term 3 - wk 10 (2011)

1 Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473 E [email protected] W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Issue 13 - Term 3 – Week 10 Thursday, 22nd September, 2011 Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School Dear Parents, Surveys Just a quick reminder about the surveys we are asking you to complete to aid in school planning for next year. The questions on the surveys have in put from P&C, and staff to ensure they are meaningful and give us valuable data. Every year schools seek feedback from the school community through surveys. These surveys seek the opinions and suggestions from staff, students and parents. Through this process schools can move in directions with strategic planning that reflect the needs of the entire school community. This year the surveys will provide data on school culture and attitudes held within the school community on reading. Contained within the surveys is also a section where future directions of the school can be indicated through selection of preferences. Your support of this process is very important to the effectiveness of the planning cycle. These surveys have been emailed to all families last week. If you haven’t received yours, please phone the school office. I thank you in advance for your valuable input into the planning for the school. K-2 Athletics Carnival The K – 2 Athletics Carnival was finally run on what turned out to be a very warm day. I would like to thank Mrs Sammut and her team of willing helpers for what turned out to be a fabulous event with students having a great time whilst honing their athletic skills. We were fortunate to have many parents and grandparents attend as well which made the day more enjoyable for the students. Stage 1 Little Red Riding Hood Last week Stage 1 students saw a live performance of Little Red Riding Hood in the school hall. This represented a culmination to their English unit on fairytales. They learnt about the characters involved in this type of text. Students love to see heroes, villains and magical events in stories. It was a rewarding way to bring their hard work during the term, together. Transition visit to Kellyville High Our Year 6 students, who will be attending Kellyville High School in 2012, spent a day at the high school on Tuesday. This is an opportunity for students to get a taste of high school life, meet some of the staff and try to learn how to navigate their way around a totally new environment. Students have returned from their visit excited and inspired about moving to high school in 2012. Year 8 Peer Tutor Visit to Kindergarten We have been fortunate to have some Year 8 students from Kellyville High School, visiting Kindergarten this term. They have been assisting our Kindergarten students with Bee Bots, technology, COGS, Art & Craft and literacy. Students from the high school have been great role models for our students and given one on one or small group support. Thank you to Mrs Graham from Kellyville High School for organising this initiative with us. Year 8 students from Kellyville High working with our Kindergarten Students School Security 9672 2000

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Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success

A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473 E [email protected] W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Issue 13 - Term 3 – Week 10 Thursday, 22nd September, 2011

Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School

Dear Parents,

Surveys Just a quick reminder about the surveys we are asking you to complete to aid in school planning for next year. The questions on the surveys have in put from P&C, and staff to ensure they are meaningful and give us valuable data. Every year schools seek feedback from the school community through surveys. These surveys seek the opinions and suggestions from staff, students and parents. Through this process schools can move in directions with strategic planning that reflect the needs of the entire school community. This year the surveys will provide data on school culture and attitudes held within the school community on reading. Contained within the surveys is also a section where future directions of the school can be indicated through selection of preferences. Your support of this process is very important to the effectiveness of the planning cycle. These surveys have been emailed to all families last week. If you haven’t received yours, please phone the school office. I thank you in advance for your valuable input into the planning for the school. K-2 Athletics Carnival The K – 2 Athletics Carnival was finally run on what turned out to be a very warm day. I would like to thank Mrs Sammut and her team of willing helpers for what turned out to be a fabulous event with students having a great time whilst honing their athletic skills. We were fortunate to have many parents and grandparents attend as well which made the day more enjoyable for the students. Stage 1 Little Red Riding Hood Last week Stage 1 students saw a live performance of Little Red Riding Hood in the school hall. This represented a culmination to their English unit on fairytales. They learnt about the characters involved in this type of text. Students love to see heroes, villains and magical events in stories. It was a rewarding way to bring their hard work during the term, together. Transition visit to Kellyville High Our Year 6 students, who will be attending Kellyville High School in 2012, spent a day at the high school on Tuesday. This is an opportunity for students to get a taste of high school life, meet some of the staff and try to learn how to navigate their way around a totally new environment.

Students have returned from their visit excited and inspired about moving to high school in 2012. Year 8 Peer Tutor Visit to Kindergarten We have been fortunate to have some Year 8 students from Kellyville High School, visiting Kindergarten this term. They have been assisting our Kindergarten students with Bee Bots, technology, COGS, Art & Craft and literacy. Students from the high school have been great role models for our students and given one on one or small group support. Thank you to Mrs Graham from Kellyville High School for organising this initiative with us. Year 8 students from Kellyville High working with

our Kindergarten Students

School Security 9672 2000 

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Issue 13 Term 3 – Week 10 Thursday 22nd September, 2011

Police Presentation on Cyber Safety On Wednesday we were joined by Senior Constable Rob Paterson, Youth Liaison Officer, The Hills Local Area Command, who spoke to all students in years 4 to 6 about bullying and cyber bullying. This is timely as there has been much played out in the media about both bullying and cyber bullying. Students listened intently and gained a lot of information about what they should and shouldn’t put on the web including social networking sites.

Senior Constable Patterson said: “My aim as a police officer and educator is to help young people be safe, smart and responsible in Cyberspace. I am passionate about all areas of Cybersafety and I believe that the education of both young people and parents will not only benefit the whole community, it will also reduce the number of potential victims. Parents are the frontline police and students must realise the risks online, and that social networking sites such as Facebook can be very unsafe if not used appropriately. Topics- Bullying - Cyber crime - Parental responsibilities - Social media - Current media and police examples”

There will be an opportunity for parents to attend a presentation early next term, with Senior Constable Rob Paterson. He will present parents with similar information and strategies to enable parents to cope with both forms of bullying. Sport in Schools Next term all students have the opportunity to participate in Sport in Schools which will replace Mr Trollope’s PE lessons. (Mr Trollope will be teaching lessons from the PD/H (Personal Development & Health) strands of the syllabus. Sport in School is an innovative program designed to have all students actively involved, in a non-threatening environment. During each weekly session fun filled challenges will be implemented that will enhance the development of PE and social skills common to modified and traditional sports. Students get to use exciting and safe equipment tailored to the developmental stages of students. Sport in Schools has the largest range of physical equipment for students in Australia, containing the latest concepts and trends from around the world to stimulate students into physical activity. Walkathon P&C are organising our Walkathon again this year. Please check the notes section of the web site for further details. Students will be bringing home sponsorship cards this week, ready for the walkathon on 20th October 2011. School Holiday Break I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our hardworking staff for all their efforts this term. Ensuring students are

engaged and productive learners, is a task they relish and strive to achieve. Thank you also to our students who come to school ready to learn and challenge themselves. Our P&C have worked tirelessly this term involving themselves in many areas of school life. They are always looking for new members to support their ventures which benefit all of our students. Have a restful break. School resumes on Monday 10th October 2011 for all staff and students. Elizabeth Dyson Acting Principal Stage 2 Pioneer Village Excursion Wow what an amazing day for all! After our first day was washed out the students and staff were very excited to be attending the village. The Wednesday prior to our visit we received notice that Sydney Weekender - channel 7 would be filming on the day and what a fantastic follow up experience this proved to be on our own film making. Students and staff were used as extras on the set. The crew were amazed at the student’s patience when several takes needed to be done. The students understood the process very well after their own filming experiences which created a problem free filming day for the channel 7 crew. Pioneer Village and the producer of Sydney Weekender phoned the school on our return to congratulate the students on their fantastic behaviour! The program will air in November - further information will be given when we are notified.

The day at the village allowed the students to experience a taste of life in early colonial times. The horse and cart and school house were two of the favourites on the day. The old cane and individual seating plan in the classroom proved popular amongst the staff!! Students were amazed at the size of the houses and the open fires and jugs and dishes for bathing. Explaining and understanding the old ways of toileting also proved amusing as the students realised the benefits of living in today's society.

Students at Australian Pioneer Village Gae Bromwich Acting Deputy Principal

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Issue 13 - Term 3 – Week 10 Thursday 22nd September,2011

Canteen News: Mon 10 Oct Sharon & Liz Tue 11 Oct Tammy & Christine (11am) Wed 12 Oct Sonia, Shanthi & Natalie (11am) Thurs 13 Oct Nicole, Michelle Fri 14 Oct Melinda, Debbie T Mon 18 Oct Nikki, Darren Tue 18 Oct Debbie C, Shelley Wed 19 Oct Kim Thurs 20 Oct Linda-Sue & Katrina W Fri 21 Oct Maxine Beta Stokbaek Canteen coordinator

Sports report: Last Friday saw the semi finals and finals of the CHPSSA Winter competitions completed on the one day. There were 8 teams from Beaumont Hills competing in the various sports with the following results:-

Junior Soccer team – lost 0-3 to Baulkham Hills North in the semis

Junior Australian rules team – lost semi to Sherwood Ridge

Newcombe Ball teams (senior and junior) – lost semi finals

Junior Netball teams – lost semi finals

Senior Netball team – won their semi and made the final, but were unable to complete a winning end to the season.

Congratulations to all these teams for your outstanding efforts during the year, and we hope you have enjoyed the experience of playing for your school under competitive conditions.

The Western Region athletic championships were also conducted last week at Blacktown Olympic centre, and there were many students from Beaumont Hills participating in a large number of events, while representing the Castle Hill PSSA. Two Beaumont Hills students did very well and will now represent Sydney West at the NSW Primary School Athletics Championships next term at the Sydney Olympic Centre.

Those who will represent include:-

Samuel L – 9 yr boys 100 metres

Amanda B – 11 yr girls 100 metres and 200 metres

Congratulations to these 2 students, and we wish you all the best in October.

Finally, a reminder, that Summer PSSA competitions resume on the first Friday back next term, the 14th October. Training times remain the same as for term 1, unless coaches advise of new arrangements, while the draws for each sport will be put up on the web site as soon as they become available. Players should come to school on Friday in team uniforms, ready to play.

Tony Trollope Sports coordinator

Hawkesbury City Eisteddfod Verse Speaking Groups On the 8th of September, eighty eight Kindergarten children and eighty Stage 1 children competed at the 60th Hawkesbury City Eisteddfod, in the school Verse Speaking section.

The Kindergarten children recited from memory two poems, Whooo? and Dad Meets the Martians. This was the first opportunity for the youngest members of our school to represent Beaumont Hills Public School and they did a great job. They were awarded Highly Commended by the adjudicator, Helen Marchant One of her comments was “Unison speaking is very good here and the diction crisp.” The Stage One children also recited two poems from memory, Popcorn and Magic Word. Many of the children in this group have been involved in our school Verse Speaking Choirs before and they had lots of excellent ideas about how to say particular parts of the poems. Some of the adjudicator’s comments were, “Good use of emphasis to bring out meaning” and “Enthusiastic performance…volume changes were well contrasted.” It was a very polished performance and they were awarded fourth place. At the K-2 Assembly, following the Eisteddfod, each child was awarded a copy of the Certificate that the school received and a matching Award Ribbon, commemorating the Diamond Anniversary of the Eisteddfod. They all seemed very excited and delighted to be taking these home! Liz Eurell Verse Speaking Coordinator

School Security 9672 2000 

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday 22nd September, 2011

SEPTEMBER 23 - Last Day of Term 3 OCTOBER 10— First Day of Term 4 OCTOBER 11 – Sport In Schools OCTOBER 12— P& C meeting OCTOBER 14 – PSSA Summer Resumes OCTOBER 18 – Sport In Schools OCTOBER 20– Walkathon OCTOBER 25 – Sport In Schools OCTOBER 28 - Freaky Friday Disco NOVEMBER 1 – Sport In Schools NOVEMBER 3 – Kindergarten Orientation 1 - 9.30am NOVEMBER 4 — Museum of Fire Years 1 & 2 NOVEMBER 8 – Sport In Schools NOVEMBER 10 – Kindergarten Orientation 2 - 9.30am Bronze Award – cut off NOVEMBER 15 – Sport In Schools NOVEMBER 16 – Bronze Assembly 9.30am NOVEMBER 17 – Kindergarten Orientation 3 - 9.30am NOVEMBER 18 – Silver Award – cut off NOVEMBER 22 – Sport In Schools NOVEMBER 24 – Silver Morning Tea NOVEMBER 29 – Sport In Schools Gold Award – cut off NOVEMBER 30 - School Performance DECEMBER 1—School Performance DECEMBER 2 – PSSA Summer Finals DECEMBER 5 – Gold Breakfast DECEMBER 6 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 7 – Scripture Breakfast DECEMBER 9 – Parent Helper Morning Tea DECEMBER 13 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 15 – Year 6 Graduation & Farewell DECEMBER 16 – Last Day of Term 4 for Students

School Security 9672 2000 

Australian Pioneer Village Fun with Stage 2 !

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Occupational Therapist

Erica Moses, Occupational Therapist Western Sydney OT Services currently works here at Beaumont Hills on Mondays. Her work includes support for students who are experiencing difficulties with fine and gross motor skills. Erica works in the class room or the withdrawal room and ensures her support assists students in the areas most needed at school. There is still time on Mondays to add more students who are in need of occupational therapy. The service is conducted by Erica Moses and the parent/s of the child concerned with payments to Erica on the day. The school provides the space only.

Erica is currently scheduling dates for School Readiness Workshops for children beginning school in 2012. These workshops will be run over 3 Saturdays (2 hours each day). The dates will be 1st, 8th and 15th October 2011. Venue still to be determined. Cost is $260 and includes all resources, therapy, therapist’s travel and a comprehensive report for the child’s parents and future Kindergarten teacher

Erica can also offer the following services – initial assessment, travel and report $165; 40 to 60 minute OT sessions are $60.

If you are interested in any of these services, please contact Erica Moses at [email protected] or

0416 574 994 or http://www.westernsydneyotservices.com/default.html

ADVERTISEMENTS Thursday 22nd September, 2011

*Disclaimers ‐ we sincerely thank our advertisers for there support of our school.  The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and 

Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.   

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ADVERTISEMENTS Thursday 22nd September, 2011



*Disclaimers ‐ we sincerely thank our advertisers for there support of our school.  The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and 

Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.