the 26/11 rally

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  • 8/14/2019 The 26/11 rally


    In New Delhi, the Public Works Department planned to buildbungalows for its ministers that would

    include, among other things, four garages [not a garage for four cars, note] and six quarters for

    domestic help [not quarters for six domestic help, note].

    Also in New Delhi, while various Federal ministers wait some of them in five star hotels - for

    alterations and upgrading of homes allotted to them, others occupytwo bungalows at once.

    Staying in Delhi for a beat longer, the United Progressive Alliance is rocked not by issues of the

    magnitude of the nuclear deal or statements relating to peace talks with Pakistan but over the non-

    allocation of a bungalow to ally Trinamool Congress; elsewhere a former ally is up in arms because

    a leader who has been progressively decimated in successive elections has not been allotted a

    home befitting his stature [Unlike another leader who had started the year in hope that she

    would be, if not queen, at least a king-maker in Delhi, the aforesaid leader has no holiday homein

    conducive climes to hide out in].

    The ruling Congress party and its chairperson made a virtue of austerity and set an example

    for the rest of us spendthrifts [never mind that the point of the example is lost on us: Sonia Gandhi

    was travelling on party, not government, work; it would be the party that paid the bill, so why

    would I give a flying f**k whether she travelled economy or business, or bought a special plane just

    for the trip?]. Hopefully, the money saved by Sonia madams economy class flight ticket and Rahul

    babas much-publicized train travels will offset expenditures such as this small matter of Rs 100

    crore to repair and renovate official bungalows.

    The Opposition should be opposing but then oh never mind.

    Meanwhile in Mumbai, Home Minister P Chidambarams mea maxima culpa results most tangibly in

    the posting of some 30 CRPF jawans near the Taj Mahal Hotel. Their residence address: the

    cobblestoned paving of the public space near the Gateway of India. When news of this disgrace

    breaks in the media [video], the government reacts not with shame, and an awareness of what is

    owed those whom we entrust with our security, but with embarrassment.

    The jawans all 30 of them are hastily whisked out of sight in a fashion reminiscent of slum-

    clearance drives and, by way of adding gratuitous insult to injury, are reprimanded for daring to

    embarrass the government. Oh well at least their new lodgings are near a public toilet; they no

    longer will have to use a police van for such basic private functions as changing their underwear,

    so perhaps we are making progress after all.

    Excuse me, but I think I will spend this first anniversary of 26/11 following the cricket while allowing

    the commemorative noise pollution to pass me by.