text classification by aggregation of svd eigenvectorsdelab.csd.auth.gr/papers/adbis12skm.pdf ·...

Text Classification by Aggregation of SVD Eigenvectors Panagiotis Symeonidis and Ivaylo Kehayov and Yannis Manolopoulos Aristotle University, Department of Informatics, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece {symeon, kehayov, manolopo}@csd.auth.gr Abstract. Text classification is a process where documents are catego- rized usually by topic, place, readability easiness, etc. For text classifi- cation by topic, a well-known method is Singular Value Decomposition. For text classification by readability, “Flesh Reading Ease index” cal- culates the readability easiness level of a document (e.g. easy, medium, advanced). In this paper, we propose Singular Value Decomposition com- bined either with cosine similarity or with Aggregated Similarity Matri- ces to categorize documents by readability easiness and by topic. We ex- perimentally compare both methods with Flesh Reading Ease index, and the vector-based cosine similarity method on a synthetic and a real data set (Reuters-21578). Both methods clearly outperform all other compar- ison partners. 1 Introduction Data mining algorithms process large amount of data to find interesting patterns from which useful conclusions can be extracted. Several popular data mining techniques (Naive Bayes classifier, TF/IDF weights, Latent Semantic Indexing, Support Vector Machines etc.) have been used for text categorization. Most of them are based on the vector space model for representing documents as vectors. These methods categorize documents by topic, place or people interests. In this paper, we are interested in categorizing documents by readability easi- ness. In particular, we exploit the vector space model for representing documents. Then, we use Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for dimensionality reduction to categorize documents by readability easiness. Our advantage over other meth- ods relies on the fact that SVD reduces noise, which is critical for accurate text categorization. In addition, we propose a new method, denoted as Aggregated SVD, which creates distance matrices that contain distances/dissimilarities be- tween documents. These distance matrices are combined using an aggregation function, creating a new distance/dissimilarity matrix. As will be experimentally shown, this aggregated new matrix boosts text categorization accuracy. The contribution of this paper is two-sided: Firstly, it proposes a new text categorization technique (Aggregated SVD). Secondly, it compares the accuracy performance of several methods for text categorization by readability easiness. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present the related work. In Section 3, we present basic information for text categorization by

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Text Classification by Aggregation of SVDEigenvectors

Panagiotis Symeonidis and Ivaylo Kehayov and Yannis Manolopoulos

Aristotle University, Department of Informatics, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece{symeon, kehayov, manolopo}@csd.auth.gr

Abstract. Text classification is a process where documents are catego-rized usually by topic, place, readability easiness, etc. For text classifi-cation by topic, a well-known method is Singular Value Decomposition.For text classification by readability, “Flesh Reading Ease index” cal-culates the readability easiness level of a document (e.g. easy, medium,advanced). In this paper, we propose Singular Value Decomposition com-bined either with cosine similarity or with Aggregated Similarity Matri-ces to categorize documents by readability easiness and by topic. We ex-perimentally compare both methods with Flesh Reading Ease index, andthe vector-based cosine similarity method on a synthetic and a real dataset (Reuters-21578). Both methods clearly outperform all other compar-ison partners.

1 Introduction

Data mining algorithms process large amount of data to find interesting patternsfrom which useful conclusions can be extracted. Several popular data miningtechniques (Naive Bayes classifier, TF/IDF weights, Latent Semantic Indexing,Support Vector Machines etc.) have been used for text categorization. Most ofthem are based on the vector space model for representing documents as vectors.These methods categorize documents by topic, place or people interests.

In this paper, we are interested in categorizing documents by readability easi-ness. In particular, we exploit the vector space model for representing documents.Then, we use Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for dimensionality reductionto categorize documents by readability easiness. Our advantage over other meth-ods relies on the fact that SVD reduces noise, which is critical for accurate textcategorization. In addition, we propose a new method, denoted as AggregatedSVD, which creates distance matrices that contain distances/dissimilarities be-tween documents. These distance matrices are combined using an aggregationfunction, creating a new distance/dissimilarity matrix. As will be experimentallyshown, this aggregated new matrix boosts text categorization accuracy.

The contribution of this paper is two-sided: Firstly, it proposes a new textcategorization technique (Aggregated SVD). Secondly, it compares the accuracyperformance of several methods for text categorization by readability easiness.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present therelated work. In Section 3, we present basic information for text categorization by

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readability easiness. In Section 4, we present how classic SVD is applied in textcategorization. In Section 5, we describe our new proposed method, denotedas Aggregated SVD. Experimental results are presented in Section 6. Finally,Section 8 concludes this paper.

2 Related work

The application of SVD in a document-term vector space model has been pro-posed in [FD88] in the research area of information retrieval. Documents andqueries are represented with vectors and SVD is applied for reducing the di-mensions of these vectors. Yang Yu [Y97] published a comparative evaluationof twelve statistical approaches to text categorization. Moreover, Joachims [J98]explored the usage of Support Vector Machines for learning text classifiers andidentified the benefits of SVMs for text categorization.

Sarwar et al. [SKKR00] compared experimentally the accuracy of a recom-mender system that applies SVD on data with the one that applies only collab-orative filtering. Their results suggested that SVD can boost the accuracy of arecommender system.

Panagiotis Symeonidis [S07] applied Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) on fea-ture profiles of users of a recommender system. These feature profiles are con-structed by combining collaborative with content features. Dimensionality re-duction is applied on these profiles by using SVD, to achieve more accurate itemrecommendations to users.

Guan et al. [GZG09] proposed Class-Feature-Centroid classifier for text cate-gorization, denoted as CFC classifier. It adopts the vector space model and differsfrom other approaches in how term weights are derived, by using inner-class andinter-class term indices.

Hans-Henning et al. [HSN10] proposed a method that creates self-similaritymatrices from the top few eigenvectors calculated by SVD. Then, these matricesare aggregated into a new matrix by applying an aggregating function. Ourmethod differentiates from their work as follows. Their method has been usedfor boosting clustering of high dimensional data. In contrast, we are exploitingAggregated SVD for text categorization purposes.

3 Preliminaries in Text Categorization by readabilityeasiness

In this Section, we provide the basic methodology, which is usually followedfor text categorization by readability easiness. More specifically, we divide docu-ments to a training and a test set. Then, we compare each document that belongsto the test set to each document that belongs in the training set and decide inwhich category by readability easiness (easy, medium, advanced) it belongs. Tocompare one document to another the documents must be represented by vec-tors. The vectors of all documents have the same length which is the length of

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the dictionary. The dictionary is a vector that contains all the unique words ofall documents in the training set. The value of each dimension in a document’svector is the frequency of a specific word in that document. For example, thevalue of the fifth dimension in a document’s vector is the appearance frequencyof the word of the dictionary’s fifth dimension. The words are also called terms,the dimensions’ values are called term frequencies and the documents’ vectorsare called frequency vectors. In the following, we present how vector space modelis applied in the following three documents:

D1: Sun is a star.D2: Earth is a planet.D3: Earth is smaller than the Sun.

The dictionary is the vector:

Dictionary = [a, Earth, is, planet, smaller, star, Sun, than, the]

As we can see, the length of the vector is 9. The frequency vectors of thethree documents are:

D1 = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]D2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]D3 = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]

Frequency values are either 0 or 1 because documents are very small. Someterms, like “a” and “is”, are found in every document or in the majority ofthem. These terms do not offer any useful information that helps the documentcategorization and are considered as noise. If we can remove them somehow thenthe categorization will be done more effectively. For this purpose, stop words canbe used, which is a list of words that will be ignored during the creation of thedictionary and the frequency vectors. Instead of using stop words, we removemost of the noise by dimensionality reduction of the frequency vectors throughSVD (Singular Value Decomposition).

A method that is widely used and does not belong to the field of data miningis Flesh Reading Ease index. It is based on three factors: (i) total number ofsyllables (ii) total number of words and (iii) total number of sentences in thedocument. Based on these three factors, Flesh Reading Ease index calculatesa score from 0 to 100 for each document. The higher the score the easier thedocument is to be read. The formula for the English language is as follows:

206.835− 1.015(



)− 84.6




As we can see, more syllables per word as well as more words per sentencemean higher reading difficulty and vice versa.

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Table 1. Explanation of Flesh Reading Ease Score.

Score Readability Level

71-100 Easy41-70 Medium0-40 Advanced

Notice that we categorize documents by their reading easiness into threecategories: easy, medium and advanced. Table 1 shows how the Flesh ReadingEase score corresponds to the three categories.

4 The classic SVD method

By applying the SVD technique to a m × n matrix A, it can be analyzed to aproduct of three matrices: an m × m orthogonal matrix U , a m × n diagonalmatrix S and the transpose of an n × n orthogonal matrix V [S07]. The SVDformula is:

Am×n = Um×mSm×nV Tn×n (2)

The columns of U are orthonormal eigenvectors of AAT , S is a diagonalmatrix containing the square roots of eigenvalues from U or V in descendingorder and the columns of V are orthonormal eigenvectors of AT A. To removesome noise from the data, dimensionality reduction should be applied. This isdone by removing rows from the bottom of matrices U and S and left columnsfrom matrices S and V T .

Next, we will use SVD to categorize documents by readability easiness witha running toy example. We categorize the documents into three categories: easy,medium and advanced. Table 2 contains the document frequency vectors of thetraining set. Each row of the table is a frequency vector. There are 9 documentsand 10 unique terms. The first three documents (D1-D3) belong to the categoryeasy, the next three (D4-D6) to category medium and the last three (D7-D9) tocategory advanced. The length of the dictionary and therefore of the vectors is10 due to the number of the unique terms. The first three terms (T1-T3) havehigher frequency values in the first three documents because these terms definethe category easy. For the same reason, the second three terms (T4-T6) definethe category medium and the next three (T7-T9) the category advanced. Thelast term (T10) does not describe any category and is considered as noise.

We apply SVD on the data of Table 2:

S9×10 = U9×9S9×10VT10×10 (3)

Let’s assume that we insert a new document in our systems (i.e. test set):

test = [4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1] (4)

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Table 2. Frequency vectors of the documents.

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10

D1 4 6 2 3 3 1 1 1 0 1D2 5 5 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 1D3 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 1 2 0D4 2 2 3 5 6 4 3 2 1 0D5 1 0 1 2 3 2 2 0 2 1D6 3 2 0 5 6 5 4 3 0 0D7 0 0 2 3 2 3 5 4 6 1D8 2 3 3 0 0 3 5 5 4 0D9 1 1 0 3 3 2 4 3 3 1

The document test belongs to category easy and this can be confirmed by thefirst three dimensions of the vector which have the highest values. To find out,in which category will SVD assign the new document, it should be comparedwith all the documents of the training set. But, before that, the test documentshould be represented in the new dimensional space. We call it test new and iscalculated using matrix V and the inverse of S:

test new1×9 = test1×10 ∗ V10×9 ∗ S−19×9 (5)

Next, the new vector test new is compared to the 9 documents of the trainingset and more specifically it is compared to every row of matrix U using cosinesimilarity. The first vector (row) of matrix U corresponds to document D1, thesecond to document D2, etc. The calculated cosine similarities are shown inTable 3.

Table 3. Similarity of document test with the nine documents (before removing noise).

DocumentSimilarity withdocument test

D1 -0.14D2 0.53D3 -0.33D4 0.57D5 -0.32D6 -0.38D7 0.02D8 -0.13D9 0.03

Based on Table 3, the test document is most similar with D4, which belongs tothe second category. The categorization is not right as the document test belongsto the first category. The result could be improved by using the majority vote

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which takes into account the three or the five best similarities. However, in ourrunning example, if we take the majority vote from the three best similarities(D2, D4 and D9), the text categorization result is also wrong.

Up to this point, we have applied SVD but have not really taken advantageof it because we have kept all the information of the original matrix (containsnoise). As we stated earlier, noise removal can be performed by dimensionalityreduction [S07]. Next, we keep 80% of the total matrix information (i.e. 80% ofthe total sum of the diagonal of matrix S). As a result, 6 rows from the bottomof matrices U and S and 6 left columns from matrices S and V T are removed.Now, we repeat the same process as before starting with calculating the newvector for the test document:

test new21×3 = test1×10 ∗ V10×3 ∗ S−13×3 (6)

Now, test new2 has fewer dimensions. Next, we recalculate the cosine simi-larity of the test document with the nine documents using the new vector. Thenew similarities are shown in Table 4. As shown, the categorization is now cor-rect. The test document is most similar with D1, which belongs to the samecategory i.e. easy. Also, the three best similarities are with D1, D2 and D3. Allthree of them belong to the category easy just as the test document. That is,the 20% of information that we took away from the original matrix was actuallynoise.

Table 4. Similarity of document test with the nine documents (after removing noise).

DocumentSimilarity withdocument test

D1 0.97D2 0.87D3 0.69D4 0.37D5 -0.8D6 0.26D7 -0.67D8 0.2D9 -0.16

5 The Aggregated SVD method

In this Section, we adjust the aggregated SVD [HSN10] method, which is initiallyproposed for clustering of data, to run for text categorization. Clustering ofhigh dimensional data is often performed by applying SVD on the original dataspace and by building clusters from the derived eigenvectors. Hans-Henning etal. [HSN10] proposed a method that combines the self-similarity matrices of

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the top few eigenvectors in such a way that data are well-clustered. We extendthis work by also applying SVD to a matrix that contains document frequencyvectors. Then, a distance matrix Di

m×m is produced from every column of matrixUm×m. It is called distance matrix because it contains the distances (i.e. thedissimilarities) from every value of the column to the rest values of the samecolumn. If matrix Um×m has m columns then the total distance matrices arem (i=m). Every matrix D is symmetrical and its diagonal is consisted of zeros.The values of each distance matrix are normalized as follows:

xnormalized =x√

(x21 + x2

2 + ... + x2N )

, (7)

where x is the value normalized and {x1, x2, ..., xN} the values of the dis-tance matrix that is being normalized. When all selected distance matrices arecomputed and normalized, they are aggregated into a new matrix M with anaggregation function. Such functions are minimum value, maximum value, aver-age, median and sum. In our running example, we used the sum function. Thatis, a cell in matrix M is the sum of the values in the corresponding cells of alldistance matrices. Thus, M is a symmetric matrix (after all distance matricesare symmetrical) that shows the distances between documents taking into ac-count all columns of U . When a document is to be categorized, the same stepsare followed as described in the previous section (with or without dimensionalityreduction).

Next, we will perform aggregated SVD on our running example. If we applySVD on the original frequency matrix and keep 80% of the information, thenmatrix U remains with 3 columns. Based on these 3 columns, we can build 3distance matrices Di

9×9 (i = 1, 2, 3). By aggregating the 3 matrices we concludewith matrix M of Table 5. As we mentioned before, M is symmetric and thereare only zeros on its diagonal. As far as the rest values is concerned, the closest avalue is to 0 the smallest the distance of the two documents is (i.e. more similar).

Table 5. Aggregation distance matrix M. The smaller value is better.

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9

D1 0 -0.7169 0.0412 0.1885 -0.0123 0.5678 0.7600 0.5862 -0.5465D2 -0.7169 0 -0.7048 0.0978 0.6455 0.4771 -0.0737 -0.9082 -0.0440D3 0.0412 -0.7048 0 1.0129 -0.5747 1.3922 0.8414 -0.1216 0.2780D4 0.1885 0.0978 1.0129 0 -0.0035 -1.8320 0.1911 0.1983 -0.3611D5 -0.0123 0.6455 -0.5747 -0.0035 0 0.2802 0.4123 0.2385 -1.0267D6 0.5678 0.4771 1.3922 -1.8320 0.2802 0 0.4747 0.4820 -0.0774D7 0.7600 -0.0737 0.8414 0.1911 0.4123 0.4747 0 -0.7662 -0.7722D8 0.5862 -0.9082 -0.1216 0.1983 0.2385 0.4820 -0.7662 0 -0.6238D9 -0.5465 -0.0440 0.2780 -0.3611 -1.0267 -0.0774 -0.7722 -0.6238 0

Next, we will categorize again the test document based on the aggregatedSVD method. As previously shown in Table 4, the test document presents the

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highest similarity with document D1. However, if we want to apply aggregatedSVD we have to use the majority vote from two more similar documents. Basedon matrix M of Table 5, these documents correspond to D3 and D5 (with values0.0412 and -0.0123 respectively). Since documents D1-D3 belong to categoryeasy and documents D4-D6 belong to category medium, we have two documentsfrom category easy and one from category medium. That is, the test documentis again correctly assigned to category easy.

6 Experimental Evaluation

In this Section, we experimentally compare the accuracy performance of four dif-ferent methods for text categorization. These methods are: (i) k Nearest Neigh-bor Collaborative Filtering algorithm, denoted as Cosine, (ii) Latent SemanticIndexing, denoted as SVD, (iii) the aggregation of similarity matrices of SVD-eigenvectors method, denoted as AggSVD, and (iv) the Flesh Reading Easeindex, denoted as Flesh. For SVD and AggSVD, we have run experiments withdifferent levels of dimensionality reduction. These levels are three and the infor-mation we keep in each level is 30%, 70% and 100% for each method, respec-tively. The last one (100%) means there is no reduction at all. The performancemeasures are computed as follows [Y97]:

Precision =


a+b , if a+b > 0undefined, otherwise


Recall =


a+c , if a+c > 0undefined, otherwise


F = 2 ∗ Recall ∗ Precision

Recall + Precision(10)

where a is the number of correctly assigned documents in a category, b is thenumber of incorrectly assigned documents in a category, and c is the number ofdocuments that incorrectly have not been assigned in a category.

7 Data Sets

To evaluate the examined algorithms, we have used a synthetic and a real dataset.

7.1 Synthetic Data Set

As far as the synthetic data set is concerned, we have created an English textgenerator. Based on our generator, we have generated documents of the threereadability categories (easy, medium and advanced) by adding also up to 50%controllable noise to each document. Our generator uses three text files (easy.txt,

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medium.txt and advanced.txt) which contain terms used for generating docu-ments. The names of the files indicate the difficulty level of the terms inside(easy.txt contains low difficulty terms, medium.txt contains medium difficultyterms and advanced.txt contains advanced difficulty terms). The generator hasthree input parameters: (i) number of files per category to be generated, (ii)number of terms per file to be generated and (iii) the amount of noise to begenerated.

For the first parameter, if the user inserts value 200 then 600 files will begenerated, 200 for each category. For the last noise parameter, it is determinedas a 1/x fraction. The user’s input replaces the x in the fraction. For example,if user gives value 5 then the noise will be 1/5 which is 20%. As noise thegenerator uses terms from the other two categories (i.e. if noise is 20% then 80%of the terms of an easy level document will be derived from easy.txt and 20%from medium.txt and advanced.txt). Additionally, punctuation is added in thedocuments in order to use them for evaluating Flesh method. Recall that thenumber of sentences is a parameter for the calculation of the Flesh score. In thefirst category there is a 1/10 (10%) chance of adding a dot after each term. Theresult is sentences with average of 10 terms. In medium category this probabilityis 1/15 (6.67%) or 15 terms per sentence average. In the last category this numberis 1/20 (20%). As we can see, the higher the difficulty level of the text the lowerthe chance of dot appearance, because longer sentences mean lower readabilityeasiness.

For our experiments, we have created 1200 documents (400 documents belongto each category) in the training set and 450 documents (150 documents belongto each category) in the test set. We have also created synthetic data set versionswith different noise levels (i.e. 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%). In this work, we presentonly experiments with 50% controllable noise. Notice that our findings have beenconfirmed also to the other synthetic data set versions.

7.2 Reuters 21578 Real Data Set

As far as the real data set is concerned, we have used the Reuters 21578 corpus.Reuters 21578 collection consists of 21578 news articles published during 1987by Reuters news agency established in London, UK. In the Reuters data set thedocuments are categorized by topic. There are five topic super-sets: exchanges,orgs, people, places and topics. All topics in each of these sets are content related.For each document, a human indexer decided to which topic a document belongs.Table 6 shows the topic distribution across the five sets.

The topics category of Table 6 concerns economic subjects. For instance, itincludes subtopics such as coconut, gold, inventories, and money−supply. Typ-ically a document assigned to a category from one of these sets explicitly includessome form of the category name in the document’s text. However, these propername categories are not as simple to assign correctly as might be thought. Noticethat Flesh Reading Ease index was not tested with the real data set, because itcalculates readability easiness score and it is not suitable for categorization bytopic.

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Table 6. Topic distribution of the Reuters 21578 collection.

Category SetNumber of


exchanges 39orgs 56

people 267places 175topics 135

7.3 Algorithms’ Accuracy Comparison on the Synthetic Data Set

In this Section, we test all four methods’ accuracy performance on a syntheticdata set with 50% controllable noise. That is, a 50% of the total document termsbelong to the correct category of the document and the other 50% are terms thatbelong to the other two categories. Figure 1 shows the results for each readabilityeasiness category (easy, medium, advanced).

For the documents that belong to category easy, SVD 30% has the bestperformance (up to 98% accuracy), followed by AggSVD 30%. Notice that Fleshpresents the worst performance (under 5% accuracy). This can be explaineddue to the existence of high percentage of controllable noise in the data set.That is, when the noise is set up to 50%, then half of the terms have manysyllables. By increasing the number of the syllables, Flesh assigns false documentsto the medium or advanced category, reducing its accuracy performance. Forthe documents that belong to category medium, SVD 70% presents the bestaccuracy performance. Both AggSVD 30% and Cosine Similarity perform quitewell. Notice that Flesh’s performance is substantially increased for this category.For the documents that belong to category advanced, both cosine similarity andSVD 70% perform very well.

We proceed with the comparison of all four algorithms, in terms of precisionand recall. This reveals the robustness of each algorithm in attaining high recallwith minimal losses in terms of precision. As shown in Figure 2, the recall andprecision vary as we increase the number of documents to be classified. SVD 30%precision value is almost 98% when we try to classify the first test document. Therespective values for AggSVD 30% and Cosine are 96.2% and 93.5%. This exper-iment shows that SVD 30% and AggSVD 30% are more robust in categorizingcorrectly documents. The reason is that both of them perform dimensionalityreduction, which removes noise from documents. In contrast, Cosine Similar-ity algorithm correlates document without removing the noise. Finally, Fleshpresents the worst results, because it does not take into account noise at all.

7.4 Algorithms Accuracy Comparison of methods on the Real dataset

In this Section, we test all methods on a real data (Reuters 21578 collection).We have chosen three topic sub-categories to test our categorizations, i.e. coffee,

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Fig. 1. F-measure Diagram for the synthetic data set.

Fig. 2. Precision-Recall Diagram for the synthetic data set.

gold and ship. As shown in Figure 7.4, the result are in accordance with thoseof the synthetic data set. However, now the best accuracy performance of SVDis when we apply a 50% dimensionality reduction.

Next, as shown in Figure 4, we plot a precision versus recall curve for allthree algorithms. Once again, we re-confirm the same results with those of thesynthetic data set.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we compared the performance of four methods in classifying textdocuments by readability easiness and by topic. In particular, we tested the

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Fig. 3. F-measure Diagram for the Reuters 21578 data set.

Fig. 4. Precision-Recall Diagram for the Reuters 21578 data set.

kNN collaborative filtering, the classic SVD, the Aggregated SVD and the FleshReading Ease index methods. We have shown that both classic SVD and Aggre-gated SVD techniques presented the best performance in a real and a syntheticdata set. The results of the experiments showed us that dimensionality reduc-tion improved the classification process in two ways: better results and betterefficiency. Better results means that more documents are categorized correctly.Better efficiency means lower computation cost because the computation of thesimilarities between documents is done using vectors with fewer dimensions. Asa future work, we indent to compare our method with other state-of-the-artcomparison partners and more real data sets.

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