see Tom Galeon, whose story I told

you a few years ago l' 'Yes, I would,' l answered. Th(. governor took me dOWJl a quiet street, and stopping at a neal home, knOCked at the doot-. Toe door was opened by a cheerCuJ. young woman, who greeted the gov­ernor with the utmost cordiality'.

",;o;;~e went In, nnd then the gover­nor intrOduced me to Nellie and her

father, who, because of his reforma­tion, bad rece ived pardon, and \Val!! now living an uprJght Christian Ure w·th his daughter, whose litt1e Christ­mas gift bad lroken this bard heu~t." Christ died for the ungodly. (Rom. 4:5; 5 :6 :)-Selected


The power of God 1s falling and the devil Is bowling, Some are be­ing converted. Some are being bap­tized with the Holy GhOBt, and some are getting healing tor their bodies. Fourteen have been baptized In wat­er in Jesus' name and more to be baptized. On Christmas nlgbt the Lord met wltb ns In a blessed way. The power beger. ~Q tall at an earJy hour and lasted until 12 o'clock. There was leaping and jumping and dancing and shoutIng, praising God and talk.­ing in tongUeR. Two were cOJ)verte(l and everybody was bleRsE>d. Oh glory, glory, glotT! We earnest1y request an interest in aU the dear saints' prayers for thlB place.



We are glad to report victory In our souls. Bless the name of our God. We came to Joplln about two months ago and opened up a mIssion at 2200 Main street, and the dear Lord has been blessIng us In a gra­cious way for which we praise Him. Love to all . B. H. HlTl!I.

Page 3: THE BLES ED · 2015. 2. 19. · THE BLES ED TRUTH ===== =-= --~..;;..--V OLUME 4, NUMBER 2 CHRISTMAS IN PRISON Some years ago,


(Continued from Page 1.)

ground and crJ'Jl to God with a loud voice tor deliverance. ThJs frighten­ed the men and they dispersed, bu t Dot before they bad caused a severe wound on the bead ot one ot the preachers. We 80qght help from the seldien;, but they refused wIth scoffs and curses. Not only were our lives but our ouUdlngs wer e also in dan­ce!', :-:":" ::c:.t r..1cr~: -.:; S:--ter Holmes went to Canton and ' the governmen t quIckly sent aId which was in di rect answer to prayer. Gener~llYI it take~ months to get such aid.

W e felt to say with the ....,.sa l mis~

" If it had not hi- ~n the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they aad swallowed U5 up quick, when thei r wra th was kindled against us. Blessed be the Lord wha l1"Cj not given uS as a prey to their tee tn, our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers, the s nare is broken and we are es­cH.ped, Our help Is in the NAME o f th e Lord. (Ps. 124.) Hallelujah!

We are not at all di scouraged, but are looking forward to a greater re­viva l tllan ever. Many a laborer has worked for years without seeing ra­~\11t1$ of their labol'S. Experience has repf'<Hcdly shown that the prevailing prayer of one humble interce.ssor can brIng about a revival and saV!:" t bou­sand s.

Thp Hoods are on and we have been liVing abovE'! watpr tor neArly two weeks. The dike broke near here and the POOl' IH'ople have Io~t all they bad . One at OUr Chr istian J:amilieli bad to stay on tl1e roof of their house! one night un til aid could reach them. They came to the mis.sion for shelte;r

and for help, onl'Y eight mouths to t oed and a few rags for thei r backs. I asked what Ihey did with the thing's they had tn their house and their an­swer was, "We had nonE'." It is al­most morp than anyonp can bear to 8ge such poverty and no way to help them.

The water ha~ gone out ot our meeting hall now and we have Hne. crowds. Every day people are com­ing to enquire into the ~o~pe-l.

LA'rER-Last night, at our tarry­ing meeting God poured out His Spir­H. Our langua~ teacher (the father of t be woman who diPd) rece ived the baptism and a nUmbC'r of others are nearly through. His daughter had a wonderful vision of her mother in heaven. The angels were guarding her and J eSllS IJy her side. This is ~uch a comfort to the family as thei r persecution and grief was almost III are than they could bear. 'Ve a re

joicing at the way God is answer· Ig pra:yer. Thanking )"Ou again for your I~ind-

1.ess anli prayers, as tUe end dl'aws 11car, may we let the 'peace of God rule in our hearts to which we are 81so called In one body.

Co-workers; together \yUh Him un­til He sa'Ys, "Enough, come up high· er." FaithfuUy,

SARAH A. KUGLER, P. S.-John D. James was wonder­

fully used In our r evival service In minister ing the Word .

SAl NAM, SOUTH CHINA. "All the en d.s of the earth sball

see the salvation of our God." (Isn. 62:10.) Hallelujah! In spite of dey· !ls, InJ1dels, war and tribulation our God Is riding on to victory . A world· wide, heaven-wide VIctory that shall last Corever! ADd we shall share it with HIm. Blessed thought, soUl In·

91ring thought! Truly, we can't pass

THE BLESSED T RUTH many more .. l ila s tones until the King'~ glory shall I>urst upon us, and we shall stand jll I Jt£' presen<!e of the King at all nation~; the King at kings and the King of Glory- our coming King!

Your letter came a tew days ago bearing lhe good lidings which near· Iy cau sed my heart to stop neating tal' a time. I think 'you understand from preVious letter s just about how my arl'ai r s slood, and that I went ahead a nd nut up my ne w chapel in faith e re spring rains, and owin&: to th e very low market tn gold, be­cause of the war, that it cost enough to leave me prC'tty much in debt. As best as I can trace it back it must have been jus t about the time thai saints al Appl eton City loOk the of· fering for my hOllse, that I spen t sev· eral days In ea rnest prayer to God tha t He would send in the amount to meet the debt a nd end It specified for t he building. I let it rest with th e L-ol'd unlll about two days befor e :your letter camp when I began to get anxious, I said, "Here, Lord, twu months have gone Dy and ] have only been able to meet my expenses, and that debt Is as big as it ever was. I n eed clothes and the mission needs song books, etc. , and ] cannot [eel free to buy one thing until t hat dpbt il'J r al::;ed from the building." Well, Ih.' draft was laken to Can· ton, and wnen exchanged into Chi· nese silver it clpar~d the debt right to the dollar. Was not that wonder­ful? So now Sh in Tong has a sub­stantia l lIttlp chapel and a new babY organ (whiCh my preacher plays.)

Cod is working in man'Y ways His wonders to perform. Things .seem t o be ripening 1.11) nt several Places for revivals, so I guess we are going tv be comple-tely occupied along that

line now for sometIme, ~fi es Kug lE'r and Holnws wlii 0lleu tne D1Bet­

fng~ dar atter tomol'row along the r s­ylval Une [or .heathen only. They are putting up a mat shed structure of bamboo and I am sur e will have some splendid meetings. Then we are planning on a campaign here though altogether for our many new con­verts to se(>k the Holy Spirit bap· t ism and for Ou r old ones to get a r e­filling as weH as also ourselves. Bro. J ames is akfn g uS to follow this one immediately at Hong Kong with t. campaign at hIs place.

I am glad to tull yOU t.hat the rains have corne at last. Ulougb do not know how long UtbY will continue. The wet seaSOD should have been here two montbs ago. For maruy years, it has Dot been like this. We greatly feared a fa.mine .. This rain came ju:\t in tbe nick of time to saV8 this season's rice crop.

I bave bt>t'll vt'ry ~lck for He\"eral dayg and that !:; WJ1Y 1 did not an~ S"\'\-'CI' you!' IC'tter promptlj. 1 have already writtf>n to the Avpleton City A!'H .. pmbllj'. The~e is an a.wful lot of Fl jckn(lss in thi~ country now. To­morrow, I havp. tCl takC' a long trip to an out·or·the·way stal ion to take mY turn nun.;illg OUP of our Illissionarie::t who bas hod a raging Lever for over two weeks.

Your!' in tIlt' ble~~ ,I hope of H~:-j

~oou coming. WII.LA B. LOWTHER.

MACOA, CH INA. Your letter of June 15th with en­

closed draft [or $20.00 to band, [or wbich I am most grateful and desire to thank each kind donor much in J eaus' precious n ame.

We a rc at present located at Ma­coa, an island belonging to Portugal, a beautiful and healthy place tor our :summE'J' ,-acatfou. Most at our South

China m issionaries are liVing here. Xine of we single Jadie~. missionar· ie!'t, have rented a la rge hou e on a moun :..ain side just a t the water's edge. "\Ve are trying to re~ t and re­cupCl'rt te as much as possible that we may return in September to ou r va­rious mission station s. It is al W"ay~

such a. sacrifice to be away durin g the summer, and we are always glad when the extreme heat i s over and we ern return . I am homesick ror my !:\ear Chine-::;e right now.

I teel these vacation daY's have been most profita.ble. as we mission­arie~ could mC'et together and co· oper'lte to s,read the gospel yet fur· ther inland.

God is calling on us to launch out ; to lengthen ou r stakes and enlarge our l><>rder s . A number feel a call to Kwong Sai Province while others teel calls furth er on. I for one feel {.ood iB calling me to press on and in. T know not wherf', as ~'et, but I teel it will not be long till I will be Ca r In land, whpre yet the name of Christ has not ~ef"n preal'hed. T long for the time, as I feel the cal1 to evan· galls Ie work, pioneer work. God gave me this Scripture a short ttme ago. foun d In Mich 4:13: "Arl,. and thrf"Jh, 0 daughter of Zion." There ar p ranT whJte harvest fields who wait our sickle to harvest them. r kno . that it will mean greater selt­sacI' fic e and keener spparation. On our par I. deepf'r consecratton and, no doubt. sutTerlng. but oh what does it aH matter, i~ not that what we a11

teft home and loved ones tor? I feel that ] wJ1I be wt11jn~ to sutter anyUling and endure anything if only God will see fi t to n'"'l(' ..,..,,, ! ... bring-ing the gl~d tidinC" 1:. r +inn to thm:p wh( atm !:1ft . 1\ <lark-neS8. B~loved, I ask an interest in your

prt' • regarding going further In· h1iJ' J. llvOl~ or ~ttel an(;eS may be opened (or us. Some of us havt" sufficient of t1le lnnguage to tell the blessed story. My sout burns to go fort h to untouched fleld.,.c;. T teel the time has come for us to scat­ter. Glory to God, He 1~ very real and precious to my soul these days.

The work in the various !¥t.tions is progressing nlcply. NUmbers have beau saved and HlI(>d witb the Spirjt the past [ew U1onth~. Be· MecllJng your s incere prayers in our behalf and that ot thE:' world's, T re· main,

Yours for China's lost, PHOEBE HOLMES.


Your kind letter with enClosed ot­tering gratefully . recE-h-ed. Please excuse me tor delaying to answer. I am Vel'Y busy in the service for our Lord. r am also not as strong: as _ wa~ a few years ago. It ~pem~ tha t I sliould returll to tbe "Homeland" for R chang(' 1f not ror a r ('st, bf'.. cause I have bpf'll on thp field now for oyer f;lx year1=!. Yet I do not want to return hClme unlpFl~ It 1S my God's will I nm willing to wait HJ.'I time, bE.'cauFle I tha t .Tf'RU~ Is coming ~oon" Also that the night i ~ Coming \,,·h£'11 no mAn <'an work: thereforf'" WE' must work while it is day. Praise Him' Glory to Hi s name!

,,~(' have :t. good opportunity to witness to OUr Cbrlst to the many man')' fo\oulS groping In darkness. And the best at an some are being d(>­livered [rom Satan, yea, set tree by Jesus' precious blood to serve the Jiving God. Hallelujah!

P I r ase continue to pray tor us. Th~ hot seRson Is very near and there Is plague and many other hind· rancE'c~ In this benighted land. Praise God, who giveth us the vIctory. Glory

3 to His name! \\ e ar~ more than conquerors th rough Him that loved us. HRO. find SISTER JOH;'; D. JA~1ES.


Praise the Lord; victory through the namt.~ at our Lord and Master .

Your letter of April 16tb a rrh"ea to band yeste rda'y. Man y thanks ro. t he gift of $10. .May tbe Lord re­ward the giver s whot>"Ver t bey IDa)/" be.

Praise tht" Lord! \Vap, very glad to heal' how the Lord had been mov Jng in your mld~t and trust the good work may continue until eJsus comes. We can praise the Lord; He Is mov· ing here somewhat after a time ot testing-we are having good lll(>('t­ings. Y(>~t('rday fhp hou~p was full and the power of God prf'~ent. \Ve arE' looking up for Tnuch grt'al~r

things Yf't ~e('n all over tbi~ prov­ince. "·c pra)' that Ill(' people who live In the thousand.~ of vlllage.-; ond have never heard may be led by tke Spirit to !'lomp place to hear and be saved. We beHevp in mepting~ where sinner s are; it should he made a point to tell th(' Rlmp'e gospel Rtory and not leave out Act5~ 2: 38 or ~imi· lar Script urp so they cnn be ~a\'ed

as they may n('Ver {'ome again. God will stand bphlnd His word and gmnt gign~ Prnlsp Rtf! namf'.

F . s. RA~!SEl


Dear Bro. OPJlPrman: Greeting~ in lli!i df'nr namp! Your iiind I(~ttpr rame- a f('w days

ago. SU1"(' wns appreciated, also cheque for $~O, for whtrh f>nclosed find l"E'celpt.

[ know that God wil1 reward all the dear saint. therp who stalld behind

the,.. mis!';ivnarics, for tbe'l ~1'" tra!3' testing times.

ConCernil1g til(' nativf' prp.achers, as for myself. I have Dot employed any up to th(' present time tor my rnean~ have been limited. Ro ~oon as I cao and can find the right kind ot a man I want to take on one or two. From what I can hrar about India it ap. pears that neitll(>r unCon\,erted Dor unbaptized workers are employed..

I am very thankful [or ,.OUl" little paper nnd hope that you will con­tinu(' to r emember me. I received two COph.'M of it las t week, anEl 8S soon as T gpt a ('hanc(> I sit down and read thE'fll through.

The Lord is blessing us hpre in our mef'tinga. 'There arc sP'"E-Tal very parnest workers. Three that arC' filled with thp Holy Spirit anff others that arp e-arnpstly seek in&\( l-lea~e rpmpmbC'r us In yOHr prayers for th1s tR such a hard plarp on ae­rount of !";uC'h oPPoRition.

'\\'iIl ('lo~f' for thi~ timf'. hoping that what infol'lluU Ion I have boiven Will be Mthifactor;v

Bp ~urp ancl 6£'nd all mall \'ia. China for tllpr( Is such dan~(\r the oth1'r roul("

Jam, Your hrothpr in Chrigt

GEORGE H. DOY \ T,. :"\'0 te--Bro. D()'Ynl b nnw in Sai

Xii Ill, ehina.-Ed.


(Continued fr01J1 Page 1 )

othpr Gorl It Hf' were a spparate (;od from the .... lther H(> could not rf'veal and dt~pense .... od the Father. GOIl I" Spirit. Thore Is one Spirit. one God. JeMus Chrt~t was not the incarnation of a separate God tram t he Fathflr.

CoJ':,; I'ianlfl·:-;tat!on o[ }f'm::it-If In

Page 4: THE BLES ED · 2015. 2. 19. · THE BLES ED TRUTH ===== =-= --~..;;..--V OLUME 4, NUMBER 2 CHRISTMAS IN PRISON Some years ago,

4 ~ t1~ BLESSED TRUTH --~==============~

J<"sus Christ is his manirestation ··un· to life" for us. To r' ";ect "God in Christ" is to rejec od altogether. Jesus Christ Is DOt tb( Son of God in the same sense in we are the s;ons of God. There can only be one "Son or God." Jesus Christ is GOel Himsel!, and Himself God. He ito! the Logos "Himself very God or very God."

It would require more than a mere man to sattsfy as a Savior, and to hold for time and eternity. the multt· tudes of men and women, both great and swaH and of aU generations, at­tracted to and gravi tating arauna Him, as their alone source of liCe and eternal saUstaction. Jesus Christ is God.

God Hlm.el!. througb tbe SPirit. was the Fa.tber of Jesus Christ. Jos­(,ph was not Jesus' father. {Luke 1:35. Jesus' hUlllaD beginning was the same as that ot any other human being born 01 woman, in as far as his coming forth from tbe womb of I\tal'Y was concerned. T hat was his human beginnmg. His divine nature, 01' Deity, was one with the Father. (John 10 :30.) He claimed to bav ••

existed before Abraham. "Be/ore Abraham was 1 am." (John 5:58.1 J luman l.IC'ings have a beginning. God n('ver had a beginning. Consequent­ly human beings caD uev(' r undet'· stand the Godhead. It mu ~t remain a mystt'ry to us all.

The relationship of me !"ather and the Son no man can understand. Neith('l' ('an any man f>xp lain the na· tUl'e of their ont;>ness either before or after the advent of JE'~U~ Chrisr in the flesh. '1'hC' existence of the Logos from th(' b(,glDning and the incal'na· tion or birth of JC';o;UR Chl'iRt r('lUAins

uniqu(· in its na.ture. There i !=' nelth· €'f pl'rced ent nor subspquent. Jesus Christ stands abf;oll1tf'lv alone jn his 01'(1("1' '1'he "onl y begotten" Son of


"And God said unlo iJoses, I A~I TH .. \'f I A..\r: and he ~aid, Tbul:i shalt thou ~ay unto the children Of Israel, I AM hath spnt me unto you. And:

God ~ald mOfeover unto '\ros("~, Thus ~ha1t thou ~a'Y unto the children of ISr:!.pl, Th p Lord. the Coel of your fathpr!". l.hp God of }\ brt'lhnm, the God of h;aac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent fit" unto you: this is my name forf'vf'r, and this iF\ my memorial unto all generatiouF\." (Ex. ';1::14 , 15.)

"And God spoke unto Moses, and Bald unto him. I am JEHOVAH: and I appeared unto A braham, unto ISAAC. and unto .Tacob, as God Almighty, but by m y name JEHOVAH I was not known to them." (Ex. 6:2. 3.)

"JpSUR Raid unto them. Verily, ver· Hy, I f'ay unto you, before Abraham was. 1 am." (John R: 58.)

In t.he foot-notpg in Schofteld'!,; Re[­erence BIble the author gives us tbf> followin g l'0111mentfi 011 thi$; ).!f:'morial Name of God.-"TlH'Io primary m('an­ing of Ull' )'''lmc Tehovah (Engli::-h, Lord) i~ "tll(' ~elf·cxh:trnt Onf'." Lit­erally (aR in Ex. :~:U) "He that is who He I •• thpre!ore Ute eternal I AM." Buf Ha\'ah, (rom which Jpho­vah, or Yahwe, is formed, signIftes also ··to bf'COlne," that Is. to become known, thu~ poinUng to a continuous and increa.c;lng 8elf~revelaUon. Com­bining th('~e mf'aning!'\ of Hayah. we

arrive at t1le tnf'aning of the name Jeho\'ah. He if; "the self-e-xi$;tent one who revealFl Himl"elf." The name is, In il self, an advance upon thE" name "Ood" (El, Eln.h, Elohim), which sug­ge5ts certain nlrlbuteg of Deity. as strength, etc.. rather than His es-­senUai being. Jehovah EJohtm clear­ly indicates a special relation of Dt'1ty. In His Je-hovah character, to man, and all Scripture emphasizes this. JP! 'oVtlh i:- di.,t.iIH .. t~) ·he re-

dernptlOn DaDle of Deity. ~-.hen sin entered and redemption became nec· essary. It wa~ Jeho\'ah Elohinl who Flought the .sIDning ones ana c!othed them with "coats ot skins." The first distinct revelation of Himsel[ b1 His name Jehovah was In conection with

(..h e redemption of the covenant l)eople out of EgYPt. ChI1st Hirosel! af­firmed his deity. He applied to Him· self the Jehovlstic I A~1."-Schofield

Rcferf'nce Bible Notes. One ot the most striking forms of

blasphf'my of these last, rapidly apos· tatizlng days is that of thUs preroga­tive name or Jesus Christ. JEHOVAH, or "I AM." Not long ago an adver­tisemE'nt appeared daily in a number of leading city papers. beginning witb the large Capltallzed letters "1 A)I;' jn l.he form ot an ("xact Bible quota­

tion, in the center of a large blank. space. }1'Ol' a number of subsequent days the advertisement went on to unfold the attributes of "I AM." as we know those ot the Deity, but in the form of a principle onl'Y. Finally :;.'!.fter curio3it7 had been sufficiently aroused to ~erve the purpose of a successrul Cl uvertisement the atten­lion of tl'e PlIOlic was called to tne

merits of Edlson's Phonographs. and tbe statement boldly made thst "1 AM" was the prinCiple o! MeSIC. Another lJusinesf' Ulan, this time a butcher, not to bf' outdone, soon after advertised bir.Belf as "I AM the lead­er of Low Prices." Thus man is del­fiE'd, and Jehovah is degraded. It is the ant1-CbrJet against tbe Christ.



Then shall the kingdom of !Satan be 1ik('nf'(1 unto a grain of totlacco ~eed, which, though exceeding small, bf'ing cast jnto the ground, grew, and hecame a gr€'at weed and sprea its lea\'f'~ rank and broad so jhp' _ 1)~~

nnd vile worm~ formed th pfr blf.Dita·

l ion therron. And 11 came to pass that the sons

(>\'p~ nf Ih, '1'1,11",. ~ - 1'_,: he;' '"

darken('d tr()ught it bp3U t iful t" ttl:"

d(>!-'iTf'd to make youth of tE'nder yra rs IOOI{ bi~ aml manlr. So thf'Y dirt put forth Thpir hand~ and did thpw thrreof. And ~omC' it made sick, R !ld

oth<>rs to vomit mo"t filthilv. And rnOl'C'ov('r it came to pa!;t~ tl1at

tho~E' who ('li('\\'f'<I tJ1ereof became wt>ak and siCk, find could not df>liver t h('m~elvt>!" from I he dp~jrE" of h 8ylng bits of it continuallv in thpjr mouths. which afOT('tlme hart be('n cJean and rudlly. but now UN"amp foul anrt black, and heRldf'!", the chewers WE're

sei7.('d ' .... lth a ('onf'otant and \iolent !.;pitting of uncl .... an humors. and they did spit in all placp!.; pven in 19dies' JlaJ'lor~, ~nd in thp ('ourts o( the Lord of Host~, And tho good and true, and all that )pd pure lives were ~ev­ously }llagu('Id thcl'eb).

,\nd it Cillll(' to pa,,-,s that men "ere diRsatj~fi(>d with merf'ly chl"wint; t hE' .stnmg(' we(ld, hut sought ont bth(,1" and {'unnlng llf'Yic{>s for u~ing 11. 80mf'. inclPlld. did make il into ;1 nne Jlowde-r and (I1)('d thpir nORt "iJ5 th£'rf'­with, :mu they Wf'rp taken !;nddl?nly with nt~) u1I<l t1H'Y did ~nf'f'7.C' wi th ~rf'at and mIghty s.nE'p7.e~ inso/nuch thut th('lr ('~'f'~ \\ pr~ fil1po with tE>ar~, and tlwil' fH('f'!J: with wrinl<le~ and thpy did look fOOlish f'x(,E'f'dingl)-.

.\nO Yf·t othr-,' ('lIn!lin~'y "'~-onght

the le::n-c:-; thercof into rolls and did !-Of't (i,'C' to 0111' ('nd the'reo! an(: rtld suck vdwn1('n \ nt t!l('l otht'r an,t did loolt \,(>ry J!rav(' and (·<tlt Iikro and tbp. smoke of thrir I>urning ascended np forevcr.

And thpl'" wprp mpn wbo!;e wi'idom being that of th(' fox /)pholdin!~ the lHnJlltude which rlid chpw, and sliloke, 'It! 'ut • t" -.

"Come let u~ plant and waler, and in~ Cl'f·a..~c the prooncth\n o( this wc(;d who~p name Leo tobacco, [or ~ therein is a mighty and ,ncr('asmg /)uiSiness; and tuey did so, and the mercbant~ men waxed rich in the commerce thereor.

.And l ' camE> to pas~' that even the saint:; of the _uo:-;t High became bond·

servants to the weed and defiled themselves lhorewith: even tbe poor "ho baid tlH'. c..:.~ld r:.ot /)l1Y ~noe~

and bool;,!:! fo,' their little ones, !;pent

their ~ulJ~tal. e therefor. 1 d W'lS And t he anger or the.()r <

. ckoduesS and kindled by .;uc_ great Wl "- "

'Ie said' Whcre:orE' thlS '9I'asle. '\ I' d wh~' do 1bese 11ttle oues lack

• ~ k? TurD bread and shces, and boo s.

• ""Ide., iut) corn and \\'11£>a1:, no\\" your 11.,- , •

and 1)1.1t tbe PVi} thing far from yOU '1 t \-our-and be separate, and deh e no -

self anv m1J1(' an.! I will bless you and ca~!'e my f<lce to sbine upon

you. raised B ut with one accord they

d "We their voices and exclaime: . cannot cease [rom chewing, snuftmg and puffing· - we are slaves."-Tract from f'enH'coslal :\eWS.


~Vell. praise the Lord! We are hav~ ing the grandest meeting bere now that 1 ever law Every t ime we meet together it begins to rain down (the

Spirit) amI a~ we continue the serv­ices it gets barder and barder. I can almost see Iesus sm1l1ng on us ad bl('ssing uS as He doe~ so. We are an loving one another. I caD alroot see the angel s flitting around us. Well. glom'. tbat Is fine.

I waR n Catholic. and was bound until I was 21 years old, then Jesus came nnd set me free. You know about what I teel to think Utat the Lord came and loospd me. I have r. rght to pTniS::c Him for it. T wisn tbat I could holler out h: s glory un·

ti! every living soul would hear ml voIce. Maybe people would come to God Rnd f"spE'clal1y the Catholic~, arso an others. wltb sInners throwed In for good measure. devil killed.

I 1Jke to see the JAMES DUCA.

We are having t'he blessedest meet­in,!!!'; h,:.rp In niP ('ottngp homPR. Thpv

have refused to lpt us have meettngs In the mlssJon at Dewar, but thank God forever, we anchored tn God and keeping the unity ot tbe Splnt. bold. tng up CJ'l1ist Je!=ms and letting Him draw people. About ~O t.n In at Spelter and get thf' Holy GhORt In their Iile. F. W. PRYOR.

God h;l~ been bles~fng OUT coming together. • "he Lord gave us about 30 Rouls at !Jpel er City. An of the Dpwar ~alnts have come in, except two or tbrpe. We are hav1n~ mE"et­fng~ In the homes. God is bles!dn~ every time we mE'pt, Saints are com4

Ing from eVE'ry town to gpt In the tovP teRflt with u~ all. Homps aTe opening uP, sinner s are cOlUin~ to God and bacl\sl1der~ afC gettln~ baCk to Him. V\-f' praise God from two to threE' hours pY('ry tlltlf' Wi" meet.

G. C. JO~ES.

~Ve haYe had a fine meeting at Spelter City. Many have r eceived the Holy Ghost and pleven wpre burtpd In HI~ namp. Brother Jones did mo~t of the preaching at Svelte:­Cif-r in the big mf'PUnk we have bpen having there.



WE'll, praJse God! The Lord 18 working, Sixteen have reco)ived thp

a~ in ACts 2.4 AI"'o SlXlet>u were buried in Jesus' name. "fesler­da)· afternoon, I never saw anything like it. 'We hal'e a tank in OUI kitch4 eon and bad meetings in the afternoon also baPtizing. l'\ine were baptized, among thE'ID Bro, and Sister Carter, who received the baptism at Eureka Springs. You should have heard them shout. They had been holding back for sometime. but wben sur­rend('T('d IIp the Lord HUrf' rlid blps;'l; them. OnC' woman had lJtt:!ll t~lrr)·

ing ever .siner we haye be(,ll h("re, but when shp was baptizE'd in Jf'~u:;:'

nann' Rhe Tf'ct'ivf'(l th Holy Ghost in the water. ('lory! How the power did comE', The hom.;E' wa!'!. ~rowdpd

in nearly every room _ 40t only the saints bad a good tim(>, but sinners had to smile and r ry('r('n('(' thE' L-orrl. Praise BfR holy namp! It pays t{ walk In the !I~ht. Pray tor us.


CLEVELAND. OHIO. Last spring my brother'S little son,

4 years old, was run OVer by an tce wagon ThE' 'whppl pnsspd ovpr both Irgs nenr his ankles. SE'vpral saw

the accldent and could hardly belie'. that the child had no t;roken boneR. ThE' child's moth('r ra.n to him and the driver ('orrtpd him to the hou~e The power came OVE'r the chlld'~

mother and she callE'd on Jesus to help_ A doctor was caned to see tf tue child had any bonea Droken. and be sold there was none, but thp child had awfu l lookin ~ brlli<il('R. Thp Jpw whom my brother workpd for would not rest until he had an X-ray taken of the child 5 legs to !'iatisrr himself. We certainly can pratsI:' ,JPRUS fOT the mjracle. RIess HIR holy namp. Praise Him for II I!! b)('~!'i('d Holy SPirit and healing power in our midst.



I hare ?o mllcll '0 prai~e

tne Lord (or. Just ~ix monfh~ ago three of us were baptizpd in Jesus' name, and thf' df'ar Lord Is al\Va.Y~

neal' us. Thank God for healfng us when we are sick! Th('n~ ar(' but 8 few h ere that arf' holding on to the I .ol'd. ,Ve do l1f'('rI !'Iom(' ~ood Pcn trcosta.l brother to come hrre and hold a meeting.

I can n ever praise the l .. or(1 ('nough for what He is to mE'. and I want to be found humblp at Hi!"! fef:'t and doing HIR will.


MONTEAGLE, TENN. Havp jURt ('lof.;E'd a rpvival at Bum

DlE'rftE'ld. two mtleR rmm hPT£', in which t<>n WE'rf' ~rantprl rr.ppntancf! and fiv{" were flllpd wilh thE' Hol~

Ghost a~ In A<':t. 2:4 Thrpe wen~ baPtlzpd in .1f"~U!'i· namp. Onp ~r,

danced nnder the POW('l' auu preach· ed from thl:' slx:tprnth to thp twpoty· s('vpnth P~nlm. Thi!'i ",'as (lonn jn an other ton'='\1(' a~ ~hp ran her f\n.2pr undpr NlCh line> of Hcript· A !'ioI dif'T frotH Hnnnl'llll ~ald !-Ilw wa'" !l.peaking JaPRl1f'S('. Oh it waR J(lor· JonB. PrAI~ .... thp Lor(f!

LAWRB"'(,,~ McP\Rl "'{D.

LIGIONEER . IND. Y havt> oprnf'od a Penlr·co t mls~lon

at LJglonf'cr, Ind, ot 21:) Pigpon strret. and {'xte'lrl a hrart:'o~ invlta· tion to all Penlecostal prpa('hf'r~ and workers bf'aring "The Prpspnt Mes· fage," to Atop with uS flA thr:-y pa~~ this way. Thirty two were bnptizpd in J esus' name hereo last summer. Pray wltb us that God will ml~htllY manifest His power In our midst. EVANGEJ.lST G. B. ROWEl. PaBtor.