the battlecry christmas part 2


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Christmas Edition Part 2


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During this Holiday Season here in Afghanistan, I would like to send all of the TF Blackhawk Soldiers

my very best wishes for another great year. We have Soldiers serving across both Pak-tika and Gazni Provinces, some on their first deployment and others on their fourth or fifth deployment, yet all remain focused on the mission at hand.

Our Afghan Partners continue to make great strides towards achieving security primacy, in large part, due to the hard work, dedication, and leadership provided by TF Blackhawk Soldiers. Thank You.

Finally, I want to again thank the fami-lies and friends of TF Blackhawk who continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Being separated from our loved

ones is never an easy task, especially during the holiday season, but knowing that you are behind us, keeping us in your prayers, makes all of the difference.

I want to wish all of you a very joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year. We all look forward to a summer reunion.


A Message from Blackhawk 6

Edward T. Bohnemann



Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. Content with resting lazily on our pedestrian accomplishments over the past five months and coasting into 2012 on our just-released holiday special edition, we were not going to release a Christmas-day imprint of this gazette. Over the last five days, however, a nagging sense of duty, a vexing need to give something back to you, our fans and

supporters, has kept us awake with images of the Battle Cry seared into our subconscious. Out of this deep-seated altruistic longing was born the document with which you are now engaged.

This circular is thus a natural response to an innocent narrative of the holiday season. Let this document serve as your Christmas present from us. We wish you only the best at the close of the year and we hope that 2012 sees you and your Family thrive in the new globalized economy.

Have a great holiday and we’ll see you in 2012!

Joseph Buccino CHarles Crail Robert J. Holland

If you would like more information on how to purchase a har-dcopy version of The Battlecry, at cost, go to: Print service is provided by Hewlett-Packard and is neither funded nor hosted by the

172nd Infantry Brigade.



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A Christmas PromotionTwo days before Christmas, LTC Earl Higgins, commander of Task Force 1-2, conducted a battlefield promotion, elevating David Adams, the 1-2 ALOC NCOIC, from Sergeant to Staff Sergeant.

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Home for the HolidaysIt is a familiar complaint and a legitimate one. “You guys never show pictures of 1-2.” Fair enough. “You never cover the Black Scarves.” Unfortunately, yes. “You intentionally ignore our Soldiers.” Not true and not fair.

Now that 1-2 has relocated to Ghazni province and are once again under the operational control of the brigade, we are able to provide you with regular updates on your beloved Black Scarves. Back under Task Force Blackhawk, with all their organic companies, Task Force 1-2 is truly home for the holidays.

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Succession of commandCaptains Mike Roesler and Chris Barlow, respectively the current and future commanders of Venom Company, 1-2, discuss future operations with LTC Earl Higgins, Task Force Commander, and COL Edward T. Bohnemann, brigade commander.

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Merry Christmas BaileySPC John Whitehorn, paralegal for Task Force 1-2, wishes his wife Bailey a very Merry Christmas.

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We now face that day where we celebrate Christmas. Through-out the history of the celebra-

tion, it has been a time of joy, thanksgiv-ing, family, faith and worship. Yet here we are facing Christmas apart from the one or ones we hold most dear. For many this is their first time apart at Christmas from their spouse. For many children it is their first time apart from Mom or Dad on Christmas day. For others, this has sadly become old hat because you have done this many times. Whether this is your first time apart or the fifth time to experience separation at Christmas, many Soldiers find it harder to celebrate Christmas dur-ing a deployment. If this is your reality, I wish to remind you that it makes you completely normal. Don’t be too alarmed if you have a slight case of the Christmas blues.

It could become easy to focus on what is wrong with your family situation this Christmas season and totally miss the beauty of what is right. No matter what you face right now, and I do realize some are facing really tough situations, there is a beauty and majesty to Christmas that should not be missed. It ought to be a time of special memories and a real joyous celebration.

Christmas is the time we remember the Christ Child. Christmas is the time we remember God reminding each of us how much He loves us and passionately cares for us. Christmas is a time to reflect on the blessings of family and community and relationships that fill us up. Christmas is a time to cherish magical moments and great memories with family and friends. It is also a time to make special memo-ries and enjoy the blessings of giving and sharing. Most of all, Christmas is a time

to celebrate the blessings that God gives us and the love He pours over us which is wonderfully symbolized in the Babe in a manger who came to be our Savior.

So on behalf of myself and Staff Sergeant Keith Johnson at the Brigade, Chaplain Dasha Somaratna and SPC Eric Hebing from TF 1-2 IN, Chaplain Jon Bailey and Sergeamt Roger Capote from TF 2-28 IN, Chaplain Don Smith and Specialist Daniel Romero from TF 3-66 AR, Chaplain Keith Ferrell and Specialist Joshua Tanner from 1-77 FA, Chaplain Kirby Vidrine and Specialist Henry Grandberry from 9E, and Chaplain Brian Smith and Specialist Dan-iel Morlock from 172D SB, we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. It is our prayer that you experience the grace, the beauty, the wonder and the joy of this Christmas celebration. We pray that you and your Family members back home are able to share in a deep love for each other and to experience the deep love God has for each of you. In the same manner, we will be doing all we can on this end to ensure that your loved one is able to make this the best Christmas possible when so far from home. We pray that the grace and peace of God cover all the Blackhawks and their families whether they are in Afghanistan, Germany, the States or any-where else this Christmas. We also pray that the God will begin preparing all the hearts and homes this Christmas season for that special day of reunion that is not too far off. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” “May God bless us one and all.”

A Christmas BlessingStory by Chaplain (MAJ) Kevin Forrester

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A Christmas concertOn December 20th, the 1st Cavalry Division band visited the Blackhawks. The band conducted a series of special Christmas concerts for the Soldiers of task Force Blackhawk.

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Merry ChristmasFrom the Brigade’s Tactical Air Control Party!!!

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This Christmas season , it seemed like every American official and general officer vis-ited the brigade in Paktika, congratulating the Task Force Blackhawk Soldiers on their overwhelming success during the spring 2011 fighting sea-son and wishing them a Merry Christmas.

Honored Guests

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An ISAF Visit International Security Assistance Force commander Gen. John R. Allen conducted an on-site survey of ISAF outposts in Pak-tika province, Dec. 19. Gen. Allen was able to see, first hand, how the soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment at Observation Post Twins and Combat Outpost Margah secure their positions near Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan. In addition to receiving a tactical brief regarding the security situation, Gen. Allen also visited with soldiers individually and thanked them for their service.

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Christmas in PaktikaOn Christmas Eve and Christmas Day the Battle Cry staff visited every COP, every FOB, and every unit across the brigade. From Andar to Margah, we have it all covered and it is all here for you.

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Christmas Day Special

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Christmas Day Special

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Pack your (book) bag:what to expect from us in 2012

2012 brings with it the promise of excitement, intrigue, and dramatic imagery in the pages of the Battle Cry magazine. We will con-tinue on our current pace, with a new edition coming out monthly.

In addition, on January 1st, 2012, we will release an epic video featuring the brigade’s accomplishments from the deployment thus far. The video is going to be a great product and we will have more released throughout the year.

Our long-term project is a deployment highlight “yearbook,” featuring every single Soldier in the brigade in every single unit. The yearbook will feature all of the brigade’s highlights and accomplishments during the deployment. We are really excited about the book, as we believe that it will stand the test of time as a document that will remain in your Family forever, a snapshot of your Soldier at a crucial time in the history of America and Central Asia.

We are, of course, open to any and all suggestions, as we work for you, our loyal readers. Please send any guidance to us, the Battle Cry staff, at: [email protected]


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BlackHawk 6 & BlackHawk 7

Merry Christmas & Happy New year!Oper


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