tfpd - university of hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · nowtspapot, book mid job printing of all kinds done...

sy (.- - r J J LF I fc f I "N I tmr Vol. Xlir. No 20oG. HONOLULU, II. TfpD NESDAY EVENTNG-- , SEPTEMBER 20, 1SS8. GO 0ENT8 QUD80RIPTION PER MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at the office, Queen Street, Houolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cents por Month. Address nil Communications Daiivx BUI.MStlN. Advcrt'nemcuta, tc cinure insertion, Bhoiihl be handed in before ouo o'clock r. it. WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor IAS G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletiu Steam Printing- - oilico. Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of all kinds done ou Uie most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An inteiesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of roadiug matter on local topics, uud a complete resume of ilonolulu and Island News. It is the best paper wubllslied in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. IsubHcriptlon: Islind : : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : C 00 " Commission Morunants. T XIVCIviTJLaJL.L .So Co., General Commission Agents. 1(7(5 iy Honolulu Q. W. MACPAELANE & Co. IJ1POUTEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. II. I. Queen street, - - - 1018 A BBKWEB & COMPANY, V. (LlraiUd) OllNKIlAL MERCANTILE AND Commission Agents. list oi? officlus: 1'. O. J onus, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oaktkii Treasurer & Secretary DIKHCTOIIS : Hon. O. H. Bisuoi S. C Allen, II. Watbbuousk. JJd ly roHN T. WATEBHOUBE, 0 Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queea gt., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle Si COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers uud Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st , Honolulu 1 Claus Sprcclcelo. Wm. Q. Irwin. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honululu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nallb, Sail uud Building Materials of every kind, cor. Foit and Queen sta., Honolulu. l QBINBAUM &s CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - BhandiHo and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 121 California street, Ban Francisco, Cal. K.Loweis, F.J. Lowioy O. II. Cooko. & COOKE, LEWEBS to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 GONSAL.VES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merelianta 80 Beaver Mock, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of the New Stoics in the TliouuiM Block, KiK Street, Three doors fiom Cti&Uo & Cookes', Whoro ho Is piopared to manufacture all Jtindsif Jewelry. 00 O L.USO 1IAWAIIANO. " persons vho want to communl ALL with tho PoituL'ueso, either foi busiuosi,, or for procuring wpikmen, seivautsorauy othur helps, will I ud it iho most prolitablo way to udvertUe In tho Luso ilawaiiauo, Hie now organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pun. lished on Hotel Btieot, and only charges leusouablo rates for udvertisumenu NOTICE. furnished for balls, parties Ml Band. Orders loltat O. JS. WMtofi pr ring up nn'uv. . - - Professionals. ALFRED MAQOON, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly T H. SOPBR, M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Ncl Millluery Estub-llslnncn- t, San Francisco. 2J SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attorney at Hjsavv. Office, : No. 9 Kuuhumanu street, ap 2I.88.1y J. M. RflONSARRAT, Attorney mitl CouuHollor at law. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for the States of New York, Call, fornla and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gazette" Block, Ilonolulu, U. I. june.9 88 MALCOLM BE0WN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30 tf PIONEEK STEAI CUT FACTOR! AND XIA.1C3311Y. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. . Hotel St. -- aiS?" Telephone 74 II. M. BENSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 &1.0 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Ueput for Bocrickc & Bcechlk's HOWICEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilot Requisites, i2y HOLLISTEB, & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, lTono 21G Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. .Manufacturing; JowellcrH, NO. 03 FOBT STXtJLSJET. Constantly on hand i large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watcht Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly Hustace & Robertson, rjs DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly L tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Euo do Dunkorque, . - Paris. Kecutcs Indents for every description of French, Belgian, bwlst, German, and EnglUh Goods, at tho best Mnnul'icturcrs' Lowest J'lices, Commission, per till. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Oiiginal Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the inanugcr. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Homo and Colonlul Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambric3, Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millluery, Laces, Gloves, Fi luges, Parasols, Haberdashery, fluid mid hilver Lace, FluntieU, Feathers, Pearli, Boots uud Shoes, Glass, and ChlniMVuru, Clocks, Watches, Jowollry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Booke, Aitistio Furniture, Stationery, ChromoB, Machinery. &c, &c. 130 ly S rpH EWEEKLY B U LUET IN- -X 28 columns, purely local matter-Mai- led to foreign countries, $5 ptr annum. Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS,! Proprioto"- - F. I. CUnER, Ofllce, SI King slrrct, Telephone No SO. Residence 'telephone No 202. Gen'l X3x.jji,ohh1iikS: rnyliiK Piano aud Furniture moving a specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. July 25 Jy FINE JEWELRY! I beg to call the nttcntion of my friends and the general public to my Fine Stock of Goods Just received. A cireful inspection vill convince you that BETTER GOODS In my lime haw nover been offcicd in tins city. $QPleaso Give mo an Early Call"T&a HIT i St. 91 3m Beaver i)u sbiooii Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Eours The Finest Brand of Ciprs, Jm Totaco A.l"viv'H oil Hsirul. 25. .S. KOLTK, Proprietor. Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Fork, XTi-il- i, Vvp;c i iVble w, Sc, &,a. Always on hand at the (Succcsois to Wm. McCandlcss), No. qtiei'ii rt., : : I'luli .irai-ltct- , Ilonolulu, H. I. C2FFiiinil and Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. Lhe Stock furnished to vessels at bhoit notice, my 17-8- 8 T1JJ3 Metropolitan Me at Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesalo & Retail Butchers a:d NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly MAKIINlfi Meat Slariei, Tovt St., ojijio. O. S. S. CoSh Wharf. P. MILTON, - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, SmiHJKO V VenutulK'H. Also a supply of i On haud at all limes. Shipping and Families supplied at shortest notice and with best attention. SH Munager. Ltf Removal. SSNGER'S BAKERY Has moved fiom tho coiner of ltlchard and tiueen htieets t" No. 216 King Street (Formerly llutlcib' Place), Wheie the Bnlceiy will bo carried on as 85 heretofore. '.Un NOT10I3. i:HS having our Soda Water or Lemonade Bottlni (empty) on hand will greatly oblige by notifying us by H'lephono or otherwise, and they will at onio bo fcut for. Botihwietuintd longer than one immth will lie charged for. Telephones: Hell, 173-- , Mutual, iit.0. J. i:. BHOWN A. CO., I'roprletois, Tahiti henionndo Works. 20tf IF YOU FIND ANYTHING, JL udvcrtlso It lu tho Daily Bulxktln. &',' u.w& ,' j ihXfMgmjKamm&mmViBaummssMm :.r. Ttatt: &r&g&&4& NEW GOODS ! NEWGOGDS! -- NOW BEING OPENED AT THE- - IBI1B ropuiar - miiiineri 101 Fort Street, Honolulu. IV. S. SACHS, : Proprietor ew Dress Goods, :o:- - New Embroideries, New Laces, 4c &c. -- AND LATEST STYLE-- Ladies' Hats HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, No. 85 F0ET STHEET. HONOLULU. General AfjcntM Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchango Brokers. Departments of Business: Books end Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collotions will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Eecords searched and correct Abstvacts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand Bomcly engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages m general use this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected, Firo and Life Insuranco effectod In firsudaws Insurance Companies. Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at favorable rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. Inter-Islan- d Orders'will receive particular attention. 1ST All Business entrusted to our caro will roccive prompt and faithful attontion at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e ycarsjhi New York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiting tact and discretion, aud respectfully solicit atrial. BellTelephonc No. 274. JlaAvaiiuu UiiMincMK J.xcncy. jan. 7.88 " ii in i j. iii Just Received at Hollister & Go.'s A large assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising the well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LUNDBOEGS, .LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOIIA, IIOYT'S COLOGNE FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &c. and Bonnets! tho city. orders solicited. UPoy SSale a Reasonable PrieeSr m-2- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAiL. f87 Steam Works, Sunny South, WniKiUi. J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors. Depot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. o CAPACITY l.OOO BOZIIM IMUt I.VV. 0- - Tho Only Apparatus making High Clns TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, Sarsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And I'UltE, STRONG EFFERVES01NO PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved Machinery ami Patent Glm-ivah- Bottlos. TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Oilice Box, 469. $J8T Orders delivered to any part of i f,fmlKmim Island ApriM3-8- 8 Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol funds, 28,602,205.00 Fire riks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july SMS S8.1y t'lilon J'lro tV. Slnilnc Insurance Company of N, Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Mai iuo lisM. Ukcn at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. july2SS8.1y -- S TJ "- - Insurance Co, of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions nt cuncnt rates JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July General Insurance Company. Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freight mid Commissions at cuncnt latcs. JOLTN. S. WALKER, Agent. July 20 8S-l- y THE NEW YORK Strictly Mutual Organized 1845. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 The actual (not etmiited) remits of its matured Tontine policies exceed thoe of any othci Company issuing similar policies. The Xonforfcltiiis Eree Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividend (returning all premiums in addition to face of policy should death orctir dining the Tontine period) as issued by this Company in. eludes the advantages of Tontine guaranteed options at the end of Tontine periods and pcifect fieedom after tuo years as to lesidence, travel and occupation, except scrvico invar. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years. C59For full particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to c a BERGER Honolulu, General Agent Uawaiiau Julyj Islnuda L21.88 WALKER & REDWARD, Contractoi'H A: JtnllcleiT.. Bilck, Stone and Wooden Buildings; ". timates given, .lobbing piomptlv at- tended to. 70 King blieet. Bell Tele-phon- o No. 2. 1. O. Box, 42!). up Cly LUCAS, Contractor and Bulldeiv Honolulu Steam rinnlni; Mills, Kspla nade, ilonolulu. Manufactures all hinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all binds of Wood-wotknnis- h. Tuuiliu,', Sciollnnd Band Saw ing. All kinds of Sawing and 1'lan-m- g, Morticing and Tennntiug. Orders promptly uttwudtil to and woik guaranteed. Ordeis from the other bolloltcd PLANING MILL. Aliikoii, near iii'c:i Ni. Tclopliiiiio IS.'J. sKxfX Honolulu iuon Wouko, mjSteam engines, sugar mills, boll, era, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of uvery description mado to order. I'ailicularattentiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted ut short notice. 1 i . j T. O. MAKCHANT, (Succcfcsor to T. O. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Pliant Building, Bethel street, llono G2 lulu. tf A. H. KASJ3HANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Wishes to notify tho publio that he has removed to larger quuitcrs, Wo, 13 Enahuraanu Street, EST UI STA1H.S. - 81 8m FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Haitford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insuranco Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, HaVn Islands. 1C53 ly 3sq clta-- u x,:e Life Assurance Society, Ol' tlio United. BtatoB. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Business In 1887 - $138,023,105 Applications refusod for - 23,729,317 Total Income - - 23,240,849 Surplus 4 per conl - 18,104,255 Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above and most important point tho Equitable heads the list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Ucncral Alien t for Hawaiian ItslmidH. June 1.88.ty CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo St Marine Insur'oe Agents. AOENTB FOK Tho Xrw Enulnnd MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tlio iEtna Firo Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. TIiu IJjiliiu Firo ami Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchimarkt ''piIE undersigned, having been a p. A. pointed ngeut of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept ribks, against Fire, on Buildings. Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar MIIIb etc., on tho most Favorable Terms Losjoi Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. H. 1UEMENBUHNEIDEK, jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'. HOLIDAY HCTulS Sajnoan Views ! At J. J. fi s' Nov.2I.87 Ai i I A. 5 M ? s Is? fc, 4 m

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Page 1: TfpD - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of all kinds done ou Uie most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE

sy(.- -















Is printed ami published at the office,

Queen Street, Houolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 cents por Month.

Address nil Communications DaiivxBUI.MStlN.

Advcrt'nemcuta, tc cinure insertion,Bhoiihl be handed in before ouo o'clockr. it.WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor


Bulletiu Steam Printing- - oilico.Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of

all kinds done ou Uie most favoiabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An inteiesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns of

roadiug matter on local topics, uud a

complete resume of ilonolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper wubllslied

in the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

IsubHcriptlon:Islind : : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : C 00 "

Commission Morunants.


General Commission Agents.1(7(5 iy Honolulu



Honolulu. II. I.Queen street, - - -




Commission Agents.

list oi? officlus:1'. O. J onus, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oaktkii Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. H. Bisuoi S. C Allen,II. Watbbuousk.

JJd ly

roHN T. WATEBHOUBE,0 Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queea gt., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

Si COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers uud Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st ,

Honolulu 1

Claus Sprcclcelo. Wm. Q. Irwin.

IRWIN fc COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honululu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nallb, Sail uud Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Foit and Queen sta.,Honolulu. l

QBINBAUM &s CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer- -

BhandiHo and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

121 California street,Ban Francisco, Cal.

K.Loweis, F.J. Lowioy O. II. Cooko.

& COOKE,LEWEBS to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merelianta80 Beaver Mock, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NewStoics in the

TliouuiM Block, KiK Street,Three doors fiom Cti&Uo & Cookes',

Whoro ho Is piopared to manufactureall Jtindsif Jewelry. 00


persons vho want to communlALL with tho PoituL'ueso, eitherfoi busiuosi,, or for procuring wpikmen,seivautsorauy othur helps, will I ud itiho most prolitablo way to udvertUe In

tho Luso ilawaiiauo, Hie now organ of

the Portuguese colony, which is pun.lished on Hotel Btieot, and only chargesleusouablo rates for udvertisumenu


furnished for balls, partiesMlBand. Orders loltat O. JS. WMtofipr ring up nn'uv. . - -


ALFRED MAQOON,J ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Ncl Millluery Estub-llslnncn- t,

San Francisco. 2J


Attorney at Hjsavv.Office, : No. 9 Kuuhumanu street,

ap 2I.88.1y

J. M. RflONSARRAT,Attorney mitl CouuHollor at law.Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for the States of New York, Call,fornla and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gazette" Block, Ilonolulu, U. I.

june.9 88


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.30 tf


AND XIA.1C3311Y.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.. Hotel St. -- aiS?" Telephone 74



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 &1.0 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Ueput for Bocrickc & Bcechlk's

HOWICEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilot

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, lTono21G Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO..Manufacturing; JowellcrH,

NO. 03 FOBT STXtJLSJET.Constantly on hand i large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchtGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly

Hustace & Robertson,rjs

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly L

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s

auction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Euo do Dunkorque, . - Paris.

Kecutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,bwlst, German, and EnglUh Goods, attho best Mnnul'icturcrs' Lowest J'lices,

Commission, per till.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Oiiginal Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to theinanugcr.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Homo and Colonlul Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambric3,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millluery, Laces, Gloves,Fi luges, Parasols, Haberdashery,fluid mid hilver Lace,FluntieU, Feathers, Pearli,Boots uud Shoes, Glass, andChlniMVuru, Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Booke, AitistioFurniture, Stationery,ChromoB, Machinery. &c, &c.

130 ly S


28 columns, purely local matter-Mai-led

to foreign countries, $5 ptrannum.

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS,! Proprioto"- -F. I. CUnER,

Ofllce, SI King slrrct, Telephone No SO.

Residence 'telephone No 202.

Gen'l X3x.jji,ohh1iikS: rnyliiKPiano aud Furniture moving a specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.July 25Jy

FINE JEWELRY!I beg to call the nttcntion of my friends

and the general public to my

Fine Stock of GoodsJust received. A cireful inspection

vill convince you that

BETTER GOODSIn my lime haw nover been offcicd

in tins city.$QPleaso Give mo an Early Call"T&a



St.91 3m

Beaver i)u sbiooii

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Eours

The Finest Brand of

Ciprs, Jm Totaco

A.l"viv'H oil Hsirul.25. .S. KOLTK, Proprietor.

Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Fork,XTi-il- i, Vvp;c i iVblew, Sc, &,a.

Always on hand at the

(Succcsois to Wm. McCandlcss),No. qtiei'ii rt., : : I'luli .irai-ltct- ,

Ilonolulu, H. I.C2FFiiinil and Shipping Oiders care-

fully attended to. Lhe Stock furnishedto vessels at bhoit notice, my 17-8- 8



Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesalo & Retail Butchers


1717 ly


Meat Slariei,Tovt St., ojijio. O. S. S. CoSh Wharf.

P. MILTON, - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

SmiHJKO V VenutulK'H.Also a supply of


On haud at all limes.

Shipping and Families supplied atshortest notice and with best attention.

SH Munager. Ltf


SSNGER'S BAKERYHas moved fiom tho coiner of ltlchard

and tiueen htieets t"

No. 216 King Street(Formerly llutlcib' Place),

Wheie the Bnlceiy will bo carried on as85 heretofore. '.Un

NOT10I3.i:HS having our Soda Water

or Lemonade Bottlni (empty) onhand will greatly oblige by notifyingus by H'lephono or otherwise, and theywill at onio bo fcut for. Botihwietuintdlonger than one immth will lie chargedfor. Telephones: Hell, 173-- , Mutual, iit.0.

J. i:. BHOWN A. CO.,I'roprletois, Tahiti henionndo Works.


IF YOU FIND ANYTHING,JL udvcrtlso It lu tho Daily Bulxktln.

&',' u.w& ,' j ihXfMgmjKamm&mmViBaummssMm :.r. Ttatt: &r&g&&4&




ropuiar - miiiineri101 Fort Street, Honolulu.

IV. S. SACHS, : Proprietor

ew Dress Goods,

:o:- -

New Embroideries,

New Laces, 4c &c.--AND LATEST STYLE--



General AfjcntMExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchango Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books end Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collotions will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Eecords searched and correct Abstvacts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand

Bomcly engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages m general use this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected,

Firo and Life Insuranco effectod In firsudaws Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders'will receive particular attention.

1ST All Business entrusted to our caro will roccive prompt and faithful attontion atmodorato charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e ycarsjhiNew York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiting tact and discretion, aud respectfullysolicit atrial.

BellTelephonc No. 274. JlaAvaiiuu UiiMincMK J.xcncy.jan. 7.88

" ii in i j. iii

Just Received at Hollister & Go.'sA large assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of




and Bonnets!

tho city. orders solicited.

UPoy SSale a Reasonable PrieeSrm-2- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAiL. f87

Steam Works, Sunny South, WniKiUi.

J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors.Depot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


0- -

Tho Only Apparatus making High Clns


Sarsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd I'UltE, STRONG EFFERVES01NO

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved Machinery ami Patent Glm-ivah- Bottlos.

TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Oilice Box, 469.

$J8T Orders delivered to any part of

i f,fmlKmim

IslandApriM3-8- 8

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol funds, 28,602,205.00

Fire riks taken at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july SMS S8.1y

t'lilon J'lro tV. Slnilnc

Insurance Company of N, Z.

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Mai iuo lisM. Ukcn at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.july2SS8.1y

--S TJ "- -

Insurance Co, of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions nt cuncnt rates

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July

General Insurance Company.

Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freightmid Commissions at cuncnt latcs.

JOLTN. S. WALKER, Agent.July 20 8S-l- y


Strictly Mutual Organized 1845.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

The actual (not etmiited) remits of itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoeof any othci Company issuing similar


The Xonforfcltiiis

Eree Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (returning allpremiums in addition to face of policyshould death orctir dining the Tontineperiod) as issued by this Company in.eludes the advantages of Tontine

guaranteed options at the endof Tontine periods and pcifect fieedomafter tuo years as to lesidence, traveland occupation, except scrvico invar.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years.C59For full particulars and estimated

results based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

c a BERGERHonolulu, General Agent Uawaiiau

Julyj Islnuda L21.88


Contractoi'H A: JtnllcleiT..Bilck, Stone and Wooden Buildings; ".timates given, .lobbing piomptlv at-tended to. 70 King blieet. Bell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. 1. O. Box, 42!). up Cly


and BulldeivHonolulu Steam rinnlni; Mills, Kspla

nade, ilonolulu.Manufactures all hinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all binds of Wood-wotknnis- h.

Tuuiliu,', Sciollnnd BandSaw ing. All kinds of Sawing and 1'lan-m- g,

Morticing and Tennntiug.Orders promptly uttwudtil to and woik

guaranteed. Ordeis from the otherbolloltcd


Aliikoii, near iii'c:i Ni.Tclopliiiiio IS.'J.

sKxfX Honolulu iuon Wouko,mjSteam engines, sugar mills, boll,era, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of uvery descriptionmado to order. I'ailicularattentiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted ut short notice. 1

i . jT. O. MAKCHANT,(Succcfcsor to T. O. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Pliant Building, Bethel street, llonoG2 lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


Wishes to notify tho publio that hehas removed to larger quuitcrs,

Wo, 13 Enahuraanu Street,EST UI STA1H.S. -

81 8m


MARINEINSURANCE.Haitford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Life Insuranco Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, HaVn Islands.

1C53 ly

3sq clta-- u x,:e

Life Assurance Society,

Ol' tlio United. BtatoB.


New Business In 1887 - $138,023,105Applications refusod for - 23,729,317Total Income - - 23,240,849Surplus 4 per conl - 18,104,255

Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above and most important pointtho Equitable heads the list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,Ucncral Alien t for Hawaiian


June 1.88.ty

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo St Marine Insur'oe Agents.



of Boston.

Tlio iEtna Firo Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

TIiu IJjiliiu Firo ami

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Francisco, Cala.

191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital, 9,000,000 Relchimarkt

''piIE undersigned, having been a p.A. pointed ngeut of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept ribks, against Fire, on Buildings.Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMIIIb etc., on tho most Favorable Terms

Losjoi Promptly Adjusted and Payable InHonolulu.

H. 1UEMENBUHNEIDEK,jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'.


SajnoanViews !

At J. J. fi s'Nov.2I.87













Page 2: TfpD - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of all kinds done ou Uie most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE

r- -

C& r


; (f

si9)Stt&!iSsaSfS8fiirS- -



TENDERS.UmcuuK'iiu: Hoaimi or llr.Ai.-rii,-

Honolulu, II. I., Sept. 2 llli '88. 51

.Scaled Tendeis will bo leceived ntllio Oilk-- o of tlu Boaid of llonltliuntil SATURDAY, Sept. 2!)tli, 1888,at 12 o'clock noon, for the .supplyingof diuga and mcdicil supplies, to nilGovernment Disliiot Physicians,

.Hospitals, and DispeiisaiicM, uiidi'ithe cue and eontiol of llio Hoard,lor tliu tci in ofunc year fioin Octo-ber 1st, 188S.

Libia of the dings, etc., can be hadat the Oilice of the Boaid.

The Bouid of Health does not binditself to accept thu lowest, or any bid.

W. G. ASHLEY,Secretary of the Boaid of Health,

fid atI. ' "

B1S1IOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on the

Buuk ol OiLlii'oruUi, S. IT.An-- thi'li agents in


Messrs. N. M. ItulhsuhildtV: Son, London

The B.ini: Co., of Sydney,London.

The Coinmi'iiiui Hank Co.. of Sydney,Sydney,

The Btnko' New tti'iliind: Auckland,Chiinlc'iiiirdi, .:nd Wellington,

The Bank of liiiiish Columbia, Vic--

tori'i, 1J C, and Pmtlaml, Or.and

Transact a. ueaciu' Uuaklug Business.6R0 lv


ijjailu fttHjjfinPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.



The "Shanghai Mercury" of July30th, says, "The Japanese Govern-

ment is becoming so solicitous thatJapanese travelling abroad shall notbring discredit on their country,that according to the 'Nichi NichiSliimbun,' it is now provided thatevery Japanese desiring to goabroad shall find two property-holder- s

to be security for his good be-

havior; and anyone leaving secretlywill bo severely punished." Theparagraph from which we have quot-

ed closes with the assertion that,according to a Swaton correspon-dent, "It appears the Japanese sub-

jects there arc not a credit to theircountry."

The obligation to provide twoproperty-lioldei- s as security forgood behavior is rather hard onthose Japanese who wish to visit for-

eign lands, but the arrangementshows how anxious the nation is tomaintain its good name abroad.

No doubt there are some Japan-ese who disgrace themselves andtheir country by misbehavior, whilein foreign countries, just as somesubjects of all nations do. But ifwe may take our experience of thesepeople here in Honolulu as a crite-

rion, thej' compare very favorably'with any and every other nationalityof which our polyglot community iscomposed. There is said to beabout one hundred Japanese in thisdistrict, and they aic among themost peaceable, quiet, law-abidi-

and in every way creditably con-

ducted of the people. In the mat-

ter of pleasing affabilit- - and unaf-

fected politeness they head the list.


Editor Bulletin: I wish tothank your correspondent, "A Ecl- -

- low Sufferer," for the kind inform- -' ation, from which I learn that Ihave been misinformed and I amvery glad now that the suspectedgentleman is not to ho blamed. Asa fellow sulfercr he will pardon mofor being in a bewildered state of

. mind, when my poor children arosuffering bo indescribably. Oneofthem has been very near death.I believo the statement of a fellowsufferer, as it has the appearanceof having been written by an honestman, and I take ids word for the

' facts. The latter as stated aro notclear though. Allow me to

. quote :f 'i 1. "But a week later the children

were at Sunday School."2. "A few days later one of the

children coughed harder.".J5. "Had they not carefully avoid- -

,ed other children?"Please excuse ino, this I do not

' understand, as I cannot combine.Sunday School and nvoiding otherchildren.

There is ceitainly something verypeculiar about the fact, that mostchildren who visited the Fort Street


Smithy School nrc affllclctl by tltowhooping cough, meanwhile mostchildren whoso parent arc membersof the Knglinh or of other churchesare exempt from this wmrge,for instance: "V., N., U. M., etc.Bull do not wish lo quuirol anymore with iny fellow sufferer, for 1

am convinced thai even if hu liasunwittingly aided the pieadofthedisease, that it Una Ixen ilone un-

knowingly and iini'itentioiially.Tli ere fori I apologir.e, if T eired.

am very soiry that J cannot finishns he has done, in laUtnsi nil responsibility from the Boaid ofHealth.

That honorable body is not, ex-

pected to slop an eaithnuakc orcyclone, but cerlainly it is theirduty to prevent the introduction ofnil hinds of disease On arrival ofix blcauicr with passengers lieiethe Port Physician should enquireand asccitain from the doctor of thesteamer if there is any disease onboaid, such as smallpox, whoopingcough, or cholera. According tomy experience, whooping cough isthe worst of any, and the Boardshould immediately place such casesin a proper quarantine.

IIy fellow sufferer must ae;rcewith'ino in this, if he cares morefor his family than for other honora-ble bodies.

Tin: Fatiikk or .VI-- 2.


Editok llri.Mrix: Jlr. ChunSing's letter in 's Buu.imx isa very instructive epistle, and forthat he deserves acknowledgment.Tec issue about the Chinese is ofsuch vast importance, that we mustbe thankful for all the informationwe can get, especially when it comesfrom one who, like Mr. Sing, represents the leading Chinese.

Mr. Sing says, "What is there inthe evidence which the committeetook to warrant this slander? (thatmoney was piovided by cctain Chi-

nese for. etc.) Evidently thesegentlemen went to the inquiry witha preconceived notion, the truth orfalsehood of which they took nopains to ascertain. Thetale he (Kalaukoa) toldwas flatly contradicted by everyother witness. On behalfof the leading Chinese citizens ( ?)of Honolulu 1 emphatically deny thetruth of the committee's, statement,and I defy them to show that it is

substantiated by the evi-

dence."It Mr. Sing will please look in the

Legislative report in the Bn.i.UTixfor Wednesday, September 12th, 2dcolumn, line 75 from top, lie willsee that "Luhiau admitted he re-

ceived $50 from Chinese, etc."Was it slander or fact, Mr. Sing?The talk about preconceived notionon the part or lite committee is agross insult, not only to the gentle-men, of which this committee wascomposed, but to the whole Legis-latm- e.

Likewise is it an insult toevery member of the LegislativeAssembly when he accuses them ofnot caring to ascertain the truth. 1

judiciously say every member, be-

cause the vote on the first recom-mendation ot the committee stood38 ayes, 0 noes. That the "tale"of Kalaukoa was flatly contradictedis not true, no more than the asser-tion that none of the witnesses ad-

mitted their bribe as coining fromChinamen. That Mr. Sing "defies"the whole Legislatuie is naturalenough, but it is 011I3' to heap insultupon insult. He may speak for theleading citizens (residents I under-stand lliein to be) of Honolulu, butif they are to be measured by theactions of those of them that werementioned in connection with tliobribery case, they must be a verycorrupt set, which J, however, hopeor believe is not the case.

Is Mr. Sing going to be the "In-fant terrible?" He says: "Thesemen (haoles) belong to a set, whoare well accustomed to putting upcampaign funds when they think anypolitical point is to be gained, andhave for years past lound thesinews of war for election contests,and last year for the icajnie." Fewof them appear " but the'can be relied upon for the fundswhen they aro needed.

Who are they, Mr. Sing? Giveus names, prove what you assert.This is worse than the bribe for vot-

ing contra "Amendment," it istreason! Jf you cannot prove it,you will be liable to be called aslanderer and lying. Who of themgave the money to Kauhi as you saythey most likely did? Do you thinkthat the lands you are paying rentfor now would be idle if you goaway? Oh, no! don't think that,theio aro men and families enoughhere ready to occupy your places.

Mr. Sing says: lint ourenemies we can meet and deal with.The Chinaman is an important fac-

tor and it will yet bofound that ho is not to lo trilledwith in impunity by anyono." Mr.Editor, when Mr. Tain Tow (TomGow, as "P. C. A." has it) in thomuss meeting of the Chinese, threat-ens Hawaii and says it is believedtho Chinese authorities will takesteps to render help, and when lie inthe same speech sneers at little Ha-waii, nobody paid attention to it,but now, Mr. Editor, comes Mr.Sing, who lepresents the leadingChinese, and threatens u& again.He not only does it in the sentencequoted above, but later on lie says,"Perhaps they laugh, but they willnot always laugh if they, etc."What is the meaning of all this?Mind, the leading Chinamen arohero represented bj' Mr. Sing, andwhat lie says is what they wish him to

! '- tel

say. Aro wo dancing dtt a volcano?-Is- '

trouble secretly brewing? Doesnot what Mr. Sing writes open oureyes? Now ye white men, cilicntof Honolulu, who aic charged byMr. Sing to favor bribory, to havecommuted treason, rise and defendyourselves! Mind that China soTom Gow told us spends $10,000,-00- 0

every year on ships, etc. Andthen sav that we ousht tb let theChinamen come in without restric-tions, and with their wives? Areyou so bound by tho spell of thealmighty dollar Hint you will seeyour children subjects of a Chinesepower rather than lose a few dollars?Will any of those advocates of thefree and equal born Chinamen giveone of them his daughter as wife?Why not if they arc equal? Whydon't China give haoles any rights?

Mr. Sing can evidently not resistthe temptation to give those who arcopposed to his countrymen :i kick,as lie calls Ihoin "empty-heade- d,

who do not sec rightly what is goodfor the country." But Mr. Singand the leading Chinamen sec it,they alone know what is good forus, and that their tin cat is not wind,was shown, when Messrs. II. Hack-fel- d

& Co. were boycotted. Who isnext to suffer?

I hope that Mr. P. C. Jones feelsvery proud of the "mention honor-able" given hiin by such a promi-nent man as Mr. Chun Sing.

11. G. N.Honolulu, Sept. 25, 1888.

i.wwp iii wiwAuction Sales by Lewis J. Levey.


To-morro- w, Sept. 27,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

At. my Salesrooms, I am instructed too'ller for sale at Public Auction,

to close consignment,

5 cs. Ass'd BiscuitsContaining CO Tins Ench.

Each Case having an assortment of 10Vaikties of 5 Tins Each.


LEWIS J. LEVEY,50 11 Auctioneer.

Regular Gash Sale !

Sept, 27, 1888

AT 1L O'CLOCK A. 31..At my S.di'TOoins, coiner of Fort and

Queen &UeetH, will be tolil nt Public-Am tion, n Guneial AsMiitiiicnt of

3fforcIi.'iinIiso, Groceries,and laonsthold Furniture.

And at 1" o'clock noon, about

50 Pots Imp. Ferns & Plants,Ami the following

Rare and Valuable Orchids:Plialacnopsis Scldllcrana,

Dondrouium Spcciosam,Ccypicpidium Barbatum,

Coyprcpidlum Insinnis,Ccymbcdlum Alocfollum,

Cattcloya Skincru,Saccolahuni Amcam.


1 Exp. Carriage & 1 Open Buggy

LEWIS J. LEVEY,5(J It Auctioneer.


A MACHINE for Shelling Collcc.Any one having ono for sale or

able and willing to inidse one, pleute ad.(In 8 this olllee 48 If

TO LET...-- l !i turn nf'Mlirm l l.flrnrr

--V.w3 J- - and 1 Small Room; fur--MIPJIUII llll II- - U UL MilUJU UIIU

room for a hoi be. Add i ess P 0. Biu-C-o

.")00. lw


DUltlNQ my absence from the King,Frank HuMaco will act

for me under full powers of attorney.Jlr. II. Arinilage will conduct my Auc-tion anil Commission Business.55 lw JAS. F. MORGAN.


A MALM t'anaiy Bird withdm I; leathers. A suit,

nblo rewind will bo paid onictiiining Minio to

54 lit II. HACKFKLD & CO.


A SPECIAL meeting of the btock.holdeis of tho Mutual Telephone

Company Mill bo held for ihepuiposool "Alteiing the at the Com.puny'i Building, on WEDNESDAY,October 10th, at 10 o'clock a. m.

O. O. BURGER,CI td Secretary.


ARIUAGE Mate, suit.

PiKtt. waiianted perfectly kind4yESCiJt3 an(1 gtnt,e. Ciiu bo driven

by u child. Inquiro at Bulletin Olllee,G'3Ut


A GENTLEMAN of over J10 yeuis'businois cxpeiicncu Willi hirgo

llrms in England and this Kingdom isopen for a as Book-keeper, Cabhicr mid Correspondent.

and testimonials of the highestoider. AddiessP. O. Box 470. film

Auction Sale by JanieS F. Morgan.



M1 N"3 1 1

Valuable Hire & Colts !


By order of the Trustees of His Majesty'sEstate, I will soil at Public


On MONDAY, October 1, '88,


At the Stables at the rear of J. I. Dow.sett's Oll'ce, Queen stint,

25-HOR- SES--

Mni'cM X: Colts,From the well-know- Studious Ijiuinlllo

uud Stantoid.

anaioiti cahii.JAS. JP. MORGAN,

51 til Auctioneer.

MILLINERYMiss Chillberg

Una lust received, per "AuMinlin,"ilnndsomc and Select Assort-

ment of

JPfSF Billets !

Satins, Plushes,Floivia'H, JeuLliei'H,

JTttlloy "WIllKaf, llliyboiiH,

Velvets ! Silks IAnd all tho latest

American & Parisian Novelties52 tw

mwn imw tmsiiii;im

Drink Life

Just Received at & Wichman'sA Largo Invoice of Pine Jewelry, of the Latest and Prclticbt Designs.

Diamonds in Solitaires &The Famous Gorham Solid & Finest Triple Platedware

In Gicat Vaiiely.

Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc,At Exceedingly Low Prices.

JBeaiitil'iil Ma.x-ll- o Clocks I

Special JLiiuc oi A.lmiu Clocks, at Ssl TTS.These Goods have all been personally selected in the States, guaran-

teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.Sample Packages of Goods kont to any pait of the Kingdom. Having

eveiy facilities lcquisito for a iirst-elas- e jewehy manufacturing establish-ment, we feel confident we can m.inufactuie anything that may be

in tho Jewelry or Silverwaie Line.M'ATCII XtEIA.IXtXIS-- A; JGNGKAVING

In our well-know- n manner.--&c W lOJaLM-AJN"- ,

1 . Box 42 (!3G lm) Fort Street.




B. B. Itosi:, Agent for Islands.

Statement Two Policies.

Policy 141,077, S.Wilder

Plan, Insured 1873.Annual Payments, incluil.

1888, cost 5,012

Amount of Policy 10,000 00Additions during 10 years. CO

Amount claimHonolulu, Sept. 19, 1888.. 813,002 CO

Policy No. 105,747,Wider 81!I,000

Plan, 1875.

Annual Payments, includ-ing 1888, 0,001

Amount Policy V.1,000Additions during jeais. !f,400 Vi

Amount claim inHonolulu, Sept. 1888.. 810,400 52

The above Policies ml.dltions amounted $29,129

Total cost same in.surcd 12,514

Amonntpaid over and abovecost ol $17,014 88



"Y oflleo closed Septcm.111. her 22nd October duiing

the Kingdom.M. 15. GROSSMAN,

Dentist, 04 Hotel si.

YOUJL advertise Bullktin.

as a Preserver,




Kome Httti'tlliiK HtJittnlloRri tlio ItoiiciU ol 'X'oLul


A repoit tho inqnbv into tho con-

nection of dlenn with habits intern-iuiaue- c,

incpmoil by Dr. IsambaidOwen, .Secretary of tho Invostipat'onCommittee tholbltbli Medical As-

sociation, glvci tiutlbiK statisticsfor people, l'aitlenlarshave been obtained bj committee ofISIS I case ot deceased live, airrd twen- -

"ty-ll- vc and upward, which liablu'o'f the person In leaul 10 alcohol veruleemded in elates total alHtidu-I'l-- o,

habitually temperate, eaielcssdt inker', fiee drinl.ers, and decidedly

'I he njjex of death In eachclass show us follows: To-

tal abstainci, fll.aa yenia; habituallytemperate, (12.1!J; eaielcss dtinkcis,fiU.O"; fiee thinkers fiT.r.SI; decidedlyliiiemncrntc. flu.e:!. This makes thelowest aveiaice duration life that ofthu teetotaler, and tho highest of

moderate thinker, his average beingnearly elecn jcars longer. The habit-ual diuiikind averages about a yuirlonger than tho total abstainer.

Another table prepmed by the com-mittee, from which all deaths under :)0

weie excluded, showed the followingdurations of Total abstainers,5".:tl; habitually tempeiate, 48;eareles di inkers, 01. ; fico di inkers,."8. ST; decidedly 011.12.

Omitting bves under 40 years, aver-age age of death was: Total abstainers02.74 years; habitually temperate. G".-7- 1;

caicles di Inkers. 01.-15- : freeihhiV-ei- s,

lil.OS; decidedly57.17.

BSrln lefeicnee to the above,have for srtle extremely low ratcp,PHILIP BEST'S MILWAUKEE LAGER DEER

and W. J. LEMP'S SI. LOUIS LAGER BEER,in plnt anil quarts.

W. U. PEACOCK & CO.,no lw ileicliimt street.


Excellent Quality For Sale

-- AT

75 Cents Per Dozen. Delivered.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,tJ2 25 Merchant Street. lw

-- 0-

9 5



Proof Safes !


k M CO.,

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S. A.

Having established infor the sale of their miinu.

facturei, which are

Surpassed bytheir line the world, opportu-

nity oll'ered to all requiring prolec.tion of Valuables lrom nudTheft to supply themselves termswhich defy competition,

C55T For particulars inquire at a

Culick's Agency,No. Merchant St., Honolulu,


YOU WANT SERVANT?1. ndvurtlsu the Daily Bullktin.


"Australia" Mr. James OldsBY received an Invoice celc-lA'ate- d

Anhouscr Di aught Brer St.Louis, which he oilers for sale to

patrons at tho Empire House, cornerNuuanu and Hotel streets This

Beer comes nil tho way from St, Louison ice, and arrangements having hrenmado for regulur shipments. Thisarticle hereafter in regularsupply at tho "Empire," lw

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it iu tho Daily Bullktin

Constant Line of Schooners Ample Opportunity for All.0

OWING to constantly increasing and the great of an appre.commuuil, have eonebukd to oiler an opportunity all parties

having capital. Our Line of Seliognerh may he eeu Kllding over the "Bar" lllledto their utmost currying capacity of Clear, Cool and Invigorating

John Wielanri's Philadelphia Lager Beer !

.ax1 the "CRiarrartioiv saloon."To tircommolnte our Vast Fleet of Schooners, our ice vaults are now being en-

larged icgiiidless of cost. The

"CRITERIONIs the only placu where a Cool Glass of PHILADELPHIA BEER, Draughtctni be had In Honolulu. Step forward, Gentlemen, now's the time. 52 lm

insurance Co.,



No. G.$10,000 00


10tng 80


of paid in

S. G.00

Lllo Insured in


cost 44

Original of 0014

of paid10,

withto 12

of to21


will be fiointo 27th,

my absence from

HO tf

1 F WANT A SITUATIONin tho Daily




in the

live iweiage








-- OF-



an Agency thisCity

NoneIn in an

isthoir Fire


33 II. I.01

TF Ain

theof tho



will be53

our businesswc to



P IT lr H FT !isf


Ladies', Bents', k Cites' Bathina Sis,I?sT COTTON

:0- -

Also, Ladies' Black


Dye Hose

On Account of mmmm





Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,In Plush & Leather ; liit-tivic- Glass & Parian Ware, Opera it

Marina Glasbes, Telescopes,

IMiisie Boxes, Toys, Books, --AJLlbiims,And other things too numerous to mention. All tho above

Goods will bo ofleied at the


$JF"Tho above Goods aie New,been inipoited ox leeent nuivals and





lOO iFVjrt. SLvt-ct- ,

iroxtx s'X'Icjeetc,EST BARGAINS -- a New Line




Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns, .At Lower Prices than ever before. Now invoice of


Just Hcccived

Novelties uud ITiviiev Goods, In Xjjwtjc "Viiviety..iug.?-8- 8



&3., :e.Has commenced tho business of Dressmaking, Cutting and Filling, at her icsi-denc-

No. 73 Beretonl.i sticci oppositethe Hotel. The patiouigc of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaianteed. .


fine Milch Cow,price, $125. Apply

at tho Bulletin Office.91 Sid oaw


jfipifcwjjB 2 ROOMS. Apply No. 10Emma street. 60 lw

FOR SALE or LETHouse and Lot onTHE street next to

Mr. John Kna's on the west;large lot runs from Beiclunia to Youngbtrect. House contains parlor, dining-roo-

three large bidiooms, kitchenbath-roo- and Inquire of01 tf T. C. WILDER.

FOR RENT or LEASEHouse near the cornerTHE Bcretania uud Piikoi

streets at present occupied byMulcolm Brown, Possession given Octo-he- r

1, 1888. Anply toMALCOLM BROWN,

At Recorders Oltlco, Gov. Building.40 tf

TO LETHOUSE on School btrcetA near tho wooden bridge,

contulnlug live looms, besidesbilliard. room, bathroom, kitchen audpantry. Aiso carriage house and stablesfor two horses. Apply to

E. W. JORDAN,At WaterhoiiRo's Fort-stree- t Store.

33 1m

Building LotH LongLtmsi'H.

IIVE minutes' walk fromOlllee. Thirty Lots,

each about 1C0 feet tquarc.TJrii Low terms. Apply to

GONSALVES & CO.,14 2w Queen street.

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hepopular paper published




Piesh and of the Latest Design, havingwere selected expicssly for tho trade




ef J- 5- BARGAINS --t9J


DURING my absence from the King,the lion. "W. F. Allen will

act for me under a full power of attor-ne-y

in all private matters, and also Inall estates in viliieh I am assignee orJgent. "IV. C. PARKE.

Honolulu, Augun 25, 1888. 29 2m


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 3 22 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feetG inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast aud sails all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 tf


NOTICE is hereby given that at aof the Waimea Sugar

Mill Co. held in Honolulu, on the 22udday of September, 1SS8, the followingofficers were elected :

President H. W. Schmidt,W. D. Schmidt,

Treasuier J. F. Hackfeld,Secretary II. Lose,Auditor H. F. Glade.

II. LOSE,Sccretaiy.

Honolulu, Sept. 24, 1888. G14t


THE undersigned give notice thatthey have been appointed

of A. Morgan, enrriago inanii.fai'turer, of Honolulu. All persons any claims aguiust the said A.Morgtm whether secured by mortgagoor otherwise, aro notified to present thesumo to the Assignees within 3 monthsfiom September 22, 1888. All peisotisindebted to Mr. A. Morgan are re.qiiC5tcd to mako immediate payment totlio Assignees.


Assignees of A. Morgan.Honolulu, Sept 22. 18S3. fit 2w

NOTICE to CREDITORS.undersigned having been apf

. pointed Adminstiatnr of tho Es-tate or John Gtnoia, of Kallhi Wacnu,Honolulu, deceased, gives notice to allcieditors of suid John Garcia to presonttheir claims duly authenticated aud withproper youchois whether becured bymortgage or otherwise to him at hisolllee No. 15 ICaahumanu street, Hono.lulu, within six months lrom date orthoy will b forever barred.

A- - BOSA,AdmiiuKtiater of tho Estate of John

Garcia, deceased.Honolulu, Sept. 13, 1888. 45 lm

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN is a liveX evening papor. CO cents per month











Page 3: TfpD - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of all kinds done ou Uie most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE





E3ZM nrywij m- - fW"Sj-iy?P,- &WJ Vjfr 3S " T3 s vW" " ' fv,


Hack slnnd : Merchant and Forttroet. Telephones, !13o.


'V 1 1 in

atlu l$ttTTtfftn

WEDNESDAY, SKl'T. ill!, 1888.

Sept 'J(5

Stinr l.uhua from Ilumakua

Dcl'AflTURES.SeptSG- -

Stiur Jus Mnkeo for Knpna at '1 p m31k Mica for Paget Sound


Stiur Knulii for alalua ami Waiauae att) a m

Stiur Lohua for llaiuaktia at 5 p m

PASSENGERS.From windward ports nor stun- - W O

Hall, Sept 2.--,

-- C F Ik-iu- .) U Mmiar-ra- t,

11 11 l'k'iner, .Mrs K II linger, Jt 1Parker and child, Mi lCcaloha, D 11

Hcleloa, MNos Kamaloplll (1), AAkana and !)." deck.

For Maid and Molokai per stnir Like-lik- e,

Sept'A") .1 is 1) Cookolt and brldo,Ml) JIon-arrat- , wife, child and 2 ser-vants T T2 Cooki'. Mi"s Dora Mobsman,Mrs Ja'UiuIu Kcolii.Kalole. Mi?s ClioStuart, C! X Spencer, Hon V 11 Daniels,31rs 11 Laws, 11 --McLean, J3 31 Walsh,and about 70 deck.

For Kauai per stmr Mikahala, Sept2.", Mrs 0 M Cooke and 2 children, WD Selimldt, Kev Mr liiokncll, MissSeholz, Mrs Kbcnezcr, Mrs Siomsen,A Mellryde, 11 M hitnoy. jr, .T F Col-bu-

P"P Smith, Lani- -liau and about CO deck.

For Lalialna, per btmr Twalaui, Sept25-- 13 0 Howe and air Fox.


Ivaala 800 water melon1.Hall :i." bags coffee, 118 bags awa, !)C

bide', 2." bead of cattle, G calvesand 8 pigs.


U S S Alert, GrahamAm bktne S X Cattle, HubbardGer bk C It IJi-ho- p, 1'oppohlil Khca, SaiidgurNtAm bk Sonoma, UrillilhtAm bktne Klitiknt, CutlerHaw bk .Tas A King, LorryDanish bk Coranua, .lessenHawaiian bk Lady Lampson, SodcrgrcnBk Vcloeit-- , aiartia


The schooner Ke An llou returnedfrom Hawaii yesterday with a load ofblack sand from Hilo beach.

The weather at Waialmi was goodwhen the Kaala left yesterday

Waialua mill lesumes grinding onaionday and will have hiiflioiont cane tokeep tho mill 'teadily engaged for about(i weeks.


Tin: surf is running very high.

aiit. G. West is slowly improving.

A small gray terrier dog has beenlost.

A Post Ofi'ice bank book has beenlost.

aiESSits. Castle & Cooke have finered salmon for sale.

aiit. A. ai. aiellis has opened ashirt factory at 17 Emma stiect.


Five lepers wore biouglit from Ha-waii yestciday on the W. (J. Hall.

Tiiekk is every indication of astorm within tho next few hours.

' A native was arrested this morn-ing for assault on a white man with


The taio-patc- h corner of Fort and) King streets has been iilled in with

. : coral rock.

Li Cheung, tho Chinese interpre-ter, will icturn to Honolulu m aboutthree mouths.

A youno bon of air. J. F. Brown'shint himself yesterday by fallingfrom a ticc at Waikiki.

r.Tun Chinese stewanl of the LadyLampson has been charged withsmuggling opium. Three tins wcrofound on liini.

ainssits. Jones &. Wichinan, jewel-ers, have just received a very elegantnew stock, paiticulars of which ap-

pear in an adveitisoment.

A laiiqe number of copies of tho"Paradise of tho Pacific" will be for-

warded by the Mariposa for distribu-tion at the aiclbouruo Exhibition.

Tin: Honolulu liusincbs Directoryis now all printed and being bound.A few copies aro cxpocted to bo readyfor distribution on .Hominy or l ues- -

day next.. .

A native carpenter employed onthe new building at tho Kaiuehn-nieh- a

Schools, fell a distance ofeighteen feet on Aionday, but wasnot injured.

Amono the orchids to bo sold byMr, Lovoy at noon is theAma.on water plant, with a mostbeautiful flower. These plants giowcither in watqr or toil.

Mn. L. J. Levey, at his regularcash sale at 10 o'clock a. m.,

will oiler merchandise,groceries, cases of biheuits and furni-

ture. At noon, imported ferns andplants will bo bold.

At 1 .15 o'clock after-noon l'rof. W. T, liiighani will givean address at Oahu Uollcgo to thoHtudL'iits and fiiendh of that institu-tion. Twonty-tiv- o years ago Ptof.jlrigbani was on tho stall' of OahuCollege, and sipco then has writtenmany valuable works. His latestcllbit was a book on Guatemala.

A divif. notion in which Miss Windsuch Dr. Wood for $200 damages Isbeing hcnid in the TolicoCouit. Thoease nioso out of n collision recentlyreported in these columns, in whichMiss Wind lost a horse.


Mystic Lodge No. 2 K. of 1'., at7:90. Witt confer Amplified raidc.

Drill Co. 0. Honolulu IJillcs, at7:80.

Services at the churches, at 7:110.Oahu Lodge No. 1 K. of P., at

7:30.Arion Musical Society rehearsal

nt7:!10.Dance Myrtle Social Club at Gib-

son's Hail, at 7:30 o'clock.


in-- i.. j. i.r.vKv.

At 10 a. m. regular cash sale ofmerchandise and furniture and casesof biscuits.

At noon about 50 pots of import-ed ferns and plants.


Hon. S. M. Damon is having anartesian well bored in the middle ofa cocoanut grove on his property atMoanalua. Last evening air.

who is doing the boring,had got down 517 feet, with aneight inch How of water. Tho bor-

ing will be continued to GOO feetand thon stop. A depth of 150 feetwas reached before rock was struck.Tho grove where the well is situatedused to bea favorite spot for hold-

ing feasts, particularly by Kamcha-meh- a

V. "it is situated 27 feetabove the level of tho sea.


air. Jos. Strong is just completinga life-siz- e oil painting of the lateHon. S. G. "Wilder. The picture isa faithful representation of the de-

ceased gentleman as be appearedabout two years before his demise.The features so familiar to nlmosteverybody in the community arcreproduced with surprising accu-racy. The production is a monu-ment to the artistic skill of the art-ist whose work it is. One or twoti itling details are being added, af-

ter which the picture will be placedon exhibition for a few days at thestore of G. "West & Co., Fort street.


Wednesday, Sept. 2Gtb.Keopuhiwa forfeited bail of 812

and three others were fined (! eachfor drunkenness. W. McFarlancfor being drunk in a saloon wasfined SI 6.

A. Kennedy, for assault with agun was remanded to the 27th.

Jose aierchado charged with as-

sault and battery on M. Perry witha dangerous weapon was also re-

manded to the 27tb.A case of disturbing quiet of the

night was continued.


During the vacation of the Gov-

ernment schools in April an examin-ation for grammar grade certificateswill be held. Below arc given thesubjects with the books that thecandidates will require for reference.Other works should be consulted.

Arithmetic Completed. Barnes'.Grammar Complete. Swinton's.Algobra Robinson's elementary.Composition Questions on Swin-

ton's composition and n writtentheme.

Physiology Steele's fourteenweeks.

Theory and practice Ilewett'spedagogy. Klcnim's chips from ateacher's workshop.

Writing Theory. The new elec-

tric hand book. Van Antwerp &Co.

Physical geography Warren's.History Swinton's outlines.Certificates will be awarded as

follows: 85 per cent for 1 years; 80per cent for 3 j'cars ; 75 per cent for2 years ; 70 per cent for 1 year.


Editor 1) I notice inyesterday's issue n letter from aChinaman, denying that his country-men had provided money to defeatthe Constitutional Amendment.May I ask tho following question :

What wcro all the Chinese in towntaxed S2 for at the time tho ChineseConstitutional Amendment was be-

fore the House? Citizen'.



Euitoic Bulletin: Having no-

ticed in your columns that there hasbeen a subscription started for amonument to Dr. Hillebrand, itstruck me that it would not be amis-- ,

if a public subscription wero startedto erect a monument to the memoryof the Into lion. S. G. Wilder.

I think that if subscription paperswere sent to each district in the Is-

lands, there would bo no lack offunds. 1 for one am ready with mymite.

Yours truly,Ai.ou.v ia Waila.

Naalchu, Kau, Sept. 22,

Our correspondent's suggestionis worthy of adoption. A monumentto tho memory of one who has donoso much for tho material advance-ment of the country would bo a

lilting recognition. Will someone

initiate a movement with this objectin view? Ep.J


At 1 1 o'clock this morning tile isCaptain and Ofllccrs ot tho U. S. S.Alert were presented to His Majestytho King, at Iolani Palace, by HisExcellency Geo. W. Merrill, U. S.Minister Kesidcut. Colonel the ofHon. C. P. laukca was in attend-ance upon His Majesty. The fol-


olllcers were presented:Commander J. D. Graham, Lieut. ifJohn Garvin, Chief Encincer B. C.

ofGowing, P. A. Engineer Robt.Crawford, P. A. Surgeon, E. II. ofGreen, Assistant Paymaster L. S.Heap, Lieut. F. E. Greene, Assist-ant Engineer M. A. Anderson, En-signs John J. Knapp, J. K. Sey-

mour, II. II. Whittlesey and W. W.Gilmer.


In the Supremo Court yesterday,Hon. W. O. Smith presented the re-

port of the trustees of the Lunaliloestate, for the year ending July 31,1888. The accounts were approvedand the report confirmed. Follow-ing is a statement of receipts andcxpendttuies:

nucui i'TS.Cash reed of S.

B. Dole.... if 27,812 51Hills rec'blo

reed, on acctprin 23,108 89

Int. iced, onacct. int. sflOJGO 3

Sundry louli- -

zations ice.onacct.sali'setc. 20,'t 50

Kent, iced,acct.i'ental. 150 20 11,02:10!)

Queen st.waic- -

hoiibe, rood,on acct. ren-tal 350 00 350 00

if 02,921 40lIBI!Ultsr.Mi:N'TS.

Hills leceivablc.Loaned on se-

curities. . . . $39,5G5 00Lunalilo Home.Ituiining ex-

penses !? 8.S20 75aicdical a

itmedicines. . 818 SI!

Caieofgiou'ds 1,0:50 50Stable and car-liage- .-

1)39 08

sM 1,021 70Hcpairs 1,07122Perni.inipiovc- -

miuils 579 j:iFut nihil e... 200 S- 0- 14,073 21Taxcs 731 8SLegal oxp'sos 539 00Commissions

f) per ct. . 579 49


itpis. on ar.m- -

mmcuiii .... .101 08Sal. of keeper

llmos.... 229 17-- f33 85aiis. expenses 312 20Itcnt,paid wa-

ter, etc .... 33 25Queen bt.wau-huu- sc.

. . . 190 50Lunalilo Kblnte.Paid Dole com.

etc., allowedby master. . 233 70

Cash on hand 5.S02 35

102,02 i .10

The report of the manager, W. E.II. Dcverill, states that the numberof inmates in the home August 1,1887, v,as Males 25, Females 11.Admitted from August 1, 1887, toJuly 31, 1888, Males 11, Females 9.Deaths during the j'car, Males 7,Females 2. Number of inmates inthe home July 31, 1888, Males 28,Females 18. Tho youngest inmateis 30, the oldest 08'. Total admis-sions since the opening of the home,10G.

Dr. John Ilrodic, the medicalsuperintendent, in bis report, statesthe health of the inmates lias beenremarkably good, and ho could sug-gest no improvement in the sanitarycondition of the institution.

"' "


Editoii Bi'li.etin : I have noticedsome contemptible remarks in the"Advertiser" regarding the Portu-guese, and I consider it tho duty ofany man of honor to stand up forany abused peoplo of our country.To nlaco them on a level with Chinese is such an outrage, that it de-

serves strong words to condemn thosame.

The Portuguese may not pajr somuch for lawyers as Chinamen do,but is not this a commendable traitof character, oven if lawyers oppose?

The l'ortugueso aro not perfect,they have their faults as well nsothor people have, but I considerone good Portuguese of greater val-

ue to the country than 100 Chinesecoolies.

They liavo come to these Islands,as u peaceful laboring people, whoin their own country experiencedhard times, and have come hero tobelter their condition by hard laborand fair remuneration for tho same.

It takes a hard heart, well, it re-

quires a heart of stone to sec thehappy Portuguese families and tocoinp'aro them with Chinese coolies.

Family! that is the word thatstrikes to my heart; families, is theword for every missionary or statesman ; lamuics aro, wnai mo lsiamisneed, want, require, and demand!

There is something sweet aboutthe Portuguese family life, which ispeculiar to all .Southern people. TheNorthern people aro colder and theAnglo-aj.on- s will never populatethese Islands alono. Wo wantSouthern people, who arc used toa climate like ours.

iJoute of our plniitcio may preferChinese coolies all the time, but that

a near-sighte- d policy, without re-


to the future. It is better toimport 10 Portuguese who intend toslay than 1000 coolies. All tho plan-ters may not agree to this, but it is

the greatest importance for Ha-

waii and for a Government Unit aimstho country's best.The country needs population,nndwc had a good laboring population of

Portuguese intermixed with athis would be the solution

the Labor Question to the satis-faction of all concerned. A singlePortuguese family is a better cus-tomer for our mechanics and store-keepers than hundreds of coolies. anPlease don't forget this!

The Portuguese are consumers,the Chinamen arc not. All what theChinese require is imported fromChina (with the exception of rice)and all what the Portuguese requireis produced on the Islands or im-

ported from the States. Portugueseimmigration is for the benefit of nil,meanwhile only few are benefittedby Chinese. This is common sense 1

I he great objection made againstthe Portuguese by some of the mis-

sionaries is their religion, as theyare Catholics. This is true, but willnot everybody prefer Christian Por-tuguese to heathen Chinese?



nnronn uickkutox J.

In probate, estate of Pcv. A. O.Forbes, deceased. Ordered con-

tinued until the 31st pros. W. O.Smith for petitioner.

In re guardianship of Samuelaioakeawc. Ordered that the guard-ian have until Monday, October 1st,for filing an account. W. C. Acliifor petitioner; D. F. Sandford forrespondent.

nuronE judd, c. J. ; m'cully, mcic- -


In probate, estate of William C.Lunalilo. Ordered that tho Trus-tees account for the year endingJuly 31, 1888, he approved and theMaster's report thereon be confirm-ed. W. O. Smith for the Trustees.


A POST Onico Hank nook, contaln-jC- ".

ing ecrtllleatcs numbers of whichare stopped at the Hank. A suitablereward will be paid on returning sameto Bui.u:riN Olliee. ' 51! 3 1


A t?M ALL Giay Tsrricr doR, lame onone of the hind lens. Finder will

please return the same to residence ofDr. MclCibbin, Heretanla street


Fresh Salmon

JUST RECEIVEDBy "Lady Lampson,"

50 Bbls of Fine Red Salmon,


For San Francisco,The Bktne

(S. ijm castle"Will sail for the aboro port

On Saturday, Sept. 29thS"For Freight or Passage pply to

CASTLE & COOKE,55 it Agents.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St

The undersigned LeRS to inform thepublic of these Islands that lie ia making

SlilrtN l)j' iIiwuremeii, I

Directions forsoli-meaflurenie- willbo siren on application.

White Shirts, Overshirts & Night Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a sampleShirt to every order.

Island ordor solicited Boll Telephone 410

GO lm A. ill. Mi'XMtf.

Closing; Out Sale !

i. a. goElyes & CO.

Hotel Mtrcet,

ill ho continued

rJ?I--I--WEEK: !

And the Store kept

Open Till 8 O'clock EveningsKor the convenience of buyers. A

few of those

English Prints & TipsStill u hand,

vSTWo oiler Genuine Bargains In alllines, and No Hensoimblo Oiler will hurefused, aa our leaoo expires next mouthand the i?toek must bo itmoved. 54 lw

rVHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heJL Daily HulleMn-'- W) eta per month,


Kvllccs umlt r I'tii litwl rif chrrfltJ 10 eentlilHtfor Ihtfinl intcrUon, and 6 emit ftr line

ciery athlttlonnt insertion.

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Hear of Lucas' .Mill.

has been discovered by tho doctor.IT thnt Cooked Taio Flour Is excellentfood for weak and delicate infants, prepared as follows: Olio tabUspionful otCooked Tarn Flour mixed with 1 pint

boiling milk. When cold Iced thochild Willi a nurse bottle. It will give

child new llfo in a few weeks. i!5 3w

rPARO MUSH Feed the hck andJL delicate persons on Cooked TaroKlour Mush, made thin and preparedlike corn meal in boiling water, andserved with milk and sugar. ThU makes

elegant mush. 115 !!w

rPARO BUISC U I TMI. Taro KlourJL very thick In boiling water, then

roll In wheat Hour and lorni into bus.cuit, use a little butter at bottom of pan,smear a little butter over the top of TaroBiscuit, this makes a cheap and excel-len- t

Taro Cakes. tlj a wA

GRIDDLE CAKE-Ta- ku ''alf lyeTaro Flour, nne or two

eggs, little salt, ouu teaspoonful of lloyulBaking Powder to a cupful of each,bake or fry on griddle. !!3 !Jw

TARO MUSH Use a tablespoonsof the Taro Flour to each per-

son and mix thin, prepared like cornmeal in boiling water, serve warm orcold with milk and sugar Taio aiushcan stand a day or two if desired. 33 3w


AS I intend to go Kast by the Octobersteamer, I must request nil panics

indebted to me for bills due June ilOth,to mako payments before October 1,1838. All bills unpaid after that datewill be placed into the hands of anattorney witli instructions to collect.03 lw CHAS. J. FISI1EL.


Can be found next door to the V a a.Ofllce, Merchant Mrtct.

IlnckH Nos. 18, 7, , ?.. 180"WiiKonotte HO,

Mutual 590"aTEl.EPflONESESr Bell 204Scpt.24.83


T!i03c whishing Taro Flour or Poi, inhariols aro requested to ring up

Mutual 588-13- 0 TETEPHONESlSru'cll 325

When their orders will bo promptly531 attended to. I in



-- DUE HEItE--


--rilOM AUSTKAI.1A- -

The Leading

inery House-- or-

CHAS. J. F6SHEL,Will receive a line line of

Sura Sis,Dre.ofl Slllcs,

Satins, Lawns,



Lace Curtains !

And a iiFsorlmentof lino

Fancy-- A.N'll-



Which wo will tilVur nt verylow prices.

CHAS. ,J. FISHES.,The Lending Millinery lloiiho.

Corner ot Fort & Hotel streets.July 17-8- 8

U 'WiMS sf

fkliWrin tatei

63 & 65



Boys' School Sliirls, Boys' School Hats, Boys' While Shirts,


A hi VnVi of Ginghams I

tXiutt line of Batiste!

Lara'8 Assortmem of

We will close r iRLHJi3iLTorJi?ioTra

SHOES! SHOES!gjfiS" For Gouts, Ladies,

S. EHELICH,G:J & 05 Fort Street.2031





Seofs FnisiiingTo 1)8 M ii my


.. .W..1 a . '


ia j3g3P53iiUM..UZ14JBZST3aiK2fg2ES

V. C. FAGERROOS,lractlrnl Watrhiuulcer & Jcivcloi',

Has removed to

Late Wm. Turner's Shop, 80 King St.

CSTSatisfaction gturantccd or moneyrelmuled. !H 2'"


Practical Watchmaker & Eopaircr

Good work punraiitctd. At picscntlocated at S. UothN tailor shop.

Aiig.1 Dm

Portland CemenWhite Hios' Cement weight).

FOR SALEAt lowest market rate.

G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.or, if

Corrugated Roofing !

Host briinds, in Ii, 7, 8 and 0 ft. lengths.

FOR SALEIn fpjuntilicH to biilt at lowest market

intes by


IronHeat Umwn Brand.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Foot Lengths.lust lauded Ux. riltip "Cockciinoiitb"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, COO llbla. White Hro.


At tho Lowest Market Rates,


PRINTING ot alt l.ln.t. excJOB at the Daily Hui.letjn Ottkc.

:, -- Ax-i A LiV ; " m. ,

gfip8lfM W

1MMCES gt?

White Dress Croofls!

out at

SHOES! SHOES!aiies & Children.

E3 51--






store in l Kiiiom !


lammotli Sacrifice I

r, A. ivl, Hewett,V X U(MQuPA fiH I

Purpose Icnvingi'ftir the Coast inOctober prior' .o which he

oilers tho whole of bis

-- AT-


Do not bo alarmed that you will nothe able to purchase in Honolulu

A' Handsome Christmas Present

As In San Francisco for Sir. Ilewett iagoin tobcleethuch n stock as will

suit tho moil fiiatidcoua andMirpriKO our littlo city.

C37A1I pailics now Indebted to himaro respectfully icquested to makoimmediate settlement. 49 lm


aWeekly Summary."

28 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will be found tobe nu interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing 28 columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.


rslund SI 00 yearForeign (mailed) fi 00 year

To bo bad from J. II. Soper, Mer-

chant street ; A. M. Ilewett, Mer-

chant street, and 11 ih.u:tik Ofllce,Queen street.T Fyou find anything,JL mlvertlso it in the Daily Uuixxtim.







Page 4: TfpD - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Nowtspapot, Book mid Job Printing of all kinds done ou Uie most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE




ST 8"


Patent Elastic-- IX-

Jean, Linen, ami

flDfifSomctliinp New and Suitable for this Climate. .j28


tyfM. UVlJli.1AT


Telephones, No. 175.


Seam Drawers

Misoi, Caiitonltaiiil FluMle,


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,




js vh2S-8- 8 lm

Edinburgh & Queen Sts.





-- P. O. Box 2U7.

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER inX Honolulu "The Bulletin.

SO cents mouth.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAbT COHNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from Hie EaUein States and EuropeFresh California J?roduce by every Steamer. All ordera faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part of Ibe city free of charge. Island orders poli.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Bos 145. Telephone No. 93 nov-- 85

chables"hdstace,KING STREET.

HAS JUSTDitpco Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Germea,

BlnckiuM & Franco American feed Co.'h Assort'! Simjw,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafeis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

mh-9- J B6F Leave your orders, or ring up 119. --ts3a 8C

Telephone 240. --"ao23T-


Frozen Oystors & Fresh Goods from California on ICE by each steamer of Iho 0. S. S. Co.A comploto lino of Crosso & Blackwell's and J. T. Morton's English

Canned Goods always on hand.

2C3 IV 33 W O O 3L J5 --3B3ISmoked Salmon, Edam Cheese, Pineapple Choco Su Ut C'lii'Ct, Oiejron dreamCheese, New York Chccbo, Cnla. JSIikl Olieeso, Now Xc.iland Cheese, WhitakcrStar Hum & Bacon, Olcily Lemons, Smokul Ueof, Smoked Fulkd Snusugo, a fewof the Celebtutul Cassurd Hums A. Jincon, Cul.i Roll liulter, Fnul Daks, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Olives in kegs, Cnlu. Mixed Pickled in kegs, Wellington E(rgFood, Maple Byrup in yz gallon tins, lluckins Green Turtle boup, Huckins Ter-rapin Soup. Gala. Kog butter, Now Zealand Keg Butter nnil a completu line ofAmerican Catinul Goods always on hand, lino New Zealand Onion and Potatoesnow on hand, by each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.

ap-1- 0 lHlanlte Orders Solicited. 87

The 'Dail" Bulletin Weekly Summary,"

Will bo Issued on September 2Mb.

28 Columns of Interesting News:

THE OLDEST DAILY in theKingdom "'J ho JJaily Jlulletiu."

cents per month. I

n j

& tnaai




St. Louis' College.

Boarding & DaySclioolforBoys-- AT-

Kamakela, Honolulu.t'UOH IJ3CT1JW J

Tliu com ro of Instruction embracesall the buuchei of a good Chrlsllou andCommercial Education.

l.atln, Orcek, French n ml German ateoptional studio. Tliore tue no extraoiinigc for these branches.

For admission, certificates of goodmoral character and of health ato icquiicd of eciy pupil.

For Day Scholars, GOc, 76c, $1,$1.G0per mouth, acrordlug to clos".

Cldldten mIioso p.ucnts are In clr.eumslancciwhich preclude the abilityto pay tliu full fee will bo ad ml I ted atreduced rates, ami whoio it can boshown that they are not In a position topav at all, no charge will bo made.

The Hoarding Department consists oftwo distinct classes of nunilu.

ISonid and Tuition, 1st Class, $100 perannum.

Board nnd Tuition, 2nd Class, $75 perannum.

Music on Violin, Piano, Fhito andClarionet, $5 per month.

Vocal Music, and Drawing free ofcharge.

Laundry Expenses, $2 per month.Medical Attendance foims extra

charge. Also, repairs of all kinds.Books and Stationery at cuirent rates.Payments must be made quarterly

(every 2 months) and in advance.Every Hoarder must be proUdod with

Bed-clothe- a Mattress, 2 Night Gowns,several Suits of Clothing for Sundaysand week days. 0 Shirts, (I Pocket Uand.keichicf", a Pairs of Stockings, Collarsand Th)i,:i l'ahs of Shoes, and articlesfor toilet. Tho College Uniform isobligatory for Boarders.

Tho Bowlers that have given satis,faction by their good conduct and ap.plication to studies" may spend the firstSaturday of cery month with theirparents or guardians if clled foi bythe latter.

A quarterly report of the health, con.duct and improvement of every Boarderwill be sent to lus parents or guardians.

The session commences this ear onMonday, September 17, 1388.

C3?For further particulars apply tothe Priucinal of the School,




PER ui tho Kingdom "TheDaily Jlulletiu." 00 cents per month.

Bell Tel. aiH. Jliitiinl Tol. 1301.O.Kox415.

Ofllco 38 Merchant- - St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed and abstiacts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general use in tho King,(lorn.

Custom Houso brokerage File and LifeInsurance receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Autho- iized


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

K-ea- l ZEastatebought, sold and rented.

Several valuahlo properties in andaround the city now for sale on ecsyterms.

Convenient Cottages iu desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use-ful in performing the various officesand chores required by private fami-lie-

Full pjitiuulnrs given on applicationat the agency.

Oiders from the other Islands prompt,ly attended to.

'IPHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "The Dally Bulletin." 50 centsnur month.


FOR .S SALEThe Entiio Plant of tho

J UUUUlUjIs oQered For Sale. Tho Machinery

is in perfect working orderand consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair of Boilers 0x20,1 Double Effect C and 7 fcot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G foot with Blako Pump,3 Weston Contriltigals and Englno,

Together with tho usual assortment of

GlariflerSj Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

niria 9,IV 111m. iiauau aixuxuMi

Cane Carts it Gen'l PlantationImplements.

Delivery will bo given after next crophas been iiarvcsted, bay about July 1,1S89.

tSTEor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

48 tf

rPHE DAILY BULLETIN has tho--1. largest circulation of any papernrinted in thlu Klmnlrmv r.n .,. i...month.

B wot mllnvo the L.ugcst Variety and Best Sioek of

rn 1 inJC" Ever exhibited in this

Furniture of every description for Parlor, Bedroom,Dining-roo- m, JLilmiry & Verundn.


Tliey lmc the Best

Chaiis from 70 conts to $130


Furniture Keupholstered !

Mattrasses made to order !

CORNICE POLES & PICTURE FRAMESMade in all Styles and Trices to buit ovciybody.

Pianos, Organsmh Sold on the

A. MORGAN.Blacksmith Work,

Painting and

79 & 81 Em StatJ

Eutrnuees Vom Kiufj- -

description a flrat.clnfs

tSTBell 107--


(THE ONLY ItKI,rAlir,E mi.ood i'uhivieu.)A Sircciiic for

RHEUMATISM,- -Nrrofiilu, Nalt Itlicuui,

Xeuralidn, lllnc IVorin,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Bcgulates tho

Liver &c KidneysIndigestion, and nil Diseases

arising from an enfeebled con.ilition tho system.

Dr. Martino, of London, tho colebrotedhpeulallst, says of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I have used it for twenty forBlood Diseases, such as SaltRheum, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Bev. Dr. Thomas, of Hone Konir,China, "PARDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihave prescribed it hundreds of forleprosy, when given time it

cureu mo j can saiciysay that leprosy will never break out onpersous who take PARDEE'S REMEDY

and 1 advise nil poisons countries where leprosy is pic.valent to take PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive."

fiSTFor Salo by all Druggists in Honolulu.Aug.3U 88.8m

The Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for saloSteam Family und Blacksmith Coal

aud a geneial assortment415. Bar Irnn.


jy jmiMn aninmmfMMnMDVtai


Assortment of


each.of every de3cription"and price.

Accordeons !


-$- S.OO-$20.00

Accordeons !

& Furniture !

Instalment Plan. iy

Carriage Building,


unci jMorcliaiil Sts.


81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Telephone No.87 tf

WRIGHT BROS.,Fort Street, nest Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Spoclally.

Every description of work in theabove performed in a first-clas- s

manner nnd executed at short uotice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.

Orders from tho other Islunds

Boll Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 800P. O. Box 409.

J. E. BROWN & CO.Fire Proof Stono Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission MerchantsGeneral Agency for Haw'n Islands

o the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcroH America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azoros

aud Madeira,Through tickets granted from Honolulu

to all points

Merchandise stored and sold on commission. Consignments elicited.

Shipping and Custom IIouso Businessattend ed to.

Books and Accounts kept and audited.Averages adjusted.Properties leased, rented and sold.Logal documents drawn.

Every of work in the above lines performed jn manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing- - a Specialty.ESTBcll Telephone, 107--a (mrh Telephone,





timesand, jn

always paueni,








"Weekly Summary,"28 Columns or Original Mattor.

Is now issued and will bo found tobo an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing 28 columns ofroading matter on loeal topics, anda complete resume nf Honolulu amiisland news. Tliei e is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.

smiscim'Tioxs :

Island $4 00 yearForeign (mailed) 6 00 year

To be had from J. II. Super, Mer-

chant street ; A. M. Ilcwett, Mer-

chant street, and Bulletin Ofllco,Queen street.


Arrivo at Honolulu from San Francisco.

MaripOBa Septembor 27Australia October 10Zealundia October 25Australia Novembor 13Alameda November 22Austrnlia Dccembor 11

Loavo Honolulu for San Francisco.

Australia September 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealand! December 1(5

Australia December 18Alameda (1880') Januiuy 13

Ian Mail Semce.

FOK SAN FKAKOISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Stearin-hi- Company, wil

be due at Honolulu lrom Sidneyand Auckland on or about

October 21, 1888.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and fine Al steel steamship

a j?ariposa,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu fiom SanFrancisco on or about

September 27, 1888,And will havprompt dbpatch withmalls and passengers for the above porta.

For frerght or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. DWIN & CO.. Agents

Park Beach Hotel,Opposite Kapiolani Park, Walkiki.

--The Finest

Bathing Place on the Island 1

Elegant Rooms, Gas & Water in each.Extensive Grounds, Wo 1 Shaded !

Tho Table is supplied with thebest the market nflbidn.


BnlilE Jh IttuM !

Full information given to tourists asto the best routes of travel, for sceneryand curiosities; also current rates forhorse hire" and guides on tho otherIslands. Busses nnd Carriages will bofurnished at special rates for excursions.Busses and JJaggago Wagons will meetevery steamer. Special rates for pcrma.ment boarders. A Wagonette will jbeprovided for the u e of guests at specialratci.

o. iv. jsjE&Js(yjL,jy,78 Proprietor. 8m

Honolulu LibraryANB- -

Reading Room Association,

or. Hotel & Alnltva Streets.Open every Day aud Evening.

The Library consists at the piescnttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withnbout llfty of the leading uewspnpcisand pcilodlculs,

A Pailor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of memberbhip, fifty cents a

Jiontb, payable quartet ly in advance.No formality lenuiicd in joining exceptsigning tliu roll.

Strangei s fiotu foreign countries andvisitors from tho other islands are wel-come to the i ooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of suppsit except tho dues ofmembers, it Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslto to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelmi inter est in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIQ11T, Pics.,M. M. SCOTT, nt,

II. A. PAItMEX.EE, Secretary,A.L.SMlTII.Trcasuier,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

7 A, HI Kins SUcot.Shoeing, iVoni Sl.CO.

Horses and Cattlo Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain llous-e- , nextKawainhao Church.

X. O, BOX 1WH.


Yosemite Skating


Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Streets.

Will bo open every evining from 7 to0:30 r. ir.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdaysevening for the Public in Geneial.

THOMAS 12. AVAJLJO,1001 Proprietor. lyr

flicM w "Australia,"

Two Large Refrigerators, con.taining

Grapes, Pears,Plums, Apples,

Peaches, Cabbage,11

1, 11 UI)

Etc., Etc., 12tc.


GO King street, Honolulu, tf




Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.C8 6m


WlltD Bros.' Port. Cement,

Blacksmith Coal,Fire Rricks,Firo Clay,

Coal Tar,j

StocMii Tar,Steel Rails,Wire Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Hubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.Jb'Olt HAT.K BY

H. Hackfeld & Co.0!)tf

J.Hopp&Co.,74 King st, 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10 88


rlitdte&dmrtx; V&l&Pt&l

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