term paper of theories

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  • 7/29/2019 Term Paper of Theories


    Submitted to :

    Miss Maryam

    Submitted by :

    Bakhtawer Zain(552)

    Subject :

    Theories of Mass Communication

    Assignment topic :

    Normative theories

    Programme :

    Bs Hons Mass Communication

    Semester :5


  • 7/29/2019 Term Paper of Theories


    Contents .

    Introduction to theoriesIntroduction to Normative theoriesAuthoritarian theoryLibertarian theorySoviet theorySocial responsibility theoryAnalysis of theoriesCriticismConclusion

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    Theory is a conceptual representation or explanation of phenomenon. They are stories

    about how and why events occur. Kurt Levin defines theory as a way of explaining the

    ordering and occurrence of various events. It can also be defined as a set of

    systematic generalizations based on scientific observation and leading to further

    empirical observation. (Severin and Tankard (Jnr.) 1982).

    Characteristics of Theory

    These are some of the characteristics of theory and they could also be seen as criteria for a

    good theory.

    (1) Intellectual Rigour : Every theory is a product of careful analysis and giving great

    attention to details. This process ensures that they are testable, verifiable or systematic.

    (2) Dynamism: Theories are subject to change; they are seldom constant because they

    can be modified or completely repudiated

    when new facts emerge.

    (3) Predictive power: Theories enable us to make predictions but those predictions are

    rarely ever realized with exactitude. Theory is step behind reality.

    (4) Economy: A good theory explains many cases with a few statements and with few

    exceptions, if any.

    (5) Explanatory Power: ability of a theory to be used to explain a puzzling phenomenon.

    (6) Internal Consistency : There should be no contradiction in the process. The processes

    involved should agree with one another.(7) Heuristic Potential: Should help to see a new thing or new things; or should be useful for

    solving problems.

    (8) Practical Utility: Theories have usefulness to reality. They can be used to solve real life

    problems and issues

    Why Study Theories?

    Theories help to manage realities. Kurt Levin says that theories enable us to put facts in

    perspective, and to predict what will happen, even before the events we are theorizing

    about get completed. According to Kaplan, a theory enables us to make sense out of adisturbing situation. e.g. Detectives (Police) always formulate a theory to unravel a case, say

    murder case. We also study theories in order to derive intellectual satisfaction

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    How Theories are arrived at

    Theories are derived through a process known as scientific method. The process includes:

    1.Conceptualisation :This is the definition of the subject of inquiry.

    You may call it a topic of research.

    2.Operationalisation : This involves translation of general concepts into specific variables and

    specification of the procedure adopted in research. (From problem statement to generalization)

    3.Observation : This is the careful study (observation) of the specified variables from available

    data, using any modes of research.

    4. Analysis : This involves extracting meaning from the facts observed.

    This must be done objectively.

    5.Testing: Here, the results of analysis are used to test the hypothesis or research questions

    raised in a study.

    6. Generalization: The findings from the test are used to make some generalizations, regarding

    the subject of inquiry.

    7. Theory: Theories are formulated from the generalization made as a result of our analysis and


    8. Law: Theory eventually leads to law after it has been repeatedly tested without being

    disproved or substantially modified. Laws are difficult to come by in social sciences because

    we study human organization and behavior, which are capricious.

    From the foregoing it can be seen that theory and research are closely linked.

    Relationship between Theory and Research

    It is already seen from the above that theory and research are closely related through the

    scientific method. Both theory and research may be seen as two sides of the same coin. Any

    scientific assertion needs to have both logical and empirical support; that is, it must make sense

    and align with observations in the real world. Theory provides the logical support while

    research provides the empirical (observation) support.

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    What is Normative Theory :

    Normative theories were first proposed by Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur

    Schramm in their book called Four Theories of the Press. At first the word Normative

    Theory was pronounced in USA during the height of cold war with communism and soviet.

    Often it called as western theories of mass media

    This is a type of theory that describes an ideal way for media systems to be structured and

    operated. Normative theories do not describe things as they are nor do they provide

    scientific explanations; instead, they describe the way things shall be if some ideal values or

    principles are to be realized. They help to explain the way in which social communication

    rules impinge on mass media structures, conventions and performance, and highlight the

    consequences of non-convergence between societal communication principles and mass

    communication principles.

    Normative theories are more focused in the relationship between Press and the Government

    than press and the audience. These theories are more concern about the ownership of themedia and who controls the press or media in the country.

    Fredrick S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm presented:

    The Authoritarian Libertarian Social Responsibility Soviet Communist

    Authoritarian Media Theory

    Tracing of Authoritarian theory :

    The Authoritarian theory of the press can be traced to the very beginning of printing. At that

    time, truth was thought to reside in those who held power-that is, the governing agency.

    Thus there was strict control of the press through the licensing of printers by the

    throne. Censorship was practiced if the ruler thought that information should be with held

    from the masses. Therefore, although the government did not necessarily own the press,

    it was looked on as being an advocate of the state. Today many nations will not admit that

    their countries are governed according to authoritarian principles, they publicly espouse

    libertarian concepts, but behind the scenes authoritarian practices are carried out.

    This term was first used by Siebert refers to an arrangement in which the press is subordinated

    to state power and the interests of a ruling class. The theory justifies advance censorship and

    punishment for deviation from externally set guidelines. Unacceptable attack on authority,

    deviation from official policy, or offences against moral codes should be criminal offences.

    Under certain circumstances, media are subjected to authoritarian tendencies in democratic

    regimes as well, especially in times of war and during internal and external emergencies. Other

    media like film, video, etc are subjected to censorship. Even the press, which is free, lost its

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    independence and freedom during the emergency (1975-77). The authorities can and do use

    the provisions of official secrets act to deny free access to information, thereby hampering the

    freedom of press.

    According to Siebert, the authoritarian state system requires direct governmental control of

    the mass media. This system is especially easy to recognize in pre-democratic societies, wherethe government consists of a very limited and small ruling-class. The media in an authoritarian

    system are not allowed to print or broadcast anything, which could undermine the

    established authority, and any offense to the existing political values is avoided. The

    authoritarian government may go to the step of punishing anyone who questions the state's


    Assumption of Authoritarian theory :

    The fundamental assumption of the authoritarian system is that the government isinfallible. Media professionals are therefore not allowed to have any independence

    within the media organization.

    Foreign media are subordinate to the established authority, in that all importedmedia products are controlled by the state.

    The state, as the highest expression of institutionalized structure, supersedes theindividual and makes it possible for the individual to acquire and develop a stable and

    harmonious life Mass communication, then, supports the state and the government in

    power so that total society may advance and the state may be viable and attain its


    The State (the elite that runs the state) directs the citizenry, which is not consideredcompetent and interested enough to make critical political decisions. One man or an

    elite group is placed in a leadership role. As the group or person controls societygenerally it (or he or she) also controls the mass media since they are recognized as vital

    instruments of social control.

    The mass media, under authoritarianism, are educators and propagandists by which thepower elite exercise social control. Generally the media are privately owned, although

    the leader or his elite group may own units in the total communication system. A basic:

    assumption a person engaged in journalism is so engaged as a special privilege granted

    by the national leadership. He, therefore, owes an obligation to the leadership.

    The relationship between the state and the media in an authoritarian system can be

    illustrated as such

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    Concluding point of this theory :

    Thus this press concept the mass media, under authoritarianism, have only as much freedom

    as the national leadership at any particular time is willing to permit

    Libertarian Media Theory (Free Press Theory)

    What does Libertarian Media Theory explain?

    Fredrick S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramms go on to explain the libertarian

    theory, which is also called the free press theory. In contrast to the authoritarian theory, the

    libertarian view rests on the idea that the individual should be free to publish whatever he or

    she likes. Its history traces back to the 17th century's thinker John Milton, who asserted that

    human beings inevitably choose the best ideas and values. In the libertarian system, attacks on

    the government's policies are fully accepted and even encouraged. Moreover, there should be

    no restrictions on import or export of media messages across the national frontiers. Moreover,

    journalists and media professionals ought to have full autonomy within the media


    Is it hard to Intact ?

    It is hard to find intact examples of libertarian media systems in today's world. The U.S. will in

    many aspects come close, but this country's media system has have tendencies of

    authoritarianism as well. As this illustration shows, there is no explicit connection between the

    government and the media in the libertarian theory:

    Which concept explain libertarian ?

    Today the open market place of ideas and the self-righting process define the boundaries of

    the libertarian theory of the press. In the seventeenth century John Milton defended the

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    concepts of reason and the moral integrity of man in telling right from wrong, good from bad,

    and truth from falsehood in a powerful argument for intellectual freedom. Other

    exponents of this philosophy were John Stuart, Thomas Jefferson and other who believed

    in freedom of expression, rationalism, and natural rights. They saw as the presss function to

    inform, to sell, to entertain, to uphold the truth, and to keep check on the government. Press

    ownership in countries espousing the libertarian philosophy is likely to be private and shouldbe free from defamation, obscenity, impropriety and wartime sedition.

    In which countries Libertarian theory is being practiced ?

    Countries practicing the libertarian philosophy today are the United States, Great

    Britain, and other western European nations. Other theories related to libertarian

    theory are the social responsibility theory and the objective theory of the press.

    What is the fundamental right of Libertarian ?

    Libertarian theory is based on the fundamental right of an individual to freedom of expression,

    which is regarded as the main legitimating principle for print media in liberal democracies. In

    its simple form, it prescribes that an individual should be free to publish what he or she likes, it

    is thus extension of other rights to hold opinions freely, to express them, to assemble and

    organize with others. The free press theory needs no elaboration as is evident from the

    first amendment to the American constitution, which states that congress shall make no

    lawabridging the freedom of speech or of the press, it is thus simply an absolute right of the


    Is application of this theory is easy or hard ?

    But the application of press freedom has hardly been straightforward. Milton, Stuart Mill and

    many others argued that if freedom is abused to the extent of threatening good morals and

    the authority of the state, it must be restrained. According to de Sola Pool (1973), no nation

    will indefinitely tolerate a freedom of the press that serves to divided the country and to open

    the flood gates of criticism against the freely chosen government that leads its.

    Moreover, much difficulty has arisen because press freedom has become identified

    with property rights (private ownership) and freedom from interference in the market. The

    free press theory or the libertarian theory thus protects the owners of media but

    fails to give equal expression to the rights of editors and journalists or of the audiences.

    Concluding point of this theory :

    This theory takes the philosophical view that man is rational and able to discern between truth

    and falsehood and, therefore, can choose between a better and worse alternative. Man is

    capable of determining his own destiny, and given all the facts will make the right choice.

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    Social Responsibility Media Theory

    Who take initiative Social Responsibility Theory ?

    An American initiative in the late forties brought forth the social responsibility theory.

    Realizing that the market had failed to fulfill the promise that press freedom

    would reveal the truth, The Commission on Freedom of the Press provided a model

    in which the media had certain obligations to society. These obligations were expressed in

    the words " in formativeness , truth, accuracy, objectivity, and balance". Siebert writes that

    the goal of the social responsibility system is that media as a whole is pluralized,

    indicating "a reflection of the diversity of society as well as access to various points ofview".

    What it provides ?

    As opposed to the libertarian theory, the social responsibility principle is to provide

    an entrance to different mass media to minority groups. The journalist is

    accountable to his audience as well as to the government.

    Is anyone

    Most media systems in Western Europe today come close to the social responsibility theory.

    An illustration of the theory puts the mass media and the government on the same level,

    signifying an interaction where both parts are allowed to criticize the other:

    How it emerged ?

    Social Responsibility Theory emerged as a result of conflict between professionalism and

    self-regulation of the press and pressure for greater regulation of the media. In response,

    Henry Luce, CEO of Time Inc. provided funding for an independentcommission to make recommendations concerning the role of the press. The Hutchins

    Commission on Freedom of the press was established in 1942 and released its report in


    Role of Hutchins Commission in the development of this theory :

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    The Commission members were sharply divided between those who held strongly

    libertarian views and those who supported some form of press regulation. Press regulation

    advocates argued that anti-democratic press can easily subvert the market place of ideas

    and use the media to transmit propaganda to fuel hatred for their own advantages. (e.g.

    Hitler used the media against the Jew). On the other hand, placing the media under a

    control or regulation will hinder the freedom of the press.The Commission therefore decided to place their faith in media practitioners and called

    on them to redoubled their efforts to serve the public and that the media have certain

    obligations to society. These obligations were expressed in the words "informativeness,

    truth, accuracy, objectivity, and balance"

    What does Social Responsibility Media Theory states ?

    This theory states that the media can be used by anyone who has an idea to express but they

    are forbidden to invade private rights or disrupt social structures. It emphasizes the

    freedom of the press and places responsibility on the media practitioners to abide by

    certain social standards. It opposes media regulation but believes that the press is

    automatically controlled by community opinion, consumer protest and professional ethics.

    It calls on the media to be responsible for fostering productive and creative Great

    Communities (Baran and Davis 2003:109), and that media should do this by prioritizing

    cultural pluralism- by becoming the voice of all the people not just elite groups or

    groups that had dominated national, regional or local culture in the past. It also points out

    that the media, in carrying out their obligations, must adhere to the highest ethical


    Basic principles Of Social Responsibility Theory :

    Social Responsibility Theory basic principles, summarized by McQuail (1987), include:

    To serve the political system by making information, discussion andconsideration of public affairs generally accessible.

    To inform the public to enable it to take self determined action. To protect the rights of the individual by acting as watchdog over thegovernment.

    To serve the economic system; for instance by bringing together

    buyers and sellers through the medium of advertising. To provide good entertainment, whatever good may mean in the cultureat any point in time.

    To preserve financial autonomy in order not to become dependent on specialinterests and influences.

    The basic principles of the social responsibility theory uphold conflict resolution

    through discussion; there is high regard for public opinion, consumer action, and

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    professional ethics and jealous guard over private rights and important social

    interests. This theory emerged in the United States in the twentieth century, and it is

    evidenced today in the Anglo-American nations.

    Assumptions of social responsibility theory :

    The social responsibility theory is based on the assumption that media serveessential functions in society.

    Media should accept and fulfill certain obligations to the society. Theseobligations are to be met by setting high professional standards in

    communication of information, truth, accuracy, objectivity and balance.

    In accepting and discharging these obligations, the media should be self-regulatorywithin the framework of law and established institutions.

    In the public interest, the media should underplay that news which might lead tocrime, violence, and social tension or cause offence to ethnic or religious minorities.

    The media should be pluralist, should reflect the diversity of their society and allowaccess to various points of view, including the right to reply.Concluding point of social responsibility theory :

    This new theory maintains that the importance of the press in modern society makes it

    absolutely necessary that an obligation of social responsibility be imposed on the media

    of mass communication

    Soviet-Communist Media Theory :

    From its name, the Soviet theory is closely tied to a specific ideology; The communist.

    Siebert traces the roots of this theory back to the 1917 Russian Revolution based on the

    postulates of Marx and Engels. The media organizations in this system were not intended

    to be privately owned and were to serve the interests of the working class.

    Differentiate between Authoritarian theory and communist theories :

    An illustration of the Soviet system would appear to be the same as the

    authoritarian model, in that both theories acknowledge the government as superior to the

    media institutions:

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    However, there is a major difference between the two theories that needs to be clarified: The

    mass media in the Soviet model are expected to be self-regulatory with regard to the content of

    their messages. Also, the Soviet theory differs from the authoritarian theory in that the

    media organizations have a certain responsibility to meet the wishes of their audience. Still,

    the underlying standard is to provide a complete and objective view of the world according to

    Marxist- Leninist principles.

    Is Soviet theory exist today ?

    Today, the name of this theory is only of historical interest. Beginning in the mid- eighties and

    continuing after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has performed a mass media model closer to

    the social responsibility principle. The clearest current example of the Soviet media theory is

    how the media function in China, where the communist government controls TV, radio, and


    Other name of Soviet theory :

    The Soviet Theory is also called as the communist media theory. Just as the social

    responsibility theory is an outgrowth of the libertarian theory, soviet- communist

    theory is an outgrowth of the authoritarian theory. However, whereas according to the

    authoritarian theory the press resides outside the government, in the soviet media theory the

    press and the state are held to be one. The main purpose of the soviet-media theory is to

    ensure the success and continuance of the soviet socialist system and to promote the

    objectives of the soviet socialist party. This system is found mainly in the Soviet Union and other

    communist countries.

    Main purpose :

    In soviet media theory the press and the state are held to be one. The main purpose of the

    soviet-media theory is to ensure the success and continuance of the soviet socialist

    system and to promote the objectives of the soviet socialist party. This system is found mainly in

    the Soviet Union and other communist countries.

    When Russian media was reorganized ?

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    Russian media was reorganized after the revolution of 1917and this theory is derived mainly

    from basic tenets of Marx and Engels. It envisages media to be under the control of the

    working class whose interest they are meant to serve. Private ownership of the press

    or other media is ruled out. The media must serve positive functions in society relating to

    information, education, motivation, and mobilization. They must support progressive

    movements in the country and abroad.The media according to this theory are subject to the ultimate control of the state are integrated

    with other instruments of political life. Within these limits, the media

    are expected to be self-regulatory. They must

    Act with responsibility

    Evolve and follow norms of professional conduct, and

    Respond to peoples needs and aspirations.

    What it advocates ?

    It advocates the complete domination of media by a communist government for the

    purpose of forcing those media to serve the party. The main task of the press is to

    promote the socialist system and maintain the sovereignty of the proletariat(workingclass)

    via communist party.

    What it seeks ?

    While the soviet-communist theory seeks to use the media to support development and

    change towards the attainment of the communist stage, the authoritarian seeks to use the

    media to maintain the status quo. But they are similar in subjecting the media to direct

    state control. Every issue in Soviet communist must be seen and interpreted in favour of thecommunist party. The four working principles of soviet press are (1) Truthfulness. (2)

    Partiality. (3) Commitment to the people. (4) Mass culture.

    Difference between Libertarian , Social Responsibility and Soviet theory :

    Libertarian and Social Responsibility theories assign economic function to the press while the

    Soviet press removes the profit motive since it is an arm of government and financed by

    government. Libertarian and Social Responsibility theories expect the media to raise social

    conflict to the level of discussion but Soviet theory forbade organization of press structure

    along the lines of political conflicts since social societies aspired to become classlesssocieties.

    Concluding point of this theory :

    The media as per this theory are not subject to arbitrary interference as in the case of the

    authoritarian theory.

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    Analysis of theories:

    Four major theories behind the functioning of the world's presses :

    The Authoritarian theory, which developed in the late Renaissance and was basedon the idea that truth is the product of a few wise men.

    The Libertarian theory, which arose from the works of men like Milton, Locke, Mill,and Jefferson and avowed that the search for truth is one of man's natural rights;

    The Social Responsibility theory of the modern day: equal radio and television timefor political candidates, the obligations of the newspaper in a one-paper town, etc

    The Soviet Communist theory, an expanded and more positive version of the oldAuthoritarian theory.

    Fredrick S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramms four Theories of the Press

    probably constitute the most well known attempt to clarify the link between mass media andthe political society in modern world. In these theories they introduce the concepts of what

    the Press should be and do. Since the theory was presented in 1963, it has been widely

    accepted and utilized by media scholars. Nevertheless, a critical evaluation shows that

    Siebert's theories are outdated and too simplistic to be useful in today's media research.

    What asserted the researchers to study the relationship between media and government ?

    Mass media do not operate in a vacuum. This assertion is generally agreed upon, and has led

    researchers to study the relationship between mass media and the government.

    The first well-known attempt to clarify the link between mass media and the political societywas introduced by Frederick S. Siebert in 1963, and presented in Four Theories of the Press by

    Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm. The purpose of the work was to establish and explain four

    normative theories that ought to illustrate the press position in relation to its political

    environment. By "press" Siebert, means all the media of mass communication,

    including television, radio, and newspaper.

    Is these theories are still acknowledge ?

    Siebert's four theories (the authoritarian, the libertarian, the Soviet, and the socialresponsibility) are still acknowledged by many mass media researchers as the most proper

    categories to describe how different media systems operate in the world. Almost every

    article and book dealing with philosophical bases for journalism has alluded to this

    book Four Theories of the Press , commented on it, or quoted from it. It has definitely made

    an impact.

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    Is there a need to evaluate them ?

    Yes there is a need to evaluate the four theories analytically in order to find out if Siebert's

    approach still is the most functional. A critical evaluation shows that Siebert's theories, which

    seek to explain the relationship between mass media and the government, are outdated and

    too simplistic to be useful in today's media research.


    Work on categorization of national press systems in the last 40 years has been grounded in the

    well-known Four Theories of the Press. Whereas this approach has been strongly criticized by

    international scholars for its idealism and its poverty of empiricism, it is still widely taught in

    introductory journalism courses across the country, and few theorists have engaged in

    grounding the theory with data in international settings. Although journalism is contextualized

    and constrained by press structure and state policies, it is also a relatively autonomous cultural

    production of journalists negotiating between their professionalism and state control.

    The world order has changed greatly in the last decade. Many of the old frameworksincluding

    those of the media such as the Four Theories of the Press (Four Theories)are obsolete and

    inapplicable for contemporary analysis. The new order has already annulled their explanatory

    power. We need new ideas to account for the development of our internationalized and diverse

    forms of media. The theories are hardly applicable to the current scenario.


    Not confined to the extent of theories, the media always faces (and is open to) criticism and

    social scientists always keep this debate open as how best media could be used to improve

    functioning of civil society and promotion of democratic sense and practices. In their view if

    peoples knowledge, understandings, capabilities, and actions are manufactured, its

    simultaneously follows that they can be developed, improved, and individualized in proper

    (ideal-democratic) circumstances . Among these circumstances, proper communication

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    networks are inevitable. Because of new developments, the relationship among the state,

    private sectors, markets, and civil society profoundly changed during the 1980s.

    In politically and economically advanced societies the change is based on new information and

    telecommunications technologies, which affected the media industries in terms of economicrestructuring, and on a new social and political environment, as reflected by media contents.

    Training and continuing development of professionalism can be done to advance and nurtur

    balanced and impartial news presentation. Professionalism implies standards and procedures,

    which means journalists tend to act as responsible members of the political establishment,

    upholding the dominant political perspective.

    References :


