the abc of leadership

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  • 8/9/2019 The ABC of Leadership


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    Readers Review

    The ABC of Leadership Development i s great not just for students, but forall aspiring leaders who may face doubts or challenges -that includes everyone of us- at some point in our workplace or organization. Even if you have

    just started out on your leadership journey, this eBook will help youtremendously to further strengthen your confidence as a leader and sharpen

    your focus on developing the necessary traits John L im (Student)

    A birds eye view report for students and growing leaders, The A -B-C of Leadership Growth and Development captures in no better way the

    relationship between self-concept and leadership growth and development.This eBook is ideal for everyone who may have thought leadership is a term

    for a special group of people and challenges you to start off your leadership journey by conquering fear and self-doubt.

    Steven Okorafor (Student)

    In this report, David once again shows his passion for leadership andreadily gives you the steps for you to kick-start your leadership journey

    Esther L in g (Founder of The Pencil B ox)

    So many of us grow up telling ourselves that we can't be leaders because wearen't the leadership type or we aren't born to lead. But that's a myth.

    Leadership can be learned and built. In this e-book Nelson shows you how you can change from a person who thinks he/she cannot be a leader to someone who thinks he/she can. If you are looking to learn to become aleader, this e-book will be a handy guide.

    L uWee Tang (F ounder of Entr epreneur Campfir e)

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    No factor is more important in peoples psychological development and motivation than

    the value judgments they make about themselves. Every aspect of their lives is impacted by

    the way they see themselves Nathaniel Branden

    Isnt this statement also true for leadership development and motivation? Yes, it is!

    I couldnt agree more with Nathaniel Branden who is a psychiatrist and expert on the subjectof self-esteem. As I grew and developed in leadership, through my various learning, speaking

    and experiences, I have come to realize that the foundation of every successful leadership

    development program begins with addressing how the individual perceives himself/herself.

    This is the first step that must be taken for us to change our lives.

    You have heard my story , how my life was radically transformed from the ordinary student

    who focused only on his studies, who believed that leadership is something for other people,

    to becoming an author, leader and speaker helping young people transform their own livesthrough leadership. If we want to change our lives, we have to change the way we think of

    ourselves. If we want to change the way we think of ourselves, we need to change the way

    we talk to ourselves. This is the A-B-C of leadership growth and development, and is the

    thesis for this report.

    I am deeply fascinated about the idea of self-concept. Have you heard of that term before?

    Its fascinating bec ause it helps us understand why we perceive ourselves the way we do. It

    does not only provide the reason why we think the way we think, or see ourselves how we
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    do. But it helps us predict, to a reasonably high degree, whether our future will be what we

    want it to be or otherwise.

    Self-concept is not something that falls on anyone like a Boeing 747 making a swift descent, by

    accident. Neither is it passed from generation to generation by way of genetics. It is a

    communication between your past experiences, how you perceive and view them, which mold

    your present, and impact your future. You cannot not have a self -concept. You can either have

    a negative self-concept, a positive self-concept, or be somewhere in-between both ends of the

    spectrum (See Figure 5: The Leadership Self- concept Spectrum ). The more positive your self-

    concept, the better! And Ill show you why , now.

    Herere two illustrations to give you a quick understanding on the causes and implications of both a negative and a positive self-concept:

    Your self-concept can be viewed as the knowledge you have about yourself.

    This knowledge about the self may cover many different areas; for instance,

    knowledge of the competencies you have and do not have, and of what you aspire

    to become. *

    *D. van Knippenberg et al. / The Leadership Quarterly 15 (2004)

    Discouraging Environment.Negative Experiences

    interpreted as tragedy.

    Past Present Future

    Low self-esteem. Weakbelief in ones ability. Lack

    of confidence.

    Pessimisticabout the


    Figure 1: Negative Self-Concept

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    People with a negative self-concept, view themselves as victims of their past. They perhaps

    grew up in discouraging environment that told them that they were victims and failures, or at

    least, didnt tell them that they are winners. They have had bad experiences in certain areas

    of their lives which they interpreted as limitations or bad-luck. This may be failed

    relationships, poor academic performance, being less preferred in the sport of their choice or

    having always lived with criticism. They have come to accept the status quo and believe that

    they are disadvantaged due to their past negative experiences.

    As a result of this attitude in the present, they have placed a low value on themselves. They

    have a low self- esteem. They think they cant d o something because they have been told they

    cant. Hence, this affects the result they see in their lives, which then negatively impacts their

    vision of the future.

    People with a negative self-concept are usually pessimistic about the future, or at least, not

    hopeful about it. They seem doomed to believe that they will not succeed in their future

    relationships, in their academics, or will not be chosen for their most desired opportunity,

    however hard they try. And the sad news is that unless they change this attitude, it will

    eventually become their reality. But the good news however, is that they can change this

    attitude and change their future. This is exciting!

    Encouraging Environment.Negative Experiences

    interpreted as opportunities

    High self-esteem. Strongbelief in ones ability.

    Strong self-confidence.

    Present FuturePast

    Optimisticabout the


    Figure 2: Positive Self-Concept

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    On the other hand, people with a positive self-concept are more likely to succeed in the

    future. They are more capable to rise above temporary failures and learn from their mistakes.

    They know fully well that failure is an event and not a person.

    They perhaps were raised in an encouraging environment that told them Yes, you can! And

    they have carried this optimism throughout their lives. When seemingly bad things happen to

    them, they are able to see the bright side of it and remain positive. They believe that all

    things work for the good.

    By bringing this attitude into their life experiences, they are very confident in the present,

    more optimistic and hopeful about the future. They place a high value on themselves. They

    are often assertive, and are not afraid to try new things and to fail. They see failure as a

    learning process, and thus move forward faster and succeed!

    The next most important question you must answer is this:

    People are never able to outperform their self-image said John C. Maxwell .

    Branden says If you feel inadequate to face challenges, unworthy of love or respect,

    unentitled to happiness, and fear assertive thoughts, wants or needs if you lack basic self-trust, self-respect, and self-confidence your self-esteem deficiency will limit you, no matter

    what other assets you possess.

    Notwithstanding, both you and I know the truth of the matter

    If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured the world will notraise the price John C Maxwell.

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    Despite the fear of stepping out to conduct this research, I chose to do it anyway! And I am

    glad I did, because the data has provided me with a deeper insight and understanding on how

    to better help young people in their leadership development journey, and how I can help

    them transform into outstanding and growing leaders. If you desire to grow and improve the

    quality of your life, the following two discoveries might interest you:

    1. I discovered that people with a Positive Leadership Self-Concept , have the

    following traits in common:

    a) They SEE themselves as leaders irrespective of how other people see them in the

    present. This is because they have been in an environment that encourages leadership,

    and affirms this quality in them. They have come to accept that they are leaders.

    b) They CONSIDER themselves leaders whether or not someone else acknowledges

    them as one. Owing to their strong belief and acceptance of the fact, they do not need

    someone else to validate them as leaders. They consider themselves leaders and thus

    they act and behave as such.

    c) They THINK of themselves as leaders in the present and as potential great leaders in

    the future. And they are absolutely right!

    Encouraging LeadershipEnvironment. Identified as

    leaders. Served leadershiproles. Recognized as leaders

    Sees oneself as a leader.Thinks of oneself as a leader.

    Considers oneself a leader

    Present FuturePast

    Optimistic about

    becoming aGreat Leader.

    Figure 3: Positive Leadership Self-Concept

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    2. I also discovered that people with Negative Leadership Self-Concept , share the

    exact opposite traits:

    a) They DO NOT SEE themselves as leaders or potential leaders. This is because they

    havent been told (or rarely) that they are. They may have been told otherwise, or

    quieted in times when they took initiative to show leadership. Thus they have come to

    accept the fact that they are not leaders and do not deserve to be called one.

    b) They CONSIDER themselves bad leaders, or not as one entirely even when

    acknowledged as a leader. Because of their belief which has been molded by their

    own interpretation of past experiences, they place a lid on their ability. This lowers

    their leadership confidence and as a result they resent or fear to assume leadership.

    c) They DO NOT THINK of themselves as leaders, and doubt their ability to become

    one in the future. And, guess what? They are right, too!

    Discouraging LeadershipEnvironment. Not identified

    as a leader. Never servedleadership roles. Not

    recognized as a leader.

    Does not see oneself as aleader, thinks of oneself as aleader, or considers oneself a


    PresentPast Future

    Pessimisticabout the ideaof becoming a


    Figure 4: Negative Leadership Self-Concept

    He who says he can, and he who says he cant are both right - Unknown

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    You may ask me , is that all , David ?! Yes. Thats a s easy and difficult as it gets! No rocket

    science stuff.

    I know that for a long time we have been taught that a leader is the person at the top position in

    any system of hierarchy, or the person in the suit. Furthermore, due to the influences of themedia, we may have come to believe that leadership is about position or control, genius or the

    fortunate 1 percent of people who have great standing and connection in society, the know it all

    or sometimes the guru. Even worse, some have associated leadership with greed, and people who

    treat others as cogs in the machine.

    Consequently, because we do not see , think or consider ourselves as such, we disqualify

    ourselves from the opportunity and permission we need to become that great leader that we truly

    are. What a sad thing to hear! But, h eres my mission:

    Although I may be super motivated about this mission, the result of this change is in your hands.

    It is you who can change you, no one else can. I have developed this blueprint to help you get


    Before I give you my 6-step blueprint, I encourage you to carefully follow the recommendations

    for the next 6 months and experience your life transform. Sadly, most people will not do it. They

    dont do thi s kind of stuff, which is why they wont get the kind of result s you will get. They

    simply breeze through simple guides such as this, or they think, six months ! Woah, thats a

    looong time!

    Yes it is. But pause for a sec. Think about the wonderful rewards that come, for a lifetime,

    with an increased self-esteem, an increased self-confidence and positive self-concept; the

    confidence to undertake that big project you always wanted to do. The confidence you need to

    overcome that fear that keeps you in the incompetency zone, and thus puts you on the wanting

    side in the future. The confidence you need to step up and start that club at your university, or

    To change this notion ! To help students understand the true meaning

    of l eadership, embrace it whol eheartedly and gr ow their value and

    in fl uence thr ough i t, so that they can li ve a li fe of pur pose and total

    fu lf il lment thr ough and beyond un iversity/coll ege.

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    run for the position of president, and thus restore your own confidence in yourself. My list could

    go on and on. The benefits are enormous, like the respect you get to earn, people no longer

    underestimating you etc.! Count on them.

    Now, h erere 6 simple steps I recommend for a more positive lea dership self-concept:

    Step 1: GUARD your self-talk. Interrupt the tape in your mind that is saying

    No, you cant! Say to yourself Yes, I can. I am a leader!

    Step 2: STOP comparing yourself to others and thinking gosh, my life sucks or

    I can never lead like that. Know that however good a leader is, they

    were some time where you are now, but learned to become more effective

    leaders. You can do it too! Trust me.

    Step 3: MOVE beyond your comfort zone. Start learning more about honing the

    great leader in you.

    Step 4: WAKE UP each m orning and before you get out of bed, say I am a

    leader! fifty times.

    Step 5: AT THE END OF TH E DAY before you go to sleep, the last thing you should do is say I am a leader fifty times.

    Step 6: TEACH these steps to your closest friends, spouse, children, students or

    colleagues. Let them also begin to acknowledge you (as well as

    themselves) as a leader.

    You have done well to read this report thus far.

    Now, take the next step to apply it.

    Yes you can!

    I hope you will, because I believe in you.

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    Follow the popular Nike slogan, Just do it ! , and watch how your self-esteem skyrockets .

    Watch and see how your leadership self- concept strengthens and your competencies grow.

    You will no longer be the same, because you will begin to see yourself in a different light!

    I hope that this report gets you on track for a new start. Dont worry about motivation.Motivation only comes when you take action. So, act now. Start with your first leadership

    affirmation. Say out loud, as loud as you possibly can, with power and convictio n, I AM A

    LEADER! Say it again, and again! Congratulations, you have already taken three steps today

    to a more positive leadership self-concept! Now, your journey has just begun. Continue, and I

    look to seeing you in the leaders circle.

    God bless!


    If reading this e-book has inspired or impacted you in any way, I would love you to

    share your experience with me. Its always encouraging to hear how I contributed to

    improving someones life in one way or another.

    Feel free to send me an email, video, or images detailing how your life has been

    impacted at [email protected] or via my website at

    As a way of showing my appreciation for your feedback, I have a free gift I would like

    to send you. I am really looking forward to hearing from you!

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    A Report byNelson David Bassey

    Author | Speaker | Student

    Nelson David Bassey is a B.Eng. (Hon) MechanicalEngineering student, speaker and author. David helpsstudents understand the true meaning of leadership,embrace it wholeheartedly and grow their influence

    through it, so that they can live a life of purpose andtotal fulfillment through and beyond university. Forthis, he has been featured on national publications suchas News Straits Times and The Star .

    He is the author of The New Generation of Leadership and has spoken to students in educationalinstitutions across Malaysia including a non-profitorganization. These include Nilai University, INTI IUSLC, and Swinburne University of Technology. Formore about leadership and other works by David, visithis website at