textual analysis olly murs

Song Dance With Me Tonight Artist Olly Murs Label Epic Records and Syco Music Released 2011

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textual analysis


Song Dance With Me Tonight Artist Olly Murs Label Epic Records and Syco Music Released 2011

Song Dance With Me TonightArtist Olly Murs Label Epic Records and Syco Music Released 2011Mise En Scene

The mise en scene within the video creates a clear story-line narrative for the audience to follow. At the beginning of the video the protagonist Olly Murs is wearing a maroon coloured suit, from him wearing a suit this can convey a respectable image however this is contrasted as he is in a prison which is noticeable from the costumes the two male characters are wearing both to the left and right of Olly Murs. The colour maroon has the symbolic meaning to be associated with healing and the power to repel malevolent spirits, this can relate to the protagonist trying to repel the police from arresting him. The second shot is of a mug shot placard used as a prop in the video to inform the audience of essential information without using diegetic sound, it is also a signifier of the location and setting.

Focusing on setting and location, typically this video follows key codes and conventions of pop music videos as there several changes in location. Here a two screen shots of locations used, however I have found that each location used is very rural and urban, this has the connotations of inner-city and economically challenged which allows the audience to relate to the video.

Here are some shots of the artist driving a car, the car is used as a prop. The type of car used is an old vintage, open top vehicle this can suggest wealth because vintage car are quite expensive also it adds to the urban and retro feel of the video.

Contrast in lighting, throughout the video various key lighting is used, as shown in my screen shots. The first shot is high key lighting, this makes the scene appear bright and soft, with very few shadows in the frame. The second shot is completely different in terms of lighting, the lighting is low key lighting this is more darker and somber, however it is soft low key lighting as it does not create a mysterious and moody atmosphere but a happy and hopeful atmosphere. I think this due to the performance element in the scene and the narrative of the song. The lighting changes shows how the mise en scene adapts in the video to the change in mood.

Here is a selection of screen grabs that show the use of props in this video, firstly the street is decorated with bunting, this can suggest to the audience a celebration and in relationship with the narrative it could also connote Ollys celebrating and declaring his feeling for this girl he is performing too. Additionally the use of the fireworks is used as a display of affection, as the striking display of light and loud noise is used to signify celebration, which is a happy and positive connotation that adds to the mood of the video. Sound Within Olly Murs Dance with me tonight the main sound used within the video is the soundtrack to the song. However in other music videos diegetic sound is included, even breaks within the song are added to allow a monologue of dialogue in order to progress narrative. However Olly Murs has chosen only to add at the beginning of the video a lyrical introduction to his song and his song, however this introduction is not a dialogue break as it syncs with the backing track of the song. Another additional sound that is added to the video that is not part of the soundtrack is right at the end of the video, police sirens are added. With the sirens the police vehicle is not present within the frame so therefore is known as non-diegetic sound. With pop videos it is usually conventionally known to include diegetic sound such as dialogue breaks because the actual narrative of the video is more important than the actual song. Reasoning behind this is that in order to encourage the audience to focus more on the video rather than the music, other sounds are added to take away attraction from the song itself. Cinematography

The video opens with a medium close up shot of a pair of hands handcuffed. Adding to this shallow depth of filed is also used to have the main focus on the pair hands and not the surrounding location. The hands are also central in shot and the camera tracks along behind the hands whilst the person is walking.

We then see a medium wide shot of the artist, the three characters are not in central frame, however Olly the artist is placed in the middle of the two police characters, which portrays him as the victim put also the main focus.

A variety of shot types and camera angles is used throughout the video to establish the artists movement and change of location. To the left are several example screen shots of how this is done. The first shot is a close up of the artists face this shows emotion and feeling allowing the audience to relate to the narrative. This second shot is a clever use of the camera as it shows the shot through the perspective of a prisoner this proves and identifies to the audience the location of the video and that this is the setting in which the artist is going to end up in. Here are two different shots used, firstly a medium close up shot is used, secondly a close up shot is used which is useful in showing detail and used as a cut-in. 11

In this shot a high angle is used (birds eye view) this shot puts the audience in a god-like position, looking down on the action. However the object in focus gets swallowed up by the setting and becomes part of a wider picture. As the artist begins to sing, they are framed in either mid-shots or close ups. In terms of the rule of thirds as shown to the left circled, the basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts. Conventionally the artist is placed central of the frame, from my example provided this rule is followed. I have found this rule is generally charted specifically in pop music videos because they promote the idea that the video is equally as important as the music and goes along with key codes and conventions to appeal to a mass audience

The ideology of women in music videos, traditionally in music videos the cinematography is manipulated to sexualise women according to Laura Mulveys Male Gaze theory. However in these shots shown above one shot goes against these conventions as the camera portrays her in a more dominant way, as she is of central focus in the shot and the male characters are shot to be facing her and their back to the audience indicating her power and dominance. On the other hand my screen shot shows how the cinematography is used to portray women in a more sexualised way, as the high angle shot makes her look more vulnerable and in terms of mise en scene which I discussed she is wearing a low cut top and h typically has long blonde hair, this indicates to the audience she is wanted by the male viewers. Editing

In the opening sequence for the transition between shots the type of editing used is jump cut editing. With jump cuts the first shot cuts instantly to the next, jump cuts are usually caused by framing which is quite similar, the use of this type of editing can sometimes look dodgy if not applied correctly however in this opening scene this type of editing suits well with the pace of the song. This helps the audience to create a cohesion between the audience and what they hear.

In this part of the video, a specific editing technique is used to create the illusion of a camera flash. The use of this editing method creates more depth for the narrative as it allows the audience to understand that Olly Murs is in a police station as he is having his mug shot taken. Additionally the flash of the camera also allows a change in transition for example in this video it shows how during the flash the main character changed position within the frame. With the camera flash there is colour change to create verisimilitude as the change is to black and white from colour, which can portray to the audience a still image is been taken.

Throughout the video there are various special effects used, from the screen grab shown above a special effect which is used is the distortion of letters on the placard in which Olly is holding. The use of this special effect is visually interesting however it is related to the narrative of the video as the replacement of words moving round can suggest the backwards turning of a clock, as the words read 5 hours earlier. Then the video cuts to past events that link to the lyrics and the narrative plot of the video.

Within the video there are substantial amounts of distortion effects and overlap editing which are conventional aspects used within modern music videos. Additionally with the use of these transition effects it adds to the continuity of the video and links to the pace of video which is fast paced. From the screen grabs shown above the distortion of the brightness and tone of the shot gives the impression to the audience that the theme of taking pictures is carried out throughout the video as these screen grabs represent still images. On the next slide are some more screen grabs of examples of editing techniques used within this video.

Blurred image point of view from Olly who is driving indication of a moving vehicle.

Use of montage editing a series of shots are condensed into a time frame to create continuity. LIIAR ANALYSIS As well as analysing Olly Murs Dance with me tonight just through the technical elements, I am going to analyse the messages and values behind the video, looking more closely at details within the video. Language The language of a music video refers the technical elements and conventions used to put across a message or value to the audience, however I have done this in my technical elements analysis shown on previous slides. However I have not described in detail the meaning of the lyrics. The lyrics of the song are aimed to a specific target audience, the audience is young people/teenagers and predominately females. The main theme behind the song is love and lust which is relatable to the target audience as explained above. The video has the main narrative in which Olly is in trouble with the law after throwing a street party for his girl. The lyrics suggest to the audience Olly will not give up until this girl agrees to dance with him that night, as he has fallen for her. The ideology behind the lyrics suggests to the audience that you can win round a girl you like as long as you be patient and put in the effort.

Ideology The ideology behind this video is that love conquers all, in a sense. Love and lust is something that every person can relate to, whether that have had a good or experience. This video gives idea to people that love is realistic and if someone deeply cares for someone they will prove their feelings to them. As in this video Olly proves his love towards his girl by getting in trouble with the law by putting on a performance in the street that causes disruption. In the video there is a sexualisation of women as the main female character shown in the video is wearing limited items of clothing, this creates a male ideology, that men only lust after women who are beautiful and worthy of them declaring their feelings to them publically. This applies well to Laura Mulveys Male Gaze theory, which states women are merely objects within the media industry. It could be argued that the video follows a fairly sexist ideology in that sense, however this opposed as the main focus is on Olly showing his feminist side by declaring his love to his girl by putting on a public performance, so therefore this can be seen as two sided sexist ideology as men are usually seen as masculine and tough but in this video this ideology is opposed. Throughout the video there is a light-hearted care-free ideology that is portrayed as even though Olly understands what he is going to will get him in trouble with the law he still goes about his task in a fun and care-free way by getting his friends involved.

Screen shots that represent my thoughts on the ideology behind the video:

The ideology of women represented in a sexualised way, she has a low cut to blouse on and typically long blonde her. Adding to this she is also sat down which shows the male dominance of the police man that is standing up in front of her making her look weak and vulnerable. Furthermore she is wearing white which also adds to the ideology of women being pure and innocent.

Here Olly is showing his feminist side by declaring his feelings for his girl by putting on a street performance that included singing and dancing which also adds to the light-hearted and care-free ideology. Institutions Olly Murs is an English singer, song-writer and television producer. He rose to fame after finishing as the runner-up in the sixth series of The X Factor in 2009. He is currently signed to Epic Records in the United Kingdom, Columbia Records in the United States, and Syco Music. The video represents Olly Murs as a fun, friendly and down to earth character through the use of media language. Olly Murs is signed to a major record label therefore he is cultured and breed to become a pop star. Olly falls into the pop genre this is represented through out the video through media language particularly mise en scene and the performance given. Olly Murs video is available on various media Platforms, the main Platform been YouTube, Murs has his own channel and from this video he got 39,147,207 views.

Audience The main target audience for this video appears to be mainly female dominant even though can appeal to both sexes. The age range in which this video targets is young people and teenagers. As Olly Murs plays a character role within his video and performs, his fans as part of the audience get to witness him within a narrative role. As mentioned above the audience is predominately female this is because the video focuses on a fairy-tale love story where boy Woo's girl, this is specifically popular with the female sex and as the main character is male they initially lust after him as he plays the role of a perfect boyfriend. For example the shots at the end of the video where Olly is performing outside the girls window is immediately more appealing to girls rather than boys. However the music from Olly Murs can be enjoyed by both sexes and is not considered to be completely targeted to one specific gender even though it seems to appeal more to one sex.

In terms of genre this video appeals to a pop audience because that is genre of which the artist is associated with. From the video conventions indicate to the audience the genre of this video, for example key conventions used are lip syncing and performance elements such as a choreographed dance routine which are typically associated with pop music videos. However overall I would like to think the narrative structure and performance element appeal to a mass audience as the video is very mainstream and does not have explicit content that may offend. Representation Women women in this video are represented from two different view points. Firstly they are stereotypically shown as to be idolised by men through beauty and purity. For example the woman in which Olly lusts after is stereotypically wearing a limited amount of clothing, has a slim figure and has long blonde hair. This representation links well with Laura Mulveys Male Gaze Theory. However on the other hand in the opening sequence we are introduced to woman who goes against the male gaze theory and stereotypical women represented in music videos. For example through the use of mise en scene we notice she is a police woman which instantly gives her power and dominance which is not usually shown in women. However she is sat behind a desk which could connote that the desk is acting as a barrier between her and the criminals coming into the station which are typically men, indicating she needs protection which falls back on the ideology and representation of women being and weak and need the security of a male figure.

Men- within this video men are given a positive representation, through the use of mise en scene and cinemtography you are shown Olly being a cheeky chap and having fun. The stereotypical view of a man is that they are tough, rough looking and dont show emotion. In this video this stereotype is put into force at the beginning of the video when we see Olly been held by two bulking policemen either side of him. However throughout the majority of this video this stereotype is not seen to be true as the main character Olly is shown to be wearing a smart sharp suit and is pristinely clean, also he shows his emotion by performing to his girl in the street by dancing and singing. Another aspect of the video that turn this stereotype on its head is that its clear the men are respective of women and see them as equals as in Ollys friendship group one of his friends is a female.