the artist who created the artwork that i have chosen to analyze is rembrandt harmenzoon van rijn

Christ in the storm The artist who created the artwork that I have chosen to analyze is Rembrandt van Rijn. It is a religious painting. Rembrandt used oil on canvas to create this masterpiece. Though it is not one of his more popular paintings, it stood out to me. I felt that it fit the subject that we are covering at this time which is religion. I am not familiar with the style in which it was painted. I think it gets the point across. The name of the painting was originally “Christ in the storm on the lake of Galilee”, but it may have been shortened to just “Christ in the storm”. Besides, it is the Sea of Galilee, not the lake of Galilee. I don’t know the specific date of when it was painted, but I know it was painted in the year 1633. Some other major historical events that were taking place around the world. The mission San Luis de Apalachee was built in the new world by Spanish friars. Feb. 13 th , 1633. Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for trial before the Inquisition for professing belief that the Earth revolves around the sun. Jun. 13 th , 1633. The charter for Maryland was given to Lord Cecil Baltimore. Jun. 21 st , 1633. Galileo is forced by the Inquisition to “adjure, curse, & detest” his Copernican views. Jun. 22 nd , 1633. Galileo is forced to recant his statement that the Earth orbits the sun, by the Pope. (Oct. 31 st , 1992, the Vatican admits that it was wrong.) Oct. 22 nd , 1633. The

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The Artist Who Created the Artwork That i Have Chosen to Analyze is Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn


Page 1: The Artist Who Created the Artwork That i Have Chosen to Analyze is Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn

Christ in the storm

The artist who created the artwork that I have chosen to analyze is Rembrandt van Rijn. It is a

religious painting. Rembrandt used oil on canvas to create this masterpiece. Though it is not one of his

more popular paintings, it stood out to me. I felt that it fit the subject that we are covering at this time

which is religion. I am not familiar with the style in which it was painted. I think it gets the point across.

The name of the painting was originally “Christ in the storm on the lake of Galilee”, but it may have been

shortened to just “Christ in the storm”. Besides, it is the Sea of Galilee, not the lake of Galilee. I don’t

know the specific date of when it was painted, but I know it was painted in the year 1633.

Some other major historical events that were taking place around the world. The mission San Luis de

Apalachee was built in the new world by Spanish friars. Feb. 13th, 1633. Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei

arrived in Rome for trial before the Inquisition for professing belief that the Earth revolves around the

sun. Jun. 13th, 1633. The charter for Maryland was given to Lord Cecil Baltimore. Jun. 21st, 1633. Galileo

is forced by the Inquisition to “adjure, curse, & detest” his Copernican views. Jun. 22nd, 1633. Galileo is

forced to recant his statement that the Earth orbits the sun, by the Pope. (Oct. 31 st, 1992, the Vatican

admits that it was wrong.) Oct. 22nd, 1633. The Ming Dynasty fights with the Dutch East India Company,

the battle of the Southern Fujian Sea. The Ming Dynasty won a great victory.

This painting shows a terrific storm with ominous thunder clouds and very heavy seas about to

capsize the boat that Jesus and his 12 apostils are in. A giant wave is crashing over the bow and some of

the apostils are hanging on for dear life. Others are begging Jesus to save them from certain death. The

sail seems to be tearing and all will soon be lost.

As for the elements of art that were put into this painting, it is clear as to where Jesus is sitting in the

boat, but he is not directly in the middle. He is at the rear of the boat and he looks as if he were just

awaken from his sleep. The sea is dark and for the most part so is the sky which represents the storm.

The white caps of the waves shows the fury of the turbulent sea. I like the way he uses the sunlight

Page 2: The Artist Who Created the Artwork That i Have Chosen to Analyze is Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn

Christ in the storm

coming through the clouds as a way to highlight the main subject of the painting. I find it interesting that

it doesn’t highlight Jesus. I also admire the detail that he put into the men on the boat. The five in the

front of the boat are busy trying to save the boat and themselves I am sure. One is sitting down facing

the other direction so I am not sure what he is doing. One is hanging on to the riggings with his hand on

his head staring out to sea watching his life flash before his eyes. Of course that is my interpretation .

Three of them are pleading with Jesus. One of them is trying to steer the boat. The last man seems to be

getting sick over the side of the boat. Now that is realistic. The angle of the boat in the water shows a lot

of movement. The contrast between the dark background and the sun beams coming through the

clouds emphasizes, to me, the reality of god keeping an eye on his son. What more can I say about this

painting? I like it.

I believe Rembrandt was a Christian and I know that he painted many paintings that a religious tone. I

also think that this is an example of what was popular at the time it was painted. The story of the events

that this painting is depicting is very sacred to Christianity. This is where Jesus teaches the apostils what

faith is all about. After Christ calms the storm and the sea, the apostils are awe struck and say one to

another, “what manner of man is this that even the sea and the weather obey his command”. I think

that Rembrandt is saying, hey, this is what it must have been like.

The thing that seems symbolic to me is the sunlight coming through the clouds. The son of god is on

this boat and his father is watching. It strikes me as odd that the flag at top of the mast has a cross on it

and Christ hasn’t been crucified yet. This painting is a very important event to all that believe in Jesus

Christ and his teachings. I would hang it in my house, too bad it is in the Isabella Stewart Gardner

Museum in Boston. I like Rembrandt’s work, although it has been rumored that he passed off his

Page 3: The Artist Who Created the Artwork That i Have Chosen to Analyze is Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn

Christ in the storm

students work as his own. No one will ever know for sure.