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f cd > i i < j THE ADMIt COUNTY NEWS r VOLUME 4 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 1901 NUMBER 41 L tiTUf I ILL JMBECTOiil t jiT Russell Postmaster pn1LUECTbRY rTblydCIaO ifoa Uy In January third Mo > y In Septeitbor < Judge WVTJoaesr ai fCircuit s Attorney N II W uroDI r W Hurt Clerk JnoBCoffey COUNTY Coont Flrat Monday in each mont- hJuagoJ W Butler County Attorney Jasa rcctt Jr ClerkT R Stults JailerS HMitcliell- XsBeisor G A DradsbawJ Surveyor R T McCaffree School SuptW D Jones Coroner Leonard Fletcher 1 ITV C003T Regularcourt second Monday in achraonth iilieJ W acne Cordon lontJOIDeTTI GGTtiJIiCH DIRECTORY PRESniTBRJAN BUHICSVILIB STREET Rev T F Walters f pastor Services second and fourth Sundaes neach month Sundayschoel atO a m tvety abbaih Prayer meeting every Wednesday night- t MKTIIOOIBT- BcnKSviLtB i STBEET Rov W P Gordon I pastor Services first Sunday its each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 n nt Prayer meeting Thursday night DAPr33T GIl c tSSUn0SrEETRite t + tIC Sarvlces third Sauday to oack month I IadapM one l es y Ssbbatfc at 9a ta Prayer ctolfng Tuesday night CHHISTIANC- AliFBELMVlLLB PjXC Eld Z T WHliCKS Pa Service First Sunday in each to Sundayschool every Sabbatb at9 aw lUapr mre tie g Wednesday night LODGES is ttASONIC nu LODOENo 63 F and A t ECguv- Vf in their halt over bank on Frt eachl T It STULTS Secj COLUMBIA Cnn run H A M No7 meets first Monday night In each month- J K MOBBKU1T P W W BUADSHAW Secretary New Carriage j and Wagon Shop 0 t I have leased the 1t C Euban1 a shop and will giro Carriage fit Wagon Itfork special attention Work done byme will be firstclass Pro- duce ¬ taken in return for work j S F EUBANK Hancock Hotel BURKSVILLE STREET Columbia Ky t JUNIU5 HANCOCK Prop 1 0 fiE The above Hotel has been re ¬ fitted repainted and is now ready for tic comfortable accommodation of guests Table supplied with the best the narketaffords Rates reasonable 1OoQd sample room reed stable at ¬ tached Pumps Hosts Belting PACKING i BOILER TUBES Well Casing Iron Pipe General Brass and Iron Goods for Water Gas and Steam Mill and Factory Supplies THE AHRENS o i T111GI cot INCORPORATFD 525320 W Main St Louisville Kentucky PARSON MOSS r CO BLACKSMITHS WOODWORKERS COLUMBIA KENTUCKY it We are prepared to do any kind of work In our line in firstclass order We have been in the business for 25 years and know how to do work Our prices are as low and terms as reasonable y as any firstclass mechanics We will j take country produce 1atmarhetvalue Give us call Shop near Mill Cu Always atlond strictly to Business Tho test pills for Bilious People in tforleys Little Liver Pills because they al attend Striotly to bttsi oeai Safcarebatad Ont a dose BoMb i i- I QUEER CAPERS r Cut by an Electric Fan in a Business ¬ mans Private Office I had a curious experience with an electric fan during the recent hot spell said a gentleman who has an office in one of the large buildings above Canal street to a New Orleans TimesDemocrat writer and the experience was not altogether pleas¬ ant It was really a very harrowing experience and for awhile I was some- what ¬ perplexed over the situation I was for a few minutes a Hindu con- vert for I believed in the doctrine of reincarnation firmly I saw it all right in my office The fan bad sud ¬ denly taken on some of the attributes of a living pulsing being and it cut all kinds of capers I had concluded that I would put thejan onalowshelf- in the corner of my office and some distance from my desk The shelf was only a few inches from the floor In moving the fan about I had short ¬ ened the amount of insulated wire necessary and had a considernblesur plusage piled up by the fan IJeally there was enough rope to reach across the office The fan had been careless ly fastened to the shelf Zzzzip Before 1 could realize what had hap ¬ pened the fan had scampered from the shelf to the floor and was doing sort of oriental hoochiecoochie as it rushed toward me It was coining at a good pace too I could not get be- hind it on account of the narrowness of the space in time office The fan switched its course a bit doing a sort of side step as if tempting me to slip in behind it and I was about to make the break when time whirring member whirled back in the other direction The violence of the turn caused the fan to topple over on its face and the instrument proceeded to clean up the office I got out andshut thedoor be- hind me I heard thegrind and jostle in the office until I got tiredand then I peeped in The furyof the fan had subsidedsomewhat and the riotous member had buzzed back into thecor ner of the room near my desk I slipped stealthily into the office got my hand on the crank and turned the power off The fan had lost several of its wings while on a rampage and had otherwise injured itself I had it repaired and put backon the shelf > but since that time I hnveused a chain sand a padlock to keep the fan in its place r COMMON WILD PLANTS Accurate Knowledge of Them Often Proves Extremely Valuable A curious case is reported from Mr8ll Pu which goes to show that o knowledge of common wild plants Is extremely valuable says the New York Time Three boys ate some berries which looked like wild grapes and hi a short time were seized with convulsions and died The action of the poison was so much like that of strychnine that a worthy farnipr gyps accused of putting that drug ipto cider to punish the boysforstealingit Fortunately for the farmer he had not bought any poison to kill bugs on his crops and so escaped a serious time for nothing could be proved against him Local physicians sent specimens of the berries found in the boys pockets to Prof Thomas Mee han of the Academy of Natural Sci ¬ ences in Philadelphia and he identi ¬ fled them as moon seed In his report he said Theplpntiatlmeinoonseed- appropriately so called from the forma of the seed within the pulp und botanically menispermum cana dense It is very closely related to the wellknown poisonous drug cocculus indicus of the pharmacists The ac ¬ tion of the poison is saidto be similar strychnineTime the English ivy but aremuch smaller and thinner The vine is of slender growth reaching the height of about ten feet in the season In the fall and winter there is nothing to be seen but the clusters of shining black berries resembling the frost grape and chil- dren ¬ may readily believe they are gathering and eating gropes Fortu- nately ¬ theplant is not very common This plant may indeed be ufJcommon but it is a good thing to know that it exists CATCHING THE AUTOMOBILIST Accurate Little Chronometers Aid Police in Judging Their Speed In the daily war for supremacy now waged in Paris between thepolice and the motornipn the former are con ¬ stantly devising fresh methods for catching the latter in the act of fur- ious driving According to a Chi ¬ cago Daily News dispatch the authori ties have just mlda pew move blip ¬ vesting in a large stock higtpriced chronometers Special policemen have beenprovided with these instru ¬ ments and sent to theBois de Bou ¬ logno to watch offending automo- bilists The policeman takes up his JETrftid pVagiveri spot the distance Jfoni which to anothcrDoinl inv W nas previously been accurately meas- ured ¬ When a motorman passes the first placethe policeman times him during his progress to the second and when lie reaches the latter invariably nabs him for furious driving In nine cases out of ten the automobilist can only plead guilty when confronted bythe unimpeachable evidence of his time taken on a firstclass chronom- eter ¬ A Big Slaughter of Cats A hundred Ions of cats tails were sold in one lot in London for ornamenting ladies wearing apparel Assuming that an average cats tail would weigh a couple of ounces this wouldmean that no fewer thanl792 000 pussies had been killed just to supply this one consignment- LABOUCHERE IN HIS YOUTH Noted Englishman Had as Ready a Wit Then as Now Labouchere says Joseph ITatton in The People was sent by the British minister to look after some Irish patriots at Boston Taking up his quarters at a small hotel he entered his name as Smith If you have an idle hour in almost anyi American city you can get into a game of draw or anything else in theway of gamble In the evening of his arrival the at ¬ tache incontinently entered gaming establishment and lost all the money he had except half a dollar Then he went to bed satisfied ne doubt with his prowess Thenext day t1w bailiffs seized on the hotel for debt and all guests were requested to pay their bills and take away theirluggage La ¬ bouchere could not pay andcould not therefore take away his luggage All he could do was to write to Wash ¬ ington for a remittance and wait two days for its arrival Theo first day he walked about and spent his half dol ¬ lar on food It was summer and he slept on a bench on the common In the morning he went to the bay to have a wash independent of all the cares and troubles of civilization buylmimself he grew very hungry and entered a restaurant and ordered dinner with ¬ out any clear idea of how he was to pay the bill except to leave his coat in pledge And here comes in an example of young Laboucheres luck tempered by a ready wit As the hungry and for the lime being penniless attache ate his dinner he observed that all the waiters were Irishmen and that they not only continually stared at him bnt were evidently discussing him withone another A guilty con ¬ science induced him to think that this was because oI his impecunious ap ¬ pearance and that they were making calculations as to the value of his clothes At last one of them ap ¬ proached their anxious customer and in a low voice said I beg your par don8irjareyon the patrjotMeagher Now this patriot was a gentleman who had aided Smith OBrien in his Irish rising and had been sent to Australia and had escaped thence to theUnited States It was my business to look after patriots said Labouchere telling me the story so I put my finger before nvy lips and said Hush at the same time casting my eyes up to the ceiling as though I saw a vision of Erin beck ¬ oning me It was felt at once that I was Meagher The choicest viands were placed bcforemeanimostexcel7 lent wine When I had done justice to all the good things 1 went to the bar and boldly asked form bill The proprietor also an Irishman said From a man likeyou who has suf ¬ fered in the good cause I can take no money allow a brother patriot to shake hands with you I allowed him He further allowed the wait ¬ ers to shake hands with himand then stalked forthwith time stern resolved but somewhat condescending air which he had seen assumed by patriots in exile Again he slept on the com ¬ mon again he washed in the bay Then hewent to the post office got his money and breakfasted Jo OWNING BOOKS Better Than BdrrowiogYoe Become More Familiar with Them In a newspaper was recently print ¬ ed a letter from a book lover asserting that books were of little use to mho only borrowed them or received them as gifts Heobjectec asliuskin also did to cheap books and said he was almost convinced that if the pheapest books post five dollars pr more the world would bebetter off1 Np doubt says the editor of St JJichplas this is an extreme state inept and would have to besxpressed more Cautiously tobe true Yet there is some truth in th idea that books may be too plentiful and too easy to buy Therei a likeness bet- ween lrbrariesandsehoolsin this re ¬ spent Ths boy tir girl in a big school is not be elro form friendships y as u 114 a smaiicr scnooi Vi Iiwe there is too wide a choice there is less inti ¬ macy So in the library A large li ¬ brary is not so likely to become fa ¬ miliar and valued as a smaller collec ¬ tion wellchczen The very company of books is edu ¬ cating As one sits before thebook cases and glances at his favorite vol- umes ¬ it is as if each said a word ortwo or suggested thought Thus a boys eye may fall upon his copy of Tom Brown at Rugby and in his mind rises the remembrance of the great hareandhounds run in which Tom and East and the Tadpole struggled so pluckily anti at last held that de ¬ lightful little interview with Dr Ar ¬ nold or visions of Easts tricks on old Martin There is no need to open the bookone breathes its healthful air at the mere sight of its title So from each old favorite there comes a friend ¬ ly greeting and we recall the pleasant hours spent in its company- A great orator said Books are the windows through which thesoul looks out A home without books is like a room without windows No man has a right to bring up children without surrounding them with hooks if he has the meanS to buy books HOT WEATHER IN THE SLUMS Swift Trolley Cars Stir Up the Air Bringing Temporary Relief Speaking of fans and warm weath- er ¬ said a gentleman to a Xew Oi ¬ leans TimesDemocrat reporter 1 have made an interesting observation during the last few days Along some of the narrow streets of New Orleans and in the poorer quarters where the houses are jammed up together until it would stein almost impossible for the air to circulate at a111 guess one would find the greatest amount of suffering And it was in a section of this sort where the people werepant ing for breath that 1 made the obser¬ vation The fan is a great thing iivthe hot season just so one does not have to fan ones tell If the cooling ef¬ fect can be obtained wtthout any ex ¬ penditure of muscular energy so much the better Now this is what happens in some of the narrowstreets where electric cars brush alongatreg ular intervals The street car sa great fan Where they run down sonic of the narrower thoroughfares sweep ¬ ing by the windows with considerable velocity they do a world of good in a cooling way and I have watched the occupants of houses crowd to the win¬ dows just to get the benefit of the breeze caused by the rapid motion of the car In these streets the air is bankedand circulates but little un ¬ less there happens to be a sweeping wind in the direction the street runs The car churns this air upsweeps it out so that fresher air may rush in from above andfrom the side streets and hence the street car becomes a great advantage to the persons who live along the narrow streets and in the tenements that are crowded close togetherELMLEAVED GOLDENROD Has the Broad Thin Leaves of a Shade Plant It is well known that when a plant grows in shady places it is likely to have a greater leaf area than when it grows in the open sunshine It must pause a larger surface to col ¬ the when the latter is com- parativply ¬ dip Now most of the goldeprpds live in the open fields haying rather parrpw leaves but the exquisite elm leaved goldenrod lives win woods and copses where the shad ows are thick and direct sunshipe is a fleeting thing And so we find that this species has the broad thin leaveg of a shadeplant leaves with well k ¬ veloped stems but otherwise to sim¬ ilar to those of the elmtree as to give this goldenrod its distinctive name But it gives a touch of color to throe somber shades of the woods that we would not willingly do without Clarence Moores Weed win Womans Home Companion A book on the ears as an index of character having been published by an English author a learned reviewer Dr A Keith mentions his own elab ¬ orate study of the ears of more than 40000 people including 800 crim¬ finals and 2000 insane perSlons besides those of 300 apes He was forced to conclude that the ears gave no clew to personal traits He Would See Through It If you want to tell a fish story do not tell it toa man who was raised on the river He knows too much about it Washington la Democrat muses ora Kicn Man byfools la Democrat Geed Advice Go it alone Don t usey our best t DailyNews F i LIME WATER FOR STRE2T3 Would Be Productive of Sanitary Cia fm n Hot Weather Dr A EC owes writing to a med ¬ ical Journal suggests that the use of lime water prepared fresh for water ¬ ing the streets in hot weather would prove to be a practice i iccuctive of sanitary comfort The advantages claimed for the practice are said to It those first of aggregating together loose particles of manure and thus to prevent them from being diffused by the wind second of exercising crtain antiseptic action third of pre- serving ¬ wood paving and fourth of renderingwood less slippery The idea should be worth considering by the local authorities intrusted with the care of the streets and an ener ¬ getic surveyor might make trial of Dr Eddowes plan on an experimental basis Lime we are told is employed near Vienna for the disinfection of sewage Collected in one of three tanks a days sewage is mixedwith fresh milk of lime in the proportion of from oneto two percent Themix ture settles for 48 hours then the clear eflluent water is drainedoff The sediment remaining is usedas manure Its valuein this latter direc ¬ tion is alleged to be great The ef¬ fluent was said to be clearer than the water in adjoining mountain streams I may remark that lime has long been used for purifying sewage From six to 12 grains of lime are employed per gallon of sewage Time objection to this method is the rapid putrefaction of the sewage if too much lime is add ¬ ed while it is said that as the organic matters in suspension are alone affect ¬ ed purification is defective and the manure of no value London Chron- icle ¬ MRS CORNELIUS VANDERBILT How She Eelpid the Commodore on the Road to Fortune A woman played a large part in laying the foundations of the fortunes of the house of Vanderbilt The first Cornelius Vanderbijt married at the age of 20 and a ycarlaterbecamecap tam n of a small steamboat plying be ¬ tween New York and New Brunswick N J Passengers were numerous and many persons went to New Brunswick and back by boat for the pleasure of the trip Others when the boat reached New Brunswick got into tages and were driven across the state to another steamerwhich took them down the Delaware Of course they wanted something to eat and here Mrs Vanderbilt saw her opportunity New Brunswicks hotelor halfway house was dirty and ill kept Mrs Vanderbilt suggested to her husband that they should take the hotel refit it and run it in a style that would attract guests Vanderbilt leased the hotel but as the scheme was his wifes he told her she might run it and have the profits Mrs Vanderbilt overhauled the house and named it Bellona hall after the steamship Bel lona which her husband then com ¬ manded The fame of Bellona ball soon spread to New York and par ¬ ties were made up to visit it because of the excellent fare to be found there It also increased the profits of the line for which Capt Vanderbilt worked and his salary was increased to 2000 a year Mrs Vanderbilt for 12 years managed Bellona hall with profit to herself and pleasure to her guests Success BERIBERI Fever That Was Oas Time the Scourge- of Japans Navy Nothing is more remarkable than the record relating to kakke or bed beri its it is known in the Philip- pines ¬ the dreaded fever which used atone time to be such a scourgein the Japanese navy In 1883 thelas year of the old system of diet there were 1236 cases oUt of a total force of 5340 men being a ratio of 231 cases per 1000 of force says the Chicago BecordIIerald The deaths were 49 In 1898 the total number of cases was 16 out ofa force of 18126 being a ratio of 87 per 1000 The number of deaths was one In fact by a judicious system of diet kakke may be said to have been driven out of the navy al ¬ together The daily food of a man in the Japanese navy is now approxi- mately ¬ onehalf pound of bread two fifths Ofa pound of meat twgthirds of a pound of rice fivesixteenths of a poundof vegetables together with small quantities of preserved pieat and fish fresh fish cracked wheat beans flour tea sugar and roasted barley No less remarkable is the steady increase of body weight thatI has taken place since1884 when 4he improved system of diet began to be operative The average weight in that year was 121 pounds approxi ¬ mately and it thenceforth increased regularly year by year until in 1898 the figure was 130pounds Salt gsed lmtndOB London consmnes 11 tons ofult a- dav > s o < > S BEDFELLOWS IN MEXICO I Traveler Spsnls an Unpleasant Night in Company with Lizards I had arather unhappy experience once myself said a listener but it was at a time when my nerv couldnot stand a great deal and the shock was no surprise to me I was really happy when I found that my eyes had played meno trick and that the things about me were real things I had journeyeddown into Mexico for the purpose of spending some time The trip was partly a business trip and partly for such pleasure as I could get out of an experience in a country that was new to me I ought to say here that I had never been in a trop ¬ ical country My life had been spent in the north and whatever I knew about many of the forms of life in tropical sections was altogether the ¬ oretical I had merely read about many of thin things but I learned aft ¬ thingsI ments when my mind was inclined to conjure with tIle horrors of uneven sleep Well I found myself in Mex ¬ ico I was in the wilds of Mexico and that where one could find but few of the comforts known to the more advanced ways of living I stoppedwith an old Mexican one night and he put me in a dumpy lit ¬ tle room off to myself I slept on the floor or rather I started to sleep on the floor and it was a dirt floor at that I coiled up on a mattress made of some light material I had just closed my eyes when I felt something scramble rapidly over my forehead It startled me a bit but 1 kept cool and still to see if it would happen agatnIthappenedinlesstimethan it takes to tell it This thing kept up until the experiment was disorganizing my nerves and I could stand it no longer I got up and started out and I felt the same thing happening to my feet Partly panicstricken I rushed into time room of the old Mexican Some- thing ¬ in yonder I said pointing to ¬ ward my room He took in the sit ¬ uation at once andassured me thatit was all right He struck light and went to the room with me to assure me that there was no danger When I got backto my room I w paralyzed Crawling over the walls of the hut andscramping over the floor over the mattress on which I had lain and run ¬ ning here and there and everywhere was a perfect army of lizards of all sizes ages and varieties I told the Mexican to leave me the light and that I would occupy the room for the night And so I did But I did not sleep for I did not want the lizards however harmless andcompanionable they might be to convert my face and forehead into a promenade This woundup my experience in Mexico and I scampered pver the border as soon as possible and since that time the wilder regions in the tropics have had no fascination for meN 0 TimesDemocrat AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Curious Thou Disastrous Experience in a French Forest A lady was entering the forest of St Germain near Paris in an auto ¬ mobile recently when the machinery became out of order The passengers brought the car to a standstill in or¬ der to overhaul the engines when al- most ¬ immediately a violent explosion pccurred and the car was enveloped in flames The passengers had a nar- row ¬ escape The liquid fuel in the reservoir of the car overflowed and be¬ came ignited and it was feared that the burning stream of oil wouldrun among the bushes fringing the road setting them alight in which eventthe forest would have been involved and widespread damage caused The for- est ¬ fire however was averted by the fellingof a few trees and the cutting away of the undergrowth in the vicin- ity ¬ of the burning vehicle The mo ¬ tor car burned fiercely for about an hour leaving only a mass of tangled steel and ironwork The valueof the automobile was 5000Scientific American A Rich Negro Peter Postell who died recently at Hopkinsville Ky was said to be then richest negro in the south He was 60 years old had been a slave in his youth and has left an estate valued at 500000 criiIa tftleatWaa Help Help I gurgled thedrown ing man as he was about tosinkfor the last time i Wha Vs the matters yelled the lounger on thcwhar1un aint deep Cant you walk out Of course gasped the other sar ¬ myhoes Then he Eank London Answers Me SHOWS It You neednt tell ann that lie is gettiagold IIeks0Wa3tTA 1 4 HOUSERENTING IN LONDON Long Leases and Few Advantajei U Tenants the Rule In London one cannot rent a house for less than seven years and the ten- ant ¬ must pay all the taxes and make his own repairs The average Eng lishman who rents his house must put upwith a score of worries and incon ¬ veniences which his American cousin knows nothing about The American householder says the New York World if anything goes wrong merely sends for his landlord In London the landlord sends for the tenant and requires him to insure the property in the bargain- It is usually impossible for a Len doner to estimate with any accuracy what a house will cost to rent Theca tual rental paid to the owner of the house is but a small part of the ex ¬ pense A house whichwill rent fer 2000 in New York can usually be secured in London for about 300 a yearThisrent is not paid to the owner of the land but to some ground land ¬ lord who in turn rents it from an ¬ other lessee and so on The property is frequently removed dozen times in this way from the original owner It is practically impossible to buy land in LondonThe speculator or boomer in London rarely buys any land He merely rents it for a long period say of 99 years and builds upon it Then each house is sublet to individual ten ¬ ants for longperiods These latest landlords have as ¬ sumed all responsibilities and on re responsibilities ¬ first place it is only possible to lease the house for a period of seven 14 or 21 years It is besides impossible to give it up no matter what may hap ¬ pen until the lease has expired The tenant has the privilege however of subletting the house if he is lucky enough tofind a tenant The London leases have many tricky little clauses which would not be tolerated by Americans The ten ¬ ant is bound to keep the house insured and to pay the premiums He must pay the taxes the water rate keep the drains in order paint the entire house inside and out once every three years and must put it in perfecta condition to the satisfaction of the agent at the end of the term be- fore moving out Putting the house in order is usual ¬ ly an important item After an occu ¬ pation of seven years a property is sure to depreciate more or less It is not unusual for a tenant to spend thou ¬ sands of dollars in repairs when on the point of leaving Most Londonihouscs are far behind those of New York in point of con ¬ venience Many of the expensive houses are without bathrooms or ade¬ quate plumbing or the apparatus for providing hot and cold water If a tenant wants any of these things ho must of course put them in at his own expenseIt the same with the appliances for heating Most London houses have no system of heating whatever beyond the open grates in the rooms These must be kept in order of course by the tenant- English houses are moreover serv¬ antkillers In New York it would bo impossible to get servants to put up with such inconveniences at any price A CURIOUS PHENOMENON Chalk Rocks Cut Up Strange Capers IB French Alps A curious phenomenon was ob ¬ served at the village of Le Ghazil in the French Alps recently Oneday toward evening the inhabitants were disturbed by a loud rumbling in the vicinity of Mont Farand which in ¬ creased in intensity Looking toward the scene of the disturbance the viI ¬ lagers were further startled by seeing bright flashes of fire At first the un usual spectacle was attributed to vol ¬ cane agencies and a party of civil en- gineers ¬ set out to examine the cause of the phenomenon They discov ered that the intense dry heat had caused the chalkrocks on the summit of the mountain to crack and to break away in all directions These reeks had descended the mountain like an avalanche and being thickly veined with silex in descending they had struck one another with terrific force scattering brilliant showers of sparks in all directions with suohrapidity that they resembled one single she t of flame Scientific American The creariuc osttenaciousof life js the common sSSbpolyp If one bs thereiult dozen sections making as many ani ¬ mals They may be turned inside out when they apparentlj njoy them selves just as well as before if two be divided and placed end to end the result wilLbeamonsterb vinganeact it sack extremity t9 11 J

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L tiTUf I ILL JMBECTOiilt jiT Russell Postmaster


rTblydCIaOifoa Uy InJanuary third Mo >yIn Septeitbor <

Judge WVTJoaesrai fCircuit s Attorney N II W uroDIrW Hurt

Clerk JnoBCoffey

COUNTY Coont Flrat Monday in each mont-hJuagoJ W ButlerCounty Attorney Jasa rcctt JrClerkT R StultsJailerS HMitcliell-XsBeisor G A DradsbawJSurveyor R T McCaffreeSchool SuptW D JonesCoroner Leonard Fletcher

1ITV C003T Regularcourt second Monday in

achraonthiilieJ W



f pastor Services second and fourth Sundaesneach month Sundayschoel atO a m tvetyabbaih Prayer meeting every Wednesday




STBEET Rov W P GordonI

pastor Services first Sunday its each monthSundayschool every Sabbath at 9 n nt Prayermeeting Thursday night


GIl c tSSUn0SrEETRitet + tIC Sarvlces third Sauday to oack month

I IadapM one l es y Ssbbatfc at 9 a ta Prayerctolfng Tuesday night



Pa Service First Sunday in each

to Sundayschool every Sabbatb at9 awlUapr m retie g Wednesday night

LODGESisttASONICnu LODOENo 63 F and A t ECguv-

Vf in their halt over bank on FrteachlT It STULTS SecjCOLUMBIA Cnn run H A M No7 meets

first Monday night In each month-J K MOBBKU1T P

W W BUADSHAW Secretary

New Carriagej

and Wagon Shop

0tI have leased the 1t C Euban1


shop and will giro

Carriage fit Wagon Itforkspecial attention Work donebyme will be firstclass Pro-



taken in return for work



Columbia Kyt

JUNIU5 HANCOCK Prop1 0fiE The above Hotel has been re¬

fitted repainted and is now ready for

tic comfortable accommodation of

guests Table supplied with the best

the narketaffords Rates reasonable

1OoQd sample room reed stable at¬


Pumps Hosts BeltingPACKINGi


Well Casing Iron PipeGeneral Brass and Iron Goods

for Water Gas and Steam

Mill and Factory Supplies


525320 W Main St

Louisville Kentucky




it We are prepared to doany kind of work In

our line in firstclass order We havebeen in the business for 25 years and

know how to do workOur prices are as low

and terms as reasonabley as any firstclass mechanics We will

j take country produce

1atmarhetvalue Giveus call Shop near Mill Cu

Always atlond strictly to BusinessTho test pills for Bilious People intforleys Little Liver Pills becausethey al attend Striotly to bttsioeai Safcarebatad Ont a dose BoMb





Cut by an Electric Fan in a Business ¬

mans Private Office

I had a curious experience with anelectric fan during the recent hotspell said a gentleman who has anoffice in one of the large buildingsabove Canal street to a New OrleansTimesDemocrat writer and theexperience was not altogether pleas¬

ant It was really a very harrowingexperience and for awhile I was some-


perplexed over the situation Iwas for a few minutes a Hindu con-vert for I believed in the doctrine ofreincarnation firmly I saw it allright in my office The fan bad sud ¬

denly taken on some of the attributesof a living pulsing being and it cutall kinds of capers I had concludedthat I would put thejan onalowshelf-in the corner of my office and some

distance from my desk The shelfwas only a few inches from the floor

In moving the fan about I had short ¬

ened the amount of insulated wirenecessary and had a considernblesurplusage piled up by the fan IJeallythere was enough rope to reach across

the office The fan had been carelessly fastened to the shelf ZzzzipBefore 1 could realize what had hap ¬

pened the fan had scampered fromthe shelf to the floor and was doingsort of oriental hoochiecoochie as itrushed toward me It was coining ata good pace too I could not get be-hind it on account of the narrownessof the space in time office The fanswitched its course a bit doing a sortof side step as if tempting me to slipin behind it and I was about to makethe break when time whirring memberwhirled back in the other directionThe violence of the turn caused thefan to topple over on its face and theinstrument proceeded to clean up theoffice I got out andshut thedoor be-hind me I heard thegrind and jostlein the office until I got tiredand thenI peeped in The furyof the fan hadsubsidedsomewhat and the riotousmember had buzzed back into thecorner of the room near my desk Islipped stealthily into the office gotmy hand on the crank and turned the

power off The fan had lost severalof its wings while on a rampage andhad otherwise injured itself I had

it repaired and put backon the shelf >

but since that time I hnveused a chainsand a padlock to keep the fan in itsplace



Accurate Knowledge of Them OftenProves Extremely Valuable

A curious case is reported fromMr8ll Pu which goes to show thato knowledge of common wild plantsIs extremely valuable says the NewYork Time Three boys ate some

berries which looked like wild grapesand hi a short time were seized withconvulsions and died The action ofthe poison was so much like that of

strychnine that a worthy farnipr gyps

accused of putting that drug iptocider to punish the boysforstealingitFortunately for the farmer he hadnot bought any poison to kill bugs onhis crops and so escaped a serioustime for nothing could be provedagainst him Local physicians sentspecimens of the berries found in theboys pockets to Prof Thomas Meehan of the Academy of Natural Sci¬

ences in Philadelphia and he identi ¬

fled them as moon seed In his reporthe said Theplpntiatlmeinoonseed-

appropriately so called from theforma of the seed within the pulpund botanically menispermum canadense It is very closely related to thewellknown poisonous drug cocculusindicus of the pharmacists The ac ¬

tion of the poison is saidto be similar

strychnineTimethe English ivy but aremuch smallerand thinner The vine is of slendergrowth reaching the height of aboutten feet in the season In the fall andwinter there is nothing to be seen butthe clusters of shining black berriesresembling the frost grape and chil-


may readily believe they aregathering and eating gropes Fortu-nately


theplant is not very commonThis plant may indeed be ufJcommonbut it is a good thing to know that itexists


Accurate Little Chronometers Aid Policein Judging Their Speed

In the daily war for supremacy nowwaged in Paris between thepolice andthe motornipn the former are con ¬

stantly devising fresh methods forcatching the latter in the act of fur-

ious driving According to a Chi¬

cago Daily News dispatch the authorities have just mlda pew move blip ¬

vesting in a large stock higtpricedchronometers Special policemenhave beenprovided with these instru¬

ments and sent to theBois de Bou ¬

logno to watch offending automo-

bilists The policeman takes up hisJETrftid pVagiveri spot the distanceJfoni which to anothcrDoinl inv W

nas previously been accurately meas-


When a motorman passes thefirst placethe policeman times himduring his progress to the second andwhen lie reaches the latter invariablynabs him for furious driving In ninecases out of ten the automobilist canonly plead guilty when confrontedbythe unimpeachable evidence of histime taken on a firstclass chronom-


A Big Slaughter of Cats

A hundred Ions of cats tails weresold in one lot in London for

ornamenting ladies wearing apparelAssuming that an average cats tailwould weigh a couple of ounces thiswouldmean that no fewer thanl792000 pussies had been killed just tosupply this one consignment-


Noted Englishman Had as Ready a WitThen as Now

Labouchere says Joseph ITatton inThe People was sent by the Britishminister to look after some Irishpatriots at Boston Taking up hisquarters at a small hotel he enteredhis name as Smith If you have anidle hour in almost anyi American cityyou can get into a game of drawor anything else in theway of gambleIn the evening of his arrival the at ¬

tache incontinently entered gamingestablishment and lost all the moneyhe had except half a dollar Then hewent to bed satisfied ne doubt withhis prowess Thenext day t1w bailiffsseized on the hotel for debt and allguests were requested to pay theirbills and take away theirluggage La ¬

bouchere could not pay andcouldnot therefore take away his luggageAll he could do was to write to Wash¬

ington for a remittance and wait twodays for its arrival Theo first day hewalked about and spent his half dol ¬

lar on food It was summer and heslept on a bench on the common Inthe morning he went to the bay tohave a wash independent of all thecares and troubles of civilization

buylmimselfhe grew very hungry and entered arestaurant and ordered dinner with ¬

out any clear idea of how he was topay the bill except to leave his coatin pledge

And here comes in an example ofyoung Laboucheres luck temperedby a ready wit As the hungry andfor the lime being penniless attacheate his dinner he observed that all thewaiters were Irishmen and that theynot only continually stared at himbnt were evidently discussing himwithone another A guilty con ¬

science induced him to think that thiswas because oI his impecunious ap¬

pearance and that they were makingcalculations as to the value of hisclothes At last one of them ap ¬

proached their anxious customer andin a low voice said I beg your pardon8irjareyon the patrjotMeagherNow this patriot was a gentlemanwho had aided Smith OBrien in hisIrish rising and had been sent toAustralia and had escaped thence totheUnited States

It was my business to look afterpatriots said Labouchere telling methe story so I put my finger beforenvy lips and said Hush at the sametime casting my eyes up to the ceilingas though I saw a vision of Erin beck¬

oning me It was felt at once that Iwas Meagher The choicest viandswere placed bcforemeanimostexcel7lent wine When I had done justiceto all the good things 1 went to thebar and boldly asked form bill Theproprietor also an Irishman saidFrom a man likeyou who has suf ¬

fered in the good cause I can take nomoney allow a brother patriot toshake hands with you I allowedhim He further allowed the wait ¬

ers to shake hands with himand thenstalked forthwith time stern resolvedbut somewhat condescending airwhich he had seen assumed by patriotsin exile Again he slept on the com ¬

mon again he washed in the bayThen hewent to the post office got hismoney and breakfasted


Better Than BdrrowiogYoe BecomeMore Familiar with Them

In a newspaper was recently print¬

ed a letter from a book lover assertingthat books were of little use tomho only borrowed them or receivedthem as gifts Heobjectec asliuskinalso did to cheap books and said hewas almost convinced that if thepheapest books post five dollars prmore the world would bebetter off1

Np doubt says the editor of StJJichplas this is an extreme stateinept and would have to besxpressedmore Cautiously tobe true Yet thereis some truth in th idea that booksmay be too plentiful and too easy tobuy Therei a likeness bet-

ween lrbrariesandsehoolsin this re ¬

spent Thsboy tir girl in a big schoolis not be elro form friendships


as u 114 a smaiicr scnooi Vi Iiwe thereis too wide a choice there is less inti¬

macy So in the library A large li¬

brary is not so likely to become fa¬

miliar and valued as a smaller collec ¬

tion wellchczenThe very company of books is edu ¬

cating As one sits before thebookcases and glances at his favorite vol-


it is as if each said a word ortwoor suggested thought Thus a boyseye may fall upon his copy of TomBrown at Rugby and in his mindrises the remembrance of the greathareandhounds run in which Tomand East and the Tadpole struggledso pluckily anti at last held that de ¬

lightful little interview with Dr Ar¬

nold or visions of Easts tricks on oldMartin There is no need to open thebookone breathes its healthful airat the mere sight of its title So fromeach old favorite there comes a friend ¬

ly greeting and we recall the pleasanthours spent in its company-

A great orator said Books arethe windows through which thesoullooks out A home without books islike a room without windows Noman has a right to bring up childrenwithout surrounding them withhooks if he has the meanS to buybooks


Swift Trolley Cars Stir Up the AirBringing Temporary Relief

Speaking of fans and warm weath-


said a gentleman to a Xew Oi ¬

leans TimesDemocrat reporter 1

have made an interesting observationduring the last few days Along someof the narrow streets of New Orleansand in the poorer quarters where thehouses are jammed up together untilit would stein almost impossible forthe air to circulate at a111 guess onewould find the greatest amount ofsuffering And it was in a section ofthis sort where the people werepanting for breath that 1 made the obser¬

vation The fan is a great thing iivthehot season just so one does not haveto fan ones tell If the cooling ef¬

fect can be obtained wtthout any ex ¬

penditure of muscular energy somuch the better Now this is whathappens in some of the narrowstreetswhere electric cars brush alongatregular intervals The street car sagreat fan Where they run down sonic

of the narrower thoroughfares sweep ¬

ing by the windows with considerablevelocity they do a world of good in acooling way and I have watched theoccupants of houses crowd to the win¬

dows just to get the benefit of thebreeze caused by the rapid motion of

the car In these streets the air isbankedand circulates but little un ¬

less there happens to be a sweepingwind in the direction the street runsThe car churns this air upsweeps itout so that fresher air may rush infrom above andfrom the side streetsand hence the street car becomes agreat advantage to the persons wholive along the narrow streets and inthe tenements that are crowded close


Has the Broad Thin Leaves of a ShadePlant

It is well known that when a plantgrows in shady places it is likely tohave a greater leaf area than whenit grows in the open sunshine Itmust pause a larger surface to col ¬

the when the latter is com-


dip Now most of thegoldeprpds live in the open fieldshaying rather parrpw leaves but theexquisite elm leaved goldenrod lives

win woods and copses where the shadows are thick and direct sunshipe isa fleeting thing And so we find thatthis species has the broad thin leavegof a shadeplant leaves with well k ¬

veloped stems but otherwise to sim¬

ilar to those of the elmtree as to givethis goldenrod its distinctive nameBut it gives a touch of color to throe

somber shades of the woods that wewould not willingly do withoutClarence Moores Weed win WomansHome Companion

A book on the ears as an index ofcharacter having been published byan English author a learned reviewerDr A Keith mentions his own elab ¬

orate study of the ears of more than40000 people including 800 crim¬

finals and 2000 insane perSlons besidesthose of 300 apes He was forced toconclude that the ears gave no clewto personal traits

He Would See Through ItIf you want to tell a fish story do

not tell it toa man who was raised onthe river He knows too much aboutit Washington la Democrat

muses ora Kicn Manbyfoolsla Democrat

Geed Advice

Go it alone Don t usey our bestt

DailyNewsF i


Would Be Productive of Sanitary Ciafm n Hot Weather

Dr A EC owes writing to a med¬

ical Journal suggests that the use of

lime water prepared fresh for water ¬

ing the streets in hot weather would

prove to be a practice i iccuctive of

sanitary comfort The advantagesclaimed for the practice are said to Itthose first of aggregating togetherloose particles of manure and thusto prevent them from being diffusedby the wind second of exercisingcrtain antiseptic action third of pre-


wood paving and fourth ofrenderingwood less slippery Theidea should be worth considering bythe local authorities intrusted withthe care of the streets and an ener¬

getic surveyor might make trial of DrEddowes plan on an experimentalbasis Lime we are told is employednear Vienna for the disinfection ofsewage Collected in one of threetanks a days sewage is mixedwithfresh milk of lime in the proportionof from oneto two percent Themixture settles for 48 hours then theclear eflluent water is drainedoffThe sediment remaining is usedasmanure Its valuein this latter direc ¬

tion is alleged to be great The ef¬

fluent was said to be clearer than thewater in adjoining mountain streamsI may remark that lime has long beenused for purifying sewage From sixto 12 grains of lime are employed pergallon of sewage Time objection tothis method is the rapid putrefactionof the sewage if too much lime is add ¬

ed while it is said that as the organicmatters in suspension are alone affect¬

ed purification is defective and themanure of no value London Chron-icle



How She Eelpid the Commodore on theRoad to Fortune

A woman played a large part inlaying the foundations of the fortunesof the house of Vanderbilt The firstCornelius Vanderbijt married at theage of 20 and a ycarlaterbecamecaptam n of a small steamboat plying be ¬

tween New York and New BrunswickN J Passengers were numerous andmany persons went to New Brunswickand back by boat for the pleasure ofthe trip Others when the boatreached New Brunswick got intotages and were driven across the stateto another steamerwhich took themdown the Delaware Of course theywanted something to eat and hereMrs Vanderbilt saw her opportunityNew Brunswicks hotelor halfwayhouse was dirty and ill kept MrsVanderbilt suggested to her husbandthat they should take the hotel refitit and run it in a style that wouldattract guests Vanderbilt leased thehotel but as the scheme was hiswifes he told her she might run itand have the profits Mrs Vanderbiltoverhauled the house and named itBellona hall after the steamship Bellona which her husband then com ¬

manded The fame of Bellona ballsoon spread to New York and par ¬

ties were made up to visit it becauseof the excellent fare to be foundthere It also increased the profits ofthe line for which Capt Vanderbiltworked and his salary was increasedto 2000 a year Mrs Vanderbilt for12 years managed Bellona hall withprofit to herself and pleasure to herguests Success


Fever That Was Oas Time the Scourge-of Japans Navy

Nothing is more remarkable thanthe record relating to kakke or bedberi its it is known in the Philip-pines


the dreaded fever which usedatone time to be such a scourgein theJapanese navy In 1883 thelas yearof the old system of diet there were1236 cases oUt of a total force of5340 men being a ratio of 231 casesper 1000 of force says the ChicagoBecordIIerald The deaths were 49In 1898 the total number of cases was16 out ofa force of 18126 being aratio of 87 per 1000 The number ofdeaths was one In fact by a judicioussystem of diet kakke may be said tohave been driven out of the navy al¬

together The daily food of a man inthe Japanese navy is now approxi-mately


onehalf pound of bread twofifthsOfa pound of meat twgthirdsof a pound of rice fivesixteenths of apoundof vegetables together withsmall quantities of preserved pieatand fish fresh fish cracked wheatbeans flour tea sugar and roastedbarley No less remarkable is thesteady increase of body weight thatIhas taken place since1884 when 4heimproved system of diet began to beoperative The average weight inthat year was 121 pounds approxi ¬

mately and it thenceforth increasedregularly year by year until in 1898the figure was 130pounds

Salt gsed lmtndOB

London consmnes 11 tons ofult a-

dav >s o< > S


Traveler Spsnls an Unpleasant Nightin Company with Lizards

I had arather unhappy experienceonce myself said a listener butit was at a time when my nervcouldnot stand a great deal and theshock was no surprise to me I wasreally happy when I found that myeyes had played meno trick and thatthe things about me were real thingsI had journeyeddown into Mexico forthe purpose of spending some timeThe trip was partly a business tripand partly for such pleasure as I couldget out of an experience in a countrythat was new to me I ought to sayhere that I had never been in a trop ¬

ical country My life had been spentin the north and whatever I knewabout many of the forms of life intropical sections was altogether the ¬

oretical I had merely read aboutmany of thin things but I learned aft ¬thingsIments when my mind was inclined toconjure with tIle horrors of unevensleep Well I found myself in Mex ¬

ico I was in the wilds of Mexicoand that where one could find butfew of the comforts known to themore advanced ways of living Istoppedwith an old Mexican onenight and he put me in a dumpy lit¬

tle room off to myself I slept on thefloor or rather I started to sleep onthe floor and it was a dirt floor atthat I coiled up on a mattress madeof some light material I had justclosed my eyes when I felt somethingscramble rapidly over my foreheadIt startled me a bit but 1 kept cooland still to see if it would happen

agatnIthappenedinlesstimethanit takes

to tell it This thing kept up untilthe experiment was disorganizing mynerves and I could stand it no longerI got up and started out and I feltthe same thing happening to my feetPartly panicstricken I rushed intotime room of the old Mexican Some-


in yonder I said pointing to¬

ward my room He took in the sit ¬

uation at once andassured me thatitwas all right He struck light andwent to the room with me to assureme that there was no danger WhenI got backto my room I w paralyzedCrawling over the walls of the hutandscramping over the floor over themattress on which I had lain and run ¬

ning here and there and everywherewas a perfect army of lizards of allsizes ages and varieties I told theMexican to leave me the light andthat I would occupy the room for thenight And so I did But I did notsleep for I did not want the lizardshowever harmless andcompanionablethey might be to convert my face andforehead into a promenade Thiswoundup my experience in Mexicoand I scampered pver the border assoon as possible and since that timethe wilder regions in the tropics havehad no fascination for meN 0TimesDemocrat


Curious Thou Disastrous Experiencein a French Forest

A lady was entering the forest ofSt Germain near Paris in an auto ¬

mobile recently when the machinerybecame out of order The passengersbrought the car to a standstill in or¬

der to overhaul the engines when al-


immediately a violent explosionpccurred and the car was envelopedin flames The passengers had a nar-row


escape The liquid fuel in thereservoir of the car overflowed and be¬

came ignited and it was feared thatthe burning stream of oil wouldrunamong the bushes fringing the roadsetting them alight in which eventtheforest would have been involved andwidespread damage caused The for-


fire however was averted by thefellingof a few trees and the cuttingaway of the undergrowth in the vicin-ity


of the burning vehicle The mo ¬

tor car burned fiercely for about anhour leaving only a mass of tangledsteel and ironwork The valueof theautomobile was 5000ScientificAmerican

A Rich Negro

Peter Postell who died recently atHopkinsville Ky was said to be then

richest negro in the south He was60 years old had been a slave in hisyouth and has left an estate valued at


criiIa tftleatWaa

Help Help I gurgled thedrowning man as he was about tosinkforthe last time

i Wha Vs the matters yelled thelounger on thcwhar1un aint deepCant you walk out

Of course gasped the other sar ¬myhoesThen he Eank London Answers

Me SHOWS ItYou neednt tell ann that lie is

gettiagold IIeks0Wa3tTA 1



Long Leases and Few Advantajei UTenants the Rule

In London one cannot rent a housefor less than seven years and the ten-


must pay all the taxes and makehis own repairs The average Englishman who rents his house must putupwith a score of worries and incon¬

veniences which his American cousinknows nothing about

The American householder saysthe New York World if anything goeswrong merely sends for his landlordIn London the landlord sends for thetenant and requires him to insure theproperty in the bargain-

It is usually impossible for a Lendoner to estimate with any accuracywhat a house will cost to rent Thecatual rental paid to the owner of thehouse is but a small part of the ex ¬

pense A house whichwill rent fer2000 in New York can usually be

secured in London for about 300 a

yearThisrentis not paid to the owner

of the land but to some ground land ¬

lord who in turn rents it from an ¬

other lessee and so on The propertyis frequently removed dozen timesin this way from the original ownerIt is practically impossible to buy landin

LondonThespeculator or boomer in

London rarely buys any land Hemerely rents it for a long period sayof 99 years and builds upon it Theneach house is sublet to individual ten ¬

ants for longperiodsThese latest landlords have as ¬

sumed all responsibilities and on reresponsibilities ¬

first place it is only possible to leasethe house for a period of seven 14 or21 years It is besides impossible togive it up no matter what may hap ¬

pen until the lease has expired Thetenant has the privilege however ofsubletting the house if he is luckyenough tofind a tenant

The London leases have manytricky little clauses which would notbe tolerated by Americans The ten ¬

ant is bound to keep the house insuredand to pay the premiums

He must pay the taxes the waterrate keep the drains in order paintthe entire house inside and out onceevery three years and must put it inperfecta condition to the satisfactionof the agent at the end of the term be-fore moving out

Putting the house in order is usual ¬

ly an important item After an occu ¬

pation of seven years a property is sureto depreciate more or less It is notunusual for a tenant to spend thou ¬

sands of dollars in repairs when on thepoint of leaving

Most Londonihouscs are far behindthose of New York in point of con ¬

venience Many of the expensivehouses are without bathrooms or ade¬

quate plumbing or the apparatus forproviding hot and cold water If atenant wants any of these things homust of course put them in at his own

expenseItthe same with the appliances

for heating Most London houseshave no system of heating whateverbeyond the open grates in the roomsThese must be kept in order of courseby the tenant-

English houses are moreover serv¬

antkillers In New York itwould boimpossible to get servants to put upwith such inconveniences at any price


Chalk Rocks Cut Up Strange Capers IB

French AlpsA curious phenomenon was ob ¬

served at the village of Le Ghazil inthe French Alps recently Onedaytoward evening the inhabitants weredisturbed by a loud rumbling in thevicinity of Mont Farand which in ¬

creased in intensity Looking towardthe scene of the disturbance the viI ¬

lagers were further startled by seeingbright flashes of fire At first the unusual spectacle was attributed to vol ¬

cane agencies and a party of civil en-


set out to examine the causeof the phenomenon They discovered that the intense dry heat hadcaused the chalkrocks on the summitof the mountain to crack and to breakaway in all directions These reekshad descended the mountain like anavalanche and being thickly veinedwith silex in descending they hadstruck one another with terrific forcescattering brilliant showers of sparksin all directions with suohrapiditythat they resembled one single she tof flame Scientific American

The creariuc osttenaciousof lifejs the common sSSbpolyp If one bs

thereiultdozen sections making as many ani ¬

mals They may be turned inside outwhen they apparentlj njoy themselves just as well as before if twobe divided and placed end to end theresult wilLbeamonsterb vinganeactit sack extremity

t9 11