tge oiitat ri a a i rgina suitable i music a i …...t r f fnrlr 1c ft iyif jffrj i nn i i 1a sun fw...

T f r fNrlr 1C ft iyif I nN jffrJ i I 1a SUN fW i J c l QJ3 O I 1 I t 7I 1 i iz4 t I r iJ Zr- ivAn1 = = = CHRISTM- AflJrr V Of 77 ACTORS FllOj- j ri COld CULl WM- rildr him In AVaxlilntclim Ilc Drawn n Tale rnllns a Diagram ji Ilillmlelptila Slorlts of Charles Ilei- j Marie Corrlll niul III Christian Culn- IInrk hark Iho logs baric tho neto- HEC coming to town winw In rags a fe- vJth jags find mmo in silken gown ItfiHii hard s on tlm road con iihM Frew phenomenally uaf early iiB lout August yat o lie litNinl from- Mftnagpr Fred of lioston Is fon or vnutlcvilli it relaxes hid mind nfte of profrsalonnl duties nmon- otjicrs nifusini five tickets to carne iwpilA with hair This Mr Com so HUfOissliilly that it Is of MiiHaacliusftts coi toniplatos ruwHrdlng him next sprtn- wjlh til fjaotCil Codllsli Order of Ind Amiability However it is nc Virtuouis lives iii the Back Hay tim we m most ciorixTUod UU the story v uy Mr Coined of what lie heard yaiide ill theiitro Two things url hi ill highly lioBtoTT Tnihliiiigioii and tlio abolition iitsn forth in tlie bpfeclif of rtViiidoll pip 1110 Vorkrr con tAlns ifelltIojjHarMiiv d la intringuc- he consists In the TrftPentli Ainoiidmunt and thei snubbing tho colored tuna whenever h- blt1 jui Now for tIt i I arid onlei pit it is set lcforft him b- wv wiiitress with t- 1iorr Iie T Uio rie it open tho ile rnd calls ip r i tier n lit f her thechocolate colored Ntiiffinsidi the frOHts1 ordered Wellington pie That is wlit you havo you ITinly who know than rooking- Vli oxclainin nun a light break frig in1 him lint I wanted leortio riot T VaKliingtdn pie Tho wdltrPai fiii nt tho fineness ol he distinction Mr ConvHi rebled that Fiinwill and the lluiilrur Hill Monument this was rp- plauded When he told it in Philadeltilii- iiiowas Jnndly nsktnl hiit Is Wash J Irrgtftrt io anti th n he was forced to tx i l o Iro t 11 his fam us fabln f Mcrv- j nl her Pittsii rg 1iinb I j J So i t das Lfltn i tho wine of Iicnk- eileinfls play r cently produced al the New Thwitrei iii Herlin Xotwlthf landing ho Sudnrmnnn ntul modern title of thi pieco occurs in Inibria in thtj- SVtebnjh century It is wild to bun Thu performance of fharlos Hpndes- Scver Too Lito to Mood in London U rcviviiiR many leininiicences of the Kiftud irriialile litigationlov- ing writer Onc the rnoinl crs of the stock Iompany at the Ailflphi assembled 10 inop- tlr Every one in Sunday gotomeeting Tho told an actor that he would be required- to over tho stage and crick a mirror a hatchet The actor demurred cant you asked Rcado in a huninr Ive got mv clothes on the man Tim doesnt mailer You do as I tell you and Ill Imv a new Miit Ho did The Era declares that Kendo waI in the habit of bringlnt to the tlicatiobnc bottle full of milk and another containing cham Ho Invnrinbly drunk the milk hut oddly enough the he never carried It with him Vns th f wino bottle his mascot The Austrian stage seem to furnish Wcrtilts for tociety Ellen Franz married Oeorge II relgnlns Duke of SaxoMein- Itgonr Natalia Krasslni Eschorn is the wife Eiriest of VilrtemterR Marie Renard arid Ilka Palmnyo married two brothers the Counts Anna Dirkens- is Baroness Hnmmeivieln Stella Hohen fels the farpoiw Monrn anna is the wife Baron AWed von Berger playwright and director of the Hamburger uaus Both the latter actresses are still on thc boards anti still captivating their admirers with their Verily the Btage 1 tho rejuvenating cradle for old ladies who hnvo forgotten their birth dny It Is said that Mnrio Corelli sent the farthing awarded her by tho jury In the StrafordurionrAvon libel case to her boat friend and admirer Mr Hall CalM The great Zlonisio plft wrifht on receiving the coin wired Marie Hils laconic Thanks awfully Hn signed Chris ian Corelli not to be outdone in or repartEe Immediately wired bak I dont it now Mr Caino is wondering whero the laugh comes in when he shows the At gossip has spread his tale of 6 mere i ben Parrifnto which means isnt a lie it is anyhow possible Ludwig Fuldas lates play is culled velliv dAndren It is in four acts and as Jirodiiced Kov 21 last at the Hofburg The scene In the four- teenth century is laid in Bologna As the play Is of value and now duo with another work 7 WXTjlLfY IT l KllAlt f hhrotliy Vernon Too Cny Wllli Kojalty- UII1 Have to lie Pruned J F limmormnn Jr got word from Ixmdon yesterday that the Lord permit tho acting of Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall anywhere In the Times dominions unless certain passages 1 Ver 6xpurgatexl Vernon io the play in which Is now appearing at the New York Tlieatro It Is upon Charles Majors novel of the Nime d ls with Qiren Elizabotht pursuit of Inrv Queen of Scot i the is the Lord Chamberlain objects Minn touching on and iipperUiinlng to Mr Ximmortnan has sold thn English rights to ho play to Julia antI up to them to tone it down Altn Ol TItllS EGIEKttlGt- w VorKl Jl 0 Wllli Cars Ilimnlnc Already tlcliirril In Ilramii The dratnatlsU of Hiooklyn cant wait for th slowcohtractorp to finish the Itnpld Transit subway before Introducing it aa a part ot t ie realism of n bellowdraina t ographs across tho Bridge nd Jtha old fniqiiir hutnan chain of heroe- sxtButinatwd duugling over tho of a latest thing chains Is hanging u ttk pJof of trinB is about IT snath from tlio rails clicolld Anti tho oiiruehliiK car Is nt the of sixteen mlni- jtiV froin the Bstt ry to harlem MUl Sell Arailrmy Site i The directors of the Brooklyn Academy ofMiulc have decided by a vote of IS to 3 In favor of selling the site of the old build which was recently burned don to he highest minimum price to At ia lreIT vt JIUI efllUO Olrcles that tin projerty will luring 7l yK I I II- if I HOI cary 18 t rumored I lti l pdt nt told al- t d G I on o I I 1 rWt o IP I J Ih told h 1 into a 11 I cl t more t i I Hal i I ery t tie I i I I I I ht will heM I i Mt 2 I J Kink O I I resale tle len nOt o I C1 probably It In Ir Itarrie I ton PIth lit Inc r are of 1e H j i pcrlonnanto now running nti from lit o and hro at the end of the fIn UrnokI II J In 4 TGE OIITAT j t OIl J Iii 1 Com e I lt tam lori I Coniionwtttft Ii t n it i 10 fea- MirI if 1 Cii t h lit 110 I OIl t tit lit rid Emern ole Ii I lie wait lcr i wins I t 4 rep li I ii t ri ou I Jfl it ho t fun Iornio ri- ji 4 Si I 11u ot iou ii mug 11 iguuicioit i uns t I k Oil 4 1 f s I 4 2 go some dIltIe4fMnt year Chamber- lain onhtht I 7 l k I ttth r J L ttisiag it show tie mate aftnOO > > > < ¬ > ¬ < > ¬ < THE KNEISEL QUARTET Some Weird New Ssass by Loemer at I Second Concert The Knelsol Quartet elected to give hearing at It second concert in McndeUsol Hall last night to some curious now son by Charles Martin Looffler who used sit lunlde Mr Knolsel In the Boston Syn- phony Orchestra Those who keep th run of musical dinga know that Mr Loefll- is an ardent admirer of the Gallic verso today and that his fancy revels In tl weird Imaginings of Vcrlauio and his lyr nncunlor Baudelaire It Is a wonder this composer has not fallen upon bizarre poems of Frank Saltus But he feuls that tho thin veil of tho Frond language gives assurance to poor modesty If womust sing to ladles with eyes of gol and onyx eyoa with Lethe and tho slmdov of thin Styx In thorn as Verlalne paint them then let us have tho music of Loefflc which breathes tho atmosplier of these strained fancloA The songs hoar lait night were three with piano accompanl- ment Tlmi ro and Los Paons and two others with piano viol La Cloche foliiu fjtreniule The hat Is still In manuscript but it is altogether safe to aay that not long a liixt of the first la bv Gus tao Kuhn that of the fourth by Dnude lalre and that of the last by M- iIoelllers itiugio is uncommon U tUtu strokes of masterly originality as in closing pour i genuine Inspiration a so an to go straight to the heart Again all of the of songs ehowi refinement of artistic details The study of atmospheric effects in their is is out to miniature thin Incomes at timci almost Intangible Musically the songi tire diabolically troublesome They roan through remote tonalities they ii harmonic thought clambM through Intervals to the ill tellect hut defy thn ear they rack the common melodic Hn but strain III every bar for meaniiijs anti subilrt suggestions too not successful but frequently buy are tine thing is nl so that is thut follow no mans path with humble servitude They are own thought When rise to such of anti evanescent mood painting as in the Li cloche are very well worth whilu Tho Serenade Is easier to It is not so far removed from the idiom of serenades of the devilish mood that it does not old thoughts and familiar forms of expression yet it uncommon and Loeflleresnuo to core All of those songs were sung with Suan- Mttcalfp the Intervals almost dolled her keen conception The accom- paniments were bv anti him himself performed the viola with beauti tone The InVniMienal the concert were Moans D minor quartet Helm bens rjtmrtct Schu mini ilano iiilntol It is almost un tier esary to say that the members fiuaive1 Ihnir duties with their ciiscimarv zeal and musical skill Mr Clebhard played the piano part in the Schumann number Ho was in the lilt two nnvemenM in which Ids touch was like- IHve amid in which 1m kept tho piano in ITPC relaion io in riiiipivn In the third and fourth move Mens was somewhat too generous n the mater of tone hut throughout ipuslunlly anti wlh chnrminB nunnc- nu lie i acrreeable ncfjuaintance- md should bo heard again i si FA i n Kit KA itsin to See time Opera Including Many Society the stage nnd the clergy were represented ut the dross rehearsal of Par ifnl held yesterday at tho Metropolitan House The rehearsal was in every but the allotment of two roles ho same as the representation to be given n Christmas tWO Mine Ternina did not- ing Kundry but watched her understudy larion Weed from an orchestra chair indrcas Dlppel who is to nltcrnato as arfifal with Herr Burgftaller sang for ho sake of having a complete dress ro- iearf al For the second time in the of the tickets were required for the re learsnl That has onoo before gnaco Pnderowskl insisted on tickets when ila opera Mnnru was here thrco the audience was about two hundred persons were Among the singers at the rehearsal were tImes Walker Olive Fremstad Louise Homer Signor cotti Signor with four children all the filters cousins and untb of the school who he balcony Among the usual subscribers o the wore Mrs Herman Leroy immet Miss Eloise Brecse George haven and half a dozen owners of parterre Daniel Frohman and David Bolasco represented thin theatrical contingent Both tlio Maxine Elliott beamingly beautiful re naitieil in the a short least wore ranged from Homan Catholics to- n interesting Oriental scholar Before tho acts the Parsifal motive was played by in the lobbies the first act Mr Conned erved a luncheon in the foyer to his guests close of the was per formed without a weak he was over vhelmed with congratulations Alexander Lamtjert gave a dinner last night in honor of About rf rsons were including veral known local musicians a of men singers of the opera company nisurKn onincAi- lnser Drnlrs That Slip lies AnythliiR to Do Wltli the Norillca Scholarship PHILADELPHIA Dec 22 Mme Lillian sordica has denied that she ever gave or ntends to give any money toward the Lillian Xordlcu Scholarship for the voice f npplicnnts which fiiaooml Minkowskl las been trying in different parts of the xiuntry Minkowski almost in tears over her action asserted today that a mistake had hen made It is charged that Minowski has made it mown thai Mme Vordicn would bear tho of tuition for any girl whose voico vas of such quality as to warrant its alion for Ho tried applicants In every city in the Them vas something lacking Many al- nost reached the nnd ovski oilered to take ns pupils for a reoom louise Gertrude lIned Wallen of 2015 Chestnut itreet one of the applicants became in luisitive Sho wrote to Nordica and his answer Mme Nordica wishes me to write and that tho prize Is simply named the fordioa She hits to do with tho lestowal of It Very truly A 0 secretary Minkowokl insisted today tad commissioned him to such a voice nd was paying him for his trouble and ould of pupils debut It is cruel that tho public think hat I Glacomi should do civo ho said Xewi of Pluyi and Pla rrs Herbert Standing the father of Guy Handing is to in Cundld- nt tho Madison Square Theatre The part written for Mr Standing nnd It watt Intended that ho have in the production tie is now in this country In Thn ShubertH have parted company with tubr y BoucicwiU been Hi time road a I I that I the maybe I eu and the e r Hub lIrflctJ Tho I tlrnn o fel o I b Ihou h i I of I dl I I inlh the I utum 200 Titers flint Opera re peel house larger uis I boxes At twenl on B At thlrl Hnt numu tsr the I itt I COli lit r alI1 lill I r I 11 tb play Rargcsn vas Lon- don i for t lurs I 10 moot o nl iliii 4 iflUltut all d riu et d sun to t hut itly t t s them numnh rs untimi iSi itch t of- t he W lilt ivnan Ir om i il ad I Chmrg t julie 5ucEn ¬ ¬ > > < < > > ° DASH means any- thing from one drop fifty See the advantage of mix ing cocktails in quantity where every proportion is exact GOLD LION Cocktails ready to ice never vary GOLD LION CocktailsSeven- klndi Vermouth Whiskey Tom Gin and the American Of good wine merchants The Cook Bernhtmer Co KLIXAIIKTII COOIKIl Sister of ChlcaKo Merchant Thrown Froti a Carriage In Cnlirornla POMONA Cal Dec 2 Miss Cooper sister of Henry Cooper of Siege Cooper A Co of Chicago was killed her today In a runaway accident She and he brother Clwrleis tiara been living near hero They started to drive to Pomona to bu Christmas gifts Vhllo drlvlnj Into Pomona tho hors took fright nt near munch whirled about Mi Cooper was thrown upon tho ground Miss Cooper wan hurled npniiwt a tree Mr Cooper escnpod with only flesh vroundt Miss Cooper WitS picked up unconscious Her skull had been fractured She lIed only three hours Miss Cooper was 51 years old SItu wa wealthy mind wns well known in Chlcngi for her charities Giniios siits iiirnin Text or he Mosaic Iii Oovtiin tenets nnd lo till Cardinals BAITIMOHE Dec S2 Following mIre the messages sent out by Cnrdiniyl Gibbons tho CnrdlnuU find Kings and Queen of Catholic faith Those sent to crownc heads read tpon the approach of tile nativity o our Divino Saviour it ismy duty lo wisl your Most Catholic Majesty nil ProsPeritY niui nt thin same time to offer most fervent prayers to time Most High that ho mav down upon every grace and ill for time true of your kingdom it please your Majesty to nccepl- this wish I offer with time sentiments of homage in whiel I have tIme honor lo declare witli most profound respect messages to Cardinals total time Recurrence of Feast of thin Nativity return of the New Year I your Kiiinence lo be pleased to re- ceive wishes for your amid for every Messing from Saviour which I with nil heart Most humbly kissing your hand I have tin1 to m of MISS tSILLKSIIKS MtRDKH Her Twin llrothrr a sisfrr end Two Others of the Family ImlletnlH- ISINO Sus Ind Dec 22Four Indict treats wcre retuniid this afternoon by the Grand Jury in connection with tIme nsaisii- ml Ion of Miss Elizabeth Ullospiu u wealthy and retlned young woman shot down ihrough n window in her own home on the evening of Dee 8 The persons- ire lames twin brother victim for first degree murder lint us apces Mrs Itelle sisier of the vir- im Cnrrio Bnrlium sisterinlaw mil Myron Biirhnm her husband prisoners were brought to the court house photographer who was Inking n and were sent to at once hut Mrs Biirham rind Mrs Seward were released on 1000- bomlscach the formers bond signed jv tie president sf the Biril In which Barhnm nets assistant cashier STOLE THICK AMI Thin londicl Stolen fJoods on Stolen UiiRtin lint Hats taught IMward Porcher who says he lives a 8 Sands street Brorklyn saw n newspaper delivery truck in Frankfort near William sreef yesterday afternoon Porcher climbed to teat drove off lown Frankfurt strew and turned Into eurl Btree Af 400 Pearl street is a small store in front of which stood n barrel of sugar Ponlier promptly drove to tho curb backed team and loaded the sugar on thu truck Then h drove ownv- He hadnt far when the los of the iticar was discovered and time owner lifter it Others joined in oluiKe and orcher to nml took his heels He ran several blocks wih he crowd following antI was finally caught- a Fraukfor and Gold streos Prcher had out of by promising tho Matjisiran to- go to work rniji HKUKV KHCKIH inr lumps Ills Iliad In III Stase trail In Till Sacrament if Judas Kyrle Bellow sprained hi back and wa knocked unconscious last night In his fnll it tho end of The Sacrament of Judas the onenet play which precedes Itafllos- it the Princess Theatre In his fnll his shoulder struck one of the steps arid went over on his head Stage Frank Melormnck went efore curtain nnd said Mr BIllow is imconreloiis Is there H doctor In the iiiriience Dr Frederick N Wil on of 100 AVost tort h si rret r ind the actor continued the performance ifRnflle The physician went to SftVVK AlhlMS SMI- So loin Her Sick Hiistiunl In Iuropr lll Man llctiinilns Here Su7Jinne Adorns returns today to Europe Her husband Zoo Stoma tho cell t is very ill there and she goes to oin him Lillian Blauvell is tier to arrive hero n concert tour in England will sin- n concerts here until April when shin will oturn to London to appear in opera at- ovcnt Garden It is not he nt the Metropolitan Oporu louse us rovr n irii iiu iv itKATn- n Knife Chief rr lime niin1 nil- o the llnppy llnntliiR rounds GCTHRIE Oldn Dec Z2 No Knife hief of the Poncn Indians and their leade- rn ninny battles against the Sioux died ostcrday at his home on tho Ibis dArc n the Just before he asked that his favorite pony o killed a he wished it to accompany to time happy hunting oncns on the of No Knifes math the pony dropped dead wvYBK iv GHKEini- In Howard Cionlds Kuests at thin Mnldorf- Aln In a Mlmle IVomllnml Mrs Howard Gould gave n Christmas inner last night in the East room nt the ValdorfAstoria which was decorated to rnltnte n woodland srene Tho walls w ro- ranceuUxl with Christmas tr CS coverixi- vith artificial snow amid icicles and nislletoo hid and chandelier nnd- ho round table was covered with Christ mil bosoms Th n w to IW o II 7U lIP I I and I help i 1110 I t01l I lie lii 111 c i indicted i satins h a linap ji1lo pllJ Ietnt W AIl s rEfl In rcecn one oI to theclut lllf p age II I P l ell I Tllh1 ho i ho from lone Po rica his him I Hall I t A LI Martini KILL t Cal immullo I lie t oe i hiemi being mind casimer st orating art lit of- t tim I ice I t lit il xvi lhlniut ill hiesernt ion iuumypevgiiu- tMt ¬ > < < < ¼ BUSY BREEDING REVOLUTIONS rAtTioxs FlU THE LI- TLK HOTEL ML HO Tile Morale Men Who linn San Donilnii und the Jlmrnr Men Hunl lln- Hendniisrlrri There and till Air UThlc- Wllli Mystery An Appeal to These bo prosperous days for the Hoti Muro In Fourteenth ttrcet Tl Hotel Muro s the SpunUliAtnerlcun rev lutlon factory In Now York San revolutions nro tho specialty there jut now The Jimenez faction which wu hit Dominican Government yesterday an hopes to be thu Goveniment again meets In tho front pulur Th- Jlorales faction which la tIme Govorrmer today and hopes to Imng on for a whIU has consultations In time next parlor Th keyhole folding doom between i plugged with paper from both skies Seftor Galvnn who Is thtj coinijrato of time Jimenez conspiracy Is In the oitj how He suldoin leaves time hotel but when callers go to coo him who lave rc tho Jimenez pasaword they invarlnb find Ural huts out In time lobby of the hotel aro outposts Spies and lookouts of boh factions Thej are studiously oblivious of each others allegiance Each tries politely to malci- tho other think that the appearance ol Inek of Intercut In the affairs of tho olhor party is mutual But when the clerk soy to the caller Sorter Galvan he is out the members of time opposition tho Moralei tang laugh In their sleevew and say mock- Ingly Ah time Sartor Galvan lint let the caller musk for Setior Yillalui Time clerk smiles blandly find wiys I think he is not here But I will see- The boil boy takes a long ami elnborat In the is supposed lo understand und which run- about us follows Tell Sefior Villalon that an unfumilin person smoking an American cigar of sotm who ban a mysterious eye and Ii tOut visibly armed appears not friend and may be a spy a do- lective agency is here nnd represents him- self as n for Sol Ilio bellboy comes buck and wilh imjier ountenanco says SeiVir Villalon he out And tho Galvnn sympathizers antI look- outs in the raise and show their teeth to Olin another murmur Hn The Senor Villulon ho Ii out Meanwhile tin ronspirncie hum nnd buzz In the two parlors Messengers COIIM from downtown consulates of tht other Central countries Mes- sengers come from Hotel America other revolution nest There cure oiliei- mevseiigers who havo merely walkcci around tilt block to nir their Just how Important and weighty sortie ol these Ideas ire may thf- irrand of Seilor to District Attoniej nt tlie Criminal Courts Building joiiio few weeks ago It was during an interval when the Gal van was ths Dominican Govern men Sciior Gnlvnn called the iiiosl- lionorablo amid learned and philanthropic District Attorney and Jerome greatest antI most wonderful political opportunity of hi life Mr ws nt time lo convlno his fellow citizens that Mr Low would not be an irresistibly candi date for the Mayoralty Sefior Mr Jerome bf lucId before him an to be the savior of the liberties of Santo How asked Mr Jerome By seizing rill thn in the hound for South American and Central American and taking from them all arm intended for the Morales revolutionists It wan a sImple matter said Soft or Gnlvnn and ianto DomlnKO would always venerate time nnmo of Jerome for the he Mr Jerome was cold to tIme opportunity and insisted that time United States Attorney wns tIme man for Mr Galva- no seo others who are cursed to lay in the conspiracies III the front parlor- if the Muros Ulllinm Jerome In the back nar or the Villalon contingent who somehow icard of the Mr Jnrome- is a man of true Maieomaimh- ipovr nivr viir YORK GIRLS Inrmon hutch Denies Thai Mls lonarl- rIrce Them to io lo Ilah SALT LAKE nah Dec 22 Tlie Mormon inure mithoritie1 have issued this state President Smith has given special in itructions to all presidents of omissions to Insist that all missionaries be counseled over to urge converts to come to Utah Time tales that aro brought here of mis ionarles urging converts to leave their monies families anti friends are untrue nd are reeking masses of falsehood tumid abricatlon This refers to the charge lint New York irls art being urged to come here The ninisters of resolu- lons cnlllng Eastern ministers to their aid n the statement of Apostle Woodruff that tho Christian heir own children The resolutions open ilth The Salt Lake Ministers AiHociaUon ho vnrioust Protestant de nominations of this city and vicinity would lereby nail the attenliou of American both Eat and Vest to ihe kind of that is proclaimed in till Mormon in higher officials n the name of religion mis ionarles aro over time countrv for hristian recognition It is list such incendiary talk ns stirs iji the hoodlums In various Mormon coni to disturb the religious services u ifto Christinn flmrclie- sirncii non itntttin OF isionnl- ashlnclen Man Toiuliril by Trnvclllni nt imicll IIUUls OMAHA Neb De 22Jud illiam- recumseh Shonnnn Doyle general counsel- or time Comiolldned liallwnys of Washington 1 I was robbed of y a Paviflo Const ust night Soon after lakin the train a CJiicngo- esterdny morning Mr Doyle got into onversntion with an old gentleman who the sntne soa Lier to pass lie time a gaino rf whist was proposed ml two omen in time next s a nvied to join Snveral hour were passed and thn very LaT nlqht PII Council ns tho piiry left car for n shot the lie corridor four man got Into a laughed among over It When out Mr Doylo dU- avered tlc his threo friends were not on- cnrd Tlien lie discovered time host t f Ids ockeflxok rrinembered Iho luruemn- i the corridor The jiclieo were no foil failed to swiire u due Mr Doyle ft fort h Pacific Oar nprnlnr TOOT TOOOT Mud hy llntr ihr Health Hoard Snjs- nf a llriuix Mill WldMlr Time Tremont Silk MilU in Itlner place i The Bronx cant blow their whistle any must gut n new whUtlo hich make half nw munich nouo us thnt- rcd now People around ittner that they cannot ttand filCh racket the present whittle makes The ercrs to the Board of Icnlth and thud body sent on- loottt to investigated ntil their fnrdrums ached nnounpwl that n whistle with half time present one would do for tner place mil hue JtlJu ito rome Wllt Domingo to- morrow boss lie itl oU not lolh and Aiumet loan own this popular aan v I I prop wlril i St roe SIOOO romufiderco men on t I i par wali on n and i hut t Lb Too more HI UII or intFtI nlt I tnont born j fl I iflcsiu gui Sia iii shu Vii ci vlsi tom U- be er 1 I lie I lit gum omit Jet oman u iomm ut siih su limit bor I imcnt it till nh iruia nits t sCum iCrtXI b t lus icu n mitts uule its ere lay y heLa C lU his nit 1ied tim Wiuilouassing tIrcuu I hme t nod rho < > > < < < RGINA MUSIC BOX SUITABLE A CHRISTMAS GIFT One Dollar Dom Balance EasyPaymems Siegel Cooper Co FrcdkLoescrGTCo Isfe Furst MANHATTAN BRqpXLYN NEWAR JERSEY CITY 1 A A noJP OfMuSIC Hahne fJCo I a I 1ci t- DelEeDietine or9we Co- Ir UiUl J < BANKS MONEY IN SPECUL- ATEs cArsE A ificKiri T- HE AiiorTinH- lfe nf time Late Huasrl Says Thnt time ltllcer of the IVIiitllinn- Cnimty Nallnnal HanU Used time Mine of HIP Instltiitliui In JJuy Nloek- HutTFono Conn tee 2Upoi application of Mrs S Hunwll of Kl- lllngly wife of the late Congressman Charle A Hussell Judge of this Superior Court today appointed a temporary re- reiver for tle Wlndhnm County Nntiona- Umk of DnrJeKou All parties in interes consented to lIst appointment bill thn of- ficer of the batik deny limo allegation of speculating with the fuidu of lle bitj- as charged in tho ccmplaiiit A hearing on the appointment of a per- manent receiver will como before Judgi- Gnger on Jan II In the complaint it i chnrgrd that Comfort B Burllngame president of Iho bunk Charles P Backus- ho cashier and James Perkins John A Piiino anti Albert Putnam directors formed a syndicate in isoa to speculate III stock upon borrowed money und that toni money of tho hunk to a considerable extent later it is said other partnerships or syndi- cates were formed and monte of the bank speculations on the whole were un said oflicers directors of time bank con- spired together to borrow1 of said han Hums of to meet the neces sitieri of speculation arranging not with difTerent makers so ns dlfll with th liank examiner Itt asni itH that tie nmounti still owen the bank by t e or some of tlem a large sum which tho believes to exceed tio amount ot tho capita stock of the bank It is the complaint alleges CUll those him sums from other in htititions Tim lawyers for tIC opposing parties hud a bug this this afternoon while Judme Gager waited nnd it was that Joseph P- Tuttlp fity Attorney of Judge so ordered and he also issued HI that no money bo paid out UK bank tmlil on the per- manent receivership next month owns tn of the capital tock of time bank F0 If V WHEAT LEV HlUir- ormanont llo ldenls Hide n Paek of Hound HEMPSTKAD L I Dec number- of residents of this and adjoining town ships hind a fox hunt OWl time Whoatley Hills today behind a pack of fourteen foxhounds which time young men who took part in tho hunt recently brought from Kentucky Samuel Velsor the fluster of the hounds riding lied Cloud a Kentucky horse after several failures drove a fox from cover It proved an old hand nt the game of hide nnd seek for after leading tho riders a merry eloise for term miles nnd being nearly caught by the pack it finally managed to fluid shelter III a hole under a large tree There was a large find of hunters at thn hut tho pnco proved BO fast that a numrxT dropped out nfter riding seven allies If the ground is not frozm too hard on fhristmnsDay tImer will l another hunt There was also a meet of the Meadow Brook Hunt yesterday ovum the Plains A fox was driven from cover but is in the cnsr of time other hunt ho escaped DO NOT FORGET those boxes o CANDIES fcr Xmas Presents BOUND TO PLEASE EVERYBODY 813 BROADWAY Bal I7tti 18th Sts 500 FIFTH AVENUE at 421 Streii 21 WEST 42D ST near 5th to 150 BROADWAY Cor St 458 FULTON St 335337 FULTON St- All time Latest Domestic and Imported Novelties in Baskets Boxes Etc Place your orders to In sura prompt delivery CANDIES tent e cf here by Kail or Enpre- asIlllllf ATKINS HENRY MALK- ANI SVlllam Street tlnnovcr in Squcrci- n nur hnltila wrlnhii In ii Imnlis e idcnt Ihrin still lurlhrr unrt we ticllrvr n vmlily nnd rnnlriiuM thij nn- hGmiMv wurth your Itupirilun- A IKW lUIIUAINS AMllNl MAX Illiliaitl llunllrq llauN Maslcnilrrcj in- IKlnr LI Tm Klnes luck- liflTi lie Thr IJiii and thr Cnlmni H vols full limp murcKro dim mn rim tronusplcits Iuli- I MW lift Our prlrr S Ci- InmnUA Vnrrlrna HHP l ilin IIMh Crniurv 1 Iiaropli toir il frnnihpiiio and rliih rilt top Iub el- 3in tOur inn i lo- lilrhard jnir liy llnuitpn S hmbrrlmn iiliotoiraviri iTllntvp noklrall- cstp8o al nri tl7- 0ir Midi nprrwntatlnn nf- rry branch nlllirtMurr In ull stylrs anti linillnis innuy rxp ti bjoWmcn will LIVI snu rxn lint fIr rnial itiiP5 ffti on rnu M MMIimttsr- uiiiiitlv iillid oiKN IVIMGS i COllltrr mall I the Ell a lager Gild n 1 cult 0111 o IIncl Pr flllnll 11 hut ho rceelter Tho OI fr b r UUJ ell to 1 lit IIlk 22A II hart Hemp tpad H hh h Lib rly ROO LYN I I I I I rnhun JM itrbait U I them 1 I Z rl lnla mall rltIlIH fllO 0 A Our I fit those sit Id t ntif TJ n I lit lImo lisvnuu nit s iii ii rtnr ls loru lime to say flU iou I it tm tu turin st Tile < < < ¬ < > = < < = AAMKK1irNTS ASIlSEJIENTS I vv u i NEW YORK LEADING THEATRES EJVJ PI RE Wi h a- IHAKI I riKUIMAX Maiia- KiAsr rruo WKKKN SIViIVIi MKH VIUIlS WAV- CHAHlrS prcsoiitA MAUD ADAMS In lr rraiiri llndiMin Diirnttrs THcPBETTY SISTER OF JOS Aii M i irway BI ICW LJOCUM Mni at HIII I VM Uarl I Irohman Manage nil Tin 1C I IIKCITAIS OX WAMNKI- CHi Ut ofKKAH M6nclayt AThursdays Jn- iiflfii at aW Hriilnirolil 0C1 mar Siisred iolterdammcnmit- i stru II in ClnrcrtuiiJ onera Arlisl- spccal IBn lat iomiilnei al II A M iRH ni imand al Dllsii- nrKITfiiinM TiiKVfKK irwoy iiih legs fra jjut Sat 21- C1IHIIS Manage iTKA MATINKK FHIOAV- CIIAIILKS K1IOHMAX prewnus WM FAVERSHAM la hl Greatesl SIKCCM LORD AND LADY ALG Ilcc1 ID Annum Thomas Xtvr May TIlE OTIIKII rini THKATKI v A o io- CIIAIILEK FHO1IMAV presentii MME CHARLOHE WIEHE and French Company In time Parisian Sfisutt JE NE SAIS QUOI- Kvciiluili at 8- I NEW AMSTERDAM M West nf It LAW ErLANOKK KLAW c KKIAXllKKS lirralcat- I Mother Goose i Ejtra Holiday Millnrci XmasA New Voars- WFW 44th tats Sis YUKK KlA VKRLAX KR Ms- rsBERTHA Matlnrri 4 SM TWO WlKKS MOHB JUICES 60 100 150 HAIIflC Uway aotb SR At 1115 t UHLI 9 LAST WEEK A Japanese Nightingale NiT NEW YEARS WEEK ONLY ITIIK1 UARRYMORB In COUSIV KATK- THKATKE Ml 4 fiMray Eves al SM Mat Sat at StJ FRITZI rvn iFRANK OANIEtS Mats Xmas 4 Sat In Thr OITlce Hoy- SinTKOPOLITAV OPEK4 IIOIS- Elirn 1 opera Season inonlnni- Indfr dirritlon of Mr Helnrlrh IVmrld TIIAVIATA SeinbrlrhCaruso Seoul riarA Conductor Vluna- Touiorro Al G oYIoik P 1 prprl lr First parformanit uf PAIISIKAU- Trrnlna Durcalalltr Van Hony Illaw fioili idebuti Jojrnrl Conductor lirrtz- Fll line M nt S AIIIA iadsUI Valkrr- raru o Plancon Srotll Muhlmann Conductnr- VUna Sat Mat DfP at 2TAXXHAEfSEH Trr ulna Fremstad Krauss Van Obey IUuton MuSh mann Conductor Moill Sat Her M at f Pop Prlccm CAVAL- IEHIA anti Gadskl- Horacr Campanatl Sosard Seoul Bats Ciiiardanassl Cunduclor Vlgiia Sun Eng rice 27 at nrlrpj- 1IITH SUNDAY XlfillT Conductor Mr Kellt Motll Mon rVg Dec 2S at ftIXDIIRVGRIN Tfr- nlni Walker Krauss Van Ilooy DlaM Muhlmaon Conductor Matt Wed Eve Dec 3C at BAUIA Oadskl Walker Caruu Cainpanarl iluhlraann Con ducior Vlena Thurs Dec 31 at R oclock precisely Second performance of IAKSIFAI Is the same as on Irl live inn I at S II III SIV1G- KIA sembrlcb UlppcICanipaaarlJuurnci Howl Conjiulor Sd its A sih PAItSlIAl Perlornmnces Thursday PIANOS USED RVIMi IMAIT THKATIIi Every Eve l 0 MOVNA VAX A Chlldims Mats ol 2 f Comintnci Ute 2 Afcheubrord- lAiti iK VVVk N Y SYMPHONY EUiKjor ORCHESTRA ssx wiLTIUeiyOSCI1l- lXnMMi SLMIAV 3 AT l I SI ale of Subscription Tickets oprns Tnun rice 24- il CarmUie Hall A Ion 5 CimerrU Season- jSuliirrlptlnn Prlc ldtl 11111 2011 12- 3lirl llrctlioven ft V tner lroirrammr TIIKATUE tmUtl Ijrih si and Sub Ave Mr HKMIU M SAV A UK niters GRAND OPERA E lidS Xnins Thues Sal OTHKllol- o night Ill Kv SH Mum CAHMUX vest II mcricsin Mat Tnrt v M ft rOt WKEK IK ritiT sttrcKs OUR NEW MINISTER ITIIA Hwav lJ rflthSI Today SAI al 2 vita Xmav KrSN Maw nc I III iw rl hull in I Irpfcnts lo CiillilrrnMXlrn Molt MCKrltltdCKKIC Thfslrr KwB 4 3SUi s- ryuilncs S llurp Mats Xmas 215 i tin ilciic for Christmas pciforinnnrKs ANA A NAIOLIIO- V1ARLEA I5VB Mats Xm Day r0 IHSIIT THAT FAILED 5URTIG SEAMONS- I V Olraril t Oardnrr MM- liHA V O Muslnl innnont i Ic7 I llltl TWAS MATIMU IHIIIAV WEBER K FIELDS JJJf Ivy y TnrvASai I IliUUpUJSUJJ IXTKA CjllCiMlii I A V CLtMOOVJxma 4 Sat IIKNUIKTTA ln AVID new play nUornHn Krrry hSlj fir 3d Avc itt WIO AVII ii cKvr i ipunis COMEDY 4 niui uinns uts WIL IAMS LA nriiii ntAvciii OTIIKIIS- LniiRb niul tin Morlil lauclii with ion vl linn l ln i hji joa r fr Mine nu go- Ii IK lor liouv NEW cr- I I Ill 8 Sat iuiit Jun1 LET t It II eltltl Jan ii FIIOIII VAUDEVILLE I 1 at I ok Sri DOROTHY GAL LAN 0 flits mao I II gEl BROADWAY hat SCHEff LAIT3n RI 6 Jan 7 tO ZI I t lIE II uuilici i1 I c IA WEST I lIar 11I J AJE s lAND Xmra A h i ors t Sol i gill In IA ISIII- Fa u OPERA G FICTIW lit ELLIOTT H use Till link Ir t- c snot nil ItT S FET PAST LOI c u luri cmmull ruiN M sic s itt itt 5 Iii Iii tim titS 51 lutTOIAY em twit Imanagoni 0 VERNONOF HA000N HALL weilc Saturdays in IIAIIETrr Laut 3 eek- sV I TO NIGim IlL 5 s3 lop itammcoui rit arm mmr Mat i nIle ru routs 5 Vtck tAm sr ram 1ximuu tI iidtifleimtar- I U tinetimnlng 4 2 tt- up SOmunit ii Ttluunui- mhIi Xi st sit EOBEITSON I n 0 5ttu I 3 I < > > > < > > < > ° < > > > > > > < < > sn THIIATKL uway 4 soib sw tlcnHLU SUI inrp Mst j10 Mauase- rijvTiiA IIATIME FICIIIAY- CHAHLIIS IKUMMAN is IjVC RDES- 1resent llif C inedy slit SJuMc THE GIRL FROM KAYS With enormous Cast Inchidln 4 ft s nr iiway nUUoUIN fve sao Stat Xmos sat HUNRV II HAllltls Manager MARIE EIV8PEST nnil her London Cotnelndlnn ADA IKUKAK aunt UllUKUT littlE In TIlE MARRIAGE OF KITTY Slats Neil Wcilt Wed New Year i CHARttS IllOHMAN Manager MOHT- PXTRA MATIVKE FHIUAV- CHAKLKS 1UClllMAN A London Company Three Little Maids iicr KiKAvrn nnnsox- 5AVHV TIIKATMIi i r l Bway dai Mats VMS CIIAIILKS FHUHMAX MATIXKIW TODAY FRI SAT MAXINE ELLIOTT IIFlt OWN WAY lire 1H VltcllS GLAD OK IT riAPPlirU THEATHK SilhSt 4 Dway Evs 82i Mats 215 CHAHLKS FKOHMAV Manager SIATIEI TO1 Illl SAT CIIAIILRS IUOHMAV prewntu unit rlhur Jones best WHITEWASHING JULIA tilth FAY IIAVIS PROCTOR S Tonight Res ISc- i CnntlnnoiM Taude Nichols s S MM25 othet ALABAMA flit stock Cast Continuous vaude DesfittedT Wrn1- UQIIIOI Man Von Wed Ttiurs srEtTAL MATIMI XJIAS DAY MONTh CKISTO- iLUlll Ulif III StiiU CaM Kt Vaudexttle- HKSERVKD SEATS ON SALE IX ADVANCE- r ftftft 4 v Tf in9fi p- EaVlVbpening at all Homes Christmas Princess iat rxiVsu- ly s BAFFLES The anti In Tht Sacrament of 1n MiOlxflM SOUARnBway lhEv at a Man Thur 4 Saint 22- 0BTKV m A GIRL FROM DIXIE Today Geojje riuninio- rCUIAL Bernard Show plav G A SIN rw PAULA EDWARDES I WINSOME WINNIE LYRIC 5 VAN STUDDIFORD Kv s6l5MatFrldylS lnRfdKfather CARNEGIE HALL Slat Seaain 1903l- MiOratorio Society THE MESSIAH Frank Darnroach Conduelor SOLOISTS Tue darAftnec Lillian 20 at Contralto Sleet u r- WednMdaj Evit Tenor George n nlln- Ilec 30 At HIS I BiAio Darld SeamS Tlle iOcloJ1 0Bo esI13lo13W SOC to 2 Boieji IU40 to ll al Do Once IKA IT BwayftJO StMatTodai O ruxiiuT PLY ix TOWTIJIES GEt ADK quaint comedy THE Slats Toilaj Sat and New Teari- ACADEMV OF MtSIC Ulh S mind Irving PI- MAT1NKK CHHIRTMAS- Thr triatist rural play cverwrltea Way Down East Prices s fri 73100 MauTodiy A Sat 2 Eve Dway33dSI Eves aU- llUlftttUtiUttn MitsToday Fri 4 SMiUI- UUTII TIME DEC 30 RICHMAN Extra Matinees Christmas and ttrt ST MrilOLAS RiNK ICE SKATING IKtCKEV MATCH Poirtrct vs M Patil Srion- lTOMfiirr AT 8 IS- Aflm tools Muile SK e f- rI llroadvay nl W C L E i A i n KS vt i r i U- M5II WAVIURXS JIINSTIIKI SII SI Cole It lohninn ln Mnxivrll 4 IHKSS irLDHIDUE Fieri Io r MATINEE TODAY DEWEV JOLLY GRASS WIDOWS I HTM ST OK NiGHT Ar O- Iralned inonUer cntr niiirlnnelte1- imuoe Its old the children iel- M any of thc Iroetor Theatre rt i Uth St Theatre Ms Wed S anrt Sj l u Roberl B Mantell Nuxl AlillOUKnT EMMET Tie Un CTIIIIMTMAS DtlOltS OI1V lll1l A M Uiav ft M t Mn Todr- I CHAIILKS vnxnn m- i II It I N K IfiS Len Av A l 7lh Mat Mnn I KXTIIA MATINKK MAS 111 Till EVIL Mrs WOULD IN WAX Nnw rriiup- fJ CI i E 11 A T ii n ic A r ii- IU S BE I Kilra allracllon llnllda Its Ihp lauslK IhHt count In EOO imv- hr tray they roir In Proctors l a uiiilinI- IIKMIKIVN AM IllS COMPAXV THIS WEEK IN BROOKLYN AT TilE MOXTAlK THEATIE- Mi t rlixi 4 The It t Tn rich A To- Hvc Merchant nf Vrnlrr Irl l s A S Mat UIIIS XI SMiirrtii rv nine 1 Sat Leonard Set IbEM full ii 111 miu iu fa4 y mvc IteguIar Jau 51 3 itt Manager till a I Today 25c SOc fires 23t1 Si Union rI5 dLIl IYI I Ill t Sat ifl4h 01 1 tmox M Theatre Iu E I H t- Ii I I1I 5 0 tS ims Mat ANNVAL ChRISTMAS 211 1 Cd L LAO Mali zii Fri CHARLES Captain New 1 C D r TlII drugs night u- K E 1111 Iitt I Itomuibsm- uuuti at omit ir t- m4uiijppgus ai nt ii GRAND Fay TernptOfl- i o il tm- tI lilt Thrum I I N 0 r i w m- itE it 5 a J tii Ii III tlt HENRY IRVINC < < < < > > > > < > And Mil in th Child Joyc- Theboi Coleman Fireman 1 iba bit factory it were fou at the hei gone Into ott utrc Coleman get out i of be me and big pile Stream where the of removli was post offlciails euro that t hired 1 under the about i- liodles of each othei Firemen of Engine remained removal p by undertj Neither burned bad been Aocordl missioner best recor He had for c and Ladd 1862 and lila appoint an assleta a Sturgis mil Coleman on the roll the Beimel The medal heroism nt Coleman w at a wind stricken at for an Ins covered hit street Coleman He respond the fire wit caused Coleman n his wife BI out She Coleman fl who lucia threaten ye of time was killed Chief Col dren John and Llllle 3 ni reel Mnl- iOtlt Tho chief cording to S 18 olc fourth of nCiiocI thi When tin talked abe but praise they Bent men M and lu UH jus1 death Probafioi was ward Wllliamsbu always an eaid yester- fu foremnr join the Fl Jay He i attend afternoon AH IH widow i The OK death of u flrut pro bid in railed upoi- nmondnipn cf probu 10 oclock t of the Im Fourteenth will offlcia chiefs will companies thnt member ol will act OR day and or on time put nt half no until aft Joyce w I time VW reached hi nn- ihe would The fire fire that r- KniKer hm- ment Th- nf the woi butt time fire lind the m fire whli- 9a but t f hi red idmitted t- ind 11 the tei- f Kome o f tim rear Chief Ki 01 mat Ion notory bu- h Henn- idoptml U- Knent and f tlinliuiU- rotn it vilhout ocoived re very few t rom a pic hat on the ersonal c ho fli e yes um In i ork all n- ouph Im- io sort b iolic Davis on nements- orn fallin- the door hen IIH i as any tornooii- iglit wett HorouR- heotins of for flue pro onion o coiji- OF street w- in man h- and foreman aft was killed anti Sixthi a- Ing year a Ito muse lo Coleman rennu aol a good nit ommleaio rood d Uk barge > < < > >

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Post on 04-Jul-2020




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Page 1: TGE OIITAT ri A A I RGINA SUITABLE I MUSIC A I …...T r f fNrlr 1C ft iyif jffrJ I nN i I 1a SUN fW i J c l QJ3 O I 1 I t 7I 1 i iz4 t I r iJ Zr- = = = ivAn1 CHRISTM-AflJrr V Of 77


fr fNrlr 1C ft iyifI nNjffrJ i I 1a SUN fW i J c l QJ3

O I 1I



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AflJrr V Of 77 ACTORS FllOj-

j ri COld CULl WM-

rildr him In AVaxlilntclim Ilc Drawnn Tale rnllns a Diagram

ji Ilillmlelptila Slorlts of Charles Ilei-

j Marie Corrlll niul III Christian Culn-

IInrk hark Iho logs baric tho neto-

HEC coming to town winw In rags a fe-

vJth jags find mmo in silken gown

ItfiHii hard s on tlm road coniihM Frew phenomenally

uaf early iiB lout Augustyat o lie litNinl from-

Mftnagpr Fred of lioston Is fon

or vnutlcvilli it relaxes hid mind nfteof profrsalonnl duties nmon-

otjicrs nifusini five tickets to carneiwpilA with hair This Mr Com

so HUfOissliilly that it Isof MiiHaacliusftts coi

toniplatos ruwHrdlng him next sprtn-

wjlh til fjaotCil Codllsli Order of IndAmiability However it is nc

Virtuouis lives iii the Back Hay tim

we m most ciorixTUod U U the storyv uy Mr Coined of what lie heard

yaiide ill theiitroTwo things url hi ill highly

lioBtoTT Tnihliiiigioii and tlioabolition iitsn forth in tlie bpfeclif

of rtViiidollpip 1110 Vorkrr contAlns ifelltIojjHarMiiv d la intringuc-

he consists Inthe TrftPentli Ainoiidmunt and thei

snubbing tho colored tuna whenever h-

blt1 jui Now for tIti I

arid onleipit it is set lcforft him b-

wv wiiitress with t-

1iorr Iie T Uio rie it opentho ile rnd calls ip

r i

tier n lit

f her thechocolate colored Ntiiffinsidi thefrOHts1 ordered Wellington pie

That is wlit you havo youITinly who know

than rooking-Vli oxclainin nun a light break

frig in1 him lint I wanted leortio riotT VaKliingtdn pie

Tho wdltrPai fiii nt tho fineness olhe distinction Mr ConvHi

rebled that Fiinwill and thelluiilrur Hill Monument this was rp-plauded When he told it in Philadeltilii-iiiowas Jnndly nsktnl hiit Is Wash

J Irrgtftrt io anti th n he was forced to txi l o Iro t 11 his fam us fabln f Mcrv-j nl her Pittsii rg 1iinbI jJ So i t das Lfltn i tho wine of Iicnk-

eileinfls play r cently produced al theNew Thwitrei iii Herlin Xotwlthf landingho Sudnrmnnn ntul modern title

of thi pieco occurs in Inibria in thtj-

SVtebnjh century It is wild to bun

Thu performance of fharlos Hpndes-

Scver Too Lito to Mood in LondonU rcviviiiR many leininiicences of theKiftud irriialile litigationlov-ing writer Onc the rnoinl crs of the stockIompany at the Ailflphi assembled 10 inop-

tlr Every one in Sundaygotomeeting Thotold an actor that he would be required-to over tho stage and crick a mirror

a hatchet The actor demurredcant you asked Rcado in a

huninr Ive got mv clothes onthe man Tim doesnt mailer

You do as I tell you and Ill Imv a newMiit Ho did

The Era declares that Kendo waI in thehabit of bringlnt to the tlicatiobnc bottlefull of milk and another containing cham

Ho Invnrinbly drunk the milkhut oddly enough the he never

carried It with him Vnsth f wino bottle his mascot

The Austrian stage seem to furnishWcrtilts for tociety Ellen Franz marriedOeorge II relgnlns Duke of SaxoMein-Itgonr Natalia Krasslni Eschorn is the wife

Eiriest of VilrtemterR MarieRenard arid Ilka Palmnyo married twobrothers the Counts Anna Dirkens-is Baroness Hnmmeivieln Stella Hohenfels the farpoiw Monrn anna is the wifeBaron AWed von Berger playwright and

director of the Hamburgeruaus Both the latter actresses are stillon thc boards anti still captivating theiradmirers with their Verilythe Btage 1 tho rejuvenating cradle forold ladies who hnvo forgotten their birthdny

It Is said that Mnrio Corelli sent thefarthing awarded her by tho jury In theStrafordurionrAvon libel case to her boatfriend and admirer Mr Hall CalM Thegreat Zlonisio plft wrifht on receiving thecoin wired Marie Hils laconic

Thanks awfully Hn signedChris ian Corelli not to be outdonein or repartEe Immediatelywired bak I dont it nowMr Caino is wondering whero the laughcomes in when he shows theAt gossip has spread his tale of

6 mere i ben Parrifntowhich means isnt a lie it is anyhowpossible

Ludwig Fuldas lates play is culledvelliv dAndren It is in four acts and

as Jirodiiced Kov 21 last at the HofburgThe scene In the four-

teenth century is laid in Bologna As theplay Is of value and now

duo with another work

7 WXTjlLfY IT l KllAltf hhrotliy Vernon Too Cny Wllli Kojalty-

UII1 Have to lie PrunedJ F limmormnn Jr got word from

Ixmdon yesterday that the Lordpermit tho acting of Dorothy

Vernon of Haddon Hall anywhere In theTimes dominions unless certain passages

1 Ver 6xpurgatexlVernon io the play in which

Is now appearing at theNew York Tlieatro It Is upon CharlesMajors novel of the Nime

d ls with Qiren Elizabothtpursuit of Inrv Queen of Scot i the

isthe Lord Chamberlain objects Minn

touching on and iipperUiinlng to

Mr Ximmortnan has sold thn Englishrights to ho play to Julia antI

up to them to toneit down

Altn Ol TItllS EGIEKttlGt-

w VorKl Jl 0 Wllli Cars IlimnlncAlready tlcliirril In Ilramii

The dratnatlsU of Hiooklyn cant waitfor th slowcohtractorp to finish the ItnpldTransit subway before Introducing it aaa part ot t ie realism of n bellowdraina

t ographs across tho Bridge nd

Jtha old fniqiiir hutnan chain of heroe-sxtButinatwd duugling over tho of a

latest thingchains Is hanging u

ttk pJof of

trinB is about IT snath from tlio railsclicolld Anti tho oiiruehliiK

car Is nt the of sixteen mlni-jtiV froin the Bstt ry to harlem

MUl Sell Arailrmy Sitei The directors of the Brooklyn AcademyofMiulc have decided by a vote of IS to 3In favor of selling the site of the old build

which was recently burned don tohe highest minimum price to

At ia lreIT vt JIUI efllUOOlrcles that tin projerty will luring 7l yK






HOI cary18


rumoredI lti

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rWto IP

I J Ih toldh 1 into a

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ery t tieI




















I C1probably It InIr Itarrie I ton



of 1e



pcrlonnanto now running

ntifromlit o and hro at the end of the


UrnokI II




t OIl




Com e

I lt tam


IConiionwtttft Ii


n iti 10 fea-

MirI if

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OIl t

tit lit


Emern ole IiI lie wait lcr

i winsI

t4 rep li I ii t ri

ou I Jfl itho

t fun Iornio ri-




I11u ot iou

ii mug

11 iguuicioit











2go some

dIltIe4fMnt year

Chamber-lain onhtht


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Lttisiag it show
















Some Weird New Ssass by Loemer at I

Second Concert

The Knelsol Quartet elected to givehearing at It second concert in McndeUsolHall last night to some curious now sonby Charles Martin Looffler who usedsit lunlde Mr Knolsel In the Boston Syn-phony Orchestra Those who keep thrun of musical dinga know that Mr Loefll-

is an ardent admirer of the Gallic versotoday and that his fancy revels In tlweird Imaginings of Vcrlauio and his lyrnncunlor Baudelaire It Is a wonderthis composer has not fallen uponbizarre poems of Frank Saltus Buthe feuls that tho thin veil of tho Frondlanguage gives assurance to poor modesty

If womust sing to ladles with eyes of gol

and onyx eyoa with Lethe and tho slmdovof thin Styx In thorn as Verlalne paintthem then let us have tho music of Loefflcwhich breathes tho atmosplierof these strained fancloA The songs hoarlait night were three with piano accompanl-ment Tlmi ro

and Los Paons and two

others with piano violLa Cloche foliiu

fjtreniule The hat Is still In manuscriptbut it is altogether safe to aay thatnot long a

liixt of the first la bv Gustao Kuhn that of the fourth by Dnudelalre and that of the last by M-iIoelllers itiugio is uncommon U tUtu

strokes of masterly originality as inclosing pour i

genuine Inspiration a soan to go straight to the heart

Again all of the of songs ehowirefinement of artistic details

The study of atmospheric effects in theiris is out to

miniature thin Incomes at timcialmost Intangible Musically the songitire diabolically troublesome They roanthrough remote tonalities they ii

harmonic thought clambMthrough Intervals to the illtellect hut defy thn ear they rack thecommon melodic Hn but strainIII every bar for meaniiijs antisubilrt suggestions

too not successful butfrequently buy are tine thing is nl so

that is thut followno mans path with humble servitudeThey are own thought When

rise to such of antievanescent mood painting as in the Licloche are very well worthwhilu

Tho Serenade Is easier to Itis not so far removed from the idiom ofserenades of the devilish mood that it doesnot old thoughts and familiarforms of expression yet it uncommon andLoeflleresnuo to core All of thosesongs were sung with Suan-Mttcalfp the Intervals almostdolled her keen conception The accom-paniments were bv

anti him himselfperformed the viola with beauti

toneThe InVniMienal the concert

were Moans D minor quartet Helmbens rjtmrtct Schumini ilano iiilntol It is almost untier esary to say that the members

fiuaive1 Ihnir duties withtheir ciiscimarv zeal and musical skillMr Clebhard played the piano part in theSchumann number

Ho was in the lilt twonnvemenM in which Ids touch was like-IHve amid in which 1m kept tho piano inITPC relaion io inriiiipivn In the third and fourth move

Mens was somewhat too generousn the mater of tone hut throughout

ipuslunlly anti wlh chnrminB nunnc-nu lie i acrreeable ncfjuaintance-md should bo heard again

i si FA i nKit KA itsinto See time Opera IncludingMany

Society the stage nnd the clergy wererepresented ut the dross rehearsal of Par

ifnl held yesterday at tho MetropolitanHouse The rehearsal was in every

but the allotment of two rolesho same as the representation to be givenn Christmas tWO Mine Ternina did not-

ing Kundry but watched her understudylarion Weed from an orchestra chair

indrcas Dlppel who is to nltcrnato as

arfifal with Herr Burgftaller sang forho sake of having a complete dress ro-

iearf alFor the second time in the of the

tickets were required for the relearsnl That has onoo beforegnaco Pnderowskl insisted on tickets whenila opera Mnnru was here thrco

the audience wasabout two hundred persons were

Among the singers at the rehearsal weretImes WalkerOlive Fremstad Louise Homer Signorcotti Signor with fourchildren all the filters cousins anduntb of the school whohe balcony Among the usual subscriberso the wore Mrs Herman Leroy

immet Miss Eloise Brecse Georgehaven and half a dozen owners of parterre

Daniel Frohman and David Bolascorepresented thin theatrical contingent Both

tlioMaxine Elliott beamingly beautiful renaitieil in the a short

least woreranged from Homan Catholics to-

n interesting Oriental scholarBefore tho acts the Parsifal motive

was played by in the lobbiesthe first act Mr Conned

erved a luncheon in the foyer to his guestsclose of the was per

formed without a weak he was overvhelmed with congratulations

Alexander Lamtjert gave a dinner lastnight in honor of About

rf rsons were including veralknown local musicians a of

men singers of the opera company

nisurKn onincAi-

lnser Drnlrs That Slip lies AnythliiR toDo Wltli the Norillca Scholarship

PHILADELPHIA Dec 22 Mme Lilliansordica has denied that she ever gave orntends to give any money toward theLillian Xordlcu Scholarship for the voicef npplicnnts which fiiaooml Minkowskl

las been trying in different parts of thexiuntry Minkowski almost in tears overher action asserted today that a mistakehad hen made

It is charged that Minowski has made itmown thai Mme Vordicn would bear tho

of tuition for any girl whose voicovas of such quality as to warrant itsalion for

Ho tried applicants In every city in theThem

vas something lacking Many al-

nost reached the nndovski oilered to take ns pupils for a reoomlouise

Gertrude lIned Wallen of 2015 Chestnutitreet one of the applicants became inluisitive Sho wrote to Nordica and

his answerMme Nordica wishes me to write and

that tho prize Is simply named thefordioa She hits to do with tho

lestowal of It Very trulyA 0 secretary

Minkowokl insisted todaytad commissioned him to such a voicend was paying him for his trouble andould of pupils debut

It is cruel that tho public thinkhat I Glacomi should docivo ho said

Xewi of Pluyi and Pla rrsHerbert Standing the father of Guy

Handing is to in Cundld-nt tho Madison Square Theatre The part

written for Mr Standing nnd It wattIntended that ho have in the

production tie is now in this countryIn

Thn ShubertH have parted company withtubr y BoucicwiU beenHi time road



I thatI








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DASH means any-thing from one drop

fiftySee the advantage of mixing cocktails in quantitywhere every proportion isexactGOLD LION Cocktailsready to ice never varyGOLD LION CocktailsSeven-klndi VermouthWhiskey Tom Gin

and the American

Of good wine merchantsThe Cook Bernhtmer Co


Sister of ChlcaKo Merchant Thrown Frotia Carriage In Cnlirornla

POMONA Cal Dec 2 MissCooper sister of Henry Cooper of SiegeCooper A Co of Chicago was killed hertoday In a runaway accident She and hebrother Clwrleis tiara been living near hero

They started to drive to Pomona to buChristmas gifts

Vhllo drlvlnj Into Pomona tho horstook fright nt near munch whirled about MiCooper was thrown upon tho groundMiss Cooper wan hurled npniiwt a treeMr Cooper escnpod with only flesh vroundtMiss Cooper WitS picked up unconsciousHer skull had been fractured She lIedonly three hours

Miss Cooper was 51 years old SItu wawealthy mind wns well known in Chlcngifor her charities

Giniios siits iiirninText or he Mosaic Iii Oovtiin

tenets nnd lo till CardinalsBAITIMOHE Dec S2 Following mIre the

messages sent out by Cnrdiniyl Gibbonstho CnrdlnuU find Kings and Queenof Catholic faith Those sent to crowncheads read

tpon the approach of tile nativity oour Divino Saviour it ismy duty lo wislyour Most Catholic Majesty nil ProsPeritYniui nt thin same time to offer most ferventprayers to time Most High that ho mav

down upon every grace and illfor time true of your

kingdomit please your Majesty to nccepl-

this wish I offerwith time sentiments of homage in whielI have tIme honor lo declare witlimost profound respect

messages to Cardinals totaltime Recurrence of Feast of

thin Nativity return of the New YearI your Kiiinence lo be pleased to re-

ceive wishes for youramid for every Messing from Saviourwhich I with nil heartMost humbly kissing your hand I have tin1


Her Twin llrothrr a sisfrr end TwoOthers of the Family ImlletnlH-

ISINO Sus Ind Dec 22Four Indicttreats wcre retuniid this afternoon by theGrand Jury in connection with tIme nsaisii-ml Ion of Miss Elizabeth Ullospiu u wealthyand retlned young woman shot downihrough n window in her own home on theevening of Dee 8 The persons-ire lames twin brothervictim for first degree murder lint us apces

Mrs Itelle sisier of the vir-

im Cnrrio Bnrlium sisterinlawmil Myron Biirhnm her husband

prisoners were brought tothe court house

photographer who was Inking nand

were sent to at once hut Mrs Biirhamrind Mrs Seward were released on 1000-

bomlscach the formers bond signedjv tie presidentsf the Biril In which Barhnmnets assistant cashier


Thin londicl Stolen fJoods on StolenUiiRtin lint Hats taught

IMward Porcher who says he lives a8 Sands street Brorklyn saw n newspaper

delivery truck in Frankfortnear William sreef yesterday afternoonPorcher climbed to teat drove offlown Frankfurt strew and turned Into

eurl Btree Af 400 Pearl street is a smallstore in front of which stood n

barrel of sugar Ponlier promptly droveto tho curb backed team and

loaded the sugar on thu truck Then hdrove ownv-

He hadnt far when the los of theiticar was discovered and time ownerlifter it Others joined in oluiKe andorcher to nml took

his heels He ran several blocks wihhe crowd following antI was finally caught-a Fraukfor and Gold streos

Prcher had out ofby promising tho Matjisiran to-

go to work

rniji HKUKV KHCKIH inrlumps Ills Iliad In III Stase trail In Till

Sacrament if JudasKyrle Bellow sprained hi back and wa

knocked unconscious last night In his fnllit tho end of The Sacrament of Judasthe onenet play which precedes Itafllos-

it the Princess Theatre In his fnllhis shoulder struck one of the steps arid

went over on his headStage Frank Melormnck went

efore curtain nnd said Mr BIllowis imconreloiis Is there H doctor In theiiiriience

Dr Frederick N Wil on of 100 AVost

tort h si rret rind the actor continued the performanceifRnflle The physician went to


So loin Her Sick Hiistiunl In Iuropr lllMan llctiinilns Here

Su7Jinne Adorns returns today toEurope Her husband Zoo Stoma thocell t is very ill there and she goes tooin him

Lillian Blauvell is tier to arrive heron concert tour in England will sin-

n concerts here until April when shin willoturn to London to appear in opera at-

ovcnt Garden It is nothe nt the Metropolitan Oporulouse

us rovr n irii iiu iv itKATn-

n Knife Chief rr lime niin1 nil-o the llnppy llnntliiR rounds

GCTHRIE Oldn Dec Z2 No Knifehief of the Poncn Indians and their leade-

rn ninny battles against the Sioux diedostcrday at his home on tho Ibis dArcn the Just before

he asked that his favorite ponyo killed a he wished it to accompany

to time happy huntingoncns on the of No Knifes

math the pony dropped dead

wvYBK iv GHKEini-In Howard Cionlds Kuests at thin Mnldorf-

Aln In a Mlmle IVomllnml

Mrs Howard Gould gave n Christmasinner last night in the East room nt the

ValdorfAstoria which was decorated tornltnte n woodland srene Tho walls w ro-

ranceuUxl with Christmas tr CS coverixi-vith artificial snow amid icicles and

nislletoo hid and chandelier nnd-ho round table was covered with Christmil bosoms Th n w



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rAtTioxs FlU THE LI-


Tile Morale Men Who linn San Donilniiund the Jlmrnr Men Hunl lln-

Hendniisrlrri There and till Air UThlc-Wllli Mystery An Appeal to

These bo prosperous days for the HotiMuro In Fourteenth ttrcet TlHotel Muro s the SpunUliAtnerlcun revlutlon factory In Now York Sanrevolutions nro tho specialty there jutnow The Jimenez faction which wuhit Dominican Government yesterday anhopes to be thu Goveniment again

meets In tho front pulur Th-

Jlorales faction which la tIme Govorrmertoday and hopes to Imng on for a whIUhas consultations In time next parlor Thkeyhole folding doom between i

plugged with paper from both skiesSeftor Galvnn who Is thtj coinijrato

of time Jimenez conspiracy Is In the oitjhow He suldoin leaves time hotel butwhen callers go to coo him who lave rctho Jimenez pasaword they invarlnbfind Ural huts out

In time lobby of the hotel aro outpostsSpies and lookouts of boh factions Thejare studiously oblivious of each othersallegiance Each tries politely to malci-

tho other think that the appearance ol

Inek of Intercut In the affairs of tho olhorparty is mutual But when the clerk soyto the caller Sorter Galvan he is outthe members of time opposition tho Moraleitang laugh In their sleevew and say mock-Ingly Ah time Sartor Galvan

lint let the caller musk for Setior YillaluiTime clerk smiles blandly find wiys

I think he is not here But I will see-

The boil boy takes a long ami elnboratIn the is

supposed lo understand und which run-about us follows

Tell Sefior Villalon that an unfumilinperson smoking an American cigar of sotm

who ban a mysterious eye and Ii

tOut visibly armed appears notfriend and may be a spy a do-

lective agency is here nnd represents him-self as n for Sol

Ilio bellboy comes buck and wilh imjierountenanco says

SeiVir Villalon he outAnd tho Galvnn sympathizers antI look-

outs in the raiseand show their teeth to Olin anothermurmur Hn The Senor Villulon ho Ii

outMeanwhile tin ronspirncie hum nnd

buzz In the two parlors Messengers COIIM

from downtown consulates of thtother Central countries Mes-sengers come from Hotel America

other revolution nest There cure oiliei-mevseiigers who havo merely walkcciaround tilt block to nir their

Just how Important and weighty sortie olthese Ideas ire may thf-

irrand of Seilor to District Attoniejnt tlie Criminal Courts Building

joiiio few weeks agoIt was during an interval when the Gal

van was ths Dominican Governmen Sciior Gnlvnn called the iiiosl-lionorablo amid learned and philanthropicDistrict Attorney andJerome greatest antI mostwonderful political opportunity of hilife Mr ws nt timelo convlno his fellow citizens that Mr Lowwould not be an irresistibly candidate for the Mayoralty

Sefior Mr Jerome bflucId before him an to be thesavior of the liberties of Santo

How asked Mr Jerome By seizingrill thn in the hound for SouthAmerican and Central Americanand taking from them all arm intendedfor the Morales revolutionists It wan asImple matter said Soft or Gnlvnn andianto DomlnKO would always venerate timennmo of Jerome for the he

Mr Jerome was cold to tIme opportunityand insisted that time United StatesAttorney wns tIme man for Mr Galva-no seo others who are cursed tolay in the conspiracies III the front parlor-if the MurosUlllinm Jerome In the back naror the Villalon contingent who somehow

icard of the Mr Jnrome-is a man of true Maieomaimh-

ipovr nivr viir YORK GIRLS

Inrmon hutch Denies Thai Mls lonarl-rIrce Them to io lo Ilah

SALT LAKE nah Dec 22 Tlie Mormoninure mithoritie1 have issued this state

President Smith has given special initructions to all presidents of omissions toInsist that all missionaries be counseledover to urge converts to come to Utah

Time tales that aro brought here of misionarles urging converts to leave theirmonies families anti friends are untruend are reeking masses of falsehood tumid

abricatlonThis refers to the charge lint New York

irls art being urged to come here Theninisters of resolu-lons cnlllng Eastern ministers to their aidn the statement of Apostle

Woodruff that tho Christianheir own children The resolutions openilth

The Salt Lake Ministers AiHociaUonho vnrioust Protestant de

nominations of this city and vicinity wouldlereby nail the attenliou of American

both Eat and Vest to ihe kind ofthat is proclaimed in till Mormon

in higher officialsn the name of religion misionarles aro over time countrv

for hristian recognition It islist such incendiary talk ns stirsiji the hoodlums In various Mormon coni

to disturb the religious servicesu ifto Christinn flmrclie-

sirncii non itntttin OF isionnl-

ashlnclen Man Toiuliril by Trnvclllnint imicll IIUUls

OMAHA Neb De 22Jud illiam-recumseh Shonnnn Doyle general counsel-or time Comiolldned liallwnys of

Washington 1 I was robbed ofy a Paviflo Constust night

Soon after lakin the train a CJiicngo-esterdny morning Mr Doyle got intoonversntion with an old gentleman who

the sntne soa Lier to passlie time a gaino rf whist was proposedml two omen in time next s anvied to join Snveral hour were passed

and thn very

LaT nlqht PII Council nstho piiry left car for n shot

thelie corridor four man got Into a

laughed among over ItWhen out Mr Doylo dU-

avered tlc his threo friends were not on-

cnrd Tlien lie discovered time host t f Idsockeflxok rrinembered Iho luruemn-i the corridor The jiclieo were no foil

failed to swiire u due Mr Doyleft fort h Pacific Oar nprnlnr


Mud hy llntr ihr Health Hoard Snjs-nf a llriuix Mill WldMlr

Time Tremont Silk MilU in Itlner placei The Bronx cant blow their whistle any

must gut n new whUtlohich make half nw munich nouo us thnt-rcd now People around ittner

that they cannot ttand filCh racketthe present whittle makes

The ercrs to the Board ofIcnlth and thud body sent on-

loottt to investigatedntil their fnrdrums achednnounpwl that n whistle with half

time present one would do fortner place mil hue









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ATEs cArsE A ificKiri T-

HE AiiorTinH-

lfe nf time Late HuasrlSays Thnt time ltllcer of the IVIiitllinn-Cnimty Nallnnal HanU Used time Mineof HIP Instltiitliui In JJuy Nloek-

HutTFono Conn tee 2Upoiapplication of Mrs S Hunwll of Kl-lllngly wife of the late Congressman CharleA Hussell Judge of this SuperiorCourt today appointed a temporary re-

reiver for tle Wlndhnm County Nntiona-Umk of DnrJeKou All parties in interesconsented to lIst appointment bill thn of-

ficer of the batik deny limo allegationof speculating with the fuidu of lle bitj-as charged in tho ccmplaiiit

A hearing on the appointment of a per-

manent receiver will como before Judgi-Gnger on Jan II In the complaint it i

chnrgrd that Comfort B Burllngamepresident of Iho bunk Charles P Backus-ho cashier and James Perkins John A

Piiino anti Albert Putnam directors formeda syndicate in isoa to speculate III stockupon borrowed money und that tonimoney of tho hunk to a considerable extentlater it is said other partnerships or syndi-cates were formedand monte of the bank

speculations on the whole were unsaid oflicers

directors of time bank con-spired together to borrow1 of said han

Hums of to meet the necessitieri of speculation arranging notwith difTerent makers so ns dlfll

with th liank examinerItt asni itH that tie nmounti still owen

the bank by t e or some of tlema large sum which tho

believes to exceed tio amount ot tho capitastock of the bank It is thecomplaint alleges CUll those him

sums from other inhtititions

Tim lawyers for tIC opposing parties huda bug thisthis afternoon while Judme Gager waitednnd it was that Joseph P-

Tuttlp fity Attorney of

Judge so ordered and he also issued HI

that no money bo paid out UKbank tmlil on the per-manent receivership next month

owns tn of the capital tockof time bank


ormanont llo ldenls Hide n Paek ofHound

HEMPSTKAD L I Dec number-of residents of this and adjoining townships hind a fox hunt OWl time WhoatleyHills today behind a pack of fourteenfoxhounds which time young men who tookpart in tho hunt recently brought fromKentucky Samuel Velsor the fluster ofthe hounds riding lied Cloud a Kentuckyhorse after several failures drove a foxfrom cover It proved an old hand nt thegame of hide nnd seek for after leadingtho riders a merry eloise for term miles nndbeing nearly caught by the pack it finallymanaged to fluid shelter III a hole under alarge tree

There was a large find of hunters at thnhut tho pnco proved BO fast that a

numrxT dropped out nfter riding sevenallies

If the ground is not frozm too hard onfhristmnsDay tImer will l another hunt

There was also a meet of the MeadowBrook Hunt yesterday ovum thePlains A fox was driven from cover butis in the cnsr of time other hunt ho escaped

DO NOT FORGETthose boxes o



813 BROADWAY Bal I7tti 18th Sts

500 FIFTH AVENUE at 421 Streii21 WEST 42D ST near 5th to150 BROADWAY Cor St

458 FULTON St 335337 FULTON St-

All time Latest Domestic and ImportedNovelties in

Baskets Boxes EtcPlace your orders to In sura prompt

deliveryCANDIES tent e cf here by Kail or Enpre-

asIlllllf ATKINS

HENRY MALK-ANISVlllam Street tlnnovcr



nur hnltila wrlnhii In ii Imnlis e

idcnt Ihrin still lurlhrr unrt we ticllrvr nvmlily nnd rnnlriiuM thij nn-

hGmiMv wurth your Itupirilun-A IKW lUIIUAINS AMllNl MAX

Illiliaitl llunllrq llauN Maslcnilrrcj in-

IKlnr LI Tm Klnes luck-

liflTi lie Thr IJiii and thr Cnlmni H vols fulllimp murcKro dim mn rim tronusplcits Iuli-

I MW lift Our prlrr S Ci-

InmnUA Vnrrlrna HHP l ilin IIMh Crniurv1 Iiaropli toir il frnnihpiiio and

rliih rilt top Iub el-

3in tOur inn i lo-

lilrhard jnir liy llnuitpn S hmbrrlmniiliotoiraviri iTllntvp noklrall-

cstp8o al nritl7-

0ir Midi nprrwntatlnn nf-rry branch nlllirtMurr In ull stylrs anti linillnis

innuy rxp ti bjoWmcn will LIVI snu rxn lintfIr rnial itiiP5 ffti on rnu M MMIimttsr-uiiiiitlv iillid



COllltrr mall

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EJVJ PI R E Wi h a-



CHAHlrS prcsoiitA

MAUD ADAMSIn lr rraiiri llndiMin Diirnttrs


Aii M i irway BIICW LJOCUM Mni at

HIII I VM Uarl I Irohman Manage


CHi Ut ofKKAH M6nclayt AThursdays Jn-

iiflfii at aW Hriilnirolil0C1 mar Siisred iolterdammcnmit-

i stru II in ClnrcrtuiiJ onera Arlisl-spccal IBn lat iomiilneial II A M iRH ni imand al Dllsii-

nrKITfiiinM TiiKVfKK irwoy iiihlegs fra jjut Sat 21-



LORD AND LADY ALGIlcc1 ID Annum Thomas Xtvr May


o io-


and French CompanyIn time Parisian SfisuttJE NE SAIS QUOI-

Kvciiluili at 8-



KLAW c KKIAXllKKS lirralcat-I Mother Goose i

Ejtra Holiday Millnrci XmasA New Voars-


Matlnrri 4 SMTWO WlKKS MOHB JUICES 60 100 150

HAIIflC Uway aotb SR At 1115tUHLI 9 LAST WEEK


THKATKE Ml 4 fiMrayEves al SM Mat Sat at StJ


rvn iFRANK OANIEtSMats Xmas 4 Sat In Thr OITlce Hoy-

SinTKOPOLITAV OPEK4 IIOIS-Elirn 1 opera Season inonlnni-

Indfr dirritlon of Mr Helnrlrh IVmrldTIIAVIATA SeinbrlrhCaruso

Seoul riarA Conductor Vluna-Touiorro Al G oYIoik P 1 prprl lr

First parformanit uf PAIISIKAU-Trrnlna Durcalalltr Van Hony Illaw fioili

idebuti Jojrnrl Conductor lirrtz-Fll line M nt S AIIIA iadsUI Valkrr-

raru o Plancon Srotll Muhlmann Conductnr-VUna

Sat Mat DfP at 2TAXXHAEfSEH Trrulna Fremstad Krauss Van Obey IUuton MuShmann Conductor Moill

Sat Her M at f Pop Prlccm CAVAL-IEHIA anti Gadskl-Horacr Campanatl Sosard Seoul BatsCiiiardanassl Cunduclor Vlgiia

Sun Eng rice 27 at nrlrpj-1IITH SUNDAY XlfillTConductor Mr Kellt MotllMon rVg Dec 2S at ftIXDIIRVGRIN Tfr-

nlni Walker Krauss Van Ilooy DlaM MuhlmaonConductor Matt

Wed Eve Dec 3C at BAUIA Oadskl WalkerCaruu Cainpanarl iluhlraann Conducior Vlena

Thurs Dec 31 at R oclock precisely Secondperformance of IAKSIFAI Is the same as on

Irl live inn I at S II III SIV1G-KIA sembrlcb UlppcICanipaaarlJuurnci HowlConjiulor

Sd its A sih PAItSlIAl Perlornmnces Thursday



Mats ol 2 f Comintnci Ute 2 Afcheubrord-


ssx wiLTIUeiyOSCI1l-lXnMMi SLMIAV 3 AT l I SIale of Subscription Tickets oprns Tnun rice 24-

il CarmUie Hall A Ion 5 CimerrU Season-jSuliirrlptlnn Prlc ldtl 11111 2011 12-3lirl llrctlioven ft V tner lroirrammr

TIIKATUEtmUtl Ijrih si and Sub AveMr HKMIU M SAV A UK niters

GRAND OPERA ElidS Xnins Thues Sal OTHKllol-o night Ill Kv SH Mum CAHMUX

vest II

mcricsin Mat Tnrt v M ft rOtWKEK IK ritiT sttrcKs


HwavlJ rflthSI Today SAI al 2

vita XmavKrSN Maw ncI III iw

rl hull in I Irpfcnts lo CiillilrrnMXlrn MoltMCKrltltdCKKIC Thfslrr KwB 4 3SUi s-

ryuilncs S llurp Mats Xmas 215i tin ilciic for Christmas pciforinnnrKs



V1ARLEA I5VB Mats Xm Dayr0


5URTIG SEAMONS-I V Olraril t Oardnrr MM-liHA V O Muslnl innnont i Ic7




CLtMOOVJxma 4 Sat IIKNUIKTTAln AVID new playnUornHn Krrry

hSlj fir 3d Avcitt WIO AVII ii cKvr iipunis COMEDY 4 niui uinns uts WILIAMS LA nriiii ntAvciii OTIIKIIS-

LniiRb niul tin Morlil lauclii with ionvl linn l ln i hji joa r fr Mine nu go-Ii IK lor liouv





Sat iuiit Jun1


eltltl Jan ii



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sn THIIATKL uway 4 soib swtlcnHLU SUI inrp Mst j10


CHAHLIIS IKUMMAN is IjVC RDES-1resent llif C inedy slit SJuMc

THE GIRL FROM KAYSWith enormous Cast Inchidln

4 ft s nr iiwaynUUoUIN fve sao Stat Xmos satHUNRV II HAllltls Manager

MARIE EIV8PESTnnil her LondonCotnelndlnn

ADA IKUKAK aunt UllUKUT littlE In

TIlE MARRIAGE OF KITTYSlats Neil Wcilt Wed New Year




London Company

Three Little Maidsiicr KiKAvrn nnnsox-

5AVHV TIIKATMIi i r l Bwaydai Mats VMS



lire 1H VltcllS GLAD OK IT

riAPPlirU THEATHK SilhSt 4 DwayEvs 82i Mats 215


CIIAIILRS IUOHMAV prewntuunit rlhur Jones best


PROCTOR S Tonight Res ISc-i CnntlnnoiM Taude

Nichols sS MM25 othet

ALABAMAflit stock Cast Continuous vaude

DesfittedT Wrn1-UQIIIOI Man Von Wed Ttiurs


MONTh CKISTO-iLUlll Ulif III StiiU CaM Kt Vaudexttle-

HKSERVKD SEATS ON SALE IX ADVANCE-r ftftft 4 v Tf in9fi p-

EaVlVbpening at all Homes Christmas

Princess iat rxiVsu-ly s BAFFLES The

anti In Tht Sacrament of 1n

MiOlxflM SOUARnBway lhEv at a

Man Thur 4 Saint 22-

0BTKV m A GIRL FROM DIXIEToday Geojje riuninio-

rCUIAL Bernard Show plav


LYRIC 5 VAN STUDDIFORDKv s6l5MatFrldylS lnRfdKfather

CARNEGIE HALL Slat Seaain 1903l-MiOratorioSociety THE MESSIAHFrank DarnroachConduelor SOLOISTS

Tue darAftnec Lillian20 at Contralto Sleet u r-

WednMdaj Evit Tenor George n nlln-Ilec 30 At HIS I BiAio Darld

SeamS Tlle iOcloJ1 0Bo esI13lo13WSOC to 2 Boieji IU40 to ll al Do Once

IKA IT BwayftJO StMatTodaiOruxiiuT PLY ix TOWTIJIES

GEt ADK quaint comedy THE

Slats Toilaj Sat and New Teari-

ACADEMV OF MtSIC Ulh S mind Irving PI-

MAT1NKK CHHIRTMAS-Thr triatist rural play cverwrltea

Way Down EastPrices s fri 73100 MauTodiy A Sat 2 Eve

Dway33dSI Eves aU-llUlftttUtiUttn MitsToday Fri 4 SMiUI-


RICHMANExtra Matinees Christmas and ttrt



Poirtrct vs M Patil Srion-lTOMfiirr AT 8 IS-

Aflm tools Muile SK e f-

rI llroadvay nlW C L E i A i n KS vt i r i U-

M5II WAVIURXS JIINSTIIKI SII SICole It lohninn ln Mnxivrll 4IHKSS irLDHIDUE Fieri I o r


Iralned inonUer cntr niiirlnnelte1-imuoe Its old the children iel-M any of thc Iroetor Theatre rt i

Uth St Theatre Ms Wed S anrt Sj

l u Roberl B MantellNuxl AlillOUKnT EMMET Tie Un


Uiav ft M t Mn Todr-I CHAIILKS vnxnn m-

i II It I N K IfiSLen Av A l 7lh Mat Mnn I


WOULD IN WAX Nnw rriiup-fJ CI i E 11 A T ii n ic A r ii-

I U S BE I Kilra allracllon llnllda

Its Ihp lauslK IhHt count In EOO imv-

hr tray they roir In Proctors l a uiiilinI-




Mi t rlixi 4 The It t Tn rich A To-Hvc Merchant nf Vrnlrr Irl l s A SMat UIIIS XI SMiirrtii rv nine




IbEM full ii 111 miu iu fa4 y

mvc IteguIar Jau 51 3

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