the army story

WE ARE DOING THE FUTURE TODAY! While remaining committed to the current fight, the Army is adapting to and also shaping the future. • Incorporating lessons learned from more than 12 years of conflict into our doctrine, training, education, force structure, and modernization plans while at the same time studying the future of conflict. • Enhancing the capabilities of Brigade Combat Teams and providing increasingly tailorable, scalable response packages to Combatant Commanders. • Modernizing the force. • Investing in leader development. • Providing Regionally Aligned Forces to Geographic Combatant Commanders, giving them an unprecedented ability to shape the environment in their areas of responsibility. • Rebalancing to the Pacific. The Army supports the President’s Defense Strategic Guidance by helping shape the strategic environment in this vital region. - 7 of the world’s 10 largest armies are in the Asia- Pacific region - 22 of 28 Chiefs of Defense in the Asia-Pacific region are army officers THE ARMY STORY AMERICAS ARMY- SERVICE TO THE NATION, STRENGTH OF THE FUTURE WWW.ARMY.MIL THE ROLE OF THE ARMY The purpose of our Army remains to fight and win our Nation’s wars. • Prevent. The Army prevents conflict by maintaining credibility based on capacity, readiness, and modernization. • Shape. The Army shapes the environment by sustaining strong relationships with other Armies, building their capacity, and facilitating strategic access. • Win. If prevention fails, the Army rapidly applies its combined arms capability to dominate the environment and win decisively. • Conflicts are fought across multiple domains – land, air, maritime, space, cyber – but they are won in the human domain, in the influencing of friends, adversaries, and civilian populations. • The Army is the most decisive land force in the world, and more than any other Service operates in the human domain, applying landpower across the full spectrum of conflict to achieve strategic effects. We have the opportunity to shape, to change, and to transform the Army not just to come to terms with the constraints of today, but to meet the challenges of tomorrow.” John M. McHugh, Secretary of the Army While we cannot predict the future of our increasingly uncertain and complex strategic environment, we can be certain that our Nation will continue to call on America’s Army.” GEN Raymond T. Odierno, 38th Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

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Page 1: The Army Story


While remaining committed to the current fight, the Army is adapting to and also shaping the future.

• Incorporating lessons learned from more than 12 years of conflict into our doctrine, training, education, force structure, and modernization plans while at the same time studying the future of conflict. • Enhancing the capabilities of Brigade Combat Teams and providing increasingly tailorable, scalable response packages to Combatant Commanders. • Modernizing the force. • Investing in leader development. • Providing Regionally Aligned Forces to Geographic Combatant Commanders, giving them an unprecedented ability to shape the environment in their areas of responsibility. • Rebalancing to the Pacific. The Army supports the President’s Defense Strategic Guidance by helping shape the strategic environment in this vital region. - 7 of the world’s 10 largest armies are in the Asia- Pacific region - 22 of 28 Chiefs of Defense in the Asia-Pacific region are army officers



THE ROLE OF THE ARMYThe purpose of our Army remains to fight and win our Nation’s wars.

• Prevent. The Army prevents conflict by maintaining credibility based on capacity, readiness, and modernization. • Shape. The Army shapes the environment by sustaining strong relationships with other Armies, building their capacity, and facilitating strategic access. • Win. If prevention fails, the Army rapidly applies its combined arms capability to dominate the environment and win decisively. • Conflicts are fought across multiple domains – land, air, maritime, space, cyber – but they are won in the human domain, in the influencing of friends, adversaries, and civilian populations. • The Army is the most decisive land force in the world, and more than any other Service operates in the human domain, applying landpower across the full spectrum of conflict to achieve strategic effects.

“We have the opportunity to shape, to change, and to transform the Army not just to come to terms with the constraints of today, but to meet the challenges of tomorrow.” John M. McHugh, Secretary of the Army

“While we cannot predict the future of our increasingly uncertain and complex strategic environment, we can be certain that our Nation will continue to call on America’s Army.” GEN Raymond T. Odierno, 38th Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

Page 2: The Army Story

ARMY VISIONThe All-Volunteer Army will remain the most highly trained and professional land force in the world. It is uniquely organized with the capability and capacity to provide expeditionary, decisive landpower to the Joint Force and ready to perform across the range of military operations to Prevent, Shape, and Win in support of Combatant Commanders to defend the Nation and its interests at home and abroad, both today and against emerging threats.

SECRETARY OF THE ARMY PRIORITIES• Prevent Sexual Assault• Balance and Transition the Army• Champion Soldiers, Civilians and Families• Bolster Army activities in the Asia-Pacific region• Ensure personal accountability on and off the battlefield• Tell the Army Story• Implement Army Total Force policy• Prudently manage reset, modernization, research and development• Strengthen information assurance and cyber security• Develop effective energy solutions

CHIEF OF STAFF OF THE ARMY INTENTMy intent is to sustain a high-quality All-Volunteer Army that remains the most decisive land force in the world; provides depth and versatility to the Joint Force; is agile, responsive, and effective for Combatant Commanders; and ensures flexibility for national security decision-makers in defense of the Nation at home and abroad.

CSA PRIORITIES• Adaptive Army Leaders for a Complex World• A Globally Responsive and Regionally Engaged Army• A Ready and Modern Army• Soldiers Committed to Our Army Profession• The Premier All Volunteer Army

ETHICS• Army values, career-long professional development, and accountability ensure a strong, transparent and ethical leader cadre. - All Leaders are held accountable and bad behavior will not be tolerated. - We will be transparent in investigating all allegations of leader misconduct.• Improving ways to foster moral and ethical climates not only makes the Army better, but also builds trust, which is the bedrock of out profession. - Over 75 % of peers/subordinates perceive Army leaders as leaders of quality. - 85% agree/strongly agree their immediate superior enforcesethical standards.

READY AND RESILIENTReadiness is the end result of the collective employment of the Army’s resources to prepare, train, support and sustain its Soldiers, Civilians and Families. The Army is placing the same emphasis on psychological fitness as it does on physical fitness. Leaders are responsible for unit readiness and for building Soldier resilience. They know their Soldiers, are involved in their lives, and build cohesive teams built on trust and mutual respect. Leaders work to reduce stigma and make sure their Soldiers get help when they need it.

KEY MESSAGESBUDGET CHALLENGES AND READINESS• The FY 2015 Budget Request will reduce the Total Army of 1,075,000 Soldiers down to 980,000 by 2017. Active duty Soldiers will go down to 450,000 Soldiers; Army National Guard Soldiers down to 335,000 and Army Reserve Soldiers down to 195,000 by 2017.• As stated by the Chief of Staff, the Army can successfully meet its obligations under the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance with an Active Component force of 450,000, though with significant risk. If the Army were forced to go below 450,000 in the Active Component, a reassessment of national security strategy would be required.• If sequestration-level cuts are resumed in 2016, the Total Army would have to draw down to an end strength of 920,000 Soldiers. Active duty Soldiers will go down to 420,000 Soldiers; Army National Guard Soldiers down to 315,000 and Army Reserve Soldiers down to 185,000. • A reduced budget and limited resources will affect readiness and impact the Total Army, as well as local communities. The Army will have to reevaluate its ability to meet the defense strategic guidance if it draws down to 420,000 active duty Soldiers.

ARMY PROFESSION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT• The Army Profession—where military expertise, honorable service, esprit de corps, and stewardship are built on a foundation of trust—strengthens the force through periods of transition, reinforces our identity, and provides the critical foundation for the Army of 2020.• Leader Development is a mutually shared responsibility between the institutional Army, the operational Army, and the individual.• Leader Development is our most important investment for the Army of the Future. - Training, mentorship, and feedback/360º assessment tools are the foundation to mold Army leaders.• Leadership Development is a continuous process; beginning as young Corporals and Lieutenants, through Sergeants Major and General officers. - Candid feedback through formal/informal counseling is vital to leader development.