the 1930’s; the great depression

The 1930’s; The Great Depression

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Post on 15-Feb-2016




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The 1930’s; The Great Depression. I. The 1920’s were a time of prosperity . President Hoover : “Good times will continue!” Unions began to decline II. People were getting rich by investing in the stock market 1. Less government regulation , Optimistic atmosphere - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression

The 1930’s; The Great


Page 2: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression

I. The 1920’s were a time of prosperity

A. President Hoover: “Good times will continue!”

B. Unions began to decline

II. People were getting rich by investing in the stock market 1. Less government regulation ,

Optimistic atmosphere

2. Buying on margin

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III. Emerging problems A. Buying on credit

B. “Get rich quick” attitudes

C. Too many goods, too little demand

D. Wealth concentrated in too few hands

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E. The stock market crash A. Oct. 24, 1929,

Black Thursday B. Oct. 29, 1929,

Blacker Tuesday

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IV. Problems caused by the crash

A. Widespread panic

B. Suicides C. Bank closings

(weak Federal Reserve System)

D. Domino effect

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V. The depression worsens A. Hoover’s “hands off” approach B. Hawley-Smoot Tariff – strangled

international tradeC. The Dust Bowl

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V. The depression worsens Discussion—Hoover’s hands-off approach – right or wrong? ? ?

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Page 9: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression
Page 10: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression

VI. Massive unemployment

A. House foreclosures

B. Creation of Hoovervilles 1.Hoover

blankets 2.Hoover


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Page 12: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression

VII. Mass migration

A. Riding the rails

B. HitchhikingC. Job rumors

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VIII. Starvation A.Soup kitchens B.Apple sales C. Fear of revolt

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The 1930’s; The Great Depression

The New Deal Era

Page 15: The 1930’s;  The  Great Depression

I. The election of 1932A. Hoover vs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)B. Hoover-hated by public!C. FDR promises Americans a “New Deal”

1. “Happy days are here again”2. “The only thing we have to fear is fear

itself” 3. Fireside Chats

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FDR vs. Hoover

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D. FDR dominates the election (472-59)

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II. The New Deal A. Changes the

role of government; more helpful to the public

B.Relief, recovery, and reform

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C. The first 100 days

1. Bank holiday – banks shut down 4 days

2. 21st Amendment

3. NRA; National Recovery Administration

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D. New Deal criticism

1. Too much government involvement

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E. Court Packing scheme*** This would have given FDR the power to add up to 6 more justices to the Supreme Court (from 9).

If he had been able to appoint them, he would always have his way with the Supreme Court!

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III. “Alphabet Soup” programs A. Programs that help alleviate the effects

of the Great Depression B. Aimed at relief, recovery, and reform

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1. WPA; Works Progress Administration – Created public works projects (bridges, roads, parks, etc…)

2. AAA; Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers $ to grow fewer crops!

3. FDIC; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation --insured money in banks up to $250,000!!

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4. CCC; Civilian Conservation Corps – young men from 18 to mid 20s join this; work in the wilderness, send money back home

5. TVA; Tennessee Valley Authority – provided dams & electricity to farmers in the Tennessee Valley area

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6. Social Security Act – provided a retirement income to the elderly 65 and older