the b2b purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. what ...€¦ · the b2b purchasing process...

The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey demand evolution in sales processes and skill sets. Educated, empowered prospects are turning their backs on traditional, outdated sales models that don’t serve their needs. A customer-centric selling experience has taken over. Is your organization adapting to this major shift, or stagnating? Read on to discover how adopting a modern inside sales solution focused on customer experience will deliver the growth your organization needs.

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Post on 14-Jun-2020




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Page 1: The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What ...€¦ · The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey

The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted.

What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey demand evolution in sales processes and

skill sets. Educated, empowered prospects are turning their backs on traditional, outdated

sales models that don’t serve their needs. A customer-centric selling experience has taken

over. Is your organization adapting to this major shift, or stagnating?

Read on to discover how adopting a modern inside sales solution focused on customer

experience will deliver the growth your organization needs.

Page 2: The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What ...€¦ · The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey

The virtual sales takeover

The B2B sales industry has reached an

inflection point. Prospects have forced sales

teams to cater to their tech-first preferences.

Not only are virtual sales teams accepted by

customers these days, they are quickly

becoming expected.

Rumors of “the death of the B2B salesperson”

have been exaggerated. But it’s true that a

new breed of salesperson, with superior

training and fresh skills, has taken his seat.

And that seat can be anywhere in the world.

Internal managers have recognized the

expense to maintain inside sales teams in

high-cost markets where many B2B

companies are headquartered. San Francisco,

Boston, Chicago, Tokyo, and London are

great for global logistics, but there are more

profitable locations to house sales talent.

A virtual sales team allows leaders to fund

expansion into new markets and segments

while more e�ciently capitalizing on active

demand. Strategic sales solutions can now be

Respondents say that gathering

information online on their own is

superior to interacting with a sales

representative by a margin of 53% to

17%. In fact, they explicitly indicate that

they do not want to interact with a

sales representative as their primary

source of research by a margin of 59%

to 19%.—Forrester

provided in record speed at a fraction of the

cost—and risk.

The new customer journey

Today’s buyers aren’t waiting to be cold

called. Virtual sales teams must now engage

with prospects wherever they are in their

customer journey.

For most B2B companies, the realignment of

the inside sales roles amid this new reality has

been slow and painful, if it’s been undertaken

at all. As a result, revenue is left on the table,

benchmark and performance tracking is

nowhere to be found, and sales reps’ skills

are dated and aging fast. On the other hand,

leaders who can adapt to the shift by

designing journeys that attract prospects

and add value are seeing exponential growth.

For example, solar company Sungevity

realigned its sales process around a

personalized digital customer journey based

on innovative data management. The journey

is so customized and compelling few

prospects consider a competitor once they’re

engaged. The result of this shift? Sales have

doubled in the past year to more than

$65 million, exceeding growth targets and

making Sungevity the fastest-growing player

in the residential solar business.1

Advances in AI technology platforms and

cross-channel reporting have enabled savvy

sales leaders to track customers throughout

their journey. These advancements create

new value for customers when informed

sales reps reach out knowing exactly where

a prospect is in the buying process and

providing the information they need to

make a smart decision.

Take the right road to ROI

With all of these major shifts, growth-oriented

sales leaders are smart to look at the ROI of

updating their selling models and personnel.

There are three primary drivers—people,

processes, and platforms.

Whether goals are focused on more e�ective

customer acquisition or additional client

revenue, the people should be the same: a

sales team with ambitious, tech-savvy reps

fluent in all aspects of the buying journey.

Additionally, your internal processes factor

heavily into the ROI equation. Growing

revenue requires a proven, margin-focused

sales process. That process must also be

paired with e�ective training, so reps can

understand how to use it to their full

advantage. Many businesses make the mistake

of contracting with virtual sales teams using

outdated processes that don’t mesh well with

their own sales work streams. Intelligent

leaders know to look for teams that can

seamlessly integrate with their own processes.

High-performing salespeople and frictionless

processes are powered by the same energy

source: data. In-house reporting solutions

often lack context and consistency, rendering

the data useless in guiding decision making.

On the other hand, accurate, multi-source, and

integrated views of key metrics are a critical

cornerstone of modern sales models.

The first step

It’s time to move on from obsolete sales

models. At ServiceSource, we apply 20 years

of inside sales experience to the modern sales

landscape. Our highly-trained teams operate

at the intersection of technology and personal

connection. From growing an existing client

base to breaking into new markets,

ServiceSource's inside sales solution is

dedicated to growth throughout the

customer journey.

Wondering how to get started? Reach out to

one of our inside sales experts now to discuss

how you can achieve exponential growth.

Page 3: The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What ...€¦ · The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey

The virtual sales takeover

The B2B sales industry has reached an

inflection point. Prospects have forced sales

teams to cater to their tech-first preferences.

Not only are virtual sales teams accepted by

customers these days, they are quickly

becoming expected.

Rumors of “the death of the B2B salesperson”

have been exaggerated. But it’s true that a

new breed of salesperson, with superior

training and fresh skills, has taken his seat.

And that seat can be anywhere in the world.

Internal managers have recognized the

expense to maintain inside sales teams in

high-cost markets where many B2B

companies are headquartered. San Francisco,

Boston, Chicago, Tokyo, and London are

great for global logistics, but there are more

profitable locations to house sales talent.

A virtual sales team allows leaders to fund

expansion into new markets and segments

while more e�ciently capitalizing on active

demand. Strategic sales solutions can now be

provided in record speed at a fraction of the

cost—and risk.

The new customer journey

Today’s buyers aren’t waiting to be cold

called. Virtual sales teams must now engage

with prospects wherever they are in their

customer journey.

For most B2B companies, the realignment of

the inside sales roles amid this new reality has

been slow and painful, if it’s been undertaken

at all. As a result, revenue is left on the table,

benchmark and performance tracking is

nowhere to be found, and sales reps’ skills

are dated and aging fast. On the other hand,

leaders who can adapt to the shift by

designing journeys that attract prospects

and add value are seeing exponential growth.

For example, solar company Sungevity

realigned its sales process around a

personalized digital customer journey based

on innovative data management. The journey

is so customized and compelling few

prospects consider a competitor once they’re

engaged. The result of this shift? Sales have

doubled in the past year to more than

$65 million, exceeding growth targets and

making Sungevity the fastest-growing player

in the residential solar business.1

Advances in AI technology platforms and

cross-channel reporting have enabled savvy

sales leaders to track customers throughout

their journey. These advancements create

new value for customers when informed

sales reps reach out knowing exactly where

a prospect is in the buying process and

providing the information they need to

make a smart decision.

Companies that align sales processes with customer

journeys report quota attainment rates of up to 14%

greater than the average.

Miller Heiman Group—CSO Insights

Take the right road to ROI

With all of these major shifts, growth-oriented

sales leaders are smart to look at the ROI of

updating their selling models and personnel.

There are three primary drivers—people,

processes, and platforms.

Whether goals are focused on more e�ective

customer acquisition or additional client

revenue, the people should be the same: a

sales team with ambitious, tech-savvy reps

fluent in all aspects of the buying journey.

Additionally, your internal processes factor

heavily into the ROI equation. Growing

revenue requires a proven, margin-focused

sales process. That process must also be

paired with e�ective training, so reps can

understand how to use it to their full

advantage. Many businesses make the mistake

of contracting with virtual sales teams using

outdated processes that don’t mesh well with

their own sales work streams. Intelligent

leaders know to look for teams that can

seamlessly integrate with their own processes.

High-performing salespeople and frictionless

processes are powered by the same energy

source: data. In-house reporting solutions

often lack context and consistency, rendering

the data useless in guiding decision making.

On the other hand, accurate, multi-source, and

integrated views of key metrics are a critical

cornerstone of modern sales models.

The first step

It’s time to move on from obsolete sales

models. At ServiceSource, we apply 20 years

of inside sales experience to the modern sales

landscape. Our highly-trained teams operate

at the intersection of technology and personal

connection. From growing an existing client

base to breaking into new markets,

ServiceSource's inside sales solution is

dedicated to growth throughout the

customer journey.

Wondering how to get started? Reach out to

one of our inside sales experts now to discuss

how you can achieve exponential growth.

Page 4: The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What ...€¦ · The B2B purchasing process has fundamentally shifted. What’s next? Rapid changes in the B2B purchasing journey

The virtual sales takeover

The B2B sales industry has reached an

inflection point. Prospects have forced sales

teams to cater to their tech-first preferences.

Not only are virtual sales teams accepted by

customers these days, they are quickly

becoming expected.

Rumors of “the death of the B2B salesperson”

have been exaggerated. But it’s true that a

new breed of salesperson, with superior

training and fresh skills, has taken his seat.

And that seat can be anywhere in the world.

Internal managers have recognized the

expense to maintain inside sales teams in

high-cost markets where many B2B

companies are headquartered. San Francisco,

Boston, Chicago, Tokyo, and London are

great for global logistics, but there are more

profitable locations to house sales talent.

A virtual sales team allows leaders to fund

expansion into new markets and segments

while more e�ciently capitalizing on active

demand. Strategic sales solutions can now be

Smart growth starts now.

Contact a ServiceSource revenue expert today.


provided in record speed at a fraction of the

cost—and risk.

The new customer journey

Today’s buyers aren’t waiting to be cold

called. Virtual sales teams must now engage

with prospects wherever they are in their

customer journey.

For most B2B companies, the realignment of

the inside sales roles amid this new reality has

been slow and painful, if it’s been undertaken

at all. As a result, revenue is left on the table,

benchmark and performance tracking is

nowhere to be found, and sales reps’ skills

are dated and aging fast. On the other hand,

leaders who can adapt to the shift by

designing journeys that attract prospects

and add value are seeing exponential growth.

For example, solar company Sungevity

realigned its sales process around a

personalized digital customer journey based

on innovative data management. The journey

is so customized and compelling few

prospects consider a competitor once they’re

engaged. The result of this shift? Sales have

doubled in the past year to more than

$65 million, exceeding growth targets and

making Sungevity the fastest-growing player

in the residential solar business.1

Advances in AI technology platforms and

cross-channel reporting have enabled savvy

sales leaders to track customers throughout

their journey. These advancements create

new value for customers when informed

sales reps reach out knowing exactly where

a prospect is in the buying process and

providing the information they need to

make a smart decision.

Take the right road to ROI

With all of these major shifts, growth-oriented

sales leaders are smart to look at the ROI of

updating their selling models and personnel.

There are three primary drivers—people,

processes, and platforms.

Whether goals are focused on more e�ective

customer acquisition or additional client

revenue, the people should be the same: a

sales team with ambitious, tech-savvy reps

fluent in all aspects of the buying journey.

Additionally, your internal processes factor

heavily into the ROI equation. Growing

revenue requires a proven, margin-focused

sales process. That process must also be

paired with e�ective training, so reps can

understand how to use it to their full

advantage. Many businesses make the mistake

of contracting with virtual sales teams using

outdated processes that don’t mesh well with

their own sales work streams. Intelligent

leaders know to look for teams that can

seamlessly integrate with their own processes.

High-performing salespeople and frictionless

processes are powered by the same energy

source: data. In-house reporting solutions

often lack context and consistency, rendering

the data useless in guiding decision making.

On the other hand, accurate, multi-source, and

integrated views of key metrics are a critical

cornerstone of modern sales models.

The first step

It’s time to move on from obsolete sales

models. At ServiceSource, we apply 20 years

of inside sales experience to the modern sales

landscape. Our highly-trained teams operate

at the intersection of technology and personal

connection. From growing an existing client

base to breaking into new markets,

ServiceSource's inside sales solution is

dedicated to growth throughout the

customer journey.

Wondering how to get started? Reach out to

one of our inside sales experts now to discuss

how you can achieve exponential growth.
