,ter or rill: ,ter

Vol 7 Na6 onAWA VALLEY MOB-ILK :RADIO CLt:JB.g INCORPORATED~ OT'!AVlAg ONTo June: 64 .Editor: Ed; J[argan~ V&3GXp- 7')"lfamIe.ot Rcadp- ottawa- ffg- ont~faQ_ POT" HOLE. NET" ',' " O:rf"iciaI Cllub BET. lteetsr evary ~t &: ann 'Aim' 3760 K«-s: 10 A.JI. local time •• MONITORING YACLLITY , U).CGO monitors: 3760 Kas-'dally f"rom IIPprox 8All( to 'lePM eraily for Ioeal mobile o~ 0 ther fraf!"! C'•• NOTICE OF MONTHLY :MEKTING PLAOE.a NRC'Stursex S:tre'e:tl7' Room J039~ ott:awa- ontario-o PAWns I THURSDAY U thJ"une: 196.4 PRDGllA:M 8 PM BUfJIE:ES'ar lnELD DAY DISXIUSSrONe TECHNIC:-AL ~TJiONa ass Pa:ckgage. (by 3BPT') FILM. ' PrintEd cire-nits; COFFm. &: aoonm RAGC:H:EW' REPORT ror TEX LAST m'tlNG' ,, J kr ~ 3CGD" an AncEre' 3e:tW gs:rt very interesting t~k,: C!JU the theory of" tranrr:iert ~or ~<:-cfc:: aupp;Iies:. 'firey!ds;o hd El;' very interea-ting tefft set up:ancf. 'etua-l demo:natratian ..1'hank f'or very int r s:tlng and: appropriate talk$ ahapa-: }few'member ,3A:B, 83;'1dF}VI' alt~attgg.:',na't pref£ell,t ~re welQ'om~1nto the C'lub by the ~reg{cfc!nt.. There:-'mi5 "!tttftiQn to. , ,tart- ~'~i,:g;g-' a.t 8 PM in lieu- of: B"ol!i PMp s't: leart, fntherory., ' TF.r m ti.di'I fC ,pmliS1lle" a:o the: new: me:e'ting ,-time is eff'e t;ve 1I!J1ire(t1 . e1Y. "I ,(fonltt think thia will.' ach1ev esrlier d'epa'rture time :f:rctmthe me~fDgo: r-,cfonltt, ha:e: t~ 'ilmrry ld;nae 1 am l!I'11owed: nut one' nite pe month tmtfI ,ter 1 ,PUo or c:ours:a 1',: chest a 'li' ~Ie by'resting up betw:&en! meetings: hi~ ,ether happ-eningS7 Et't the meE!ting rill: be' d'ell"It with under ,~~~~t head:1ng~·t ,ter. RRPORT ON TB50C1r EYENING- T' 3DQgll OrIs; t EfOQi 1 avent of" the' s:ea:s:on took pI c:e t the:, home 'C,t Bill & Ruth McrLeo<feE'r1ffay. 2'CJth:Mayo '1'1i-£! aro.-wd: though zrela-tively small had' a'wond er- :tu! time·g YOUl'"S: ruI;y- 1a 1rt1lI, s:tiff" (physically'tha-t. 1fi'} Which is; s- 11 ing eatimony to the :fes:tivitfes:o On~ of the dana.e~ was rather novel nd fe tured NurfEery rhymef£... I atilt. think this s: in errorp but a we-leome

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Page 1: ,ter or rill: ,ter


.Editor: Ed; J[argan~ V&3GXp- 7')"lfamIe.ot Rcadp- ottawa- ffg- ont~faQ_POT" HOLE. NET" ',' "

O:rf"iciaI Cllub BET. lteetsr evary ~t &: ann 'Aim' 3760 K«-s: 10 A.JI. local time ••MONITORING YACLLITY ,U).CGO monitors: 3760 Kas-'dally f"rom IIPprox 8All( to 'lePM eraily for Ioeal mobileo~ 0 ther fraf!"! C'••


PLAOE.a NRC'Stursex S:tre'e:tl7' Room J039~ ott:awa- ontario-o

PAWns I THURSDAY U thJ"une: 196.4


8 PM



TECHNIC:-AL ~TJiONa ass Pa:ckgage. (by 3BPT')

FILM. ' PrintEd cire-nits;

COFFm. &: aoonmRAGC:H:EW'

REPORT ror TEX LAST m'tlNG' , , J

kr ~ 3CGD"an AncEre' 3e:tW gs:rt very interesting t~k,: C!JU the theory of" tranrr:iert~or ~<:-cfc::aupp;Iies:. 'firey!ds;o hd El;' very interea-ting tefft set up:ancf. 'etua-ldemo:natratian ..1'hank f'or very int r s:tlng and: appropriate talk$ ahapa-:}few'member ,3A:B, 83;'1dF}VI' alt~attgg.:',na't pref£ell,t ~re welQ'om~1nto the C'lub bythe ~reg{cfc!nt.. There:-'mi5 "!tttftiQn to. , ,tart- ~'~i,:g;g-' a.t 8 PM in lieu- of:B"ol!i PMp s't: leart, fntherory., ' TF.r m ti.di'I fC ,pmliS1lle" a:o the: new: me:e'ting ,-timeis eff'e t;ve 1I!J1ire(t1 . e1Y. "I ,(fonltt think thia will.' ach1ev esrlier d'epa'rturetime :f:rctmthe me~fDgo: r-,cfonltt, ha:e: t~ 'ilmrry ld;nae 1 am l!I'11owed: nut one' nitepe month tmtfI ,ter 1 ,PUo or c:ours:a 1',:chest a 'li' ~Ie by'resting up betw:&en!meetings: hi~ ,ether happ-eningS7 Et't the meE!ting rill: be' d'ell"It with under,~~~~t head:1ng~·t ,ter.RRPORT ON TB50C1r EYENING- T' 3DQgllOrIs; t EfOQi 1 avent of" the' s:ea:s:on took pI c:e t the:, home 'C,t Bill & RuthMcrLeo<feE'r1ffay. 2'CJth:Mayo '1'1i-£! aro.-wd: though zrela-tively small had' a'wond er-:tu! time·g YOUl'"S: ruI;y- 1a 1rt1lI, s:tiff" (physically'tha-t. 1fi'} Which is; s-11 ing eatimony to the :fes:tivitfes:o On~ of the dana.e~ was rather novel ndfe tured NurfEery rhymef£... I atilt. think this s: in errorp but a we-leome

Page 2: ,ter or rill: ,ter

aan beuse<:f on 6 or 1.2,11:01 tafr"tea-I at $20 ~OO

-~~a;D(1·re:fres-hfng cbange J Like no.: alipped the. kiddiea discs. into the pile?It aeems thatpolka~ aTe be~ome as; p.opular af£ the twis.t and:.SIna-l tzy dances sr

geez you realty b~ to be in ~ondition to hack an,evening lire thigo I havea :f~elfng -tnai: canada i5 going to adopt :Mobile. Club- 5Qcl'ia:Ia in place of' the5' EX plan f"OT phys-icaI f'i tne-as:g lS1roneeds Ins:tan"t -8anka ca'rfe-e -for c:edmnerves: ===boo e- is' bEtter antr q"Uic-kar g At midnight=e>-jllst when I thoughtI w:~St going to:tUTn_ into- pmnpkin~ Ruth i:r9.Ilfed forth' hearing the foodl,rcro~mting of'deliciott~ ~ol~ me~~~ bread and very ~xcellent c.hili g By gollythe old: <fiat went ror a prove-rbial g Very enjoyab'le indeed v and en behalfof the: C!uu\) I wa-uI'd like to thank Bill. 3DQMand his XYL for all theirtrouble am work and' for lDGt'kingtheir very excellent rec r-o-omavailable. forthe 5d:ot'l<> Many thanks: and' many aoff."er off' cur mobi.le- whips: to you: goo,a kind:rolka~ Wesure had fun ~

FIELD nAYThe aite. lm-ft been aelacted and it i~ a-nIy abotl-t- 20 mileaf"rom ottawa,o Thiawill no doubt p.le-ase-thos:e. wi:thout-ears:- ~ It ia an ex.a:el~ent. edte withnigh: trees approprl~tely lo~te'<t to hang: our timtemms:o The FD Oommittee naveci'ee-id'eO! -to recind: t-he: p-revi()'l11;f paw.az-- :timi terlion of" 30 vn::r;ttg ana unaer- since'it is- dif'f'ie'uIt wi th mos:t: ,aqtrf.p-nient: toape::..ova::teat tha:t pawer Ievelo So 150vm1ttso aridi under w-ill. be: t:he- order of" the dJ.ty& There: w:i1:r be two statiO!l-S:one cw &.nd th.a other: SS'Ro 'ffutse'- a:C you;; who--are nat' gctl'ld eve op:s: or are kindof'leery af FD :f'on-a opara-tion9 ha:l.f haml;t l~'hro, why not c:ome /dong- and' workm&loggers far- tIle a tn-ers. YOti c-an :Er1l"V~-just aa nraaIi :run and' are- every '01't~ easentia;1 ag -the ap-era:torp -1:f' you don lit like op:era-ting: and: logging whynot :came:'a:1ong cmd f"e-ea th-e: mns:quita~3:c> An a-etlike -this: is mOGt huma,n::' tarianand: wiI1. aerta-1nly e"u1t d'ow:n an the nU!llb-en." o~ bi tes- -p,et! boefy % More-ITffit'S'mt the; next meeting g June: 21/2..8 is; the FD da..te~

a-O •••RATtlJAfiON2,, To Dang JCDC f:or: voIunteerfng"t.o- ta.k-a \':lver the CQ~-r6a and' :!tmciF!. ~o-r the b5;lancfro,f' tbe: yea:ro' Uo-ug nn:rde hi ,dawt :t tha. lati:t mee=ting~d:d·ct vel''' wellindeed 9;1thotzgn I d'id' tt.dnk tha.t hi& itow:e!. 1i-a~t at tile C'or:re'et angle. & The.~./3MO ccmbinati:oll: 'lfUU' handIed t'h-:tsr~harE t:'or: aver J~' 'yea'F..'S''without t"ailwere. egZ:e.'i to' ~omment on th.e n~ man "uo:te~ Q).He:he a- gaM trid.-~-~a l1U:l.erough an the edges: but given time: he wi!,~ snO'l'l:'great- POTentIal If Pest ofluck TO YOtI OM g.

FOR .-iALE-By R~ry-nyea ~ GOn~et tri~~tnd ~nyerterv19;nd (:l.fMl be (:o:nve?ied ~:o £1 va bands: very" eEls-fly 0

aM.!.- LETT"~R LICJ£l;rC1!;; pu-TEr:r '-.--...- . .- - .", --- ",

Our non",urable s.eqretar~ Q~t the req-~t o.f' the member81lfp sen.-it for a copyof' the: Lagii:!:latnre o,f Ontario: neba-'tes, d&:ted MOndayll' Marcl1 2~, 1:9640 '!hi,sp:~tieulard' 11y- e<fitial'I cove.i·- ..he liO'aaIl. Le,-tter Lic-ene:, Pl~te IJ: riaba.te inthe Leg!$1a'tur·~ I~ yoitrh~en-t, r-ea,d; .•s,l1yth:hig h~erott$ or '9a-t'h'$.'tlc reaent'ljfge'ta cop,y·g,r· .ed"raidth.t;t RSO though w:alI. in 'ten tiane,d b\.10"b-ed by notfnt?-oduaing: g;' "ail!.. An- ,a<~t' 01'" P J,;i:f.a1nent @r"bill are- the only two lmre andsafe- ", '&: of' ~bta-in1rrg the p1"'ivelege- and' ensuring thait :It 1$ nat taken awayby & clumga' in governmen'tg me: d'ebate crertainly- iant verry conc-luaive in i tEli9uteome bUt' the1'1 I am not ~ 1?•.l!amerrtary interpreter- C) Perhe&ps ""e maynave: :further mtatfa- :tate-r!) I somehoW' daliht ,it thcttg'al Kind: of" aa-d' -ror- thaae .'l-:crlnlS''tedthedr botta:. getting petitions. algn -!~e heart maybe.the

next ss,ttempt wiI!'\T'C;t' -ueeess-f'uI:p; yau me.y G'btaia snla~a f'rom the f'aa.t' thatyou ha:w_e~t1C-:tP,;i;:te;-<i in a de-mttcrat'fa mo ,emant imp081d'bI.e. in Iron Countrydo-tmtriam .~

Page 3: ,ter or rill: ,ter


, Yo'u will find enC'IoSJ~ the. latea:t adi tion. of the: membership rostero Plea s:S'.

<teatroy the prevfcr~~ i~auEf 0 rack this; o.n.e:up. em the sliac:k wall .lOr atap!eit in the teI epharrEf bcrok f"or rem.ty re:trerenc.e.. I th ink YOu·wi] I agre e thatthis:. liat more ceurately reneata: the aa-tual memrrerahipo On s:-omeof thef'orme,r Ii3:tSi we had menioers: that naver attended a: meeting and lJthera: thatErttencfed~ regularly anC'e every twn yea.rS:o

Remember f"Qrmer c1la:r1te1! member hank Lay :rormerly 3D and noW" 4ZK-.•....•undera-tancftha:t he is; a-botrt to rErturn t"o ottawa---hCtpe he: is a:tiJ;l. an ac:tive: mabiler andwant.& to. rejoin ~,.00..... Harry .3JtEBs:. XlII· Helen 1& in hO.SJ1i tal b1rt I am plea;aed: torepc-rl tm.t Sihe ie prQgres6'1.nev well c:>~~eed~ recovery MId bes:t wisne:es Helen -0 dt!

31JDCSc:ott jU&ft needS" a m(1'b':u.e:antenna. to make his Mabile debut .,;,.~0 0- 3.GXm~ing tnms:iatoriz:e:<f mobiI..e 't rm:z[tipller to replac.e> the: IIea.-tll ;;;"o·~ ••.-Jk<:, }eVIis v.ial ting· his: so.n :in: :Nn1--<lie: elr'!:tedl in mo.''hil.e· c:w f"rom N'YOon the 5und.a.·yandpas.Sied"a mesaage--pretty goad ~or t':hart 'time· of"e:he:<iay--~who sect a.vr isnt use­:rut? .~;'~hOJle YOll: nln"e & nitta n·nt ~ -000 oo<=> JOEB-i ft back ma'hi I e- af'tera' long rebuilding s:esafon ..-00 00- 3BER Harry .fmrt needfI hia new antenna. anahe. vdIl be· mQ'bile -~ ••.00.... ]."RS'TGarry had a. minar operation an· his bean--noyou- guessed' wrong •.•.-he wa.snt- ins:tal! ingan SSB·f"il ter in it -,. 0 0 - Jaoe. DOugis: erel!ing his: q;ueen :Iifa'.ry-gues:a he C'udntpass h:l.s- aR teat Eta he had to giv:eup. yatc-hing -000";' . 3OD.GArt: is e1umging qm -<=>pres:e'ntlyon the laokout f"or as:uitalb"e p·laC::-Ef"'0000- Uncte.rfrtancI that 30LX .rim· ia going to· take the" big plungein the non too di::rtant t'uture - ....xratrimo.ny "'000- 3l3'P'Y GIen ift b-aek on 'Mle airfrom h1~ homa at ·tion af'tar a apGt of trouble. with the rig - Q 0 c>- Bill 3BJO isoff' camping again ~....-b"oy you really have to be hardy to rl that and the wx wehave been haTing- o·;!' l~te -cO O~- Fe-rmer member ])an GJIaham .3E1NCWho haa been inMrica .~Ghana to he exaat~rec:ently had: & trecond Jro cp adcIecito hiS' f"amilyoBct~ 3C1Wree:ently hact a new:harmonia 8; transmi tte·r ---aongratulationa: to youand Myrtle -000- Kave a late. report th&t Roy 3CFVer place at Petawawar was:entered and his' SX· 99 Recei ve·r and:. UO :for hier: Viking- Z ~e s:tolen--a.nyonehe. iring of ~ p-ers-.on trying to Erell. this: type of" equipment plea'se contact Roy-­I just pia-ked' this: item ..off" the ontario :rone: ne:t E£O am not aure how accurateit 1a. al: :rar as" the equipment d:escrip:t1on is: concerned: a:ince· it wasnt repeated-­Sorry to hea·rabou't it: Roy--do hope' you gat them back -.0"- 0....•- •.

I muat apalogixe f"or the· f'"ac·t that the new: membe.rsn1p Iiat nas: &. vacant adc1~reSEt but our conmnmiaatian link. wi th the. ~cre::taxy broke crownleaving UB:wi th

fja.v:ara;I quea:tioner: unans.wered: ---1fol'·e no one wa~ Ie:tt out- .....•if' frO t~aint our;,"

'.t, :ram·r t 0



73 & .Hap.PY"J[ob:iling- .••.-a'tf at the; meatfng


Page 4: ,ter or rill: ,ter



•.. ~,



729-57'0173J-692l733--,90428-1 8 '25-1154

746-4014728-8544733-6502733-710872'9-0012729-4713,~28-5'055733-17212- 44

233- 7 4

733-8775725-172422-2 62




ADDRESS: lONEBox6a8~ RR 4. Ottawa542 Donald Ste> 71568 Kilborn, Ave. 81519 Valmarie Aveo 582"6 Rainier Dro' 7RR 2~ S·titts:vi11e, Ont 0

1129 Meadowland $ DrApt708 5za86 Lema.'yOr 0 824~cr Alta Viata Dr. 8

Palaen ~t «>

22:Revol Rd.. 12595 Mutual at.,. 7,11'5'2 Tara: Dr"" 51942 Olympia. Cr. 8151 Fanghaw,'Aye 0 8191 Clare Sto J2188 Iris: S-to ,

125"8 Rustic- Dr... 11755 HamletRd 0 81: 6 Laxton AveoZ3, 5to Patrick St. 4

246, HeatO'n Ave 0 ~

1129 MeadowlandB: Dr Apt721 J4 8 Rooaevelt AveoLMarina Dro RR 3 Manotick

3 Rldgedale1 Gloucester PO66 Pine Glen Or 0 1220,0 Balharrie Ave.. 8

Goth Ave. G10uce ter PO.47 'Pleasant Park Rd 0 810/3Rachael Ave.. 8991 Arke11 St.. 14755 Hamlet Rdo 827 Skeaft Rdo ' 9P.o. Box 193. RR 2 ot tawa '346 Tweedsmuir Ave'o ,3358 Egan Ave., Verdun P.~.

DX SECTIONBarrie Terrace, Barrie, Onto267 'Clemow.Ave., Pembroke, Onto1641 Borden Ava~, Ca.mp Petawawa, Onto14 Carluke Cr. Apt~ 706, Willowdale~ Ont.Na.val RadiO' Station, ~robisher Bay, N.W.T.318 Eo 1950 South, Bountiful, Utah,5002 WQ Armitage, Chicago, 1110

Hal RoeGil Gilchriat

Roy CarlsonL.S. Rusael1Gib WalkerMike LarsonBob Andersen





VEJABC Tom Hayes

0) AKABAGLUDick SopczakGerry HarbottleEric BodI.ey

BAG Mike DzubaBOB. Bob LambBCJ Mi tch PowellBCL Syd SheardBEE Harry HayeaBJO' Bill RolfeBON Doug MetcalfeBFT Glen MarahallBST Gerry KingCBK George Howell

:, ODe Doug Burrillon Ja:ek Barlow'

@) OEZ Lyle ~ard·0 etGD. Art Childerhose·CGO Doreen MorganCGP Glenn Pac'kCLW Andte. PilonCLX Jim Hinchley.CQ,'D Emil Nil:;nron .CS'F Hank BaIlonaYE Frank BartonaUJ Bill QuinnDMT Ian MacIntyreDQ,M Bill McLeodDY Gord GrantDYM Scott'McArthurE'6H 'George Acton~QK Ken HallEZF Joe HopkinsGX Ed Morgansa Bernard BeatVI M~cMcIntoah

O Lin~gay Ward,VE2VV Tony Lawruk
