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ทีAPCCN 26/2553 เรื่อง ขอเชิญเขารวมประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติ ครั้งที7 (7 th APCCN 2011) สมาคมโภชนบําบัดนานาชาติ Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS) รวมกับ ชมรมโภชน บําบัดแหงประเทศไทย จะไดจัดการประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติครั้งที7 ในวันที5-9 มิถุนายน 2554 ศูนยการประชุมแหงชาติสิริกิติกรุงเทพมหานคร การประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติ ครั้งที7 นี้นับเปนการประชุมครั้งสําคัญที่ได ผนึกพลังของภาคีเครือขายดานอาหารและโภชนาการในระดับสากลใหมารวมกันผสมผสานแนวคิดและประสบ การณ เพื่อขับเคลื่อนงานอาหารและโภชนาการในระดับนานาชาติใหเกิดความมั่นคง การประชุมจัดขึ้นทุกๆ 4 ในประเทศตางๆและนับวาเปนโอกาสที่ดีที่ประเทศไทยไดรับเกียรติใหเปนเจาภาพในการจัดงานครั้งนีโดยผูจัด งานหวังเปนอยางยิ่งวาในการประชุมครั้งนี้จะมีผูเขารวมงานทั้งชาวไทยและชาวตางชาติจํานวนประมาณ 2,000 คน ดวยรูปแบบการนําเสนอที่หลากหลายเชน การบรรยายพิเศษ การอภิปรายรวม การเสนอผลงานทางวิชาแบบ oral และ poster รวมทั้งการประกวดผลงานวิชาการ (young investigator award) และงานแสดงสินคาตางๆ ในโอกาสนี้คณะกรรมการจัดงานประชุมฯ ใครขอเชิญทานเขารวมประชุมวิชาการดังกลาว สําหรับขา ราชการสามารถเบิกคาใชจายการลงทะเบียนจากตนสังกัดตามหนังสือกระทรวงการคลัง .. 2549 ประกาศ วันที6 กันยายน .. 2549 โดยไมถือเปนวันลา โดยทางสมาคมฯไดแนบแบบฟอรมการลงทะเบียนมาดวย ทั้งนี้สามารถติดตอขอรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได ทีนางสาวรัชดา งามรัตนกุล เลขานุการของการประชุมฯ ทางโทรศัพท 02-7487881 ตอ 103 ทางโทรสาร 02-7487880 ทาง E-mail: [email protected] และติดตามขอมูลเพิ่มเติมไดที่เวบไซต ขอแสดงความนับถือ ดร. นพ. ประสงค เทียนบุญ MD, FRCPedT, BS, MCN (Nutrition), FICN (Nutrition), PhD (Nutrition). ประธานคณะกรรมการการจัดงาน 7 th APCCN 2011 นายกสมาคม Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS) ประธานชมรมโภชนบําบัดแหงประเทศไทย (ชภท) หัวหนาบรรณาธิการวารสารคลินิกอาหารและโภชนาการ (วคอภ)

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ที่ APCCN 26/2553

เรื่อง ขอเชิญเขารวมประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 7 (7th APCCN 2011)

สมาคมโภชนบําบัดนานาชาติ Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS) รวมกับ ชมรมโภชน

บําบัดแหงประเทศไทย จะไดจัดการประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติครั้งที่ 7 ในวันที่ 5-9

มิถุนายน 2554 ณ ศูนยการประชุมแหงชาติสิริกิติ์ กรุงเทพมหานคร

การประชุมวิชาการโภชนบําบัดและโภชนาการนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 7 นี้นับเปนการประชุมครั้งสําคัญที่ได


การณ เพื่อขับเคลื่อนงานอาหารและโภชนาการในระดับนานาชาติใหเกิดความมั่นคง การประชุมจัดขึ้นทุกๆ 4 ป

ในประเทศตางๆและนับวาเปนโอกาสที่ดีที่ประเทศไทยไดรับเกียรติใหเปนเจาภาพในการจัดงานครั้งนี้ โดยผูจัด

งานหวังเปนอยางยิ่งวาในการประชุมครั้งนี้จะมีผูเขารวมงานทั้งชาวไทยและชาวตางชาติจํานวนประมาณ 2,000

คน ดวยรูปแบบการนําเสนอที่หลากหลายเชน การบรรยายพิเศษ การอภิปรายรวม การเสนอผลงานทางวิชาแบบ

oral และ poster รวมทั้งการประกวดผลงานวิชาการ (young investigator award) และงานแสดงสินคาตางๆ

ในโอกาสนี้คณะกรรมการจัดงานประชุมฯ ใครขอเชิญทานเขารวมประชุมวิชาการดังกลาว สําหรับขา

ราชการสามารถเบิกคาใชจายการลงทะเบียนจากตนสังกัดตามหนังสือกระทรวงการคลัง พ.ศ. 2549 ประกาศ ณ

วันที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2549 โดยไมถือเปนวันลา

โดยทางสมาคมฯไดแนบแบบฟอรมการลงทะเบียนมาดวย ทั้งนี้สามารถติดตอขอรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได

ที่ นางสาวรัชดา งามรัตนกุล เลขานุการของการประชุมฯ ทางโทรศัพท 02-7487881 ตอ 103 ทางโทรสาร

02-7487880 ทาง E-mail: [email protected] และติดตามขอมูลเพิ่มเติมไดที่เวบไซต


ดร. นพ. ประสงค เทียนบุญ MD, FRCPedT, BS, MCN (Nutrition), FICN (Nutrition), PhD (Nutrition).

ประธานคณะกรรมการการจัดงาน 7th APCCN 2011

นายกสมาคม Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS)

ประธานชมรมโภชนบําบัดแหงประเทศไทย (ชภท)

หัวหนาบรรณาธิการวารสารคลินิกอาหารและโภชนาการ (วคอภ)

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ก��,�����#����"���2/�� (� � ก�/�� 1 �� ) Nutrition and Dietetics Endocrinology & Metabolism Public health Biotechnology Biochemistry Molecular Cell Biology Pediatrics Gastroenterology

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The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (7th APCCN 2011)

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Email Address : __________________________________________________ 7��*�� ________________________________________________________________

ก����ก��ก������� ������ ������������ก� ���� 02 748 7880 ���� email : [email protected].

Hotel Category Room type Single room

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Double/ Twin bed

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Grand Millenium * 5 star Superior


� THB 3,500

� THB 5,000

� THB 3,900

� THB 5,700

JW Marriot ** 5 star Superior


� THB 5,061

� THB 7,062

� THB 5,532

� THB 67,062

The Landmark ** 5 star Superior


� THB 4,700

� THB 5,200

� THB 5,000

� THB 5,500

Bangkok Lotus Sukhumvit ** 4 star Superior � THB 2,980 � THB 3,480

Courtyard Marriot Bangkok ** 4 star Superior � THB 3,237 � THB 3,590

Furama Asok * 4 star Superior � THB 2,700 � THB 3,000

Imperial Queen’s Park ** 4 star Superior


� THB 3,200

� THB 3,500

� THB 3,500

� THB 3,800

Jasmine hotel * 4 star Superior � THB 2,700 � THB 3,000

S31 * 4 star Superior


� THB 3,114

� THB 3,979

� THB 3,114

� THB 3,979

Tai-pan * 3 ++star Superior


� THB 2,200

� THB 2,400

� THB 2,400

� THB 2,800

S15 * 3 star Superior


� THB 2,300

� THB 2,700

� THB 2,300

� THB 2,700

Salil Hotel Thong-loh ** 3 star Superior � THB 1,750 � THB 1,750

Salil Hotel Sukhumvit Soi 8 ** 3 star Superior � THB 1,750 � THB 1,750

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Kenes Asia2nd Floor, PICO Creative Centre20 Kallang Avenue, Singapore 339411Tel: +65 62924710; Fax: +65 6292 4721E-mail: [email protected]:

APCCN 2011 Conference Secretariat

International Advisory Board

Dr. Mark L. Wahlqvist Australia Dr. Irene Darmadi Australia Dr. Widjaja Lukito IndonesiaDr. Agussalim Bukhari Indonesia Dr. Nurpudji Astut Indonesia Dr. Duo Li China Dr. Zhu Ming Zhiang China Dr. Shaw Watanabe Japan

Executive Organizing Committee (Thailand)

Chairman, Organizing Committee Dr. Prasong Tienboon Chairman, Scientific Program Dr. Chulaporn RoongpisuthipongCo-chairman, Scientific Program (1) Dr. Maitree SuttajitCo-chairman, Scientific Program (2) Dr. Paiboon EksaengsriScientific Committee Dr. Thanyadej NimmanwudipongScientific Committee Assistant Dr. Supanee Putdechakum Abstract and Poster Dr. Savanit Ongroongruang Ministry of Public Health (nutrition) Dr. Narong Saiwong Exhibition Dr. Paiboon Eksaengsri Mrs. Swairin Kulapongse Public Relation Dr. Chanida Pachotikarn Registration Dr. Varapat Pakpeankitvatana Treasurer Dr. Prasong Tienboon Food and Nutrition Mrs. Panon Hongto

Scientific Committee - Clinical Nutrition in Adult 1. Dr. Chulaporn Roongpisuthipong 2. Dr. Prasong Tienboon 3. Dr. Thanyadej Nimmanwudipong 4. Dr. Supanee Putdechakum

5. Dr. Savanit Ongroongruang6. Dr. Daruneewan Warodomwichit7. Dr. Pariya Phanachet

Scientific Committee - Clinical Nutrition in Pediatrics 1. Dr. Paiboon Eksaengsri 2. Dr. Prasong Tienboon 3. Dr. Phienvit Tantibhedhyangkul 4. Dr. Ladda Mo-suwan 5. Dr. Umaporn Suthutvoravut 6. Dr. Pipop Jirapinyo 7. Dr. Sungkom Jongpiputvanich 8. Dr. Suntaree Ratanachu-ek 9. Dr. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul

10. Dr. Nalinee Chongviriyaphan11. Dr. Sirinuch Chomtho12. Dr. Ruangvith Tantibhedhyangkul 13. Dr. Narumon Densupsoontorn14. Dr. Supapan Tantracheewathorn15. Dr. Sanguansak Rerksuppaphol16. Dr. Boosba Vivatvakin17. Dr. Jarungchit Ngamphaiboon18. Dr. Pantipa Chatchatee

Scientific Committee - Dietary Supplement/Nutraceutical/Vegetarianism in Clinical Nutrition. 1. Dr. Maitree Suttajit 2. Dr. Prasong Tienboon 3. Dr. Busyamas Chewaskulyong 4. Dr. Patcharaporn Aree 5. Dr. Donrawee Leelarungrayub


1 2


Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition which will be held from 5-9 June, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference is jointly organized by the Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS) and the Thai Clinical Nutrition Society (TCNS).

Themed “Clinical Nutrition: From Theory to Clinical Practice”, the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition will bring together clinicians, dieticians, nutritionists, doctors, hospital pharmacists, nursing staff, others with interests in patient nutrition.

This 5-day (4-8 June) conference aims to provide participants fascinating insights, the most up-to-date multidisciplinary scientific knowledge, and practical know-how on a wide range of topics including enteral/parenteral nutrition; clinical nutrition in inflammatory diseases, allergy and immunology; micro/macronutritients in clinical practice, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals in clinical nutrition; clinical nutrition and metabolism; and commercial and infant formulas in clinical practices, clinical nutrition in pediatrics, among others. The scientific program also contains pre-conference workshops.

A commercial exhibition will also be organized alongside the conference and will feature the latest innovations and technology in the field.

Participants will also enjoy the famous warmth and hospitality Thais are known for around the world in the various social events and pre- or post-conference tours that we will arrange for everyone.

We are delighted to welcome everyone to 7th APCCN 2011 and to Bangkok!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Prasong Tienboon MD, FRCPedT, BS, MCN (Nutrition), FICN (Nutrition), PhD (Nutrition)Chairman, Organizing Committee 7th APCCN 2011 President, Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society (APCNS)President, Thai Clinical Nutrition Society (TCNS)Editor-in-chief, Thai Journal of Clinical Nutrition (TJCN)

Bangkok was founded in 1782 by the first monarch of the present Chakri dynasty. It is now the country’s

spiritual, cuftural, diplomatic, commercial and educational hub. It covers an area of more than 1,500 square kilometres, and it is home to approximately ten million people or more than 10% of the country’s population.

Over the last few decades, Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, has changed into a modern, exciting and sophisticated city. It offers to visitors not only the cosmopolitan amenities they would expect from other big cities, but also a unique treasure trove of cultural attractions. Thailand, in the heart of Southeast Asia, was never colonised and thus kept its unique culture and heritage intact. Bangkok offers visitors the opportunity to experience fascinating glimpse of Thailand’s gentle culture amidst the bustle of a great and dynamic metropolis. This great city has had astounding success in combining the ancient and modern world.

For tourists, Bangkok has a feast of attractions to offer. The city is dotted with 400 glittering Buddhist temples of great beauty and fascination, magnificent palaces, classical dance extravaganzas, numerous shopping centres and traditional ways of life, especially along the “Venice of the East” timeless canals and the Chao Phraya River of the “River of Kings” winding through the city. It is worth taking a trip along its waters before exploring further into different canals to take a glimpse of old Bangkok.

Useful tourist information on Bangkok can be obtained from the official website of the Bangkok Tourism Division :



Time SaturdayJune 4

SundayJune 5

MondayJune 6

TuesdayJune 7

Wednesday June 8

ThursdayJune 9


Registration/Breakfast Symposia


0800-0830 Registration Opens


Pre-Conference Workshops

0900-0930Lectures / Sessions


Pre-Conference Workshops

Poster Session, Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit

Post Congress Tours

1030-1100Lectures / Sessions1100-1130


Industrial Lunch Symposia1230-13001300-13301330-1400

Lectures / Sessions1400-14301430-15001500-1530 Poster Session, Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit1530-1600

Lectures / General Sessions1600-16301630-1700

1700-1730Lectures / General Sessions

Closing Cer-emony



Ceremony & Lecture Industrial Dinner


Lectures / Ses-sions

1830-1900 Exhibition Open-ing & Welcome

Reception Gala Dinner1900-19301930-20002000-2030


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The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (7th APCCN) will cover a broad spectrum of topics, from theories to new techniques and applications in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism.

Tentative program topics:

1. Clinical nutrition in adult (Dietary and nutritional management of diseases): 1.1 Nutrition in Crisis 1.2 Enteral nutrition 1.3 Parenteral nutrition 1.4 Devices used in clinical nutrition 1.5 Clinical nutrition in Inflammatory

diseases, allergy and immunology 1.6 Cytokines in clinical nutrition 1.7 Macronutrients (Protein and amino acids,

Fat, Carbohydrate) in clinical practices 1.8 Micronutrients (Vitamins and minerals) in

clinical practices 1.9 Nutrition and Obesity, Osteoporosis,

Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia, Critically illness, Trans fat, Cancer, Liver diseases, Renal diseases, Pancreatic diseases,

Respiratory failure, Cardiovascular diseases, Short bowel syndrome, Intestinal failure, Transplantation and Other chronic diseases

1.10 Food exchange, Menu planning 1.11 Vegetarianism in clinical nutrition 1.12 Herbs in Clinical Nutrition 1.13 Nutrigenomics 1.14 Disease of brain and memory 1.15 Nutrition in stress 1.16 How to increase weight and appetite 1.17 Current situation in nutrition

assessment 1.18 Nutrition support team

2. Clinical nutrition in pediatrics: 2.1 Commercial and infant formulas in

clinical practices 2.2 Food and cow’s milk allergy - roles of

amino acids and protein hydrolysate formulas

2.3 Fresh goat’s milk and goat milk infant formulas

2.4 Meat based’s formula 2.5 Soy based formula 2.6 Prebiotics and probiotics in clinical

practics 2.7 Problem in breast feeding practices 2.8 Dietary intake and how to increase

height 2.9 Obesity in children

2.10 Lipid emulsion for Pediatrics 2.11 Parenteral and enteral nutrition support

for pediatrics 2.12 Nutrition programming in early life 2.13 Enteral and parenteral nutrition in

pediatrics 2.14 Dietary management of inborn error of

metabolism 2.15 Nutrition in prematurity, newborn,

preganancy and lactation. 2.16 Food, brain and development 2.17 Nucleotides, Gangliosides, Lutein, etc.

in commercial infant formulas 2.18 Supplementary foods: home versus


3. Dietary Supplement/Nutraceutical and Vegetarianism in Clinical Nutrition 3.1 Fish oil 3.2 Evening primrose oil 3.3 Coconut oil 3.4 Lecithin 3.5 Whey protein 3.6 Garlic 3.7 Glutathione 3.8 Antioxidants - Betacarotene, C, E, Q10,

and others 3.9 Essence of chicken 3.10 Soy peptides, Soy beverages 3.11 Cooking oil - which is the best? 3.12 Amino acids

3.13 Dietary fibers 3.14 Beverages, 3.15 Soy sauce, Fish sauce 3.16 GABA rice 3.17 Vegetarian and macrobiotic foods 3.18 Functional foods and nutraceuticals 3.19 Chemopreventive agents from natural

products 3.20 Herbal nutrition 3.21 Prebiotic and probiotic supplements 3.22 Aging and anti-aging supplements 3.23 Cosmetic nutrition and cosmeceuticals


Important Dates: • Online Abstract Submission open: 15 August 2010 • Abstract Submission Deadline: 05 November 2010 • Acceptance Notification: 05 January 2011 • Early-bird Registration Deadline: 05 March 2011 • Pre-registration Deadline: 03 June 2011 • Conference Dates: 5-9 June 2011

Participants are requested to submit an abstract to the Secretariat together with the registration form and fees. Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate sessions.Authors will be notified regarding Abstract acceptance. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the Book of Abstracts that will be distributed at the Conference. Only a very limited number of abstracts will be scheduled for oral presentation. Please indicate if you are submitting your abstract for oral or poster presentation. Authors will be notified of the method of presentation.

METHOD OF SUBMISSIONAbstracts should be submitted via the internet:

GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION1. The abstract should be as informative as possible: a) state specific object of study c) summarise results obtained b) state method used, if pertinent d) state conclusions reached2. Standard abbreviations may be used.3. Inclusion in the Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts is dependent on payment of registration fees. 4. Abstracts should be submitted in good English. 5. Abstract length should not exceed 300 words.


Abstract Topics:Abstracts will be divided into the designated categories for review and program purposes. Presenters should select one subject category.

1. Clinical nutrition • Nutritional assessment • Enteral Parenteral Nutrition • Critical Care • Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals 2. Hormones, mediators and immunity • Diabetes • Obesity and the metabolic syndrome • Liver and gastrointestinal tract . • Bone Mineral Metabolism • Cardiovascular disease • Hypertension • Renal Disease • Cancer • Rheumatic disease 3. Preventive Nutrition and Chronic Disease • Exercise Prevention Nutrition • Obesity and the metabolic syndrome

• Nutritional Epidemiology • Nutrition and the Environment4. The Life Cycle • Obstetrics and Perinatology • Pediatrics • Developmental Nutrition • Aging5. Nutraceutical and Functional Foods • Functional Foods • Probiotics, Prebiotics • Herbals and Nutraceuticals • Dietary Supplements • Dietary Marketing for Public Health and Safety • Nutritional techniques and formulations • Cosmetic nutrition6. Sports Nutrition7. Genes and nutrition


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Conference VenueThe conference venue is Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC). It sits on Rachadapisek Road, an arterial road running north-south between two of the city’s main east-west thoroughfares - Sukhumvit Road and Rama IV Road. There is already excellent access to Bangkok’s expanding elevated highway system, which strikes east to Suvannabhumi International Airport, as well as south and west over the Rama IX Bridge. The QSNCC is the only city center and has easy accessibility. In addition to many bus routes, you can easily take BTS skytrain or subway station which is right in front of the Center.

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC)60 New Rachadapisek Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : (662) 229-3000 Fax: (662) 229-3001

ClimateThe weather in Bangkok during the month of June is rainy (hot and wet) with average temperatures ranging from lows of 21˚C to highs of 28 ˚C.

ElectricityElectrical outlets are 220 volts, 50 cycles and accept flat-pronged plugs. Adapters are available upon request in most hotels.

Currency The Thai baht is divided into 100 satangs. Paper denominations consist of 1,000- (gray), 500- (purple), 100- (red), 50- (blue), and 20-(green) baht notes. Coins consist of ten-, five-, one-baht disks, as well as 50- and 25-satang brass disks. Foreign currency changers are available at the airport and provide the same rates as in town and better rates than hotels.

ATMs & Credit CardsATMs are available in many public areas. All major establishments accept American Express, Diners Club, Mastercard and Visa cards. Expect a 3 to 5 percent surcharge.

Internet AccessMost hotels now have Internet access either directly from the room if you plug in your laptop, or from their business centre. Charges vary from around 100 Baht for the first 15 minutes with lower charges afterwards. Additional surcharges times apply, so check first. There are also Internet cafes in most shopping areas.

LanguageThe official language of the Conference will be English.

InsuranceWe recommend that all participants take out personal travel and health insurance for their trip

VisasGenerally, a foreign citizen who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Thailand is required to obtain a visa from a Royal Thai Embassy or a Royal Thai Consulate-General. However, nationals of certain countries do not require a visa if they meet visa exemption requirements. Please click here to view the lists of countries with agreements on visa exemption with Thailand. For more information on Visa requirements for Thailand, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kingdom of Thailand website


Letter of InvitationParticipants requiring a formal letter of invitation to enable them to make their arrangements to participate in the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition, may contact the secretariat at [email protected].

Airport Information and Travel to BangkokSuvarnabhumi International Airport is one of the regional air transport hubs in Southeast Asia welcoming several hundred international and domestic flights a day. The airport serves direct flights from most major capitals in Asia Pacific. Various low-cost airlines, including Air Asia, Jetstar, Tiger Airways, and others also operate at Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Please check your travel agent to book your flight.Upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, you have several transportation options to take you from the airport to your hotel. They are: 1. Public Taxi Metered taxis are available one level below the Arrival Hall. There is a 50 baht surcharge on top of the

meter. The trips to the city will cost between 200 – 400 baht (plus highway tolls of 65 baht) and will take about 30 – 40 min. depending on traffic. Please note that passengers will be responsible for paying the toll fees.

2. AOT Limousine Service Additionally, flat-fare limousines are available at the Arrivals Level (2nd floor). The limousines cost

1,000 baht. 3. CityBus The airport operates 4 airport express bus routes to downtown Bangkok. The buses are air-conditioned

with ample luggage space. The fare is 150 baht for the entire route. Passengers can get on the bus on the first floor of the terminal. The four routes are as follows:

Service Destination NotesAirport Express busAE1 Suvarnabhumi Silom Road by expresswayAE2 Suvarnabhumi Khao San Rd. by expresswayAE3 Suvarnabhumi CentralWorld via Sukhumvit Rd.AE4 Suvarnabhumi Hua Lamphong (central Bangkok Railway Station) via Victory

Monument(by expressway)


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A professional exhibition will be held concurrently with the Congress. For details, please contact: E-mail: [email protected]


*Refers to postgraduate, graduate or undergraduate students currently enrolled. Registration form must be accompanied by a letter from their head of department confirming their student’s status.

Fees for DELEGATE and STUDENT include: • Participation in scientific sessions • Entrance to the exhibition • Get-together Reception • The printed material of the Conference

Fees for ACCOMPANYING PERSON include: • One-day city tour • Entrance to the exhibition • Get-together Reception

Cancellation PolicyAll cancellation of registration must be made in writing to the Conference Secretariat. Refund of registration fees will be processed after the conference and schedule of refunds is as follows: • Notification received before 5 February 2011– 100% refund (minus US$ 30 handling fee). • Notification received from 6 February to 5 May 2011 – 50% refund. • No refund on cancellations received after 5 May 2011.


Registration Fees

TYPE EARLY BIRD REGULAR ONSITEUntil 5 Mar 2011 6 Mar – 3 Jun 2011 4 Jun – 9 Jun 2011

International Delegate US$ 400 US$ 450 US$ 500International Student* US$ 250 US$ 300 US$ 350Accompanying Person US$ 200 US$ 200 US$ 200Gala Dinner US$ 40 US$ 40 US$ 40


Kenes Asia is the official housing agent for the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition and will be offering special reduced rates for accommodation. All hotels are accessible from the conference venue via the BTS sky train or MRT. Room rates are on a per night basis in Thai baht, inclusive of breakfast. For a full list of official hotels, please visit

Booking In order to benefit from the special rates, please use one of the following booking methods: • Send the enclosed Registration and Accommodation Form with the required credit card guarantee by

FAX or MAIL at your earliest convenience • Book your hotel accommodation through the congress website:

We strongly advise all participants to reserve their hotel accommodation as soon as possible. Kenes International will not be able to guarantee rooms after 30th May 2011. • Reservations will only be confirmed if credit card details are fully supplied; alternatively please forward

a deposit of 1 night accommodation. • Each participant will receive an individual confirmation, indicating the name and address of the hotel.

The booking will be final upon receipt of the corresponding deposit. • For hotel reservation made by a sponsoring company, the participant will receive the hotel confirmation

from the sponsoring company directly. • For block bookings (10 rooms and up) companies are requested to send their request by fax or e-mail

to Kenes Asia. Different payment and cancellation policies will apply. For more information on hotel accommodations, please contact:

Kenes AsiaRegistration DepartmentTel: +66 2 7487881; Fax: +66 2 7487880E-mail: [email protected]; Website:

PaymentPlease note that your credit card details will be forwarded to your selected hotel to guarantee your hotel booking. No charges will be made until upon check-out.

Cancellation of Accommodation Cancellation received by 2 weeks prior to check-in date – no charges.Cancellation received by less than 2 weeks prior to check-in date – cancellation charge equivalent to 1 night accommodation will be deducted from your credit card.

Important NotesKenes Asia, and their agents shall not be responsible for and shall be exempt from all liability in respect of any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay or inconvenience to any person, or his/her luggage or any other property for any reason whatsoever, for any tourist services provided. Personal travel and health insurance is recommended.

Congress OrganizersPlease do not hesitate to contact the Organizers if you require any additional information or assistance. Please address all correspondence to:

APCCN 2011 Conference Secretariatc/o Kenes Asia2nd Floor, PICO Creative Centre20 Kallang Avenue, Singapore 339411Tel: +65 6292 4706; Fax: +65 6292 4721E-mail: [email protected]; Website:

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