textual analysis student work

(student work) Textual Analysis

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Textual analysis student work

(student work)

Textual Analysis

Page 2: Textual analysis student work

Front Page

Innovative Font: the font in this magazine cover is very different, and controversial, compared to the fonts of other magazines

Web 2.0: This magazine targets younger readers, and using this Web 2.0, the magazine can target any user of this social network.

Creative, aesthetic background, and colour combination.

Slogan: Allow readers to associate the magazine to something, and allows the reader to gain understanding of what the magazine is going to be about, after just reading half a sentence

Minor editing mistake in eye the eye of the actor, where the paint wasn’t filled in properly

Use of slang makes the magazine more appealing to younger readers.

Actually quite expensive, especially if it is aimed at teenagers, or young adults. Would they be willing to pay 5 pounds for 15 exclusive pages?

Page 3: Textual analysis student work

Contents Page

The yellow is too light compared to the white background, which doesn’t make it comfortable to read

Web 2.0 now doesn’t just apply to Facebook, but the magazine also uses it on twitter, to widen its audience even more.

Picture should show that it is an interview, or should make the idea of the interview exciting to the reader.

Small quotes which make the reader feel more active with the magazine, and almost as if the writer is talking to him

Unorganised page numbering, the page numbers are all over the place, and although it ads a sort of young teenage feeling to the page, the read3ers will find it hard to acctyuaqlly find what they are looking for without a structure.

Same actor used in both pictures, makes the pictures boring to the reader especially because the person is wearing the exact same outfit

Page 4: Textual analysis student work

Double Page Spread

Good idea talking about the rappers outfit, as the fans would ant to dress similarly

Outfit features don’t belong on the interview page, there should be as separate page for the artists outfit

Good use of pictures, showing the opposition, lets the audience visualise the interview.

It’s a good idea to use quotes from artists, as the reader can then actually understand the way that the artist thinks and acts, which is very interesting for a fan

The background picture is a picture of a bench, I think the background picture should either have more to d0o with the interview, or the Hip-Hop genre.

The text is about DJ Lou, but it is not an interview, as there are no question for the DJ, so the title is inaccurate

Same background picture used again, which doesn’t suit the page.

Good Picture, with nice colour effects.Also gives the audience an insight on what the concert was like.Picture is really

big. There should have either been more smaller picture, or the picture should just be smaller.