the balance in the force

The Balance In The Force v4.0 2009 1 | Page Dr. Gina M.-S. Star Wars Clone Wars: The Balance in the Force DISCLAIMER: I intend no infringement on the Lucasfilm characters, situations, or storylines. I am making absolutely NO money off this so suing-I have ZERO money anyways. This story is merely by a research scientist who jumped ship to catch a freighter to change the Star Wars Universe and I have way too much time on my hands. Title: The Balance In The Force Author(s): Dr. Gina M.-S. & Lucasfilm Timeframe: Clone Wars, between Episodes 2-3 22BBY-18.5BBY Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker, The Prodigy Darth Revan, Chancellor Palpatine, Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Obi-Wan, Master Quinlan Vos, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Fallen Prince Xixor, Winter, Senator Bail Organa, Senator Mon Motha, Senator Kaputs, Padawan Jlani Sivad, Dr. Tórrido Soñador, C3PO, R2-D2, Padawan Ahsoka Genre: OC, The Prequels Keywords: Balance, Tantra, Kama Sutra, Love, Marriage, Babies, Family, Visions, Star Forge, Supernova Summary: Master Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker broke the Jedi Code of “Forbidden Attachments” because of their marital love. But after a year and half, their marriage is tested by the Dark Side of the Force! Separatist leader Count Dooku and the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress kidnap Senator Amidala while she was on a diplomatic mission to the Bakura System. Balefully, a new powerful Sith Lord, The Prodigy Darth Revan coerces Count Dooku and Ventress to take an oath to him as he activates an ancient semi-living superweapon called the Star Forge made by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. It destroys stars by causing a supernova, wrecking havoc across the galaxy and beyond. Anakin chooses to separate from Padme to follow the Jedi Code, until he discovers his wife is in mortal danger and he will need the help of the Jedi. Will Anakin, the Chosen One, trust the Force to save the only woman he has ever loved and who is bearing his child or will he sacrifice his love to save the Galaxy? Anakin must decide “The Balance In The Force”.

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The Balance In The Force v4.0 2009

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Star Wars Clone Wars: The Balance in the Force

DISCLAIMER: I intend no infringement on the Lucasfilm characters, situations, or storylines. I am making absolutely NO money off this so suing-I have ZERO money anyways. This story is merely by a research scientist who jumped ship to catch a freighter to change the Star Wars Universe and I have way too much time on my hands.

Title: The Balance In The Force Author(s): Dr. Gina M.-S. & Lucasfilm Timeframe: Clone Wars, between Episodes 2-3 22BBY-18.5BBY Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker, The Prodigy Darth Revan, Chancellor Palpatine, Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Obi-Wan, Master Quinlan Vos, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Fallen Prince Xixor, Winter, Senator Bail Organa, Senator Mon Motha, Senator Kaputs, Padawan Jlani Sivad, Dr. Tórrido Soñador, C3PO, R2-D2, Padawan Ahsoka Genre: OC, The Prequels Keywords: Balance, Tantra, Kama Sutra, Love, Marriage, Babies, Family, Visions, Star Forge, Supernova Summary: Master Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker broke the Jedi Code of “Forbidden Attachments” because of their marital love. But after a year and half, their marriage is tested by the Dark Side of the Force! Separatist leader Count Dooku and the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress kidnap Senator Amidala while she was on a diplomatic mission to the Bakura System. Balefully, a new powerful Sith Lord, The Prodigy Darth Revan coerces Count Dooku and Ventress to take an oath to him as he activates an ancient semi-living superweapon called the Star Forge made by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. It destroys stars by causing a supernova, wrecking havoc across the galaxy and beyond. Anakin chooses to separate from Padme to follow the Jedi Code, until he discovers his wife is in mortal danger and he will need the help of the Jedi. Will Anakin, the Chosen One, trust the Force to save the only woman he has ever loved and who is bearing his child or will he sacrifice his love to save the Galaxy? Anakin must decide “The Balance In The Force”.

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When Does A Vacation Need To Be Rationalized?

Elsewhere inside the building, Senator Padmé Amidala works at her office. Anakin Skywalker is visiting her. He is restless. Though he is supposed to be at a meditative retreat, he is instead trying to convince Padmé to take some time off so they could go away together privately. Padmé remains focused on her work, but Anakin stresses that nothing is more important than their feelings. Anakin Skywalker has just fought one of the toughest battles in this horrid Separatist War. Wearily, he returns to Coruscant and finds his way to the Jedi Temple, which reminds him of the meditation retreat to Peace City in Ylesia. He wanted to take Padme because the spice baths will be good for him and his wife. Padme was battling a non-biological proliferation mandate against Separatists in the Senate committee. Anakin heard that this mandate was some kind of poison warfare that maims all lifeforms. This poison slowly damages midichlorian DNA on the D-Loop positive strand, and then inactivates the PGC-1a, which regulates the flow of energy throughout the brain. When the brain encounters stressful situations, an utterly painful life is prolonged. This drug affects most sentient beings, with a few exceptions, such as Force-Sensitive beings. Nevertheless, both Anakin and Padme need a holiday with each other! Anakin would tell the Jedi Council, he is going on a well-deserved meditative retreat, which is the truth and he. Anakin just knew Padme will take a break to make a better informed decision on her Senate vote. Anakin mused to himself that a mandate like this one will keep all planets safe from poison warfare--because all life deserves a chance! Anakin stood on the cold marble floor when he met with the Jedi Council. Noticing the 12 seats of the Masters, there was Master Vos, 3-D holonet image of Grand Master Yoda was out on mission to Ryloth, Master Windu was present as usual, Master Obi-Wan, a 3-D holonet image of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas--wow this must be important from Dantooine! Master Adi Gailla, Master Oppo Rancisis, Master Bardon Jurik, Master, Master, Master, Master and Master... Amazed to see all these venerable Masters since his trials, he speaks, "Masters I have come before you to request time to commune as one with the Force--to meditate and seek mindfulness and peace. For does not the Code say, 'I can only find peace, when I am beyond passion; and in the absence of ignorance, I will gain knowledge...' I respectfully request to go on Ylesia, the retreat planet." "Go, be with you The Force is" Grand Master Yoda exclaims. Even Master Windu realized the hard work Anakin has done. Restraining his inner glee, Anakin quickly purchased passage on a small ship that will drop off Coruscantian supplies to Ylesia, hoping that he can convince a certain Senator to travel with him in her personal ship. Anakin gloated to himself, “Ah, these plans are coming together!”

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Hastily finding his way to Padme’s penthouse apartment with practically a skip in his step, he could not wait to tell his wife, Padme. With warmth in his heart Anakin thought, “Ah Padme, now we can have a REAL honeymoon!” Anakin ruminates about how he will explain his wonderful plans. So, he decides to pack his swim gear, shades and well, he just have wear his Jedi robes as his—robe to lie on the chaise. Then he hears her with her usual entourage. Anakin resented having to keep to himself until Padme’s entourage was dismissed. Of course C3PO and R2D2 will say nothing. Anakin, chuckles to himself thinking how he just wrote that “sole ignore code” for the droids, in not recording any of their interactions, especially the intimate ones… Anakin was hyped that this trip will have a high level of intimacy. He mused, “It is only natural, it is expected! It is between a man and his wife—what marry couples do! This trip will be good for us!” Yet, Padme with her grandiose demeanor always did her duty, exactly what is expected of her. Thanks her handmaidens, as she can somehow tell, Anakin’s presence. Anakin muses to himself, that she must be "Force-sensitive", something which Master Yoda, Master Windu and Master Obi-Wan have discussed a long time ago. Anakin thinks that her family absolutely forbade her to become a Jedi, a keeper of the peace. "What irony", Anakin thought, "to actually love another 'Jedi' like I am supposed to do!" Padme with her harried swishing of her bulky Senatorial customary dress, always looked beautiful, and always looked resplendent, found Anakin packing in stuff from his closet. Shocked, Padme thought the worst, “The Order found out about us!” When she saw the clothes: swimming trunks, protective star ointment, Zogg's Sex Wax--wait! Her mind clarified, she asked, "What... Where are you going?" Anakin excitedly exclaimed, "The trip! I've gotten permission to take some R & R! 2 weeks!" "R & R? How? Why? Where?" Padme was surprised. "Well, where - Ylesia and why - I need it and I know you need it, too. And..." Padme interrupts, "I can't go to Ylesia! What am I suppose to tell..." "You tell them you need time to reflect on your decision so that you can vote for the best bill!" Padme sits slumps on the sofa and looks down befuddled, how is she going to explain this to her constituency? The last time she had a break... Was three years ago before the War and she found herself secretly married? Wait! Married for three years! We are still standing, so I guess the secret has not killed us.

As Anakin encircled her, caressing her shoulders and knelt down to her gazing into her beautiful eyes, lovingly, and then pleaded, "I need this – err - WE need this, Padme... Can't we just have

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this? Once in our lifetimes?" Padme sees his heart through his impassioned eyes and straightens up her posture and emphatically states, "Anakin... We want this retreat!" Anakin's face and heart lightens with glee as he passionately kisses Padme's sweet lips. He thinks "Don't waste it here, Cerulean Del Mar, here I come!"

The Wisdom To Know The Difference

The mind shattered, the memories scattered, and soon thought dead by the galaxy–at– is preserved...

Anakin received an odd holocommunique from the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine before his departure time to Ylesia. Upon arrival to his ante-room, the Chancellor, old curmudgeon, greeted him, gleefully, "Master Anakin Skywalker! It's such a pleasure to see you!" Breathless, Anakin replied respectfully, "Yes, Chancellor, you summoned me?" Slowly asking, like all elders do when they know people are rushed, "Ahh, I see here that you are going to a Meditative Retreat on Ylesia?" Without a huge sigh, Anakin regain his calm, stated, "Yeah, yes, sir?" Again slowly speaking, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine "Will you be going alone?" With all his Force feeling suppression might to guard his feelings, Anakin calmly answers, "Yes. Yes I will." Then wonders, what he thought he said himself, yet actually was said out loud, "Why do you ask, sir?" Then the stodgy old hermit, smiled and said, "Good for you, you deserve it and I bid you bon voyage!" Just when the Master Jedi was about to leave, the old man exclaimed, "Ah yes! I have a parting gift for you! A little puzzle box!" Anakin, while accustomed to advice and gifts bequeathed to him by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, he was rather annoyed with this one, but with his Force Strength he remained mindful. Yes, mindfulness was the order of the day per the teachings of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Supreme Chancellor feebly placed the box into Anakin's hand while he oddly gazed upon it with a smirked smile. Choked at the sheer superfluous of it, Anakin meekly replies, "Thank you, Chancellor!"

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Then Anakin left, mumbling under his breath because of another "bizarre gift" from Chancellor Palpatine. Padme said he has always been creepy like that, but to interrupt his anxious excitement of a long deserved vacation, that was enough! He ran to the ship depot as he was packed and ready to catch his alleged supply ship departure! He realized that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's eyes watching him while he left the office park. For whatever reason, Anakin always felt that the Chancellor kept an uncomfortable scrutiny, somewhat like a predator stalking his prey. Once Anakin sensed the Chancellor looked away, he quickly ran over to the waiting hover vehicle with his wife and the droids and she quickly moved over so that he could race her to her "J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship". But, the Chancellor had quickly turned back and watched Master Skywalker and Senator Amidala race off, long enough to activate the capitol city's viewer cameras and film their departure. Bemused, the Chancellor shook his head and thought, "What if those two are together?" and then, another alert call for another meeting requiring his attention... As a passing thought, he was glad he re-gifted the ancient Rakatan Infinite Empire's "mind trap", which contained a shard holocron of the shattered memories of a Sith Lord to the young Jedi.

See Threepio flew the royal starship so that Anakin and Padme could relax and set their human circadian rhythm genes: Clk, Bmal, Per, Ter and BMP to Ylesian time while in hyperspace. Homo sapiens sapiens require specifically purified 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide tanks in a chamber, both Anakin and Padme were completely stressed and exhausted from all their work. All they could manage to do together for the rest of the trip was sleep. Within Galactic Standard Cycle (GSC) time or 72 hours, they arose well rested and ready to land on Ylesia. Once the door was opened, the fragrant spice permeated all the humid tropical air to immediately relieve any stressed-traveler’s mood into a relaxed vacationer’s mood. It was thought that the native T'landa til's mating calls activated humanoids gamma brain waves via the dopamine neurotransmitters system, which heightened one’s awareness. Hearing the calls along with Tantric spices at Cerulean Del Mar expands “intimate awareness”, so much so, that Force-sensitive individuals have heightened senses. This whole process was called "the Exultation". As the droids unloaded their luggage, Senator Amidala entered the lush tropical landscapes at the reservations desk of the Cerulean Del Mar Resort and Spa. Based on her stature, the resort specifically placed her in the highly secure, highly private penthouse suite with all staff being chipped for security. Little did the staff know that her accompanying partner was a Jedi Knight who can protect her more than anyone else! She kept that to herself. Anakin and Padme raced to the suite, so that they both quickly change into their bathing suits to swim in those natural volcanic waterfall slides they noticed. Gleefully, they laughed as they raced down, and started trekking up the slopes to the highest slide. Like children, they raced to the entrance and then 15 seconds down the slide. The water was freezing at first, but became

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warmer the more they did it. Anakin and Padme repeatedly climbed to the top of the waterfall slides and raced forward, backwards and rolled to the bottom, until they were tuckered. Finally, they raced to the bottom pool and Anakin who had gone first, stood up boldly and became encaptured by taking a huge whiff of the spicy atmosphere and absorbed the mating calls of the T'landa Til. He was in a trance by the Ylesian moons skyline and landscape. Instantly, Padme plowed into his lower back with her head first. He flopped into the water where he immediately turned around lifting her up by the Force movement out of the water and proceeded to shout, "KRIFF! What the KARK are you doing?" Sobering from what had just happened, Padme chuckles, "W-What?" Anakin angered and pained by the loss of his new found euphoria barked, "Why did you do that?" Padme got a hold of herself, realized she is 5 feet above the pool, calmly replied, "Anakin, please, put me down, I'm scared." It is the usual fearfulness she had around Anakin, practically a trained killer for the Jedi per rumor. Many of her Senate colleagues would quietly say these things during the most horrific periods of the Clone Wars regarding the Jedi. Anakin realizing what he has done, straightened quickly, and gently floated her over the water, and belly-flopped her into the water laughing hysterically. When she came up, she splashed water in his face, and was angry that he scared her like that, but it would not be unusual for her. His fluctuating moods were often her own private pain and she thought his swings were caused by his frequent battles that only needed some R & R. She felt if she gave him the space he needed, and he could be able to mentally recover and be the man, her husband that she fell in love with on Naboo. But for now, she was tired from all the fun, the spice and the vocals were intoxicating, so the feelings of frustrated anger became fleeting afterthoughts. While she wrung out her hair, she was getting hungry and she stepped out of the pool. While Padme dried herself off with her towel, Anakin assiduously observed her every move, from how she wiped the water from her limbs, to how she bent down to partially dried and combed her hair. As she flipped up and around, she slicked it back into ponytail. His eyes drew down the curvature of her forehead, nose, luscious lips, and chin. The inset of her neck, her collar bones, and then to the coverage of her breasts that caused him to drool. Padme had been saying his name a couple of times before he blinked out of his trance. Realizing what he was doing, he said, "Um, yeah, yeah, I am ready to go." With pride, he played it off; he knew Padme did not like that. She always had to be in control of this relationship and that was fine by him, however, when he managed to rapt her attention, she was too whiny, clingy and needy. That was one of Anakin's pet peeves of being married to her, but in Ylesia, that frustration was dulled and his emotions turned into delirium. They prepared for supper in formal attire and dress at the all-inclusive resort. She ordered a lite-meal as usual. He had a voracious appetite and he engorged and hoarded his food as if had hyperphagia. Padme pushed her meal from one end of the plate to the other. Of course he did

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not dare try any Jedi tricks for the public to see. When Anakin and Padme had finished, and they went out for a night on the town! Padme thought, “Finally! A REAL date!” Then a tiny tot who was no more than 3 ran up Padme and gave her a hug with a glee and huge grin. The little girl had all white hair and happily asserted to Padme, "I know you! You are my 'bestest sister-friend's' mother and her name is Lei..." Immediately, the little girl's name was called by her frantic mother, "Winter! Winter, where are you?" Since the voice sounded very familiar to Padme, she wrestled her body from the little girl’s hold, "You better go to your mother! I am sorry, but I don't have any children, sweetheart!" Winter laughed and said, "You will!" Then pointing to herself proudly proclaiming, "And I will be her 'bestest sister-friend!'" Then she darted off to meet her distressed mother. Embarrassed, Padme, quickly vacated the scene to catch up to Anakin, who actually had heard the whole conversation. With his hands behind his back, Anakin strolled out to the Esplanade toward the nightly festival. Excited by all the cajoling, the spice seemed more potent and the male vocals more powerful, Anakin asked casually to a exasperated Padme, "Who was that?" Attempting to laugh it off, Padme said, "Oh some little white haired girl claiming she was 'my – err - our daughter's' best friend." Anakin sensed the various festive activities along the Promenade. {Insert song here: Jill Scott's--It's Love} Anakin felt Padme's hand wrap around his right arm, as if he was her escort. He put his arm down, and carefully held her smooth soft hand. Anakin, snickered, "Daughter huh?” Then added sarcastically, “Let me know when that happens?" Padme, yanked her hand from him and put her hand on her hips, "What's that suppose to mean?!?" Anakin, rather inebriated by now, quickly grabbed his wife from the small of her back, and flatly stated, "Awww, my love, you know how we can quickly fix that..." While he attempted to lay a fat kiss on those luscious lips of hers, Padme, squeeze out of his grip, inquiring further, "Anakin! I thought we agreed to keep our marriage a secret? If we have a baby..." Anakin, interrupted her abruptly with a huge bellowing wail when he heard one of the latest hip hop tunes from Pirate HoloNet Entertainment rap groups:

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{Insert Music Here: Swagger Like Us, Jay Z, T.I., Kanye, Lil Wayne} He started to dance and jump according to what the clones taught him how to do from several missions. He raised his hands in the air, showing gestures of the warriors that often show up on the bootlegged downloaded malware Holo-iTunes. Padme, having never observe this behavior or mood for that matter was taken aback and it was odd for her refined aristocracy. As the hook began to explode, Anakin yelled out the lyrics, with several other revelers to the tune, and skipped right into the bar from whence it came. Padme trailing and saw various beings doing all kinds of dance moves, some of them obscene! To say the very least, she was shocked by Anakin, because she would have never thought he would listen to any pirated bootlegged downloaded malware Holo-iTunes that frankly sounded, well, misogynistic!!! When she was pushed into the bar, the bartendress threw her a dirty look, as if she had asked her for Corellian Millennial Vintage Champagne. But amazingly, Miss Padme requested a "Dirty Spiced Hanava Zog Vermú-Genièvre". Rather amazed, the bartendress served her the drink and Padme gingerly sipped it and thought, “Wow! That was good!” Just one lightweight sip made Padme lightheaded, and then she turned to find Anakin in the dancing crowd. She was awestruck to see him dancing to the raunchy lyrics, and then to see him grinding on a scantily clad curvaceous Twi'lek tramp doing sexually explicit moves on him!!! Padme sipped some “liquid courage” and stormed off to confront Anakin. Then out of nowhere, a sexy, green muscle-bound Falleen beast whisked her off to the other side of the dance floor. Dizzy, Padme, erotically quivered when she felt the ooze of his sweat on her exposed skin adding to that sensuality in the air. So she gulped down her cocktail and did a simple side-to-side dance to her own beat. The music changed to a deeper bass, and judging by the howls, it sounded like it was another popular tune. All the avowed females squatted to the floor and shook their appendages in the air... {Insert song here: Get Low: Lil Jon And The East Side Boyz, Busta Rhymes, Elephant Man, Ying Yang Twins – Get Low Remix} It was at that point, Anakin's drunken stupor waned and he noticed that Padme was dancing with a muscle-bound Falleen. Anakin had seen this guy in his the rap sheets and often in the wrong places, but he could not quite place who he was. So Anakin zeroed in on Padme attempting to bend over oddly, according to the lyrics of the song. Shocked and angered, he stomped over to her, gripping her left bicep and angrily grilled, "Are you out of your KRIFFIN’ mind?!?" Padme, more than tipsy and glazed, chortled, "Where's your new friend?" Anakin retorted, "What friend?" The Falleen blocked Anakin and in a low sexy voice he seductively asked Padme, "Hello, I am

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Xizor… Is this jerk bothering you?" He cracked a huge devious grin and his eyes sparkled. That enraged Anakin so much so that he has not felt this angry since his mother died in Tatooine. Anakin was about to Force grip this Falleen but decided to declare publicly, "She is my WIFE! And I am a JE..." Just then, SecureBots enter the bar and the Falleen Prince Xizor, could not afford further exposure of his operations on Ylesia, so he backed off and left quickly. The SecureBots, asked in a bland compuvoice to Anakin, "Do we have a problem?" Whatever buzz Anakin had completely dissipated, meanwhile, Padme, was completely wasted. Anakin carried her, and sternly said, "No! We are going back to the resort." Padme was angry because she was having so much fun being wild and out, and letting loose! {Insert song here: ANAKIN: (Electro Music)} While walking back, Padme pupils were dilated, and she hiccupped. She flippantly uttered, "Anakin, when I saw you dance with that tramp, I was fretfully, [belch] jealous..." While they stumbled back to the resort, she stopped and continued pointing to him, "I never considered losing you to another BEYOTC...!” She turned around and admonished him, “Young man!" And then, Anakin stopped and caviled, "You are a senator and you are my wife... First there is this Clovis person, and then you are dancing with a suspected Falleen criminal!" Padme, attempting to be sober opined, "Anakin, I care for you so much. I just wanted to have the same kind of fun you were having…" Anakin, realized that in all his exuberance for leave, he had forgotten his place and he was not mindful of his surroundings. But purveying his olfactory centers was spice aroma... While there were no T'landa t'il male mating calls, his heightened mood and buzz was gone. He smiled at Padme because she was truly beautiful to him and before him was his greatest treasure - looking at her luscious lips, he grabbed her face, and passionately kissed her. Meanwhile, her eyes opened, and then closed them as she flung her arms around his neck, giggling due to her heightened stupor. They were still kissing when the door to their bedroom flung open and C3PO asked in his stoic nature, "Is there anymore I can do?" With the Force, Anakin, moved C3PO out, closed the door and locked it. Anakin jumped on the bed, while Padme trailed off into the huge marbled bathroom. While he was waiting, the male mating vocalizations encored but a different tenor-a more sensual one. Then, the spice aroma was a more flowery fragrant, like a Lavender-Patchouli-Myrrh. He decided to disrobe and get under the covers of the bed. Anakin was almost drifting off into his Exultation trip when Padme busted out in lingerie he had never imagine she would wear! She

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was in a hot pink lace and silk sequined gown that had a highly revealing split. Her hair tussled with her locks brought forward on one side. His eyes widened as if he won the “Coruscanti Lottery Sweepstakes” and he was about to unwrap his gift for endless sweets!!! Padme steadied herself, after making sure she brought her Naboo DG (Dolce Gabbana) Perfum Oil Aphrodisiacs-known to excite and entice any lover. The last time she has spent with Anakin, he did not touch her and slept immediately. Anakin was salivating; he took his limbs, one being robotic arm, and bent them behind his head, beaming at the erotic display. Padme angled herself over to the bed, almost tumbling onto it due to its height. By the time, she arranged her body, she was giggling, and so was Anakin. He took his human hand and circled her hair, down her shoulders, and down her stomach, her hips, thighs, then back up to her chin where he kissed her passionately. She looked at him with glazed eyes as he gaped and said, "I AM your protector; you will ALWAYS be with me." Padme understood Anakin's thoughts with a nod, and then he sternly said with a devilish grin, "Let's see how we can solve that tot's problem." She laid on her back as he kissed her and got on top. He practically bit her areolas which caused her some pain, but Padme’s high kept her numb. His eyes almost had a fiery glow in them, and then he pounced, flipping her over on her stomach, spreading her legs forcefully and slammed his member inside her. She was ill-prepared for him as her temple was dry, and then his robotic arm slammed her head into the pillow where she felt like she was suffocating, while he kept slamming into her. She cried, “Anakin, please!” He removed himself as she crawled feebly to get away, then he grabbed her leg and flipped her on her back. Anakin eager with excitement, grabbed both of her hands and hyper-extending them above her head. With his robotic arm he flung open her legs again, and then jumped on her pelvis. Padme felt paralyzed due to the Spice, and she was unable to speak. She was in fact fearful to say anything due to his aggression and any mood swings Anakin might be having that could hurt her more. There was a roll and a shake, and upon slamming and demolishing Padme's sacred temple, he had a chilling vision: a Mandolorian Masked Face with the skills of a Jedi clearly stated, "This is not your daughter's time..." Anakin seeing this hallucination quickly vacated her temple in fear. Padme, scared of Anakin’s mood meekly asked, "What's wrong?" Unable to make sense of what happened, Anakin stuttered, “Um, I'm sorry; I've just had too much excitement for one day. L-Let's just get some rest for tomorrow's activities?" With that he turned away from her, as usual he started something that he never finished. Padme thought when she turned away from him scared and confused, "Is this normal in a marriage?"

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Invariably, he left enough of his anointing to shift "The Balance in The Force" inside her...

Senator Kaputs' HELP Committee Briefings on PharmaCon

Obi-Wan tilted his head, and a hint of rueful smile showed through his beard to Padme, "You should have been a Jedi." Padme arose with the blaring sound from R2D2’s comlink and the Ylesian bright morning sunlight upon her eyes. Her upper inner thighs were sorely painful, reddened and raw. Her stomach ached. As she groggily stumbled out of bed squinted her eyes and covering them to find the bathroom. She screamed to herself, “Ouch!” The tiled floor was unbelievably cold! She managed to find the toilet and relieve her bladder. She screamed to herself, “Ouch!” The liquid stream stung! Then she finished, as she evacuated the space. When she looked back at the voided material, there were a few small drops of blood. "Odd," she thought to herself, "I thought the BC internal chip eliminates that for 2 years?" She shook it off and chalked it up as the "extra acrobats" she experienced last night as far as she could remember. She, stood up to the mirror to do a self-check, activated the hand sanitation cycle, and she yelled to herself, “OUCH! PAIN ALL THROUGHOUT! ” Pain from her head, to her sinuses to the middle of her frontal lobe—a migraine! She immediately grabbed the brim between her nose and some of the pain subsided. She blamed herself when she thought, "Maybe I shouldn't have gulped down that Hanava Zog cocktail..." Her jostled hair covered her smeared make up on her face. As the sanitation cycle completed, she rubbed her hands quickly to fully clean them, besides it soothed her bad impinging hangover. As she cleaned her mascara and eyeliner, a masked figure stood behind her and laughed evilly. Startled she jumped around and saw nothing! Immediately, a feminine type cramp caused her to fall to the floor and she caved in on her body with excruciating pain. She struggled to pull her body up with her elbows to the toilet, and readjusted herself to sit on it again, the utter pain subsided. Lightheaded she ambled up avoiding the mirror for fear of the scary hallucination would reappear... She walks out of the bathroom and looked at Anakin, of course peacefully sleeping and snoring while hugging his pillow. With the ruckus she was made, he barely stirred. R2 kept beeping for the long range transmission. Padme grabbed her robe and exited the chamber to answer the transmission. Her senate assistant, Liannia informed her that the Supreme Chancellor has called the Senate for a vote on Senator Kaputs' PharmaCon bill 7 days from now on Coruscant. After hearing the transmission, she immediately alerted the droids to pack and ready her Starship. She walked back into the Chamber, and approached the tranquil, sleeping, snorting Anakin and gently planted kisses on him to arise... Groggily he rubbed his eyes and said, "Mmmm, good morning! What time is it?" Padme smiled sweetly, "It is 10, and we have to leave in 2 hours because I have been

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summoned for a vote." Anakin moaned as he face-planted into the pillow, and then he sighed, "Duty calls!" And then he curiously inquired, "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself in the bathroom?" Padme nervously laughed, "Yeah, I, uh, stubbed my toe." Anakin's eyebrow popped up. She came out, "Okay! So, I have a hangover! Geez!" Anakin chuckles and then stretch yawns, as he manages to get over his little buzz... On the long flight back to Coruscant, Padme and Anakin slept in two separate chambers so as to focus their minds on upcoming work. Padme pretty much slept to regain her chemically-induced imbalance, which required an IV dose of 1000 volume 2-hydroxypropanoic acid-Sonnerie's solution. Whereas, Anakin complained and ruminated about how his “shore leave” was cut short because of Padme's work, again! He logically understood the importance and relevancy of having to leave, but something called back to him. He was not sure exactly what it was, but something in the spice and the Exultation caused him to expand his view of the Force and its use: both with the will of the Force AND the Living Force! He wanted to explore it more and he was coming to some revelation in that during his sleep meditation. It was ALL Padme’s fault who cut his connection to the Force and Spice short by planting annoying, clingy little kisses on him and telling his leave was canceled. He blamed Padme for their restrictive married life. All the love he has lavished on her and then she has to be so frigid! What is even more frustrating is when they are truly alone together, all he feels like doing with her is carousing, imbibing, but then she either becomes whiny and clingy or unable to “chill”—she is a prude! Then, she nags him about their future and not letting anyone find out! They never get a chance to just relax and be what he wants to be with her. NOT like it was in the Lake Country on Naboo after these 3 years! All he wants is to love her for himself and not be forced to share her with anyone! Her presence soothes his pain. At the same time, she is so, so prissy! While she is highly accomplished professionally, she had ZERO understanding of how to love him, and then she is so insensitive to his traumas! She is a cold limp fish! Especially after all the horrors of battle he has from this sorely needed war! He wants to aggressively take action and win, just like the Supreme Chancellor wants! She argues with sycophants and bureaucrats, who are unable to get things done, while he is mired on the battle zones to make these pompous senators live fancy! To hear Padme whine about it and then not letting anyone know about their marriage? Please! What is frustrating, is only his mentor, Chancellor Palpatine seems to understand his pain about battle, and he does not know about his marriage. Anakin rarely, complained, because it was not the "Jedi Way", it just seemed that when actions were taken for granted by government officials, such as the Senators or the Jedi for that matter, Chancellor Palpatine always was patiently waiting to give Anakin supportive encouragement more than anyone else - especially his "wife". "Yes, supportive encouragement was more important than anything else" so Anakin thought. He added, "I need to stay more at the Jedi Temple and practice my craft!” As he drifted through hyperspace, he thought, "This will be best for the both of us."

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The following day after their return, Senator Padme Amidala, dressed in formal Senate attire and headed toward her office with her usual entourage of handmaidens, attendants, administrators and guards. She was attempting to be strong since her heart was troubled because she had an ugly argument with Anakin after getting home that night. He did not want to spend the night at "her" penthouse apartment anymore and there was no definite date how long they would be gone separated. She pleaded with him to stay because she felt very sick and he still left her. With all the composure she managed to muster up, she used her education and training to do the tasks she was appointed to do with regalement. In fact, her husband was downright alienating toward her, cutting off discussions as to what he felt was best for the both of them. To her dismay, he said he hated Ylesia and thought it was a mistake to go there--because of her! Moreover, with their last few outings, she was stifling and he cannot relax fully. He told her that needed to practice his Jedi trainings to become a better Knight and to find a way to end this war, by any means necessary! And he said to her that she will only get in his way of him accomplishing any goal in his life. Or at least that is how she interpreted it. Nevertheless, it felt like a knife had stabbed her heart. Being dutiful, she relented and stayed silent so as to not escalate his tirade affecting his moods. He was right, though, Senator Amidala has a lot of work before her and she does not need any silly disruptions. While Anakin felt frustrated and said the trip was useless and he could not unwind, the Ylesia trip helped her make her voting decision on the Senatorial Committee granting PharmaCon the entire contract for the new Agriligand drug, RU-597. This compound is a miracle! It will save billions starving communities on distant planets by warding off deadly invasive weeds and growing healthier foods. And it was done in an environmentally friendly manner--the Agriligand was non-teratogenic. As a drug, the phamacokinetics are pristine; its directed non-reversible binding first order rate kinetics targeted the key enzymes in the midichlorians with specificity and avidity. Her decision became clear in Ylesia, based on what little she knows about the Living Force, a manufactured macromolecular ligand to help crops would be fantastic! However, more studies are required. The gnawing question that keeps rising in committee meetings is who owns PharmaCon? Senator Kaputs keeps saying it is the concerned physician-scientists and citizens and commercial enterprise, but then, who are these people? There are no witnesses except shown on HNN (HoloNet News) as angry mob protesters on Alderaan, Chandrilla, and Kasshykk. On Coruscant, supporting or protesting any bill is only allowed in the Senate Rotunda and only upon a vote of the entire body, or when the Supreme Chancellor requests for it. Senate committee rarely has vocal eye-witness accounts. Still something was odd about this Agriligand, such as the systems that have been treated, weed killers are a local issue and why is it being used so close to extra-galactic space? Thinking all this through, Senator Amidala entered her office and sat in her chair to prepare for her remarks from the last committee meeting. Her assistant brought her the usual effects, the senate committee minutes, hot tisane to ease her nerves, 0.25 L purified 18 ohm Aqua and some vitamins to keep her sharp, especially after any long trip. Her assistant, Liannia also stayed to get any instructions, yet, this time, Senator Amidala said she needed to review the

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minutes and then will call for him, later. She turned her chair to face the anti-munition-piercing glass and proceeded to read the minutes when she looked up at what she first thought was an flying avian flock, but it turned out to be that masked individual she saw in Ylesia! Shocked he reached out to her and ghostly hissed, "I AM REVAN." She blinked several times, to make sure what she saw was real, but at that time, the avian flock landed then took flight. And then that feminine cramp clamped down on her again. She fell down on the floor, jolting her hot tisane and the Aqua bottle thumped her head. The assistant fearing the worst, raced through the door and asked, "M'Lady, are you alright?" Ashen and embarrassed, Senator Amidala said, "Yeah. Yes, yes, I am alright. I just trying to retrieve one of vitamins I inadvertently dropped on the floor. Silly me..." The assistant appeared confused. Then Senator Amidala breathed a slow inhalation and exhalation breath and said, "Right, let's go to this committee meeting!" She entered the foyer of the committee room and realized seating filling quite fast. Then she saw a raised arm, which was Senator's Bail Organa who was seated next to Senator Mon Mothma. They had always served on many committees together and voted together on many pieces of legislation. They have shared chairs together and they have help build the lives of many of their constituencies and abroad. They were fearless, together. Senator Amidala sat between the two. Then as the lights dimmed, the presentations were made again on the impinging legislation on the HoloScreen. When it ended, a motion was made to discuss the ruling of the agenda to call a roll by electrostick. All Senators waved their special counting devices before a detection screen to record their presence. The final tally of the number of Senators present and their trade route affiliations were posted on the HoloScreen. Then, a motion requiring systems to be documented orally was demanded, it was also, seconded, which meant that systems were called out, and the Senator representing that system would wand their electrostick before the detection device to indicate that they were there. Since it was NOT the full Galactic Senate but a committee meeting, it should be relatively fast. But government work is tedious and slow to change. Upon calling each system, Senator Amidala suddenly felt nausea, so much so, she started to get hot and sweat profusely. She handed Senator Organa to wand her electrostick for her, as sometimes that happens, as she raced to get to the restrooms before she actually vomited, while covering her mouth with one hand and gripping her stomach. Out of breath, she jumped for the first open toilet stall, which was for expansive sentient beings, and proceeded to heave into the toilet. Along with that she gagged mucus. The vomit was her masticated breakfast she had earlier. Frustrated, she gripped the stool, when Senator Mothma came in and gently asked, "Senator Amidala, are you okay?" Senator Amidala, hyperventilating, ambled up, to say she will get it together, when out falls this small box made of wood onto the floor. There was a tiny microscopic light within it. It looked like a holocron that Jedi use, but she has never seen one this small before or that color. Anyhow, she places it in her robed box from where it fell, and wipes some of the spittle off with her wrist, as she walks out from the evacuating stall. She looks Senator Mothma in the eyes and says, "I will be fine." while she activates the hand sanitizing program. As she looks into the mirror, she sees the masked figure again, but Senator Mothma is standing "inside" him! No

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longer fearful, she ignores the figure, but looks squarely at him. He proceeds to say hauntingly, "I am the Prodigy Darth Revan and I will be reborn!" Before the Philacters lock them out, they get back into their seats. Senator Organa had wand her electrostick for her system, Naboo to be recognized on this vote and debate. The motion was made to accept PharmaCon's proposal to accept the new Agriligand following planets after successful tests expand to the entire Galaxy. The "dream team 3" Senators had all agreed that while more tests are required, starting small to help crops grow on various planets would be beneficial so that people would be able to eat, and not starve. But, today, after seeing all the evidence, scanning the minutes, Senator Amidala "sensed" that something was askew with this piece of legislation. The motion was seconded, and then the presiding officer asked for discussion. A few senators stood up to ask clarifying questions on this new Agriligand. It seems, no one asked what is best for the people... Suddenly, Senator Amidala, who whispered briefly to her cohorts that she "sensed" something, was not right about this product and she felt it was her duty to ask! Once recognized by the chair she announced, "To the chair and the body of this committee, I must ask, has there been any environmental impact studies with this compound?" Senator Kaputs dismissed her smugly, "Yes, we tested this product on 40 million subjects on Ylesia, over 5 years. That study is on-going." Senator Amidala stated, "Where are the medical droid results from that study?" Senator Kaputs sighs, "I believe you have them in your Minutes I transmitted 3 months ago." Senator Amidala, "I studied those, but they did not indicate the routes of administration and ppm in the test subjects fluids? Can you show that data?" Senator Kaputs got louder pointedly, "It's all there, pp 1059.58 Section D, point 2." Senator Amidala, "What are PharmaCon's reasons for testing on Ylesia?" Senator Kaputs, "PharmaCon's major processing plant is located on Ylesia." "Processing for what, Senator?" She sensed some irritability and secretiveness. "Pro-pro-cessing for Spice, Senator." "Senator Kaputs you mean a KNOWN addictive substance used by drug traffickers?!?" Senator Amidala chided... “In your Minutes, Senator Amidala, Agriligand’s properties are devoid of any of the addictive properties known in Spice!” retorted Senator Kaputs.

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“But you only have test subjects on Kessel and Mon Calamari—a system mostly composed of ocean! How come it is so close to Extra-galactic space?” Senator Amidala asked Angrily, Senator Kaputs yells, “Your Minutes, Senator clearly state the obvious and in my opinion, these are the optimal locations for our tests!” Sensing he was hiding something greater than his control, Senator Amidala said, “And you want to expand your tests to other planets with incomplete environmental impacts? What about the beings who live on those planets-those that are NOT a part of the Galactic Republic?” Suddenly, Senator Amidala realized she developed a skill that she was told she always had, but unable use: Identifying logical fallacies; and Persuading the discussion to her point-of-view. She found an empowered thrill in this newly identified power and dismantled Senator Kaputs' argument for the bill on Agriligand "weedkiller" product by her vocal persuasion. She unrelentingly used "Ad Hominem" fallacy by appealing to emotion and passions of the other Senators. The verbal sparring that Senator Amidala employed was truly amazing! She had convinced everyone that PharmaCon was a dummy corporation and a front for drug traffickers, that there were serious implications for the lack of full clinical trials reports, and that the Agriligand was poisonous to all sentient beings as a dressed up expensive Spice-Addiction drug! The entire bill surreptitiously failed to pass the HELP committee. Curiously what Senator Amidala did was right! The display of political "sausage making" was honorable according to Grand Master Yoda and Master Windu who actually were sitting in the back of the committee room. There was something peculiar about the clinical trials systems being so close to Extra Galactic space. However, the PharmaCon lobbyists were sitting far in the back of the room in another location while they were waiting for the outcome of the vote. One "agent" was the Falleen Prince Xizor who was disgruntled. After the vote, he stormed into the Supreme Chancellor's office and spoke to him tersely, "We had a deal, Chancellor!" Prince Xizor claimed. In a deep voice different from the kindly old gentleman, and one more insidious, "So I've heard and deals change." "How did that Senator of yours sway 500 to vote against the Agriligand product, Chancellor?" a bemused Prince Xizor asked. The Chancellor glared him dead in the eye, "We have a new enemy..." and he added, "I have never sensed this type of disturbance in the Dark Side of the Force. My apprentice will investigate. You are dismissed." The Chancellor looked out his grand window pensively, thought that life forces must be

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poisoned near Extra-Galactic Space systems, for the foreboding doom captured by the Deep Space Probe Droid’s HoloImages transmitted bizarre organic ships from a race called Yuuzhan Vong. He knew it was either this poison that could drive off these invaders or his Death Star. But those plans could not be revealed. The Falleen Prince of the Black Sun organization, the major stakeholder in PharmaCon, left as the Red Guard stepped in to protect the Chancellor and what he thought was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. Then, Darth Sidious summoned Darth Tyrannus, or Count Dooku, on a privately encrypted ultrasecure untraceable channel. Plans were made to kidnap and "enhance interrogate" Senator Amidala and hold her for ransom with as little Separatist involvement. It was decided that the kidnapping was to occur in 9 weeks from the current date.

Circumnavigation, Negotiation, Capture and Surprise

People could have been Force Sensitive by three known means:

• Inherited by a Force-sensitive family member--most frequent • Random mutation or evolution--least frequent • Artificially imbued with sensitivity with the Force--rare

Few weeks after the vote outcome, Padme was ill. She was vomiting in the morning and then it resolve. For a couple of weeks, she took it easy, with minimal stress outside of her angered heart of Anakin leaving her. She thought yelling to herself would help her, "DAMMIT WE ARE MARRIED ANAKIN!!!" She has not heard from him since they parted, yet she would alert his comlink daily, sometime 2-3 times a day! She would never say she was sick because she did not want to be a "whiny doormat" to him. Senators Mon Mothma, Chi Eekway and Terr Taneel, feared for her physical state whenever she ran out of a committee meeting and vomited in the bathroom. It was after she had briefly fainted during lunchtime, that they demanded her to see a Medical Droid immediately. She moseyed to Galactic Senate Medical Offices, and waited. She was seen immediately. Walking through the 1.6 Tesla Magnets, it was determined she was 5 weeks pregnant and it was a boy according to SpectralKaryotyping signatures. "PREGNANT!" She was shocked surprised, "It can't be!" The Medical Droid cold demeanor was perceived as insensitive and so she demanded to see a sentient being physician. That person turned out to be an attractive Hapan, Dr. Tórrido Soñador, with azul color eyes and loose curly reddish-brunette hair. Every word he said lingered with Padme as she smiled admiring him. The nausea in her stomach, subsided when she caught herself staring at him. She was willing to tell him everything.

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However, professionally, his only concern was the health of the baby. He asked if she was taking the right vitamins. He suspected through the Magnet, that she may develop preclampsia and that she would have to have bed-rest for a minimum of 7 hours per day, possibly more. The Medical Droid gave her the required pre-natal designer formulary vitamins specific for Padme's and the baby’s molecular signatures. Unfortunately, the specific male factors for the baby were indeterminate due to Padme's reluctance to name the father... While she knew that Anakin was the father, she was not going to share that with any government system. She was not going to Jedi Medical Corps where unwelcomed telepathy was standard care and an illegal activity on Coruscant. She got up from the medical exam table and they handed her a specialized Holocron for when she starts the Multipixelated 3D RFID Acoustics Exams (MR3AE) at 12 weeks. She left the center reading the Holocron literature, studying the formulary and her upcoming tests. She was depressed because she lamented, “Where was Anakin on this auspicious occasion? Yes, that’s right, he mad at me for restricting his ‘freedoms’! Right, he chooses not to share these important aspects in our lives. Yes, it ruins our livelihoods we have established, but nothing is wrong with living a quiet homely life than what we are currently living? Is there?” She felt, “I’m fine with losing it all to go back… Home… Government service terms should be limited, anyway!” At that point Padme consciously decided that she would stop calling Anakin's comlink. She felt that when he was ready to speak to her, he will... She was empowered by that one thought, so much so that the baby seemed to bounce to let her know he agreed. She thought to herself, "Besides, I am a very accomplished woman! I did it before I was married, I am still doing it while I am married, and I definitely do it if I..." Then she stopped herself, "if I divorce... Oh my, divorce is not something I ever considered!" Padme realized she had not informed her family or any of her close friends that she WAS married much less if she had to be divorced, and then have a child! Then she cavalierly thought, “Well people do this all the time. So what? Really! Dust it off as a life experience, and not everything can predicted!” Then the baby bounced again in agreement! She chuckled to herself and said to her belly, "You are a funny little guy, aren't you?" Padme developed a plan with herself and her baby that if she does not hear from Anakin in 9 weeks, she will investigate what it would take to submit divorce papers discreetly. She will not make Anakin be a husband or father to their baby, but he will have to help her in some kind of way. The baby bounced again and that resolved it for her!

Two weeks later, there was a transmission from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's office for Senator Amidala to meet with him and possibly included high ranking members of the Jedi Council. When Senator Amidala got the transmission, her eyes opened wide! She immediately concluded that they found out about her pregnancy and she was to be removed from office. At that point she microtransmissioned (MT'ed) Senators Organa and Mothma because if the Chancellor was attempting to nitpick on her, together they were ready to nitpick him! The

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Chancellor does not supersede the Senate! "We are 3 strong individual branches of government," so Senator Amidala thought. Then the baby bounced again and flipped to one side. Senator Amidala, now having to wear looser outfits, looked at her belly as asked, "Oh, you don't like that, what it is you think I should do?" At that point, an image of the masked warrior, The Prodigy Darth Revan, appeared and stated, "I will shield you, cloud the vision of the Jedi and betray the vision of the Chancellor." Senator Amidala, laughed out loud and said, "Oh, how do you plan on doing that?" The Prodigy Darth Revan replied, "I will protect the source of my nourishment, where no one can hurt you." But Senator Amidala wondered if Anakin would be at this meeting, he would literally know immediately! The Prodigy Darth Revan replied, "The Jedi you speak of has been sent on a mission to Malastaare." Senator Amidala replied out loud, "How did you?" The Prodigy Darth Revan replied, "Patience, mother, all will be revealed in due time..." Immediately, both Senators Organa and Mothma entered her office admitting the urgency where she showed the transmission. Senator Organa paced and stated, "We will support you as we have always done, whenever you are ready?" Senator Mothma agreed. As the three senators entered Supreme Chancellor spacious office, Senator Mothma first, Senator Organa second, and the Senator Amidala third, the Jedi stood at attention: Grand Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and Master Luminara. As Senator Amidala walked by, their faces furrowed as if there was a fleeting disturbance in the Force, but they were unsure about its reality. Senator Amidala noticed the balding head of the Supreme Chancellor and suddenly, she herself felt utter disgust, she said to herself, "How pathetic are you! And you call yourself a Sith Lord!" At that point the Supreme Chancellor cut a razor sharp glare toward Senator Amidala. Instantly, she said to herself “Now I know his weakness, his omniscient arrogance and reliance on his Dark Side Energies and his lies--it would be his undoing either by my son or someone else!!!” Then she smirked at this crotchety old man's courage as if he would prematurely reveal himself before the top members of Jedi Council... Somehow, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine calmed himself enough to discuss the difficulties at hand about the Separatist's War. Of course the Jedi Council members stated they only can do so much, Senator Amidala commented silently, "as usual, never stepping up to any challenge."

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Not even Grand Master Yoda picked up her thoughts. The other 2 senators questioned the missions for this war and the Chancellor harped on voting procedures. It was then, he gunned Senator Amidala's successfully defeating of the Agriligand bill, and it was seen on the HoloNet News (HNN) how many systems are starving. Everything silenced in the room to watch her response, and she coyly asked, "Chancellor, why did you request my presence?" Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, retorted, "This product is sorely needed on many poorer systems in the Galaxy!" Senator Amidala, "Chancellor, you have failed to answer my question?" Then Grand Master Yoda interrupted, "Senator Amidala, feed billions this product can and production ceased on planet Bakura. Humbly, your assistance we seek." Senator Amidala thought to herself, "This Jedi I have not met before." Then she inquired, "Master Yoda, I have no business on this system, how can I be of help?" Chancellor Palpatine annoyed said, "Senator, it is there where our processing plants are, and you have excelled in become an exquisite negotiator and I must say, I am humbly requesting you to lead this assignment for the Galactic Republic." Senator Amidala thought to herself, "Hmmm, he is hiding something." Then she said, "If I decide to take this assignment, which governmental agency do my activities fall under, and whom do I report to, and no disrespect, why are the Jedi here?" Chancellor Palpatine realizing her interest may be been piqued, "We, the Jedi Council and I believed Bakura has fallen under the Separatists or possibly crime syndicates. Military action is not needed, yet. In social circles, you are uniquely positioned to use diplomacy through these delicate, and etiquette intricacies--much like your successful mission on Cato Nemoidia..." Senator Amidala's heart sunk, because Anakin was her Jedi Protector, she had to play a role she disliked greatly and she felt it was dangerous. Then the baby bounced up and down indicating a glee, meaning it felt like it was something she had to do. So, while all the meeting occupants leered at her, she stated, "I will go. Who will be my protector this time?" Glad, Anakin was out of the picture. Master Windu said, "We will provide protection for you, however, we request your patience again and take a padawan with you, Padawan Jlani Sivad." Senator Amidala was more confident about the Jedi protection, but it was something she sensed more endearing to her that she decided to take the mission. She turn toward the Chancellor and stated, "I would like to report to the Senate, in that it affects Galactic commerce."

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Interestingly, the Chancellor Palpatine agreed! Senator Amidala was pleasantly surprised by that. Then she went to shake the hands with the Chancellor, who hugged her, then his eyes opened wider than usual, and he chuckled. She smiled beguiling back to him and said to herself, "a formidable Sith..." She then turned to Master Yoda and Master Windu for congratulatory remarks, and Master Windu told her in private, "Master Skywalker was sent on a mission to Malastaare with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Since your mission is diplomatic only, we are confident you will get the information we need. Thank you for deciding to report to the Senate. We await your safe return." Senator Amidala replied, "Thank you I understand, and I am more than confident your Jedi protector will suffice." And she thought to herself, "Hmm, maybe I do not want to see him again, I wonder if I should get the paperwork to him earlier?" And then the baby jumped for joy, which heightened the Force Sense awareness of the Jedi again. Fortunately, they discounted what they sensed as fleeting.

A week later, Senator Amidala borrowed Senator Organa's Tantive III to appear she was on a diplomatic mission to Bakura. The young Jedi padawan, Jlani Sivad was a Firrerreo woman who was one of the first of her species to participate in the Jedi program since being a youngling. She was enthralled in going on her own mission in the absence of her Jedi Master Aayla Secura. Captain Kitts dropped them off on the surface of Bakura, they immediately noticed no one was there to greet them on the landing pad. He took the Tantive III to a high orbit in order to go undetected. Senator Amidala was in her official diplomatic attire with a high Victorian collar red cloth and golden thread, and underneath a periwinkle long dress that could make a lot of coverage. Her hair was held up with a golden rhinestone wrap as it was an indication her rank in the Galactic Senate. They headed into a command center building that was darkened, at which point, Senator Amidala reported to Captain Kitts to scan the planet for higher lifeforms in the area. He complied then reported back that there were no higher lifeforms anywhere in a 50 km radius. The closest populated area was at one of the poles, but those beings were still primitive holding no hyperdrive technology. At that point, Senator Amidala or rather The Prodigy Darth Revan felt a disturbance in the Force, but did not alert the Jedi protector because it was her job to ascertain that. As they took the elevator lift to the command center, they attempted to identify the equipment. None of it was Galactic Republic technology. The Jedi protector had no clue as to what it was, whereas, The Prodigy Darth Revan knew exactly whose technology it was--the Rakatans Infinite Empire's! In fact, there was ONLY one console that The Prodigy Darth Revan needed to find, it was the second "Star Forge Locator Beacon on the Star Maps". Since the

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Rakatan Infinite Empire often hid their technology, the holocron in the wooden box that Anakin had given Padme could identify the location. When Senator Amidala who now is possessed by The Prodigy Darth Revan took out the box, the holocron color had changed from an ice blue to a deep red. Through a shifting of the box, the light beamed to the exact location of the console to identify the second Star Forge. While her Jedi protector was bewildered by Senator Amidala’s technological astuteness and remained none the wiser of what was going on, she quickly entered the codes and opened a 3-D highly accurate image of the Star Map that immediately identified the system that had the second Star Forge. Then the padawan asked incredulously, "What kind of ship is that?" Senator Amidala did not break her focus. She then set forth to record her efforts onto the holocron and upon her completion, the padawan leaned in, and then activated her green lightsaber for she sensed the dark side of the Force. Senator Amidala snarled, "Put that down, you fool, this entire room is filled with Dark Side energies, Rakatan technology runs on it!" But, The Prodigy Darth Revan's Force Sense was too young to distinguish between the Dark Side technology and the energy of the Count Dooku or Darth Tyrannus and Asajj Ventress who walked in the room with two B2 Super Battle Droids. Count Dooku was clapping, and then said, "Bravo! Well done Senator Amidala, you have identified exactly where the second Star Forge!" The padawan screamed, "You can fight all you want Separatist fools, but I am here to protect the Senator!" Count Dooku quipped, "Try as you might little one," and sent Force Lightning that she was ill-equipped to defend herself against a Sith Lord. She was knocked out to the floor, while the sword dropped far behind Senator Amidala. Count Dooku then kindly removed the holocron from her coat pocket, "Senator, we will now arrest you for breach of security on Bakura until a ransom is paid." Senator Amidala snarled in a deeper voice, "You will get no such ransom Dooku!" Then as she removed her cloak, Asajj Ventress hissed, "Then you will be executed for being a Republic spy!" Senator Amidala evilly laughed, "YOU DO THAT Dark Jedi and you will never learn how to operate second Star Forge." Count Dooku put out his hands to send Force Lightning toward Senator Amidala, when suddenly she slightly bent her head down, her eyes flashed a yellowish orange and she cracked a smile. As soon as the sparks left his hands, within milliseconds, she took a geden barai defensive posture, telekinetically collected the lightsaber and the Sith blade from Asajj Ventress and amazingly, she blocked the lightning bolts!!! Both Sith minions were shocked by her rapid timing and response. Then in a femme fatale

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manner she mocked, "Is that all you've got, Count?" As Asajj Ventress shirked for quick getaway like the coward she is, Count Dooku fearfully questioned Senator Amidala, "WHO ARE YOU?" As the Senator from Naboo drew a line on the floor with the Sith Blade like she was challenging anyone who dared to defy her and cross the charred demarcation, she stated emphatically,"I AM THE PRODIGY DARTH REVAN AND I WILL BE REBORN FROM THIS VESSEL!!!"


Though Padmé expressed disapproval of his political philosophy when he expressed it to her, she did not successfully readjust his thinking. Upon the revelation of their love for each other and their subsequent secret marriage, Padmé was torn between her state duty to keep her distance and her role as wife to encourage such feelings. She nevertheless helped to foster in her husband a deep emotional bond, providing him with a forbidden relationship that he could not bear to lose, and would fight to keep at all costs. She, therefore, had unwittingly become one of the main driving factors that contributed to his transformation into a Sith Lord. After the initial shock, Count Dooku and Ventress start to fight with Senator Amidala--now The Prodigy Darth Revan--who held his own. Through Force telekinesis, The Prodigy Darth Revan threw Ventress and fought Count Dooku viciously, who had to call in the B2 droids, at which point The Prodigy Darth Revan was able to slice them into pieces. Ventress jumped back into the fight, and The Prodigy Darth Revan fought her and flipped to call the Tantive III, because this fight was useless and getting to the second Star Forge was the imperative. Unfortunately, the Separatist ships destroyed the Tantive III. During the fighting, the padawan was still unconscious and The Prodigy Darth Revan picked her up by the Force Telekinesis and got out to the landing platform. But it was filled with Separatists Droids and Droidekas, Count Dooku and Ventress caught up with The Prodigy. Dooku said, "Senator your knowledge of the Force is vast as is your skills, however, there is only one of you" The Prodigy carefully put out her hand, and leveled the droids without any of them firing a shot! Count Dooku amazed said, "Impressive..." Ventress shocked said, "I have never heard of these powers..." The Prodigy states, "Marshalling all the aspects of the Dark Side of the Force enables many of my unique powers..." Adding, "I have met your Darth Sidious and might I say his 'planet

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destroyer' cannot compare with the power of the Dark Side! If you want to follow his short-lived pointless plan, kidnap me and be done with it! But if you want to see the power of the 'Rakatan Infinite Empire', join me! And together we will conquer the UNIVERSE!" Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress looked at each other, and then nodded their heads in agreement. The Prodigy snarled, "I must hear you say it!" as she took back her mind-trap box with the holocron through telekinesis. Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress knelt down before The Prodigy Darth Revan and they pledged themselves to the Reborn Sith Empire!

Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi returned to Coruscant from a mission at Malastaare. It turned out to be a lesser battle than other missions; nonetheless it did not make it less dangerous. Master Skywalker was exhausted and decided to go to his quarters; whereas Master Kenobi would start writing the report for the debriefing later that day. It has been 6 weeks since Anakin spoke to his wife and he is feeling very morose about what he said to her--in fact, he knew he did not have to blame her like that. So he decided to clean himself up, and get to her penthouse apartment to speak to her. He knew that he would be admitted to the apartment because he made sure he was always on her access list. Besides he needed to get some things in the apartment because he was seriously considering taking this "Healing Jedi" course, it was 3 weeks and he can easily transition into the Jedi Medical Corps, especially when the Separatist War was over. He was excited to share that news with Padme, because he needed this "away time" to make sure this was his plan! After he got ready, he looked at his blinking comlink and he reviewed the messages and realized there were 21 messages from Padme. He smiled until he listened to 2-3 of them on the same day; he palmed his face with a deep sigh and then thought, "She loves me so much. Wow, I must have really hurt her..." With that he immediately headed to the penthouse. When he got to the apartment, he called her name a few times, and the droids came out. C3PO said, "Master Anakin, Padme is not here, she was sent on a diplomatic mission." Anakin incredulously, "What mission?" C3PO stated, "I am not quite sure, sir, but she wanted me to let you know that you do not need to worry, she will return shortly." Anakin asked, "Who authorized this?"

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C3PO with his mechanical precision, said "I am not quite sure, sir, however if you want to know more, might I suggest using R2D2 to assist you?" Anakin said, "Good idea!" Then the astromech droid angled toward the computer and reviewed her private senate files through the HoloNet. Anakin found the diplomatic mission and it seemed benign, so he let it go. He was a little disappointed, but this break from her has allowed him to gain more of an appreciation of his role in their marriage. He missed her, passionately. It is the strength of her love that he has determined what he needed. He thought, "I really must have hurt her." He got back to the Jedi Temple and debriefed with Obi-Wan, and then proceeded to the library to learn what was expected for the "Healing Jedi" course on the HoloComputers. What he found when he reviewed the information, was there was hardly any discussions on sexual relationships--basically, how to have them. There was nothing on healthy sexuality or any primer to performing childbirth! He saw a lot of “let ‘NATURE’ take its course and a Jedi should abstain from it. Attachments are forbidden…” He thought to himself, "What? Do we use the Force Telekinesis for childbirth? How do we healing people if their hurt is sexually? Is there such a thing as healthy sexual relationships? No Jedi has looked at this?” At that moment a dark shadowing figure, plopped down and slouched in the chair across the table from him at the HoloComputer. Anakin looked over to see who it was, and it looked like, Master Quinlan Vos! Anakin waved a cheery smile; Master Quinlan looked at him, like "who is this fool?" Quinlan sat up and did a hand high sign gesture and put his head down on the table. Anakin basically, ignored him and got back his search. A minute went by when Quinlan slowly stood up and proceeded to walk toward Anakin sitting across from him... Disruptive as it was, Anakin looked at Quinlan to inquire what he wanted. Then Quinlan said, "Hey, um, you want to go have some pints of Alderaanian Ale?" Anakin, taken aback after he has heard of bad boy image of Quinlan, was astonished that he would even ASK him to go, so he said, "Sure! Why not?" Just out of morbid curiosity. Both Jedi got up and exited the Temple. Then Anakin asked, "What sector?" Quinlan said, "SubSector G," then he asked, "So, do you Baixo Salto?" Anakin smiled, "Um, yeah, let's do it!" And they peered over the precipice, walked back, and then got a running start to jump nearly 1000 m with skydiver precision. With Force powers, they slowed down and landed hard on the foundation. Due to their Force-sensitivity, none of the body structures were destroyed. Quinlan looked at Anakin, smiled with a nodded and said, "This is the place!" It said "Alderaan Ale University Pub". The usual customers just called it "The University Pub” because it mocked all the new graduates from the University of Alderaan who want to make it in the big city. That

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was why it was located out of the way because Alderaan students could not navigate Coruscant. When the two Jedi entered, all the customers looked and welcomed Quinlan. One old being yelled, "Who's your friend?" Quinlan laughed and said, "Oh you know how I pick up another scumbag! Shut up you nerf herder!" The old being guffawed and waved him off. Quinlan and Anakin found a small pub table as the barmaid approached, she was a Twi'lek with a very bad nail color, and she was rather uncouth to Anakin. As she wiped the table, she asked both Jedi, "What'll have?" Quinlan spoke for both of them and said, "Oh you know Maisee, the usual!" Maisee replied, "Okay..." Then after an uncomfortable silence, Anakin said, "Wow, cool, so what's up?" Quinlan replied, "Nothing, dude..." Then he quibble, "Alright, we really don't know each other, so why don't I start before we dance..." Anakin said, "Excuse me dance?" Quinlan said, "You know? You want to know why I even would ask you to do anything remotely like this." Maisee the barmaid then brought a half pint of their Ale in Guinness glasses. Both Jedi tasted it, and it was unbelievably heavenly--beats the beverages they attempt to serve Jedi in the cafeteria... Then they laughed because they knew they were thinking the same thing after the first sip. Anakin quipped, "Well you know it is rather odd, but I said to myself hey, maybe it's time to ‘make a new Jedi friend’ tonight?" Quinlan mused, "That's the dance... Hey, I knew you just got off a mission, and I just got off a mission." As making a "quotation gesture" he added, "And well, without breaking 'Jedi Code' maybe we can just build 'camaraderie'? I mean, does your only friend have to be your Master?" Anakin said, "Yeah, sure..." Then takes a sip and asked, "So, what’s up, I hear so much poodoo about you and I gotta ask, especially if I'm gonna let you sign my dance card?"

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That was the point when Quinlan put his guard down on Anakin. He thought to himself, how Anakin took a leap and heard all this hype about him from his Master, Obi-wan Kenobi said, "What do you think about Jedi plumbers? The grass always grows more over the poodoo tank..." Anakin thought some of it is true and other parts are not. And as he took another sip, he asked, "Well, what's the hardest for you?" Quinlan's eyes brightened and his body perked up and he replied, "You want to know what is the hardest? Honestly? THE SEX! NOT HAVING ENOUGH SEX SUCKS! Then I don't have enough time to do it!" Anakin nearly choked on his Ale, dumbfounded, "The sex? Err, I mean you have it? Um, why are you telling me?" Quinlan chuckled, "Don't tell me you've never done it man? The swagger you flap at the Council, and you have not smelled any parts of the... Oh, you're ruining my whole image of you!" Anakin quipped, "Well... Um..." Quinlan interrupted with a chuckle, "Hey, hey, it is all cool; you don't have to tell me. I understand--the 'Jedi Code Mommies' are going to come to SubSector G and I guess, beat you..." Anakin gulped a significant amount of Ale for courage, "Well, yeah, I've got some special sauce on the side. She's a good woman, though..." Quinlan probed, "Aren't they all... Yeah, aren't they all..." Then he shifted his sitting position and took a sip, and said, "Seriously, Master Kenobi is a good friend, and he brags about you all the time." Then he added, "I have just been wondering, because I rarely see you stay at the Jedi Temple and there is poodoo out there about you, too." Anakin noticed he had guzzled his Ale, so he raised his hand for some more. Maisee brought more of the same for both Jedi. Then he said, "Who is saying poodoo about me?" Quinlan said, "You know... 'They'..." Anakin said, "They talk a lot don't they?" Then stated, "I have another place because you don't poodoo where you eat AND sleep..." While mimicking a commercial while rolling his eyes he added, "And probing HoloMinds wanna know!" Quinlan laughed and rose his glass for a toast and Anakin clicked his glass for the toast. Quinlan

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loudly pronounced to the entire pub, "To Probing HoloMinds!" Anakin replied, "HoloMind Tricks and a Dance Card!" Quinlan and a few other pub patrons said "Here, here!" and everyone drank. When it quieted down, Anakin looked Quinlan squarely in the eyes and said, "I am considering joining the Jedi Medical Corps. I am tired of this fighting." Quinlan said, "Jedi Med, that's great!" Then he asked, "What's stopping you?" Anakin smirked, "My old lady... She is a workaholic and never has time for me..." Quinlan sensing that the woman Anakin spoke of is rather elite and classy, he asked, "Would she be upset if you told her that?" Anakin flatly stated, "I doubt it. She's so busy doing diplo... Err, I mean her thing..." Quinlan was perplexed now, so he asked in an airy voice, "Why, Master Anakin Skywalker, are you married?" Anakin's face ashen and he stuttered, "Is-is-is it that obvious?" Quinlan took a huge gulp, refilled his glass and guzzled down half, and then he chortled, "WELCOME TO THE MARRIED JEDI CLUB!!!" Then he proceeded to take a napkin and fold it uniquely, and affix it to Anakin’s Jedi Robes as a badge of honor! "HERE, HERE!" Anakin sheepishly relieved to know this fact, inquired, "Are you married?" Quinlan took another big gulp said, "No, no. My clan doesn’t believe in official ceremonial marriages with licenses, etc... But if we were to find wives, we keep them, for our lifetimes'." He followed Anakin's body language, and then said, "You know I can find out who she is if I touch you, right?" Anakin said, "Yeah..." Quinlan replied, "Well, I respect your privacy..." as he belched, he asked, "Does that old stodgy Ben Kenobi know?" Anakin said flatly, "No..." Quinlan grinned as he took another sip, "What are you ever going to do, Master Jedi?" Anakin said, "I don't know?" He thought about it, "I don't want Obi-Wan to know, you know

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how he has a 'Jedi Code' stick up his a--..." Quinlan chuckled, "Yeah, right up the patootie!" and then he inquired, "look, our Force-sensitivities are um, clouded, so my question to you is--for the dance card you know--I am sensing that you guys are going through some problems. Are you?" Anakin replied, "I don't know? She's clingy and needy. And all I want to do is relax--she wants to talk about ‘what ifs’ and if the Jedi find out or anyone else finds out we are, you know..." Quinlan said, "Well, so what if they found out? It is not like you'd be the first!" Anakin replied, "It isn't that simple." Quinlan asked, "It is never that simple, but there is something to relish in the fact that you have the 'wifey' at home, to share your bed with at night and relieve all that battle fatigue and frustration, right?" Anakin inquired, "Do you love your 'women'?" Quinlan said, "Seriously, I only have ONE woman and she knows what’s up in terms of my life. She’s kinna like a 'bad girl', like I am a ‘bad boy’!” Then he added, “It sounds like you married a 'princess' and so that gives you blunt trauma to the head. You can't do whatever you want with high class women. Whereas, a 'rough around the edges' babe--no explanations. If you have to leave, she is like 'farewell'. But those kinds of women, seriously, are the ones that who will curse you out and leaves - especially, when you need her the most. So, yeah, I love my WOMAN, but I understand what the relationship is..." Anakin sat and absorbed what he heard, and then took a gulp of his Ale, then added, "I love my wife! Ever since I have been training as a Jedi, I knew she was always the woman for me. When I see her, I am as goofy as a gandark and my heart melts. I sense her lifeforce and I would do anything to be with her..." Quinlan look amazed, "Are you that Togorian whooped? Dude, you have got it bad! Is her 'temple' worth it?" Anakin with bravado takes a deep sip of his Ale with a devilish grin and slightly nods his head. Quinlan quipped, "Well dayum, I guess she must be a queen senator or something! That's some high priced 'temple' on the Platium-Paladium Supreme Chancellor sector..." And then he laughed... Anakin held a "poker face" so as to not give away who his wife really was. Quinlan boasted, "Well, I am sorry Master Anakin Skywalker, but most of us Blokes have low

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class women around here, so we, um, can..." Then he laughed hysterically and added, "Whereas you get a 'real' wife who is the boss! That's like a Jedi getting with a Jedi--not the brightest move..." Anakin eyes widened and asked, "Jedi married to Jedi?" Quinlan said, "Oh you don't know about that? Ask your buddy Qui-Gon... That is why he was not allowed onto the Jedi Council. See, they want you to 'uphold the Jedi image' and ABSTAIN, from being a 'sexual expressive being'—um, HELLO don’t all sentient beings go through estrus--some beings earlier than others! So when this particular 'Jedi Code' is enforced... I mean think about it! How does one become Force-Sensitive? They are BORN! Only a few systems are asexual, intersex or spawn! The rest of us Blokes require two to DANCE!" Anakin chuckled, "Yeah, right, I know..." He thought about it and asked, "What do you think the Jedi really say about 'making love' overall?" Quinlan sat back because he felt like he was imparting his knowledge to a fellow Jedi as a moral imperative, "Well, you know how there are ‘Force Nexuses’ throughout the galaxy. It seems there are more dark side nexuses than light side ones. But, in my opinion, the reasons why we cannot find the light side nexuses are because while the Dark Side destroys, the Light Side creates. You would have to go the creating side of the Galaxy or Universe for that matter to get to those nexuses. How does that relate to 'making love' overall? What are you doing it for? To draw nearer to your mate? To feel that Force Bond? NO! You are procreating! Especially YOU Anakin! Someone as Togorian whooped as your lame Jedi butt is! If you don’t watch yourself, ‘Chosen One’, you might just fulfill your prophecy all the way up in your wife’s temple!" Anakin laughed and said, "Whatever man! Hey I cannot stay too long, so what is the plan?" Quinlan said, "Alright, man let's go before we break more 'Jedi Codes'" With that they got back to the Jedi Temple. Anakin was relieved to know that he was not the only Jedi who was married. The Jedi Code is important to follow, and he can understand the rationale, but The Force, being mindful to physical love felt so good. Then he thought, "I really should have not said what I said to Padme. I love her too much."

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All In A Good Day

…Men and women chose to remain in slavery or to submit to more brutal enslavers in order to stay married to their chosen partners…Clearly marriage is rooted in something far more personal and spiritual. To sustain marriage some were willing to endure slavery. Enslaved people desired marriage, performed marriage ceremonies, and understood themselves as married, but without the protection of the [Force] their marriages could be disrupted without their consent. They fought back, resisted, and sacrificed in order to stay married, but without [protection] they were vulnerable both as persons and as spouses. A good marriage must be among the most powerful, life-affirming, emotionally fulfilling experiences available to human beings. ~ By Dr. MHL of October, 2009 The Nation Magazine

{Insert song here: The System's "You Are In My System"} It was early morning when Master Anakin Skywalker arose from his quarters at the Temple. He needed to practice more of his lightsaber forms to master them all. Few Jedi Knights have mastered them all. It was sometime around 4 in the morning when he completed his warm up exercises, when Master Quinlan Vos and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi entered. They had already done swam 100 laps and they were going to finish up with their lightsaber practice. After a few warm up exercises with the saber, Anakin started with the Shii-Cho form, then progressed to the Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien / Djem So, Niman, and Juyo/Vapaad forms. Then he repeated the forms. When the other Master Jedi finished their warm up exercises, they joined Anakin to balance their forms, modify and correct. It is important to keep the form in any lightsaber combat, or else a Jedi could be killed or be seduced by the Dark Side. They activated the holographic combat program for opponent preparation at the highest settings and turned off the safety mechanisms. The three Jedi practiced nearly for 4 hours when they were finished. After inactivating their lightsabers, they talked.

Master Skywalker said, "That was great! Do you have any suggestions for me?"

Master Kenobi who always corrected him, "Be mindful of how you place your back foot for the appropriate stance while doing Shien/Djem So."

Master Vos said, "Yes, and watch your hand placement when you practice the Soresu, don't want to cut off the other limb…"

Master Skywalker responded, "Ah ss (Japanese for yes, yes)."

Master Kenobi then added to Master Vos, "Work on your Vapaad emotion, I sense the rage in you…"

Master Vos responded, "Ah ss, ah ss."

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Master Skywalker said, "Master Kenobi, remember to keep your modified Ataru, there is not enough power in the parry."

Master Kenobi respectfully said, "Ah ss."

They all did the customary bow upon completion of their practice.

Quinlan asked Anakin if he wanted to hang out in the city. Anakin sensed Quinlan was up to something wild and crazy. Obi-Wan's eyebrow rose, wondered what his fellow Jedi friend and Padawan were about to do, so he asked them, "What you are you two up to?"

Quinlan replied, "Not much. We just need a little R and R before our next mission." Then he laughed and asked, "Why you wanna join us?"

Obi-Wan gestured with his forearm and palm and declined respectfully because he sensed something wild and crazy that Quinlan was doing. Anakin said, "Ah, c'mon Master, you most of all need to loosen up."

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Whatever you two have concocted, I want no parts of it. But you enjoy yourselves."

Quinlan jokingly appalled, "What? Us? Concocted? Are you afraid of being perverted by us?"

Anakin then said with swagger, "Master, you have fought a Sith Lord alone, you took down the Banking Clan, and you single-handedly fought an entire Droid Army! Now you're saying you are afraid that you won't be able to hang with your fellow Jedi? Do you really think anything will happen to us on Coruscant?"

Quinlan looked at Anakin and looked back at Obi-Wan and said, "Yeah! What he said!"

Obi-Wan said, "Alright, you've ‘Jedi Mind Tricked’ me, but don’t ask me to carry you home when I drink you under the table Skywalker!" Then he added, "Vos, not too many bar fights because of women!"

As they cleaned up from their extensive practice and got something to eat from the Cafeteria, they went to the Galactic Senate area to find the "Coruscanti Visitors Center" to get information of various events going on in Galactic City and planet wide. They decided the shopping district. As one of the largest on the planet, they visited the technology, sporting goods and jewelry stores. They all chuckled when they saw the prices for luxury items. Then they saw the large HoloScreens store and sat in the massage droid chairs, with the

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holographic brain protection. They played the sports and combat games, until a young force-insensitive gamer and his gang similar to Anakin's age, sat next to him and played against him. Obi-Wan walked away musing and shaking his head because this young force-insensitive gamer had no idea. Anakin was purposefully manipulating the game to win at the highest level. The gang and its leader got up into the face of Anakin and balked, "Who do you think you are? A Jedi? No one can win with that high of a score? You Wannabe! I’m gonna disintegrate you!"

Anakin, stood up, got "mano-a-mano" to the gang-leader, icily stared him down, "So, what of it?"

Obi-Wan ran over and pulled Anakin back, "C'mon, let's go Anakin."

Then Quinlan who looked at Anakin, psychometrically touched a few of the gang members to calm them down, "Ani, the game is not worth it, fight for a better day, man!"

Obi-wan added, "Fight for a better day…" Then he used the Jedi Mind Trick on the gang-leader and members saying, "The game is defective and you really won…" The gang-leader immediately complied thereby repeated what Obi-Wan said.

Slowly, Anakin left from the face of the gang-leader, and then Obi-Wan said, "C'mon, let's check out this store!" not realizing what kind of store it was.

The store was a Dorfberg Gorushh for high end menswear. One of the assistant droids immediately rolled up to the threesome and said, "Finally! You made it! I have enough time to get all of you ready for the show! I was ready to transmit another message on the comlink to the agency."

All of them look at each other and wondered what the droid was talking about, until the heavy arms quickly stripped them naked. How these droids did that so fast on Jedi was amazing? Obi-wan held down Quinlan and Anakin from reacting because he sensed they were in no danger. In fact, Obi-Wan chuckled, "Guess we are the prime course." Then all of them grabbed and held onto their respective lightsabers.

They all underwent a cleaning and grooming cycle, which ironically a few Force manipulations, haircuts or beard removal were avoided. But they were tweezed, waxed in body parts that Jedi never groom. Who was this show for, anyways? Their faces, hands and feet required extensive facials, manicures and pedicures as the assistant droids complained profusely about their private appearances. Interesting, when the sentient being noticed the body metrics of the unbeknownst Jedi, he jumped in glee because his Fashion Show Auction will be a success. The Auction was for the loudest sector to win a VIP party at the Palisades Tower with the cast and their best male supermodels conveniently got sick with some virus. Besides his collection for the latest in menswear will be great! For the tall dreaded man, he was to the mostly charcoal, purples and burgundies, for the bearded one, chocolate, beiges and for the thin blonde one

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whose hair was inadvertently bleached, can wear the blues, greens and whites. Quinlan and Anakin were laughing about it, because they have heard of these fashion shows and wondered what it would be like to wear something beside Jedi Robes. Obi-Wan grimaced because it was a waste of time wondering these sorts of things when they will never be able to wear those items in reality.

Once the three Jedi were "decked out", they wondered what they were suppose to do. The lead assistant droid freaked, "What! Did the agency pick you up off the street? All you do is go out there at the end of ramp, then turn around and turn back. Dance! Have fun!" The droid sighed and exclaimed, "You can't find any good agencies these days!"

They all looked at each other, then Quinlan said, "Look, think about what you have on and dance to it. It's kinna like a parade ceremony. Besides, Skywalker, I need to sign your dance card anyway!"

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow again while he put his hand on his nicely groomed chin, "Oh, I see, so different sectors compete with one another based on the loudest applause level…"

Then the Sentient being walked in and said, "Yes and I want you to go out there first!" as he pushed Obi-Wan out there…

Quinlan and Anakin were laughing hysterically, "Anything for a night out!"

Obi-Wan sternly said, "Just you wait." {Insert song here: The System's "It's Passion"} Then the music starts to play... Quinlan said, "Just dance Ben! Or work on your forms!"

The spotlight was turned on Obi-Wan and he stood there for a good 10 seconds. The audience sounded like there were mostly women, who hooted and hollered. He saw a few faces and encountered a fear he never thought he would experience. Some members of the audience proceeded to shout at him, "Move baby move!" He took a deep breath, and proceeded to walk, it was rather slippery surface. He loosened his tie a bit and looked back at his 2 companions who were laughing even more. He stumbled on to a rotating disc and turned 2-3 times, which he actually stopped by the Force. The audience howled and laughed a lot when he heard some members say, "That's alright baby, keep moving you sexy thang!" He was facing Quinlan and Anakin and stuck his tongue out and then as he edged the end of the ramp, it teetered, and he had to balance—he actually sensed that, so he was able to steady the board in a stance. Then he unfolded his arms to the music and pointed to whomever those howling women and sang the parts of the song he picked up—like a one of those Rock Roll Musicians. He used a Jedi move to turn and he proceeded to jump up and down with dance like moves. The entire audience hyped up with his moves. The Sentient fashion designer nodded, "I knew I liked that one…"

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The assistant droids pushed Quinlan out there, but he knew EXACTLY what to do, especially with his muster and bad boy image. He rolled his locks out of the way; the audience screamed in jubilation and stood up at that point. He walked like a supermodel fashion. With the rotating disc, he removed his coat and flung it on his shoulder. The audience hollered even louder. Then he danced his clan’s moves that involved shaking his butt and rocking his hips from side to side. The audience ate that right up, and then he touched one of the women and she swooned. More women lunged toward him and he gently Force-Blocked them. Both Obi-Wan and Anakin blew him off. When Quinlan got to the end, he went down on one side, and then flipped to the other side and the audience jumped gleefully at his acrobatics! Some members of the audience exclaimed, "These guys are amazing! Who are they?"

Next, it was Anakin's turn and since he had a hat on, he pushed down his hat, crossed his arms and legs. With the Force, he removed his hat and extended his arm to catch it. Then flipped it 2-3 times to set on his head. Then he made it to the rotating disc, he flipped it very fast, while he turned fast. Then he stopped. The audience howled, jumped up and down, danced around their chair. He took a stance and dance while pop-locking—a move taught to him by the clones (do not ask how they figured out how to do it). Then as he got to the teeter, he looked at Quinlan and Obi-Wan, smirked, and proceeded to dismantle the teeter in space. The audience silenced and he jumped on top of it, and surfed. They chanted "WE LOVE HIM! WE LOVE HIM"!!! Anakin put the teeter back the way it was, and stuffed his hands in his pockets, he looked at Quinlan and Obi-Wan, who were in awe of his abilities with the way he moved the crowd.

When Anakin got backstage he quickly changed into his new outfit which was the look of royalty, celebrities or rulers. Quinlan and Obi-Wan were already wearing their costumes. The assistant droid pushed Anakin up front; he immediately thought how Padme taught him how to walk like a King or a Senator. So he did, using his fake diamond tipped spear to jab at audience. That was when one woman, stripped and bowed before him, he laughed and moved her telekinetically out of the way. He stopped before the rotating disc and waited for the next cast member. It was Obi-Wan, he was dressed more like a Warrior Prince, so he proceeded to do his Ateru moves with his fake sword, and did some Jedi Mind tricks on a few participants, having them sing the song he was performing and then he stood next to Anakin on stage. Next, Quinlan jumped over Anakin and Obi-Wan and took out his fake machete, and yelled his clan's call, then practiced his Vapaad. He flipped the weapon then turned back to Obi-Wan and Anakin to engage them in battle and fought. Then they stopped, all on the rotating disc slowly turning around and looking all the audience. That was when the entire audience applauded, screamed and chanted, "WE WANT THEM ALL, WE WANT THEM ALL!"

The 3 Jedi bowed and went back stage to change back into their missing robes they. The Sentient Fashion Designer and the lead assistant droid came in saying, "Bravo, bravo! Now, accompany to the celebrity auction, gentlemen!"

Quinlan, touched the shoulder of the Fashion Designer, and said, "See the problem is we need to find our clothes and you will bring them to us, right?"

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Anakin scrambled the sensors of the lead assistant droid.

Obi-Wan mind tricked the Fashion Designer, “You will donate all the proceeds to Coruscanti Orphan's Fund.”

The 3 Jedi put back their robes and left laughing hysterically. It was so much fun for them! Amazingly, Obi-Wan said, "I need a drink, c'mon let's find a bar." After 15 minutes, Obi-Wan noticed a Light Emitted Diode sign and he said, "Here!"

Quinlan looked at the sign and exclaimed, "Ben, are you sure?"

Anakin was looking at the bar's name and said, "What's wrong with it?"

Quinlan looked at him, and laughed, "You'll see! Ben just, um - he needs to unwind. C'mon Ani, I'll buy you some services…"

As they walked into the bar, the music was loud. There were people standing around, mingling, there were a few Senators that Anakin recognized. Since, they were pompous idiots, they did not recognize him. There was a stage, but it had some interesting equipment around it. Obi-Wan was already at the bar placing his order, then he pointed to his Jedi companions, wondering what they wanted? Quinlan order a beer, Anakin ordered a Scotch on the Rocks. When they got their beverages, they found a small table. Both Quinlan and Obi-Wan leaned back in their chairs. Anakin sipping his drink through his straw, "So, is this another Fashion Show?"

Obi-Wan arms were folded and Quinlan choked on his beer, he sighed and sniffed, "Um, yeah, something like that."

Then, the announcer said, "And now, I would like to welcome the luscious, the bodacious and always sexy 'Bullas'! Let’s give her a hand!” She was as Lorrdian and she was well-endowed. She came out in skin-tight pink satin dress. She writhed and danced; she had a wig, but really was bald. She shook her butt in front of Anakin, who was in awe of a place like this while Quinlan was laughing. Anakin looked back at both Jedi and smiled while Obi-Wan sat there calmly, unperturbed.

The announcer then said, "I would like to introduce, 'Miss Gatito Amontones', she was Miss Solstice for the last 2 years!" She was rather thin Emerrian and she had a bodacious behind, it jiggled just right." Anakin's eyes and mouth opened wide because he had never seen a woman to contort into the position.

Then a scantily clad gaunt very young woman walked up to the table, Obi-Wan and Quinlan ordered more drinks. When Anakin wanted another drink, Quinlan interrupted and said to the woman, "No, he wants one your naïveté specials then bring him his drink." Then Quinlan winked his eye to Anakin. Confused, Anakin sat dumbfounded.

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Then, the woman brought Obi-Wan and Quinlan their drinks. She brought a very young woman, who started to dance around him. Obi-Wan said, "You cannot touch her physically. You must keep your hands to your sides at all times."

Anakin asked, "But she can touch me, right."

Obi-Wan and Quinlan nodded. Quinlan added, "DO NOT USE YOUR POWERS ON HER!" Mimicking Master Yoda's voice Quinlan said, "It is the way…"

And in unison all 3 Jedi said, "To the Dark Side!"

The young girl proceeded to give Anakin a full lap dance. To him, it was interesting. But it wasn't his wife. It wasn't Padme. Besides, he would never want Padme to do what this girl was doing. Anakin sensed the young girl was in pain, she was suffering and it was not for him to feel this from her. He got nervous, scared and then angry from those racing thoughts he had in his enslaved childhood. He demanded for her to get off from him, in fact he screamed it. She jumped up and stared at him confused.

Quinlan immediately stepped in, "Ani-, are you alright?"

Anakin replied, "I sensed too much pain, suffering and death in her life…"

Obi-Wan told the young girl to come to him and said, "I sense it, too…"

Two bouncer droids with one huge sentient man came over and asked in a deep voice, "Is there a problem?"

Anakin retorted to them, "Where do you get your dancers? Tell us!"

The huge sentient man said, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave…"

"NO!" Anakin snarled, "Your dancers are NOT here willingly!"

Quinlan sensed the same thing and touched the girl himself. Then he snarled, "This girl was kidnapped from the Outer-Rim Territories and you have sold her as a sex slave!"

That was when a Toydarian owner flew in and asked, "What did I say about stopping the show?" He saw the 3 men, "What is going here?"

Obi-Wan stepped in a calmly, "Your dancers are enslaved sex workers and we are here to put a stop to it."

The Toydarian balked, "Who, you?” With arrogance, “My droids are the latest technology on the market. You cannot close me down! Remove them!"

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That was when all 3 Jedi lit their lightsabers and the entire bar patrons rushed out of the club. Anakin dismantled one droid in space. Quinlan sliced the huge sentient man in half and headed to slice the other droid. After their short battle, Obi-Wan recognized some of the Senators present and grabbed one of them, "You license and approve establishments like this! Your day in court will be your reckoning, Senator!" He proceeded to call the Coruscanti Vice and they arrested all who were in the club.

As the young girl was taken away, she wrestled her way from one of the officers and ran up to Anakin to try to hug him without her arms and whispered, "Thank you Master Jedi." And then she looked at all the Jedi and said, "I prayed for you to come and save us. Save our insignificant lives! I appreciate how you Jedi fight for us nobodies." And she was hauled away.

Quinlan placed his hand on Anakin, "Ani-, all in a day's work... Fight for better day..."

Obi-Wan grinned toward Anakin, "Good job Master Skywalker… Good job! The Council has been trying to find this place for awhile and thanks to Master Vos and yourself, we found it and saved any other person from suffering the same fate."

Possession Forges Ahead "I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty of corruption by full authority. There is no worse heresy than the fact that the office sanctifies the holder of it." ~Lord Acton's Dictum

It took nearly 2 weeks in lightspeed to fly from Bakura to the Usretrab System, according to the Rakatan Star Map and it showed that the second Star Forge was there. The Prodigy Darth Revan, who completely overtaken Senator Amidala's faculties, sat in the command chair, waiting until they got there to the Usretrab pre-Red Giant star that had converted before the existence of the Infinite Empire. Usretrab was located in Unknown space ~2000 lightyears away from Rakatan Prime. It had one gas giant planet named, Filocaos. If the second Star Forge did not draw power from the star, it can draw power from the planet. What was unique about this colossal ship as a weapon is it perturbed the very fabric of space and time--faster than the speed of light. It used Dark Side Force energies combined with hyperdrive technologies for perpetual everlasting fuel. It can rule through eternal travel and life of all its occupants never requiring an upgrade in machinery. It was alleged that the Infinite Empire was able to pass through parallel dimensions and black holes to reconstitute galactic

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bodies as needed. In essence, the Star Forge controlled the Force itself! The Sith desired this weapon for their judicious control over all "natural planets". The Prodigy spoke, "Full stop!" Asajj Ventress astounded, "Wow, it is still there! It is huge." Count Dooku thought similarly said, "It's been there for over 5000 years…" The Prodigy spoke, "And I will resurrect it, to rule the Universe!" The Senator’s body had internal hemorrhaging because The Prodigy was using all her blood and kept her organs functioning by Dark Side energies – hence, her skin paled. She looked gaunt, with the exception of her womb protrusion. She was 8 weeks into her pregnancy and resembled a late 2nd trimester pregnancy. Because of the partial exsanguation, her larynx became dry and inflamed causing her to slightly cough with a raspy voice. Mucus production was severely impaired. Every day she looked worse and sickly, but Count Dooku and Asanjj Ventress refused to suggest to her to eat. They wanted the warship for themselves. Treachery is the mode of the Sith. The Prodigy suspected that. The Padawan protector was purposely left in suspended animation. Oddly, the Prodigy's #6 and #11 maxillary appeared to grow and sharpen distally and she hungered for fresh rare meat. Once the Forge was located, she left the bridge temporarily and then came back more plump, wiping her mouth with a kerchief. The Prodigy spoke with a less raspy voice, "C'mon, let's go." In a small vehicle, The Prodigy Darth Revan, Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress locked on to the rotating Star Forge. The Prodigy stabilized the vehicle with the strength in the Dark Side of Force he felt from the ship. He put on a rebreather helmet, and entered into the blast door. 1000 km up, The Prodigy jumped to get to the nerve center, whereas, Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress could hardly keep up with her. Reviewing the darkness, nothing was activated. With a wave of the hand, The Prodigy activated nominal systems. All the controls were written in Rakatan language--a language not used for over 5000 years. By the time Count Dooku and Ventress got to the control center, the controls were on line. The Prodigy was able to float to do all the systems check needed prior to fusion reactor. Both the lesser Siths were flabbergasted at the largess of the expansive battleship. Upon all the systems checks and the readiness of the reactor, The Prodigy flew into the fusion botsuit and initiated the fusion reaction. A few sounds were made then a whoosh of lighted air and heat absorbed throughout the intricate controls activated the Star Forge machinery. The circulation of power lit up the entire ship, then a light hum of a fully activated reactor. With a switch of the gears, The Prodigy proceeded to drain the entire power of the Usretrab star. Suddenly, the entire star’s energy was sucked into the ship and the botsuit controlled the power of The Force!

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After the drain, the shockwave of the supernova expanded faster than lightspeed and its presence slowly faded away with the drain of the nearby planet’s atmosphere in its wake. The botsuit deactivated and The Prodigy flew out looked healthier and younger! The voice of the Senator had returned while her eyes were brightened. She read every thought telepathically... She threw a Force Lightning at Asajj because of her jealousy. She struggled to get up and The Prodigy snarled, "Think that again and I will hurl you out into the vacuum of space!" Count Dooku knew how to clear his thoughts as a Sith Lord. The Prodigy Darth Revan said, "Let's get my troops and as for my Padawan learner, keep her in stasis! We go to Dantooine!" They filled the Star Forge with all the Droids, Sentient beings and the Stasis Padawan.

Many Jedi throughout the galaxy and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine felt an “earthquake hurricane” disaster in The Force. The Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s nose bled. For the Jedi, some vomited, some had nosebleeds, and some had excruciating headaches—some had all three symptoms. When Grand Master Yoda felt it, he coughed profusely and fell off his chair. He struggled to get up. Many of the younglings came down with fevers and colds due to the cosmic radiation, and the magnitude of the Force-Loss. Neither the Jedi Medical Corps nor the Medical Droids were prepared to handle the pandemic wave of illness. Within 1 week the non-Force-sensitive sentient beings, died due to cosmic radiation personal chronic conditions and the young failed to thrive. Over 200 billion non-Force-Sensitive beings died due to poor health from the loss of light and minute pyroclastic dust. Several suns emitted solar flares. There was such a huge uproar at the emergency meeting for the Galactic Senate that they demanded the Supreme Chancellor to form a truce with the Separatists and immediately handle this problem. Several non member planets lost entire hemispheres of life. Senators and local planetary governors demanded protections of refuges to Coruscant to see the suffering. Only Alderaan, Chandrilla and Naboo accepted the bulk of the survivors with bulk cargo ships that can only carry 2-3 million. In fact senators and local planetary governments became frustrated when they discovered that 400,000 Galactic Republic Correllian Bulk Cruisers that could hold well over 100 million beings and be fully staffed were waiting on space dock. The Jedi Medical Corp did not have enough trained personnel to treat all the sick. Many of them worked 23 hours just stabilize patients, if they could. Unfortunately, the elderly and newborn babies died... Anakin, studying for the Jedi Med Exam, volunteered his time to helping the sick. In fact one of

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the senior droids taught some basic field dressings and minor surgeries. Anakin found that while the medical concepts were tough, he seemed happily satisfied with this work with added technology such as bioengineering with nanotechnology, people would have gotten better. In fact it was an art form to him. He felt like Jedi Healing was his "calling". It was when the Jedi Council requested his presence for an emergency meeting that he really did not want to be bothered because he was finishing a surgical procedure. Anakin knew the Jedi Medical Doctors have been known to have excellent bedside manner compared to physicians from other hospitals. The Jedi Council Chambers were filled with all the Master Jedi Knights and those on the Jedi Council. He walked over to Quinlan Vos and spoke to him telepathically, "What's going on?" Quinlan said telepathically, "It's possible that the supernova was unnatural..." Anakin shocked, "How?" Quinlan said, "There is an ancient weapon that can destroy stars." Anakin furrowed his brow, "How do they know?" Quinlan said, "Because it's headed toward Dantooine and..." Master Yoda spoke, "Sensed Force Loss disaster, you all have. All existence is in danger. New enemies we may have." Master Windu said, "We've received a transmission from Count Dooku." Then he played it. Count Dooku says, "All beings, you will comply with our Separatist’s demands and release all our prisoners of war or you will suffer the same fate as Usretrab System." He showed the horrific hologram. Then he said, "You have 5 Galactic Standard Days to comply before we destroy Dantooine in the Dina System." Then he leaned into the Holocam and said, "Let me give you incentive to act, we have kidnapped your 'Senator Amidala' and her padawan Jedi protector." He showed the captives on the hologram. If you fail to comply we will leave them on Dantooine to suffer the same fate as Usretrab. Anakin angrily screeched, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Masters Yoda and Windu, the rest of the Jedi Council glared at Anakin for harshly interrupting. Quinlan placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder and looked at him and said telepathically, "Keep it quiet man!" Anakin telepathically said, "But that's my..." The he was somber, because he realized in this room what the Jedi Code says, “Attachments are forbidden..."

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Quilan said telepathically, "KRIFF the Jedi Code..." Master Yoda said, "Meeting with Supreme Chancellor we have in few minutes. Select Jedi besides those on the Council to attend." They proceeded to call the names of the Jedi and Anakin's name was called due to his service record. Quinlan telepathically said, "Keep it cool, remember the Jedi Code." The Council of 12 and 20 other Senior Jedi left to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's Conference Room. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and his advisors were present and several Senators, including Senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and the Jedi. Palpatine looked gaunt with several more wrinkles than usual. They reviewed the hologram and a pit in Anakin's stomach sank when he saw Padme kidnapped. Chancellor Palpatine said, "Everyone, we do not need to rush to judgment on this delicate situation." Anakin interrupted respectably, "Chancellor, can you tell me why Senator Amidala is on that ship with a Padawan?" Senator Bail Organa spoke up, "She was on a diplomatic mission and we lost communication with her 3 weeks ago. We did not know she was kidnapped." Anakin stared angrily at him, but he remembered Quinlan's comment and with Obi-Wan watching him, he backed off. The Chancellor continued, "With this weapon and the possibility of another Sith Lord, called The Prodigy Darth Revan, WE CANNOT LOSE ANOTHER CELESTIAL BODY in this Galaxy or beyond! I want all our Battle Cruisers to the Dina System within 48 Galactic Standard Hours and I want all those involved in custody and this abomination obliterated!" Master Windu asks, "Chancellor, how do you plan for us to circumvent an impinging attack by the Separatists?" The Chancellor said, "Leave that to me..." All the participants bowed their heads in agreement. As the participants disbanded, only Anakin, Palpatine and Master Yoda remained. Master Yoda pointedly, "Unexpected Senator Amidala's capture was." The Chancellor placating, "Truly Master Skywalker, I thought this mission was benign. It was a diplomatic mission to Bakura. When we did not hear from her..." Anakin, hiding his worries interceded, "She was asked to do her duty and she did it, now she is

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under the control of a new Sith Lord?" Master Yoda answered, "We know not what this Sith will do, until all is revealed." As he hobbled off and left the building. The Chancellor and Anakin studied each other, and then looked down at Master Yoda as he left. Anakin glared at The Chancellor and he was not far behind Master Yoda. The Chancellor asked his advisors to leave. As soon as they left, the Falleen Prince Xizor stepped out and he said, "Master Skywalker will be a problem for you my Lord." The Chancellor scowled, "He is an excellent Jedi and he will be very powerful throughout Galaxy, you can learn a thing or two from him!" Xizor asked, "Why is he asking about the Senator Amidala so much?" The Chancellor thought to himself, but actually said out loud, "Because he must love her..." Xizor asked, "A Jedi in love? Can that happen?” Then he sighed, “Never mind." He had confusion, "Who is this new Sith Lord, The Prodigy Darth Revan? I thought there were only 2 Sith Lords at a time, a Master and an Apprentice?" The Chancellor glared at him with his Sith eyes blazing, "Be careful, someday a Sith Lord will kill you! Besides, the one you speak of is yet unborn and controls all of Senator Amidala's actions, thoughts and power. Should this child be born, he will break the rule of two for the Sith, life as we know it will cease to exist!" Then he swirled around with an icy stare, "That child MUST DIE! How far along are you with the AgriLigand clinical trials?" Xizor said, "Um-huh, yes, my lord. We are ahead of schedule, 95% participants who absorbed the drug are compliant and have generalized euphoria as if they are contributing to some common greater good--anything based on the spirituality of your choosing and indoctrination protocols..." Then he sat down and added, "Might I add, with Dark Side influencing, 100% of the participants will become permanently addicted with irreversible binding in the Midi-Chlorian D-loop. As long as they take the medication, fertility is disrupted, male reproductive organs atrophy; whereas, female reproductive organs often are disrupted and if they were to evolve into impregnation, they will have Placental Abruption where the placental wall detaches from the uterus causing abortion by the 12th week resulting in the termination of the pregnancy. 80% females die by exsanguination and 20% who do not die will be irreversibly infertile by uterine endometrial scarring..." He stood back up and added, "Within 2 generations, the entire population of sentient beings can be cloned for your preferred programming phenotypes-such as pleasure slaves, perhaps?" The Chancellor who was turned looking out his large window, said, "Impressive! I want Senator Amidala to be our first patient with the oral capsules."

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Xizor said, "It shall be done, my Lord!" Then he asked, "And what of Master Skywalker?" The Chancellor quickly glared at him, "He will not be touched! DESTROY THE SENATOR!" The Chancellor was concerned by the anger Master Skywalker hurled, but he was more worried that about the accuracy of another secure hologram he received a “Yuuzhan Vong Worldship” edging toward the Galaxy. As long as Force changes were minimized, this Worldship would choose not to invade for a century… Any threat to the natural order of space and time, this Worldship will wreck havoc in the entire Galaxy and any possibility of a new Sith Empire becomes extinct.

Betrayed by Sickness and Defeat

Throughout their journey...their...feelings created by their Force bond. However, fearing their love, thinking it would only lead to something worse, she realized in truth, she was afraid to face her feelings, out of fear of who he was. She attempted to resist the feelings, yet their love for each other was undeniably strong... ~Redeemed Revan and Bastila Shan

Darth Sidious immediately made a HoloComLink over a secure channel to Count Dooku. It was The Prodigy Darth Revan as the Senator Amidala answered. Darth Sidious snarled, "You will not derail my efforts to control this galaxy, Revan!"

The Prodigy who had completely possessed Senator Amidala, slightly gaunt again from the lack of nourishment, calmly mocked, "Oh, your control over my galaxy? By that you mean your plans to build a Death Star to destroy planets?" Then the Prodigy smirked, "You cannot ruin my plans to rule for all eternity!"

Darth Sidious scoffed, "You have no concept of what you have done! Your warship destroys the very fabric of space and TIME!" Then he turned, "There is reason why there is the Rule of Two and your presence shows how destructive it is when we go beyond that! When we override The Rule of Two, our prey is alerted and our decimating secret livelihood that will upset ‘The Balance in the Force’!"

The Prodigy Darth Revan disregarding Darth Sidious' comments, "I know nothing of 'The Rule of Two'!” Then snorted, “Besides, we require new sport and nascent cultures to conquer!"

Darth Sidious hissed, "You will destroy EVERYONE and EVERYTHING we Sith have worked for!"

Then by transubstantiation through the HoloCom, The Prodigy Darth Revan steps into Darth Sidious' office, and looks around saying, "Darth Sidiousss, you already destroyed everyone, and the fabric of space and time is already demolished. I am merely hastening its ending so that we

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can travel to new dimensions, newer beings and newer parallel universes. You are welcomed to come, if you were to bow to me and together, we will rule for all time!"

Darth Sidious seethed, "You will never gain a rule. You will END ALL EXISTENCE! You are a relic from a bygone era…"

The Prodigy Darth Revan Force Choked and Raised Darth Sidious, "And your constant prolonging of your life has made you an insipid misanthrope…" As he dropped him on the ground gasping for air, "Darth Sidious, how long do you think you can cloud the vision of the Jedi, build your flawed weapon to destroy planets, and not evolve to nascent universes with minds that require molding? WE CAN BE GODS OF OUR OWN CREATION!!!"

Darth Sidious hissed, "YOU WILL NEVER CONTROL ME! I'D RATHER DIE THAN JOIN YOU… WHO DO YOU THINK WILL CARE FOR YOU WHEN YOU ARE BORN? Senator Amidala will DIE in childbirth because of you! Who will take care of you, your father? He doesn't even know you exist and if he did, he would murder you! Who do you think made you?"

The Prodigy Darth Revan calmly states, "I'd rather not exist than to be your slave…" Then he picks up a sample of the Agriligand and throws it at Darth Sidious’ face…

Darth Sidious become so enraged that he throws Force Lightening toward The Prodigy Darth Revan who vanishes back into the Holoscreen cackling!

That Prodigy Darth Revan now back into Senator Amidala with a grin on her face and jeered Darth Sidious, "YOU MADE ME!"

Then the HoloComLink channel went blank…

At the Jedi Temple, Anakin was examining the upcoming battle and studying for the Jedi Med Exam, when he stumbles upon the "Force Bond" practiced by Jedi Master Bastila Shan to the “redeemed” Revan who was turned from Dark Side. Upon reading more, Anakin learned that the redeemed Revan’s mind was shattered and his memory was scattered across the Universe. He realized that Darth Revan was betrayed by his apprentice, Darth Malak who once was also a Jedi. Anakin intensely studied how Revan became redeemed through his searches. He found that Revan was kept alive through the “Force Bond” of "LOVE". It was love that made the Star Forge falter. That discovery causes him to jump and run to speak to other Jedi! In his mind his thoughts seem to coalesce, "Evil begets evil, the Star Forge is only defeated by LOVE and forgiveness." When he got to the Jedi Council Chambers, Master Yoda, Master Windu and Master Obi-Wan were talking, and he exclaimed, "I found a way we can defeat the second Star Forge."

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Brows raised, Master Windu speaks, "That sounds excellent, and we will discuss your plan, but first, I would like to speak with you…"

Anakin, gave his concept to Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan, and then walked off with Master Windu. They walked to one of the Temple Spire's verandas, "You know this 'Jedi Code' was put in place to give a framework to honor our values and morals. Relationships can distract a Jedi from her/his duties and connections to the Force. And some find strength in their relationships. Love is that Force Bond that equalizes all past hurts and pains, but it is difficult to reign in without LUST and PASSION. So, when a Jedi pursues a mate, or marries or shares in intimate physical-emotional relationships, there are strong repercussions and they cannot always be reconciled. Choices and sacrifices may have to be made..."

Anakin dared not to reveal his trepidation and remained receptive to Master Windu's comments. He was wondering why Master Windu was even telling him anything like this and what it had to with the Star Forge battle plans. Yet, he just listened intently to Master Windu who cautiously ventured to say, "My daughter is 2 years old now. I met her mother when visiting an ancestor ceremony on my home planet Haruun Kal. By the time I knew she was expecting, we had planned to marry.” Master Windu had a slight tearing and his voice wavered, “But the Clone Wars broke out on Geonosis and I CHOSE to sacrifice our relationship." Master Windu added, "Master Skywalker, your plans may be true, and if you go into the Star Forge, you could die or worse – be seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. The Rakatan Infinite Empire's powered their ships with Dark Force energy fusion hyperdrives to travel faster than lightspeed - faster than space and time... Ultimately, love does win out, but in order to have love, you must be open and vulnerable to let it happen... If you let that happen, you will be asked to make a sacrifice and you must do it willingly. The Dark Side preys on indecisiveness and often is one’s own undoing...” Master Windu turns back to Anakin, emboldened, “Do you think you can keep an open mind and remain steadfast despite others’ pain? Even to those who you are loyal to? Is that is something you think you are capable of doing? Even if that means you have to sacrifice your loved ones?"

Anakin looked down, thought about the gravity of what was spoken to him and then slowly nodded affirmatively. With a tinge of arrogance, "Master, I am confident in completing the duties as required!"

Three days later, Galactic Republic Star Destroyers arrive at the Dina Sun of Dantooine and commence firing on the Star Forge ship. The other Separatist ships protected the Star Forge. The Prodigy Darth Revan started the power up cycle to draw energy from the Dantooine sun. That brought a huge surge in power throughout the Star Forge and it was highly sensed by the several Jedi on the ship, incapacitating many of the Padawans. Then the Star Forge was ready for the destruction cycle, but based on Master Skywalker's suggestion on the Republic ships, the Master Jedi meditated and revitalized. The Prodigy Darth Revan's power diminished due to

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the presence of the Light Side of the Force. Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress realize this as their opportunity to strike The Prodigy and commandeer the ship. Their Sith Blades strike the botsuit, and their power was emboldened by the Dark Side fusion technologies. When the botsuit fell off the track, they proceeded to kill The Prodigy Darth Revan. But The Prodigy Darth Revan drops the core into the Dina Sun where no one can have the Rakatan Infinite Empire's technology! The immediate blast shockwave was so vast that Dooku and Ventress fell down, the crawled into a pod to escape. While leaving, Count Dooku says, "No one can be that omnipotent!" And with that they take the stasis padawan, Jlani Sivad with them.

The Star Forge appears to fall in the Dina Sun of Dantooine, the Jedi determined that Senator Amidala was still on the ship as a ransom. Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker with a small platoon of clones got to the Star Forge ship. They looked for the stockade that might hold her. But Rakatan's were thought to kill all prisoners. The ship started to blow, and Master Skywalker sensed Senator Amidala was in the control tower. He runs to go up there and Master Kenobi said, "Give up Anakin, the Senator is dead!"

Master Skywalker retorted, "NO!" And he jumped up the decks to the control tower. Master Kenobi, Master Vos and Ahsoka could not keep up with him fast paced energetic movement. When Master Skywalker found Senator Amidala, she was lying on the floor and her lifeforce is very weak. From the corner of his eye, he sees a tall shadowy figure that stood silently watching the destruction unfold. Master Skywalker sensed the presence of the Dark Side throughout the ship and The Prodigy, to which Master Skywalker says, "And you are?" The figure reviled, "The Prodigy Darth Revan... Father..." Master Skywalker, "THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE!" "Oh, but it is when you conceived me on Ylesia! Search your feelings, Father, you know it to be true! You both know what a spice addiction and a hypnotic mating call does!" He added, "You conjured my existence! You raped my mother, and then you abandoned us!" Then he snarled, "I HATE YOU FOR THAT!" Master Skywalker eyes narrowed as to what The Prodigy Darth Revan's point was... The Prodigy Darth Revan stated, "Look at the vast power of this ship. ALL OF THIS can be yours if you devote yourself to me... I will still need a parent, since you killed my mother!" Master Skywalker, "I will not yield to any man unborn!!!" The Prodigy shrilled, "So Father, you see, we are at an impasse. I will NOT abandon my mother, like you did... Her heart still cries for you and I HAVE FELT IT! It bathed me with all the Dark Side energy I will ever need! It focuses all my anger and hate for you!" Unknown to The Prodigy, Master Skywalker studied Darth Revan's life history, so he calmly said,

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"Life is about choices, and you chose evil. You bring others misery. The Prodigy snarled, "And you do not? What about my Grandmother? You abandoned her, too!" Master Skywalker conceded, "And this is about you. I am bound to vanquish you and your destructive path..." Then he activates his lightsaber, which The Prodigy activates his Sith Blade and they begin to fight viciously, destroying the Botsuit and control panels. The other Jedi get to the control room and activated their lightsabers to help Master Skywalker engage The Prodigy. Master Skywalker yells to Ahsoka to help Senator Amidala! The Prodigy throws all the Jedi while suspending Master Skywalker, and then he throws Force Lightning, immobilizing the other two Jedi. All the fighting aroused Senator Amidala in writhing pain. Her husband and her son are fighting. With all lifeforce left within her she shrieks, "STOP IT! STOP FIGHTING!" She decries, "PLEASE, stop fighting; I cannot bear to see the MEN I LOVE fight for a lost cause, PLEASE!!!" Then the last vestiges of her lifeforce began to dissipate. The Prodigy Darth Revan screams, "MOTHER, NO!!!" He rushes to her sobbing, "IT HAS ONLY BEEN THROUGH YOU I WILL LEARN TO LOVE AGAIN... SO I MUST BE REBORN!" Shocked by that confession, the Jedi stop fighting and Master Skywalker rushed over to Senator Amidala and confirmed the existence of her pregnancy. When he touches The Prodigy Darth Revan, all his horrid acts, pains and hurts were now known to Master Skywalker. The Flow of the Force in the ship forming a Force Bond, which is all the Rakatan Infinite Empire's technology, was now known to Master Skywalker, too. He enacted a modified meditation technique that he called the "Force Bond Prana Revitalization", where he caught what little lifeforce Senator Amidala had and touched her heart that connected to the baby's heartbeat and the Force energies of the ship. He passed his prana to their bodies, stabilizing them long enough for medical care convalescing. Master Skywalker saved Senator Amidala and their baby with his love! Master Skywalker found the Rakatan "Mind Trap" puzzle, disassembled it through the Force and cast it into the Dina sun. By transubstantiation The Prodigy Darth Revan existed in life form. Once Master Skywalker did all his wonders, The Prodigy disappeared, re-entering into his mother's womb. In her own voice, Senator Amidala coughed and sweetly says, "Ani-, I knew you'd come back for me…"

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Anakin softly stated, "I will always be here for you, my love, err--M'Lady." After hearing a huge explosion, Masters Kenobi and Vos and his Padawan Ahsoka said, "C'mon Anakin, it is about blow!" They jumped close to 100 m/s, when timed explosions occurred to the attached shuttle. On the shuttle, Anakin stabilizes Padme medically and allows no other Jedi to touch her because he did not want anyone to discover their love. Delirious, she attempts to speak, he tells her to rest until Coruscant. Once they get there, Anakin admits her to Jedi Medical Hospital and does the work himself. After 64 hours all her major wounds were treated. She and the baby will survive. To minimize questions, he transferred her to Galactic City Senate Hospital, who will keep her until she is ready to go home. It was determined she had the HELLP Syndrome. Which if untreated can cause:

• Placental Abruption • Pulmonary Edema ( fluid buildup in the lungs) • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC—blood clotting problems that result in

hemorrhage) • Adult Respiratory distress syndrome (lung failure) • Ruptured liver hematoma • Acute renal failure • Intrauterine Growth restriction (IUGR) • Infant respiratory Distress syndrome (lung failure) • Blood transfusion

Padme is 11 weeks pregnant with The Prodigy Darth Revan…

The Strength Of One's Sacrifice

In one's training, there is always sacrifice. Sacrifice for one's family, for one's close friends, for one's living life and for one's love. For every freedom there comes sacrifice. Love being one of the most hardest to sacrifice once one has it. Love gives so much, one is embraced by it, enveloped by it, the most beautiful part of love, and it feels everlasting, until lost. And if one loses love, the only drive force to truly regain it would be powered by love... But love will allude if one chases it and that chase requires learning from its loss--the thoughts to move beyond it, surpassing lost love will bring overflowing joy! When one loses love, one has to know when to let it go... It is a part of becoming free from the sacrifice... ~Dr. Gina who once lost love, but now it was found...

Padme was in her Penthouse Apartment when she wakes up and finds herself freaked, pained and paranoid. She finds herself still pregnant and fatter, too. She has to wear larger clothing to

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conceal her pregnancy. It feels like the baby is not moving or as active as he usually is. She coughs profusely, she has a headache, nausea and extraordinarily exhausted. She decides to go back to Galactic City Senate Med. The physicians say the baby is healthy and he is just sleeping and sometimes babies just do that. However, she is not healthy, due to her HELLP Syndrome. The physicians say they can get the baby as close to term as they can, but may have to removed surgically and put into a BACTA tank incubator for 7 months. But she will have irreparably damaged if she continues this pregnancy. She has roughly 3 weeks to make a decision, but it must be made fast. Depressed, she decides to go to her office. As soon as she got to her office, she wondered what happened to her. The headache, nausea and exhaustion made her worse. All she wanted to do was to put her head down on her desk and sleep. Her thoughts are fragmented, while everyone was excited to see her at the office. Then she realized she has a new assistant who gave her the briefings, which discussed the exorbitant costs associated with the Post-Usretarb Supernova Reconstruction. Her HoloComLink box was full. All this stimulation and caf wakes the baby up and she felt clarity and regained confidence. But it was short-lived because she became extremely confused and disoriented causing her to put her head down on the desk… That is when Anakin arrived with "get well flowers" – on behalf of the Jedi. Padme glared at him and started hurling desk items, "You left me to rot! You left me, WHY?" He was able to subdue her and ask, "WHO ARE YOU?" Padme too weak to break away said, "The Prodigy Darth Revan!" Anakin immediately Force-Stunned her and laid her on the couch. He added the hyperpolarizer, which reanimated her to consciousness, but kept her body from her neck down paralyzed. Anakin asked again, "WHO ARE YOU?" Padme said, "The Prodigy Darth Revan – FATHER! Your son...” Cough, “Will KILL you!" Anakin said calmly, "Padme, I will help you end your misery..." Padme then switches to her own "sweet voice", "Ani-… Ani- would you kill me? Ani-, my love?" Anakin looks away with strained eyes and puts his head down, "As a Jedi, I must allow attachments to pass in my life…" In Padme's voice, "So this it – your choice, your sacrifice for the Order?" The silence seemed to last a long time… In Padme's voice, "But I love you Ani- YOU ARE MY HUSBAND!"

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Anakin stated, "And I – err - we made a mistake – Our marriage needs to be annulled or we need to get a divorce…" Padme's voice, breaking, "But I thought we would be together forever… I thought you wanted to be with me!" Anakin lifted his voice, "And look where we are now, Padme!" Hearing his voice crack on this hard decision, "Padme, you must make a choice…" Padme said, "What do you mean, sweetheart? Whatever it is we can work it out. We can be together if…" Her eyes searched his, "What are you saying? You're not saying what I think you are saying? My answer is no! NO! How could you suggest that I? How could you?" She wanted to hit him, but from the neck down she was paralyzed. Anakin interrupted again raising his voice, "PADME! YOU WILL DIE! We did the tests! You have Advanced HELLP Syndrome combined with carrying a known Sith Lord baby, enemy of the Jedi, who also created a supernova that maimed many star systems galaxy wide! The misery of this yet-to-be-born being in this Galaxy does not outweigh..." Padme cries, "No… No… NO! ANAKIN! HOW COULD YOU! Just leave! OKAY! We are done! Our marriage is OVER! I will not tolerate this! I LOVE THIS BABY BETWEEN US! I will sacrifice myself to bring life into this Universe! No one will change that! I-I've already made so many poor choices, can't I just make one right? You need to just leave! I want you out of my life, FOREVER!" Anakin looked at her and realized that he cannot convince her or force her to do what he asked. Moreover, Padme had to make a decision. Who else could force her to do anything? It was her right to make her own choices... As it was her right to keep life. So Anakin left... While she yelled slurs and epithets, he left a childhood trinket he had made for her when they shared their love… Padme cried alone for nearly an hour. The Prodigy Darth Revan phantasm appeared and said, "Mother, it is through you I learned to love again... It is through you I know you love me... And it is through you I will honor and respect your decision..." After hours of crying, she collected herself and her new assistant brought in her lunch: a soup, salad, a beverage, aqua and her designer prenatals. She thought to herself, "Odd, they are a different color than usual…" Then she swallowed them and watched HNN. During the transmission’s commercial break there was a commercial for "AgriLigand! Rebuilding our crops, more than ever before, for Post-Usretrab Supernova Relief!" She left for a meeting, worked into the evening, got to her lonely penthouse apartment, cried

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herself to sleep. Padme woke up, dressed and arrived to work. Received her briefings from her original assistant, Liannia… She inquired, "Oh, you were gone yesterday, is everything alright?" The original assistant said, "I'm sorry M'Lady? I was here all day…" Padme said, "Well, who brought my lunch?" Original Assistant said, "I'm sorry M'Lady, you did not have a lunch order yesterday. Your schedule yesterday said you were to visit the Jedi Temple for a Jedi Med Screen… The Master Jedi, Skywalker was going to accompany you. That did not happen?" Padme confused, "Maybe I'm a little groggy, but I had a lunch here…" A confused original assistant complied, "Yes, M'Lady…" Padme called Anakin to make up, but he had blocked her on his comlink. Devastated, she sat crying profusely, "He no longer loves me…" Then her thoughts pervaded, "Maybe if I could get a sominatrope, then I would not be a bother..." That thought has been pervaded her mind more frequently and tears streamed profusely. Then, while she was sitting with her legs slightly open, hot and sweaty in her official Senatorial Dress, she looked out her window to self-soothe… It was then she noticed that she was hemorrhaging excessively... She practically broke down whispering, "My baby… Farewell. I know you were from the Dark Side, but I will always love you and your father…" After 15 minutes, she had gotten cold, so she stepped out of her office screaming and shaking while she hemorrhaging... The droids raced her to the Galactic City Senate Hospital for emergency surgery to save her life from Placental Ablation. After she recovered, they told her it is highly unlikely she could have children ever again due to extensive uterine contusions. She was placed in her own room to recover with a lot of pain and she was on pain medications and possible withdrawal addiction treatments due to Spice ingestion. She had dysmorphic midichlorian levels in her body and the small remaining fetal tissues in her body. The midichlorians had to be re-initialized and re-routed for maturation. The epigenetics had to re-initialized, which took a long time. By the time the med droids completed, she had no more tears but she still whimpered. Several hours later, Master Jedi Quinlan Vos stopped by to show "Jedi Appreciation" with some Naboo Pink Tea Roses. He touched her shoulder and said, "How do you feel?" She looked away despondently. He said, "You know Anakin will always love you, but he is afraid that you will get hurt or die and he-he just cannot deal with another loss, since his mother…"

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She turned and whispered, "Master Vos, thank you for coming, I greatly appreciate all that the Jedi have done for me. But right now, I am unable to cope with anymore loss, grief or sacrifices, or attachments or duties." Then she started to wail again, and the tears flowed again… Master Jedi Quinlan Vos pulled close to her and touched her bicep, "You know I'm married… My life partner is expecting and our first baby anytime…" As he grimaced, "Please don't give up on Anakin. Did you know he is applying to Jedi Med: The Healing Corps… He said you were his inspiration for that! It would keep him on Coruscant more." Padme, expressed an appreciative tenderness even though she was writhing in pain. Master Jedi Quinlan Vos touched her deeper with his psychometrics to ease her pain… She said, "Thank you Master Jedi. I will always love Anakin, too. Please tell me how you can love someone so much and try to annul a marriage or seek divorce?” She searched his eyes for an answer where there was none and she added, “There will never be another, but I will let him choose…” Weakened by the conversation Padme said, “Will you tell him what I said?" {Insert song here: "When A Man Is Wrong" by Seal} Master Vos looked at her with dutiful compliance because he realized the character of this classy woman, "As you wish M'Lady." He patted her hand to soothe her and took his leave. As he walked out, he glanced over his left shoulder at Anakin and telepathically said to him, "You need to be in that room with her, than me! She is in a great amount of pain! She has just lost YOUR child Anakin and her soul hurts deeply! That kind of sadness rarely recovers. She needs her husband and you need to be her Man in there!" Anakin feared Padme's ire because he knows he told her to make a choice. But the choice she made was not the one he wanted. He kept ruminating as to where she got those "pills"? Then how does the post-mortem fetal tissue get stolen? It concerned him greatly - they could still kill her! So, as soon as she fell asleep, he kept a vigil, he kissed her and thought, "I will heal you, my love, and I will never leave you, even if kills me." After Padme was stabilized and could go to her apartment, Anakin asked for a reassignment to the Jedi Astronomical Observatory on the outskirts of a Nebula in Wild Space 1000 lightyears from Rinn. He thought if he had the time from this war he would control his Force Rage… He was granted that sabbatical. Padme did not see Anakin for an entire year… She constantly wrote to him, but never sent the holocommuniqués… She said to herself, "Let him go, love him, but let him go…"

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Let Me Love You Down

"I love you too, with all my heart." "You aren't afraid to love anymore?" "After this? No. Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you."

―Bastila Shan and Revan

In her bed in the Penthouse Apartment, Padme woke up in a cold sweat from a bizarre dream she had: She heard a child's voice that she knew was Revan's who said, "I love you, Mommy!" Then she saw images of two teenagers she did not know mouth the same statements {Images of Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa}, then she heard the child's voice again, Revan's. She feels moistness on her inner thighs, then looks down under her covers and realizes her menstruation has started. Rolling her eyes, her monthly menstruation has come back 10 months since she removed the BC chip due to her miscarriage. Her rationale to removing it was what was point in keeping it? It was inactivated anyway when she found out she was pregnant the other time. But since she has not seen her Love in a year, there is no chance of that happening again… As far as the dream, that is exactly what it was--just her wishful thinking.

She could not go back to sleep, so got up and got ready for physical fitness, which she had gotten back into the practice again to clear her mind before work. It was ~3 in the morning 3 miles to the Senate Gymnasium to the track. She ran nearly 2 miles when a sexy new Senator from Corellia ran behind her. His name was Senator Prince Lieu-ice Pawl. He was the “Unofficial Sexiest Man’s Contest Winner” by the lady senators. All the women attempted to seduce him, except for Padme. She had promised herself no more relationships – DONE! She was about her work!

The more oblivious and aloof she was toward Prince Lieu-ice, the more enthralled he was with Padme. And he persistently and relentlessly pursued her. Prince Lieu-ice thought Padme was the "big prize" of power--all the influence and heightened celebrity he needed. She passed landmark legislation to improve the lives of untold billions! Her sentient beings rights record was impeccable. And, she was the biggest threat to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, for unclear reasons. Everyone can see that being with Senator Padme Amidala pays! She was one of the most powerful women in the Galactic Senate. He wanted to be with her in any way he could, even though he was 8 years her junior. Allying himself with her would bring him the stature he desired—even to get him to become a Supreme Chancellor! So, he runs next to her and says, "Oh! Good Morning Senator Amidala!"

Oblivious to him and enraptured with her thoughts she mumbles, "Good Morning… Senator… Um, Pawl…"

Prince Lieu-ice elated thought, "She knows my name!"

Then Padme coming back into her presence asks, "Off to an early start?"

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Prince Lieu-ice giddily, "Ah, yes… Yes M'Lady! You?"

Senator Amidala kept running without much of a response to his question for awhile.

Prince Lieu-ice blurts out, "What is this I hear about a 'Rebellion and Alliance'?"

Senator Amidala annoyed asks, "Not sure what you are asking?" Her highly trained self never admits to anything unless necessary – something she has learned to become a good negotiator and diplomat.

Prince Lieu-ice attempts his courage of his charm, "Well, you are one of the most powerful senators in the Galactic Senate" Then with cockiness, "And of course the most attractive, especially when you are with me..."

Senator Amidala rolled her eyes and said, "Senator Pawl, I heard you are very beguiling... Whatever it is you are trying to lobby, I assure you I am NOT interested..."

Prince Lieu-ice freaked and his voice broke as he pleaded, "But hear me out! I just don't understand why Chancellor Palapatine seethes when you approach him!"

She stopped running and glared at him. Angrily she said, "I helped the Chancellor get elected! He was one of my trusted Advisors from Naboo when I was Queen! Don't you DARE use that kind of tone with me young man!"

Shocked by her anger, he ran quickly to make amends, Prince Lieu-ice stumbled, "Senator, senator, I'm sorry, sorry… I was 6 years old when… Then I was 16 years old on Corellian High School System when the Clone Wars started! I just know of all the feats by the you and the Jedi, like Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker…"

Senator Amidala eyes narrowed and she scoffed, but she remained stoic and classy…

Prince Lieu-ice stuttered, "I-I-I'm just here for friendly convo…"

"Good day Senator Pawl…" She turned her back to him and ran off back to her apartment.

She groomed herself and got to work early. With her bundle of files she had to sort, a few of them leaned underneath something. She dug it out and it turns out to be a "handmade" trinket that had a familiar craft of Anakin. It was another necklace to wear; she was smiled because he always had that boyish charm she enjoyed. Her pain of a lost love hurts less after... She actually did not remember how long Anakin Skywalker had been gone! She knew he took a sabbatical, but the Clone Wars got worse, so she heard of reassignments. No one came to her to tell her if he was alive or dead... She was guessing no news is good news? She was sure that the Jedi would tell her if... If-–she shook herself silly and thought, "Padme, get a hold of yourself!"

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Her Assistant came in to set up and realized she was in her office, "Oh M'Lady, I apologize… Here are today's briefings."

Senator Amidala said, "Liannia, it’s okay, come in. I got here early to finish this project. Can you get me a hot beverage, please?"

"Yes, yes M'Lady!" The Assistant was elated because Senator Amidala remembered her name!

While reading one of the briefs she looks out the window of the beautiful morning sunrise with dewdrops and she finds solace in the fact that she does enjoy serving as a Senator and that she will probably go back to Naboo to become a president at one of the Universities. She wanted to term limit herself. But this "Alliance" may have to be formed to stop Supreme Chancellor holding power for too long. The Galactic Senate has been active for 1000 years, Palpatine needs to relinquish his emergency powers. From her peripheral vision , she saw a small boy run across the room who looks like Anakin when he was ~6 years old, and woman, who looks like Anakin's step-sister-in-law, Beru was calling him, "Luuuuuuke, Luuuuuuke!". Then she envisions a similar aged beautiful little girl on Alderaan, where Bail Organa's wife Queen Breha Organa says, "Leia like I have always told you, your mother loves you deeply..." Padme had to shake the image from her daydreaming until she heard, "I love you, Mommy!" in child Revan's, Luke's, and Leia's voices. In a re-envisioning, Padme hugged each of children who were all "younglings" for the Jedi Academy and Anakin was walking them to class. In this dream, Anakin kissed her passionately as the kids giggled. There was another dream, of Anakin and her walking casually along a beach where the healing ocean waters lapsed and Anakin was carrying an infant, kissing him on his forehead, spinning him around. Everyone has smiles in this joyous little family… Padme discounted her dreams and said, "Nice fantasy, dream on!"

{Insert song here: “Come Back To Me” by Janet Jackson}

Her dream was broken by an alarm on the HoloNet IM from Senator Lieu-ice Pawl saying he was sorry, repeatedly. She deleted it. Senator Bail Organa sent a reminder HoloCommunique that his committee meeting was in 10 minutes. Padme got up and left to that meeting.

Anakin was completing a few experiments on the Jedi Astronomical Observatory. The tests were on new stars forming from the Rinn Nebula that was 1000 lightyears from the Planet Rinn. The Observatory was a massive spacestation dedicated to research. Shaped like a half a hemisphere in Wild Space, food was grown underneath the dome. It was an environpro's dream come true: a fully contained deep space station, all the materials are recycled in perpetuity; greenhouse that provides an atmosphere studied by the research divisions: Jedi Medical Healing Corps, Agriculture Corps, physics, astronomical, astrobiological, engineering, technology, molecular microbiology, neuropsychiatry, the biological basis of the Light Side of the Force, creative expression, organizational psychology, sociology, being-being interactions,

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cultural evolution during prolonged artificial environment, and music theory. The Observatory was positioned in a safe distance from the nebula but it was close enough to send probes. The Jedi sensed that this part of wild space was a Light Side of the Force Nexus, which has yet to be identified... Interestingly, the research project Anakin was involved examined the biological effects of nebular star formation on sentient beings. What amazed him was not EVERYONE was a Jedi or a Clone. There were quite a few Force Insensitives, some resistant, some not. However, these scientists and their families were welcomed as part of the crew and research teams. Anakin actually was a part of the Jedi Medical Healing Corps, and the Astrobiological, Physics and Engineering laboratories. His laboratory had 3 student/technicians. He has published in Journal of Galactic Science twice for his work on Nebular Healing Biology - a great accomplishment for a non-physician. The Jedi and the scientific community lauded his efforts. Due to his research, he received an award from the Galactic Institutes of Science under the Health Service asked him to present his work on Coruscant. If all goes well, he could have a possible new teaching position at the Jedi Astronomical Observatory under the Jedi Med Healing Corps. Everything seemed as though it was coming together.

Anakin wanted the will of the Force to happen in this manner, because it was time-- time for him to be married to his wife, Padme. He missed her. All the discoveries he made, publications he wrote, presentations he made, paled in comparison when he was not with Padme--he needs her--he loves her. Anakin fancied Padme could come to live on the Jedi Astronomy Observatory with him and she could organize the administrative affairs--they need a lot of help. In fact, there were a few other Jedi's who did not hide their partnered relationships despite the Code… The only rule on the Observatory was to recycle, it is self-sustaining, no reliance on major trade routes. Anakin thought, "With all the Jedi, how could anyone attack us?"

He put on his official Jedi Robes, prepared a few items for his HoloNetBook. Took his customized Delta-7 Aethersprite starfighter out to hyperspace and headed for Coruscant for his presentation.

Padme’s dreams were vividly wild, and they often allied themselves with the start of her menstrual cycle. Then the migraines appeared ~10 days after her period ended. She was due to her monthly appointments with the Galactic Senate Med. Tested, poked and prodded, scanned and MR3AE'ed her. They found her uterus was scarred but had no explanation as to her periods or her possible re-initiation of her ovulation. They even looked at a few of her follicular cells and found minute, insignificant non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms, which were not harmful. A HapMap showed she falls within range for humans. An EpiGen map showed a high inflection of heterochromatin in some genes which can be treated, but MidiClorian counts were high in her reproductive tract which is unusual due to the gonadal barrier. The MidiClorians in these organs had the following transcriptional upregulation on a

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HoloIlluminaChip: CYP7A1, SREBP1a, 2, 3, UCP-1, Pgc Family, and NOS all isoforms, HspB2,3 and Sirtuins. Apparently, Padme had undergone a post-transcriptional evolution, but it would have to be seen… As a cautionary measure, the Med Droids said she would be unable to bear any children due to the damage she incurred because of the miscarriage per her official med file. She knew miscarriage is not what happened, due to the RU 597 AgriLigand ingestion, but she did not argue with any med droids.

Anakin arrived to the Jedi Temple's Quarters, set his material down got something to eat. He voraciously consumed his food and ran to the Galactic Senate Building to Padme's office. He did not recognize any of the workers there and they stopped in fear because he was a Jedi. He smirked and shook his head. He practically skipped to her office because he was so excited to hold her, kiss her, smell her – he wanted be with her and never let her go! When he saw Liannia, her assistant he exclaimed to himself – now there was a recognizable face! Liannia was drinking some aqua, and practically choked on it because she had not seen Master Skywalker for a year and she was joyful to see him, while all the other workers were in shock because they have NEVER seen a Jedi roam the halls of the Galactic Senate Building… He Force-Floated a Naboo Pink Tea Rose that was wilting, and with the Force he revitalized it to its vibrant self… Liannia, jumped up and hugged him, "It's so good to see you Master Skywalker! Let me see if I can let you in, because I'm not sure if she is in her office or away at a meeting…" Liannia peers in the room and she is not there, then looks back at Anakin and says, "Well, I know I'm NOT supposed to do this, but I just know the Senator would LOVE to see you, why don't you have a seat in her office…"

Being rather a "ham", Anakin puts the rose in his mouth, and waltzes in... He looks around as thinks, "She's remodeled, nice!" There were flowers that appeared to be wilting, so he revitalized them. He saw the last trinket he made her on his desk. He sat in her chair to remember all her thoughts, psychometrically… Her worries, her concerns, her triumphs, her pitfalls… He laughs, "My Padme, always the go getter…" He stood up, looked out her window, put his hands on his hips, and waited. Then he flopped on top of the couch and laid there and sensing that she had slept there many times to complete her projects… He felt her sleep and embraced one of her pillows while he meditatively "napped". Then roughly 20 minutes later, Padme walked in arguing with unfamiliar Senator about joining forces on a piece of legislation on "torture". Anakin sensed it was, a young male senator, “Prince Lieu-ice Pawl of... Corellia” – WOW! His skills are improving due to this sabbatical!

"Senator Amidala, I just can't see why you won't come to the Galactic Senate Ball with me! With your influence we can pass this “Jingoist Act” for "enhanced interrogation techniques" to find the Separatists who instigated the supernova and the AgriLigand addiction!" Prince-Lieu-ice explained.

"Senator Pawl, may I remind you that a JUST society is NOT jingoistic nor does NOT 'enhance interrogate' or TORTURE!!!" Then she calmed down, "I will NOT go to the Galactic Senate Ball, I

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will NOT discuss this with you and I will NOT have any discussions with you anymore! Get out of my office!"

"But Senator Amidala" As he walked up to her with his sly smile to make his move, "You know you need to get out more… All you do is work… I will make it worth your while…" Then he grabbed her forearm, "You need the right man, a REAL MAN who can, tame you..." Then he slapped her butt, "I can be that man for you..."

Anakin rolled his eyes and thought, "This guy is lame!"

Padme quietly said, "Let me go! Let me go!" Then her voice surged and she sternly eyed Lieu-ice who grope her unwelcomingly, "LET ME GO!"

Slyly, Lieu-ice had a very demented thought--i.e. rape, seductively whispered, "C'mon, you know you want me... I see how you stare at me…"

Anakin definitely sensed that vile thought.

Padme snarled, "I SAID NO!" As he attempted to subdue her by forcing himself on her and they started to fight until she turned around and saw a Jedi robe...

Anakin arose and activated his lightsaber and using the “Jedi Mind Trick”, he forcefully said, "YOU WILL LEAVE THE SENATOR ALONE NOW!!!”

"Who the HELL are you?" Senator Prince Lieu-ice Pawl released Padme.

Padme ran behind Anakin who sternly said, "PLEASE LEAVE NOW OR I WILL REMOVE YOU FROM THESE PREMISES!"

Lieu-ice Pawl, laughed, pointing to Padme said, "I see! You think you are tough because you have a Jedi Protector! YOU ARE WEAK! YOU HAVE NO POWER! I see why the Chancellor despises you! YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF MY EFFORTS!!!" Then he stomped her office harried...

After a few seconds, Anakin deactivated his blade and turned to Padme who collapsed in Anakin's arms, hugging and kissing him. She said, "Oh Ani-, thank you, thank you! Oh my, you are back? I am so glad to see you! I've missed you!"

Anakin smiled because he was enthusiastic to see her, "I sense how our 'separation' has hurt us and Padme, please let's not separate like this again… I have been thinking a lot, my love, and while I will have Jedi duties, I will be admitted to Jedi Med, and I know we can have the kind of life we desire... Would you be interested in hearing me out?"

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Padme excitedly asked, "Ani-, I have been thinking too… Can we live on Naboo?"

Anakin grinned, "Yes, we can live on Naboo!" Then he added, "I would love for you to see where I have been working, my laboratory and the Nebula. Will you see me present my research?"

Padme astounded replied, "Ani-, I would LOVE to see you present!” She then asked, “Can I come to your presentation?" Anakin laughed, "Sure, I need your support by seeing me in action." Padme asked, "As far as the Observatory, I have not been feeling well lately…"

Anakin asked, "Oh?" He sensed her body and there may have been some infection that he immediately neutralized with the Healing Force, then he felt the uterine scars that he knew he would be unable to help her here. So he said, "I would like to heal you at the Observatory. W-will you come?"

Padme saw how happy Anakin was, the light in his eyes, healthy skin, lightened hair and he was well rested. Then she saw the excitement of where he had built his livelihood and she has not ever seen him being this honest with himself, much less with her. She somehow - sensed it. With that, she said, "Yes, Anakin, yes, I will come to your laboratory at the Jedi Astronomical Observatory." They embraced and kissed passionately. Then they ran off to his scientific presentation.

As Padme stepped off Anakin's ship, he was greeted by several different beings who were his co-workers. In fact there were female Jedi who were pregnant. Padme whispered, "Anakin, those Jedi women are pregnant!"

He whispered, "Shhh don't tell anyone…" Then Padme laughed… Anakin was wearing his usual Jedi Robes; whereas, Padme was in a beautiful white silk dress with a "platinum" bodice and white chiffon around long gown, and her "coat" was made of Terrylene with flower appliqués and sequins. She looked like a "star" among the stars.

He escorted her to his laboratory, and described his projects. He showed her the greenhouse and how everything is transformed into new uses - the recycling programs, aqua reclamation and atmospheric conditioning. Then he brought her up to the Nebula Observatory room with 80% opaqueness. When she reached the height of the steps, the view was transcendental… Gases and extra "star parts" assembling new stars. In this case, one of Anakin's projects was the formation of a binary star – a rare event with this Nebula Class and has not been seen for

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27,000 years. Awed with all the colors and shades of whites, grays, silvers, gold, blues, violets and blacks, it dawned on her that these were brand new stars! When Anakin told her this Nebula may be a Force Nexus for the Light Side, Padme coyly looked at him, "I cannot imagine how it could not be? This is absolutely beautiful!" She spun around with glee because the light lumens were close to 50,000 LUX per the protective specialized tinted windows of the Observatory. She spun as she hit one of the observation benches and sat down with giddiness. She refreshed her breath as Anakin sat next to her smiling. He was so enthusiastic she was there. Padme asked, "Anakin, are you happy here?"

"I'm happy where ever you are, sweetheart."

"Well, there are quite a few Jedi - who live – um - well they are..."

"Open? Yes, my love, we are freer here than anywhere else in the Galaxy!" He caressed her soft left hand that he will attempt to get a Comet's ore diamond ring made with platinium/palladium for her wedded ring finger. He added, "We are free to love, free to make love, free to be family..." Then he kissed her on her hand, moved up to her bicep, then on the nape of neck, and sides of her neck, then her lips... How he missed those lips. He pulled up to her and held her in his arms, and passionately kissed her as he laid her down on the Observatory bench. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Then she noticed a "twinkling spark" out of the top of her eyes. Padme told Anakin while she was pointing to the star, "Look! Those stars are creating themselves?"

Anakin watched and then he saw it and said, "Oh wow! I have always wanted to test this... Do you want to go? It may be our only chance to get it tested. It'll only take ~1 hour... C'mon please say yes! It'll be fun!"

Padme apprehensively said, "Uhhh, sure?"

As they ran to the HelioMagLev dock, Anakin giddily said, "This is how I had planned to heal you, Sweetheart. But the initial star burst event horizon was estimated to occur in the next 3 months!"

Anakin exclaimed to his workers “The star burst event horizon window was occurring! We are going to check out the binary star burst formation with the HelioMagLev-infrasonic stealth detectors, NOW!" Anakin being the technophile built the unit and he has repeatedly tested the vehicle. In fact he fixed all the ships on the Observatory. Only thing was it was build for two scientists due to maximum gravity levels. It also moved by the Force with propulsion, something he discovered from the Rakatan Infinite Empire's Star Forge. But the only difference is this Force Levitation was all aspects of the Force and is a matter of the Potentium - the user who wields it decides its benefit to life. What Anakin discovered was remarkable, the Infinite Empire only ran on Dark Side energies that is destructive. If Anakin’s hypotheses are correct – his data today - would determine if this Nebula supports creation by the Light Side of the Force energies... He suspected that this energy was healing, because test subjects sent often were

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healed and some were revitalized. Yet, he had not figured out resurrection. The usage of the Light Side of the Force and its full scientific understanding eluded him, until he did this experiment in the capsule.

{Insert Song Here: Love You Down by Ready For The World} The assistants lowered Anakin holding a fearful Padme with a rope ladder into the vehicle. They sealed the vehicle, and then they were torpedoed at sublightspeed. From standing on the bottom they floated to the top. Anakin and Padme immediately floated down toward the middle of the vehicle. Then they notice in amazement that the dark walls of the capsule became transparent as if they were dancing amongst the stars.

While they were floating, Anakin caught a fearful Padme on his left side. She trustingly watched him where her eyes met his. He grabbed her closer to him then he smiled rubbing her face, and he kissed her passionately. He asked her, "Do you trust me?"

Innocently, she whispered, "Implicitly!"

He kissed her, encircling her lips with his tongue. He stared deep inside her eyes and he saw the Man he is, the Husband he can be and the Father he wanted to be. Padme, enthralled with all the sparks of light around her, bent her upper back, laughing with merriment. With the Force, Anakin was able to twirl them around a little bit into the direction of the alleged nebular star creation site. Padme wiggled away from him to watch the stars being created. It was as if they were twins one revolving around another. She felt revitalized and had not seen such a beautiful sight she began to cry from capturing a vision fair. Anakin seeing that Padme had been moved emotionally, he shed a tear from his eye. He floated near her and held her, tightly. Together they watched the nucleating step of this particular fusion reaction. Then she flipped toward him, as he gave her a heart salutation and kissed her. Padme sung in his arms an ancient song of the Universe, "I am a divine temple and I will give you most divine love. When you enter into my temple walls I will transform you and renew you. When you enter my gate you find peace, for I am pure love. You may enter my gentle strong King Man..." (Queen Afua's Heal Thyself, 1992) With Force telekinesis, he slowly unbuttoned her clothes, while removing his clothes. She removed her undergarments and he loosened her hair, till it fell long. They turned in zero gravity together. As the vehicle rotated for measurements, he gazed at her totality in the Force and she gazed at his totality in the Force, and then he lightly touched her with his human hand, caressing her neck, working down her body. He worshipped her heart chakra to the second peak of special nectar, and then he kissed her jaghana. He performed the Kama Sutra position of "The Embracing Union: The Sacred Embrace" by gently exploring and stimulating her through 1001 movements. He took a passive role in when he “delighted her with his kneel”, as she breathed heavily her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the back arched. She had to bite her

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index finger to stop from undulating in ecstasy. Her plump yoni released her nectar, when he touched her “jewel in the crown to her alter" and did a nyasa. Then he found “Gräfenberg Spot”. The minute he scratched it, she moaned a sound he had never heard from her before in ecstasy. That one scratch was painful at first, but the more he tapped the “Gräfenberg Spot”, the more pleasurable it for her. In her mind, she was thinking, "Where? How? This feels soooo good… If he could move more to the left - OH... MY... MASTER!!!" The more Anakin manipulated the “Gräfenberg Spot”, his lingam strengthened in power and it took all the Force in the Universe to hold his stiffness longer. Then he did not want her to figure out he can read her pleasured thoughts. He thought, "To be free is to feel Padme completely give herself to me and me to her." With his prana he had been practicing, he placed his lingam into her yoni to seek her "Nectar of Amrita". They held the "Lotus" position, where she performed 1001 movements, which made it difficult because he was practicing ejaculation control. So he flipped her into the "The Reversed Viparitaka Kama Sutra position" pushing deeper inside her. He sensed her uterine scars receding and her endometrium creating and healing. He also sensed each ovary release an oocyte--which is a unusual! He stopped thrusting and did the "infinite wisdom" moves. He lovingly gazed upon her face with breathing constantly while watching her sensual facial expressions. She often bit her lip and vise gripped his frenulum with her pubococcygeal muscle affecting his third chakras. She held him inside her for “100 heartbeats known as the Samdamsaja” where he lost control and anointed her alter with his sweet nectar. But when he did it, he looked directly in her eyes that stared back at him, trusting him implicitly... He took a deep breath and he felt her release her "nectar" onto his lingam. He squinted to where he could not continue any longer and he realized his release affected both their heart higher chakras. Moreover, he knew the repercussions and accepted them fully. To him, it was what he wanted, what he needed. The Will of the Force... It never really matter too much to him... He was ready...

Padme was fully entrusting herself to him, the vastness of her treasures had been unlocked by her husband. Anakin sensed her implicit trust of him and was surprised how close she felt to him; whereas, his goal was to permanently ensure his future with her so she will never leave him again. The HelioMagLev vehicle slowed in power at this time and he left her temple abruptly to quickly put on his clothes and gave Padme her clothes saying the capsule ride has completed--it was nearly an hour. She did as she was told, while her hair was disheveled and that was fine to her. As the HelioMagLev docked, the hatch reopened and they emerged, he asked his assistants if they got good readings, and they said they did. It seemed that Anakin was rather short with the assistants, because he wanted to go back to Observatory and see the finale of the binary star creations. Padme chased Anakin back up to the Observatory, when they got there; he immediately Force locked the door, grabbed Padme and kissed her in full gravity through "The Embrace of the Ivy Kama Sutra Position". His lingam was still empowered as he lifted her dress, spread her legs and thrusted his lingam into her yoni. Up against the wall while kissing her mouth and neck, they

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both turned around and landed on the observation bench, and he performed "The Bandhura Kama Sutra position" where he put in his most of the work. He performed a pressing movement only to pleasure them longer, while she gripped his frenulum again with her pubococcoygeal muscle and she felt his juices ooze inside her as he retracted. Through his thrusts, he did the “sets of nine” while touching her heart chakras, as she held his curvaceous base chakras. He flipped her over where she would do the "Supernova" position. Her hair flowed as she rocked her hips, he touched the second nectar position at the heart chakras, but, by that time they were both vocalizing loudly that he had to flip her on her back again and thrust deep inside her. He just stopped and looked up; her eyes opened and breathlessly she cried, "What-what's happening?" And as he pointed outwardly, her eyes followed he outstretched hand where the twin stars were born and leaving the nebula for a new life. She watched how they left and he studied her as she did with him, and they both had heart salutations with bliss. He closed his eyes briefly and unloaded all that he knew of himself to make sure there was success in what they completed. She felt a sense of rejuvenation, their love-making was different this time, beyond passionate, it was a new future--“a new hope”... Anakin was different and wanted the life she had fantasized before – was it to become real? Anakin fell by her left side, while she slept on her right side and he spooned and held her. He said, "Padme Skywalker, I am the Jedi designed for your sacred garden. I have entered into your great temple walls and I have come with a scepter of transformation, balance and high direction. I have come to you that will bare you gifts of deep beauty and warmth, protection and peace. You have allowed me in, my precious Queen Woman, so that we may travel the galaxy as one... (Queen Afua, Heal Thyself, 1992)"

Padme kissed him and smiled knowing that her husband had come back to her. She wondered what could their sacrifice now? She fell asleep in Anakin's arms, both of them careless of their surroundings, free to be the beings as they are free to love one another, free to be married to each other, free know their lives at this time were devoid of anxieties and free to be a family in this Galaxy and beyond. Timelessly...


Postscript: When the bonds of the umbilical cords bind the endometrium that is when it is called a pregnancy. Conception is only indicated when sperm enter the oocytes. Pregnancy can also occur in the fallopian tubes, which is called an ectopic pregnancy. But a healthy pregnancy occurs when the umbilical cords bind the endometrium. The nebular energy facilitated uterine health for Padme to be more amenable to zygote implantation, safely. It was done so by Anakin's and Padme's love. Without it, these would not have been livebirths. The Force Bond is powerful, it creates life, yet the life it creates is so fragile. This life must be taken seriously when creating it through a Force Bond, otherwise, the power becomes destructive by those who wield it. All sentient beings have one lifeforce to live, let's make the best of it.

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The real name of the Padawan Jlani Sivad who taken by the Sith is Riallo, a Fierrorro who was seduced by the dark side. The timeframe for Parte Dix is 5 months prior to Supreme Chancellor's Palpatine's Capture. Which means, obviously Padme went back to Coruscant and Anakin had more military missions to fight. Both were never to return to the Jedi Astronomical Observatory that sat before Creation. During Anakin's conversion to the Dark Side into Darth Vader, the Force Bond was ruptured and cause him to killed Padme. His rage blinded his love when he was alone and his mind scattered, the Dark Side took away his joyous times, that which he found at the Observatory and all the work done on the Nebula and even knowledge of his children. The post-mortem was stolen – I need ideas as to why, possible cloning? Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious did not have a grandiose scheme for any of these events, such as child birth to happen. He was against all procreation of Force-Sensitive beings. It is unknown why, but who wants to understand a perverted man's warped secrets are anyway? Also, I am not the only wondering about Anakin and Padme sex either... LOL...