test-taking tips for the level 1 writing final

Test-taking Tips for the Level 1 Writing Final

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Test-taking Tips for the Level 1 Writing Final. You will not know the exact topics on the writing final until the day of your exam. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Test-taking Tips for the Level 1 Writing Final

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You will not know the exact topics on the writing final until the day of your exam.

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However, there are some things that you will know before you take your final exam:

1. the kind of tasks you will have to do

2. the format and requirements of the exam

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- write about a timeline

- you might need to use both past & present tense

- at least 120 words / 3 paragraphs

- 25 minutes for this task

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• write an essay on a familiar topic • at least 150 words / 4 paragraphs – (Be careful!

Passing scores usually have 200+ words)• 55 minutes for this task• (2 choices: you choose 1 only):• Choice #1: describe a place (present tense) • Choice #2: describe a person (present tense) –

BE CAREFUL!!! YOU did not study this very much.


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Ready? Set? Start reviewing!!

- past and present tense verbs - introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions

- how to write a timeline

- how to describe places and people

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Here’s everything you need to know about the exam!

Date: Tuesday, January 28th

6:00 – 7:20 p.m.

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Arrive 15-20 minutes early; this will give you time to relax

If you are late, you will feel stressed. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you have to go to Student Affairs to try and schedule a make-up exam.   Your request could be rejected if you don’t have a valid, documented excuse.   Bring an official photo ID (UAEU card, Emirates ID, or your passport.)

Bring pens, pencils, and erasers to the exam. 

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Now, let’s take a closer look at TASK 1:

Write about a timeline of a person’s life

* write at least 120 words

* write at least 3 paragraphs

* you will have 25 minutes

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Top Tips for Timelines

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Tip #

Look at the timeline and think carefully

about each event. Is the event past or present?(most of the time, you will use the past, but sometimes you may need the present)

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Read the timeline about Queen Noor of Jordan on the next slide.

Think about the verb you will use for each event. Will it be past or present?

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• Aug 23, 1951 --- born as Lisa Halaby in Washington, D.C.

• 1969 --- graduate from Concord Academy; enter Princeton University (in the 1st group of women to study there)

• 1973 --- earn a B.A. Degree in Architecture

• 1973-1977 --- travel and work in different countries around the world (Australia, Iran, Jordan)

• 1977 --- meet King Hussein of Jordan at a Royal Airlines event

• June 1978 --- marry King Hussein in Amman, Jordan; change her name to Noor

• 1980 – 1986 --- have 4 children: Hamzah, Hashim, Iman, and Raya

• 1999 --- King Hussein die

• 2000 --- become more active in different charities and organizations;

• now --- live part-time in London, Amman, and Washington D.C.; do charity work

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Aug 23, 1951 --- born / is born / was born

1969 --- graduate / graduates / graduated

1973 --- earn / earns / earned

1973-1977 --- travel / travels / traveled ; work / works / worked

1977 --- meet / meets / met

June 1978 --- marry / marries / married ; change / changes /changed

1980 – 1986 --- have / has / had

1999 --- die / dies / died

2000 --- become / becomes / became

now --- live / lives / lived ; do / does / did

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Remember your grammar!

When you use present tense verbs, don’t forget to put –s if your subject is he or


Noor lives in London, Amman, and ……

She stays active in many charities……

Tip #

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Also, don’t use 2 verbs in simple past / present sentences:

livesNoor is lives in Washington, Amman, and London.

marriedShe is married King Hussein in 1978. continuesShe still is continue charity work nowadays.

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Review the spelling of past tense verbs,

including the irregular ones:

study --- studiedmarry --- married

finish --- finishedwork --- worked

become --- becamebegin --- began

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Tip # : Don’t just copy the timeline!

Why? You are more likely to make mistakes (especially with verbs)

You are more likely to have short, repetitive sentences

Your task is to describe a timeline --- NOT simply to copy it

You will lose points on things like grammar, vocabulary, and content

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COPYING – wrong verbs, repeated time words, and short sentences

In 1969, Noor enters Princeton University.

In 1973 she graduates with a B.A. degree in Architecture.

In 1977 Noor meets King Hussein of Jordan at a Royal Airlines event.

In June 1978 she marries King Hussein.

She changes her name to Noor Al-Hussein.

From 1980 to 1986 she has 4 children.

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When you DESCRIBE, you do things like:

1. use synonyms for words that are on the timeline(started began) (worked had a


2. use different time word expressions(in / on / when / later on / after that / next /


3. use a variety of connector words (and / but / so / however )

4. use the correct verb tense (because you are thinking about the timeline, not just copying what you see!)

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When she was 18, Noor began studying at Princeton University.

Four years later, she received a B.A. Degree in Architecture, and she had different jobs around the world.

From 1973 to 1977, Noor lived in places like Australia and Iran. She went to Jordan, so she met King Hussein.

After they got married, they had 4 children between 1980 and 1986.

King Hussein died in 1999, and the next year Noor started to participate in charities and organizations.

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You should try to add a few things to the timeline to describe it --- and to make your paper more interesting.


If the timelines says:

Noor entered Princeton University ….

You could write:

Noor began studying at Princeton …


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Do NOT make up or add details about things that are not on the timeline!

For example, you should not say …

Noor earned a B.A. degree in Architecture because she was very clever. She was

the top student in her class.

Noor met King Hussein in Jordan. They had a beautiful, expensive wedding and a happy life.

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Tip # : Follow “the formula”




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Write one general sentence to introduce your topic.

What is the topic here? Who is Noor? A singer?

A scientist? No, she’s a royal figure --- a queen.

There are many kings and queens in the world.

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Then, write your main idea --- the specific thing you will focus on:

One famous royal is Queen Noor of Jordan, and her life is very interesting.

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In your main idea, you do not need to “announce” what you are going to write in your essay:

In this essay I’m going to write about Queen Noor.

Now I’m going to talk about Queen Noor.

I’m will tell you about Queen Noor.

You probably did this when you wrote essays in high school.

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However, now that you are in the university, you want your main idea to sound a little more formal and academic:

One famous royal is Queen Noor of Jordan, and her life is very interesting.

If you think about it ...

the timeline is about Queen Noor, not you, so the word “I” doesn’t really belong in your main idea!

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Body Paragraphs

Begin with a topic sentence that:

uses words which differ from your main idea

summarizes all your details

Queen Noor achieved many things in her life.

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Detail sentences --- DOs and DON’Ts

DON’T list every single detail one-by-one in separate sentences

(You will end up with too many short, repetitive sentences)

Noor was born on August 23rd, 1951.

In 1969, she graduated from Concord Academy.

In 1973, she entered Princeton University.

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DO combine at least some details with connector words; you’ll have longer, more interesting sentences

Noor finished her studies at Concord Academy in 1969, and then she attended Princeton University.

After she graduated with a B.A. in Architecture, she began to work in other countries.

Noor met King Hussein when she was in Jordan, and they married one year later.

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in conclusion

in summary

to sum up

in short

in brief


in general

Begin with a conclusion word:

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Then, look at your main idea and repeat itbut use different words!

Restatement in the conclusion:

In summary, Noor of Jordan is a well-known queen with a fascinating life.

Main idea:

One famous royal is Queen Noor of Jordan, and her life is very interesting.

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Tip # :

Don’t overuse the same time words!

In …..In …..

In …..In …..

In …..

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Find different ways to talk about time:

2 years after that in 1972

on January 5, 2007 next

from 1973 to 1977 then

between 1980 and 1996 later

during the years 2000 to now after that

when she was 18 years old finally

63 years agonowadays

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Task 2 Tips

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Task 2 = Describe a place


Describe a person

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* 150 words

* 4 paragraphs

* (mostly) present tense

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What he or she looks like:

- eye color / size

- hair color / length / style

- height / weight

- skin color

- overall look / age

You can describe a person by:


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Try to “paint a picture with words” when you describe your friend.

Use adjectives to describe your details.

“so-so:” My friend’s hair is long and black.

better: My friend’s long, curly hair is very beautifulbecause of its shiny black color.

“so-so: Her eyes are blue.

better: Her large, round eyes are as blue as the sky.

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What he or she does / how he or she behaves:

- funny

- serious

- talkative

- intelligent

- quiet

- etc ……

You can describe a person by:



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Be sure to give examples of and explain any adjectives you use to describe your friend:

Characteristic Example

funny always tells jokes and

makes people laugh

intelligent makes the top grades in

every class; enjoys school;wants to be a doctor

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You can describe a place in 2 ways:

• how it looks and what’s in it

• what you do in the place

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Once again, “take out your paintbrush” and give lots of description about the place …..

The Peredeniya Botanical Garden in Sri Lanka is a wonderful place. It has every kind of plant and tree you can imagine, so it’s very green. All the beautiful flowers are like a rainbow of colors, and the air smells like perfume.

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In the Peredeniya Botanical Garden, I do many

different things. I love to sit under the trees and relax

with my friends. Another enjoyable activity is walking

across the bridge that goes from one side of the river to

the other. However, my favorite activity is looking at all

the different animals in the park, such as monkeys and


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Good luck on your exam!