thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks

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  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks



    Sukulpat Khumpaisal

    Faculty of Architecture and Planning

    Thammasat University


    Raymond Abdulai

    School of the Built Environment

    Liverpool John Moores University

    Byrom Street, Liverpool,L3 3AF, United Kingdom

    Email:[email protected]

    Andrew Ross

    School of the Built Environment

    Liverpool John Moores University

    Byrom Street, Liverpool,L3 3AF, United Kingdom


    Risk plays a critical role in any investment decision process and therefore its importance cannot be

    overemphasised. This paper examines Thai real estate practitioners perception of risks caused by

    social, technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP) factors and the current risk

    assessment techniques in the real estate industry. The quantitative research approach is adopted and

    specifically, parametric or correlative tests have been carried out. It is based on a pilot survey of 50

    Thai real estate practitioners, which was conducted in mid 2009 with a response rate of 78% (39 out

    of 50). It has been established that Thai practitioners are concerned with the risks caused by

    economic and political factors more than other sources of risk. The study also shows that there is

    less evidence of the application of systematic risk assessment techniques that help to deal with

    potential risks. In terms of policy implications, the findings have underscored the need for an

    appropriate risk assessment model to be developed and implemented in the Thai real estate industry.

    INTRODUCTIONRisks are normally associated with every investment vehicle and therefore real estate development

    is not an exception. Real estate development has its own risks, especially in relation to the decision-

    making process for a new development project. The entire project management process regarding

    schedule delay, cost overrun and quality of products are affected by risks (Gehner et al., 2006;

    Khallafalah, 2002; Flyvbjerg et al., 2003; PMBOK, 2002). In terms of the nature of real estate

    development projects, risks can only be managed within an overall framework of risk management

    processes (Blundell et al., 2007; Booth et al., 2002). It is important forrisk assessment techniques to

    be based on preferably rigorous quantitative statistical framework as well as subjective analyses of


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    Broadly, risks are categorised into systematic and unsystematic and there are various techniques

    that can be used to assess risk be it systematic or unsystematic. These techniques include Project

    Risk Ranking (PRR) and the Construction Risk Management System (CRMS) (Baccarini and

    Archer, 2001; Al-Bahar and Crandall, 1990). These techniques have, however, been developed

    based on certain parameters. Thus, a technique that might be applicable in one country and have the

    desired impact may not be applicable in another country owing to differences in the businessenvironments. Most of the techniques are also subjective in nature, as they are not based on

    quantitative statistical measures (Choi et al., 2004). There is therefore a need for risk assessment

    techniques that are based on a rigorous and quantitative statistical framework.

    Using Thailand as a case study, the objectives of this paper are to: (i) investigate the possible causes

    of risks in real estate development projects as well as assess the current risk assessment techniques

    employed by Thai real estate developers; and (ii) explore any differences in perceptions between

    Thai real estate practitioners and the Western world. The choice of Thailand as a case study is based

    on the fact that it was the starting point of the global economic crisis in 1997 (Hilbers et al., 2001;

    Warr, 2000). The behaviour of players in the real estate sector towards risks is often cited as theprimary factor responsible for such economic crises. Quigley (2001) and Lauridsen (1998) argue

    that the players did not pay enough attention to the impact of risks on their businesses because they

    did not have the appropriate techniques that could be used to assess risks and deal with the impact.

    In recent years, the current global economic recession has also had significant effects on the entire

    Thai business sector. However, it appears that Thai real estate developers are still unaware of

    appropriate risk assessment techniques that can be used to potently deal with risks in the changing

    business environment (Kritayanavaj, 2007; Pornchokchai, 2007).

    To intimate what follows, the next section looks at the general classification of risks which isfollowed by a section that provides background information of the Thailand real estate development

    sector. In section four, the research methodology adopted for the study is described. A comparison

    of Thai and Westerns perceptions of risks is made in section five. The empirical data collected is

    presented and analysed in the penultimate section whilst the last section concludes the paper.


    Risk is a concept that denotes a potential negative impact on an asset, project or some characteristic

    of value that may arise from some current process or future event (Crossland et al., 1992).

    According to Baum and Crosby (2008 risk is the uncertainty of an expected rate of return from aninvestment, while Hargitay and Yu (1993) define risk as the unpredictability of the financial

    consequences of actions and decisions. Similarly, risk is the extent to which the actual outcome of

    an action or decision may diverge from the expected outcome (Huffman, 2002). Thus, risk is

    simply the probability that an investor will not receive the expected return or the deviation of

    realisations from expectations.

    Risks can be broadly classified into systematic risks and unsystematic risks. Systematic risk

    (uncontrollable risk) is the type of risk caused by external factors that affect all investments -

    examples include market risk, inflation or purchasing power risk, and interest rate risk (Baum andCrosby, 2008; Brown and Matysiak, 2000). According to these authors, unsystematic or specific

    risk refers to risk over which the investor has limited control. Thus, unsystematic risks affect only a

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    (Luu, 2008; Khallafalah, 2002). According to Morrison, (2007) regular risks that occur during any

    development process can be classified into STEEP factors identified above. The other way to

    identify risks is to categorize them in terms of risks external to the project and those that are

    internal. The next step after all risks have been identified is initial assessment and the aim is to

    assess all consequences for risks that would finally affect the developed project. Tasmanian

    Government (2006) has identified the consequences of risks to be: delayed or reduced projectoutcomes; reduced project output quality; extension of timeframes; and increased costs.

    Smith (2002) has noted that the risk identification process enables project managers to identify

    risks. This process is combined with historical project, industrial checklists and workshop

    brainstorming sessions. He recommends that the brainstorming sessions are the appropriate

    methods because of they provide the most updated information, which suit real project conditions,

    and also equivalent to the value management approach. Raftery (1994) supports the use of

    brainstorming techniques to identify project risks as he considers them to be effective. The

    decision-makers need to work closely with the project team in order to deal with the internal risks

    effectively. They also need to consider the client, the project, the project team and the quality of thedocumentation from the perspectives of the various contractors in anticipation of claims. The

    outcomes of the identification process are generally the lists of potential sources of risks, which are

    classified based on the impact and likelihood of occurrences (Smith, 2002).

    According to Jutte (2009) the risk assessment step is critical in the whole risk management process;

    it particularly essential for the decision makers to use the assessment results as information to

    support further decision making towards risks. He notes that the earlier the decision makers can

    identify and assess risks, the better as it ensures that les time is spent to respond to risks.

    Judgements have to be made regarding the positive or negative impact of any risks on theproject as well as opportunities and threats, which may occur during the project progress. However,

    the most important rules are to prioritise and analyse risks. This means that decision makers have to

    use the information from the risk identification process and the judgements of experts to rank and

    level the degree of each projects risks (ACT, 2004; Smith, 2002). This process also includes the

    setting of highest impact risk as the first priority in order to respond or mitigate its consequences.

    Thus, the risk assessment stage identifies risks as well as assesses the probability of their occurrence

    and the consequence of the risks (Wrona, 2009).

    Risk Analysis

    MacDonald et al. (2004) has defined risk analysis or assessment as a systematic process ofidentifying potential hazards where there is the likelihood that those hazards will cause harm. The

    authors note that this process is an important portion of the entire risk management process.

    According to Raftery (1994) project risks caused by internal and external factors require systematic,

    experienced and creative analysis. Thus, risk assessment is a controllable device that deals with

    identified risks and an assessment of their impacts. Generally, risks are analysed in terms of their

    likelihood of occurrence and consequences. Decision makers may develop a Risk Matrix to assist

    in the determination of the level of likelihood of occurrence and consequences as well as the current

    risk level (ACT, 2004). Byrne (1996) observes that this stage of risk analysis is a combination of

    three aspects which are: measurement or assessment of probability; use of any indicator to measurethe individual attitudes to risk; and sensitivity and simulation. Various tools and instruments have

    been developed to deal with this stage of risk analysis (whether systematic and unsystematic risk

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    analysis) and such tools enable decision-makers to use information from sources like secondary

    information or panel discussion (Khumpaisal, 2007; Chadborn, 1999).

    Response and Mitigation

    It is really important to identify mitigation strategies very early in any project and this is because

    practical risk mitigation strategies reduce the chance that a risk will be occur and/or reduce the severity

    of the risk if it occurs (Byrne, 1996).

    From the above three stages, the risk management process is crucial since it allows for the

    determination of quantitative or qualitative values of risk related to a concrete situation and any

    recognized threat or hazard. The figure below shows the management flow chart

    Figure 1: Risk Management Flowchart

    Source: AS/NZS 4360: 2004 Risk Management Standard (ACT 2004)

    According to the risk management flowchart above, the first thing to do is to establish a framework

    for risks by decision makers and based on this, risks are identified. The decision makers have to

    analyse risks to determine the existing controls as well as determine the likelihoods and

    consequences of the risks that may occur during the project development process (Byrne, 1996).

    Thus, it is necessary for decision makers to rank the level of risk based their probability of

    occurring and their consequences. Risks and then assessed based on comparison of risks against the

    established criteria and risk criteria are constructed based on the classification of risks. Thecategories of risks are varied in accordance with the perception of the decision makers or by the

    current project situation (Pidgeon, 1992).

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    Another popular risk management or assessment model used by real estate developers is Risk

    Assessment Matrix (RAM). The RAM describes the likelihood and consequence of each risk in a

    matrix format that is generally accepted by many decision makers owing to its simplicity and the

    fact that it provides more understanding of projects at every level (Younes and Kett, 2007; Rafele et

    al., 2005; ioMosaic, 2002; Kindinger, 2002). However, RAM demerits. One disadvantage relates to

    the data used in the calculation; the data is based on personal opinions and not on reliable sources

    with a strong theoretical basis. RAM also measures the likelihood and consequences of risk based

    on a single criterion, and it is therefore not suited to real estate developers aiming to understand the

    correlation and the effects of each factor (Chen and Khumpaisal, 2008). Booth et al. (2002) and

    Frodsham (2007) note that there is a need for an idealistic risk assessment model that can analyse

    the impact of risks in a quantitative format to be introduced in the real estate sector. According to

    the authors, such a model would allow the synthesis of risk assessment criteria and comparisons

    among factors, and would also help developers to structure the decision-making process.

    It is against this background that the Analytic Network Process (ANP) model has been introducedas an alternative risk assessment technique to respond to these requirements. The model adopts the

    principles of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and it is developed based on the grounded

    theories of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The ANP model is a powerful and flexible decision-

    making tool that helps investors or decision makers to set priorities and make the best decision

    when both qualitative and quantitative aspects of a decision need to be considered (Saaty, 2005;

    Cheng and Li, 2004). Chen et al. (2006), Saaty (2005) and Cheng et al. (2005) summarise the

    construction of the ANP model as follows:

    Decomposing the problem into a hierarchy in which the highest level of the structure

    denotes the primary goal of the problem and the lowest level refers to the alternatives; Inviting experts to conduct pair-wise comparisons of each element with regard to their

    respective adjacent higher level. The scale of interval employed in this pair-wise comparison

    is usually the 9-point scale of measurement;

    Calculating the relative importance weights (eigenvectors) in each pair-wise comparison

    matrix and computing the consistency of the comparison matrices;

    Placing the resulting relative importance weights (eigenvectors) in pair-wise comparison

    matrices within the super-matrix (un-weighted); conducting pair-wise comparisons on the

    clusters; weighting the un-weighted super-matrix, by the corresponding priorities of the

    clusters, which becomes the weighted super-matrix; and Adjusting the values in the super-matrix so that it can achieve column stochasticity. This

    means that the decision maker will take the resultant relative importance weights

    (eigenvectors) and place them in the matrix.

    The model has been used in several areas of construction research and practice since the late 1970s,

    including construction planning, location selection and environmental impact assessment (Chen et

    al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2005). Recently, Chen and Khumpaisal (2008) used the ANP model to

    assess risks in Liverpool commercial real estate projects and the study shows that the ANP model is

    an effective model to assess risks.

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    The collapse of the global economic crisis in 1997 was caused by the downfall of Thailands real

    estate development business (Warr, 2000). Quigley (2001) and Lauridsen (1998) have observed that

    the key reasons for this crisis could be traced to financial institutions and real estate developers

    who it is argued lacked monetary discipline and neglected risks in real estate business as well as the

    lack of practical risk assessment and management techniques to resolve the consequences of risks.

    Vanichvatana (2007) and Kritayanavaj (2007) have predicted that the future trend of the Thai real

    estate sector will be similar to the circumstances in the 1997 crisis, as practical risk assessment

    techniques are yet to be developed. This prediction is supported by the incidents of the current

    global recession (2007 2010) and the US sub-prime crisis, which has significantly affected the

    Thai real estate sector owing to the shortage of housing purchasing demand and less funding

    injected into the housing and residential sub-sector. Despite the fact that Thai real estate developers

    have experienced this crisis and acknowledged its main causes, they are still less concerned with

    risks and their effects on real estate projects. Pornchokchai (2007) and Kritayanavaj (2007) note

    that this is because of the lack of appropriate knowledge to assess, identify and understand the risks

    as well as the fact that they are only interested in realising a maximum return from their investment.

    This article focuses on the real estate development projects in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area

    (BMA) and vicinity (see Figure 2). This is the heart of the Thai economic and political system, with

    the highest density of housing projects in comparison to the rest of Thailand (REIC, 2009;

    ONESDB, 2007). This area also has the highest number of real estate developers approximately

    250 (APTU, 2008).

    Figure 2: Map of the Case Study Area


    In the social sciences, there are mainly three research approached that can be employed to conduct

    research, which are quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodologies. Truthfulness or realitytypifies quantitative and qualitative methodologies, but it is the criteria for judging it that differ. The

    quantitative research methodology considers knowledge to be real that can be objectively measured





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    whilst the qualitative research methodology views reality as something that can be subjectively

    measured (Creswell, 2007). The mixed methodologies combine the quantitative and qualitative

    methodologies in a single project. These approaches were considered in terms of their

    appropriateness giving the objectives of the study and the quantitative approach was finally

    adopted. Surveys were used as the strategy of enquiry and the case study philosophical approach

    was adopted (with Thailand as the case study).

    Questionnaire was designed and administered to the surveys participants who were randomly

    selected from an established sampling frame. The questionnaire was designed based on the

    researchers experience in Thailand real estate sector and relevant literature and the reliability of the

    questionnaire was verified by the experts opinions prior to the administration of the questionnaire.

    Fifty (50) sets of questionnaires were distributed to the sampled survey participants in June 2009

    via post. The questionnaire consisted of 29 questions divided into four sections and covered

    various aspects like respondents characteristics, real estate projects that participants had engaged

    in, decision makers roles and perception of participants towards risks. Thirty nine (78%)

    responded to the questionnaires and the data was analysed using SPSS. Parametric statisticaltechniques like Independent T-Test, ANOVA and Rank Correlation analyses were carried out.


    Attributes of Respondents

    The survey data revealed that the respondents occupy various positions in real estate companies:

    36% (14 out of 39) were quantity surveyors or estimators whilst project managers/directors and

    engineers/architects constituted 25% (9 out of 39) each. Fifty-six percent (22 out of 39) were

    decision makers regarding risks but only 43% (17 out of 39) had any risk assessment experience in

    real estate projects and 15% (6 out of 39) had used any risk assessment models before. Only 10% (4out of 39) were aware of AHP or ANP. Most of them (56% or 22 out of 39) had undergraduate

    degree and their working experiences ranged from 0 to 5 working years. Sixty-one percent of the

    respondents (24 out of 39) were involved in low rise /housing residential projects whilst 15% were

    involved in hotel projects; 10% (4 out of 39) were involved in high-rise residential projects and

    retail projects constituted 2.6% (1 out of 39). It was also found that 25% (10 out of 39) of the

    participants were located outside of Bangkok Metropolitan Area (BMA) and the same percentage of

    projects were located within Bangkok Metropolitan Area (BMA)

    Satisfaction Regarding Current Risk Assessment TechniquesThere was a low response rate to a question that bordered on practitioners satisfaction with the

    current risk assessment techniques as only six respondents representing 15.40% answered that

    question. The statistics in Table 1 shows a mean value of 3 (using the Likert scale where 1 is very

    dissatisfied; 3 is neutral; and 5 is very satisfied) amongst these respondents. Thus, it implies that the

    respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the current risk assessment techniques. To

    verify these results, the independent T-test was conducted to test the equality of the mean of this set

    of respondents. Results derived by T-Test shows that the significance level is 1.0, meaning that

    there is no significant difference between the Means.

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    Table 1: Statistics on Satisfaction towards Current Risk Assessment Models

    Experience in risk

    assessment N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

    Satisfaction in model usage Yes 6 3.00 0.6325 0.2582

    No 1 3.00 . .

    Satisfaction in model' s effectiveness Yes 6 3.00 0.6325 0.2582

    No 1 3.00 .

    The independence T-Test was then conducted in order to verify the differences between the mean of

    these two groups of respondents. The value derived by this test gives a significance level is 1.00 (as

    shown in Table 2), which means there was no significant difference between these variables, and no

    difference between each mean. Perhaps a larger-scale survey than this with a higher response rate could

    produce more insights on this issue.

    Table 2: T-test Value of Satisfaction towards Current Risk Assessment Models

    t-test for Equality of Means

    t Df.

    Sig. (2-




    Std. Error


    95% Confidence Interval

    of the Difference

    Lower Upper

    Satisfaction in

    model use

    Equal variances assumed 0.00 5 1.00 0.00 0.6831 -1.7560 1.7560

    Equal variances not

    assumed . . . 0.00 . . .

    Satisfaction in

    model' s


    Equal variances assumed 0.00 5 1.00 0.00 .06831 -1.7560 1.7560

    Equal variances not

    assumed . . . 0.00 . . .

    There were 10 survey participants who responded the question that bordered on risk assessment

    techniques currently being used in their projects. It was established that the panel discussion is the

    most popular technique that is used as 70% (7 out of 10) of the decision makers had used it whilst

    20% (2 out of 10) employed secondary information from reliable sources. Those who usedbackground experience represented the remaining 10%. The results show that Thai practitioners still

    rely on non-systematic risk assessment techniques, which is unlikely to provide the precise

    information enough to make a decision towards risk in the real estate sector.

    The Practitioners Perceptions of Risks that Emanate from STEEP Factors

    Descriptive frequency and correlation tests were used to assess the perceptions of respondents regarding

    risks caused by STEEP factors. The percentages of their opinions in terms of the consequences of risks

    and the likelihood of their occurrence are summarised in the Tables 3 and 4 below.

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    Table 3: Perceptions of STEEP Factors Consequences (%)

    Very High (%) High (%) Neither high nor

    low (%)

    Low (%) Very Low (%) Not responded


    Social 15.4 17.9 30.8 17.9 5.1 12.8Technological 10.3 12.8 33.3 17.9 12.8 12.8

    Environmental 2.6 30.8 28.2 17.9 7.7 12.8

    Economical 46.2 20.5 5.1 2.6 12.8 12.8

    Political 23.1 30.8 10.3 10.3 10.3 15.4

    Table 4: Perceptions towards the Likelihood of Risk Occurring from STEEP Factors (%)

    Very High (%) High (%) Neither high nor low (%)

    Low (%) Very Low (%) Not responded(%)

    Social 15.4 12.8 33.3 17.9 7.7 12.8

    Technological 15.4 12.8 23.1 23.1 12.8 12.8

    Environmental 5.1 20.5 35.9 15.4 10.3 12.8

    Economic 38.5 20.5 7.7 10.3 5.1 12.8

    Political 23.1 25.6 20.5 10.3 7.7 15.4

    The results from the Table 3 indicate that Thai practitioners prioritised risks caused by economic

    and political as they considered them to have the strongest impact on the progress of their project

    whilst social and technological risks were considered to have a low impact on projects. In terms of

    the STEEP risks likelihood of occurrence, Table 4 shows that the likelihood of economic risk

    occurring is the highest, followed by political, social and technological in that order. Environmental

    issues are considered to have the least impact on real estate projects in terms of the consequences

    and regarding likelihood of occurrence it they also ranked the lowest.

    Correlation tests were then carried out to determine the correlation between each STEEP factor and the

    perception of practitioners. The results are summarised in Table 5. From the Table, The there were 8

    variables which were strongly correlated (p < 0.05) while the rest did not show a significant

    correlation. This shows that Thai practitioners are more concerned with risks caused by economic

    and political factors that other sources of risks.

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    Table 5: The Correlation of STEEP Factors

    Based on the findings from the empirical data above, secondary data was then used to make a

    comparison between Thai and Western real estate practitioners (using Dutch and British) in order to

    determine whether there are differences between their perceptions of STEEP risks and how they

    assess risks in real estate projects. The perceptions are compared and ranked in Table 6 below

    whilst a comparison of risk assessment techniques are indicated in Table 7.

    Table 6: Comparison of Practitioners Perceptions towards Risks Emanating from STEEP Factors

    R Thai Dutch British

    1 Economic (32%) Political




    2 Political (26%) Technological




    3 Social (16%) Economic


    Social (20%)

    4 Environmental





    (13%)5 Technological


    Social (7%) Political (9%)

    S Khumpaisal


    Gehner et al.



    and Chen


    Table 7: Comparison of Risk Assessment Techniques

    Risk assessment techniques Western Thailand

    Non systematic techniques (i.e. workexperience/intuition, probabilistic) 58% 80%

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    Systematic / pragmatic techniques (i.e.

    sensitivity analysis, matrix, model,

    Monte Carlo, reliable 2nd sources)

    42% 20%

    Source: Gehner et al.




    From Table 7 nearly a half (42%) of the Western practitioners employ systematic risk assessment

    techniques such as sensitivity analysis, assessment checklists or risk premium. Regarding Thai

    practitioners, 80% use non-systematic assessment methods, particularly, the panel discussion

    techniques, which provide less precise details as to how to deal with risks in the real estate sector.

    Generally, the results of the survey are varied depending on the definition of risks by survey

    participants and their experiences in dealing with real estate projects as well as the environment

    surrounding their developed projects.


    There are various sources of risks in real estate and this paper has examined real estatepractitioners perception of risks caused by social, technological, environmental, economic and

    political factors as well as the risk assessment techniques using Thailand as a case study. The

    quantitative research methodology has been adopted and the results show that Thai practitioners are

    more concerned with the risks caused by economic and political factors than other sources of risk. It

    has also been established that there is less evidence of the application of systematic risk assessment

    techniques that help to deal with potential risks. The findings have therefore underscored the need

    for an appropriate systematic risk assessment model to be developed and implemented in the Thai

    real estate industry.


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    APPENDIX A: Descriptive statistics

    1.1. Positions held by respondents in real estate development projects


    10 25.6 25.6 25.6

    5 12.8 12.8 38.5

    10 25.6 25.6 64.1

    14 35.9 35.9 100.0

    39 100.0 100.0

    Project Manager/ DirectorProject Coordinator

    Engineer/ Architect /





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.2. The decision-maker role in the real estate project

    Decision Maker

    22 56.4 57.9 57.9

    16 41.0 42.1 100.0

    38 97.4 100.0

    1 2.6

    39 100.0







    Frequency Percent Valid Percent


  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks


    1.3. Working experiences (years)

    Working Experience (Years)

    17 43.6 43.6 43.6

    12 30.8 30.8 74.4

    5 12.8 12.8 87.2

    3 7.7 7.7 94.92 5.1 5.1 100.0

    39 100.0 100.0




    16-2021 above


    ValidFrequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.4. Experience in risk assessment

    Experience in risk assessment

    17 43.6 45.9 45.9

    20 51.3 54.1 100.0

    37 94.9 100.0

    2 5.1

    39 100.0







    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.5. Used of any risk assessment models/ techniques

    Used of any model

    6 15.4 19.4 19.4

    25 64.1 80.6 100.0

    31 79.5 100.0

    8 20.5

    39 100.0







    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.6. If they did not employ risk assessment model, how could they assess risks in real estate project?

    How to assess if no model

    1 2.6 10.0 10.0

    7 17.9 70.0 80.0

    2 5.1 20.0 100.0

    10 25.6 100.0

    29 74.4

    39 100.0

    By working experience

    Panel discussion

    Secondary informaiton





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.7. The knowledge in Analytical Network Process (ANP) or Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP)

    Knowledge in AHPANP

    4 10.3 11.4 11.4

    31 79.5 88.6 100.0

    35 89.7 100.0

    4 10.3

    39 100.0







    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    1.8. Type of the real estate projects

  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks


    Type of project

    24 61.5 66.7 66.7

    4 10.3 11.1 77.8

    1 2.6 2.8 80.6

    1 2.6 2.8 83.3

    6 15.4 16.7 100.0

    36 92.3 100.0

    3 7.7

    39 100.0

    Low rise / housing project

    highrise condominium/









    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    APPENDIX B: Statistical analysis of data

    2.1. Questionnaires reliability

    Reliability Statistics

    .644 31


    Alpha Nof Items

    2.2. T-test to verify Mean of respondents who used the risk assessment models.

    Group Statistics

    6 3.0000 .63246 .25820

    1 3.0000 . .

    6 3.0000 .63246 .25820

    1 3.0000 . .

    Experience in risk






    Satisfaction in model

    Satisfaction in model'

    s effectiveness

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    Std. Error


    Independent Samples Test

    Levene's Test forEquality ofVariances t-test for Equality of Means

    F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)


    Std. ErrorDifference

    95% Confidence Intervalof the Difference

    Upper Lower

    Satisfactionin model


    . . .000 5 1.000 .00000 .68313 -1.75604 1.75604

    Equalvariances notassumed

    . . . .00000 . . .

    Satisfactionin model' seffectiveness


    . . .000 5 1.000 .00000 .68313 -1.75604 1.75604

    Equalvariances notassumed

    . . . .00000 . . .

    APPENDIX C: The perceptions of STEEP factors3.1. The consequence of each risk to real estate projects

    3.1.1. Social risk

  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks


    Level of Social risk to project

    6 15.4 17.6 17.6

    7 17.9 20.6 38.2

    12 30.8 35.3 73.5

    7 17.9 20.6 94.1

    2 5.1 5.9 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.1.2. Technological risk

    Level of Techological risk to project

    4 10.3 11.8 11.8

    5 12.8 14.7 26.5

    13 33.3 38.2 64.7

    7 17.9 20.6 85.3

    5 12.8 14.7 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.1.3. Environmental risk

    Level of Environmental risk to project

    1 2.6 2.9 2.9

    12 30.8 35.3 38.2

    11 28.2 32.4 70.6

    7 17.9 20.6 91.2

    3 7.7 8.8 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.1.4. Economic risk

    Level of Economical risk to project

    18 46.2 52.9 52.9

    8 20.5 23.5 76.5

    2 5.1 5.9 82.4

    1 2.6 2.9 85.3

    5 12.8 14.7 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.1.5. Political risk

    Level of Political risk to project

    9 23.1 27.3 27.3

    12 30.8 36.4 63.6

    4 10.3 12.1 75.8

    4 10.3 12.1 87.9

    4 10.3 12.1 100.0

    33 84.6 100.0

    6 15.4

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.2. The likelihood of each STEEP and affect to real estate project

    3.2.1. Social risk

  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks


    Frequency of Social risk to project

    6 15.4 17.6 17.6

    5 12.8 14.7 32.4

    13 33.3 38.2 70.6

    7 17.9 20.6 91.2

    3 7.7 8.8 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.839 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.2.2. Technological risk

    Frequency of Technological risk to project

    6 15.4 17.6 17.6

    5 12.8 14.7 32.4

    9 23.1 26.5 58.8

    9 23.1 26.5 85.3

    5 12.8 14.7 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.2.3. Environmental risk

    Frequency of Environmental risk to project

    2 5.1 5.9 5.9

    8 20.5 23.5 29.4

    14 35.9 41.2 70.6

    6 15.4 17.6 88.2

    4 10.3 11.8 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.2.4. Economic riskFrequency of Economicl risk to project

    15 38.5 44.1 44.1

    10 25.6 29.4 73.5

    3 7.7 8.8 82.4

    4 10.3 11.8 94.1

    2 5.1 5.9 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    3.2.5. Political risk

    Frequency of Political risk to project

    9 23.1 26.5 26.5

    10 25.6 29.4 55.9

    8 20.5 23.5 79.4

    4 10.3 11.8 91.2

    3 7.7 8.8 100.0

    34 87.2 100.0

    5 12.8

    39 100.0

    Very HIgh




    Very low





    Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


    3.3. One-way ANOVA to test the Mean Value

  • 8/6/2019 Thai real estate practitioners perceptions of risks



    1.448 4 .362 .246 .910

    42.670 29 1.471

    44.118 33

    7.666 4 1.917 1.394 .261

    39.863 29 1.375

    47.529 33

    5.466 4 1.367 1.343 .278

    29.504 29 1.017

    34.971 33

    8.221 4 2.055 .981 .433

    60.750 29 2.095

    68.971 33

    5.927 4 1.482 .794 .539

    52.255 28 1.866

    58.182 32

    6.762 4 1.691 1.203 .331

    40.767 29 1.406

    47.529 33

    5.056 4 1.264 .694 .602

    52.826 29 1.822

    57.882 33

    5.028 4 1.257 1.110 .371

    32.854 29 1.133

    37.882 334.628 4 1.157 .710 .592

    47.254 29 1.629

    51.882 33

    1.531 4 .383 .218 .926

    50.939 29 1.757

    52.471 33

    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups

    TotalBetween Groups

    Within Groups


    Between Groups

    Within Groups


    Level of Social risk to


    Level of Techological

    risk to project

    Level of Environmental

    risk to project

    Level of Economical

    risk to project

    Level of Political risk to


    Frequency of Social risk

    to project

    Frequency of

    Technological risk to


    Frequency of

    Environmental risk to


    Frequency of Economicl

    risk to project

    Frequency of Political

    risk to project

    Sum of

    Squares df Mean Square F Sig.