the 27 nakshatras & effects

The 27 Nakshatras—Lunar Mansions The Sanskrit word Nakshatra means “that which does not decay.” The 27 Nakshatras represent consciousness and each Nakshatra represents a particular quality of consciousness. The Nakshatras permeate the whole universe and influence the quality of the Rashi in which they are positioned. In the same way the quality of the Graha depends to some extent on the Nakshatra in which it is positioned. In the Maharishi Jyotish program, the 27 Nakshatras are represented as 27 equal segments of a circle, each covering 13 degrees 20 minutes. The sequence of the 27 Nakshatras begins with Ashvini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi. The Circle of 27 Nakshatras with Reference to the Earth

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You can get details how a planet behave. Basically all planets depends on what a nakshtra give permission to act and how much vibration they will generate.


Page 1: The 27 Nakshatras & Effects

The 27 Nakshatras—Lunar MansionsThe Sanskrit word Nakshatra means “that which does not decay.” The 27 Nakshatras represent consciousness and each Nakshatra represents a particular quality of consciousness. The Nakshatras permeate the whole universe and influence the quality of the Rashi in which they are positioned. In the same way the quality of the Graha depends to some extent on the Nakshatra in which it is positioned. In the Maharishi Jyotish program, the 27 Nakshatras are represented as 27 equal segments of a circle, each covering 13 degrees 20 minutes. The sequence of the 27 Nakshatras begins with Ashvini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi.

The Circle of 27 Nakshatras with Reference to the Earth

This illustration shows the sequence of the 27 equal segments of the Nakshatras, each consisting of 13 degrees 20 minutes, with their Sanskrit names and numbers. As seen from the earth, the moon passes through this circle of the 27 Nakshatras in about 27 days. Thus it takes the moon about one day to pass through one Nakshatra. The moon is shown here moving through Pushya Nakshatra in Karka Rashi. This example also shows the sun moving through Ashvini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi. Each of the other planets are also moving through the 27 Nakshatras.

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Nakshatra Pada: Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 equal parts of 3 degrees 20 minutes each part. They are called Nakshatra Pada 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each Nakshatra Pada has its own significance for interpretation.

Ashvini (aśvinī) is the name of a Hindu constellation (the head of Aries, or the first of the 27 Nakshatras). Personified, Ashvini is the wife of the Ashvins (Rigveda 5.46.8), later also considered their mother. The Ashvin are young twins. They are the embodiment of the great power that ushers in the dawn. They represent the movement from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge. They are the physicians to the devas, the Gods, and their sacred energy alone is enough to destroy disease and bring about good health.

The symbol of the Ashvin is honey. Honey has many miraculous properties, a fact that was known to the peoples of ancient days. Honey is the medicine of the Gods. It has the power to cure many illnesses, it purifies the body of all kinds of taints. It has a beneficial physical, mental and spiritual effect. Sweetness too, is a quality of the Ashvin.

The person with the moon in Ashvini moves quickly and easily. They are brilliant, bright and intelligent. They are beautiful with perfect good looks in every aspect. The name Ashvin or Ashvini is a perfect name for a young person. One with such a name is blessed with spiritual excellence and the capacity to give service through healing and serving kindness to others.

Under the traditional Hindu principle of naming individuals according to their birthstar (see Jyotisha), the following Sanskrit syllables correspond with this Nakshatra, and would belong at the beginning of a first name:

Chu (pronounced as it appears)

Che (pronounced chay)

Cho (pronounced as it appears)

La (pronounced as it appears)

'Bharani' (devanagari: भरणी�) is the second nakshatra in Hindu astronomy, corresponding to 35, 39, and 41 Arietis.

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In Hinduism, 'Bharani' is a goddess of good luck.[citation needed] Like her sister Anuradha, she is a daughter of Daksha, and wife of Chandra.

Under the traditional Hindu principle of naming individuals according to their birthstar (see Jyotisha), the following Sanskrit syllables correspond with this Nakshatra, and would belong at the beginning of a first name:

Li (pronounced as in "little")

Lu (pronounced as in "look")

Le (pronounced as in "levity")

Lo (pronounced as in "local")

A nakshatra (Devanagari: नक्षत्र) or lunar mansion is one of the 27 or 28 divisions of the sky, identified by the prominent star(s) in them, that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, as used in Hindu astronomy and astrology. Therefore, each represents a division of the ecliptic similar to the zodiac (13°20’ each instead of the 30° for each zodiac sign). The orbit of the moon is 27.3 days, so the Moon takes approximately one day to pass through each nakshatra.

The starting point for the nakshatras is the point on the ecliptic directly opposite to the star Spica called Chitrā in Sanskrit (other slightly-different definitions exist). It is called Meshādi or the "start of Aries". The ecliptic is divided into each of the nakshatras eastwards starting from this point.

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The list of Nakshatras is found in the Vedic texts (AV 19.7; Taittiriya Samhita) and also in the Shatapatha Brahmana. The first astronomy text that lists them is the Vedanga Jyotisha of Lagadha.

In Hindu mythology the Nakshastras, were invented by Daksha, and are personified as daughters of the deity and as mythological wives of Chandra, the moon god. Some even make them the daughters of Kashyapa, the brother of Daksha.[1]

Each of the nakshatras is governed as 'lord' by one of the nine graha in the following sequence: Ketu (South Lunar Node), Shukra (Venus), Ravi or Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangala (Mars), Rahu (North Lunar Node), Guru or Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shani (Saturn) and Budha (Mercury). This cycle repeats itself three times to cover all 27 nakshatras. The lord of each nakshatra determines the planetary period known as the dasha , which is considered of major importance in forecasting the life path of the individual.



1 List of nakshatras 2 Divisions of the nakshatras 3 Traditional Hindu Names 4 Their nature and application in electional

astrology 5 See also 6 Notes

7 External links

[edit] List of nakshatras

The following are the 27 nakshatras and their meanings, with their equivalent positions in the Indian and Western zodiacs. The corresponding regions of sky are also given, following [Basham]'s Appendix: Astronomy.

Note: Although the Indian and Western zodiac signs have a common origin, due to differences in measuring the zodiac they have diverged from each other by about 25°. Therefore in the Western zodiac 0° Aries (Mesha) corresponds to 5° Pisces (Meena) in the Indian zodiac and so on. For details, see Sidereal Astrology

Ashvini (अश्विनिन) (Horse Woman)

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o Western star name : β and γ Arietis o Lord: Ketu (South lunar node)

o Symbol : Horse's head Deity : Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins who are physicians to the gods

o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Mesha ; Western zodiac 26° Aries - 9°20' Taurus

o The moon in Ashvini indicates a person who is a pioneer, innovator and explorer, who is heroic, courageous, restless, impatient, with a zest for life. They have a strong desire to be of service to others. They are energetic, magnetic and attractive, and are quick in speech and actions. However, they can also be inconsiderate and irresponsible.

Bharani (भरणी�) (Bearer of New Life)

o Western star name: 35, 39, and 41 Arietis o Lord: Shukra (Venus)

o Symbol: Yoni, the female organ of reproduction Deity: Yama, god of death or Dharma

o Indian zodiac: 13° 20' - 26°40' Mesha ; Western zodiac 9° 20' - 22° 40' Taurus

o The moon in Bharani indicates a person who suffers struggles and restraint and obstacles in life. They can be resentful of these restrictions and jealous of the good fortune of others. They will inflict oppression on others, or else fight to liberate themselves and others from oppression. They are intelligent and witty and love the fine things of life, but they can also be fanatical in their beliefs, which can lead to ups and downs in life.

Krittika (क्रृ श्वि�का�) (One Who Cuts)

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o Western star name: Pleiades o Lord: Ravi (Sun)

o Symbol: Knife or spear Deity : Agni, god of fire

o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Mesha - 10° Vrishabha ; Western zodiac 22° 40' Taurus - 6° Gemini

o The moon in Krittika indicates a person who is sharp, penetrating, sarcastic and critical. They are proud, ambitious, determined and focused on achieving their goals. They can be crusaders against injustice, protective of others, persistent and stubborn, but also aggressive and fiery.

Rohini (र�नि�णी�) (Red One)

o Western star name: Aldebaran o Lord: Chandra (Moon)

o Symbol: Cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree Deity : Brahma or Prajapati, the Creator

o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Vrishabha ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Gemini

o The moon in Rohini indicates a person who is passionate, sexually seductive, elegant, attractive and charismatic. They love children, art, music and luxury, and the fine things of life, but can be snobbish, pampered, materialistic and critical of those whom they consider not up to their own standards.

Mrigashīrsha (म्रृ गशी�र्षा��) (Head of a Deer)

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o Western star name: )λ, φ Orionis o Lord: Mangala (Mars)

o Symbol: Deer's head Deity: Soma, Chandra, the Moon god

o Indian zodiac: 23° 20' Vrishabha - 6° 40' Mithuna ; Western zodiac: 19°20' Gemini - 2°40' Cancer

o The moon in Mrigashirsha indicates a person who is restless and nervous, and constantly searching or looking for something. They are gentle, tender and peaceful, sensual and romantic, with motherly instincts. They are always curious and so are good travellers, investigators, researchers and collectors and they make good public speakers and communicators.

Ardra (आर्द्रा��) (Moist One))

o Western star name: Betelgeuse o Lord: Rahu (North lunar node)

o Symbol: Teardrop, diamond, a human head Deity : Rudra, the storm god

o Indian zodiac: 6° 40' - 20° Mithuna ; Western zodiac: 2° 40' - 16° Cancer

o The moon in Ardra indicates a person with sadness and destructive impulses, but also who is skilled at creating new things out of destruction and renovating old things. They are cold, calculating, stubborn and controlling, with a violent temperament, but can also be strong, stable and sympathetic personalities.

Punarvasu (पु�नर्व�सु�) (Return of the Light)

o Western star name: Castor and Pollux o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

o Symbol : Bow and quiver Deity : Aditi, mother of the gods

o Indian zodiac: 20° Mithuna - 3°20' Karka ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Cancer

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o The moon in Purnarvasu indicates a person with strong inner resources and ability to bounce back from difficulties, and who is philosophical, religious, spiritual, likeable, charming and forgiving. They are idealistic, honest and truthful to the core and value family and the home.

Pushya (पु�ष्य) (Nourishing)

o Western star name: γ, δ and θ Cancri o Lord: Shani (Saturn)

o Symbol : Cow's udder, lotus, arrow and circle Deity : Brihaspati, priest of the gods

o Indian zodiac: 3°20' -16°40' Karka ; Western zodiac 29°20' Cancer - 12°40' Leo

o The moon in Pushya indicates a person who is religious, conventional, helping, selfless, caring, intelligent and spiritual. They are usually self-sufficient and wealthy, but give service to others and the under privileged. However, they can be arrogant and superior towards those who do not share their high ideals.

Āshleshā (आश्ले!र्षा�) (The Embracer)

o Western star name: δ, ε, η, ρ, and σ Hydrae o Lord: Budh (Mercury)

o Symbol: Serpent Deity : Sarpas or Nagas,, deified snakes

o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Karka ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Leo

o The moon in Ashlesha indicates a person is penetrating, intense, hypnotic, wise, profound and secretive. They are ambitious and full of conviction and are unable to take criticism or humiliation. They can also be crafty, devious, controlling and vengeful.

Magha (मघा�) (The Great One)

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o Western star name:Regulus o Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)

o Symbol : Royal Throne Deity : Pitris, 'The Fathers', family ancestors

o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Simha ; Western zodiac 26° Leo - 9°20' Virgo

o The moon is Magha indicates a person who is noble, eminent, ambitious and generous, with leadership qualities, strong and traditional values and a drive for power and wealth. They are amiable and have a positive outlook on life. They are loyal and proud of their family and ancestors, but can also be elitist and arrogant.

Purva Phalguni ( पु$र्व� फा�ल्ग�न�) (Former Reddish One)

o Western star name: δ and θ Leonis o Lord: Shukra (Venus)

o Symbol : Front legs of bed, hammock, fig tree Deity : Bhaga, god of marital bliss and prosperity

o Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Simha ; Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Virgo

o The moon in Purva Phalguni indicates someone who is carefree, happy-go-lucky, attractive, sensual, affectionate, sociable, kind, generous and loyal. They are good communicators and influencers of others. They are artistic and relaxed in their approach, but can also be lazy and vain. They need to be in relationships and family life is important to them.

Uttar Phalguni ( उ�र फा�ल्ग�न�) (Latter Reddish One)

o Western star name: Denebola o Lord: Surya (Sun)

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o Symbol: Four legs of bed, hammock Deity : Aryaman, god of patronage and favours

o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Simha- 10° Kanya ; Western zodiac 22°40' Virgo - 6° Libra

o The moon in Uttar Phalguni indicates a person who is helpful, kind, friendly, caring, sincere and courageous. They are stable, fixed and focused in their approach to life. They need relationships and family unity, and love humanity in general. However, they can also be dependent in relationships, stubborn and controlling.

Hasta (�स्त) (The Hand)

o Western star name: α, β, γ, δ and ε Corvi o Lord: Chandra (Moon)

o Symbol: Hand or fist Deity : Saviti or Surya, the Sun god

o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Kanya ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Libra

o The moon in Hasta indicates a person who is skillful with their hands, good at craftsmanship and the arts, healers and massagers. They are clever, witty, entertaining and humorous, and are good speakers and communicators. Their early life may be subject to hardship and restraints and they like routine and security. They can also be grasping and possessive.

Chitra (चि+त्र�) (Bright One)

o Western star name: Spica o Lord: Mangala (Mars)

o Symbol: Bright jewel or pearl Deity : Tvashtar or Vishvakarma, the celestial architect

o Indian zodiac: 23°20' Kanya - 6°40' Tula ; Western zodiac 19°20' Libra - 2°40' Scorpio

o The moon in Chitra indicates someone with good opportunities in life, with charisma, charm, and glamor. They love bright colors, jewellery and

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beautiful things and are artistic. They are also spiritual and have great insight, and are good conversationalists and organizers.

Svati (स्र्व�नित) (Sword or Independence)

o Western star name: Arcturus o Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)

o Symbol: Shoot of plant, coral Deity : Vayu, the Wind god

o Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Tula ; Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Scorpio

o The moon in Svati indicates someone who is musical, artistic, creative, intuitive and psychic. They have good business and financial skills and are good communicators. They are good learners, knowledgable, curious and flexible in their approach. They can be vulnerable but are good survivors. However, they can also be changeable, restless and fickle.

Vishakha (निर्वशी�खा�) ( Fork Shaped)

o Western star name: α, β, γ and ι Librae o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

o Symbol : Triumphal arch, potter's wheel Deity : Indira, chief of the gods; Agni, god of Fire

o Indian zodiac: 20° Tula - 3°20' Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Scorpio

o The moon in Vishakha indicates a person who is purposeful, goal oriented, ambitious, competitive, opinionated, forceful and determined. They are persistent and patient, but quick witted and intelligent. They are pleasant and popular and are good communicators, but they can also be abrasive. They usually only achieve success later in life and can be jealous and envious of others.

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Anuradha (अन�र�धा�) (Disciple of Divine Spark)

o Western star name: β, δ and π Scorpii o Lord: Shani (Saturn)

o Symbol : Triumphal archway, lotus Deity : Mitra, one of Adityas of friendship and partnership

o Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 29°20' Scorpio - 12°40' Sagittarius

o The moon in Anuradha indicates someone who has balanced friendships and relationships and is co-operative, loving, popular, and successful. They are good leaders and organisers and are focused on their goals, but they are also good at sharing. They are sensual, and love variety and travel. They are faithful and devoted to those they love, but they can also be jealous and angry.

Jyeshtha (ज्य!ष्ठा�) (The Eldest)

o Western star name: α, σ, and τ Scorpii o Lord: Budh (Mercury)

o Symbol : circular amulet, umbrella, earring Deity : Indri, chief of the gods

o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Sagittarius

o The moon in Jyeshtha indicates a person with a sense of seniority and superiority, who is protective, responsible and a leader of their family. They are wise, profound, psychic, maybe with occult powers, and are courageous and inventive. They may experience poverty and hardship in life and can be reclusive and secretive.

Mula (म$ल) (The Root)

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o Western star name: ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, υ, μ and ν Scorpii o Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)

o Symbol : Bunch of roots tied together, elephant goad Deity : Niriti, god of dissolution and destruction

o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Dhanus ; Western zodiac 26° Sagittarius - 9°20' Capricorn

o The moon in Mula indicates a person who has a passionate desire to get to the truth and is good at investigation and research. They are direct, ardent and truthful and are shrewd and ambitious, but they can feel trapped and bound by circumstances and so feel resentment and a sense of betrayal. They can also suffer extreme reversals of fortune that may involve pain and cruelty.

Purva Ashadha (पु$र्व��र्षा�ढ़ा�) (Early Victory or The Undefeated)

o Western star name: δ and ε Sagittarii o Lord: Shukra (Venus)

o Symbol: Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket Deity : Apah, god of Water

o Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Dhanus ; Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Capricorn

o The moon in Purva Ashadha indicates a person who is proud, independent, and invincible with strong influence and power over others. They are ambitious and fearless, with a strong urge to better themselves. They have deep emotions and are philosophical, but they can also be confrontational, angry and harshly spoken.

Uttara Ashadha (उ�र�र्षा�ढ़ा�) (Latter victory or Latter Undefeated)

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o Western star name: ζ and σ Sagittarii o Lord: Surya (Sun)

o Symbol : Elephant tusk, small bed Deity : Vishvedas, universal gods

o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Dhanus - 10° Makara ; Western zodiac 22°40' Capricorn - 6° Aquarius

o The moon in Uttara Ashadha indicates a person who enduring, invincible, patient, righteous and responsible. They have great integrity and are sincere, committed to ideals, ambitious and good leaders. They usually have success later in life and have great stamina and constancy, but they can also be rigid and unbending.

Shravana (श्रर्वणी) (Hearing)

o Western star name: α, β and γ Aquilae o Lord: Chandra (Moon)

o Symbol : Ear or Three Footprints Deity : Vishnu, preserver of universe

o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Makara ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Aquarius

o The moon in Shravana indicates a person who is good at listening and learning and is on a quest for knowledge and information. They are intellectual and wise, and make good teachers and counsellors and are good at conversation, but they can also be gossipy and restless. They are interested in the past and their heritage and are extensive travellers. They can suffer troubles and disappointment early in life.

Dhanishta (श्रनिर्वष्ठा�) (Richest One)

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o Western star name: α to δ Delphini o Lord: Mangala (Mars)

o Symbol : Drum or flute Deity : Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance

o Indian zodiac: 23°20' Makara - 6°40' Kumbha ; Western zodiac 19°20' Aquarius - 2°40' Pisces

o The moon in Dhanishtha indicates a person who possesses material wealth and property. They need fame and recognition and are good leaders, but they can be greedy and self absorbed. They are musical and good at dancing and like to travel. They can also experience marital difficulties.

Shatabhisha (शीतश्विभर्षा�) (Hundred Healers)

o Western star name: γ Aquarii o Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)

o Symbol : Empty circle, 1,000 flowers or stars Deity : Varuna, god of cosmic waters, sky and earth

o Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Kumbha ; Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Pisces

o The moon in Shatabhisha indicates a person who is a good healer or doctor, and who is mystical, meditative, philosophical, scientific and a visionary. However, they can also be secretive, reclusive, moody, depressed, opinionated and stubborn; and suffer setbacks in relationships and marriage as a result.

Purva Bhadrapada (पु$र्व�भ�र्द्रापुदा�) (Former Happy Feet)

o Western star name: α and β Pegasi o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)

o Symbol : Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man with two faces Deity : Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon

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o Indian zodiac: 20° Kumbha - 3°20' Meena ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Pisces

o The moon in Purva Bhadrapada indicates a person who is passionate and transformational, but a little extreme and indulgent. They are idealists and non-conformists and are good influencers of others and speakers and orators, but they can also be fearful, nervous, cynical and eccentric. Often their life can be full of sadness and problems.

Uttara Bhādrapadā (उ�रभ�र्द्रापुदा�) (Latter Happy Feet)

o Western star name: γ Pegasi and α Andromedae o Lord: Shani (Saturn)

o Symbol : Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water Deity : Ahir Budhyana, serpent or dragon of the deep

o Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Meena ; Western zodiac 29°20' Pisces - 12°40' Aries

o The moon in Uttara Bhadrapada indicates a person with good discipline and speaking and writing skills, who is cheerful, generous, self-sacrificing and psychic with deep insights. They generally have good wealth and inheritance and have a happy home life; but they like solitude and seclusion and can be lazy.

Revati (र!र्वत�) (The Wealthy)

o Western star name: ζ Piscium o Lord: Budh (Mercury)

o Symbol : Fish or a pair of fish, drum Deity : Pushan, nourisher, the protective deity

o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Meena ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Aries

o The moon in Revati indicates a person who is sweet, caring, responsible and likes to care for other people. They are sociable and love humanity and society, and are protective and nourishing of others. They are devoted

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to loved ones, spiritual, artistic and creative. Disappointments in their early life creates compassion and forgiveness for others, and it is said that they will reap karmic rewards in the next life for their caring actions.

There is an additional 28th intercalary nakshatra, Abhijit (अश्विभजि5त)(α, ε and ζ Lyrae - Vega - between Uttarasharha and Sravana). Its longitude starts from 06° 40' to 10° 53' 40 in sidereal Capricorn i.e. from the last quarter of Uttra Ashadha to first 1/15 th part of Shravana. Its span is 4° 13' 40. Unless specifically mentioned it is not included in the list of the 27 constellations. It is held as an auspicious constellation in electional astrology. It is small (Laghu / Kshipra) in nature. The lord of Abhijit is Brahma.

[edit] Divisions of the nakshatras

The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. Each Nakshatra is also divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’ as follows.

# Name Pada 1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada 41 Ashvinī (अश्विनिन) +� Chu +! Che +� Cho ल� La2 Bharanī (भरणी�) ल� Li ल$ Lu ल! Le पु� Lo3 Krittikā (का श्वि�का�) अ A ई I उ U ए E4 Rohini (र�नि�णी�) ओ O र्व� Va/Ba र्व� Vi/Bi र्व� Vu/Bu5 Mrigashīrsha (म्रृ गशी�र्षा��) र्व! Ve/Be र्व� Vo/Bo का� Ka का9 Ke6 Ārdrā (आर्द्रा��) का� Ku घा Gha ङ Ng/Na छ Chha7 Punarvasu (पु�नर्व�सु�) का! Ke का� Ko �� Ha �� Hi8 Pushya (पु�ष्य) हु Hu �! He �� Ho ड Da9 Āshleshā (आश्ले!र्षा�) ड� Di ड$ Du ड! De ड� Do10 Maghā (मघा�) म� Ma म� Mi म$ Mu म! Me11 Pūrva or Pūrva Phalgunī ( पु$र्व� फा�ल्ग�न�) न� Mo टा� Ta टा? Ti टा$ Tu12 Uttara or Uttara Phalgunī ( उ�र फा�ल्ग�न�) टा! Te टा� To पु� Pa पु� Pi13 Hasta (�स्त) पु$ Pu र्षा Sha णी Na ठ Tha14 Chitrā (चि+त्र�) पु! Pe पु� Po र� Ra र� Ri15 Svātī (स्र्व�नित) रू Ru र! Re र� Ro त� Ta16 Vishākhā (निर्वशी�खा�) त� Ti त$ Tu त! Te त� To17 Anurādhā (अन�र�धा�) न� Na न� Ni न$ Nu न! Ne18 Jyeshtha (ज्य!ष्ठा�) न� No य� Ya य� Yi य$ Yu19 Mūla (म$ल) य! Ye य� Yo भ� Bha भ� Bhi20 Pūrva Ashādhā (पु$र्व��र्षा�ढ़ा�) भ$ Bhu धा� Dha फा� Bha/Pha ढा� Dha21 Uttara Ashādhā (उ�र�र्षा�ढ़ा�) भ! Bhe भ� Bho 5� Ja 5� Ji22 Shravana (श्रर्वणी) खा� Ju/Khi खा$ Je/Khu खा! Jo/Khe खा� Gha/Kho23 Shravishthā (श्रनिर्वष्ठा�) or Dhanistā ग� Ga ग� Gi ग� Gu ग! Ge24 Shatabhishā (शीतश्विभर्षा�)or Shatataraka ग� Go सु� Sa सु� Si सु$ Su25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (पु$र्व�भ�र्द्रापुदा�) सु! Se सु� So दा� Da दा? Di26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उ�रभ�र्द्रापुदा�) दू Du थ Tha झ Jha ञ Da/Tra27 Revatī (र!र्वत�) दा! De दा� Do + Cha +� Chi28 Yogi B N Natchatra (उ�रभ�र्द्रापुदा�) दू Du थ Tha झ Jha ञ Da/Tr

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[edit] Traditional Hindu Names

Hindu astrologers (see Jyotisha) teach that when a child is born, they should be given an auspicious first name which will correspond to the child's Nakshatra. It is claimed that the benefit of this naming is that when the child hears this sound it generates the feeling of wholeness within the child. The child gains the feeling of comfort 'that mother is at home', whereas the wrong name can lead to feelings of isolation or alienation. The Moon is associated with mother, so using this sound gives the child that comfort feeling of mother.

Each birthstar has corresponding Sanskrit sounds which would belong at the beginning of such a name. These are available under each Nakshatra, listed above. The principle technique for deducing the name is to see which nakshatra the moon is in at the moment of birth; this gives four possible sounds. A refinement is to pick one sound out of that four that relates to the Pada or division of the Nakshatra. Each Nakshatra has four Padas and four sounds and each Pada is of equal width. The Nakshatra changes every 62 minutes of time and the Pada every 15 minutes.

A further refinement or opportunity is to instead use the Nakshatra that the ascendent resides in at birth. The same broad choice of sounds and Padas apply, but now the sounds change roughly every 15 minutes. The ascendent passes through all 27 Nakshatras every 24 hours, being in each one for 53 and a third minutes of time, and is in a Pada for 13 and a third minutes of time. By using the ascendent's nakshatra, instead of the moon's nakshatra leads more to comfort of the Self, rather than comfort of the mother. This second approach is only really applicable if intuitively the moon approach does not feel right.

[edit] Their nature and application in electional astrology

Constellations are grouped on the basis of their nature, type of their face, degree of their beneficence, their quarters in different signs, with reference to the constellation occupied by the Sun, with reference to the birth constellation (Janma Nakshatra), their caste etc. The current constellation occupied by the Moon, and its nature forms the fundamental of Vedic system of electional astrology (Muhurta). Some of the useful elections based on their nature as per Vedic astrology is given below based on their fundamental nature:


Rohini, Uttara Bhādrapadā , Uttra Falguni, and Uttara Ashada

WORKS: Fixed & permanent nature, house, village, temple, entering in new hose-city-temple, religious works, rites for getting peace, propitiation of portents, Vinayaka Shanti, coronation, sowing of seeds, planting of small garden, starting of vocal music, friendship, sexual works, making & wearing of ornaments & clothes may be auspiciously begun /

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effectively performed. Works allocated to delicate & friendly (Mridu) asterisms may also be performed.


Punarvasu, Swati, Sharavana, Shatabhishā & Shravishthā

WORKS : Related to motion & movement, riding on a vehicle or elephant, opening of shop, walking first time, walking in garden, sex, making jewellery, learning of a trait. Things performed in Small (Laghu) constellation are also effectively performed in the Movable constellations.


Magha, Bharni, Porva Falguni, Poorva Shada, & Poorva Bhadra.

WORKS: Ambush, burning, poisoning (self & others), making & using weapons especially related to fire, cheating / deception / wickedness / craftiness, cutting & destroying, controlling of animals, beating & punishing of enemy. Works allocated to Sharp / Horrible (Darun) asterisms are also successfully done in these asterisms.

D) MIXED ( Mishra & Sadharan ) CONSTELLATIONS :

Vishakha & Krittika.

WORKS: Fire works, burning of sacred fire (Agnihotra), using poison, fearsome works, arresting, adulteration (mixing), donation of ox to get one’s desires fulfilled (Vrashotsarga). Works prescribed under cruel (Ugra, Karur) constellations may also be performed. As per N.S. works of Sweet / delicate & friendly (Mridu & Maitri) constellations can also be included.


Hasta, Abhijit, Pushya, and Ashvani.

WORKS: Selling, medical knowledge, using & handling of medicines, literature-music-art, the 64 Kala Shilpa (various arts, sculpture etc.) jewellery making & wearing, sexual intercourse. And the works prescribed for Movable (Char) constellations. Though Abhijit is included in Small group of asterisms, but is rarely referred in the Muhurt prescriptions.


Mrigashīrsha, Chitra, Anuradha and Revati.

WORKS: Starting & learning singing of songs, clothes & jewellery making & wearing, Manglik works, matter related to friends, female company, enjoyments, sexual passions.

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Jyeshta, Ardra, Ashlesha, and Moola

WORKS: Charm or spell causing disease or death, hypnotism, sorcery; ghost, ambush, horror, capture, matters related to secrecy, backbiting, starting of quarrel, separation, matters related to friendship & breaking thereof, training & tying of animals, pleasure works, playing games, getting made & wearing of new dress & ornaments, starting & learning singing of songs, entering into village / city, peaceful & developmental works.



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From Zero Degree to 13Deg20min Aries (Mesha) the first constellation. The sign Aries or Mars is ruled by Mangal (Mars) planet and the constellation is ruled by Ketu (Ketu also called Moon's south node or dragon's tail).

Ashwini governs parts of the body: head and cerebral Hemispheres.

In the zodiac at 0° in Mesha there is a reddish star which the western astronomers call Arietis. The Indian named it Ashwini or Aswini. The deity for Ashwini Nakshatra is Aswi or the Duality known as Ashwini Kumar Twins, the physician of the Gods. The Puranas relate that the two Aswini Kumaras were born of mother Sanga and father Ravi. Ashwini nakshatra falls in the zodiac sign of Mesha, which is ruled by the aggressive and fiery planet Mars.

Indications :

Ashwini is the "star of transport," Person ruled by Ashwini are pioneers, explorers, always ready to try something new. They have zeal, and a zest for life. Heroic and very courageous, some will want to join the armed forces. Their restless and impatient nature has them rushing off quickly without planning ahead. Speed, not efficiency, is their preference. Their speech may be quick and halting, possibly stuttering, for the words can’t match the speed of their thoughts. They are the true trailblazers, headstrong and stubborn. As the symbol for new beginnings, they can represent a baby who goes after what it wants, not considering the inconveniences to others. They can be childish, irresponsible and inconsiderate. Ashwini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. They are probably known for getting speeding tickets. Healers performing miracle healings are one of Ashwini’s gifts.



From 13020’ Aries to 26o40’ Aries (Mesha) , this is the second star. The sign ruled by Mars and the star is governed by Venus

parts of the body : Head , Cerebral Hemispheres , Organs within the head and eyes.

This star is under the planetary lordship of Venus and is within the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. The star Bharani represents the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna. The etymological meaning of Bharani is "what deserves to be cultivated and preserved" that is dependence, servitors, retainers or anything by which living is earned. Bharani's animal symbol is the Elephant.This star is connected with the energies we expend to maintain ourselves in the material world. Indications :

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Considered the "star of restraint," this is a difficult nakshatra. It denotes struggles and obstacles that result in personal breakthroughs. It is symbolic of the birthing process where one has grown out of the present conditions and must go through the pain of a new birth to create a new life. It is about personal transformation. Since Yama was the first to come to earth, and the first to die, they may be the first to try or do things. Social reformers, activists and philosophers are prominent here. There is a tendency towards jealousy or being plagued by the jealousy of others. Because the womb is so confining, in the end there is a feeling of restriction or confinement for these individuals. They feel oppressed by others, large groups and restrictive laws imposed by the government. It can also refer to those who inflict oppression on others. Here is the mystery of life and death. They may be attracted to a position such as an OBGYN physician  or a mortician. They can be fanatical and intolerant of others who have different opinions. They are excessive and indulgent sexually. Their inner struggles can become a spiritual transformation leading to enlightenment.



From 26o30’ aries to 10o  Taurus.The star is governed by sun

parts of the body : head  , eyes , brain , vision , face, neck, tonsils, lower jaw

Krittika is also known as the "Star of Fire" and is related to a commander, fighter, foster mother, lustre, glow of power, physical and creative force. Krittika being a female nakshatra suggests passivity, indicating that Krittika needs outer energy or life circumstance to activate their power.

Indications :

The "star of fire" is sharp, piercing and penetrating. People with this nakshatra have a cutting wit and can be sarcastic and critical. They are proud, ambitious and determined. They are passionate crusaders. As the nursemaids nurtured and protected Karttikeya, there is a protective influence, and they seem to adopt and care for children not their own. Their need to protect is where the warrior comes out. They are stubborn, aggressive and can be very angry. This nakshatra rules war, battles, and disputes. Since Agni is the ruling deity, these people have fast metabolisms and good digestion, and are usually good cooks. They have frequent ups and downs in life. Their passions can lead them to illicit sexual affairs, as the Pleiades were falsely accused. They are bigger than life and can rise to a place of fame and prominence.

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From 10o Taurus to 23o20’ Taurus , sign ruled by Venus and star is governed by moon

parts of the body : face , mouth , toungue , tonsils , palate ,neck ,cerebellum , atlas, cervical vertibrate.

'Rohini' is the wife of Chandra who is said to have been fond of fine dress, cosmetics and décor and was the most beloved of Chandra or Moon. Those born in the star Rohini are agriculturists, experts, well-behaved, handsome, good speakers and poets. Rohini Nakshatra evokes some degree of jealousy because others may resent that a person gains such abundance. It can increase desire. But these are only side effects to its great prosperityIndications :

The "star of ascent," the myth implies the suffering our intense desires may bring, for the Moon could not help his desire for Rohini. This is a passionate, sexually seductive nakshatra. These people are very attractive, alluring, and beautiful. They love luxury, art, music and all the finer things life has to offer. They are extremely materialistic and frown on those who don’t measure up to their taste and high culture. They can be spoiled, for nothing ever seems to be good enough for their high standards. They can be extremely critical of others, looking down at their seeming low class. As the myth implies, they can be over sexed, and use sex to get what they want. They can be very artistic and have an appreciation for beauty and the fine arts. This is a growth-oriented nakshatra, ruling crops and fertility. This implies they can rise to the top and achieve their desires. Also there is fertility for procreation, meaning they have children. This nakshatra gives wealth, but they must harness their worldly materialistic desires.



From 23o20’ Taurus to 6o40’ GeminiStar is governed by mars

Parts of the body : face chin cheeks ,larynx,palate ,throat , vocal chord ,arms , shoulders thymus gland , upper ribs.

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The word 'Mriga' represents forests, gardens, a search, a seeking to find, to roam about in forests and a hunter, to seek to blaze the trail, a guide and preceptor. Mrigashirsha is partly in Vrishabha and partly in Mithuna.It conveys the ideas of searching for beautiful faces, visit or request a girl in marriage. People born in this nakshatra have a strong body and moderate complexion. Indications :

This is referred to as the "star of searching". These individuals are constantly searching or looking for something. They are restless, nervous types always traveling. They are collectors looking for one more piece to add to their collections. They love to shop and fine that special deal, and the shopping or searching never ends. Like the deer they are gentle, peaceful, tender and have large soft doe like eyes. They are seekers and are powerful investigators and researchers. Highly intelligent their quest will eventually take them to spiritual dimensions of their soul. There is a sensual provocative side that can lead to incestuous relationships as the myth suggests. The fun is in the chase or the journey not the destination, for then the trill is over. They are known for having beautiful children.



From 6o40’ Gemini to 20o Geminilord of the sign Mercury, lord of the star Rahu

parts of the body : throat , arms , shoulders

Arudhra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat.When the Sun enters Ardra the earth is said to be starting its menstrual course that is "Ambobachi".

Indications :

There is sadness as the symbol of the teardrop suggests. There is a very destructive quality here, but the destruction is necessary to save grace for the future. They create destruction and havoc wherever they go, sometimes even destroying themselves. This is the place of the dark night of the soul, for there is a new dawn or new beginning after the seeming tragedy. After the worse storms comes the beautiful sunny day, for the following nakshatra (Purnarvasu) means "return of the light." The rain the storm clouds produce brings growth and fertileness. These individuals are good at creating things out of destruction. They like to renovate old discarded things. This can refer to fixing up old houses or cars. They do have a lust for power and material things, and can appear cold and calculating. Their violent temperament causes many tears and depression, which can

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lead to their early destruction and death. They need to develop a sense of gratitude and appreciation for this will heal many wounds. Their real satisfaction comes as they overcome their hardships, and the truth and realization that comes through their suffering.



From 20o gemini to 3o20’ cancer

Lord of the star : Jupiter

Parts of the body : ear , throat , shoulder blades ,lungs respiratory system , chest , stomach , oesophagus , diaphgram , pancreas , upper lobes of liver

The word Punarvasu is derived from Puna+Vasu, which means return, renewal, restoration or repetition. Punarvasu Nakshatra brings about the return of energy and vitality. It causes our creative growths and inspirations to be renewed.

Indications :

This is referred to as the "Star of Renewal". After the bleak storms of Ardra the light appears again. Those with this nakshata have the ability to bounce back again, for they have deep limitless inner resources, and no boundaries as to what they can accomplish. They are deeply philosophical, inspirational, and spiritual with a true genuine understanding, which gives them their wisdom. There hardly seems to be a shadow side. They are likable, and charming. Because of their forgiving ways, others seem to forgive them easily. They love to travel, but just as the arrow is returned to the quiver so must these natives have a home base with family to return. There is a definite theme of return and renewal. As they give back to the world their prosperity doubles. This is a very prosperous nakshatra. They don’t have the need for a lot, they are content with little.

Pushya (Pushyam)


From 3o20’ cancer to 16o40’ cancer sign is ruled by moon and star  is goverened by Saturn

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Parts of the body : lungs , stomach and ribs


The word Pushya means to strengthen, to fortify. The word etymologically means "to nourish" and that again means to preserve, to protect, replenish, multiply and strengthen.


Indications :

Those who have this nakshatra are very religious, but usually in a conventional way. There is a helping, caring nature. They are very wealthy, abundant, sometimes to the point of opulence. They have close nit families. Since they are so high minded they come to believe they know it all, and can be very arrogant as to their orthodox beliefs. They believe they know all the rules, and they must make sure others follow their laws. They can be smug and believe they are the only ones who are right and the whole world is wrong, of course this indicates insecurity. The nourishment and abundance principle can create overweight problems. They are philosophers, and spiritual with boundless devotion. They want to share their inner wealth, so they are frequently teachers, preachers and professors



From 16o40’ to 30o cancerSign is ruled by moon and star is governed by mercury

Parts of the body : Lungs , stomach , oesophagus , diaphgram, pancreas , liver

The force of Aslesha can be understood by its name Naga. Aslesha Nakshatra can be helpful if we have enemies but it can serve to give a person an inimical temperament as well. It all depends upon how the energy of this Nakshatra is used.


Indications :

These are penetrating and intense individuals, with hypnotic eyes. They can hypnotize you with their glare and presence. It has been referred to as the "Clinging Star", implying they can squeeze the life out of you. They are profound and full of wisdom, but have

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been know to use it to the contrary, like black magic. They can be sneaky, crafty, devious liars. They attack when you lest expect it, are cold blooded, and dangerous. The end result is their convincing ways turn on them and they suffer the consequences of poisoning themselves. They cannot tolerate any criticism or humiliation. They are extremely sexual and may use it to manipulate and control others. When they become so distrustful, fearful and hurt they learn to turn their manipulative energy to divine wisdom and use their magic to achieve enlightenment. There can be interest in poisons in terms of medicines that heals



From 0o leo to 13o20’ leo

Sign is governed by sun and the star is governed by Ketu

Parts of the body: heart, back , spinal chord , spleen ,dorsal region of spine ,aorta

Magha is derived from Maghaban. Magha is the causes of brightness and light.Magha stands for noble impulses and incentives, the gift of Magha must always be a noble one. It shows that we are coming to the end of a cycle.

Indications :

They are noble and eminent persons with leadership abilities. In this nakshatra kings or presidents are born, or simply those who rule or take charge. There is a drive for power and wealth. They are traditional with strong values and strong ambitions leading to restlessness. They are attached to their heritage and ancestry, and will usually seek out their family tree or origins. Worldly power and a need for recognition can obsess them. They have a generous hart, and deep loyalty with possible arrogance and egotism. Elitism and class-consciousness can make them quite snobby. There is a sense of emptiness that drives them towards enlightenment.



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From  13o20’ leo to  26o40’ leo. The sign is ruled by sun and the star is governed by venus

Parts of the body : heart , spinal chord

It is also called the Bhagadaivata Star. It is the symbol of the call for creation, it announces creation and development. Porvaphalguni brings about union and procreation on all levels. This nakshatra implies by the bed or hammock, it is a time of rest and relaxation.

Indications :

This nakshatra implies by the bed or hammock it is a time of rest and relaxation. These individuals are usually carefree, never worry and rely on their luck. They are attractive, sensual, and affectionate. They are very social, with the ability to influence others, with their communicative skills. Social events and parties are their favorite activity. This has been called the party nakshatra. They are kind, generous, and loyal, and are seldom alone. They are usually married or in a long term relationship. Their joyousness can lead to excesses, going to the extremes. They are very sexual and passionate. They have robust health. They may be lazy and indulgent, lending to vanity and narcissism. They can be very artistic and often express themselves through music and dance. There is often a substantial family inheritance.



From 26o40 leo to 10o virgoThe star is governed by Sun

This is the 12th nakshatra of the zodiac. The sign lords are sun and mercury , symbol is a bed. Uttaraphalguni indicates both the need for union and for organizing the resources gained through it.


Indications :

Friendship is important to these helpful, kind individuals. They are happiest when married. Relationships and family unity are important. The meanings of Purva Phalguni apply here as well, just a little subdued. It is called the "Star of Patronage" for their love of humanity and caring sincere nature. They want to alleviate the suffering in society.

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Basically the Phalguni’s are known to have a happy marriage. But, since this nakshatra cannot stand to be alone, they may settle for anybody, and become involved in a co-dependent relationship, leading to resentments and marriage problems. They are courageous and good with people, leading them into powerful positions. There is a tendency to be controlling and very stubborn.



From 10o virgo to 23o30’ virgo The sign is governed by mercury and the star is goverened by moon

This is the 13th nakshatra of the zodiac. The symbol is a closed hand or fist. Hasta gives the ability to achieve our goals in a complete and immediate manner.

Indications :

The hand symbolizes skill with the hands, as in craftsmanship and the arts. They may use their hands for healing, possibly as a doctor or massage therapist. They can be a comedian with their great clever wit, and good sense of humor. They are entertaining and good speakers. Their early life may be plagued by hardships restraints and possible impediments. The fist indicates an ability to grasp ideas, and hold on to things material or spiritual. Sometimes it is hard for them to let go. The crafty hand can indicate a thief, as well as a pickpocket, for they may be plagued by poverty or lack of success, until they focus on the spiritual path. There is an innate desire to be helpful and serve, as in a counseling profession. They are highly intelligent, attracted to mysticism, possibly palmistry being their specialty.



From 23o20’ virgo  to 6o40’ libra  and star is governed  by mars

Parts of the body : belly , lower part , kidney ,loins , hernia , vasomotor system

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Chitra is ruled by Twashtar, the Cosmic craftsman.This is the "star of opportunity". Chitra reflects the world of maya and delusions, which they are to over come.This is the 14th nakshatra of the zodiac, The symbol is the gem on the serpent's crest .It is anthropomorphically the forehead of Kalapurush.

Indications :

This is the "star of opportunity". These individuals posses charisma, personal charm, and can be flashy and glamorous. They love bright colors and usually have very beautiful eyes with well-proportioned bodies. This is one of the most mystical nakshatras of all. They have deep spiritual depth and with sudden flashes of insight. They are wonderful conversationalist; they say the right thing at the right time. Chitra rules creation, indicating artistic ability, and organizational ability as in architectural design. Many artists are born in this asterism. With an affinity to jewels they may deal with gemstones. Chitra reflects the world of maya and delusions, which they are to over come.



From 6o40’ libra to 20o libra . sign is governed by venus and the star is governed by rahu

parts of the body : skin , kidneys, ureter, appendicitis , hernia , bladder

This Nakshatra is concerned with air, wind, breeze or knowledge of Akaash since Akaash is the abode of air. Swati Nakshatra can be destructive unless we learn how to use it to remove negativity.


Indications :

They excel in the fields of music, literature and art. Financial and business successes are part of their gifts. They are blessed with the art of communication, revealing their knowledge and interest. Their ability to ride with the wind makes them extremely flexible. They are curious and eager to learn. Some are very psychic and intuitive. They are vulnerable, striving for independence, but are always survivors. Swati also translates as "the priest" and are learned in theology. Sometimes they can be high strung, and

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shallow. Because of their Vata nature must be careful of their diet causing too much wind.



From 20o libra to 3o20’ scorpio . star is governed by Jupiter

Parts of the body : lower abdomen , parts near bladder ,pancreatic gland , genital organs , rectum , descending colon , prostate gland

Vishakha is ruled by Indra and Agni, who represents the powers of heat and lightning in the atmosphereAnother name of this star is Radha, a compliment to Anuradha, the birth star of the Sun. It has the Symbol of a leaf-decked triumphal gate.

Indications :

This is the "Star of Purpose". They are very goal oriented, and don’t give up until they achieve success. Ambition, and concentrated power will conquer any obstacles or rivals. They are extremely competitive. With their hash opinions they may force their will and ideas on others. The end result or their bottom line may involve stepping on or either using others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win the battle, but loose the war, by pushing their agendas too hard. If you have what they want, it will be hard for them to hide their feelings of envy and jealousy. They can become frustrated and angry when they don’t get what they want. They are always hopeful of success and their determination will persevere. They are patient, persistent and determined. They experience success in the second half of their life. As the warrior spirit they will get what they want, their best solution is to be the spiritual warrior.



From 3o20’ scorpio to 16o40’ scorpio

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Sign is governed by mars and the star is governed by Saturn

Parts of the body : bladder , genital organs , rectum , nasal bones bones near genital organs

The Nakshatra Anuradha is ruled by Mitra, the Divine FriendAnuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationship, both honoring others and seeking ourselves to be honorable.

Indications :

This nakshatra promotes balance in a relationship. They are focused in their goals, but are able to maintain and balance friendships. Their friendly cooperation with others can bring them fame and recognition. They have superb leadership and organizational skills especially with large groups of people, like in organizations. Sensual and loving they know how to share and accommodate others; their gift is dealing with people. Also they have an ability to work with numbers. Traditionally they have difficult relationships with their mothers. Faithful and dedicated to the ones they love, they do have a melancholy side. There can be a jealous streak with a controlling angry side. They have been known to live far from their place of birth. There are many opportunities for travel, for they love variety.



From 16o40’ scorpio to 30o scorpio . Sign is ruled by mars and star is governed by mercury

Parts of the body : colon , anus , genital organs , ovaries , womb

Jyeshtha means the eldest one, the senior most, the chief one, more excellent than, preferred one or someone or something supreme glorious and superiority due to age and experience.

Indications :


They are very protective of themselves and loved ones. They possess hidden occult powers. They are the wise ones who have the wisdom that only age and experience can give. As the patriarch or matriarch of the family they are the ones who will run the show. They know how to deal with wealth and power. Their lives are not easy and some may

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experience hardship and poverty. They are reclusive, secretive with few friends. Their inventive profound minds provoke them to seek the deeper meaning on life. At times they can be arrogant and hypocritical, because of their low self-esteem.



From 0o saggitarus to  13o20’ saggitarus sign is goverened by Jupiter and the star is governed by Ketu

Parts of the body  : Hips , thighs , femur , ilium ,  sciatic nerves

The meaning of the word, Moola means the root.The Symbol is a bunch of roots tied together. Moola signifies roots, that is to say, everything of basic nature, its motion is finite and limited. Moola connotes the ideas of foundation, commencement, from the very bottom, the chief or principal city or the capital.

Indications :

Called the "Root Star" they have a passionate nature that wants to get to the bottom of things. They are good at investigation, and research. They feel bound and trapped by the circumstances of their life, and can get caught up in blaming others or their environment. There can be extreme reversals in their lives with great losses. There seems to be cruelty, pain, and sharpness. Material fortunes seem to be stripped away, the lesson of non-attachment leads to spiritual realization. Resentment and betrayal are common. The deep sense of loss forces them to look deeper and seek a higher power, transforming their experiences into enlightenment. Excesses lead to compulsive behavior. There may be an interest in healing with herbs or alternative medicine.


From 13o20’ Sagittarius to 26o40’ Sagittarius

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Sign is governed by Jupiter and the star is governed by venus

Parts of the body : thighs, hips , the concygeal and the sacral regions of the spine the filiac arteries and the veins

Poorvashadha is ruled by the Waters. Poorvashadha provides us additional energy for our efforts. It is also known as the "Invincible Star".This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war. It has the symbol of hand fan.


Indications :

Called the "Invincible Star" they are invincible, proud and independent. They have influence and power over others. There is a philosophical and emotional depth. There is a strong need to always better their life or improve their situation, and can be seen as a social climber. They are fearless, aggressive, confrontational, and controlling towards achieving their goals. They want popularity and to spread their name. This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war, and their temperament is a bit angry and sharp. The formal education seems to be disrupted. There is an association with water, and rule any industry or travel pertaining to water, seas, ocean, or overseas travel. They are always successful and their success comes at an early age. Great oratory abilities make them successful at debates. Their fearlessness can lead to restlessness and an obstinate aggressive disposition. Skillful in intuiting others shadows, but somehow blinds them to their own flaws, and sense of self-denials.



From 26o40’ Sagittarius to 10o capricorn Star is governed by sun

Parts of the body : thighs, femur , arteries, skin ,knees.

Uttarashadha is introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more permanent than the former. Uttaraashadha is the second part of the Nakshatra Sagittarius.


Indications :

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Called the "Universal Star" they are much like their other half Purva Ashadha but a bit softer, milder and not as intense. They are enduring, invincible, and very patient. They fight for what they believe is right, highly righteous and responsible, with the highest degree of integrity. They practice what they preach. Sincere in everyway, they cannot lie. Commitment to their ideals makes them very humanitarian. They can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they loose interest they become lazy, introspective, and not finish what they started. Thy have deep powers to penetrate or quest for spiritual information. They are leaders, very ambitious which leads them to notoriety. In the latter part of their life they become more successful, and victorious. Marriage can be difficult because they are stubborn, self-centered and loose interest.



From 10o Capricorn to 23o20’ . sign ruled by Saturn and the star is governed by moon

Parts of the body ; lymphatic vessels , knees and skin

Sravana usually means "hearing". The symbol of Sravana is three foot-prints. It is the birth star of Saraswati.Sravana enables to link people together by connecting them to their appropriate paths in life.  Indications :

This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of Learning". They are always questing for knowledge, and information. They can be very intellectual. Wisdom and the spoken word are very important here. They make great teachers, or perpetual students. Counseling is a gift for they have the ability to truly listen. Their sense of hearing can be very acute and sensitive. They are very traditional and want to uncover knowledge of the past. Listening and participating in gossip are common, even though they are extremely sensitive and hurt as a result. Their restless nature causes them to travel extensively, usually in a pursuit of knowledge. There seems to be trouble and disappointments early in life, and some disabilities. With age they slowly regain their sense of self-confidence. They can walk with a limp or an unusual gate.

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From 23o20 to 6o40’ aquarius .Sign is governed by Saturn Star is governed by mars.

Parts of the body : knee cap bones , ankles , limbs , portion between knees and ankles

The symbol is a drum and tabla. Dhanishtha has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). Dhanishta builds upon the connections of Shravana and makes them more practical.


Indications :

The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability. The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability and love dancing, for they are able to keep a beat. With this notion they are great at timing, this can refer to having a knack for being at the right place at the right time. There seems to be emptiness from within, for the musical instruments, a drum and flute are hollow. They are constantly trying to fill this void, and this may be the cause of their problems in relationships and marital discord. Marriage may be delayed or denied. There is a tendency to live up to the expectations of others. They can be materialistic, and gain fame and recognition. They must be careful not to be too self absorbed, greedy, and narcissistic. They love the excitement of travel.



From 6o40’ aquarius to 20o aquarius sign is ruled by Saturn and the star lord is rahu

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parts of the body : portion between knees and ankles , calfmuscle

This nakshatra is about healing the human condition spiritually and physically. Satabhisha is the nakshatra owned by the node Rahu This nakshatra is the large group of faint stars in the Water Bearer(Aquarius).

Indications :

Called the "Veiling Star", this nakshatra is about healing the human condition spiritually and physically. They may be healers or doctors. The symbol of the empty circle represents the void of space, what is behind the veil, indicating illusions or maya, and inner vision. They are profoundly mystical, meditative, philosophical, scientific, and are visionaries. They are very secretive, and reclusive. There is an affinity to star watching, and this can apply to astronomers as well as astrologers. They can be moody, lonely and depressed. Intensely opinionated and stubborn they think they know it all and have nothing to learn from others, because they are above them. Alcoholic beverages are ruled by this nakshatra. Difficult to heal or hard to cure diseases come under this rulership. There is a connection with electricity.



From 20o aquarius to 3o20’ pisces sign is ruled by Saturn and Jupiter and star is governed by Jupiter

Parts of the body : ankles , feet , toes

Poorvabhadrapada raises up our spiritual aspiration in life and takes us out of the domain of selfish behavior. This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world.

Indications :

This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world. There is a passionate nature, a bit extreme and indulgent. The symbol of the man with two faces can refer to looking to the past and the future possibly at the time of death, or can mean someone who has a dark side they conceal from the world, or just two faced. Fearful, nervous, and angry they can be very cynical. Their lives sometimes are filled with sadness and problems. They must be careful of accidents and injuries. They are radicals and non-conformist, who have excellent speaking abilities to sway the masses, regardless of the consequences

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From 3o20’ pisces to 16o40’ pisces Sign is governed by Jupiter and star is governed by SaturnParts of the body : feet

Uttarabhadrapada is ruled by Ahir Budhnya, the serpent of the depths of the AtmosphereUttarabhadrapada grants growth and prosperity in a broad way, benefiting the entire world.A person born in this Nakshatra is rich and famous,and follows the virtuous path

Indications :

The "Warrior Star", they are disciplined with writing and speaking abilities. They are somewhat like their former twin nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada but a lot milder, and can control their anger and aggression. There can be a lazy streak. There is wealth usually as a gift or inheritance, usually latter in life. They are cheerful, generous, and self sacrificing. They tend to be extremely protective of their loved ones. They love solitude and seclusion, for they need time to contemplate. They can be incredibly psychic with profound insights. Their depth and wisdom can transcend the ego to the collective consciousness, and seem to have magical powers. They achieve a happy home life and are usually blessed with good children.



From 16o40’ pisces to 30o pisces Sign is governed by Jupiter and the star is governed by mercury Parts of the body : feet and toes.Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, being the last and final nakshatra.

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Indications : This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, being the last and final nakshatra. It grants protection for safe travels. They are sweet caring responsible loving friends. They nourish and care for others. They have been known to provide foster care for others, children or animals. They have an affinity or love towards small animals. They love humanity and society. They love to be social because they sincerely love connecting to other people. They don’t have a mean or jealous bone in their body. There is a love of fine arts and they can be creative as well. Their caring for others can lead to co-dependency. There may be disappointment early in life, but this developed their compassion and sincere forgiveness of others. They are a bit weak and may be prone to childhood illnesses. They are mystics with complete faith in their beliefs and in the goodness of humanity. With their love of water, they usually benefit from living by the water. There is a deep devotion and faith to God. They are protected in all their travels especially the journey from this world to the next.