the beginning of physics iop physics update 2008 forces and fields particles and symmetries...

The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector A Cosmic Ray detector

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Page 1: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

The beginning of physics

IoP Physics Update 2008

Forces and fields

Particles and symmetries


The Large Hadron Collider

Particle detectors

A Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector

A Cosmic Ray detector

Page 2: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Forces – A particle physicist’s view

Familiar electric, magnetic and gravitational forces are described by separate theories

Classical picture Action at a distance – two bodies feel a

mutually attractive or repulsive force even though separated by large distances

Introduce abstract concept of a field – the strength and direction of the force felt by a test body is uniquely defined at every point in space

Strength of force from an idealised point body decreases according to an inverse square law.

We draw pictures of the fields as if they had a physical existence (a prejudice reinforced by e.g. iron-filings aligning along magnetic field lines)

Quantum field theory view Forces are due to the exchange of (virtual)

particles that carry momentum Strength of the force is determined by the

coupling to the force carrying particle. The strength is (very) different for the known forces.

A consistent mathematical description is formulated by combining quantum mechanics and relativity.

Page 3: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Unification of forces

Electricity and magnetism once considered separate phenomena.

Now unified and enshrined in Maxwell’s equations. Electric and magnetic forces are

merely different manifestations of the same underlying mechanism.

By changing our viewpoint, an electric field can become a magnetic field (and vice versa). Relativity at work.

Add an extra ingredient – Quantum Mechanics – we get Quantum Electrodynamics. The photon (quantum of light) is the force carrying particle. A very, very, very, very, very, very,

very, very, well-tested theory. Feynman expressed the calculations

in pictures (Feynman diagrams) Each diagram represents a

mathematical term in the solution to a problem

Page 4: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Force unification – the next step

Can we include gravity? We’d like to but it is HARD.

Is there anything else? Yes.

The weak nuclear force (beta decay).

The strong nuclear force (binds protons and neutrons in nuclei).

Build on the success of QED New ingredients

New interactions New particles New diagrams








Z0 ,

Page 5: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Particle zoo

The quest for the elements A search for order

Earth, air, fire and water The chemical elements

Periodic table Patterns are due to a set of

quantisation rules that must be followed when adding more electrons to an atom.

A complicated picture (many elements with different properties) simplified by applying a set of rules to build elements from a small number of more fundamental objects.

The chart of the nucleides A periodic table for nuclei Patterns also due to quantisation

rules A complicated picture simplified…

Page 6: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Particle zoo 2

Many different particles can be created in the lab.

A complicated picture but we can discern patterns.

Must be due to an underlying theory that combines a smaller number of more fundamental particles using a set of rules.

The fundamental particles All ordinary matter made of up

quark, down quark, electrons and electron neutrinos.

All forces (except gravity) mediated by photon, Z boson, W boson and gluon.

But there are problems Duplication – why? Mass hierarchy – how? Anti-matter – where? Gravity – still mysterious.

Page 7: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Where we are

The Standard Model. Describes all known particles and their

electroweak and strong interactions. No significant deviations from SM observed

to date. Observed differences between forces due to

non-exact symmetry. Possibly the best physical theory in the

history of physics.

But… We are still waiting for the Higgs boson We don’t understand the origin of mass We don’t know how to solve the hierarchy

problem Supersymmetry Extra dimensions

We don’t know how to include gravity We don’t know the origin of symmetry

breaking We do know that The Standard Model must

break down at TeV energies

Page 8: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Higgs – the solution or the problem? LHC – the kill or cure?

If the Higgs particle is not found in the mass range accessible to the LHC… Breakdown of Standard Model. Violation of unitarity in WW scattering for

large mH (sum of probabilities cannot exceed 1).

If the Higgs particle is found at the LHC… Low mass (compared to Planck mass)

implies a convenient cancellation of large terms.

Or there must be new physics.

Supersymmetry is a favourite candidate for new physics (symmetry is good, more is better) but... Requires new particles to exist (Who

ordered that?, Rabi). Properties must explain why they haven’t

been observed already (heavy, or weakly interacting).

Page 9: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Cosmology 1

Looking back in time Universe contains fixed amount of energy (mass and radiation) Space is expanding, universe is cooling. kT = hc/λ = eV relates temperature (T), length (λ), accelerating potential

(V) through fundamental constants k, h, c, e. E.g 14TeV = 10-19m = 1017K (Note: size of proton = 10-15m)

LHC analogies:

A time machine that recreates conditions of early universe.

A microscope that sees objects smaller than can be seen with light.

Page 10: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Cosmology 2

The LHC will recreate the conditions of the early Universe.

Provides evidence of the processes that are assumed to operate.

May explain: Dark matter. Matter-antimatter asymmetry. Mechanisms driving evolution of

early universe. The origin of mass. The unification of all known forces.

Page 11: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Detection techniques

A discussion of techniques used in particle detectors…

Page 12: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detectors

Identifying particles using Cherenkov radiation… Cerenkov worksheet RICH animator

Page 13: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Cosmic Ray detection

A practical demonstration of detection of high energy particles in the classroom…

Page 14: The beginning of physics IoP Physics Update 2008 Forces and fields Particles and symmetries Cosmology The Large Hadron Collider Particle detectors A Ring-Imaging

14-15th December 2008

Steve Wotton


Other connections

Medical imaging Photomultiplier tubes MRI Radio-isotopes production in accelerators

Proton cancer therapy Security scanning

Image Intensifiers X-ray Gamma-ray Cosmic-ray

Non-destructive testing Cosmic rays or neutrinos (“X-raying” the Pyramids) Fragile/valuable objects

Paintings Sculptures Wine Archaeological remains
