the black magic of ruby metaprogramming

The black magic of Ruby metaprogramming

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What is metaprogramming is and how can we use it in our everyday code - by Cristian Planas, CTO at Playfulbet


Page 1: The Black Magic of Ruby Metaprogramming

The black magic ofRuby


Page 2: The Black Magic of Ruby Metaprogramming

I am Cristian…



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… and this is the story of how I fell in

love with Ruby

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It was 2011, when I read this awesome book

(the smart part of this talk is based on it)

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I was so excited that I created my first gem

just to play with metaprogramming.

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It was a regular expressions generator.

It relied heavily in metaprogramming.

It was never much useful.


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Anyway, I felt like this

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I mean, people who use metaprogramming do

have superpowers.

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They even know mysterious,

incomprehensible spells!

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The superclass of the eigenclass of an object is the object’s class.

The superclass of the eigenclass of a class is the eigenclass of the

class’s superclass.

Repeat with me

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Sorry, today we won’t talk about


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We will focus on the most down to earth

part of metaprogramming.

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When I started using metaprogramming in my production code, I remembered an old


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In it, Mickey Mouse is the hard-working apprentice of a powerful sorcerer.

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One day, the sorcerer leaves, and Mickey can

play with magic…

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So let’s learn some tricks!

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Monkey patching

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Adding code to an already defined class.

Monkey patching

Page 21: The Black Magic of Ruby Metaprogramming

class String

def say_hello

p “hello”



“an string”. say_hello

=> “hello”

An example

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This means that we can extend any class with

our own methods.

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You can also redefine an already existing


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Dynamic methods

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Define methods with an algorythm in runtime.

Dynamic methods

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Imagine a class full of boring, repeating methods.

A typical example

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class User

ROLES = [“user”, “admin”]

# scopes for each role

scope :user, where(role: “user”)

scope :admin, where(role: “admin”)

# Identifying methods for each role

def user?

role == “user”


def admin?

role == “admin”



A typical example

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Now let’s add some more roles:

ROLES = [“guest”, “user”, “confirmed_user”,

“moderator”, “manager”, “admin”, “superadmin”]

A typical example

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Metaprogramming to the rescue!

A typical example

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class User

ROLES = [“guest”, “user”, “confirmed_user”, “moderator”, “manager”, “admin”, “superadmin”]

ROLES.each do |user_role|

scope user_role.to_sym, where(role: user_role)

define_method “#{user_role}?” do

role == user_role




A typical example

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Evaluating strings as code

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It does just that: run a string as if it was code.

class_eval and instance_eval do the same, just changing the


We can also use it on an object using send.

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class Movie

attr_reader :title_en, :title_es, :title_it, :title_pt

def title




An example

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class Movie

translate :title, :overview

def translate(*attributes)

attributes.each do |attr|

define_method attr do






An example

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You can even define new methods like this!

String.class_eval(“def say_hello; puts ‘hello’; end”)

“a string”.say_hello

#=> “hello”

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It’s the method that gets executed when the called

method it’s not found.


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We can monkey patch it!

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class MetalDetector

def method_missing(method, *args, &block)

if method =~ /metal/

puts “Metal detected!”






metal_detector =


# => “Metal detected!”

An example

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A pretty exemplary use of method_missing use

are Rails’ dynamic finders

(deprecated in Rails 4)

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Calling finding methods with any combination of attributes will work.

User.find_by_name_and_surname(“Mickey”, “Mouse”)

User.find_by_surname_and_movie(“Mouse”, “Fantasia”)

User.find_by_movie_and_job_and_name(“Fantasia”, “sorcerer”, “Mickey”)

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So metaprogramming is pretty cool, isn’t it?

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It can get cooler

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Let’s check how ActiveRecord defines

its setter methods

(in an abbreviated version)

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def method_missing(method, *args, &block)

unless self.class.attribute_methods_generated?


if respond_to_without_attributes?(method)

send(method, *args, &block)








Defining setters

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def define_write_method(attr_name)

method_definition = “def #{attr_name}=(new_value); write_attribute(‘#{attr_name}’, new_value); end”

class_eval(method_definition, __FILE__, __LINE)


Finally it gets to something like this:

(as told, it’s a pretty abbreviated version)

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To know more

Episode 8 of Metaprogramming Ruby: Inside ActiveRecord

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But in the end of the movie, all the magic backslashes…

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Metaprogramming has its dangers

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Unexpected method override

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It happens when you rewrite an existing method changing its

behavior without checking the consequences.

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That means all the code that rely in the old method behavior

will fail.

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class Fixnum

alias :old_minus :-

alias :- :+

alias :+ :old_minus


4 + 3

#=> 1

5 – 2

#=> 7

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Dynamic methods like the ones of the example can also

accidentally monkey patch critical methods!

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Code injection through


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If you use any kind of eval, remember to think in all

possible cases, specially if users are involved.

You don’t want to evaluate “User.destroy_all” on your own


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Even if users should be able to evaluate code in your server,

there are ways to protect you:

Clean Rooms

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Ghost methods

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Methods working from inside method_missing don’t “really”

exist for Ruby.

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class MetalDetector

def method_missing(method, *args)

if method =~ /metal/

puts “Metal detected!”






metal_detector =


# => “Metal detected!”


#=> false

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There is a work-around: to monkey patch the respond_to?


Feels kinda hacky.

And still, it can be hard to maintain.

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If you want to know more about the

dangers of method_missing, Paolo

Perrotta (the author of

Metaprogramming Ruby) has a full

presentation about it: The revenge of


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Some final thoughts

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1. I look pretty cool with Superman trunks.

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2. Metaprogramming is a name for different

techniques: you can use some and avoid others.

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Personally, I use plenty of dynamic methods and avoid method_missing.

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3. Just be sure of what you do when you use it.

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The sorcerer won’t come to save you!

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