the bellringer - st. luke’s parish · april 2015 page 33 the bellringer the bellringer april...

525 N. Fifth Avenue Sequim, WA 98382 360-683-4862 The parish newsletter of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church April 2015 The Bellringer The Bellringer The Bellringer T here is an unsung hero of Jesus’ crucifixion that you don't hear much about. His name was Joseph of Arimathea. When all of the disciples but one had abandoned Jesus, and only a few women remained with him un- til the end, it was Joseph who asked Pilate for Jesus' body. With kindness, we are told, he removed Jesus from the cross, wrapped him in a linen cloth, and laid him in a rock-hewn tomb. This was clearly an act of compas- sion, but also one of respect. Here was a man who was touched by Jesus’ life and ministry, and re- sponded in a final act of dignity. This step also took a fair amount of courage. Joseph went to the very person who had ordered the execution. His request would have identified him as a follower, or at least an associate, of Jesus, possi- bly placing him in a precarious po- sition. That we know his name indicates that Joseph was known by the early church, and that he was not forgotten by the followers of Christ. While there was nothing Joseph could have done to prevent Jesus' death, he did respond with care and dignity. At the very time when Jesus ex- periences the cruelty and inhumane actions of so many, Joseph reminds us that the actions of one per- son can make a differ- ence. Joseph plays a part in the crucifixion and res- urrection narratives, and does so by choice with courage and com- passion. Fr. Bob+ Spiritual Healing Workshop 7 Music Live Calendar 5 Easter Breakfast 2 New Course Easter In-gathering 4 Fifth Sunday Celebration Senior Warden 6 Columbarium Bits & Pieces 3 Journey to the Cross What’s Inside?? At its March meeting, the Vestry elected Mari Chesser to fill the vacancy left by Harlan Knudson’s resignation. Mari was then elect- ed to the post of Junior Warden. Thanks to Mari for taking on this important ministry. Look for Mari’s Vestry bio in next month’s Bellringer. Breaking News!

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Page 1: The Bellringer - St. Luke’s Parish · April 2015 Page 33 The Bellringer The Bellringer APRIL Birthdays 04/03 Peter Haglin 04/06 Dallas Drew 04/06 Barbara Kent-Alford 04/06 Kathy

525 N. Fifth Avenue Sequim, WA 98382 360-683-4862

The parish newsletter of

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church April 2015

The Bellringer The Bellringer The Bellringer

T here is an unsung hero of

Jesus’ crucifixion that you

don't hear much about. His

name was Joseph of Arimathea.

When all of the disciples but one

had abandoned Jesus, and only a

few women remained with him un-

til the end, it was Joseph who

asked Pilate for Jesus' body. With

kindness, we are told, he removed

Jesus from the cross, wrapped him

in a linen cloth, and laid him in a

rock-hewn tomb.

This was clearly an act of compas-

sion, but also one of respect. Here

was a man who was touched by

Jesus’ life and ministry, and re-

sponded in a final act of dignity.

This step also took a fair amount

of courage. Joseph went to the

very person who had ordered the

execution. His request would have

identified him as a follower, or at

least an associate, of Jesus, possi-

bly placing him in a precarious po-

sition. That we know his name

indicates that Joseph was known

by the early church, and that he

was not forgotten by the followers

of Christ.

While there was nothing Joseph

could have done to prevent Jesus'

death, he did respond with

care and dignity. At the

very time when Jesus ex-

periences the cruelty and

inhumane actions of so

many, Joseph reminds us

that the actions of one per-

son can make a differ-

ence. Joseph plays a part

in the crucifixion and res-

urrection narratives, and does so

by choice with courage and com-


Fr. Bob+

Spiritual Healing Workshop

7 Music Live



Easter Breakfast

2 New Course

Easter In-gathering

4 Fifth Sunday Celebration

Senior Warden

6 Columbarium

Bits & Pieces

3 Journey to the Cross

What’s Inside??

At its March meeting, the Vestry

elected Mari Chesser to fill the

vacancy left by Harlan Knudson’s

resignation. Mari was then elect-

ed to the post of Junior Warden.

Thanks to Mari for taking on this

important ministry.

Look for Mari’s Vestry bio in next

month’s Bellringer.



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Ministries & Ministers of St. Luke’s

Rector Rev. Robert Rhoads, OSF Associate Clergy Rev. Bill Tarter, OSF

Assisting Clergy Rev. Maggie Bourne-Raiswell

Deacon Rev. Diane Moore

Parish Counsel Rob Onnen

Secretary/Bookkeeper Laura Fierro

Treasurer Mary Frye

Clerk Sue Clary

Vestry Harry Alford

Mari Chesser, Junior Warden

Peter Hagkin

Barbara Heckard, Senior Warden

Bill McCorkle

Pat Oden

Linda Petersen

Jim Reker

Kelly Steward

Convention Delegates Bill & Judy Newblom, Rob and

Dianne Onnen

Alternates Linda Bond, Sue Clary, Gail Melvin,

Maggie Peterson

Adult Education Bob Rhoads 683-4938

Altar Guild Karen Junell 477-3157

Altar Servers Sherry Niermann 683-5936

Bazaar Workshop Roberta Griset 681-0962

Centering Prayer Judy Palumbo-Gates 683-3131

Choir/Organist Lorraine Martin 417-6898

Columbarium Harry Alford 683-2594

Cursillo Christine Hill 582-0989

Roger Uhden 681-7450

Daughters of the King Suzi Schmidt 683-4215

Eucharistic Visitors Diane Moore 683-5936

Flower Ministry Lynn Cain 681-3729

Helping Hands Linda Petersen 681-2375

Light Lunch Kara Selby 683-2895

Little Sisters of St. Clare Sr. Karen Anne 681-7195

Men’s Club Roger Uhden 681-7450

Men’s Spirituality Bill Chisham 582-1598

Music Live with Lunch Sammy Greenwood 681-0556

Newcomers Moore/Niermann 683-5936

Office Volunteers Laura Fierro 683-4862

Outreach Diane Moore 683-5936

Prayer Chain Kelly Steward 461-9893

Prayer Quilt Workshop Virginia Reker 681-5363

Receptions Suzi Schmidt 683-4215

School on Sunday Sherry Niermann 683-5936


Earth Jim Aldrich 582-3038

God’s Resources Barbara Heckard (717) 639-1739

Taizé Sr. Karen Anne 681-7195

Ushers 8 AM Martin Gutowski 797-1655

10 AM Bill McCorkle 301-1748

Women’s Spirituality Mari Chesser 797-1831

Fr. Bob: [email protected]

Staff Fr. Bill: [email protected]

Email: Laura/Office: [email protected]

April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 22 The Bellringer The Bellringer

Please join us for Easter Morning Break-

fast, between services, on Sunday, April 5.

We will serve from 9:00 to 9:30am in the

Parish Hall.

In addition to:

Dave’s Tendersweet Pancakes

Link and Patty Sausages

Creamy Scrambled Eggs

We will also offer:

Ham with apple/cranberry glaze

Men’s Club Easter Morning

NEW! From the Don Freeman Study Group…

Beginning Wednesday,

April 8, we’ll examine the

2013 PBS production, The

Life of Muhammad. Along

with the historical narra-

tive, the seven-week series

will address Islam's role in

the world today, and ex-

plore Islamic attitudes to-

ward money, charity, wom-

en, social equality, reli-

gious tolerance, war and

conflict. Each session will

include the video, followed by a discussion period.

Everyone is invited to join us, even if just for one

session. We meet on Wednesdays in the Fireside

Room at 10:30am. Please contact Alan or Mary Jo

Camagna (683-5767) if you have any questions.

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April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 33 The Bellringer The Bellringer

APRIL Birthdays

04/03 Peter Haglin

04/06 Dallas Drew

04/06 Barbara Kent-Alford

04/06 Kathy Owens

04/07 Dennis Heckard

04/13 Mary Fahlgren

04/17 Jim Aldrich

04/20 Chuck Howerton

04/21 Sheila Cope

04/21 Patricia Roberts

04/22 Nan Godfrey

04/22 Linda Petersen

04/22 John Standerwick

04/30 Roberta Griset

...May thy peace which passes

understanding abide all the

days of their lives.

Changes are coming to your St. Luke's web

site! If you are looking for the pages for His-

tory, Clergy, Newsletters, or Bulletin Board,

you will now access them by clicking on the

‘About Us’ tab at the top. Some of these

pages will soon be updated. We also plan

to add the 'Donate' button that many of you

have requested. Stay tuned!

TAIZÉ Service: Our monthly Taizé gathering will be held on

Monday, April 27 at 7:00pm. Please join us in this prayerful,

meditative church service. Contact Karen Williamson (681-

7195) for more information.

Lost and Have Not Found Their Way Home! Have you seen or

borrowed ivory table cloths from the Music Live storage bins?

We are missing two 8' oblong table cloths, and two round ta-

blecloths. If you have borrowed them, please return them to

Laura at the church office. Thank you for helping these items

to find their way home.

Bits and Pieces

Journey to the Cross Fifteen years ago, we made a pilgrim-

age to the Stations of the Cross Shrine

in San Luis, CO. During that time, we

took hundreds of photos of the statues

of Jesus. Two years later, we married



we had

taken of

the Sta-

tions of

the Cross





As a


you to a


nity of nuns in Colorado, we shared the

program with them, using a slide pro-

jector and a boom box. They wept.

These holy women, who had made pil-

grimages to sacred religious sites all

across the world, wept when they saw

our program.

Today we have improved the images

with PowerPoint and a Bose sound sys-

tem. Each time we present this pro-

gram, people weep. They weep be-

cause the Way of the Cross becomes

real and moves beyond words. They

walk WITH Jesus.

At 7:00pm on Good Friday, April 3rd,

we will present this beloved program

here at St. Luke’s. It now contains

over 180 digital images combined with

sacred music. This will be a time of

silence for the participants, a personal

time of intimacy with Jesus in his pas-


Join us as we share this gift with each

of you. Bring your friends; it is open to

everyone. Come, sit, watch, listen, and

feel Jesus’ presence.

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April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 44 The Bellringer The Bellringer

“Personal Care Kits”


When natural disaster strikes, or political conflict

flares, families have little chance to gather their be-

longings before fleeing the danger. They arrive in a

refugee camp, or other place of safety, scared, vulnera-

ble and dirty from travel. The simple items included in

a Personal Care Kit allow them to wash away dirt and

sweat with the fresh scent of soap and the softness of

a towel. They are reminded of someone’s care and

concern for them in their plight

During Easter Season – April 12 thru May 17, the Out-

reach Committee will accept donations to assemble

Personal Care Kits for distribution through Lutheran

World Relief.

Here are the items needed for each Personal Care Kit:

1 light-weight bath-size towel in a dark color, please.

2 bath-size bars of soap (4–5 oz.) in original wrapping;

we will re-package multi packs.

1 adult-size tooth brush in original

packaging; we will re-package multi


1 sturdy comb (no picks or fine

toothed combs); we will remove pack-


1 metal nail clipper (attached file is

optional); we will remove packaging.

All items should be new and in good

condition — bulk purchases are en-

couraged. Donate what you can from

the list, and the Outreach Committee

will buy sufficient items to complete

the care kits (If you find a good deal on towels and

soap, buy them, and we will fill in the other items.) If

you cannot shop, you can make a donation to help with

our shipping costs and extra items that need to be pur-

chased. Make checks payable to St. Luke’s with a no-

tation “Relief Kits.”

We will place a large box for the towels, and our fa-

mous red wagon for everything else, in the narthex.

During the week of May 18, we will host a Packaging

Party to assemble the Personal Care Kits. You are in-

vited to join the fun, and help us complete this project!

Your Outreach Committee is really excited about this

project, and we hope that you will participate.

Deacon Diane

Whatever Happened to Fifth Sunday??

Since the fifth Sunday of March was

Palm Sunday, our traditional single-service

gathering was postponed to the first Sunday

after Easter, April 12. We will celebrate Eucha-

rist in the church at 10:00am, followed by a

hamburger feast in the

parish hall.

Please sign-up at the Par-

ish Information Center (so

we know how much food to

prepare), and bring a side

dish or dessert to share.

Suggested donation: $5

Beloved friends,

Your prayers, cards, flowers and kind messages to Es-

ther and me are a constant source of blessing during a

long convalescence for Esther's head injury.

We would like to thank each of you personally, but we

both have difficulty with memory loss and writing letters.

So we thank God and ask His blessing on all of you.


Norman and Esther Round

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Special Events at St. Luke’s for

April 2015


8:00am Holy

Eucharist, Rite I

9:00am Choir


10:00am Holy

Eucharist, Rite II


8:00am Cursillo


8:30am Matins

9:00am Helping


10:00am Prayer

Quilt Workshop

and Bazaar Work-



8:30am Eucharist

3:30pm Choir



8:30am Matins

9:00am Cursillo


10:30am Don Free-

man Study Group

Noon Mid-week


4:30pm Vespers


9:00am Wire

Choir Practice

10:30am Bible

Study (Interactive)

11:30am Centering


1:00pm Cursillo



10:00am Cursillo



9:00am Altar Guild

11:30am Light


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Maunday Thurs

9:30am Eucharist

at Sherwood

5:30pm Maunday

Thurs srvc/dinner

3 Good Friday

8:00am Stations of the Cross Noon Good Friday Liturgy 7:00pm Journey to the Cross


5 Easter Sunday

9:00am Easter Breakfast


8:00am Men’s Spirituality Brkfst.

11:00am Outreach Comm.


1:00pm Daughters of the King


Noon Healing service w/Euch.




12 Food Bank Day

10:00am One service/meal fol-lowing




9:00am Spiritual Healing Workshop


9:30am Eucharist

at Sherwood




9:15am School on Sunday


11:00am Earth Stewardship


Noon Music Live with Lunch


1:30pm Vestry Meeting





4:00pm Earth Stewardship film


9:15am School on Sunday


7:00pm Taizé Service


9:00am Women’s Spirituality

29 30

Every Week

April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 55 The Bellringer The Bellringer

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From Your



T here is a lot of talk about what makes a parish

successful. Good liturgy? Great music? Good

preaching? All of these factors are important,

but most importantly, do new people feel welcomed,

included, loved, and needed as friends? I know I’ve

thought this before, and I continue to remind myself --

don’t just be friendly on a Sunday morning; build friend-

ships and lasting relationships. A parish grows when

its people grow in love for one another.

When your Vestry met for a re-

treat last month, one of our

homework assignments was to

read The Agile Church. Spirit Led

Innovation in an Uncertain Age,

by Dwight J. Zscheile. The sub-

sequent discussion was rich and

open. We talked about the in-

volvement of neighbors that

meet in our church in various

contexts, but each for the pur-

pose of fellowship, support, and

education. If St. Luke’s seems to be like a community

center, isn’t that what God wants for us? To reach out

to others, and to build a community that practices deep

listening and understanding of our neighbors?

We also spoke of the agility of our parish to reach out

so as to grow. We reflected on the newcomers that

bring fresh talents and ideas that we will continue to

embrace. We acknowledge the need to cherish the op-

portunities for fellowship, like the Annual Gathering,

Pancake Breakfast, Music Live, Bazaar, Light Lunch,

5th Sunday joint service, Bible studies, Don Freeman

Study Group, Helping Hands, Spirituality Groups, DOK,

Flower Ministry, Choir, Prayer Quilts and Outreach. Do

our actions demonstrate agility?

It can be easily said that we are making our mark on

the community, but we will never be done with our jour-

ney. There is always room to grow. For example, we

may not have many young people in our midst, but we

are young in our hearts and efforts as evidenced in our

participation in the Tutoring Program at the Middle

School and the Summer Lunch Program with the Boys

and Girls Club.

Are there opportunities just waiting for us beyond the

church doors? We agreed that the need is out there.

How we respond to that challenge is what I believe will

fulfill our hearts. We want our church to continue to

grow. Join with us in our opportunities for fellowship.

We want to hear your thoughts, suggestions and inter-

est in being part of growing our church community.

St. Luke’s Columbarium

The St. Luke's Columbarium is lo-

cated on the east side of the

church. A small committee has

been maintaining the area and

keeping accurate records for the

Columbarium for many years. The

Columbarium can serve as a final

resting place for cremated remains, or for the display

of a memorial plaque, either for yourself or a parish

family loved one. The price schedule for Columbari-

um facilities, and the availability of spaces, may be

obtained from the church office.

Barb and I are starting work on a Columbarium/ Par-

ish Memory Book for parishioners and other church

members that will be available for viewing. We hope

to be joined in this effort by a few others, especially

by those who have talent in scrapbooking, archiving

or memory book building. We are in the initial stages

of this project, and will keep you informed of our pro-


The Memory Book will become an important part of

the history of St. Luke’s parish. if you have pictures,

articles, writings or obituary references about parish-

ioners who are remembered in the Columbarium, and

would like to offer them for inclusion in the Memory

Book, please let us know and we'll make arrange-

ments to acquire them.

If you would like to participate in making the Colum-

barium/Parish Memory Book, please let either of us


Barb Kent Alford, 683-2594

Harry Alford, 683-2594

April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 66 The Bellringer The Bellringer

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The Naki'i Hawaiian music of Erma and Mike Kuenzli

lilted through the sanctuary and felt like a Hawaiian

blessing. Danny Boy in English and Hawaiian was a

lovely nod to the holiday.

St Patrick's Day was ush-

ered in by Peter Haglin

and crew with a tradition-

al New England corned

beef brined in house a

few days before the con-

cert. Recipes are availa-

ble! Peter's menu of

cabbage, carrots and

brussel sprouts added a

crisp accompaniment to

the rich main dish. Chris-

tine Hill brought us back

to the Hawaiian theme

with pineapple upside

down cake. The crew did

an exemplary job, and it

was nice having Peter

back, filling in for Debby

Kubly who was on vaca-


The luncheon and concert were dedicated to Roger

Uhden following his hip surgery. Roger's multiple roles

will be missed until he returns next season, but every-

one stepped up to the plate to salute him and to fill-in.

Kate Powers, violin and fiddle virtuoso, returns April

21. It has been incredible to watch her young musical

career progress and mature.

- Sammy Greenwood

Music Live with Lunch!

April 2015 Page April 2015 Page 77 The Bellringer The Bellringer



A Workshop for Survivors of Profound Childhood Abuse

Are you a survi-

vor of profound


abuse? Do you

know someone

who is? Do you

provide services

for someone

who was abused

as a child? The

unexplored re-

sults of profound

childhood abuse

negatively affect

the way that a

person develops


Mary’s Hope

Workshops is


“Spiritual Heal-

ing and Recovery, An Introductory Workshop” here at

St. Luke’s on Wednesday, April 15th. This intensive,

day-long workshop is designed to give participants infor-

mation about the spiritual effects of childhood trauma,

and to learn about the elements of the healing journey.

It is recommended for survivors and those who help

survivors with spiritual healing. The workshop begins at

9:00am and ends at 5:00pm; check-in begins at


The Mary’s Hope team has presented workshops and

educational programs to over 8,700 individuals. They

have presented at Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Unitarian,

United Methodist, UCC and Episcopal venues and at

numerous state and local victim service conferences.

They are recognized authorities in the field of spiritual

healing for adult survivors of childhood abuse.

There is no charge for the workshop, but a donation of

$75 per person is suggested. Workshop materials are

included. Bring a lunch or pre-order a box lunch. Call

the directors: Sherry Niermann (303-941-2558) or The

Rev. Diane Moore (303-941-2638 for more infor-

mation, and to register for this vital healing experience.

From Mary Frye, Treasurer

February Income $21,843

February Expenses $17,346

Difference. +$4,497 February income exceeded our expenses.

However, we have some larger expenses

coming due that will be reflected in the

next financial statement.

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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church PO Box 896

Sequim, WA 98382