tenure evaluation material submitted to the faculty personnel committee september

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  • 8/14/2019 Tenure Evaluation Material Submitted to the Faculty Personnel Committee September



    Gangrenous J. Deadwood IIIDepartment of Batshit Crazy

  • 8/14/2019 Tenure Evaluation Material Submitted to the Faculty Personnel Committee September


    STATEMENT OF TEACHING, RESEARCH, AND SERVICE ACTIVITIESLet me begin by stating the perfectly obvious: you, the Faculty Personnel Committee,

    will award me tenure and promotion. My case is such a slam dunk that it is really not worth

    my time or yours to go through the formalities. But I know that from your perspective,

    procedures must be followed, and so I will deign to consign to paper that which is self-

    evident. To whit: I am by a wide margin the finest teacher and the most productive and

    influential scholar at Gettysburg College. My mere presence at this institution constitutes

    sufficient service to merit tenure and promotion; on top of this, I have given generously of

    my time and prodigious intellect to my department and the College. Indeed it is no

    exaggeration to state that without my efforts the College would scarcely function. The

    following pages spell out my contributions in detail.

    TEACHINGSince arriving at Gettysburg College in 1978, I have worked hard to develop a

    distinct teaching style that has generated intense interest from a succession of Provosts

    and Presidents of this fine institution. I cannot count the number of times I have been

    invited to the Presidents office to be asked what were you thinking when you did X, or I

    cant believe you did Y. These accolades have truly been a source of inspiration to me over

    the years.

    My teaching style is often referred to as the teacher-scholar-lover model. I believe

    in educating the whole student, mind and body. A student with the gift of keen intellect

    needs to be challenged in the classroom; one with unusual physical charms must be

    challenged in the bedroom, or cloakroom if this is more convenient. The profound effect I

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    have had on my students is apparent on their transcripts as well as in numerous court

    records. Students with whom I have formed especially strong relationships have frequently

    been inspired to matriculate through Gettsyburg College in two years, one and half years,

    or (in one case) as little as a week. I would love to provide the names of my most successful

    students, but a federal judges restraining order prevents me.

    I have taught the full gamut of courses in the Department of Batshit Crazy, from

    Introduction to Batshit Crazy (BSC 101), to History of Batshit Crazy, Batshit Crazy

    Organizations, Neurobatshit, Fundamentals of Batshitology, Batshit Crazy Literature, and

    Batshit Crazy Research Methods. In order to ensure that my students are bright-eyed and

    attentive, I teach only in the 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. time slot. The seminar style of my courses

    allows me to teach in my office and in some cases my bedroom. My classroom manner has

    brought me wide acclaim among the student body. From my perch in the third stall on the

    right in the mens bathroom on second floor Weidensall, I have often heard students

    describe my classes as indescribable, jaw-dropping andun-fucking-believable. Course

    evaluations would surely attest to students appreciation of my courses if I had any.

    However, because of the efficiency with which I present course material I am able to cover

    15 weeks of material in as few as nine or ten weeks. I typically cancel classes after the last

    week of October (in the fall semester) or March (in the spring). Some of my strongest

    students are able to complete their studies in the first week of classes one particularly

    gifted student walked out after half an hour during the first lecture of the semester; he was

    one of the mere 75 percent of students in my classes to earn a grade of A+.

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    RESEARCHI am a pathbreaking practitioner and scholar of the art and science of batshit crazy.

    Like those of many geniuses, my contributions are not widely recognized in my time by the

    tight cabal of journal editors who dominate my field of study. Nevertheless, by

    indefatigable effort and sheer force of intellect I have managed to publish my work in

    alternative but influential publications where my ideas have won acclaim from a world-

    wide community of scholars. A partial list of my more noteworthy publications includes:

    Isolation of the G4K enzyme in a load of batshit, Annals of Batshit, 1984 Batshit, Encylopedia of American Slang, 1995. Same (bat) time, same (bat) shit, in Batshit in Popular Culture, J. Simons (ed.),

    Littlestown: J. Simons Publishers, 1999.

    What do you mean I have to move that washing machine from my front lawn?Questions for Councilman Feeny, Gettysburg Times, 2000.

    Crazy, crazy like a fox, or batshit crazy? KRayZ Blog, 2001. What a load of batshit: Councilman Feenys vendetta against Gettysburg taxpayers,

    letter to the editor, Gettysburg Times, 2002.

    Batshit: a hermeneutic approach, Canary Islands: Samizdat Publishers, 2003. Neo-post-colonial dialecticism at the barricades of batshit: a discourse on method,

    in Radical Batshit Studies, J. Simons (ed.), Littlestown: J. Simons Publishers, 2004.

    Councilman Feeny is batshit crazy if he thinks his restraining order is going to keepme out of his yard every night at 3 a.m., letter to editor, Gettysburg Times, 2004.

    Bull shit, horse shit, and bat shit: commonalities and contradictions, Facebookentry, 2008.

    The gendering of batshit discourse: a herstory, text message to self, 2009.Gettysburg College has generously supported my many research expeditions

    through a succession of Professional Development Grants. In 1987 the College sponsored

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    my trip to the Golden Triangle in southeast Asia to study entrepreneurship among former

    members of the South Vietnamese military (many thanks to the Provosts office for its help

    in arranging my use of diplomatic pouches on that trip). A research trip to Bangkok,

    Thailand in 1990 evolved into an extended sabbatical from 1990-1994. Again, support from

    the College in the form of legal fees and lobbying the U.S. consulate made my return

    possible. About the class research trip to Club Hedonism, Jamaica, enough said, simply that

    some of the details that appear in court records have clearly been embellished. These

    expeditions have solidified my position as a leader in global batshit studies and have

    earned me the recognition of such illustrious organizations as Interpol, MI-5, and NAMBLA.

    SERVICEI have not been asked to serve on any college-wide committees since that incident

    on the APPC in 1981. I am willing to serve if asked, of course, and as my busy schedule

    permits. But my greatest contribution to the College will always be, of course, my presence

    at the institution. Is that not enough?

    ADDENDUMI believe an explanation is in order for the delay in my application for tenure.

    Normally a candidate will come up for tenure in his or her sixth year at Gettysburg College.

    I am coming up for tenure in my thirty first year as a result of a series of postponements:

    those due to the resignations of a series of chairs of my department in 1985-1988; legal

    issues which I am not at liberty to discuss in 1989; my sabbatical of 1990-94; the lawsuits I

    filed against the college for wrongful termination and sexual harrassment in the late 1990s;

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    the incident with the President in 2002; several years in the mid 2000s during which for

    some reason representatives of the Provosts office were unable to reach me to inform me

    of the deadline for submission of tenure materials; and the termination of a series of chairs

    of my department in recent years.

    Despite my delay in coming up for tenure, let me assure you of this: Such is my love

    for Gettysburg College that I am committed to remaining ensconced here for many, many

    years to come, regardless of whatever diminution of my mental or physical capabilities may

    occur with the passage of years. You can count on me, my loyal inferiors, to grace this

    institution with my presence for the rest of your careers here, and those of your children,

    and those of your childrens children.

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    To: Faculty Personnel Committee

    From: Wendel Wackman, Chair, Department of Batshit Crazy

    RE: Tenure evaluation for Gangrenous J. Deadwood III

    The Department of Batshit Crazy has met to discuss Professor Deadwoods

    application for tenure. After six hours of deliberation (interrupted, unfortunately, by some

    extremely rude officers from the Office of Public Safety I have submitted a written

    complaint to the President of Gettysburg College and published a rebuttal to the charges

    against the department as an unsigned letter to the editor of the Gettysburg Merchandiser)

    the Department was unable to arrive at a consensus; neither on the merits of Professor

    Deadwoods case for tenure, nor on the number of votes for and against tenure. We leave it

    to you, the members of the FPC, to sort through the pile of Batshit that Professor Deadwood

    has submitted and draw your own conclusions. I will try to characterize the Departments

    deliberations in order to help you in your decision.

    Members of the department were unanimous in the opinion that Professor

    Deadwood is crazy. There was sharp disagreement, however, as to whether he is Batshit

    Crazy, and therefore worthy of tenure and promotion. Members applaud Professor

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    Deadwoods efforts to engage the whole student, though some were heard to mutter

    disapprovingly of poaching and sloppy seconds. Professor Deadwoods enjoyment of

    prescription pharmaceuticals is now well under control. His collection of firearms has been

    secured in a locked cabinet in his office, ensuring that there will be no repeat of the

    unfortunate incident of 1997. Professor Deadwood has been much more selective in his

    issuance of death threats to political figures; the department has not received a visit from

    the Secret Service in several months. All in all, Professor Deadwoods personal character

    was seen to be in line with department standards.

    Several members of the departmentargued that Professor Deadwoods teaching

    standards, while at a par with others in the department, were well below their own.

    Professor Hambone, for example, noted that in his History of Batshit course Professor

    Deadwood failed to assign the leading textbook: The Sweeping Pageantry of Batshit

    (Hambone et al., Samizdat Publishing). Some thought that the number of A+ grades

    Professor Deadwood awarded (70 percent of the total) was in excess of the department

    average of 60 percent, and therefore constituted evidence of lax grading standards. Others

    disagreed, pointing instead to Professor Deadwoods insufficiently arbitrary method of

    assiging F grades. Half of the department members were of the opinion that numbers were

    meaningless both in the particular contextof describing Professor Deadwoods grade

    distribution and in general as a matter of principle. This argument was met with derision

    on the part of the other half of the department, which claimed to be unable to understand

    anything being said by the first half because they refused to provide standard errors for

    each statement.

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    There was similar disagreement as to the quality of Professor Deadwoods research.

    Professor Clambake argued that Professor Deadwoods failure to reference in his published

    work some of the seminal research in the field of Batshit Studies (notably contributions by

    Clambake et al., 1984, 1987, and 1991) marked his papers as simply unreadable. On the

    other hand, one of the other Assistant Professors in the department proclaimed Professor

    Deadwood as the leading light of scholarship in his or any other field, vowing that she

    was willing to do anything and I mean anything to submit herself to his tutelage as she

    prepared for her own tenure review.

    To bring order to our deliberations, it was determined that each member of our

    department would assign each of Professor Deadwoods publications an impact rating

    reflecting its importance in the field of Batshitology. Professor Deadwood would be

    awarded tenure if the average impact rating exceeded that of the lowest performing

    member of the department. Complications quickly emerged, however: some members used

    a 0-10 scale while others preferred to assign ratings using a random number generator; it

    proved impossible to average numerical and alphabetical scores; and no one knew quite

    what to make of the use of emoticons in one members rankings. In the end, it was

    determined that Professor Deadwoods publications should stand or fall on their own

    merit, which the members of the FPC are in as good a position as any to judge for


    More information on Professor Deadwoods qualifications for tenure is contained in

    the individual letters from tenured members of the department. I do not have those letters

    at this point, but I am confident that they will be forthcoming soon. Our department

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    secretary has been attempting to reach my colleagues for several weeks now; there may be

    a conference or something.