the bemidji daily pioneer (bemidji, minn.) 1922-02-25 [p 5]. · please xeturn to this office....

fHE BEMTDJ? M R * FfOWECT •>»•* • in HI ni)ii)i| i 11 n|i|y ^IPP WANT —'EBTISEMEMT «L*i ime of insertion will ONE CENT a word, > those having open books. tethods fail—try R WANT AD ays Get Results PAGE FIVE >j- IL^»W H t' W' ^f i, lf\ WANTED WOOD SAWING—75c per cord. Fred Marquard. Phone 160. 12-27tl WANTED—Position by young lady stenographer, office work or clerk in fatore*. Address Box 883, Bemidji, Minn\ 2t2-23 WANTED—Aboufyfive acies close to Bemidji with buildings, suitable for poultry farm. State lowest price and terms. Address J. R. Lundberg, care Pioneer office. 2t2-25 WANTED—People to buy or build homes, buy or improve farms, or f iay off a mortgage on easy month- y payments on our three per cent mtrest plan. Phone 784 or write box 633, Bemidji, 2-lltf WANTED—To heariroin owner hav- ing farm or unimproved land foi *alc. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 3tFeb25-Mar4-ll YOUNG MEN, WOMEN, over 17, desiring goveiiiment positions, $130 monthly, write for free list of. positions now open, R. Teny. (formei civil service examiner) 119 Continental Bldg, Washington, D. C. _____ WANTED—All persons having any sort of work to be done, such as ,-hovelinpr snow, splitting wood, pil- ing wood or odd chores about the house, are asked to call Miss I>ila Stanton, secretary of the Civic & Commerce association, who is as- sisting in finding work for several unemployed, needy ex-service men. 2-15lf WANTED—Easy to sell groceues, paints, automobile oils, looting, stock food to consumers from sam- ples, no capital or experience nec- essary, steady, profitable work. Commissions advanced Satisfac- tion guaranteeu; 49 years m busi- ness. Write for full particulars JLoverin & Browne Co., wholesale grocers, 1899 South State street, Chicago, 111. lt2-25 HELP WANTED—To build up pub- lic sentiment, and demand. For a conservative and fair retrenchment and a reduction in taxation and public expenditures by county, city town, village and school of- ficials. We have filed protest with the county auditor against the sale on March 8th of the $250,000 Road Bond issue, unless it is put up to a vote of the people (re- trench). Also against pledging the total general credit of the coun- ty for another large bond issue for ditch No. 37, we suggested that No. 37 land owners may hitve bonds issued that will (like an"oi- dmary faim mortgage) be secured by their block of about one hun- dred thousand acres to be drained only and not guaranteed by coun- ty How many taxpayers will help along these lines? Let us hear from you J. J. OPSAHL, et al, Bemidji, Minn, 8t3-S LOST OR FOUND LOST—Pair of glasses, finder please leave at Pioneer office or phone 409. 2t2-25 LOST—Brown Morocco pocket . book, somewhere between Faber's store ana down town. Finder please xeturn to this office. lt2-25 The very best enemy of sunburn wo know anything about, is a little discre- tion in the way of shade and skin cov- ering. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Pool hall and soft drink parlor, 210 Minnesota avenue. Call Kelliher Hotel. 10t2-22 ASSORTMENT of beds, with springs and mattress, baby buggy, collap- sable high chair, pillows, dining t|- ble, coal and wood heaters. Will take drop-leaf table in exchang^. Phong 638-W. ltl-24 FOR SALE—Rubber stamps of all kinds and types. Orders taken at Pioieer Office and Pianeer Sta- tionery House. Telephone 922- 923 or 799-J. Delivery of stamps made from three to four days af- ter order-is taken. 10-22tx FORT SALE—Assortment of bedgs, with springs and mattress, baby buggy, collapsable high chair, pil- lows, dining table, coal and wood heaters. Will take drop-leaf taDie in exchange. Phone 6S8-W. FOR RENT 4-Rooms upstairs, Irvine ave- 5-ltoom cottage on Twelfth street. PHELPS-LANDBERG AGENCY 7t2-25 fcOK SALE—School supplies of all kinds, writing tablets, pencils, fountain pens, and everything for the school room. Pioneer Station- ery House, 403 Beltrami avenue. Phone 799 J. 10-22tf Another thing that has made ali- mony so popular in this country is that it is not rife with so much mo- notony as the wash tub. FOR SALE—Corporation Beais, cor- poration record books with divi- sions for minutes, articles of in- corporation, by-laws, minutes for directors, meetings, stock ledger, stock certificate register, trans- fers and dividend register. In- quire at Pioneer Stationery Store, 403 Beltrami avenue. Telephone 799-J. 10-21tf. FOR SALE—Fumed oak buffet and library table. Call at 11 Ninth street. 2-25tf FOR SALE—CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Small house, 50-foot corner lot, on Seventh street, $1,000, terms. 5-Room house, 8 lots, $300 down. 5-Room house on Minnesota ave- nue, water and sewer connec- tions, hardwood floors, cellar, can be made modern at small outlay. $2,750. 5-Room house, good condition, corner lot, $500 down. 9-Rooin house, two blocks, from busme&s center, looming house, $3 150.' , 5-Room hou^e, all modem except heat, full "basement, foalf-acre lot, good hen house, barn, gar- age, fruit trees and vines, $8,- 500, teims. Two 25-foot lots, half block fiom new high school, $500 4-Room house, coiner lot on Bemidji avenue, best location, $2 700. Th'iee 25-foot lots on Bemidji ayenue between 13th and 14th. I $1,000. PHELPS-LANDBERG AGENCY. 106 uhird St. Phone 775 7t2-2o HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Two women with knowl- edge of good home cooking for new Cafeteria in the new Kaplan Bldg. Apply at office. l 2-22tf HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Trap drummer to woik in towns between Bemidji and In- tel-national Falls Addi ess Lee Johnson, Margie, Minn. «t2-27 FOR RENT—Two room .apartment it. Now Kaplan building Inquire at office 2-17tt FOR RENT FOR RENT- »venue. -House, 411 Minnesota 3t2-i;S FOR RENT—Large modern furnish- ed room. 1206 Doud, avenue. 3t2-28 FOR RENT—On mouern furnished loom. Inquire 515 Bemidji ayenue. FURNITURE Upholstered and repaired. We call for it, fix it, and return it. SKATES SHARPENED SAWS FILED GENERAL REPAIRING PHONE 897 TENTH AND IRVINE Jakes Repair Shop BUSINESS I AND I PROFESSIONAL ) HJL FOR RENT—Two room apartment with private bath. New Kaplan Bldg. 2-22tf GENERAL BODY COMPANY Manufacturers of Commercial Truck Bodies Factory: East Bemidji Phone 13-F-2 General Office: 418-22 Belt. Phone 970 Bemidji Minn. FOR RENT—Strictly modern fur- nished loom; close in. Inquire a' this office, 2t2-25-> FOR RENT—Store now occupied by ourselves. Will subdivide. Peoples Co-operative store. 12-2i)tf FOR RENT—Oftice rooms, now occu- pied by business college. Reasona- ble rental. Apply Peoples Co-oper- ative store. 12-2 9 tf FOR RENT—New Kaplan addition will be ready for occupancy in a few days. Thirty outside single looms equipped with hot and cold running water, shower baths in connection furnished or unfur- nished; everything modern; conic and make your loservation now Also store and office rooms for lent, excellent for every kind of busmc-s, especially light for cafe- teria. Apply office Kaplan Bldg Manufacturing, Repairing •ad Remodeling FURS BEMIDJI FUR SHOP MRS. F. L. MATHERS Phone 232—House. Phone 83J-W 77 THE PIONEER WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ; A distinguished scientist tells a wait* ! Ing woikl that cloclvS run faster at ^jiilht than they do during the day. Now we would like to hear what the man suffering from insomnia says about that. BIG LAKE Humanity will be somewhat nobler than it is when ii begins to realize that 'the joy of wealth is not in the indul- gence that ;noney procures, but in the work that creates the wealth that money represents. The men met Monday and Tuesday and moved the Big Lake club "log" to Charles 'JBloomquist's saw mill. They will move the lumber later. The Bible Study class met Friday fiighb at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steele with a large attendance. Lunch was served after the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole 'Wold on Feb- 24. We hope the weather and roada will that everyone can attend Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin gave a dance at their homeSaturdaynight. > Caterpillar Parade. One daj orer in France a soldier no- ticed a coid of soft brown chenille striped with red tfu the vhite road Ho writes about it in the Christian Science Monitor. "I stopped to exam- ine it, attiacted bj the color," he con- tinues, "and found a lhlng line of velvety caterpillars. There woie flffj two of them. Head to tail in a curs- ing row they were all moving In on* direction dow nhlll. "A curt pnssed by. The ^brntionq made bj the wheels broke the lineup Into tmv zig-ynss. Each catetpillar lost touch with his neighbor and mored a^ide in slantwise laxNon Quickly, however, they rejotuert and took up their foiward journey." The onlooker inquired, and was toul that the match of the caterpillars was a common thing In France '"They build their nestS'in the pines, and when they have need of a new feeding ground they all move down the trees and march awnj." . Deadly Carbon Monoxide. Warning against the deadlj carbon monoxide gas, which is the mo-.l wide- ly distributed and most frequent cause of industrial accidents and deaths in dwellings, has been issued by the fed- eral bureau of mines. , This gas is a product of Incomplete combustion. Because it is without color, odor or tuste itb presence Is fre- quently unsuspected. It may be found in buildings having a leaky furnare »>i chimney and in buildings^where a gas stove has improper flue connection such as is often found in tenements, tailor shops and boarding houses. This gab is formed in stoker inom« In refineries, cement and buck plants, mines and tunnels. The exhaust fiom gasoline motors usually contains . r » to 7 per cent carbon monoxide and some- times 33 per cent. Deaths fiom run- ning an automobile eugine in a. closed garage are not infrequent. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PIONEER Plumbing AND Heating Robert J. Russell 3",?, Fourth Street Phones 620-W—620-R The proceeds was for the benefit of the Big Lake club house. The men were busy snow plowing the loads last week. We think they will have to do their work over again. Mrs. Anna Scott and fami^ ana Mrs. Walter Stout drove to Bemidji Satui day. E C Buigh was busy hauling spuds to Turtle xlwer last week Owing to the bad weather and loads Mis. C O, Wing has been un- able to attend >su iday sthobl tor ire past three wi"»l;s Mrs. Thomas Wil on ha, been on the sick hht the la,t fe ? v d.i\s. HOWARD LAKE AND VICTOR NURSERIES W. H, EDDY, Proprietor Howard Lake, v Minnesota I. E. Leighton, Agent Office Over Security State Bank-FKOW» 747 BXKXDJX, HUN. Huffman & O'Leary FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING H. N. M'KEE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 178-W or R BEMIDJI FLORAL CO. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS ArtiatU PMICM PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS 'Bemidji, Mian. 812 Beltrami AT©. Phone 418-W RAGS Bring u your eleaa est- ton rags-no button*, bands or woolen doth accepted. Pioneer Office WE BUY AND SELL New and Second-Hand FURNITURE STOVES, RANGES, BEDS, etc. —Phone 300— McClenion&Son 317 Minnesota Ave. NOW FOR FINE PHOTOGRAPHS At Lowest Prices! Photos in Neat Folders At only - $2.45 per doz Others at only $3.45 a doz and up REMEMBER! You take no Photographs from Rich un- less they please you. Rich Portrait Studio 29 Tenth SV Phone 570-W 77 B. W. LAKIN, President E. R. EVANS, Manafer C. L. ISTED, Secretary-Treasurer BEMIDJI LUMBER & FUEL CO. OPPOSITE GREAT NORTHERN DEPOT BUILDING MATERIAL and FUEL TELEPHONE 100 COMPLETE STOCK PROMPT DELIVERIES Hard and Soft Coal, Briquetts, Blacksmith Coal JUST ARRIVED—A full line of Building Papers, Deadening Felt and Composition Roo„n g .-GET OUR PRICES FIRST! . GET OUR PRICES FIRST iimiiiiimiiiimmmiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiii!: I Hotel Anders I = Opened New = I Jan. 1,1922 | = CATERS TO = = COMMERCIAL TRADE = = AND = S STEADY ROOMERS = = BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH = = Modern in Every Detail 5 S Hot, Cold Water in All Rooms s = Bath in Connection = = Rates Reasonable = = OPEN DAY AND NIGHT = s 302% THIRD ST PHONE128 = = (Next to Rex Theatre) = I FRED ANDERSON, Prop. = = :—: BEMIDJI :—i = illlUlllllllllllllllllllUHIIIIlllHIIIIIUlllb? SELF-PRESERVATION bemp the first law of hu- manity, most of us to buy the very best of those things that are calculatde to keep us in strength, oi to ward off disease. This, we think, is the underlying reason why our drup store is the popular headquarters for citizens who are con&tantly on the aleit to preserve their health by taking the purest preventatives ''.« * i City Drug Store LALIBERTE & ERICKSON Phone 52 Bemidji WINTER IS HERE BUT IT'S NEVER TOO COLD IF YOU RIDE IN Ward Bros. Enclosed Cars By Calling Phone No. 77 We will call for you Anywhere at Any Time COUNTRY TRIPS A SPECIALTY Seven-Passenger Buieks Seven-Passenger Enclosed Dodges and Dodge Touring Cars. 77 [ DOCTORS DRS. Johnson & Borreson Physicians and Surgeons BEMIDJI, MINN. DRS. Garlock & Garlock Eye—Ear—Nose—Throat GLASSES FITTED Dr. E. H. Smith Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, Security Bank Block DRS. Gilmore & McCann Physicians and Surgeons OFFICE, Miles Block Dr. H. A. Northrop Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Battles Bldg. Office Phone 153-W C. R. Sanborn, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Miles Block House Phone 449—Office Phone S5 Dannenberg & Two CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M.—1:30 to S P. M. Other Hours by Appointment PHONE 401-W CALLS MADE First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bemidji Dr. E. A. Shannon Physician and Surgeon OFFICE in Larson Block PHONE 396 RES. 397 DRS. Marcum & McAdory Physicians and Surgeons BARKER BUILDING Hours: 11-12 a. m.—3-5 p. ni. Phones—Office 802, Res., 211 DENTISTS ] 77 IT STERiLIZBRB AND CLEANSES BflFE'CTL.Y DAILY PIONEER WANT ADS BRING RESETS THE RESCUE! 352.. I* Don't let the family washing interfere with your social duties. We can relieve you of all your wash-day trou- bles—just say to "send the wagon '* Family Washings 10c lb—80c minimum Bern. Steam Laundry —Phone 1J95— Dr. J. W. Diedrich Dentist OFFICE, O'Leary-Bowser Bldg. Phones—Office 376-W, Res. 376-B Dr. G. M. Palmer Dentist and Orthodontist BARKER BUILDING Bemidji, Minn. /•—- Outside! 150 PHONE150 TAXI FOR ANY WEATHER 5-PASSENGER OLDSMOBILES 7.PASSENGER STUDEBAKERS Dodge Touring Cars DAY & NIGHT SERVICE BEMIDJI AUTO LIVERY Opposite Hotel Markham Dr. A. J. Melby DENTIST Over Boardmsn's Drug Store Phone 406 -:- -:- Bemidji BUSINESS ] George J. Row ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR 600 Bemidji Ave. Phone 325 E. M. Sathre Buys Small Houses for Cast and Sells Them on Small Monthly Payments. r FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Reynolds & Winter 212 BELTRAMI AVENUE —Phone 144— Phelps-Landberg Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE 106 THIRD ST. PHONE 111 QUICK SERVICE SHOE REPAIRER ( have cut the pries down in *hos repairing. You need your shoes repaired. 1 need the work. I guarantee the best of work dons here. F. J. CATTEYSON SEVENTH STREET Between Beltrami & Bemidji Aves. ^jd^^^iMJ^M^ J"JiJL ^'itSsaSStoiiS;. Aiu><^ J VaV«itaJa.-.4^-<fc^a^ l ^i»' *•-a. mliiii 'a f" f"' * t±£i •JdJu^+xhA^Jtoilto* ftft.firifa«r«& I

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    •>»•* • in HI ni)ii)i| i 11 n | i | y ^IPP



    ime of insertion will ONE CENT a word,

    > those having open books. tethods fail—try

    R WANT AD ays Get Results


    >j- IL^»W

    H t'






    WOOD SAWING—75c per cord. Fred Marquard. Phone 160. 12-27tl

    WANTED—Posit ion by young lady stenographer, office work or clerk in fatore*. Address Box 883, Bemidji, Minn\ 2t2-23

    WANTED—Aboufyfive acies close to Bemidji with buildings, suitable for poultry farm. State lowest price and terms. Address J. R. Lundberg, care Pioneer office.


    WANTED—People to buy or build homes, buy or improve farms, or

    f iay off a mortgage on easy month-y payments on our three per cent mtrest plan. Phone 784 or write box 633, Bemidji, 2 - l l t f

    WANTED—To heariroin owner hav-ing farm or unimproved land foi *alc. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 3tFeb25-Mar4-l l

    YOUNG MEN, WOMEN, over 17, desiring goveiiiment positions, $130 monthly, write for free list of. positions now open, R. T e n y . (formei civil service examiner) 119 Continental B l d g , Washington, D. C. _____

    WANTED—All persons having any sort of work to be done, such as ,-hovelinpr snow, splitting wood, pil-ing wood or odd chores about the house, are asked to call Miss I>ila Stanton, secretary of the Civic & Commerce association, who is as-sisting in finding work for several unemployed, needy ex-service men.


    WANTED—Easy to sell groceues, paints, automobile oils, looting, stock food to consumers from sam-ples, no capital or experience nec-essary, steady, profitable work. Commissions advanced Satisfac-tion guaranteeu; 49 years m busi-ness. Write for full particulars JLoverin & Browne Co., wholesale grocers, 1899 South State street, Chicago, 111. l t2-25

    HELP WANTED—To build up pub-lic sentiment, and demand. For a conservative and fair retrenchment and a reduction in taxation and public expenditures by county, city town, village and school of-ficials. We have filed protest with the county auditor against the sale on March 8th of the $250,000 Road Bond issue, unless it is put up to a vote of the people (re-trench). Also against pledging the total general credit of the coun-ty for another large bond issue for ditch No. 37, we suggested that No. 37 land owners may hitve bonds issued that will (like an"oi-dmary faim mortgage) be secured by their block of about one hun-dred thousand acres to be drained only and not guaranteed by coun-ty How many taxpayers will help along these lines? Let us hear from you

    J. J. OPSAHL, et al, Bemidji, Minn,



    LOST—Pair of glasses, finder please leave at Pioneer office or phone 409. 2t2-25

    LOST—Brown Morocco pocket . book, somewhere between Faber's

    store ana down town. Finder please xeturn to this office. l t2-25

    The very best enemy of sunburn wo know anything about, is a little discre-tion in the way of shade and skin cov-ering.


    FOR SALE—Pool hall and soft drink parlor, 210 Minnesota avenue. Call Kelliher Hotel. 10t2-22

    ASSORTMENT of beds, with springs and mattress, baby buggy, collap-sable high chair, pillows, dining t | -ble, coal and wood heaters. Will take drop-leaf table in exchang^. Phong 638-W. l t l - 2 4

    FOR SALE—Rubber stamps of all kinds and types. Orders taken at P io ieer Office and Pianeer Sta-tionery House. Telephone 922-923 or 799-J. Delivery of stamps made from three to four days af-ter order-is taken. 10-22tx

    FORT SALE—Assortment of bedgs, with springs and mattress, baby buggy, collapsable high chair, pil-lows, dining table, coal and wood heaters. Will take drop-leaf taDie in exchange. Phone 6S8-W.

    FOR RENT 4-Rooms upstairs, Irvine ave-

    5-ltoom cottage on Twelfth street. PHELPS-LANDBERG AGENCY


    fcOK SALE—School supplies of all kinds, writing tablets, pencils, fountain pens, and everything for the school room. Pioneer Station-ery House, 403 Beltrami avenue. Phone 799 J . 10-22tf

    Another thing that has made ali-mony so popular in this country is that it is not rife with so much mo-notony as the wash tub.

    FOR SALE—Corporation Beais, cor-poration record books with divi-sions for minutes, articles of in-corporation, by-laws, minutes for directors, meetings, stock ledger, stock certificate register, trans-fers and dividend register. In-quire at Pioneer Stationery Store, 403 Beltrami avenue. Telephone 799-J. 10-21tf.

    FOR SALE—Fumed oak buffet and library table. Call at 11 Ninth street. 2-25tf


    FOR SALE Small house, 50-foot corner lot, on Seventh street, $1,000, terms. 5-Room house, 8 lots, $300 down. 5-Room house on Minnesota ave-nue, water and sewer connec-tions, hardwood floors, cellar, can be made modern at small outlay. $2,750. 5-Room house, good condition, corner lot, $500 down. 9-Rooin house, two blocks, from busme&s center, looming house, $3 150.' , • 5-Room hou^e, all modem except heat, full "basement, foalf-acre lot, good hen house, barn, gar-age, fruit trees and vines, $8,-500, t e ims . Two 25-foot lots, half block fiom new high school, $500 4-Room house, coiner lot on Bemidji avenue, best location, $2 700. Th'iee 25-foot lots on Bemidji ayenue between 13th and 14th.

    I $1,000. PHELPS-LANDBERG AGENCY. 106 uhird St. Phone 775



    WANTED—Two women with knowl-edge of good home cooking for new Cafeteria in the new Kaplan Bldg. Apply at office. l 2-22tf


    WANTED—Trap drummer to woik in towns between Bemidji and In-tel-national Falls Addi ess Lee Johnson, Margie, Minn. «t2-27

    FOR RENT—Two room .apartment it. Now Kaplan building Inquire at office 2-17tt


    FOR RENT-»venue.

    -House, 411 Minnesota 3t2-i;S

    FOR RENT—Large modern furnish-ed room. 1206 Doud, avenue.


    FOR RENT—On mouern furnished loom. Inquire 515 Bemidji ayenue.

    FURNITURE Upholstered and repaired. We call for it, fix it, and return it.




    Jakes Repair Shop




    FOR RENT—Two room apartment with private bath. New Kaplan Bldg. 2-22tf


    Manufacturers of Commercial Truck Bodies

    Factory: East Bemidji Phone 13-F-2

    General Office: 418-22 Belt. Phone 970

    Bemidji Minn.

    FOR RENT—Strictly modern fur-nished loom; close in. Inquire a'

    this office, 2t2-25->

    FOR RENT—Store now occupied by ourselves. Will subdivide. Peoples Co-operative store. 12-2i)tf

    FOR RENT—Oftice rooms, now occu-pied by business college. Reasona-ble rental. Apply Peoples Co-oper-ative store. 12-2 9 tf

    FOR RENT—New Kaplan addition will be ready for occupancy in a

    few days. Thirty outside single looms equipped with hot and cold running water, shower baths in connection furnished or unfur-

    nished; everything modern; conic and make your loservation now Also store and office rooms for lent , excellent for every kind of busmc-s, especially l ight for cafe-teria. Apply office Kaplan Bldg

    Manufacturing, Repairing

    • a d




    Phone 232—House. Phone 83J-W



    ; A distinguished scientist tells a wait* !Ing woikl that cloclvS run faster at

    ^jiilht than they do during the day. Now we would like to hear what the man suffering from insomnia says about that.


    Humanity will be somewhat nobler than it is when ii begins to realize that 'the joy of wealth i s not in the indul-gence that ;noney procures, but in the work that creates the wealth that money represents.

    The men met Monday and Tuesday and moved the Big Lake club "log" to Charles 'JBloomquist's saw mill. They will move the lumber later.

    The Bible Study class met Friday fiighb at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steele with a large attendance. Lunch was served after the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole 'Wold on Feb-24. We hope the weather and roada will be . so that everyone can attend

    Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin gave a dance at their h o m e S a t u r d a y n i g h t .

    > Caterpillar Parade. One daj orer in France a soldier no-

    ticed a coid of soft brown chenille striped with red tfu the vhite road Ho writes about it in the Christian Science Monitor. "I stopped to exam-ine it, attiacted bj the color," he con-tinues, "and found a lhlng line of velvety caterpillars. There woie flffj two of them. Head to tail in a curs-ing row they were all moving In on* direction dow nhlll.

    "A curt pnssed by. The ^brntionq made bj the wheels broke the lineup Into tmv zig-ynss. Each catetpillar lost touch with his neighbor and mored a^ide in slantwise laxNon Quickly, however, they rejotuert and took up their foiward journey." The onlooker inquired, and was toul that the match of the caterpillars was a common thing In France '"They build their nestS'in the pines, and when they have need of a new feeding ground they all move down the trees and march awnj."

    . Deadly Carbon Monoxide. Warning against the deadlj carbon

    monoxide gas, which is the mo-.l wide-ly distributed and most frequent cause of industrial accidents and deaths in dwellings, has been issued by the fed-eral bureau of mines. ,

    This gas is a product of Incomplete combustion. Because it is without color, odor or tuste itb presence Is fre-quently unsuspected. It may be found in buildings having a leaky furnare »>i chimney and in buildings^where a gas stove has improper flue connection such as is often found in tenements, tailor shops and boarding houses.

    This gab is formed in stoker inom« In refineries, cement and buck plants, mines and tunnels. The exhaust fiom gasoline motors usually contains .r» to 7 per cent carbon monoxide and some-times 33 per cent. Deaths fiom run-ning an automobile eugine in a. closed garage are not infrequent.


    Plumbing AND

    Heating Robert J. Russell

    3",?, Fourth Street

    Phones 620-W—620-R

    The proceeds was for the benefit of the Big Lake club house.

    The men were busy snow plowing the loads last week. We think they will have to do their work over again.

    Mrs. Anna Scott and f a m i ^ ana Mrs. Walter Stout drove to Bemidji Satui day.

    E C Buigh was busy hauling spuds to Turtle xlwer last week

    Owing to the bad weather and loads Mis. C O, Wing has been un-able to attend >su iday sthobl tor ire past three wi"»l;s

    Mrs. Thomas Wil on ha, been on the sick hht the la,t fe?v d.i\s.


    Howard Lake, v Minnesota

    I. E. Leighton, Agent Office Over Security State Bank-FKOW» 747

    BXKXDJX, H U N .

    Huffman & O'Leary




    PHONE 178-W or R



    ArtiatU P M I C M


    812 Beltrami AT©. Phone 418-W

    RAGS Bring u your eleaa est-ton rags-no button*, bands or woolen doth accepted.

    Pioneer Office

    WE BUY AND SELL New and Second-Hand


    —Phone 300—

    McClenion&Son 317 Minnesota Ave.


    PHOTOGRAPHS At Lowest Prices! Photos in Neat Folders

    At only - $2.45 per doz Others at only $3.45 a doz

    and up REMEMBER! You take no Photographs from Rich un-less they please you.

    Rich Portrait Studio 29 Tenth SV Phone 570-W


    B. W. LAKIN, President E. R. EVANS, Manafer C. L. ISTED, Secretary-Treasurer




    Hard and Soft Coal, Briquetts, Blacksmith Coal

    JUST ARRIVED—A full l ine of Building Papers, Deadening Felt and Composition R o o „ n g . - G E T OUR PRICES FIRST!



    I Hotel Anders I = Opened New = I Jan. 1,1922 | = CATERS TO = = COMMERCIAL TRADE = = AND = S STEADY ROOMERS = = BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH = = Modern in Every Detail 5 S Hot, Cold Water in All Rooms s = Bath in Connection = = R a t e s R e a s o n a b l e = = OPEN DAY AND NIGHT = s 3 0 2 % THIRD ST PHONE128 = = (Next to Rex Theatre) = I FRED ANDERSON, Prop. = = :—: BEMIDJI :—i = illlUlllllllllllllllllllUHIIIIlllHIIIIIUlllb?


    bemp the first law of hu-manity, most of us to buy the very best of those things that are calculatde to keep us in strength, oi to ward off disease. This, we think, is the underlying reason why our drup store is the popular headquarters for citizens who are con&tantly on the aleit to preserve their health by taking the purest preventatives

    ' ' .« * i

    City Drug Store LALIBERTE & ERICKSON

    Phone 52 Bemidji




    Ward Bros. Enclosed Cars

    By Calling Phone No. 77 We will call for you

    Anywhere at Any Time


    Seven-Passenger Buieks Seven-Passenger Enclosed Dodges and Dodge Touring Cars.



    DRS. Johnson & Borreson

    Physicians and Surgeons BEMIDJI, MINN.

    DRS. Garlock & Garlock Eye—Ear—Nose—Throat


    Dr. E. H. Smith Physician and Surgeon

    OFFICE, Security Bank Block

    DRS. Gilmore & McCann Physicians and Surgeons

    OFFICE, Miles Block

    Dr. H. A. Northrop Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Battles Bldg. Office Phone 153-W

    C. R. Sanborn, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON

    Office, Miles Block House Phone 449—Office Phone S5

    Dannenberg & Two CHIROPRACTORS

    Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M.—1:30 to S P. M. Other Hours by Appointment

    PHONE 401-W CALLS MADE First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bemidji

    Dr. E. A. Shannon Physician and Surgeon OFFICE in Larson Block

    PHONE 396 RES. 397

    DRS. Marcum & McAdory

    P h y s i c i a n s a n d S u r g e o n s BARKER BUILDING

    Hours: 11-12 a. m.—3-5 p. ni. Phones—Office 802, Res., 211






    THE RESCUE! 3 5 2 . . I*

    Don't let the family washing interfere with your social duties. We can relieve you of all your wash-day trou-bles—just say to "send the wagon '*

    Family Washings 10c lb—80c minimum

    Bern. Steam Laundry —Phone 1J95—

    Dr. J. W. Diedrich Dentist

    OFFICE, O'Leary-Bowser Bldg. Phones—Office 376-W, Res. 376-B

    Dr. G. M. Palmer Dentist and Orthodontist

    BARKER BUILDING Bemidji, Minn.



    150 PHONE150 TAXI FOR




    Dodge Touring Cars DAY & NIGHT SERVICE


    Opposite Hotel Markham

    Dr. A. J. Melby DENTIST

    Over Boardmsn's Drug Store Phone 406 -:- -:- Bemidji

    BUSINESS ] George J. Row

    ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR 600 Bemidji Ave. Phone 325

    E. M. Sathre Buys Small Houses for Cast

    and Sells Them on Small Monthly Payments.


    Reynolds & Winter 212 BELTRAMI AVENUE

    —Phone 1 4 4 —

    Phelps-Landberg A g e n c y


    106 THIRD ST. PHONE 111


    ( have cut the pries down in *hos repairing. You need your shoes repaired. 1 need the work. I guarantee the best of work dons here.


    Between Beltrami & Bemidji Aves.

    ^jd^^^iMJ^M^ J"JiJL • ^'itSsaSStoiiS;. Aiu>