tennis heroine sania mirza

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  • 8/18/2019 Tennis Heroine Sania Mirza


    Tennis Heroine Sania Mirza

     Namaskaar All,

    Here are the birth details of Sania Mirza.

    15 November 1986

    11:8 AMM!mbai "#omba$%, &ndia

    'his (hart has some e)(e*tional $o+as. !rrentl$ r!nnin+ S!n Mahadasha andMars antara. &t -o!ld be ni(e to anal$ze her (hart and see ho- her e)(e*tional(areer +oes from here on.

    oes an$one has Maria Shara*ova/s (hart0

    'hanks and e+ards#harat

     Namaskaar All

    'he first time & +ot -as from a member of All &ndia 'ennis Asso(iation.

    Ho-ever, !*on askin+ of some members, & finall$ s*oke to Ms. Naseena Mirza 2

    Sania/s mother toda$. She -as kind eno!+h to +ive me her birth time. 'he (orre(ttime of her birth is 13:4 Hrs.

    & a*olo+ize for all the (onf!sion & ma$ have (a!sed. e (an anal$ze her (hart no-that -e have the (orre(t time of birth.

    'hanks and e+ards#harat

    7$. Sri Narasimha/s vie-s htt*:+ro!*s.$ahoo.(om+ro!*vedi(2astrolo+$messa+e6468

  • 8/18/2019 Tennis Heroine Sania Mirza


  • 8/18/2019 Tennis Heroine Sania Mirza


    relationshi*s and s*o!(e. 'h!s after a+e 8 the fo(!s (an shift from her 4rd and 1th

     bhaava to her @th bhaava. han+es in her relationshi*s is evident.

    'he Ne- Atmakaaraka S!n is also debilitated !nlike here Mars -hi(h is e)alted !ntil her

    8th $ear. Hen(e there is m!(h (han(e that she ma$ (han+e *rofession after this.

    Panchanga Analysis

    1. Sat!rn is the aara lord "-eekda$ lord% and is -ell *osited in 1th, -hose

    dis*ositer is e)alted. Hen(e it +ives her +ood health and vitalit$.. 'ithi =ord is en!s, sho-s here relationshi*s.

    4. #harani Nakshatra =ord is en!s, &ndi(ates the most im*ortant ;arma one has to

    o or nder+o in *ersons lifetime. 'his is also in 9th, (onBoined her S!n -hi(h is

    Ak after her 8th A+e,3. ;arana =ord -hi(h indi(ates *rofession is also en!s in 9th, Hen(e her 8th $ear

    -ill be most im*ortant in her life brin+in+ (han+e in *rofession.

    5. ?o+a =ord is ah! indi(ates the fa(tor -hi(h -ill brin+ abo!t the !nions and

    sol!tions in her life. Cf man$ thin+s si+nified b$ ah!.