the bismarck tribune. (bismarck, n.d.) 1917-07-20 [p ]. · ifta j-, rf ri society handicap tourney...

m> ntmAir, 'jtiMMfpmi. DAILY VMtiffiHB M ai hvb > . 4, > i i > V / St* ifta J-, rf ri SOCIETY Handicap Tourney Proves Popular Golf Event An interesting handicap tourney was played on the local links last evening. Folsom. and Bodenstab were made "scratch" players and all others were given a handicap of two-fifths of their score above bogey. The entrance fee was fifty cents. Eight teams of two players each qualified for the play. A prize of one 75-cent golf ball was given to the winner of each team, and three golf balls were given for the low score of the tourney. Messrs. Nichols, Goddard and Folsom were tied, at' 43 for low score, and took an- other ball each from the field play. The teams were mated and their score follows* Treacy, R. A., 57; handicap, 7; score, 50. Dobler, H. S., 56; handicap, 6; score, 50. 'Bruce, Judge, 51; handicap, 4; score, 47. Roberts, O. "Wl, 57; handicap, 7; score, 50. en. Later in the afternoon ice cream and cake were served. iThe Baldwin people are fortunate in having Mr. Courts as their Sunday school leader. The attendance at first was 10. The enrollment is now 35. IRoberts, Jr., 53; handicap, 5; score, 48. Larabee, Dr., 50; handicap, 4; score, 46. , Copelin, F. A., 56; handicap, 6; score, 50. Fields, R. P., 60; handicap, 8; score, 52. Folsom, L* L., 43; handicap, none; score, 43. McLean, &1; handicap, 4; score, 47. 'Nichols, <3. W., 45 r. handicap, 2; score, 43. Parsons, W. E., 52; handi- cap^ 5; score, 47. Bodenstab, .Dr., 48; handicap, none; score, 48. Goddard, H. P., 45; handi- cap, 2; score, 43. Handicap tournaments will be put on at the local links every Thursday evening at 6:30' during the balance of July and August. The ladies committee is planning some weekly plays, and the general committee will have mixed foresomes arranged in the near future. Motors from Mandan. Mrs. Fred Barker motored over from Mandan yesterday. While here she was the guest of Mrs. A. E. Preston, returning to her home last evening. * * On Extended Visit. Mrs. L. G. Simpson of Fifth street leaves tonight for an extended visit at Rock Island and Moline, 111. She will also visit several places in Minne- sota and will return in about a month. * * Picnic at Custer Park. Five girls of the younger high school set enjoyed a picnic at Custer park yesterday afternoon. Games and singing made a most pleasant after- noon Those present were: ^Theo- dora Fitch; Excene iSchulta, Agnes CafsoM, Tmogene McClain and Lucile •fiabfl :•» '•< i»:ii j .ri.7l.miH jr."hlflH nCntcttains for $tt>. Mrs. A. E. Preston entertained this week in honor of her son, Kenneth, the event being the boy's twelfth birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing games, after which dainty re- freshments were served. The honor guest received many remembrances of the day. * • • Golfers to Mandan. The Bismarck golfers have received v an invitation from the Mandan club to join in play on the Mandan links Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is believed many of the local players will accept the invitation. Those expecting to go should notify the local committee this evening so that the Mandan committee may be advised of the number that may be expected. Leaves for Minnesota. Mrs. A. W. Lucas, 48 Avenue A, left Wednesday evening for Minneapolis and other Minnesota points, where she will spent two weeks. # # # Supper Next Thursday. The supper that was to have been given by the Ladies' Aid of the Mc- Ca'be Methodist church this week has been postponed to next Thursday, July 26, the society announced today. Fur- ther mention will be made when de- tails are completed. # # * For Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. C. R. Neher and Mrs. Lucy Lyon Peck entertained at the home of Mrs. Peck yesterday afternoon for Mrs. W. C. Taylor, Who leaves Aug. 1$ to make her future home in LaMour^ N. D. Mr. Taylor will look after hfa; extensive business interests in Mour, though he will not be actively engaged in business at that place. # Will Visit Here. Mrs. Kiebert and three children, who formerly lived in this city, will arrive shortly for several days' visit with Mrs. J. G. Mioore, 919 Fifth street. Mrs. Kiebert, who has been gone sev- eral months, is well known, and has many friends in Bismarck. * * * In Honor of Birthday. Miss Margaret Smith delightfully entertained four girl friends at her home this afternoon in honor of her fifteenth birthday. Thqse present were; Mary Atkinson, 'Hilary Slattery,. Nora Gettinger, pepcvj?v«,.Parsons. The home \y,as?./decoratjj,^ jin patri- otic colors. , A dainty Jufttfijot>$ywas 8ar,vfld during the afternoon., j l Q-'IV O I CITYN1W1 | O--: O From Driscoll—Attorney E. C. Ru- <bel of Driscoll was in the'City last nfght and this morning on business matters. . .r >'• ; A i r t- 'For Operation—Fred Pfuff, editor and publisher of the Baldwin Bulle tin, has entered a hospital here to undergo an operation. To Baldwin—Theodore Anderson, of Webb Bros.' department store, left Tuesday for two weeks' vacation at . Baldwin, the home of his brother. Is .Register of Deeds—Fred O Gentz of Stanton, register of deeds for Mercer county, is spending a few days in the city on business matters. Land Man Here—Ed. C. Anderson, representing the J. P. Folsom Land company of Fargo and well known here, is in the city today, transacting 'business in the interests of his com pany. On North Branch—W. E. Perry of Webly.iBnie/ department store return f ed yeste^dajr. from a;three?dayB' 'busi- ness trip to points' on the north branch w£' the Northern Pacific out of Mandan. . ' From Ashley—Attorney M. J. George of Ashley was in the city to- day. Kirs. George has been here for several days, but left this morning for Grand Forks, to attend the fair at that place and where Mr. George will join hep'later. To District Court—Pete Belunch an^ Mike Kodetsky, arrested yester- day for alleged gambling and the theft of a purse containing $7*, were bound over to the next term of dis- trict court, in Justice Bleckreid's court last night. 'Refused to Register—The sheriff of Burleigh county today apprehend- ed a man, whose name was not given out, for dodging the draft. It is said the man also "talked too much." He is being held in the county jail pending his disposal. From Fargo—Prof. Herbert A. Hard of Fargo, accompanied by his daughter, is spending the day in Bis- marck today. It will be remembered •Prof. Ha|d spent some time here dur- FRECKLES Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription offline—double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine— double strength—from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morn- ing and oyu should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis- appear, while th lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com- pel tely clear the skin and gain a beau- tiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold 'under guarantee of money back if it fails to 'remove freckles. in the legislative session. He is em- ployed by the United States govern- ment on special researeu work. Special, Police—The local police force will be enlarged tomorrow, to take care of the circus crowds. In addition to "Big Chris" Martineson's forces, the Northern Pacific railway will have four men on fhfe! ground. Little trouble is,AnMcipat6<^ there wasn't an arrest^la^t cii^g.d^r, only a few weeks ago. jm f/ ?j' v, . . Baldwin. The Sunday school picnic at the Gust Rupp home last Sunday was well attended. Rev. Douglass preach- ed a short sermon. Picnic dinner was served and afterward a program, ar- ranged by Mrs. J. B. Courts, was giv- 1845 Elmer C. Hayek, Grand Forks 1818 Percy Dows, Grand Forks 1922 Jacob Purpor, Grand Forks 1955 Arthur Thompson, Grand Forks 2011 John Francis Filteau, Grand Forks 2066 John II. Royer, Grand Forks 2148 Ray Mokler, Grand Forks" 2181 William Robt. Torgerson, Grand Forks 2247 John Hoge, Grand Forks 2233 Eli Eggen, Grand Forks 2374 Thomas Kady, Grand Forks 2322 Clarcnce L. Wentz, Grand Forks 2370 George C. Huck, Grand Forks 2390 Leslie James McKay, Grand Fks 2330 Walter J. Anderson, Grand Forks 2453 Roy Lee Douglass, Grand Forks 2455 Nels Levin, Grand Forks 2441 Frank A. Anderson, Grand Forks 2501 Clarence M. Sorbo, Grand Forks 2599 Alfred Fartin Hanson, Inkster 2579 John Rothone, Grand Forks 2618 Earl Vernon Schumacher, Lari- more 2675 John Christ VandeVende, Lari- more 2783 Joseph A. Henry, Larimore 2719 Oscar G. Engebretson, Northwood 2749 Earl Ray Blue, Northwood High number 27S8 Cass County 1679 Henry Trottier^ Horace 1676 Einar Iverson, Fargo 1682 Francis H. Brunette, Horace 1685 Albert Gulvik, Wild Rice 1651 Johannes Syverson, Wild. Rice 1636 Dedrick Bertholdes Samuelson, Horace 1732 Leon Alton Brasier, Chaffee 1705Kumbert Paul Brandt, Tbw[er City 1779 Carl Daubach, Davenport 1771 Isaac Peter Fenne, Warren 1845 Malcolm Morris, Jr., Wheatland 1818 Clyde Artimus Milligan, Wheat- land , 1922 Thomas Jorin, Mapleton li[|5 John E. Erickson, Page fip^Ceorge D. W,agar, T^wdr.fetty,. ^i^Jnui^i^^e'sonke, Casselto'rf -Jfcrgo;: ' ' ~ 3ail Fia$d Sutton, Fargo 2247 Fobert Henry Junkins,, Fargo 2233 Oliver Winslow Lee, Fargo 2374 Norman Landseth, Fargo 2322 John Albert Kowalski, Fargo 2370 Lester P. Janney, Fargo 2390 Evald L. Helstad, Fargo 2330 George John Harames, Fargo McLcan County 10 Nick Deshlevy, Dogden 18 Carl Soren Howen( Dogden 43 Wayne Steadman, Dogden 46 Stephen Vasilenko, Dogden 75 John Thomas Mahoney, Ruso 126 Fred A. C. Spandie, Benedict 140 John Kovalenko, Benedict - 107 Oliver Johnson, Ruso 182 Cliqord Kringle, Fossen, Minn. 280 Louis Jacobson, Ryder 228' Gilbert I'Ci Valsvife, Max 258 WiWW&V Erh, Douglas 275 RoWe'rC'Wollmuth; Douglas 37$ OlSsBH-lSimonson, D6uglas 309 Albert J. Grace, Roseglen 337 Ambrose Palm, Ryder 390 Carl Ostby, Douglas 432 John Peter, Garrison 468 iClyde L Helmbrecht, Turtle Lake 458 George C. Bronsak, Turtle Lake 437 Harry -Zenz, Max 433 Gottfried Peter, Garrison 420 Wilhelm Engel, Garrison 486 Clarence A. Olien, Turtle Lake 538 Evald Christenson, Underwood 507 Ole Lindteigen, Ruso 514 Mike Breyer, Dogden 513 Anton Breyor, Dogden 508 A.r/PhiWip Neiffer, Dogden v 548 Alfred Phillip Olson, Underwood 557 Bennie Amundsen, Garrison 564 Jacob Bogert, Garrison 596 John Hummell, Garrison 600 Henry Johnson, Garrison 602 Elmer Emil Johnson, Coleharbor 604 Charles Jones, Garison 606 Johan Jungling, Garrison 601 Joel Anton Johnson, Coleharbor 616 Leslie A. Kingley, Garrison 649 Albert C.;Seeley, Garrison 676 Richanl ^elstad, Garrison 692 James V. Shippee, Garirson 721 Marion Granklin Sutton, Emmet 7fif» Slifford L. Tyler, Blackwater 739 Joseph V. Kalous, Blackwater 772 Floyd Lee Fuller, Coleharbor 7fa Orrel Ray l-iannon, Coleharbor 784 Carl Joseph Reft', Coleharbo 7Sfi I,oiiis Charles Sayer, Coleharbor 797 Guilford Young, Coleharbor 810 Spencer F. Norridin, Coleharbor 837 Thomas R. Fahy, Turtle Lake 854 Eheo| Julius Nelson, Turtle Lake 868 Emil 18. Strobcl, Turtle Lake 924 Gottlieb Schell, Mercer 927 John George Singer, Mercer 945 Von-Alenander Hanson, Turtle Lake'.., 966 William'Levi Brown, Underwood 972 Wiliiani F. C. Berg, Underwood 983 John Edgar, Underwood 1020 Arnold Martin, Underwood 1026 Albert Aug. I'aulus, Underwood 1045 Albert Wiescz, Underwood 1066 Axel W. Nelson, Coleharbor 1095 Ole Jensen, Coleharbor 1099 John Matl, Underwood 1178 Fred James Bonn, Washburn 1267 Joseph Schreiner, Washburn 1014 Oscar ,B. Larson, Underwood 1103 Henry C. Meyers, Underwood 1117 Joseph Barlow, Washburn 1146 Swan O. Swaiiso'n, Underwood 1222 Martin Johnson, Washburn 1236 John Lendfors, Washburn 1237 Emanuel Lorentzen, Washburn 1264 Floyd Filmore Satterlund 1266 Jacob S. Schlickenmayer, Wash- burn. 1282 John Teske, Washburn 1292 Ernest Uzziah Webster, Wash- burn J323 Tennys E. Sebion, Washburn 1329 Roy Alf. Anderson, Wilton 1324 Frederick Wagner, Wilton 1331 William Antnnoff, Wilton 1369 Ludwig Olaf Helling, Wilton 1395 Elias Mathias Moe, Wilton 1411 Ralph W. RiShel, Wilton 1419 Harry George Showalter, Wilton 1476 Mehrle Carpenter. Makoti 1484 James J. Dufty, Raub 1495 Henry Ray, Raub 1536 Walter Peter, Haub 1546 John Sethen, Raub 1548 Ifalton Sholaas. Raub 1539 Carl Reum. Raub 1549 Leo Warren Slagg, Raub 1551 Frederick Spretiger, Ryder 1563 Fred Welch, ollseglen 1572 Lambert J. liniesch, Ryder 1636 Earl Postei. Mercer 1651 Harry K. Paradovsky, Max 1676 Theo. Soderstrom, Underwood 1679 Erdman Kolznage], Underwood 1682 Lee Clare*! ce Den 110, Par shall 1685 John A. Berg, l'arshall 1705 Earl T. Merritt, Parshall High number, 1724. Kidder County 10 Lloyd C. Reader. Steele 18 Otto Wolpert, Steele 43 John A. Blessing, Dawson 46 Ward Avril Felker, Dawson 75 John Joseph Schindler, Tappen 107 Theodore Christenson, Tuttle 126 Earl Fairchild, Steele 140 William Wiest, Steele 182 Walter Williams, Tuttle 223 Gottleib Reuor, Dawson , 258 William Tinmi, Steele 275 George Gigax, Pettibo'ne 280 Oscar SalVaag, Tappen * 309 Clarence Henry Torbenson, Rob- inson. 337 Michael E. Hatterberry, Tuttle 373 Nicholas Konstonlos, St. Paul 390 Ed Ridinius, Coleharbor 420 Frank Winfred Ennls, Cabin Creek, Mont. 432 Charles W. Lee, Pettibone 433 Joseph Letlair, Pettibone 437 August Morlock, Lake Williams 468 August C. Steine, Steele 458 Harry Toney Hanson, Driscoll 486 Robert Hoffman, Hcaton 507 William (!. Anderson, Robinson 509 Henry Dickson Bullis, Robinson 513 Guy E. Floro, Robinsoh 514 Joe Gaub, Robinson 538 Oswald Olson, Robinson 548 Henry Wolff, Robinson 557 Lynn Harry Devorc, pawson 564 Joseph John Breonneck, Dawson 596 Elmer Rich. Woessner, Dawson 601 Philip Lawrence Bennett, Tuttle 604 Elmer C. Benson, Hurdsfield 600 Charles Henry Benedict, Hurds- field 606 Gustav Jcnner, Hurdsfield 616 Oscar Albert Nerlin, Tuttle DOINGS OF THE DUFFS. 'By Allman OLIVIA WILL BE A GREAT HELP TO THE RED CROSS Jl)5T WAITUWTIL I SER ME PPWIM6 A PED CROSS AMBDLAHCC! OH, BoVs! >fooRE Doing ACLPIGHT, olivia, BUT NOT SO fast AMD STAV OMTttE PttHT dlDK OF THE Road 77 V SENSES NtfTHMG! p\0 SoO SHB TH* size Of that bumblb BIB TWAT TRIED 6RPAT <>UrtS, GIRL* have Nou Lost Your sfmses? 3 TO <5ET U^DCK- p MS 3MRT3 * Circu fi Despite the hot weather, the attractiveness of these values will make it, well worth your while to carefully investigate the items here advertised. FIFTY LATE Spring and Summer Coats Our sole object in quoting this extremely low price is to clear the entire quantity in one day and thereby make room for the Fall Garments arriv- ing daily. Values ut> to $17.50. Sat- 7C urday's Sale .. v I * O ANOTHER COAT PRICE THAT MEANS IMMED- IATE CLEARANCE Misses' and Ladies' Coats $7.50 and $8.50 quality. Saturday Sale $3.75 THIS LOT OP RAIN i COATS AT HALF PRICE A small lot of about twen- ty-five coats, priced reg- ularly at $3.50. ^ | Saturday Sale ONE LOT OF HAND EM- ; BILLOWS ^ ' $5.00 t& > $!'0.0d values. Saturday Sale at HALF PRICE. OUR HOSIERY Department Contributes Liberally to This Bargain Sale. Bargains in Hosiery that sound like ''old-time prices.'' One lot of Worn- en's Mercerized Hose, lisle foot and heel. Maco leg. Black and white, all sizes. Regular 35c. f Saturday's selling only I / One lot of Women's Artificial Silk Boot Hose, lisle foot, high spliced heel, seamless. Black and white, all sizes. A bargain number for 50c. Priced for Saturday's sale a pair Women's Silk Lisle Hose, ribbed top seamless. A good semi-out-size number, medium weight. You have paid 35c for this hose, and worth it. Priced for Saturday's selling, a pair Child's Fine Ribbed, yarn dyed hose, combed Egyptian Maco yarn, guar- anteed fast, Double heel and sole. Black and white. 35c regular. Sat- urday's selling 'lfl c a pair Laides' fast lisle hose, seamless. 4- inch hemmed top. Black only. 35c regular. For Satur- day's selling, a pair Women's "Like Silk" Hose, soft beautiful silk finish yarn, dyed black, and white, deep hem-top. Satur- day's selling is the real "23 c bargain price at, a pair 29c 27c 24c Colored Linens will Not be Offered at This Price Again 40" inch all 1 linen suitings in the staple shades, the concession frov regular prices is not much, but jur regular price is about present wholesale price. $1.00 value. Saturday Sale OVC ANOTHER LINEN VAL- UE WORTHY OF NOTE 36 inch linen union suit- ing in staple shades only, regular 65c. Saturday's yt a ... 49c TWO PRACTICAL AND NECESSARY ITEMS IN OUR CORSET DEPART- MENT SPECIALLY PRICED Summer Mesh Corsets all sizes. Regular $1.50. Saturday Sale MC Another lot, in values to $3.50 Sa.t- m AO urday Sale .... 4>1."0 ARRANGE TO SHOP EARLY THESE HOT DAYS OUR ART Department Contributes Several Bargains to this List One lot of infants stamped muslin dresses. Ages 2 and 3. Assorted in three lots. Lot 1 ; I. i 1 .. L: / .. 27c ' Lot 2 . ; 42c Lot 3 •'"ifl r r 69c In View of Rising Prices These Aprons are "Very Special" A large assortment of per- cale aprons in light and dark colors. Sat- 75c urday's Sale A FINAL (CLEARANCE' PRICE OK' fSpRlM NET AND VOILE The assortment includes all shades and colors. This Saturday's Sal® 10c AN ASSORTMENT Or LACE CURTAINS, ONE THIRD OFF This lot consists of the left- overs from our last Thurs- day's Curtain Sale. Espec- ally priced for immediate clearance. Values $2.00 to $3.60. Saturday's Saty ; ONE THIRD OFF. 36 INCH "TEERY" C1.0TH SPECIALLY PRICED Double faced, especially/ suitable for archways, halls and side drapes. Shades, brown, blue, tan and helic Saturday's Sale ...... j 63c 40 inch Kahki Kool and Shautung Silks. A well as- sorted selection of patterns. Regular $3.50. Special a yard $1.98 36 INCH FIGURED CHINTZ SPECIAL 32c The assortment contains a full line of colors and fancy patterns. 40c values. This Saturday's Sale 32c One Lot of Fancy Chintz Stocking Bags Special 39c 1 SUPPLY YOUR CRETON ON NEEDS AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE 29c Mil A 36 inch size in a full assort- ment of colors. Saturday's Sale . 36 inch fancy satin strir<-d and plaid taffeta silks in short lengths. We will close out all remaining patterns of fancy silks for this one day only $2.25 and $2.50 a yard $ 1 7Q values at ** 1 * I * Saturday is the first day of the Yellow Ticket Sale in the Bargain Basement. Circulars have been distributed over the city, and if you have not received one, telephone us, lor the many bargains offered will surely make it worth your effort. . More Bargains Than Advertised Always A. W. LUCAS CO Always More Bargains Than Advertised '.nruiM 649 Herman Fraank Heiden, Tappen 652 Arthur Bennet Johnson, Tappen 676 Clarke Drake, Lake Williams 692 William L. Briese, Dawson 721 Russell Robert Williams, Robin- son 739 Charles G. Sieberg, Chaseley 755 Fred Oliver Crouse, Steele 772 Jesse Bryan Hatfield, Steele 775 Vincent Krenner, Steele 784 John Magnus Emodt, Steele 797 Clifford Vick, Steele 786 William lCd. Robinson, Steele High Number 805 Stark County » 10 Ernest E. Anderson, Dickinson 1'8 John W. Ansenberger. Dickinson 43 Harold Chas. Poor, Dickinson 46 Henry J. Rademacher, Dickinson 75 Wilson C. Richards. Dickinson 126 Leo McKeever, Dickinson 140 Rochus Brilz, Richardton 107 Theo. R. O'Neill, Dickinson 182 John June, Richardton 280 Alopsins J. Mangan, Zenith 223 Ju-lius Moldenhouer, Dickinson 373 Herman Breve, South Heart 309 Louis Abramavich, Belfield 390 Gerard Johan van Leeuvan, Zen- ith 432 William Youst, Buffalo, N. Y. 468 J. P. Fleck, Richardton 486 John Gobe, Taylor 437 Julius Prauss, Jr., Dickinson 420 John Jlin, Dickinson , 433 Andrew ltonianuk, Dickinson 538 John Lally, Dickinson 548 John Janoschek, Dickinson 507 Evert Art, Red Lodge, Mont. 514 H. J. Currier, Taylor 557 Henry Gisvold, Dickinson 513 W. B. Strickers, Taylor 616 Joseph Eugene Lautz. Taylor 692 John Reintl, Jr., Lefor 600 Levi Jasperson, Taylor 649 Peter Meisner, Lefor 606 Phillip Messcr, Richardton 602 Halver Becken, Taylor 604 Christ Louis Stoxen, Taylor 652 Phillip J. Hubert, Taylor 601 Martin Christenson, Taylor 784 Ben Schmidt,.Dickinson 786 Joe Privatsky, Dickinson 739 Henry Blasi, Gladstone 755 Mathias llemsing, Gladstone 797 Otto Julius Jensen, Wagner, S. D 772 Jaroslax Kralicek, Dickinson 721 Henry Fuchs, Hebron 810 Lenard Schwindt, Shefield 868 Louis Freed, Dickinson 924 972 983 966 927 1031 1060 1026 1099 1045 1014 1146 1103 1117 1178 1237 1266 1264 1222 1267 1282 1236 1292 1369 1324 1329 1331 1323 1395 10 18 43 46 75 126 140 Leonard Mack, Dickinson Joseph Rupp, Gladstone Xaver Drukart, Dickinson Philipp Mueller, Dickinson Valentine Schwan, Dickinson John B. Eide, Dickinson Irving W. Gerlich, Dickinson Henry Hofbau, Taylor Makana Copony, Gorham Henry Ed. Brown, Dickinson John Laub, Gladstone Fred W. Magstedt, Hebron Anton Tribyl, Dickinson Martin J. Larson, Dickinson Dwight Crowell, Dickinson H. E. McKeever, Dickinson Frank Aberts, Dickinson Owen Nichols, Dickinson Andrew Reichert, Manning Haromusy Boehm, Dickinson Stanley Kolodzajczuk, South Heart G. C. McFerran, Dickinson Joseph Fredrick, Dickinson Mike Diede. Antelope George Kuntss. Daglum John Koch, Daglum Geo. Ohlheiser, Dickinson Peter Berger, Dickinson Fred Wiege High number. 1400. Sioux County Martin Makens (James) Thun- derhawk, S. I). John Emerson Hackett, Stewers Roy V. Christensen, Watauga, S. Dak. John F. Merrick, Pretty Rock Reindcr Stroman, Mcintosh, S. D. Francis B. Kahn, Fort Yates William Elk, Fort Yates -••{t i t ^ t; iH-.un'tn m 107 Ben Frentis ghifilfls, .^clntosh, S - D . . . , 182 Elmore Fred HogansSoli, Chicago 280 Eeddy Crow, Solen 223 Herb Lindquist, Selfridge 309 Emeron Rod Tomahawk, Can- nonball Ollrer County 10 Ole Anne 18 Julius F. Boeck 43 Joseph C. Bauer 46 Christian Baier 75 Samuel Clark 126 Louis A. Graunke 140 Walter A. Hagerott® 1(W Fred Free# 182 Eugene F. Kirby 280 William T. Riepnel , j 223 Samuel H. Mindt 373 Joseph Ziegler 309 William J. Schoeder 'If I was the grocer I d sell nothinfbul Post J Toasties Danceli At PATTERSON'S HALL Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights j 0 CONNER'S ORCHESTRA

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m> ntmAir, 'jtiMMfpmi. DAILY VMtiffiHB M ai hvb

> .


> i

i > V


• St* ifta J-, rf ri SOCIETY

Handicap Tourney Proves Popular Golf Event

An interesting handicap tourney was played on the local links last evening. Folsom. and Bodenstab were made "scratch" players and all others were given a handicap of two-fifths of their score above bogey. The entrance fee was fifty cents. Eight teams of two players each qualified for the play.

A prize of one 75-cent golf ball was given to the winner of each team, and three golf balls were given for the low score of the tourney. Messrs. Nichols, Goddard and Folsom were tied, at' 43 for low score, and took an­other ball each from the field play.

The teams were mated and their score follows*

Treacy, R. A., 57; handicap, 7; score, 50. Dobler, H. S., 56; handicap, 6; score, 50.

'Bruce, Judge, 51; handicap, 4; score, 47. Roberts, O. "Wl, 57; handicap, 7; score, 50.

en. Later in the afternoon ice cream and cake were served.

iThe Baldwin people are fortunate in having Mr. Courts as their Sunday school leader. The attendance at first was 10. The enrollment is now 35.

IRoberts, Jr., 53; handicap, 5; score, 48. Larabee, Dr., 50; handicap, 4; score, 46. ,

Copelin, F. A., 56; handicap, 6; score, 50. Fields, R. P., 60; handicap, 8; score, 52.

Folsom, L* L., 43; handicap, none; score, 43. McLean, &1; handicap, 4; score, 47.

'Nichols, <3. W., 45 r. handicap, 2; score, 43. Parsons, W. E., 52; handi­cap^ 5; score, 47.

Bodenstab, .Dr., 48; handicap, none; score, 48. Goddard, H. P., 45; handi­cap, 2; score, 43.

Handicap tournaments will be put on at the local links every Thursday evening at 6:30' during the balance of July and August.

The ladies committee is planning some weekly plays, and the general committee will have mixed foresomes arranged in the near future.

Motors from Mandan. Mrs. Fred Barker motored over from

Mandan yesterday. While here she was the guest of Mrs. A. E. Preston, returning to her home last evening.

* * • On Extended Visit.

Mrs. L. G. Simpson of Fifth street leaves tonight for an extended visit at Rock Island and Moline, 111. She will also visit several places in Minne­sota and will return in about a month.

• * * Picnic at Custer Park.

Five girls of the younger high school set enjoyed a picnic at Custer park yesterday afternoon. Games and singing made a most pleasant after­noon Those present were: ^Theo­dora Fitch; Excene iSchulta, Agnes CafsoM, Tmogene McClain and Lucile

•fiabfl :•» '•< i»:ii j .ri.7l.miH

jr."hlflH nCntcttains for $tt>. • Mrs. A. E. Preston entertained this

week in honor of her son, Kenneth, the event being the boy's twelfth birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing games, after which dainty re­freshments were served. The honor guest received many remembrances of the day.

* • •

Golfers to Mandan. The Bismarck golfers have received

v an invitation from the Mandan club to join in play on the Mandan links Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is believed many of the local players will accept the invitation.

Those expecting to go should notify the local committee this evening so that the Mandan committee may be advised of the number that may be expected.

Leaves for Minnesota. Mrs. A. W. Lucas, 48 Avenue A, left

Wednesday evening for Minneapolis and other Minnesota points, where she will spent two weeks.

# # #

Supper Next Thursday. The supper that was to have been

given by the Ladies' Aid of the Mc-Ca'be Methodist church this week has been postponed to next Thursday, July 26, the society announced today. Fur­ther mention will be made when de­tails are completed.

# # *

For Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. C. R. Neher and Mrs. Lucy

Lyon Peck entertained at the home of Mrs. Peck yesterday afternoon for Mrs. W. C. Taylor, Who leaves Aug. 1$ to make her future home in LaMour^ N. D. Mr. Taylor will look after hfa; extensive business interests in L£ Mour, though he will not be actively engaged in business at that place.

• # • Will Visit Here.

Mrs. Kiebert and three children, who formerly lived in this city, will arrive shortly for several days' visit with Mrs. J. G. Mioore, 919 Fifth street. Mrs. Kiebert, who has been gone sev­eral months, is well known, and has many friends in Bismarck.

* * *

In Honor of Birthday. Miss Margaret Smith delightfully

entertained four girl friends at her home this afternoon in honor of her fifteenth birthday. Thqse present were; Mary Atkinson, 'Hilary Slattery,. Nora Gettinger, pepcvj?v«,.Parsons.

The home \y,as?./decoratjj,^ jin patri­otic colors. , A dainty Jufttfijot>$ywas 8ar,vfld during the afternoon., j l


O--: O From Driscoll—Attorney E. C. Ru-

<bel of Driscoll was in the'City last nfght and this morning on business matters.

. .r >'• ; A i r t-

'For Operation—Fred Pfuff, editor and publisher of the Baldwin Bulle tin, has entered a hospital here to undergo an operation.

To Baldwin—Theodore Anderson, of Webb Bros.' department store, left Tuesday for two weeks' vacation at

. Baldwin, the home of his brother.

Is .Register of Deeds—Fred O Gentz of Stanton, register of deeds for Mercer county, is spending a few days in the city on business matters.

Land Man Here—Ed. C. Anderson, representing the J. P. Folsom Land company of Fargo and well known here, is in the city today, transacting 'business in the interests of his com pany.

On North Branch—W. E. Perry of Webly.iBnie/ department store return

f ed yeste^dajr. from a;three?dayB' 'busi­ness trip to points' on the north branch w£' the Northern Pacific out of Mandan. . ' •

From Ashley—Attorney M. J. George of Ashley was in the city to­day. Kirs. George has been here for several days, but left this morning for Grand Forks, to attend the fair at that place and where Mr. George will join hep'later.

To District Court—Pete Belunch an^ Mike Kodetsky, arrested yester­day for alleged gambling and the theft of a purse containing $7*, were bound over to the next term of dis­trict court, in Justice Bleckreid's court last night.

'Refused to Register—The sheriff of Burleigh county today apprehend­ed a man, whose name was not given out, for dodging the draft. It is said the man also "talked too much." He is being held in the county jail pending his disposal.

From Fargo—Prof. Herbert A. Hard of Fargo, accompanied by his daughter, is spending the day in Bis­marck today. It will be remembered •Prof. Ha|d spent some time here dur-

FRECKLES Now is the Time to Get Rid of These

Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need

of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription offline—double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots.

Simply get an ounce of othine— double strength—from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morn­ing and oyu should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis­appear, while th lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com­pel tely clear the skin and gain a beau­tiful clear complexion.

Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold 'under guarantee of money back if it fails to 'remove freckles.

in the legislative session. He is em­ployed by the United States govern­ment on special researeu work.

Special, Police—The local police force will be enlarged tomorrow, to take care of the circus crowds. In addition to "Big Chris" Martineson's forces, the Northern Pacific railway will have four men on fhfe! ground. Little trouble is,AnMcipat6<^ there wasn't an arrest^la^t cii^g.d^r, only a few weeks f/ ?j'v, .

. Baldwin. The Sunday school picnic at the

Gust Rupp home last Sunday was well attended. Rev. Douglass preach­ed a short sermon. Picnic dinner was served and afterward a program, ar­ranged by Mrs. J. B. Courts, was giv-

1845 Elmer C. Hayek, Grand Forks 1818 Percy Dows, Grand Forks 1922 Jacob Purpor, Grand Forks 1955 Arthur Thompson, Grand Forks

2011 John Francis Filteau, Grand Forks

2066 John II. Royer, Grand Forks 2148 Ray Mokler, Grand Forks" 2181 William Robt. Torgerson, Grand

Forks 2247 John Hoge, Grand Forks 2233 Eli Eggen, Grand Forks 2374 Thomas Kady, Grand Forks 2322 Clarcnce L. Wentz, Grand Forks 2370 George C. Huck, Grand Forks

2390 Leslie James McKay, Grand Fks 2330 Walter J. Anderson, Grand Forks 2453 Roy Lee Douglass, Grand Forks 2455 Nels Levin, Grand Forks 2441 Frank A. Anderson, Grand Forks 2501 Clarence M. Sorbo, Grand Forks 2599 Alfred Fartin Hanson, Inkster 2579 John Rothone, Grand Forks 2618 Earl Vernon Schumacher, Lari-

more 2675 John Christ VandeVende, Lari-

more 2783 Joseph A. Henry, Larimore 2719 Oscar G. Engebretson, Northwood 2749 Earl Ray Blue, Northwood

High number 27S8 Cass County

1679 Henry Trottier^ Horace 1676 Einar Iverson, Fargo 1682 Francis H. Brunette, Horace 1685 Albert Gulvik, Wild Rice 1651 Johannes Syverson, Wild. Rice 1636 Dedrick Bertholdes Samuelson,

Horace 1732 Leon Alton Brasier, Chaffee 1705Kumbert Paul Brandt, Tbw[er

City 1779 Carl Daubach, Davenport 1771 Isaac Peter Fenne, Warren 1845 Malcolm Morris, Jr., Wheatland 1818 Clyde Artimus Milligan, Wheat­

land , 1922 Thomas Jorin, Mapleton li[|5 John E. Erickson, Page

fip^Ceorge D. W,agar, T^wdr.fetty,. ^i^Jnui^i^^e'sonke, Casselto'rf

-Jfcrgo;: ' ' ~ 3ail Fia$d Sutton, Fargo 2247 Fobert Henry Junkins,, Fargo 2233 Oliver Winslow Lee, Fargo 2374 Norman Landseth, Fargo 2322 John Albert Kowalski, Fargo 2370 Lester P. Janney, Fargo 2390 Evald L. Helstad, Fargo 2330 George John Harames, Fargo

McLcan County 10 Nick Deshlevy, Dogden 18 Carl Soren Howen( Dogden 43 Wayne Steadman, Dogden 46 Stephen Vasilenko, Dogden 75 John Thomas Mahoney, Ruso

126 Fred A. C. Spandie, Benedict 140 John Kovalenko, Benedict

- 107 Oliver Johnson, Ruso 182 Cliqord Kringle, Fossen, Minn. 280 Louis Jacobson, Ryder 228' GilbertI'Ci Valsvife, Max 258 WiWW&V Erh, Douglas 275 RoWe'rC'Wollmuth; Douglas 37$ OlSsBH-lSimonson, D6uglas 309 Albert J. Grace, Roseglen 337 Ambrose Palm, Ryder 390 Carl Ostby, Douglas 432 John Peter, Garrison 468 iClyde L Helmbrecht, Turtle Lake 458 George C. Bronsak, Turtle Lake 437 Harry -Zenz, Max 433 Gottfried Peter, Garrison 420 Wilhelm Engel, Garrison 486 Clarence A. Olien, Turtle Lake 538 Evald Christenson, Underwood 507 Ole Lindteigen, Ruso 514 Mike Breyer, Dogden 513 Anton Breyor, Dogden 508 A.r/PhiWip Neiffer, Dogden v

548 Alfred Phillip Olson, Underwood 557 Bennie Amundsen, Garrison 564 Jacob Bogert, Garrison 596 John Hummell, Garrison 600 Henry Johnson, Garrison 602 Elmer Emil Johnson, Coleharbor 604 Charles Jones, Garison 606 Johan Jungling, Garrison 601 Joel Anton Johnson, Coleharbor 616 Leslie A. Kingley, Garrison

649 Albert C.;Seeley, Garrison 676 Richanl^elstad, Garrison 692 James V. Shippee, Garirson 721 Marion Granklin Sutton, Emmet 7fif» Slifford L. Tyler, Blackwater 739 Joseph V. Kalous, Blackwater 772 Floyd Lee Fuller, Coleharbor 7fa Orrel Ray l-iannon, Coleharbor 784 Carl Joseph Reft', Coleharbo 7Sfi I,oiiis Charles Sayer, Coleharbor 797 Guilford Young, Coleharbor 810 Spencer F. Norridin, Coleharbor 837 Thomas R. Fahy, Turtle Lake 854 Eheo| Julius Nelson, Turtle Lake 868 Emil 18. Strobcl, Turtle Lake 924 Gottlieb Schell, Mercer 927 John George Singer, Mercer 945 Von-Alenander Hanson, Turtle

Lake'.., 966 William'Levi Brown, Underwood 972 Wiliiani F. C. Berg, Underwood 983 John Edgar, Underwood

1020 Arnold Martin, Underwood 1026 Albert Aug. I'aulus, Underwood 1045 Albert Wiescz, Underwood 1066 Axel W. Nelson, Coleharbor 1095 Ole Jensen, Coleharbor 1099 John Matl, Underwood 1178 Fred James Bonn, Washburn 1267 Joseph Schreiner, Washburn 1014 Oscar ,B. Larson, Underwood 1103 Henry C. Meyers, Underwood 1117 Joseph Barlow, Washburn 1146 Swan O. Swaiiso'n, Underwood 1222 Martin Johnson, Washburn 1236 John Lendfors, Washburn 1237 Emanuel Lorentzen, Washburn 1264 Floyd Filmore Satterlund 1266 Jacob S. Schlickenmayer, Wash-

burn. 1282 John Teske, Washburn 1292 Ernest Uzziah Webster, Wash­

burn J323 Tennys E. Sebion, Washburn 1329 Roy Alf. Anderson, Wilton 1324 Frederick Wagner, Wilton 1331 William Antnnoff, Wilton 1369 Ludwig Olaf Helling, Wilton 1395 Elias Mathias Moe, Wilton 1411 Ralph W. RiShel, Wilton 1419 Harry George Showalter, Wilton 1476 Mehrle Carpenter. Makoti 1484 James J. Dufty, Raub 1495 Henry Ray, Raub 1536 Walter Peter, Haub 1546 John Sethen, Raub 1548 Ifalton Sholaas. Raub 1539 Carl Reum. Raub 1549 Leo Warren Slagg, Raub 1551 Frederick Spretiger, Ryder 1563 Fred Welch, ollseglen 1572 Lambert J. liniesch, Ryder 1636 Earl Postei. Mercer 1651 Harry K. Paradovsky, Max 1676 Theo. Soderstrom, Underwood 1679 Erdman Kolznage], Underwood 1682 Lee Clare*! ce Den 110, Par shall 1685 John A. Berg, l'arshall 1705 Earl T. Merritt, Parshall

High number, 1724. Kidder County

10 Lloyd C. Reader. Steele 18 Otto Wolpert, Steele 43 John A. Blessing, Dawson 46 Ward Avril Felker, Dawson 75 John Joseph Schindler, Tappen

107 Theodore Christenson, Tuttle 126 Earl Fairchild, Steele 140 William Wiest, Steele 182 Walter Williams, Tuttle

223 Gottleib Reuor, Dawson , 258 William Tinmi, Steele 275 George Gigax, Pettibo'ne 280 Oscar SalVaag, Tappen * 309 Clarence Henry Torbenson, Rob­

inson. 337 Michael E. Hatterberry, Tuttle 373 Nicholas Konstonlos, St. Paul

390 Ed Ridinius, Coleharbor 420 Frank Winfred Ennls, Cabin

Creek, Mont. 432 Charles W. Lee, Pettibone 433 Joseph Letlair, Pettibone 437 August Morlock, Lake Williams 468 August C. Steine, Steele 458 Harry Toney Hanson, Driscoll 486 Robert Hoffman, Hcaton 507 William (!. Anderson, Robinson 509 Henry Dickson Bullis, Robinson 513 Guy E. Floro, Robinsoh 514 Joe Gaub, Robinson 538 Oswald Olson, Robinson 548 Henry Wolff, Robinson 557 Lynn Harry Devorc, pawson 564 Joseph John Breonneck, Dawson 596 Elmer Rich. Woessner, Dawson 601 Philip Lawrence Bennett, Tuttle 604 Elmer C. Benson, Hurdsfield 600 Charles Henry Benedict, Hurds­

field 606 Gustav Jcnner, Hurdsfield 616 Oscar Albert Nerlin, Tuttle




OH, BoVs!

>fooRE Doing ACLPIGHT, olivia, BUT NOT SO fast AMD STAV OMTttE PttHT dlDK OF

THE Road

77 V

SENSES NtfTHMG! p\0 SoO SHB TH* size Of that bumblb BIB TWAT TRIED


have Nou Lost Your sfmses?

3 TO <5ET U^DCK- p

MS 3MRT3 *

Circu fi

Despite the hot weather, the attractiveness of these values will make it, well worth your while to carefully

investigate the items here advertised.

FIFTY LATE Spring and Summer Coats

Our sole object in quoting this extremely low price is to clear the entire quantity in one day and thereby make room for the Fall Garments arriv­ing daily. Values ut> to $17.50. Sat- 7C urday's Sale .. v I • * O



Misses' and Ladies' Coats $7.50 and $8.50 quality. Saturday Sale $3.75


PRICE A small lot of about twen­ty-five coats, priced reg­ularly at $3.50. ^ | Saturday Sale


$5.00 t& > $!'0.0d values. Saturday Sale at HALF PRICE.

OUR HOSIERY Department Contributes Liberally to This Bargain


Bargains in Hosiery that sound like ''old-time prices.'' One lot of Worn-en's Mercerized Hose, lisle foot and heel. Maco leg. Black and white, all sizes. Regular 35c. f Saturday's selling only I / One lot of Women's Artificial Silk Boot Hose, lisle foot, high spliced heel, seamless. Black and white, all sizes. A bargain number for 50c. Priced for Saturday's sale a pair Women's Silk Lisle Hose, ribbed top seamless. A good semi-out-size number, medium weight. You have paid 35c for this hose, and worth it. Priced for Saturday's selling, a pair Child's Fine Ribbed, yarn dyed hose, combed Egyptian Maco yarn, guar­anteed fast, Double heel and sole. Black and white. 35c regular. Sat­urday's selling 'lfl c a pair Laides' fast lisle hose, seamless. 4-inch hemmed top. Black only. 35c regular. For Satur­day's selling, a pair Women's "Like Silk" Hose, soft beautiful silk finish yarn, dyed black, and white, deep hem-top. Satur­day's selling is the real "23 c bargain price at, a pair




Colored Linens will Not be Offered at This Price Again

40" inch all1 linen suitings in the staple shades, the concession frov regular prices is not much, but jur regular price is about present wholesale price. $1.00 value. Saturday Sale OVC


NOTE 36 inch linen union suit­ing in staple shades only, regular 65c. Saturday's



Summer Mesh Corsets all sizes. Regular $1.50. Saturday Sale MC Another lot, in values to $3.50 Sa.t- m AO urday Sale ....4>1."0


OUR ART Department Contributes Several Bargains to this List

One lot of infants stamped muslin dresses. Ages 2 and 3. Assorted in three lots. •

Lot 1 ; I. i1.. L: / .. 27c ' Lot 2 . ; 42c Lot 3

•'"ifl r r 69c

In View of Rising Prices These Aprons are

"Very Special" A large assortment of per­cale aprons in light and dark colors. Sat- 75c urday's Sale



The assortment includes all shades and colors. This Saturday's Sal® 10c



This lot consists of the left­overs from our last Thurs­day's Curtain Sale. Espec-ally priced for immediate clearance. Values $2.00 to $3.60. Saturday's Saty; ONE THIRD OFF.


Double faced, especially/ suitable for archways, halls and side drapes. Shades, brown, blue, tan and helic Saturday's S a l e . . . . . . j 63c 40 inch Kahki Kool and Shautung Silks. A well as­sorted selection of patterns. Regular $3.50. Special a yard $1.98


The assortment contains a full line of colors and fancy patterns. 40c values. This Saturday's Sale 32c

One Lot of Fancy Chintz Stocking Bags

Special 39c — 1



29c M i l A

36 inch size in a full assort­ment of colors. Saturday's Sale .

36 inch fancy satin strir<-d and plaid taffeta silks in short lengths. We will close out all remaining patterns of fancy silks for this one day only $2.25 and $2.50 a yard $ 1 7Q values at ** 1 * I *

Saturday is the first day of the Yellow Ticket Sale in the Bargain Basement. Circulars have been distributed over the city, and if you have not received one, telephone us, lor the many bargains offered will surely make it worth your effort. .

More Bargains Than Advertised

Always A. W. LUCAS CO Always

More Bargains Than Advertised


649 Herman Fraank Heiden, Tappen 652 Arthur Bennet Johnson, Tappen 676 Clarke Drake, Lake Williams 692 William L. Briese, Dawson 721 Russell Robert Williams, Robin­

son 739 Charles G. Sieberg, Chaseley 755 Fred Oliver Crouse, Steele 772 Jesse Bryan Hatfield, Steele 775 Vincent Krenner, Steele 784 John Magnus Emodt, Steele 797 Clifford Vick, Steele 786 William lCd. Robinson, Steele

High Number 805 Stark County »

10 Ernest E. Anderson, Dickinson 1'8 John W. Ansenberger. Dickinson 43 Harold Chas. Poor, Dickinson 46 Henry J. Rademacher, Dickinson 75 Wilson C. Richards. Dickinson

126 Leo McKeever, Dickinson 140 Rochus Brilz, Richardton 107 Theo. R. O'Neill, Dickinson 182 John June, Richardton 280 Alopsins J. Mangan, Zenith

223 Ju-lius Moldenhouer, Dickinson 373 Herman Breve, South Heart 309 Louis Abramavich, Belfield 390 Gerard Johan van Leeuvan, Zen­

ith 432 William Youst, Buffalo, N. Y. 468 J. P. Fleck, Richardton 486 John Gobe, Taylor 437 Julius Prauss, Jr., Dickinson 420 John Jlin, Dickinson

, 433 Andrew ltonianuk, Dickinson 538 John Lally, Dickinson 548 John Janoschek, Dickinson 507 Evert Art, Red Lodge, Mont. 514 H. J. Currier, Taylor 557 Henry Gisvold, Dickinson 513 W. B. Strickers, Taylor 616 Joseph Eugene Lautz. Taylor 692 John Reintl, Jr., Lefor 600 Levi Jasperson, Taylor 649 Peter Meisner, Lefor 606 Phillip Messcr, Richardton 602 Halver Becken, Taylor 604 Christ Louis Stoxen, Taylor 652 Phillip J. Hubert, Taylor 601 Martin Christenson, Taylor 784 Ben Schmidt,.Dickinson 786 Joe Privatsky, Dickinson 739 Henry Blasi, Gladstone 755 Mathias llemsing, Gladstone 797 Otto Julius Jensen, Wagner, S. D 772 Jaroslax Kralicek, Dickinson 721 Henry Fuchs, Hebron 810 Lenard Schwindt, Shefield 868 Louis Freed, Dickinson

924 972 983 966 927

1031 1060 1026 1099 1045 1014 1146 1103 1117 1178 1237 1266 1264 1222 1267 1282

1236 1292 1369 1324 1329 1331 1323 1395


18 43

46 75

126 140

Leonard Mack, Dickinson Joseph Rupp, Gladstone Xaver Drukart, Dickinson Philipp Mueller, Dickinson Valentine Schwan, Dickinson John B. Eide, Dickinson Irving W. Gerlich, Dickinson Henry Hofbau, Taylor Makana Copony, Gorham Henry Ed. Brown, Dickinson John Laub, Gladstone Fred W. Magstedt, Hebron Anton Tribyl, Dickinson Martin J. Larson, Dickinson Dwight Crowell, Dickinson H. E. McKeever, Dickinson Frank Aberts, Dickinson Owen Nichols, Dickinson Andrew Reichert, Manning Haromusy Boehm, Dickinson Stanley Kolodzajczuk, South

Heart G. C. McFerran, Dickinson Joseph Fredrick, Dickinson Mike Diede. Antelope George Kuntss. Daglum John Koch, Daglum Geo. Ohlheiser, Dickinson Peter Berger, Dickinson Fred Wiege High number. 1400.

Sioux County Martin Makens (James) Thun-

derhawk, S. I). John Emerson Hackett, Stewers Roy V. Christensen, Watauga, S.

Dak. John F. Merrick, Pretty Rock Reindcr Stroman, Mcintosh, S. D. Francis B. Kahn, Fort Yates William Elk, Fort Yates

-••{t i t ^ t; iH-.un'tn m 107 Ben Frentis ghifilfls, .^clntosh,

S - D . . . , 182 Elmore Fred HogansSoli, Chicago 280 Eeddy Crow, Solen 223 Herb Lindquist, Selfridge 309 Emeron Rod Tomahawk, Can-

nonball Ollrer County

10 Ole Anne 18 Julius F. Boeck 43 Joseph C. Bauer 46 Christian Baier 75 Samuel Clark

126 Louis A. Graunke 140 Walter A. Hagerott® 1(W Fred Free# 182 Eugene F. Kirby 280 William T. Riepnel , j 223 Samuel H. Mindt 373 Joseph Ziegler 309 William J. Schoeder

'If I was the grocer I d sell nothinfbul Post J Toasties


Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights
