test 9 drugs

  Agrupamento de esc olas Gonçalo Nunes Escola B.2,3 de Gonçalo Nunes Name: _________________________________________ Evaluation: _____________ 9t h Form Cl ass: ___ Number: ___ Tea cher: _____________ Date __________________________________________ E. de Educação: __________________________ English test I- Listening There are many kinds of drugs _____________ and there are many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. Some teens ___________ drugs will help them think better, be more  popular, stay more active, or become better _. A __________ use drugs to gain  __________ __ from their parents. Many teens use drugs because they are __or think drugs will help them ___________ their problems. The truth is, drugs don't solve problems  they simpl y __ __ fee li ngs and pr oblems. A dr ug may be helpful or ____ .  __________ __ substances can fee l good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and  brain. II- Read the f ollowing t ext. Why do young people use drugs? !oung people use drugs for many different reasons. These vary from drug, person to person, and from situation to situation. Adolescence is a period of great changes. !oung people e"periment a dr amati c tra nsformati on# they change sch ools, their bodi es change, their  relationships with friends and family change, and their needs and desires change. This can be e"citing as well as stressful and emotional. The teen years are also a time of making decisions and discovering one$s own values and  beliefs around a variety of issues. %riends and other outside sources can influence decisions. &nfortunately, many mi"ed messages can create a lot of confusion as to what is acceptable and what is not %or e"ample, tobacco and alcohol advertising encourages young people to smoke and drink. (veryone has a role to play in helping young people to make healthy choices that decrease the likelihood of harmful involvement with tobacco and other drugs. )e know that if we can delay teens from e"perimenting them until they are older, we can help develop better lifestyles choices and to learn to cope with difficult issues more constructively. A. Are t hese stat emen ts tr ue or false ? *+ !o ung peo ple use dru gs only when they ar e depressed . _____ __ + Adolescence i s a p eriod of ne w e"p erience s. __ __ -+ !o ung p eople aren$t influence d by frie nds. __ __ + Many yo ung peo ple are attract ed by alcoh ol and tob acco due to ad vertis ing. __ _ /+ 0eopl e should help tee ns to dev elop he althy li festyle s. ____ ___ B. Ans wer the questi ons .

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teste sobre "drugs"


Agrupamento de escolas Gonalo NunesEscola B.2,3 de Gonalo Nunes

Name: _________________________________________Evaluation: _______________________________

9th Form Class: _____ Number: _____Teacher: ________________________________

Date __________________________________________E. de Educao: __________________________

English testI- Listening

There are many kinds of drugs _____________ and there are many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. Some teens ___________ drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become better ____________. A __________ use drugs to gain ____________ from their parents. Many teens use drugs because they are _____________or think drugs will help them ___________ their problems. The truth is, drugs don't solve problems theysimply __________ feelings and problems. A drug may be helpful or ____________. ____________ substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain.II- Read the following text.Why do young people use drugs?Young people use drugs for many different reasons. These vary from drug, person to person, and from situation to situation. Adolescence is a period of great changes. Young people experiment a dramatic transformation: they change schools, their bodies change, their relationships with friends and family change, and their needs and desires change. This can be exciting as well as stressful and emotional.The teen years are also a time of making decisions and discovering ones own values and beliefs around a variety of issues. Friends and other outside sources can influence decisions. Unfortunately, many mixed messages can create a lot of confusion as to what is acceptable and what is not! For example, tobacco and alcohol advertising encourages young people to smoke and drink.Everyone has a role to play in helping young people to make healthy choices that decrease the likelihood of harmful involvement with tobacco and other drugs. We know that if we can delay teens from experimenting them until they are older, we can help develop better lifestyles choices and to learn to cope with difficult issues more constructively.

A. Are these statements true or false?

1- Young people use drugs only when they are depressed. _______2- Adolescence is a period of new experiences. ________3- Young people arent influenced by friends. ________4- Many young people are attracted by alcohol and tobacco due to advertising. _______5- People should help teens to develop healthy lifestyles. _______

B. Answer the questions.

1- How would you define adolescence?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2- Why are friends so important in the adolescence period?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3- What is the role of everyone in relation to young people?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4- In your opinion, why do people use drugs?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

III- Vocabulary

Identify the following addictions:

1-___________________________________ 2- ___________________________________

3-___________________________________ 4- ___________________________________

IV- Grammar

A. Fill in with the right form of the verb in brackets.

1- If you dont use drugs, you ________________ (be) healthier.2- If young people were informed, they ______________ (change) their minds.3- If teens _______________ (not drink) alcohol, they will save many lives.4- If adolescents _______________(smoke), they will become seriously ill.5- He would become addicted, if he __________________( drink) every day.

B. Complete with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1- They enjoyed _______________ very much in the party.2- I hurt ______________ while I was drinking.3- John looked at ____________ in the mirror.4- Peter! Please behave ______________.5- We talk about _____________ all the time.

C. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. My students are doing a test.___________________________________________________________________________2. He drinks wine every day.___________________________________________________________________________3. Teens have studied the consequences of drugs.___________________________________________________________________________4. The police arrested the thieves.___________________________________________________________________________5. People had smoked cigarettes inside the building.___________________________________________________________________________6. The teacher was giving a difficult test.___________________________________________________________________________7. Many children will learn the rules.___________________________________________________________________________

V- Writing Write a text about what are the consequences of drug addiction.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Patrcia Pinto


There are many kinds of drugs available and there are many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become better athletes. A few use drugs to gain attention from their parents. Many teens use drugs because they're depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. The truth is, drugs don't solve problems theysimply hide feelings and problems. A drug may be helpful or harmful. Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain.