the art of courage

The Art of Courage by: Aaron Heflin English 12 Mrs. Griffin 05-23-14

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Writing portfolio about me


The Art of Courage

by: Aaron Heflin

English 12

Mrs. Griffin


Table of Contents


What's in a Name?.......................................................................................#2

Personal Alphabet.......................................................................................#3

Likes/ Dislikes List......................................................................................#4

Sensory Experiences...................................................................................#5

Metaphorical Definitions.............................................................................#6

A Quality Personality..................................................................................#7

Color Your World.......................................................................................#8

Room Sweet Room.....................................................................................#9

Personal Metaphors...................................................................................#10

Extended Metaphors..................................................................................#11

Symbolic Recipe........................................................................................#12

The Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse...............................................................#13

Telling Tales..............................................................................................#14

Unfinished Sentences.................................................................................#15

Personal Symbol........................................................................................#16

Map of Life................................................................................................#17

A Mysterious Place....................................................................................#18


A Day in the Life.......................................................................................#20

These Words Belong to Me........................................................................#21

In Other Words.........................................................................................#22


Remembrance of Things Present...............................................................#24

As Time Goes Bye-Bye..............................................................................#25

My Own List of Lists.................................................................................#26

Cheer Yourself Up!...................................................................................#27


Picture This...............................................................................................#29

Look Who I Look Up To..........................................................................#30

Remembering The Child...........................................................................#31

One Medium Suitcase...............................................................................#32

The Perfect Present...................................................................................#33

Memorable Event......................................................................................#34

How To.....................................................................................................#35

Always Say Never.....................................................................................#36

Are You Hungry?......................................................................................#37

Where I'm From........................................................................................#38

Deck of 52.................................................................................................#39

The Examined Life....................................................................................#40

Annual Report...........................................................................................#41


Visually Speaking......................................................................................#43

Lessons I learned After It Was Too Late....................................................#44

The Door...................................................................................................#45

Advice to the Young..................................................................................#46

Who Am I?................................................................................................#47

Rewarding Experiences..............................................................................#48

Valuable Lessons.......................................................................................#49

Futures-- Fantasy and Fact.........................................................................#50

Epilogue...........................................................................................End Page

Prologue #1

The reason why my title for this portfolio is titled "The Art of Courage" is because when

I was younger, I've been bullied in many forms. It all started in elementary, from head start to the

fourth grade, I've always been the kid that does as he pleases without no care in the world. I was

the kid that would tease you, pick on you, and fight you for no reason. I was living the best of my

little world. All of this was fun until I transferred schools. Fifth grade year is when my karma

started to kick in. There was kids that teased me and picked on me. The other fifth graders would

chase me and jump on me and the rest would laugh because they thought it was all funny. Many

forms of bullying has hit me since then, all the way till the eighth grade. One day, one of my

bullies tried to call me to fight at the bus stop. I was scared out of my mind! My heart kept

beating and I did not know what to do. Then suddenly, I stood up and said ok. We went to the

side of the bus stop and we started to fight. I was getting hit left and right. Then thats when it all

ended. I raised my right fist and struck him in the eye, sending him to the ground. I was so

amazed from that moment that I told myself that I am never going to get picked on again. That is

why I named the title to this project "The Art of Courage".

What's in your mind? #2

If I was able to name myself, I would have named me, Skylar Jay Heflin. The reason why

is because i always thought the name Skylar was a good name. Although my name isn't Skylar,

my name is still pretty cool. The reason why my name is Aaron Roque Heflin is because my

grandmother wanted my aunty, my brother and I have the same initials, A.R.R.. Well even

though my initials isn't exactly A.R.R., we still carry the first two similar initials and I find that

pretty interesting. So even though my name is not how I wanted it to be, I am still honored to

have my name and to have the same initials as my family.

Personal Alphabets #3

A: Ambitious: Strongly eager

I am ambitious, because when I set my mind on something I realy strive for a success.

B: Brave: Having courage

I am brave, because I am not scared to face a challenge.

C: Curious: Eager to know

I can be curious at times, being eager to know more about stuff.

D: Dutiful: Expresses sense of duty.

I can be dutiful by taking care of my goals.

E: Energetic: Full of energy

I always have energy to play my sports.

F: Faithful: Keeping ones promise.

I am a very faithful person, because I do not like hurting people.

G: Generous: Being unselfish.

I am generous, because I try to help out people.

H: Honest: Being truthful.

I try tobe as honest as possible, because I do not like lying to people.

I: Influential: Having influence.

I believe I am influential, because I can have a possitive impact on people.

J: Joyful: Being with joy.

I am joyful, because I am thankful for life.

K: Kind: Friendly.

I am kind, because I like to meet diffrent kinds of people.

L: Learner: Person who is learning.

I am a learner, because I learn something new every day.

M: Moody: Having changes of mood.

I can be moody at times, sensitive.

N: Naturalist: Extreme realist.

I like to keep real with people, I do not like to beat around the bush.

O: Obedient: Do what one is told.

I was raised up to be obedient.

P: Pleasant: Easy to get along with.

I can be very easy to get along with.

Q: Quiet: Peaceful.

There are times when I can be quiet, because I am an observant person.

R: Respectful: Showing respect.

I was raised to be respectful.

S: Sensible: Show good judgment.

I give someone credit that they deserve.

T: Tough: Hard to influence.

I am tough, because I don't fall easily for tricks.

U: Understanding: Ability to learn and know.

I am understanding, because I take my time to learn things.

V: Veratile: Ability to do many things.

I can multi-task depending on what I do.

W: Wonderful: Nice and pleasant.

My mom raised me to be a wonderful person.

X: Xenondochial: Kindly to strangers.

I can be kind to strangers.

Y: Youthful: Being young.

I am youthful and energetic.

Z: Zealous: Being committed.

I am zealous, because I can stay faithful.

Likes and Dislikes list #4

Likes Dislikes

1. God 1. Bullies

2. Food 2. That one teacher

3. Family 3. Show offs

4. Friends 4. cocky people

5. Clothes 5. cheaters

6. MMA 6. unloyal people

7. Beach 7. nosey people

8. Sports 8. know it alls

9. Positive people 9. emo people

10. Candy 10. cavities

Sensory Experience #5

There was multiple times in my life when i used all my senses at once and that time is

when me and my famiy made a big bonfire and made smores. It was a regular saturday night just

relaxing and listening to music. Then all of a sudden, my uncle decided to make a bonfire. So we

gathered a bunc of pallets and lite it on fire. it was so hot that we felt it from a far range. Then

my uncle decided to make smores, so he went into his hoouse and came out with all the

ingredients. All of my little brothers and sister and all my little cousins went crazy. Jumping up

and down, yelling their little lungs out. My little sister wanted a smore so my mom told me to

make one for her. So I out the marshmellow on the stick then headed to the fire. As I stepped

closer, I could feel the fire burning my body. When I reached the fire, I reached the marshmellow

into the fire. Instantly, the marshmellow grew into a flame. I took it out of the fire and blew it out

instantly. Looking at the burnt marshmellow, I noticed that it had a good look to it, with it's

sizzling crust, it's beautiful aroma, and the sweet sweet taste of deliciousness. I grew so amazed

to this marshmellow that I ended up eating it and so happen to make another one.

Metaphorical Definition #6

1. He has a heart of stone.

2. The sky is copper plated.

3. Honesty is the best policy.

4. Her sweetness is like honey.

5. This world needs peace in it.

6. The joy on her face was so bright.

7. The wet day has sadness.

8. Her love is blinding.

9. The look in his eyes bring fear to the world.

10. He is our last hope.

Color Your World #8

My life is not like most people. My life isn't all blue and red, yellow or orange. My life is

what I like to call, a rainbow world. My life is filled with every possible color there has ever

been invented. From bright to dark, and normal to opposite. Every color will represent a feeling

or event that has been taken in my life. For example, al my sad moments will be categorized with

the color blue and all my happy moments with yellow, orange and green. A blue moment in my

life would be when my close family members has passed away to the afterlife or when my heart

has been tortured and abused form past relationships. The blue moments is one that I greatly do

not like. For my orange, yellow and green moments is when I was probably at my happiest. You

see all the bright welcoming colors resemble my happy moments because its warm colors and

warm colors are so welcoming. An example of a warm moment will probably be when me and

my family all goather up and just have a family event. I feel all the good vibes and it makes me

feel so happy.

Room Sweet Room #9

When I see my room, I see a man cave. A place where I can relax and just release all the

tension in my body. As I look around, I feel at peace, with all my things nice and organized. I

look over my right shoulder and what do I see? I see my pair of MMA gloves which takes all my

pain away. It's weird because these gloves are literally used to help give me pain, but when I put

on my gloves, I feel like I have the opportunity to release all the anger thats been held in my

prison body. As I continue to search around my personal paradise, I see my G.W.H.S. patch with

my wresting pin. It reminds me that I can acomplish goals in my life. Wrestling helps me

become self directed. I continue to search around my room. Walking left and right, I stub my

toe against this wooden like item. I look down and I see that I have came across my old

skateboard. My skateboard tells me that I can be commited. Skating night and day, hours after

hours practicing the simplest of moves just to land it. After every fail and every injury, I do not

give up. I get back up and stay commited to this move. My room is filled with so many items

that make me feel proud and acomplished.

Personal Metaphors #10

Animals; Ant: I choose an ant because no matter hard things may be to over come,

eventually I will overcome.

Car; Model T: I believe that I am hard to find, unique.

Clothing; Crowns: Because I am nice and neat.

Day; Sunday: Because I am relaxed and chill.

Food; Lasagna: Every layer resembles me keeping my family together.

Color; Orange: Because I am a bright person.

Movie; Family Guy: Because I am funny and entertaining.

Fragrance; Old Spice: Because I am attractive and I work well.

Building; Community Center: Because I gather people together.

Plant; Mango Tree: Because I have many uses.

Instrument; Uke: Easy to get along with.

Shape; Circle: Because I take no fair sides.

Furniture; Dining Table: Because people like seeing me.

Song; Island Music: Because I put people in a good mood.

Season; spring: Because I am joyful.

Character; Kevin Hart; I make people happy.

Character; Peter Griffin: I like to fool around and have fun.

Appliance; Toaster: I can make certain things better.

Natural Phenomenom; Typhoon: Because if I am mad, I can be a big disaster.

Word; Humble: I like to stay humble.

Extended Metaphors #11

1. Sunday

Sunday is the day that everyone enjoys. Sunday is the day that God gave us for

relaxation, a day when we are supposed to not worry about anything. I am like Sunday because I

am a relaxed kind of person and I will give you no problems. I like to go with the flow and see

what happens.

2. Spring

Spring and I have similar traits, we both resemble joy and happiness. When everyone

hears that it is spring time, they all get happy because they know that it is a time to have fun. I

am like spring, because I know how to have fun and how to give fun. I am also bring out the

beauty in people.

3. Island music

I have the same effect as island music. Island music puts people in that good vibe that

makes them want to do something productive, and that’s the impact I have on people. I make

people want to do something productive with their day. I witnessed this before so that’s why I

say i'm the same as island music.

4. Uke'le'le

When people hear that I am similar to the Uke, they freak out. They look at me like I am

crazy, but I believe I am the same. The Uke is a easy to play and learn kind of instrument, and I

am a easy to get along with kind of person. We might not be the same, but we have similar traits.

5. Orange

I believe that my personality is that of orange, or a bright warm color. When you look at

warm colors, you feel relaxed and at home, and that’s the effect that I have on some people. I

make them relaxed and they can be themselves around me. I also have a bright personality.

Symbolic Recipe #12

Aaron's Kadu


humbleness, confidence, handsomeness, tallness, neatness, brown sugar, wasabi, coconut milk.


Get the deep soup pot

Heat up the pot at 420 degrees pharenheight

add thin layer of coconut milk into pot

chop the humbleness and confidence into 1 inch cubes

throw cubes into pot and let it soak

throw in the main ingredient, tallness

add 3 spoonful of wasabi

constantly stir for 30 minutes

add a dash of neatness and handsomeness

turn off stove

stir for 5 minutes

Ultimate All Purpose Excuse #13

Miss! I am so sorry for being late for class! I had a very long night yesterday. You see, as soon

as I got home, I opened my front door and I yelled for my mom to see if there was any left over

lunch but no one was home, so I went to the fridge to make me some cereal. After the long filling

late lunch, I decided to call my mom to ask where she was at, but no response. I searched around

my house to see if they left me a note. As I walked in my moms room, I see a note taped on the

window saying, " if you want your family back, you have to fight me!" As soon as I was done

reading the note, the house phone rings so I answered expecting to hear my moms voice, but

surprisingly it was this deep scratchy voice telling me that I have 7 hrs to pay him $500 and to

meet him in Agat. So I robbed the store to get the money and rushed it down to Agat. As soon

as I reached Agat, 50 ninjas started attacking me, so I tried to out drive them but they were too

awesome. They flattened all 3 of my tires which now made the car over turn and slam into a

store. I had no choice but to do the unthinkable, I had to go super saiyan and take all those ninjas

out! I was cornered left to right, so I gave one big roar which took them all out, sending them

flying into buildings and cars. Then all of a sudden, the ground started shaking and my parents

rose from the ground with men dressed in red. They told me to throw them the money and

everything will be ok, so I threw them the bag of money and they handed me my parents. My

parents were crying their eyes out, thanking me. Then one of the men dressed in red told me

something, he said " The next time you borrow something without returning it, this would be

worse!" I just wanted to leave so bad that my parents and I started walking back home. By the

time we got home, it was already time for school, so I showered, got ready and headed to school

and now I am here so thats why I am late for class.

Telling Tales #14

Long long ago in a time where there was no such thing as law, lived a strong brave

woman named Skylar Heflin, my ancestor. She was just a normal person who loves trickory. One

day, she was just working her normal shift at the factory next to the ocean, but then she decides

to take leave early. So she clocks out and heads home, walking in the dark. As she makes her

way out of the factory, about 20 yards away, she hears a bell from an incoming ship. She stops

by surprise and looks, seeing nothing but a little spot light and hearing a voice of a young man

yelling, " land hoe! land hoe!" Skylar waits out of curiosity to see what this mans intentions

were. A good half hour passed and the ship sent a small carry boat to approach land. Skylar

being so curious, hurries to the carry boat to see whats in store. A young man stand upon the

small boat and shes Skylar, he says to her, " Woman! I am George Washington, the brave and

noble! Tell me if this is the land which people call The Free!" Skylar tells this man, " No! This is

just a small island which has nothing but con artists and peasants." Skylar takes a moment and

thinks to herself. She looks at George and says, " lets make a deal. legend says that there is a land

that stretches farther than the eye can see and is filled with nothing but wild animals and gold. I

will tell you where this land is if you give me gold weighing more than a hundred cattle." George

takes a moment and accepts this deal. Skylar wrote on a piece of cloth coordinates of the legend.

George gives Skylar all the gold in his ship and heads towards this legendary island. 500 years

has passed and some say that George has found this land said to be named as America, The Land

of The Free!

Unfinished Sentences #15

I usually worry about losing my family and failing in life.

I feel angry when people talk down on me.

I'm moody when I am not feeling good.

I'm happiest when I see everyone around me happy.

I feel confident when I do MMA.

I feel frustrated when I do so much things at one time.

I feel depressed when things turn into disaster.

I am comfortable when I am around my family.

I feel nervous when I do something new.

I feel sentimental when I put effort in things.

Personal Symbol #16

A personal symbol that is important to me, is my religious bracelet. My bracelet helps me

feel peace at mind. When I want to thank God for something or I just think of one of my

deceased loved ones, I kiss my bracelet. My bracelet reminds me that I am not alone in this

world and that God will always be by my side. I first started using my bracelet the day I found

out one of my close friend was in the hospital. I used this bracelet as a sign of faith. I started

praying more in my life and it helped me to be one with God. I have my days when I feel down

and I'll just look at my bracelet and kiss it. Call me what you want but God is my way of getting

through my life. He plays a big role in my life and my bracelet is just a symbol of him. The only

time I would take off my bracelet is to prevent it from getting wet and dirty. This bracelet has so

much meaning to me and I will feel weird if I was to have it off for long.

Map of Life #17

1994: I was born on October 19, 1994.

1996: My first brother was born.

2002: When my step father entered my life.

2006: My moms father passed away.

2009: Entered High School.

2011: Started Jiu-Jitsu.

2012: Started Wrestling.

2014: Graduating.

A Mysterious Place #18

A long time ago when I was just a little boy, my brother, cousins and I would

aways go in the jungle and play war. Everyday when we wake up, we would wash our faces, eat

our breakfasts and then go straight to playing. We wouldn't care about anything that happens to

us, as long as we were having fun then we were ok. One day, we decided to go in the jungle

across our house instead of the jungle behind our house, so got all the snacks that we wanted and

headed to the jungle. As we entered in the jungle, we told each other to not leave one another.

We traveled in a big group and continued to travle in the jungle, marching deeper and deeper in

this forest of amazement. We decited to take a break and eat some of our treats, so we did so.

While we were sitting upon the roots of the mango trees, we witnessed one the loveliest sites I

had ever seen, beautiful flowers that grew on a tree with a million butterflies placed upon the

flowers. This was a site that I could not forget. We relaxed a little bit more one the roots, then

continued our journey. We reached a small river filled with small fish and to our amaze, we

followed it. Not knowing where it was leading us, we still continued to follow. We witnessed pig

foot prints in the mud and iguanas swimming inn the water. The small river has led us to this

small pond filled with huge fish that looks like tadpoles. We were so amazed that we caught

these fish and brought it back to our house to show our families. This spot was such a suprise

that we ended up going to our mysterious spot almost every day.

Synectics #19

1. Which is wiser? a pen or pencil? I choose a pencil, because the pencil knows that it'll be

wrong, therefore he comes prepaired with a solution, the eraser.

2. Which is smarter? a clock or a calender? I say a clock, because once a calender is off for

one day, it will mess up the whole year, and even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

3. Which is easier to teach? a question or an answer? A question would be easier to teach

because we can never get enough answers.

4. Which is more difficult? a dream or a nightmare? A nightmare would be more difficult

because it would be harder to control a nightmare.

5. Which is braver? an hour or a year? An hour would be more brave because it appears

more often than a year.

6. Which has more pride? an entrance or an exit? An exit would have more pride than

entrance because it takes a lot of pride to just walk out of a situation.

7. Which is like a legend? a mirror or a glass? a mirror, because I see myself as a legend.

8. Which is more suspenseful? rain or snow? snow is more suspenseful because it can cause

more accidents than rain.

9. Which is sadder? seek or find? I believe that find is sadder than seek, because when you

seek for something you actually put in effort to search for things as for find, you can find

things without searching.

10. Which costs more? a home or a house? A house would cost more, because to me being

with my family is home and my home is priceless.

A day in life #20

It was a beautiful early morning. The birds were chirpping, the wind was blowing,

the snow was spread throughout the street and the people were as nice as ever. Woken by the

noise of nature, a young boy awakens with eyes glowing as bright as a summers day and a smile

bigger then a child with the sweet gift of candy. He hops out of his bed, rushing towards his bed

room door like there has been a spirit who placd his hand upon his shoulder. In fact, there was a

spirit touched upon him. Not that of a bad ghost, but from the spirit of Christmas. Rushing

towards the living room, the boys heart starts to beats. Pulsing and pulsing, faster and harder. His

head filled with thoughts of a million minds, Step after step, breathe after breathe. Thump!

Thump! Thump! Closer and closer he gets. Thump! Thump! Time freezes and the breathe of a

child has stopped. The heart pulsing slower and slower. The boy stands stiff, shocked at what he

obverses. Where he stands, next to the christmas tree, he sees nothing but the empty space which

lies beneath. His heart shatters with sorrow, sobbing like the child he is. The parents patiently

approached the little boy asking why he started to cry. The boys looks up to his parents and tells

them that he didn't get anything for Christmas. The parents tell the boy that Christmas is not a

day of getting, but a day of giving, showing appreciation towards another. The boy continues to

sob and hides his face in his parents chest. The parents comfort the child and tells him that they

will take him to the candy store to make him feel better. They tell the boy to put on his jacket

hanging in his closet. The boy walks towards his room, scraping his feet against the wooden

floor. Click! The boy turns the handle to the bedroom door and walks in to his room. He heads

towards the closet doors and grippeds upon the small wooden handles, swinging it open as

lifeless as can be. Zoom! The doors open and to the boys suprise, his lifeless dull face turns in to

the brightess of all. His smile so big that his cheeks clinch his eyes together. Boom! Boom!

Boom! His heart races like the stallions running through the medow fields. To his suprise, he

sees what he has always wanted, the game console of his dreams with a bow wrapped around the

neatly designed box. The boy falls to his knees and screams out joy louder than the jokers laugh,

claiming it to be the best Christmas yet!

These words belong to me #21

Dank: good. ex: Bro the food you cooked was pretty dank.

Digit: another person, nothing special. ex: Honestly, you are just a digit.

Loud: cover up name, code name. ex: Yo you still got the loud?

Zues: strong, best. ex: The fried chicken was pretty zues.

Slammin: cool. ex: That car was pretty slammin.

Swoop: pick up. ex: I'll swoop you up before school.

Clip: hit. ex: Did you see the way he clipped him?

Burns: smoke. ex: par you got burns?

Spark: fire/lighter. ex: Can I borrow your spark?

Dirt: unwanted. ex: You are dirt.

In other words #22

"Never push a loyal person to a point of no return." - Anonymous

"What you allow is what will continue." - Anonymous

"I am in competition with no one." -Anonymous

"I lost my ability to give a darn." -Anonymous

"Don't get confused with my personality and my attitude." -Anonymous

"Even a brock clock is correct twice a day." -Anonymous

"My calmness should scare you after you lost my money." - Dianna Reyes

"Those who stir the pot of trouble should have to lick the spoon." - Anonymous

"One persons craziness is another persons reality." -Anonymous

"The littlest of things could have the biggest of impacts." -Aaron Heflin

Flashback #23

My brain is filled up with so many memories, from good to bad. Choosing a

certain memory would be pretty challenging, but luckily there is one memory that stands out.

This memory is one of my brave memories. The memory I choose to re-visit is the time when my

family and I went to Inarajan Pool. It was just a regular family day, celebrating a birthday. My

cousins, aunts and uncles were swimming having a great time. There was a moment when one of

my aunts decided to take one of my little brothers for a swim, so she let him hold her shoulders

then she swam out to the deep part. I was just minding my bussiness sitting down eating my food

then all I hear was my aunty screaming for help. I look instantly at where this screaming was

coming from and what I saw was mind blowing. I saw my aunty and my brother sinking,

struggling to keep a float. I instantly run and jump in the water, swimming my fastest to assisst

their help. As soon as I was able to grab them, I grab my brother off my aunt and start paddling

towards land. My aunt was able to keep a float easier now that my brother was off. She swam

towards land and started to recover. This is a memory that I can not forget, because this memory

is one of my bravest moments.

Remembrance of things present #24

There are so many things in my life that I would probably forget. most of the

small memories and possibly the big ones too, but there are some memories that I would not

forget 20 years from now. In 20 years, I would remember how I value the little things in life. I

would remember the bonding moments that I have had with me and my family. Like the moment

when my mother came up to me three days after my eighth-teenth birthday and started crying. It

is the moments like this that I can never forget. Another memory that I wont forget, is the time

when I wrestled for high school. Wrestling helped me physically and mentally in my life. I used

wrestling to help self direct myself. When I would do the training workouts, I would have times

that I wanted to quit and just not feel pain anymore, but I tell myself that I can not quit because I

do not want to be a failure in life. All the times that I told myself that, helped made me stronger.

As time goes bye bye #25

The one most thing that I want to be abe to do by the time I am thirty five, is to be

abe to support my whole family. So that means that I would have to say good bye to a good

amount of people, places and hobbies. I would have to tell most of my friends good bye, because

my intentions is to join the military and travel while recieving money to be able to support my

family. I would focus so much on my job that I would stop my hobbies, like MMA and

swimming. I am dead serious about my goal that I would do anything just to help make that

happen. My family has done so much with the little they have and I feel like it is my

responsibility to flip the sides, meaning that I have to return the favore. It would suck not being

able to relax and have fun with my friends, or to continue my passion in sports but in the long

run, it'll be worth it all. Seeing my family happy is one thing that I would love for the rest of my


My own list of lists #26

People who have influenced me:

1. mom

2. dad

3. friends

4. coaches

5. uncles

6. priests

Places that make me happy:

1. beach

2. marble cave

3. movie theater

4. home

5. gym

6. lookouts

Places I would like to go:

1. Hawaii

2. Tennessee

3. Rome

4. Italy

5. Brazil

6. Palau

Things in people which I like:

1. neatness

2. blunt

3. self respect

4. self direction

5. confidence

6. personality

Things in people which I dislike:

1. unfaithful

2. two faced

3. no self direction

4. free loaders

5. no shame

6. disrespect

Things that worry me:

1. death in family

2. failure

3. my mom

4. my siblings

5. my life

6. heights

Things I would like to know how to do:

1. skydive

2. fly a plane

3. backflip

4. speak another language

5. drive standard

6. levitate

Things that have moved me:

1. MMA

2. swimming

3. hospitals

4. cancer survivors

5. youth for youth

6. church programs

Ideas that intrigue me:

1. internet

2. mayan temple

3. cell phones

4. computers

5. sky gliding

6. filming

My personal favorites:

1. lasagna

2. the beach

3. bbqing

4. mma

5. swimming

6. family bonding

Cheer yourself up #27

If I was to wake up and have one of those days where I would not feel good, I

would try to make the people around me happy. I am the kind of person that feeds of everyones

vibes. for example, if I was not in the best of moods, I woulld make the people around me happy

so I would feel happy also. I'm the kind of person that has fun when everyone else is having fun

also, it helps enhance my mood. If I was in school and I was not feeling well, I would make

someone else's day so I can feel good that I have made someones day. Another way that I would

cheer myself up, is if I eat my favorite food, lasagna. I love lasagna! If I was depressed, lasagna

can put me in the best of moods, it will make me even forget about what has happened. It is

unhealthy to be eating your depressions away, but to me lasagna is a big exception.

Metamorphosis #28

Little me Bigger me

Ants gecko

porkupine dog

zoo carnival

green light yellow light

The face of the child has grown. The seeds that once was his immaturity

blossomed into the loveliest of flowers. The child that was once an ant, roaming as free and wild

as can be, is now a gecko, chilled and relaxed lounged upon his throne like a leech to it's host.

The recklessness of this porkupine like child is now like the traits of a well trained canine, a

family person with the act of protecting it's loved ones. The young wild boy is now growing to fit

his responsibilities as a man. From once being a zoo, a wild life preseration, to a carnival, where

the mature can still feel free. He noticed that life can not be all green lights, and that in fact you

need to prepair and slow down for the real world.

Picture This #29

Google images, MMA.

I really like this picture, because to me it shows the guy over coming his obstacles. To me, I

enjoy over coming my obstacles so seeing this picture made me feel amazed. I try and train hard

to over come the obstacles that face me. I am not one to give up easy and this picture shows me

these qualities that I have.

Look Who I Look Up To #30

1. Dad

I look up to my step father, because even though I am not his bloodline, he treats

me like I am his blood. I think he is actually a cool father figure for showing me that he really

cares for me. I admire and look up to my father. He makes me understand love a bit more.

2. mom

I look up to my mom so much, because when she was pregnant with me she was

only 14 turning 15. Even though she was so young, she still decided to keep me and that she was

taking action for her responsibilities. To me I admire my mom taking responibility and being

commited to her actions.

3. George St. Pierre

I look up to this MMA fighter so much, because he has came a long way in his

life. I don't personally know him, but I have watched his background stories and he is

inspirational to me. Before he was a rich UFC fighter, he was just a normal lowlife child. He had

nothing when he was younger and he used MMA to help self direct himself to success. He shows

me dedication and commitment. I really enjoy those gifts and he is a great example.

Remembering The Child #31

I took time away from myself to interview my grandmother about my early

childhood years and what she told me was pretty interesting. She said when I was one years old,

I had an aunty, her daughter, that was two years old. People use to think that me and my aunty

was twins, because we looked so much alike and we were practically the same age range. She

said that everywhere we went, people would ask her and my mom if me and my aunty were

twins and my mom and grandmother would just look at each other and laugh. It was pretty

interesting learning about my younger years and how people were to react towards me and my

aunty. Another childhood memory is one that my mom has told me is that when I was still in

pampers, probably three years old, I would walk around the house and find pennies and put it in

my pamper like it was a pocket. It is stories like this that make me feel good and happy.

One Medium Suitcase #32

4have the most subtimentle value to me. I would pack my favorite pairs of clothes that my close

friends h

ave bought for me, a picture of my family, a pair of ear phones, social security card

and my families cruxific. I chose the clothes because they have value in them that mean so much

to me and I can be able to wear something. A picture of my family is needed, because I will

forever miss and love my family no matter what. I would also bring a pair of ear phones because

I love listening to music. Music can really help me over come my problems. My social security

card is needed for everyday life. You cant really move on in life if you do not have your social

security card. I would bring my families crucifix for religious purposes. There will be times

when I need to turn to God in my life and the crucifix can really make a huge impact in my life.

The Perfect Present #33

Out of all the gifts that this world has to offer, I believe that there is one that

stands among them all. The perfect gift that ever is, is happiness. To me, true happiness is the

best thing that can ever happen to someone. Imagine waking up to a beautiful morning and you

have absolutely no worries. You're not worried about the bills, your work, or even your day. The

only thing you do is just focus on yourself or your family. If I was to wake up and not worry

about a thing, I would just live my day like it was my last. I would have so much fun and not

even worry about a thing. I would have a family bonding like no other. Even if I was not rich, as

long as I can live another day with my family doing what I love, then I have no problem at all.

Memorable Event #34

Memories are blowing my mind as I think about this submission. I have so much

memories that I wish to share but my problem is the evidence. An event that I would share and

probably still have evidence of, is the time I rode the sling shot. I remember this time, because I

wanted to tryover coming my fear of heights. I was so nervous to even get strapped in to the

machine. My hesrt kept beating really fast. As soon as the machine was counting down from five

to zero, I had this deep gut feeling that was telling me that it was going to be a good experience.

Five, four, three, two, one, zoom! My eyes were glued shut and the only thing I could do was

scream and breathe.

How To.. #35

I'm going to give you guys steps on how to lose your girlfriend. First of all, you

start to cut off all your lovey lovey messages. A girl loves it when you show affection towards

them, so you have to stop with all the sweet stuff. When she tells you that she loves you, just

look at her and smile, do not say it back. Once she catches on that you are no longer lovey

dovey, she will start to think bad towards herself, questioning her methods of what she has done.

When she asks you to do things with her, get mad and tell her that you are busy and that you

barely have time for yourself. She will either feel bad that she is begging you, or she would get

mad that you are neglecting her. Either way, you re sill on the upper hand. If the girl is still not

giving up and she is sticking to you, give her the worse treatment of all, the silent treatment.

Treat her as if she is nothing. Do not make eye contact what so ever. Make her feel like crap so

she will hit rock bottom. She would start thinking that she can not do anything right then she will

let you go thinking it's the right thing to do.

Always Say Never #36

For this submission, I can not find a good thing to say never to, because through

out my own life, I do not regret anything. Everything that has ever happened to me, has

happened for a reason. It helped make me the person I am today. One thing that I would probably

say no to but do not regret is the drugs. It may sound weird but I am glad I experienced this

because now I know the effects and how to fight against it. If I was to become a police officer, I

would know when the person is under the infuence and how to deal with that person incase the

worse was to happen. The drugs that I have done made a big impact in my life and I wish to not

go through it again.

Are You Hungry? #37

The one dish that will always make me full and hungry at the sametime is lasagna.

Lasagna is my all time favorite hands down. The meaty tender stacked layers of deliciousness is

just oh so great. I can never get enough of lasagna. The thicker and juicier the layers aare, the

better it is for me. I love the italians for making this lovely dish. Even though lasagna is my

favorite, I have a runner up dish. The secong most delicious dish I love is sea food soup and

pumpkin tips. There is nothing better, besides lasagna, then there is sea food. Imagine a bowl of

muscles, shrimp, pumpkin tips and coconut milk soaked with rice. Oh my God! That is so

delicious right? Sea food soup puts a big smile on my face and in my own tummy! You can not

go wrong with thesse two delicious dishes.

Where I'm From #38

Chalan Pago, Guam

German Chamoru

Take off slippers before entering a house

Amen on the cheek

Listen to elders

Do the yard work

Take care of my family

Deck of 52 #39

The 52 Great Wonders of Guam

A: Marianas Trench Spades: Southern

2: Corn Soup Clubs: Northern

3: Deer Keleguan Hearts: Central

4: Futada Diamonds: Chamorro Village

5: Tatiyas

6. Latiya

7: The boy that jumped to Rota

8. Coconut Crab

9. Taotaomona

10. Two Lovers

Joker: Pagat Cave

Queen: Santa Maria Kamalan

King: The fish that ate Guam

The Examined Life #40

Good Side: Bad Side:

1. Good Manners 1. Bad Temper

2. Helpful 2. Can be hard headed

3. Straight foward 3. Straight foward

4. Active 4. Irritated fast

5. Self directed 5. Heartless

6. Team worker 6. Stobborn

Annual Report #41

I took some time away from my usual life to actually study mine. I noticed a few

changes in my life that are far greater than what I was a year ago. A year ago, I was all about my

friends and the party life. I thought I was living the life just partying and not giving a damn about

what others have thought about me. I thought that my life was so fun that I kept doing these

things without realizing what I was actually missing out on. I use to leave my house every

moment that I got. I would not come home till weeks later. But this year, I stopped what I use to

be because I realized a lot of things. I realized that my little siblings would look at me with

suprise like they barely know me. I stopped going out with my friends to help focus on my life

for the future. I matured progressively and I am proud of that. I told myself that if I ever want to

be successful in the future, I would haave to get off my high horse and start prepairing. So I

believe that I would progress in the future because I have the mind set to do so.

Ekphrasis #42

The Path That I Take

The path that I take, is not a mistake. There is no wrongs or rights, doubts or

regrets. The path you take is based upon the strength of your mind. You stand alone before a

road with two ends. upon your left, is a road paved with gold and traced with diamonds and over

your right, is an old gravel road covered with vines and trees. You think to yourself and realize

that the road upon your left is a safe and easy journey. You think and think about your decisions,

seeking the potiential of the diffrent roads. You test your mind into choosing a side by tricking it

with lack of self confidence. The left, The left you say, telling your brain that the left is the much

safer journey. As you enter the destiny you have agreed upon, you made it clear that you are a

weak person.You travel alone in your journey showing weakness. As I stay upon this road with

two ends, I think to myself and say, I am strong, I've come this far in my journey and nothing

shall put me to an end now. I look upon my left and right. Closing my eyes, I lead towards my

right. Step after step, breathe after breathe, I feel the burst of excitement running through my

veins. I stop, open my eyes and turn around. I don't stop because the fear of regret, no no. I stop

and take a good look at the road I have chosen and smile, because I know that the path I have

chosen will make me a stronger and more independent person.

Lessons I Learned After It Was Too Late #44

A big lesson that I have learned in life is to never over think in to things. Before

when I was younger, I would always think the worse. I never learned how to relax and not worry

about things. For example, before I learned how to control myself and not worry so much, I was

the over thinker. If I was to clean my room before I sleep and put away all of my belongings, I

would feel relaxed. But as I start to sleep, I think of how I cleaned and if I put away things the

right way or is it sloppy. I would think so much in to it that I would have a very hard time

sleeping unless I get up and check it. Not only does this happen before I sleep, it also happens

when I am in a relationship. Before I would have very little trust. If a girl was to tell me that she

is going out with her friends, I would think of all the possible things that she could've done. I

would drive myself mad occasionally. This became such a problem that I started becoming a bad

person. As time passed, I learned how to relax and be more mature about my situations. So the

lesson I learned was to trust and stop over thinking.

The Door #45

When I walk out that door, I want it to be the best break ever. As soon as I make

my way out that door, I want to see the biggest riot that I have ever witnessed. I want to see two

big group of kids run towards eachother and just release hell. I want to see school supplies being

thrown towards eachother. I am a physical person so seeing this amazing riot would definatly

make my day.

When I walk out that door, I don't want to see my little brother beeing bullied or

escorted out of school by the police. I would go crazy if I was to see this. This would make my

day go from good to bad within an instant. Seeing my family in danger is not one to see. I do not

want anything bad to happento my brother.

Advice to the Young #46

Dear little Aaron,

I am the older you from the future and I have some great words of knowledge to

tell you, so get ready to hear them. First of all, do not ruin any of your high school years. I want

you to pass all your classes and try to not lack any credits, if you do so then you'll miss out on

your summers and evening hours. Don't do things that will get you in trouble. I know you like to

do whatever you want but please listen to me, you will not regret it. Also, try to join as much

sports as you can before graduating high school. Sports will help you out in your life. It will give

you a great set of mind and it will help you build your body physically. Besides, girls like boys

who are athletic and know what they want in life. Take these words of wisdom and watch your

life unfold.

Who Am I? #47

1. Outstanding

I believe that I am outstanding because when I really put my mind set on

something, my results can be very outstanding.

2. Brother

I am a strong, role model brother. I try my best to make my little siblings enjoy

their days. If I was to come from the store with a single drink, I would just hand it out to the first

sibling I see. I show my siblings that I care and love them.

3. Student

I am a student, I am forever learning something new. Life is filled with many

answers and questions and every day of my life, I discover more and more. You can never know

everything that there is to know. So everyday of my life, I am a student.

4. Friend

I am a friend. To most I am an acquaintance and to some I am a friend. A friend

will always help another friend in need. That is what I am. If a friend was to need my help for

whatever reason, being a good friend I am, I would help he or she.

5. Grandson

I am not only a son, but I am also a grandson. In fact I am the oldest grandchild

from my mom’s side. I have to make my family proud and be a good role model towards the

younger grandchildren.

Rewarding Experiences #48

1. Swimming (10)

Swimming was a great experience because now I can swim and now I know the

great beauty that lies beneath the sea.

2. Riding the Sling Shot (8)

Riding the sling shot has some what helped me over come my fear of heights.

3. Smoking Marijuana (9)

I am glad I experienced smoking Marijuana, because now I know the effects of

what it does and how to over come it.

4. Drinking my first beer (8)

Drinking my first beer was a good experience, because not only have I witnissed

the behaviors of alcohol, but I experienced the whole visual act of being drunk.

5. Getting my heart broken (9)

I am glad I became broken hearted, because now I am a strong person and being

heartbroken helped me know my faults and responsibilities to be a good spouse.

6. Martial Arts (10)

Martial Arts will always be a good experience for me, because I learned

self-discipline and self-direction.

7. Cliff diving (9)

Cliff diving is also a great help in me over coming my fear in heights, plus it is

also a good activity to have fun.

8. Planting (8)

Planting helps me relax mentally.

9. Getting Bullied (10)

Getting bullied was a good experience, because now I know how others fill and I

understand why they act the way they are at times. Also, it has given me the art of


10. Being gang related (6)

I'm glad I am gang aphiliated, because I witnessed the bad things in life. Gang

aphiliation helped me realized that every action has a response.

Valuable Lessons #49

1. Reading (10)

I am glad I learned how to read, because with out the gift of reading then I would not get

that far in life.

2. Patience (9)

Patience was one of the hardest lesson I have learned, but it has helped me with so much

things. There are times when things may take long to respond and being patient is a good

thing to practice.

3. Wisdom (9)

The art of wisdom is great, because it shows you how to over come your problems.

4. Responsibility (9)

Responsibility will help you be more mature about your actions.

5. Hope (9)

Hope is a great thing to have so you wont give up easy in life.

6. Trust (9)

Trust will either help, or destroy you in life. It is risky but when things pull through, it is

a great gift.

7. Pain (9)

Pain will help you become stronger physically and mentally.

8. Courage (9)

Courage will help you standup for what you believe in

9. Relax (9)

Being able to relax is a great gift. It will make your life soft and soothing.

10. Speech (10)

Without speech, I would not know how I would get through everyday life. I am

fortunate to have it.

Futures- Fantasy and Fact #50

In my future, I see a huge house with all my family inside having the time of their

lifes. The kids in the living room playing video games on a giant entertainment system and my

parents, aunts and uncles all on the outside padeo drinking and laughing. As for myself, I am in

my jacuzzi with my future wife. This future holds happiness.

In this future, I see myself still working with a company. I stay in a normal sized

house with two cars and a girlfriend. I still enjoy and relax, but my work will probably drive me

crazy every now and then. This future is just a typical life.

The diffrences between these two futures is that one of them I would have to have

no distractions. I probably wont have a family in the preparation for the first future because I

can't afford a distraction. I would focus on myself less because I would be too busy thinking of

the long run. I would give up my hobbies and other activities just to have a great life in the first



If I was to lose my writing portfolio and a stranger was to find it and read it, he

would see that I am a strong self directed person who knows what he wants in life. As he reads

through this portfolio he would understand the journey and the personalities of the writer. He

would have a sense of knowing the struggles and out comes of the writer. Reading the writing

submssions one by one will show him that there is someone out there in this word that might

have the same mind set as the writer. The reader might relate to these situations him or herself or

even know of someone with these situations. Each submision might help the reader capture who

he or she is. Each submission has a diffrent, yet similar point of view. Relating or not to the

porfolio, the reader will feel that the writer has a good head on his shouders. From the stories of

standing up against bullying, to the journeys of the young and brave kids traveling by

themselves. The portfolio is a story of someones past, present and direction towards the future.

The reader will most likely continue reading the portfolio wanting to know more and more about

this joyful open writer.