the advent of divine justice (shoghi effendi)


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A personal digest and summary of Shoghi Effendi's 'The Advent of Divine Justice'


Page 1: The Advent of Divine Justice (Shoghi Effendi)







Page 2: The Advent of Divine Justice (Shoghi Effendi)



This booklet is my personal summary and digest of themagnificent and emotionally stirring book, The Advent ofDivine Justice.

No matter how many times it is read, one can never stopgaining so much insight, wisdom and guidance from TheAdvent of Divine Justice, written in 1938, by Shoghi Effendi.Consequently, for personal spiritual development, it wasdecided to summarise the book in my own words in order toreflect and deepen on the writings.

It must be clearly understood that this booklet is apersonal undertaking and has in no wise beenauthorised by the Bahá'í Faith ( northe Universal House of Justice.

It is the sincere hope that this digest will be enough to enticethe reader to purchase and read the actual original bookwhich will in no doubt leave a lasting memory.

anousha vahdaty

ISBN 0-87743-228-7 (pocketsize)

Page 3: The Advent of Divine Justice (Shoghi Effendi)


1. Thank you to all the elected national representatives fortheir devotion to the Seven Year Plan which is beingimplemented with precision and efficiency.

2. It is incredible how the national representatives, thebelievers and their agencies have managed to succeedtogether cohesively in contrast to the conflict elementsof present-day.

3. Whoever is working for the Faith must feel eternallygrateful and derive immense hope and courage fromtheir commitment. The believers must seize everyopportunity to further the cause and the Order.

4. The recurrent world crises which are afflicting the humanrace must of necessity continue. How can the worldupheaval deranging the social, the religious, the cultural,the political and the economical equilibrium, on a scaleso vast, fail to produce any repercussions on the Faith ofsuch tender age whose teachings have a direct and vitalbearing on each of these spheres of human life andconduct?

5. Little wonder, therefore, if the believers find themselvesaffected by the impact of these world-shaking forces.Little wonder if they find their beliefs, institutions,motives and authority jeopardised and rejected.

6. In the heart of European continent a communitydestined to radiate the splendour of the Faith oncountries that surround it, has had its purpose restricted.Alas, its institutions are dissolved, its literature bannedand its meetings suspended.

7. In central Asia in the city of having been chosen by‘Abdu’l-Bahá as the home of the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár

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(Dawning Place of God’s Paradise) of the Bahá’í world,finds itself at the mercy forces which, alarmed by therising power of the Faith, are now trying to reduce itsimportance. Its Temple, has been confiscated, itsAssemblies disbanded, its chief promoters deported anda few of its most enthusiastic supporters imprisoned.

8. In the land of its birth Iran hailed as the “mother of theworld” and the “dayspring of the joy of mankind” byBahá’u’lláh, the civil authority which is undivorced fromthe corrupt clergy, pursues its campaign of repressionagainst the devotees of the Faith and which hasunsuccessfully tried to suppress for over a century.Despite the Faith which numerically outnumbers eitherthe Christian, the Jewish, or the Zoroastrian Faiths in thatland, it is not allowed to practice at all, in any way, itsrights and principles.

9. And now in the Holy Land the never-centre of the Faith,racial animosity interferes with the flow of pilgrims andsuspends various projects that had been initiated topreserve and extend the areas surrounding the scaredSpots. The resident believers have been mistreated inmany was to a large scale. However, despite all this,miraculously the preservation of the Bahá’í Holy Places,have been vouchsafed.

10. Torn from all ends, the world finds itself confronted bythe rising fortunes of an infant Faith. Despite its infancy,the Faith has fortunately managed to retreat before theonrushing forces of violence and disorder to whichhumanity falling a victim. As the world discord starts togrow, the limbs and organs of the Faith appear to havebeen afflicted with the crippling influences that now holdin their grip the whole of the civilized world.

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11. Thus, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says, “The darkness of error that hasenveloped the East and the West is, in this most greatcycle, battling with the light of Divine Guidance. Itsswords and its spears are very sharp and pointed; itsarmy keenly bloodthirsty.” Written in another passage,“This day the powers of all the leaders of religion aredirected towards the dispersion of the congregation ofthe All-Merciful, and the shattering of the Divine Edifice.The hosts of the world, whether material, cultural orpolitical are from every side launching their assault, forthe Cause is great, very great. Its greatness is, in this day,clear and manifest to men’s eyes.”

12. The one chief remaining fortress is the blessedcommunity of the followers of the Most Great Name inthe – North American – continent. By its works, andthrough the protection vouchsafed to it by an almightyProvidence, this distinguished member bids fair to beuniversally regarded as the cradle and stronghold of thatfuture New World Order.

13. For anyone thinking to belittle the unique station ofNorth American ponder on the words of Abdu’l-Bahá,“The continent of America, is, in the eyes of the one trueGod, the land wherein the splendours of His light shall berevealed, where the mysteries of His Faith shall beunveiled, where the righteous will abide, and the freeassemble.”

14. Already the believers of North American continent has,despite the prevailing gloom, shown its capacity to be thetorchbearer of that light, the exponent of thatrighteousness and the sanctuary of that freedom.

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15. The American community, therefore, must usher in thatpromised World Order. Whilst its sister communities aresubject to severe adversity, this community, preservedby the omnipotent Ordainer and deriving continualsustenance from the mandate with which the Tablets ofthe Divine Plan have invested it, is now busily laying thefoundations of those institutions which are to herald theapproach of the Age destined to witness the rise of theWorld Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

16. The American community, is negligible in size and lacksso many resources such as ignorant of the beliefs,concepts and habits of the people from which thespiritual Founder have sprung, or unfamiliar with thelanguages in which the sacred Books were originallyrevealed. This community has the celestial potency whichan all-loving Master has endowed upon it and has lent animpetus to further the Cause which the combinedachievements of its coreligionists in the West have failedto rival.

17. No other community can claim the achievements of theAmericans in pursuit of the advancement of the Faith such asthe establishment of those initial schools which will evolveinto powerful centres of Bahá’í learning. The members of thiscommunity have won the eternal distinction of being the firstto raise the call of Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá (O Glory of the MostGlorious) throughout the world, e.g. provided funds used fortranslation and publication the sacred literature, shared theeffort to guard the holy shrines and acquisition of the futuresites for international institutions, and ordained, long beforeits sister communities, recognition by both the federal andstate authorities of its Spiritual Assemblies and nationalendowments.

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18. Such as matchless and brilliant record of service,extending over a period of twenty years, will vindicate itsright to be acclaimed as the chief creator and championof the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

19. And all this is just the beginning and reminiscent, in someaspects, of the exploits of the dawn-breakers.

Summary 1-19

Europe, Asia, Iran, the Holy Land and the world are torn fromall ends with discord and disorder. The Bahá’í Faith, despiteits infancy, has managed to retreat the ongoing violence. Thepowerful leaders from all corners of the world, whetherreligious, cultural, material or political, are launching theirassault and preventing the Faith from developing. The oneremaining saviour is North America.

No one should dare to belittle North American believers fortheir achievements and station. The American communitymust therefore work hard to lay down the foundations forthe World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. Against all odds, such as, lackof resources or unfamiliarity with the Persian language withwhich the sacred books were written, this community has thecelestial potency which God has endowed upon it. No othercommunity can claim the achievements of the Americans infurthering and expanding the Faith, and thus, this matchlessservice has acclaimed the Americans as the chief creator andchampion of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

20. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá called them to establish the AdministrativeOrder first. The next task of erecting the superstructureof an edifice the cornerstone of which ‘Abdu’l-BaháHimself had laid. And when that feat was achieved,launching the Seven Year Plan as the first and practicalstep towards the mission prescribed in the Tablets.

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21. The opening of the second century of the Bahá’í erasignals the start of plans far-reaching than any as yetconceived. The Plan should be viewed only as thebeginning.

22. After the completion of the present Plan, the NorthAmerican community must diffuse numbers over theentire surface of the New World (North and SouthAmerican). Not until they have achieved the rise ofindependent centres can they be satisfied to haveachieved their obligations.

23. With their inter-American tasks virtually discharged, theirintercontinental mission enters upon its most gloriousand decisive phase. Abdu’l-Bahá has written, “Themoment this Divine Message is carried forward by theAmerican believers from the shores of America and ispropagated through the continents of Europe, of Asia, ofAfrica and of Australasia, and as far as the islands of thePacific, this community will find itself securely establishedupon the throne of an everlasting dominion.”

24. During the advancement the events will be in a state offlux and out of the turmoil and tribulations opportunitiesundreamt of will be born that will enable them to furtherthe New World Order.

25. Nor should any opportunities of a totally different orderbe allowed to pass unnoticed in which the AmericanBahá’ís must play their role to execute. For instance: Theelection of the International House of Justice and itsestablishment in the Holy Land; the erection of the firstMashriqu’l-Adhkár of the West and outskirts of the cityof Tehran; the saving of Bahá’ís in such countries asPersia, Iraq and Egypt; and, last but not least, the issues,

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adversities and obstacles that must be addressedeventually leading to the emergence of the worldwideBahá’í Commonwealth.

26. I (Shoghi Effendi) feels confident that they (theAmericans) will embrace these opportunities with zeal toconfirm their title and rank as the champion-builders ofthe mightiest institutions of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.

27. Though your journey may appear hard and arduous,though restricted in numbers, experience and resources,though faced with raised up enemies, the Hosts which, ifyou persevere, must, as promised, rush forth to your aid,will, in the end, enable you to vanquish and conquer anychallenge put before you.

28. Great as is my love for you, I must utter a word ofwarning. The glowing tributes paid to the Americanbelievers, must, under no circumstances, be confusedwith the characteristics and nature of the people fromwhich God has raised them up. A sharp distinctionbetween that community and that people must be madeand fearlessly upheld if we wish to give recognition to thepower of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Otherwise, thesupreme function of His Revelation, which is none otherthan the calling into being of a new race of men, willremain wholly unrecognised and completely obscured.

29. How often have the Prophets of God, not excludingBahá’u’lláh Himself, chosen to appear in countries andamidst peoples at a time when they were either fastdeclining or had already touched the lowest depths ofmoral and spiritual degradation. The appalling misery towhich the Israelites had sunk under the tyrannical rule ofthe Pharaohs, in the days preceding their exodus from

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Egypt under the leadership of Moses; the decline thathad set in the religious, the cultural and the moral life ofthe Jewish people, at the time of the appearance of JesusChrist; the barbaric nature and immorality of the tribes ofArabia when Muhammad arose to proclaim His Messagein their midst; the indescribable state of decadence inboth the civil and religious life of Persia at the hour of theRevelation of Bahá’u’lláh – all demonstrate this basicfact. To claim that the innate worthiness, the high moralstandard, the political aptitude of any race or nation isthe reason for the appearance in its midst of any of theseDivine Luminaries would be an absolute distortion ofhistorical facts.

30. How great then must be the challenge of those suchraces and nations having responded to the call whichthese Prophets have raised as a direct consequence of itscrying needs. For it is under such circumstances that theProphets have raised the people from depths of miseryand empowered them to transmit in through to otherraces and nations the saving grace of their Revelation.

31. In this light, it must be borne in mind, that the primaryreason why the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh chose to appear inPersia because the people within are regarded byBahá’u’lláh as one of the most backward, most cowardlyand most perverse so as to turn them into a race ofheroes. Conversely, to have appeared among a nationwhich by its intrinsic worth and high attainments seemedto warrant the privilege of such a Revelation would in theeyes of an unbelieving world greatly reduce the efficacyof that Message.

32. This principle must also apply to the country regarded asthe cradle of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh (i.e. Persia).

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Let not therefore the people who are to participate in thebirth of that world civilization imagine for a moment thatfor some mysterious purpose or by inherent excellenceBahá’u’lláh has chosen to confer upon their country andpeople so great a distinction. It is precisely for this reasonthat unfortunately misunderstanding has engenderedthat the Author of their Faith and the Centre of HisCovenant have singled it out to become the standard-bearer of the New World Order envisaged in theirwritings. (Basically, it is, for example, why certain Muslimpeople think that they have been singled out by God andchosen as a superior race to set the standard for the NewWorld Order.) It is because of this that Bahá’u’lláh candemonstrate to the heedless generation His almightypower and raise up people immersed in a sea ofmaterialism and steer them towards embracing essentialvirtues in calling into being the World Order such as thecontribution towards building the Universal House ofJustice.

33. Observations such as these, however depressing, mustnot be permitted to blind us of high intelligence, ofyouthfulness, of unbounded initiative which the nation(Persia) so clearly displays and which are being reflectedby the believers within it. Upon these virtues andqualities must the community lay a firm foundation forthe country’s future role in ushering in the Golden Age ofthe Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.

34. How important therefore it is for the American believersto weed out those faults, habits and tendencies whichthey have inherited from their own nation and cultivatepatiently and prayerfully those distinct qualities andvirtues. In view of the restricted size of their community,

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rather than trying to affect the great mass of theircountrymen, instead focus their attention on their ownselves, their own weaknesses and their own deeds to bebetter equipped in readiness to help their fellow-citizensfilled with evil tendencies. Nor must they overlook thatthe World Order, which they are assisting to build, cannever be established unless they cleanse themselves ofmany ills that now afflict it.

35. Surveying as a whole the most pressing needs I willattempt to highlight the serious deficiencies that needurgent attention of the entire body of the Americanbelievers of all ages. Although building theAdministration is so critical, no less urgent and vital arecontinual self-examination and heart-searching on theirpart in fear that their value may be impaired.

36. Of these spiritual qualities of success that constitute thebedrock on which the Administration will be built, certainqualities stand out, which the American Bahá’ís will dowell to ponder. These requirements are: 1) a high senseof moral decency in their social and administrativeactivities; 2) absolute chastity in their individual lives; and3) complete freedom from prejudice in their dealingswith peoples of a different race, class, creed or colour.

37. The first is specially directed to their electedrepresentatives, whether local, regional or national whoare shouldering the chief responsibility in laying thefoundation for the Universal House of Justice. The secondis mainly concerned with the Bahá’í youth who cancontribute so decisively to the future orientation of theFaith’s destiny. The third must be the chief concern of alland sundry members of the Bahá’í community withoutexception.

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38. A moral conduct, a pure and holy life, unclouded by thevices, the false standards and the indecencies free ofprejudice must be adopted and promoted by theAmerican believers if they are to succeed in theirendeavours.

Summary 20-38

Abdu’l-Bahá asked the American believers to focus on threegoals: first, to establish the Administrative Order; second, toerect the Temple in Illinois; and third, to launch the SevenYear Plan, and after its completion to diffuse number ofbelievers all over the New World to establish independentcentres. Then follows their intercontinental mission throughcontinents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia withoutignoring any other opportunities as they arise. The Americansbelievers will face many difficulties, however, God will helpthem to achieve their mission.

Under no circumstance should the American community bragabout this privilege and think that they are special in anyway, as this will undermine the Faith. Remember, all theProphets of God appeared in countries which were in direstraits and in need of recuperation. To claim that the highworthiness of any race or nation was the reason for theappearance of the Prophets in their country is gravelymistaken. This is why the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh appeared inIran at a time when the country was in chaos. That’s why it isso important that the American believes cleanse themselvesof many ills that now afflict them and continue theirdedication to personal development to include moraldecency, chastity and freedom from prejudice.

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39. The righteousness of conduct as mentioned above mustdistinguish every phase of the development. Bahá’u’lláhhimself said that: it is important to adopt high morals andethics; you must not demean yourself to look at moneyand materialistic goods even if the world was covered insilver and gold and by not doing so you will be endowedwith potency and your words with attraction; and youwill refuse to unlawfully seize the property of yourneighbour even if you were dying of hunger. The purposeof God is to summon all mankind to become whollyethical and moral, and to resign to the will of God. Hisobject is to array every man with a saintly character. Onerighteous act can elevate beyond the heaven of heavens.That which can insure the victory of God on earth are Hispeople who are righteous and whose good character willbe diffused throughout the world. Fairness is the mostfundamental among human virtues. 2.5 pages dedicatedfrom the words of Bahá’u’lláh to say this: develop yourcharacter to become righteous and virtuous.

40. Abdu’l-Bahá echoes what Bahá’u’lláh says above. If anyof you enter a city, he should become centre ofattraction by reason of his sincerity, faithfulness andlove, honesty and fidelity, truthfulness and loving-kindness towards humankind, so people say: ‘This man isunquestionably a Bahá’í for his manners, his behaviour,his conduct, his morals and his nature’. Not until youhave attained this station can you say that you have beenfaithful to the Covenant and Testament of God. The mostvital duty is to purify you character, to correct yourmanners and improve your conduct. Truthfulness is thefoundation of all virtues – without which progress in allGod’s worlds is impossible for any soul. When this holy

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attribute is established, all divine qualities will also beacquired.

41. All such virtues must be reflected in the businessdealings, in domestic lives, in manners of employment, inservice, and in the future represent the government.Incidentally, we are not permitted to be involved in anypolitical activity in whatever capacity. However, acceptand recognise your enemy’s merits and discharge anyobligation that you may have towards him.

42. Bahá’u’lláh said that: These oppressions that havebefallen the world are preparing it for the Most GreatJustice. The purpose of justice is the appearance of unityamong men. Everything depends on it. The thing thattrains the world is Justice which is held by two pillars:reward and punishment. These two pillars are thesources of life to the world. Justice and equity (fairness)are two guardians for the protection of man. The world isin turmoil and its people confused. We ask God toillumine them with His justice in order to completelytransform the world.

43. Abdu’l-Bahá said that: Bahá’u’lláh has laid thefoundations of justice like never before. The crown ofexistence rests upon the pole of justice, and not offorgiveness, and the life of mankind depends on justiceand not on forgiveness.

44. Small wonder then, Bahá’u’lláh has called Hisadministrative institution Universal House of Justice andnot Universal House of Forgiveness and thus make justicethe only basis and permanent foundation of His MostGreat Peace and to have proclaimed it in His HiddenWords as “the best beloved of all things” in His sight. That

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is why the American people must, uncompromisingly,implement this sublime standard.

45. At the same time the American people must live a chasteand holy life and ensure that such conduct prevails overmaterialism and irreligion.

46. A chaste and holy life must be made to controllingprinciple in behaviour and conduct of all Bahá’ís in everyaspect of life 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365days per year.

47. Such chaste and holy life, with its implications ofmodesty, purity, temperance, decency and clean-mindedness involves moderation in all that pertainsdress, language, amusements and all artistic and literaryoccupation. It demands daily vigilance in control of carnaldesires and corrupt inclinations. It calls for abandonmentof frivolous (not having any serious purpose or value)conduct, with its excessive attachment to trivial andoften misdirected pleasures. Abstinence from alcoholicdrinks, from opium, and other drugs. It condemns theprostitution of art and of literature, the practices ofnudism and of companionate marriage, infidelity inmarital relationships, and all manner of promiscuity, ofeasy familiarity, and of sexual vices. It can tolerate nocompromise with the theories, the standards, the habitsand the excesses or a decadent age.

48. Bahá’u’lláh said that: the worldly pleasures and delightsare, in the sigh of God, as worthless as dust and ashes.Pass beyond your evil and corrupt desires as your ownlusts hinder you from entering the straight and gloriousPath. Eschew all manner of wickedness. A race of men,with great character, shall be raised up which, with the

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feet of detachment, will cast the sleeve of holiness overall that has been created from water and clay. If allowedscience will overleap the bounds of moderation and bringevil upon men. He must inhale the fragrance of sanctityand if he met the fairest and most beautiful women, hewould not feel his heart seduced by the least shadow ofdesire for her beauty. Those who follow their lusts andcorrupt desires are of the lost. God has made chastity tobe a crown for the heads of His handmaidens. If Godperceives from you acts of purity and holiness, He willmost certainly bless you.

49. Abdu’l-Bahá writes that: Drinking of wine is the chase ofchronic diseases, weakens the nerves, and consumes themind. Become intoxicated with the wine of the love ofGod, and not with that which deadens your minds.

50. However, such high standards must not be confused withtotal abstinence. It is not to deny anyone of legitimateright to benefit from the joys and beauties enriched byGod. Bahá’u’lláh affirms that, as long as it does not comebetween you and God, do not deprive yourself of God’swondrous bounties on earth or in heaven.

51. As for racial prejudice, we and the Americans must exertevery effort to demolish it in every way without question.

52. Let them call to mind, the example and conduct ofAbdu’l-Bahá when He so strikingly demonstrated Hiskeen sense of justice and made every effort to condemnprejudice.

53. To discriminate against any race, on the ground of itsbeing socially backward, politically immature andnumerically in a minority is a violation of the spirit thatanimates the Bahá’í Faith. However the great the

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pressure of events or of public opinion, we must not givein to racial prejudice. It is our obligation to safeguardevery minority belonging to any faith, race, class ornation. So important is this principle that, if all beingequal, in elections priority must be given to the partyrepresenting the minority in order to stimulate andencourage equality. We must ensure that in all Bahá’íactivity or representative institutions, be theyAssemblies, conventions, conferences, or committees,have representations from minority groups. This willrepresent to the world universality and representativecharacter of the Faith.

54. The Americans must demonstrate in every phase of theiractivity and life freedom from racial prejudice. It mustpermeate in every aspect of the life and become akeynote of policy by the Administration.

55. Bahá’u’lláh has written that: All nations should becomeone in faith and all men as brothers. Various races ofhumankind lend a composite harmony and beauty ofcolour to the whole.

56. Abdu’l-Bahá Himself declares: There is no differencebetween black and white. If the heart is pure, both areacceptable to God. There is no distinction or preferencefor any soul in the realm of God’s justice and equity. Thediversity in the human family should be the cause of loveand harmony, as it is in music where many differentnotes blend together in the making of a perfect chord.

57. All efforts must be made by the American people toendure that their conduct reflects this while casting awayany racial superiority.

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Summary 39-57

2.5 pages dedicated from the words of Bahá’u’lláh: developyour character to become righteous and virtuous. Thepurpose of God is to summon all mankind to become whollymoral and to resign to the will of God. The most vital duty isto purify our character, to correct our manners and improveour conduct. Truthfulness is the foundation of all virtues –without which progress in all God’s worlds is impossible forany soul. When this holy attribute is established, all divinequalities will also be acquired.

The oppressions that have befallen the world are preparing itfor the Most Great Justice. The purpose of justice is: theappearance of unity among men. Justice is held by twopillars: reward and punishment. They are the sources of lifeto the world. Justice and equity are two guardians for theprotection of man. The crown of existence rests on justiceand not – forgiveness! That’s why the Administration is calledUniversal House of Justice and not Universal House ofForgiveness.

We must live a chaste and holy life. It demands daily vigilancein control of carnal desires and corrupt inclinations. It callsfor abandonment of frivolous (not having any seriouspurpose or value) conduct, with its excessive attachment totrivial and often misdirected pleasures; also abstinence fromalcohol and drugs. It condemns the prostitution of art andliterature – the practices of nudism and of companionatemarriage, promiscuity and sexual vices. The worldly pleasuresare as worthless as dust and ashes. However, such highstandards must not be confused with total abstinence: it isnot to deny anyone of the legitimate right to benefit fromthe joys and beauties of life – enriched by God. As long as it

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does not come between you and God, do not depriveyourself of God’s wondrous beauty.

Six pages dedicate to: We must not give in to racialprejudice. We must ensure that the Bahá’í institutions haverepresentatives from minority groups. The diversity in thehuman family should be the cause of love and harmony, as itis in music where many different notes blend together in themaking of a perfect chord.

58. The white people must abandon their usually inherentand at times subconscious sense of superiority towardsmembers of the other race. Equally the black peoplemust show by every means the warmth of theirresponse, their readiness to forget the past and to forgoever suspicion that many linger in their hearts and minds.Don’t think that this can happen easily with takinginitiative by either side.

59. A righteousness and rectitude of conduct, which are acontrast to the political life of all parties and factions,must be adopted by the American believers – these arethe weapons which the believers must adhere to firstly,to regenerate the inwards life of the community andsecondly, spread the Faith and to assail the long-standingevils. These virtues will prepare the believers for the timewhen the Hand of Destiny will direct them to assist inbrining into operation the World Order.

60. In the conduct of this twofold crusade, the believers willencounter resistance and suffer many setbacks. Theseoppositions of the pleasure-seeking generation must becompletely overcome. As ‘Abdu’l-Bahá prophesied,

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“Many a test will be visited upon you. Troubles will befallyou, and suffering afflict you.”

61. Therefore believers must not be afraid of any criticisms.The voice of criticism is a voice that indirectly reinforcesthe proclamation of the Cause. Those who stronglyoppose the faith have indeed eventually become thegreatest of allies.

62. It is upon you, therefore, that your holy task is executedwith urgency and with imperative necessity in achievingthe promise of a future so bright that no previous age inthe chronicles of mankind can rival its glory.


63. I have attempted in the beginning of these pages toconvey an idea of the glorious opportunities and thetremendous responsibilities which now face theAmerican believers at so critical a stage in the FormativePeriod of their Faith. I have dwelt the character of themission which against opposition must arise and carryout. I have uttered the tasks lying ahead. I have set forththose dynamic virtues, which difficult as they are toattain, must constitute the essential requirements for thesuccess of those tasks. Now I must address the materialaspect of their immediate task.

64. The Seven Year Plan, with its twofold aspects of Templeornamentation and extension of teaching activity,embracing both the Northern and Southern Americancontinents, is now well advanced into its second year. Allis now in place to ensure that the construction of theTemple and of the House to be completed.

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65. The teaching aspect of the Plan must now be pondered.The Temple and administration of the Faith, as great asthey are, should be viewed as instruments for a moreeffective propagation of the Faith.

66. It is, therefore, to the teaching requirements of theSeven Year Plan that the American believers musthenceforth direct their careful attention. To teach theCause of God must be not be the exclusive right or soldconcern of the administrative institutions. Everyone mustparticipate, however limited their experience or meansor any other limitations. As Bahá’u’lláh said, “Teach yethe Cause of God, O people of Bahá, for God hathprescribed unto everyone the duty of proclaiming HisMessage, and regardeth it as the most meritorious of alldeeds.”

67. Those who hold high ranks in their careers have a certainadvantage to teach the Faith, however, such individualscannot exercise greater influence on the mind and heartsof existing believers. How often have the lowliestadherents of the Faith, unschooled and utterlyinexperienced, with no standing whatsoever, and insome cases devoid of intelligence, been capable ofwinning victories for their cause, before which the mostbrilliant achievements of the learned, the wise, and theexperienced have failed.

68. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá testified, “Peter, according to the history ofthe Church, was also incapable of keeping count of thedays of the week. Whenever he decided to go fishing, hewould tie up his weekly food into seven parcels, and everyday he would east one of them, and when he had reachedthe seventh, he would known that the Sabbath hadarrived, and thereupon would observe it.” If the Son of

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Man was capable of infusing into the helpless aninstrument of such potency as to cause, in the world ofBahá’u’lláh, “the mysteries of wisdom and of utterance toflow out of his mouth,” and to exalt him above the rest ofHis disciples, and render him fit to become His successorand the founder of His Church, how much more can theFather, Who is Bahá’u’lláh, empower the most puny andinsignificant among His followers to achieve His purpose.Such wonders would dwarf the mightiest achievementsof even the first apostle of Jesus Christ!

69. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has written, “The Báb hath said: ‘Should atiny ant desire, in this day, to be possessed of such poweras to be able to unravel the abstrusest [complex] andmost bewildering passages of the Qur’án, its wish will nodoubt be fulfilled, inasmuch as the mystery of eternalmight vibrates within the innermost being of all createsthings.’ If so helpless a creature can be endowed with sosubtle a capacity, how much more efficacious [effective &successful] must be the power released through theliberal effusions of the grace of Bahá’u’lláh!”

70. Therefore the followers cannot afford a moment’shesitation. A God-born Force, so powerful andmysterious, - a Force which, as the Báb has written,“vibrates within the innermost being of all createdthings,” is breaking apart the age-old-ties which forcenturies have held together the fabric of society. Theundreamt-of opportunities offered through theoperation of this Force – the American believes mustnow fully exploit.

71. A world which is so corrupt full of decadence, prejudiceand injustice, will witness the sweeping changes

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presented by this revolutionising Force throughout theplanet.

72. The corruptions, so sad as they are, must not sway butrather enthuse the believers to spread the word ofBahá’u’lláh. Every instrument in the administrationmachinery and the Temple mush be utilised to contributetheir share to the teaching campaign.

73. the opportunities which the turmoil of the present agepresents must be exploited for the purpose of spreadingthe knowledge of eh Faith and for enlisting fresh recruits.Now is the time to rescue a fallen generation that hasrebelled against its God and ignored His warnings, and tooffer it that complete security which only the strongholdsof the Faith can provide.

74. The urgency of the teaching campaign cannot beoverestimated. The creative energies released by the Willof Abdu’l-Bahá must be carried out in conformity withcertain principles.

75. Those who participate in the teachings must familiarisethemselves with the various aspects of the history andteachings of their Faith. In their efforts to teach, theymust study for themselves, conscientiously andpainstakingly, the literature of their Faith, delve into itsteachings, assimilate its laws and principles, ponder itsadmonitions [caution and warning], tenets and purposes,commit to memory certain of its exhortations [influentialwritings] and prayers, master the essentials of itsadministration, and keep abreast of its current affairsand latest developments. They must strive to obtain asound knowledge of the history and tenets of Islám – thesource and background of their Faith – and approach

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reverently the study of Qur’án which, apart from thesacred scriptures of the Babí and Bahá’í Revelations,constitutes the only Book which can be regarded as anabsolutely authenticated Repository of the Word of God.

76. Having acquired these prerequisites of success in theteaching field, they must endeavour, whenever feasible,to acquire a certain proficiency in the languages spokenby the inhabitants of those countries, and knowledge oftheir customs, habits, and outlook.

77. It is the bounden duty of every American believer toinitiate, promote and consolidate teachings of the Faith.Neither the threatening world situation, nor anyconsideration of lack of material resources, of mentalequipment, of knowledge, or of experience – desirable asthey are – should deter any pioneer teacher from arisingindependently, and from setting in motion the forceswhich, Abdu’l-Bahá has assured us, will attract even as amagnet the promised and infallible aid of Bahá’u’lláh. Lethim not wait for any directions or encouragement fromelected representatives of the community nor bedeterred by any obstacles which his relatives or friendsmay be inclined to place in his path. Bahá’u’lláh, referringto such as teacher has revealed, “let him put his wholetrust in God, as the best provision for his journey, andarray himself with the robe of virtue…. If he be kindledwith the fire of His love, if he forgoeth all created things,the words he uttereth shall set on fire them that hearhim.”

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Summary 58-77

The white people must abandon their sense of superiorityand the black people must respond with warmth and forgetthe past. A righteous conduct is necessary to regenerate theinward community and to spread the Faith during which thebelievers will encounter resistance and suffer many setbacks.Therefore don’t be afraid of criticism and commit toimplementing the holy task with urgency.

I have in the beginning of these pages conveyed: theopportunities and responsibilities; the character of themission and the opposition that will arise against it; and thevirtues and principles. In accordance to the Seven Year Plan,now that the Temple is complete, the teaching requirementsof the Faith must now take prominence. Everyone must getinvolved without any excuse however limited their resources.Those in high rank careers have a certain advantage to teachthe faith but must not use their position to gain advantageover existing believers. How often have the lowliestadherents of the Faith, limited in so many ways, achieved inteaching the Faith where the wise and experienced havefailed. For example, look at Peter, with all his limitations hewas given spiritual guidance to become the Son of Man’ssuccessor and founder of His church. Thus, just think howmuch more the Father, Bahá’u’lláh, can empower the mostpuny and insignificant of His followers to achieve Hispurpose. The Báb has also gone to say that should a tiny antdesire to teach the Faith, God will help him in so many ways.

This world which is so corrupt full of decadence, prejudice,and injustice will witness the changes presented by the God-born Force. These corruptions which are breaking the fabricof society must be exploited by the believers to rescue afallen generation and provide them with security.

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Those participate in the teachings of the Faith, in theirefforts, they must study for themselves, conscientiously andpainstakingly, the history, the teaching, the literature, theadministration system, the tenets, the current affairs, andthe latest developments of the Faith. Furthermore, they mustmemorise certain exhortations and prayers. They mustobtain a sound knowledge of the history and tenets of Islamwhich, along with Babí and Bahá’í Revelations, constitute anabsolutely authenticated Repository of Word of God. Havingacquired these prerequisites, then the teachers mustendeavour to learn the language, custom and culture of thevisiting country.

It is the bounded duty of every American believer to teach.Nothing must be allowed to get in the way – namely, thethreatening world situation and the lack of resources ormental equipment or knowledge. Don’t let anyone preventyou from teaching and pioneering, not even your friends andfamily. Bahá’u’lláh said that those who teach must have faithand trust in Bahá’u’lláh and will, beyond doubt, be assistedby God.

78. Undaunted by any hindrance, let him carefully considerevery avenue to teach. Survey all possibilities andevaluate personal advantages, then proceed intelligentlyand systematically. Also associate with clubs, exhibitionsand lectures on subjects akin to the teaching and idealsof the Cause such as temperance, morality, socialwelfare, religious and racial tolerance etc. and supportinstitutions set up to support humanity. Adaptaccordingly to how receptive someone is to the Cause.Refrain from insisting on such laws as might impose toosevere a strain on the seeker and endeavour to nurse

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him, patiently, tactfully, and yet determinedly, into fullmaturity. At the right time introduce him to otherBahá’ís.

79. Keep in contact with relevant Bahá’í teaching agencies orother Bahá’í institutions through constant interchange ofideas through letters, reports, bulletins, and other meansof communication designed for spread of the Faith.

80. Make teaching the prime concern of your life in everysituation that you are exposed to when considering thatit is not only an obligation but also a privilege to spreadthe Cause and rest content that however inadequate thevehicle that conveyed the Message, the power of itsAuthor will prevail. Also attend summer schools whichare an opportunity to enrich study and discussion.

81. Ensure that all the world races come together to enrol asmembers of the Faith in fraternity (brotherly love andsociety for common purpose). Abdu’l-Bahá says considerthe flowers of the garden which are all different buttogether bestow beauty. How unpleasing to the eye ifthey were all the same. He also says go as far as to alsoteach the American Indians and Eskimos.

82. The existing Bahá’í institutions should ensure that newinstitutions are formed in Canada and other parts of theAmericas. The effort requires is extraordinary anddifficult. Yet Bahá’u’lláh assured us that “should a man,all alone, arise in the name of Bahá, and put on thearmour of His lover, him will the Almighty cause to bevictorious, though the forces of earth and heaven bearrayed against him.” He as also written, “Should anyonearise for the triumph of our Cause, him will God rendervictorious though tens of thousands of enemies

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beleagued against him. And if his love for me waxstronger, God will establish his ascendancy over all thepowers of earth and heaven.” “Now we must not considerour ability and capacity, nay rather we must fix our gazeupon the favours and bounties of God.”

83. Some parts of America have not managed to unravel themysteries of the Bible, the Gospel and the Qur’án.Therefore concerted efforts must be made spread theStandard of Unity. The future of Canada is very greatboth spiritually and materially, so also focus yourteaching in that country.

84. As part of the second stage of the Seven Year Plan wemust teach in Central and Southern America.

85. Central and Southern America embrace no less thantwenty nations and account for one-third of the world’sentire number of states. As the world contracts into aneighbourhood, the concealed possibilities in each ofthem are becoming increasingly apparent.

86. The North American institutes must launch an offensiveagainst the powers of darkness as the unfold.

87. Everyone is encouraged to go to the remotest of placedin the Americans to teach. Do not wait for anyone else tomake the first move before you do. Let themdisencumber of all attachment to this world and thevanities thereof.

88. “O Wayfarer in the path of God! Take…” is referred tohere plus other quotes from Bahá’u’lláh that God willhelp pioneers without any doubt.

89. Abdu’l-Bahá is also quotes stating that don’t be afraid, goout and pioneer, God will be there for you.

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90. Your role is to lay down the foundations. The secondgeneration of Bahá’ís will continue to build theAssemblies and Administrative Order of the Faith.

91. Continues on to talk about laying down the foundationsand he importance thereof.

92. The establish institutes in North America must play theirpart in assisting the pioneers and in establishing thefoundations.

93. Shoghi Effendi says that the number of teachers must beincreased. The material resources to be placed at theirdisposal must be multiplied and efficiently organised. Thevarious obstacles and political conditions should beobserved and pre-empted.

94. Translations of the books and literature are of foremostimportance. Leaflets and pamphlets must be translatedand disseminated.

95. Every teacher should make it his concern to mix, in afriendly manner, with all sections of the population, andto familiarise himself with their ideas, tastes, and habits,to study the approach best suited to them, toconcentrate, patiently and tactfully, on a few who haveshown marked capacity and receptivity, and toendeavour, with extreme kindness, to implant such love,zeal, and devotion in their hearts as to enable them tobecome in turn self-sufficient and independentpromoters of the Faith. Bahá’u’lláh says “A kindly tongueis the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread ofthe spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is thefountain of the light of wisdom and understanding.”

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96. Everyone should make an effort, irrespective of in whichcountry you are based, to get to know the citizens of thatcountry. However care should be exercised at all times incase their eagerness to further the international interestof the Faith they frustrate their purpose and turn awaythrough any act that might be misconstrued as anattempt to proselytise (try to convert somebody) andbring undue pressure upon them, those whom they wishto win over to their Cause.

97. American believers should settled in countries that mayoffer them a reasonable prospect of earning the meansof livelihood, thus relieving the continually increasingpressure on their Teaching Fund which must providesupport, if not otherwise available, with the teachingcampaigns.

98. To those who have set out pioneering on foreign landsthey must keep in touch with the National Committeeand cooperate with fellow-believers in those countriesirrelevant of their background. Such pioneers shouldcommunicate efficiently with the communities theirprogress and achievements. The maintenance of a closecontact and harmonious relationship between the Inter-America Committee and the pioneers is paramount andwill set a good example to future pioneers.

99. It is important for those pioneers who can make alivelihood in those countries, because of the variousrestrictions imposed in those countries to do so, to settlein those countries indefinitely. For this they will berewarded. Bahá’u’lláh said, “Such a service is indeed theprince of all goodly deeds, and the ornament of everygoodly act.” Such a reward is not an abstract blessing to

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the future life, but also a tangible benefit in this materialworld.

100. Women have contributed so much to the spreading ofthe Faith and their hard work must no go unrecognisedand without gratitude.

101. Similarly the gratitude goes out to the youths of Americafor their persistence, intelligence and effectiveparticipation in spite of the lack of resources.

102. As mentioned in the Charter as written by Abdu’l-Bahá,Panama has a special position as it links North and SouthAmerica. Abdu’l-Bahá said that in the future PanamaCanal will play a great importance and will unite the Eastand the West, the North and the South. Therefore everyeffort should be made to establish the Faith in Panama aswell as El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.


103. The challenges are great and severe in the concludingyears of the First Century of the Bahá’í Era. Such strifeand chaos are but aspects of a greater Plan, one andindivisible, whose Source is God, whose author isBahaullah, the theatre of whose operations in the eitherplanet, and whose ultimate objectives are the unity ofthe human race and the peace of all mankind.

104. Reflections such as these should steel the resolve of theentire Bahá’í community, should dissipate their grief andarouse them to rededicate themselves to ever singleprovisions of that Divine Charter.

105. Anyone inclined to doubt should meditate on the wordsof Abdu’l-Bahá. In summary: the measure of the

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American people’s success is significant and range of thefuture achievements undisclosed.

106. However no reader of these words should rest on theirlaurels. To forfeit the honour of proclaiming “the adventof the Kingdom of the Lord of Hosts” in “all the fivecontinents of the globe” would silence those “praises ofits majesty and greatness” that otherwise would echothroughout “the whole earth.” Europe, Asia, Africa,Australasia, and Americas.

107. Shoghi Effendi is convinced that such neglect will nevercome to pass and the believer will prosper.

108. Shoghi Effendi can do no better than offer his supportand guidance and quote from the unpolished anduntranslated writings of Bahá’u’lláh.

109. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh highlighting thestation imposed on the American believer and ensuringHis support and gratitude.

110. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh stating that thisis the Day in which God’s Revelation will be manifestedunto men. Every prophet has announced the coming ofthis Day. The Day of the Promise is come. This is aRevelation, under which, if a man she for its sake onedrop of blood, myriads of oceans will be his recompense.In this Day the world is another world, and the Causeanother Cause. Know this and be not of the ignorant. Thisis the Day for which everyone high and low has beenwaiting.

111. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh talking about theGod all Powerful, the Creator of all things visible andinvisible.

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112. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh stating that thetime for the destruction of the world and its people hatharrived. He Who is the Pre-Existent is come, that He maybestow everlasting life, and grand eternal preservation,and confer that which is conducive to true living. Whenthe Tongue of Grandeur will proclaim: The Kingdom isGod’s, the Almighty, the All-Praised. God shall cleansethe earth from the defilement of their corruption andshall give it for an heritage unto such of His servants asare nigh unto Him.

113. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh stating that inthe beginning of every Revelation adversities haveprevailed, which later have been turned into greatprosperity. For fear that the bad things of this worldupset you, be ye as a mountain in the Cause of your Lord.In case the strong ones of the earth rob you of yourstrength, or they who rule the world fill you with fear,put your trust in God, and commit your affairs to Hiskeeping. He verily will through the power of truth, renderyou victorious. Let not the happenings of the worldsadden you. O my servants! Sorrow not if, in these daysand on this earthly plane, things contrary to your wisheshave been ordained and manifested by God, for days ofblissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store foryou.

114. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh stating that it isincumbent upon the people of Bahá to strive with theutmost patience and forbearance to guide the peoples ofthe world to the Most Great Horizon. Centre yourenergies in the propagation of the Faith of God. Yourbehaviour towards your neighbour should be such as tomanifest clearly the signs of the one true God, for ye are

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the first among me to be re-created by His Spirit. Thisshall be better for you than all the treasures of the pastand of the future, if ye be of them that comprehend thistruth. I swear by God! So great are the things ordainedfor the steadfast that where they, so much as the eye ofa needle, to be disclosed, all who are in heaven and onearth would be dumbfounded. Whoso openeth his lips inthis day, and maketh mention of the name of his Lord,the hosts of Divine inspiration shall descend upon himfrom the heaven of My name. Please God ye may all bestrengthened to carry out that which is the Will of God,and may be graciously assisted to appreciate the rankconferred upon such of His loved ones as have arisen toserve Him and magnify His name.

115. Quotes from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh stating that thosewho have detached themselves from all but Him. Therelay concealed within the Holy Veil, and prepared for theservice of God, a company of His chosen ones who shallbe manifested unto men, who shall aid His Cause, whoshall be afraid of no one, though the entire human racerise up and war against him.


116. One more word in conclusion. Among some of the mostthought-provoking pronouncements every made byAbdu’l-Bahá, in the course of His travels in the US wasthe following, “May this American Democracy be the firstnation to establish the foundation of internationalagreement. May it be the first nation to proclaim theunity of mankind. May it be the first nation to proclaimthe unity of mankind. May it be the first to unfurl theStandard of the Most Great Peace. The American peopleare indeed worth of being the first to build the Tabernacle

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of the Great Peace, and proclaim the oneness ofmankind.... For America hath developed powers andcapacities greater and more wonderful than othernations.... The American nation is equipped andempowered to accomplish that which will adorn thepages of history, to become the envy of the world, and beblest in both the East and the West for the triumph of itspeople. The American continent gives signs and evidencesof very great advancement. Its future is even morepromising, for its influence and illumination are far-reaching. It will lead all nations spiritually.”

117. The creative energies, mysteriously generated by the firststirrings of the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh,have endowed that nation with the worthiness to playthe part foreshadowed in these prophetic words.

118. It should be noted that the American nation as a whole,no matter how ignorant it is of the Source, is gravitatingtowards such directions as indicated by Abdu’l-Bahá.

119. The world is moving on. Dangers, undreamt of anunpredictable, threaten it both from within and fromwithout. The world is in turmoil. The world is contractinginto a neighbourhood. Whether American likes it or not itis being pulled into the very web of internationalassociation.

120. The world is beset with perils. As much as fifty millionmen are either under arms or in reserve. Agitatedmultitudes in countries seethe with fear, engendered bypolitical strife, racial fanaticism and hatred. BothBahá’u’lláh and Abdu’l-Bahá said that the world’ssituation is going to worsen.

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121. The direction to which the American nation is headingand the changes which are shaping its policies are toevery Baha’i observer in the light of the prophecies ofBahá’u’lláh and Abdu’l-Bahá. It is impossible to predictthe exact course this nation will follow.

122. However a closer association and involvements with therecurrent international crises is the most likely outcomein the future. [Remember, this book was written in1938.] Nothing however can alter the nations destiny aspreordained by Abdu’l-Bahá.

123. The immediate future will drawn the nation into theworld-shaking ordeal, into its vortex. Out of it willprobably emerge consciously determined to seize theopportunity to bring its full influence in conjunction withits sister nations over the human race.

124. Then and only then will the American nation, moulded bythe common war, be in a position to raise its voice in thecouncil of the nations and lay the cornerstone ofuniversal peace. Then and only then, be able to fulfil theunspeakably glorious destiny ordained for it by Abdu’l-Bahá. Then and only then, will the American nationaccomplish “that which will adorn the pages of history,”“become the envy of the world and be blest in both theEast and the West.”

Written December 25, 1938

Shoghi Effendi