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JULY 2010








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MR. CREIGHTON Briel ArchitecturePostnet Suite 164 P O Box 15626Private Bag X 8 VlaebergNorthriding2162

Fax: +27 86 616 8018

email : [email protected]


Briel Architecture Ivan HollanderP O Box 15626 PO Box 898Vlaeberg Gallo Manor


Fax: +27 86 616 8018


DMS QSP O Box 75891Lynnwood RidgePretoria0040

e-mail : [email protected]

Tel : +27 72 359 9176


Tel : +27 72 359 9176

Tel : +27 802-5459

JULY 2010



e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]


e-mail : [email protected]: +27 83 626 3404Fax: +27 11 695 8027

Fax: +27

Tel : +27 12 807 2502Fax: +27 86 661 3241

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SECTION 1 : Notes to Tenderers

SECTION 2 : Principal Building Agreement (Original JBCC Agreement) Not included(Post tender)

Principal Building Agreement - Contract Data EC

Principal Building Agreement - Contract Data CE Not included(Post tender)

SECTION 3 : Occupational Health and Safety Act Form

SECTION 4 : Preliminaries & Bills of Quantities

JBCC Form of Tender - PBA

This Tender Enquiry is not to be used for ordering purposes. Any ordering based on this TenderEnquiry shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor.

No alteration, erasure, omission or addition is to be made in the text and conditions of this TenderEnquiry. Should any such alteration, amendment, note or addition be made, it will not berecognised and the wording of this Tender Enquiry, as prepared by the Quantity Surveyor, willbe adhered to.

contains any obvious errors, then the Tenderer must immediately inform the Architect/QuantitySurveyor and have them rectified or explained in writing as the case may be. No liability whatsoever will be admitted by reason of the Contractor having failed to comply with the foregoinginstructions.


The tenderer is required to check the numbers of the pages and should any pages be found tobe missing or in duplicate, or should any of the typing be indistinct, or any doubt or obscurityarises as to the meaning of any description of particulars of any item, or if this Tender Enquiry






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1. EXTENT OF CONTRACT Principal Building Contract

As a rough guide only, the work embodied in this contract comprises of the construction of a single storey dwelling, including a small basement and one out-building, comprising of 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 combined kitchen, living and dining area, garage, a large veranda and swimming pool. Construction is load bearing brickwork on strip footings, retaining walls on strip footings and beams on brickwork. Single span roof trusses and flat concrete roofs, plaster, paint and natural stone work in exterior finishes and generally high quality finishes internally. Tenderers are advised to study the nature and extent of the work embodied in this contract by examining the tender documents and drawings which form part of this tender.


By submission of a tender, the contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with the contract documents, local requirements and laws and all aspects of the work envisaged in the documents, prior to pricing and submission of a tender. It shall also be deemed that the tenderer has visited the site prior to the submission of a tender to study conditions on site. No claim resulting from failure to comply with any of the above will be entertained.

3. TENDER DOCUMENTS The tender documents comprise:

• Provisional Bills Of Quantities • Tender drawings

The Provisional Bills of Quantities will take precedence over the tender drawings should any conflict between them arise.


These Bills of Quantities contain pages numbered consecutively as indicated in the index. Before the contractor submits his tender he should check the number of pages, and if any are found to be missing or duplicated, or the figures or writing indistinct, or the tender documents contain any obvious errors, he should apply to the quantity surveyors and have same rectified as no liability whatsoever will be admitted in respect of errors in a tender due to the foregoing. Unless a separate rate for the supply and for the installation of any items is specifically called for, the supply and installation costs of any item shall be deemed to be fully included in the unit price.

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All materials, etc, specified in this document under a trade name, catalogue number or reference shall be exactly as described and it shall be deemed that the tenderer has taken this into account. Tenderers are invited to submit simultaneously with their tender, any alternatives to the materials specified and the effective adjustment to the tender amount should that alternative be acceptable to the principal agent, in order that such alternative may be considered fully before the successful tenderer is awarded the contract. Written approval shall be provided by the principal agent for the use of any alternative before that work is put in hand.


Any conditions appended by the tenderer which are at variance with the conditions set out herein may invalidate this tender. Neither the lowest, nor any tender nor any portion of the tender will necessarily be accepted. All tenders must be entered on the form provided herein. Tenders must hold good for ninety (90) calendar days, notwithstanding any contrary information in the tender form from the tender closing date as stated herein. All recipients of the tender document (whether they submit a tender or not) must treat the details of the document as private and confidential. The employer will not be responsible for, or pay for, expenses or losses which may be incurred by any tenderer in the preparation of his tender.


Tenderers are required to inspect the site before submission of his tender. A site briefing is scheduled The tenderer is required to familiarize himself before submission of this tender with regard to relevant local site conditions, site accessibility, the nature of operations required, availability of labour and any conditions pertaining thereto, together with conditions relating to security, unloading, carting and storage of materials, equipment and tools required for the works.


Tenderers are to allow in their tender price for escalation in cost (CPAP) for the contract period 9. TENDER INFORMATION

The employer may require additional information from the tenderer in order to evaluate the tender. The tenderer is required to provide such information if so required by the employer.


The intended hand-over date is August 2010


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The tenderer is advised that load shedding by Eskom / City Power is anticipated during this contract. The tenderer is to make allowance for this in their tender and no claims for compensation or extension of time will be entertained if delays occur due to load shedding.


The tenderer is advised that the estate, within which the site is situated, is a high security area and is referred to the specific security conditions of the estate.

13. SUBMISSION OF TENDERS The tenderer is required to submit the following as his complete tender submission:

The Form of Tender in a sealed envelope marked: “TENDER FOR PRINCIPAL BUILDING AGREEMENT – RESIDENCE CREIGHTON”, and deliver to the office of DMS QUANTITY SURVEYORS not later than 12:00 on Friday 23 July 2010 at which time tenders will be opened.

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1.1 Employer

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

Tax/VAT registration No.

Page 1 of 6   

Physical address

1.2 Principal Agent

Postal address

Code 0040

                             Tel Fax E-mail

1.3 Agent (1)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

1.4 Agent (2)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

1.5 Agent (3)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

Private Bag X 8, Northriding

083 626 3404 011 695 8027

Smit Street, Northriding 2169

26 Sabai

P O Box 15626

072 359 9176 086 616 8018 [email protected]

Briel Architecture


Structural & Civil Engineer

Ivan Hollander 

Box 898 Gallo Manor Sandton 2052


011 802 5459

Quantity Surveyors

DMS Quantity Surveyors

P O Box 75891


012 807 2500/1 086 661 3241 [email protected]

Lynnwood Ridge





richard.creighton   @honeywell.co.za 


Postnet Suite 164

Mr. Richard Creighton

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1.6 Agent (4)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

N / A

1.7 Agent (5)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

N / A

1.8 Agent (6)

Agent’s service

Postal address


                             Tel Fax E-mail

N / A

1.9 Interest of principal agent or other agents in the project (yes/no)

Details where “yes”


1.10 The principal agent named in 1.2 above is responsible for the preparation of the contract data schedule and must be contacted should the contractor be uncertain of the information provided or to be provided. Failure to complete the contract data schedule in full may result in the tender being disqualified.

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2.1 The law applicable to this agreement (country/state) 2.2 Works identification

Page 3 of 6   

2.3 Site description


garage, large veranda and swimming pool for Mr. Richard

4 bathrooms, 1 combined kitchen, living and dining area, a

basement and one out-building, comprising of 3 bedrooms,

Construction of a single storey dwelling, including a small



Monaghan Ext 1

Erf 89

9 August 2010 2.4 Possession of the site is to be given on (date)

5 2.5 Period for the commencement of works after the contractor takes possession of the site. (Working days)

2.6 Completion of the works in sections is required (yes/no) (No. of sections) No

2.7 Waiver of the contractor’s lien or right of continuing possession is required (yes/no) Yes


2.8 Defined restrictions to the site area. Where “yes” the specific requirements are described below or detailed in the contract documents (yes/no) Yes

Site boundary or as approved by Principal Agent

2.9 Geotechnical investigation of the site has been undertaken. Where “yes” results are obtainable from Principal Agent (yes/no) No

2.10 Existing premises will be occupied. Where “yes” the specific requirements are described below or detailed in the contract documents (yes/no) No

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2.11 Provision of temporary services is required. Where “yes” the specific requirements are described below or included in the contract documents (yes/no) Yes

2.11.1 Water Option A Contractor – his cost

Page 4 of 6   

Option B Employer – free of charge Option C Employer – metered (contractor cost) (A, B or C)


2.11.2 Electricty Option A Contractor – his cost Option B Employer – free of charge Option C Employer – metered (contractor cost) (A, B or C)


2.11.3 Telecom Option A Contractor – his cost Option B Employer – free of charge Option C Employer – metered (contractor cost) (A, B or C) A

2.11.4 Ablutions Option A Contractor – his cost

A Option B Employer – free of charge (A or B) 2.12 Protection of existing trees and shrubs is required. Where “yes” the specific requirements are described below or included in the contract documents (yes/no) No

N / A


3.1 Contract works insurance to be effected by (contractor/employer)

For the sum of (amount)

With a detectable of (amount) R25, 000.00

Contract sum + 20 %


3.2 Supplementary/special insurance to be effected by(contractor/employer)

For the sum of (amount)

With a detectable of (amount)

N / A

3.3 Public liability insurance to be effected by (contractor/employer)

For the sum of (amount)

With a detectable of (amount)


R10, 000,000.00

R50, 000.00

3.4 Support insurance to be effected by (contractor/employer)

For the sum of (amount)

With a detectable of (amount)

N / A

N / A 3.5 Special insurance to be effected by (contractor/employer)


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N / A For the sum of (amount)

With a detectable of (amount) N / A


4.1 For the works as a whole: The date for the practical completion and penalty per calender day

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4.2 For the works in sessions: The date for practical completion and the penalty per calender day Date Penalty amount Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 5 DOCUMENTS AND GENERAL

5.1 Construction document copies to be supplied to the contractor free of charge (No. of)

5.1 The priced document may be used as a specification of materials and goods and work methods (yes/no) 5.3 The contractor shall provide a schedule of rates (yes/no) (Addendum No.) 5.4 Changes made to JBCC standard documents (yes/no) (Addendum No.) Refer 6.0 below 5.5 On acceptance of the tender the priced document is to be submitted within the stated working days. (No. of) 5.6 Work to be undertaken by direct contractors (yes/no) (Addendum No.)

5.7 On achievement of practical completion the contractor is to hand over manuals, warranties, guarantees etc. related to the works as listed below.

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8



Yes -



No _

R2, 000.00 28 Feb 2011

5.8 Interim payment sertificate to be issued by


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Note all changes in detail must be listed below or provided in (Addendum No.)

Changes to definitions and content as indicated in the Bills of Quantities


I, the principal agent named in 1.2 above, declare that the information provided above is complete and accurate at the time of calling for tenders. Where necessary, should any of the above information need to be varied, tenderers will be forthwith informed thereof in writing.

_______________________________________ Principal Agent _______________________________________ Date

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These specifications will apply for the duration of the project and should the principal contractor not abide I comply, it will be deemed as a breach of contract.

The principal contractor will carry full responsibility regarding the adherence to any health and safety specifications whensub-contractors are used to carry out construction work on the project.

The principal contractor is responsible for any insurance cover (liability) as well as registration with the Workman's Compensation Commissioner I Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company as far as employee injury insurance is concerned.

Copies of these documents to be submitted to the client I agent.

Standing time claims related to any health and safety matter will not be entertained.

Section 1

1. Special Health and Safety Specifications

A copy of the following legislation must be readily available on site:

- Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and Construction Regulations 2003

- SABS 085 - Access Scaffolding

The appointment of a part time safety advisor I consultant must be considered and discussed with the client. A selected and appointed Health and Safety representative must be available for each contractor on site. (Ratio: At least one health and safety representative for 50 employees or part there-of) Qualified first aider(s) with their first aid box(es) must be available on site (Ratio: One First Aider for every 50 employees or part there-of) The principal contractor must ensure that all employees, before commencing any work on site, are properly inducted regarding safety, the requirements and all possible risk I hazards that any exist on site:

- Proof of such induction must be kept on file.

- Proof of induction must be carried on every employee's person carrying out work on site.

- Sub-contractors must form part of these induction requirements.

- The professional team and other persons involved in the project must be instructed regarding the safety requirements and hazards I risks that may exist on the site.

The principal contractor must provide a health and safety specifications file with all the necessary legal documentation and inspection registers for use to comply with the provisions of the regulations. The principal contractor must ensure that all persons employed to carry out work on this project are competent and properly inducted, instructed and trained. The principal contractor must ensure that a personal file of each employee, reflecting name, ID, job description and medical certificate, where applicable, is available on site. The principal contractor must report each reportable incident as per Section 24 of the Act, to the client as soon as possible, provided that in the case of a very serious incident or fatality, the report will be done immediately. The principal contractor must ensure that a list of emergency telephone numbers is placed in a conspicuous place in the site office. The principal contractor is responsible to notify the Dep. of Labor of intent to carry out Construction Work as required by Construction Regulations 3(1).

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2. Management and supervision

The principal contractor to appoint competent persons to manage and supervise construction work on this project. The principal contractor to ensure that any construction work on the project is always carried out under the supervision of competent persons. All appointments are to be done in writing and kept in the health and safety file on site.

Section 3

3. Sub-contractor agreements, appointments and requirements The principal contractor must complete an "Agreement with Mandatory” with each sub-contractor before the commencement of work by the sub-contractor. The principal contractor must appoint each sub-contractor for the specific construction work the sub-contractor has to carry out on the site. NOTE: This appointment is part of the "Agreement with Mandatory" format. The principal contractor must ensure that potential sub-contractors submitting tenders, have made provision for the cost of health and safety during the construction process. The principal contractor must ensure that each sub-contractor has his own health and safety file which shall include all the legal documentation as required by the OHS Act and Regulations.

The principal contractor must ensure that each sub-contractor where necessary, submits method statements, riskassessments and safe work procedures pertaining to the construction work the sub-contractor is to carry out on the project. The principal contractor must compile a comprehensive list of all the sub-contractors on site accountable to him.

Section 4

4. Risk Assessments The principal contractor must appoint a competent person to carry out risk assessments before the commencement of any construction work on the project. These assessments must include:

- The identification of all risks and hazards to which persons might be exposed to on the project NOTE: Public liability risks must form part of these assessments. - All risks and hazards must be properly analyzed and evaluated. - A documented plan of safe work procedures must be drawn up indication how these risks are to be mitigated, reduced, controlled and managed.

The principal contractor must have a copy of these risk assessments readily available on site. The principal contractor must ensure that safe work procedure, established through risk assessments are properly communicated to those employees concerned. NOTE: sub-contractors must form part of the risk assessment of any activity that involves them.

Section 5

5. Fall Protection The principal contractor must designate a competent person, responsible for the preparation of a fall protection plan. The principal contractor must ensure that the fall protection plan identifies all the possible situations on the project where persons are exposed to the possibility of falling whilst carrying out their work.

NOTE: The following areas must be considered: - Work on steel roof - All unprotected openings I edges - Outside area of the building where persons will have to perform work at heights

The principal contractor must ensure that all identified unsafe conditions are adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded and that proper means are implemented to prevent falling.

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Section 6

6. Scaffolding and suspended platforms The principal contractor must ensure that all scaffolding operations are carried out under the supervision of a competent person and that all erectors, team leaders and inspectors are competent to carry out their work. The principal contractor must ensure that scaffolding when used, complied with the safety standards as per SABS 085.

Section 7

7. Formwork and support work The principal contractor to ensure that all formwork and support work operations is carried out under the supervision of a competent person who has been appointed in writing. The principal contractor to ensure that all form I support work drawings pertaining to their design is kept on site and are available if I when requested.

The principal contractor to ensure that all form I support work structures are inspected by a competent person (appointed in writing), immediately before, during and after the placement of concrete and the result of such inspection recorded in a register.

The principal contractor to ensure that form I support work is erected in such a way that on completion of the deck, a solid handrail is also in place for the safety of person who has to carry out work on the deck. i.e. steel fixers etc.

Section 8

8. Excavations The principal contractor shall ensure that all excavation work is carried out under the supervision of a competent person who has been appointed in writing.

The principal contractor shall ensure that: - Suitable steps are taken in order to prevent any person from being buried or trapped by a fall or dislodgement. - Excavations are adequately shored or braced and safe access is provided by ladder.

The competent person contemplated in 8.1 above, shall do daily inspections of all excavations and record his finding in a register.

Section 9

9. Mobile cranes - The principal contractor to ensure that the crane is erected per the requirements of the Driven Machinery Regulations promulgated by Government Notice No R 295 of February 1998. - The principal contractor to ensure that tower crane operators are competent and certified to carry out their work safely. - The principal contractor to ensure that the tower crane operator is in possession of a recent medical certificate of fitness. - The principal contractor to have a banks man appointed who has been trained to give correct signals & guide the crane operator safely.

Section 10

10. Explosive powered tools The principal contractor must ensure that any person who has to use an explosive powered tool is trained in: - The operation, maintenance and use of such a tool. - The use of protective equipment with the tool. - The principal contractor must appoint a competent person as an Explosive Powered Tool Controller.

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Section 11

11. Electrical installation I machinery

- The principal contractor must ensure that before construction commences on the project that adequate measures are taken to ascertain the presence of a guard against danger to workers from an electrical cable or apparatus which is under cover or on the site. - The principal contractor must ensure that temporary electrical installations are inspected at least once per week by a competent person. - The principal contractor must ensure that all electrical machinery is inspected on a daily basis before use by a competent person.

Section 12

12. Storage of flammable liquids - The principal contractor must ensure where flammables are to be used, applied or stored on the site that it is done in a manner which would cause no fire or explosion and that the storage area is effectively ventilated. - The principal contractor must ensure than an adequate amount of fire fighting equipment is installed at suitable locations where flammable liquids are stored. - The principal contractor must ensure that all containers holding flammable liquids are kept tightly closed when not in use and after contents have been used, to be removed from the construction site. - The principal contractor must ensure that material such as cotton, waste, paper, plastics, cleaning rags or similar material is stored together with flammable liquids.

Section 13

13. Fire precautions The principal contractor must ensure that: - Appropriate measures are taken to avoid the risk of fire on the site. - Sufficient, safe, and suitable storage is provided for flammable liquids and gasses. - Smoking is prohibited and notices to this regard are displayed off cuts, materials, plastics, paper and other materials. are not allowed to accumulate on site, but removed on a daily basis. - No open fires are allowed on site. -That any welding I flame cutting operations are done in a safe manner and that a fire extinguisher is readily available. - A sufficient number of persons on site are trained in the use of fire extinguishing equipment. - There is an effective evacuation plan in place.

Section 14

14. Stacking and storage The principal contractor to ensure that: - Adequate storage areas are provided. - The principal contractor to ensure that storage areas are kept near and under control. - The delivery and off loading of equipment and material must be properly coordinated in view of the heavy traffic and public presence.

Section 15

15. Facilities The principal contractor must ensure that depending on the number of workers, provision is made for the following clean facilities: - At least one sanitary facility for every 25 workers - At least one washing facility for every 15 workers - Changing facilities for each sex - Sheltered, clean eating areas

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Section 16 16. Personal protective equipment - Taking into account the nature of the hazard to which a worker by the exposed, the principal contractor must issue and ensure that employees receive such personal protective equipment free of charge. - The principal contractor must instruct his employees in the proper use, maintenance and limitations of the safety equipment and facilities provided, taking into account the nature of the construction activities that will take place on this project, the personal protective equipment that should be available on site is: - Hard hats, eye protection, gloves, body safety belts, safety harnesses, welding helmets, dust masks, ear muffs and ear plugs.

Section 17

17. Signage

The principal contractor must ensure that the following signs are placed correctly in conspicuous areas: - No Unauthorized Entry - Danger Construction Work - Danger Workman Above - Visitors to Report to Site Office - Site Office Directional - Hard Hat Area - First Aid - No Smoking - Public Inconvenience - Scaffolding Safe or Unsafe For Use

Section 18

18. Construction Vehicles and Mobile Plant

The principal contractor shall ensure that all Construction Vehicles are: - On a daily basis inspected prior to use by a competent person, appointed in writing, and the findings of such inspections are recorded in a register. - Maintained in good working order. - Operated by persons who received appropriate training and are certified competent and are authorized in writing to operate such machine(s). - Operated by persons medically certified fit to operate such machinery.

Section 19

19. Safety Reports

19.1 Copies of monthly safety reports to be submitted to the client.

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Written agreement on the arrangement and procedures between Employer and The Contractorto ensure compliance by The Contractor with the provision of the Occupational Health & SafetyAct, The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act and Insurance Coverage

Entered into by and between

(Here in after referred to as "EMPLOYER")


(Here in after referred to as the "CONTRACTOR")


A. EMPLOYER shall from time to time require the services of the CONTRACTOR to effect maintenance /

services of its properties

B. The CONTRACTOR undertakes to affect such maintenance/services effectively, properly and safely


1. The CONTRACTOR warrants that his subcontractors’ and employees are covered in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Diseases Act, which cover shall remain in force whilst any such employee is present on EMPLOYER premises.

2. The CONTRACTOR warrants that he is aware of the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act had made his employees aware of such provisions, and at all times ensures due compliance herewith.

3. The CONTRACTOR is to provide proof of his COID (Compliance Occupation Injuries Diseases Act, Act 130 of 1993) status and issue a certificate of good standing to EMPLOYER.

4. The CONTRACTOR further warrants that he is in possession of the following insurance cover which shall remain in force and effect while he and/or his subcontractor and any employees are present on EMPLOYER premises, alternatively for the duration of the contractual relationship between himself and EMPLOYER. 4.1 Public Liability Insurance Cover 4.2 Any other insurance cover, making adequate provision for any possible losses and/or claims arising from

his and/or his subcontractors, alternatively any employee’s acts or omissions on EMPLOYER premises.

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5. The CONTRACTOR warrants that he and/or his subcontractors, and/or their respective employees are familiar with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and shall comply therewith. In this regard, they agree that:

5.1. All work performed on EMPLOYER premises must be performed under close supervision. 5.2. The CONTRACTOR shall assume the responsibility in terms of Section 16(1) of the Occupational Health and

Safely Act. 5.3. The CONTRACTOR warrants that competent employees are employees by him, who shall be trained on any

aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that is pertinent to such employees, alternatively such work performed by the employees.

5.4. Discipline regarding Occupational Health and Safety shall be strictly enforced. 5.5. Personal protective equipment shall be issued as required and worn at all material times. 5.6. No unsafe equipment/machinery and/or article shall be used in EMPLOYER premises. 5.7. All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the Occupational Health and Safely Act shall be reported by the

CONTRACTOR to the Department of Manpower, as well as EMPLOYER, which shall be entitled to receipt of any written documentation relating to such incidents.

5.8. No use shall be made of any of EMPLOYER or tenant's machinery/articles, substance or items without prior

written approval. 5.9. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that EMPLOYER is an interested party of any incident, in terms of

Section 32 of the Occupational Health and Safely Act. 5.10. Any work requiring the issue of a permit, shall not be performed prior to the obtaining of such completed and

approved permit. The contractor will obtain all the relevant permits to the identified risk detailed in section 8 of the OHS Act, before the work commences as may be applicable and required by either the tenant or EMPLOYER.

5.11. No alcohol or other intoxicating substance or drug shall be allowed on EMPLOYER premises. Anyone

suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance or drug shall not be allowed on the premises.

5.12. Full participation shall be given if any when EMPLOYER employees inquire into Occupational Health and

Safety issues. 5.13. The contractor must identify the relevant risks in the premises and notify EMPLOYER before

commencement of any works.

6. The CONTRACTOR confirms that he has been informed that he must report to EMPLOYER management (in writing) anything he deems to be unhealthy and/or unsafe.

7. The CONTRACTOR warrants that he shall not endanger the health and safety of EMPLOYER employees /

tenants, buildings or the public in any way whilst performing any work on EMPLOYER premises. 8. The CONTRACTOR hereby fully and completely indemnifies EMPLOYER in the event of any and all claims

arising from the CONTRACTOR, and/or his Subcontractor, and/or employees thereof, due to any act or omission on the part of such CONTRACTOR, subcontractor and/or employee.

Sign and initial all attached pages

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Signed at ………………. on this the ………. day of …………………………. 2010

In the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

1 ………………………………………

2 …………………………………

For and on behalf of EMPLOYER

Duly authorized

Name: ………………………………………. Company: …………………………………..

Service: …………………………………….. Tel no.: ……………………………………… ................................................ Fax no.:

E-mail: ……………………………………....

Signed at ………………. on this the ………... day of ……………………………………….. 2010

In the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

1 …………………………………….

2 …………………………………….

For and on behalf of the CONTRACTOR

Duly authorized

Name: ……………………………………….

Company: …………………………………..

Service: …………………………………….. Tel no.: ……………………………………… Fax no.: ………………………………... E-mail: ………………………………………

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NOTES: The agreement is to be the JBCC Series 2000 PrincipalBuilding Agreement prepared by the Joint Building ContractCommittee July 2007 edition 5.0 code 2101

The ASAQS Preliminaries (November 2007 Edition) publishedby the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors for usewith the said JBCC Principal Building Agreement shall bedeemed to be incorporated herein.

Tenderers are referred to the abovementioned documents forthe full intent and meaning of each clause thereof. Theseclauses are hereinafter referred to by clause number andheading only.

Where standard clauses or alternatives are not entirelyapplicable to this contract such modifications, corrections orsupplements as will apply are given under each relevant clauseheading and such modifications, corrections or supplementsshall take precedence notwithstanding anything contrarycontained in the abovementioned documents.

Where any item is not relevant to this specific contract suchitem is marked N/A, signifying "not applicable".


The Model Preambles for Trades (1999 Edition) as publishedby the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors shall bedeemed to be incorporated in these Bills of Quantities and noclaims arising from brevity of description of items fullydescribed in the said Model Preambles will be entertained.Supplementary preambles are incorporated in these Bills ofQuantities to satisfy the requirements of this project. Suchsupplementary preambles shall take precedence over theprovisions of the said Model Preambles. The contractor'sprices for all items throughout these Bills of Quantities musttake account of and include for all of the obligations,requirements and specifications given in the said ModelPreambles and in any supplementary preambles.

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Definitions (A1)

A Definitions and Interpretation Item

Objective and Preparation (A2-A14)

B Offer, acceptance and performance obligations Item

C Documents Item

D Design Responsibility Item

E Employer's Agents Item

F Contractor's Site Representative Item

G Compliance with laws and regulations Item

H Works Risk Item

J Indemnities Item

K General Insurances Item

L Special Insurances Item

M Effecting Insurances Item

N Assignment Item

P Security Item

Execution (A15- A23)

Q Preparation for and execution of the works Item

R Site and Access Item

S Specific security and access restrictions apply. ReferSection C of Preliminaries. Item

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A Contract Instructions

Supervision by the Principal Agent and other Agents isintended as a means of checking the interpretation of workdone and providing clarification and further informationwhere required during the progress of the work.Supervision shall not in any way relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility for ensuring that the work is carried outsatisfactorily in all aspects, in good time and in accordancewith the contract. Although the principal Agent and theother Agents will make spot checks from time to time ondimensions and levels as the work proceeds, checking ofthe setting out, dimensions levels and positioning for allitems is the contractors responsibility and should anyerrors occur during the course of or be found aftercompletion of the Works, the cost of remedying same willbe for the Contractor's account. Item

B Setting out of the Works Item

C The contractor shall notify the principal agent if anyencroachments of adjoining buildings, structures,boundries, etc. exist in order that the necessaryarrangements may be made for the rectification of anysuch encroachments. Item

D Temporary Works and Plant Item

E Nominated subcontractors Item

F Selected subcontractors Item

G Employer's Direct Contractors Item

H Contractor's domestic subcontractors Completion (A24-A30) Item

Completion (A24-A30)

J Practical Completion Item

K Works Completion Item

L Final Completion Item

M Nothing in clause 26 shall be construed so as to restrict orremove in any way the contractor's liability for any latentdefects and any insufficiencies in the works or materialsnor to prescribe the employers common law rights in anyway. Item

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A Latent defects liability period Item

B Sectional Completion Revision of date for Practicalcompletion. The removal and replacement of materialsand/or workmanship that do not conform to the descriptionshall not constitute grounds for an extension of theconstruction period nor for an adjustment to the contractsum. Item

C Penalty for late or noncompletion Item

Payment (A31- A35)

D Interim Payment - Notwithstanding this or any otherclause, materials and goods stored off site shall not beincluded in the amount authorised for payment. Item

E Material on site shall be paid to the maximum asdetermined by the Employers Financier. Item

F Clause 31.9 : Replace "seven (7) calendar days" with"fourteen (14) calendar days." Item

G Adjustment to the Contract ValueAll fluctuations in costs, with the exception of fluctuationsin the rate of Value Added Tax, shall be for the account ofthe contractor. Where prices are submitted by thecontractor or n/s subcontractor during the progress of theworks in respect of contract instructions or in regard to aclaim under the terms of the contract and notwithstandingthe fact that such prices may be used in an interimpayment certificate, there is to be no presumption ofacceptance. Should the principal agent wish to accept anysuch prices prior to the issue of the Final PaymentCertificate, it shall be in writing. CPAP is not applicable. Item

H Recovery of expense or loss Item

J Final Account and Final Payment Item

K Payment to other parties Item

Termination (A36- A39)

L Termination by Employer - Contractor's default Item

M Termination by Employer - Loss and damage Item

N Termination by Contractor - Employer's default Item

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A Termination - cessation of the works Item

Disputes (A40)

B Settlement of Disputes Item

C Clause 41.0 - Post Tender Provisions - The required posttender information shall be inserted in the post tenderprovisions after consultation with the contractor. Item

D Contract Agreement (A41-A42) Item

E Clause 42.0 - Contractual Agreement. The requiredinformation of the contracting parties and the amount ofthe accepted contract sum shall be inserted in thecontractual agreement for signature of the agreement bythe contracting parties. Item


Definitions and interpretation

F Clause 1.0 - Definitions and interpretation Item


G Clause 2.1 - Checking of documents Item

H Clause 2.2 - Provisional bills of quantitiesThese bills of quantities are in multiple procurement format- are provisionally measured and the subsequent tradesare budgetary allowances and selected/ nominatedsubcontract amounts. Item

J Clause 2.3 - Availability of construction documentationThe budgetary allowances and Selected/nominatedsubcontract amounts allocated for subsequent tradesincluded in this document will be separately procured,based on multiple procurement of subcontractors duringthe construction period. Item

Previous work and adjoining properties

K Clause 3.1 - Previous work - dimensional accuracy Item

L Clause 3.2 - Previous work - defects Item

M Clause 3.3 - Inspection of adjoining properties Item

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Samples, shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions

A Clause 4.1 - Samples of materials Item

B Clause 4.2 - Workmanship samples Item

C Clause 4.3 - Shop drawings Item

D Clause 4.4 - Compliance with manufacturer's instructions Item

Deposits and fees

E Clause 5.1 - Deposits and fees Item

Temporary services

F Clause 6.1 - Water Item

G Clause 6.2 - Electricity Item

H Clause 6.3 - Telecommunication facilities Item

J Clause 6.4 - Ablution facilities Item

Prime cost amounts

K Clause 7.1 - Responsibility for prime cost amounts Item

Special attendance on n/s subcontractors

L Clause 8.1 - Special attendance Item


M Clause 9.1 - Protection of the works Item

N Clause 9.2 - Protection/isolation of existing/sectionallyoccupied works Item

P Clause 9.3 - Security of the works Item

Q Clause 9.4 - Notice before covering work Item

R Clause 9.5 - Disturbance Item

S Clause 9.6 - Environmental disturbance Item

T Clause 9.7 - Works cleaning and clearing Item

U Clause 9.8 - Vermin Item

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A Clause 9.9 - Overhand work Item

Schedule of variables

Information necessary for elections and completion of thoseclauses contained in the schedule which are necessary fortender purposes is given in Section 2 : "Contract Data EC"


B Where warranties for materials and/or workmanship arecalled for, the contractor shall obtain a written warranty,addressed to the employer, from the firm supplying thematerials and/or doing the work and shall deliver same tothe principal agtent on the certified completion of thecontract. The warranty shall state that workmanship,materials and installation are warranteed for a specifiedperiod from the date of final completion and that anydefects that may arise during the specified period shall bemade good at the expense of the firm supplying thematerials and/or doing the work, upon written notice to doso. The warranty will not be enforced if the work isdamaged by defects in the construction of the building inwhich case the responsibility for replacement shall restentirely with the contractor. Item


C The contractor and/or nominated/selected sub-contractorshall prepare and submit, at his own expense, three (3)copies of shop drawings of all fabricated work, working orsetting out drawings shop details and schedules to theprincipal agent for approval prior to commencement ofmanufacture. Correction of shop drawings shall notconstitute a change in scope of work unless the contractornotifies the principal agent in writing within seven (7) daysand shall not proceed with fabrication until so authorizedby the architect. Item

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A Samples are physical examples furnished by thecontractor to illustrate materials, equipment orworkmanship and to establish standards by which the workwill be judged. The contractor shall furnish without delaysuch samples and "mock ups" as may be called for by thearchitect who may reject all material and workmanship notcorresponding with the approved samples. Samples mustbe submitted in duplicate or as instructed and must allow areasonable time for their consideration. Samples must beproperly labelled with the project name and location,contractor's name, the type, finish composition ofmaterials date of submission and the contract documentreference in which the project is identified. Item


B Should overtime be required to be worked for any reasonwhatsoever, the costs of such overtime are to be borne bythe contractor unless the principal agent has specificallyauthorized in writing, prior to the execution thereof, thatcosts for such overtime are to be borne by the employer. Item


C It is specifically agreed that the contractor accepts theobligation of assisting the professional consultants inimplementing proper cost control in an effort to preventthe final building cost from exceeding the budget. It isspecifically agreed that the professionals and thecontractor will endeavour to agree and sign off variationswithin sixty days of them arising. Item


D The contractor shall take delivery of, handle, store, useapply and/or fix all proprietary branded products in strictaccordance with the manufacturer's instruction afterconsultation with the manufacturer's authorizedrepresentative. Item


E The position of construction breaks and the extent ofindividual concrete pours are to be recorded by thecontractor on the structural engineer's drawings and are tobe submitted to the principal agent and the structuralengineer for their records. Item

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A Site instructions issued on site are to be recorded intriplicate in a site instruction book which is to bemaintained on site by the contractor. Item


B At the end of each week the contractor shall provide theprincipal agent with a written record, in schedule form,reflecting the number and description of tradesmen andlabourers employed by him and all subcontractors on theworks each day. Item


C At the end of each week the contractor shall provide theprincipal agent with a written record, in schedule form,reflecting the number, type and capacity of all plant,excluding hand tools, currently used on the works. Item

HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (Act 85 of 1993)

D Compliance with the current Occupation Health and SafetyAct and all relevant and applicable regulations, especiallythe Construction Health & Safety Act, (as amended) for theduration of the contract. Item


E Observation of all legislation, policies and by-lawsregulating the "AIDS" endemic and "HIV" prevention,treatment and observation. Item


F The contractor shall take delivery of, handle, store, useapply and/or fix all proprietary branded products in strictaccordance with the manufacturers' instruction afterconsultation with the manufacturer's authorisedrepresentative. Item


G The contractor shall not cede nor assign his rights orclaims to any monies due or to become due under thiscontract and no purported cession or assignment will berecognised without the written consent of the employer. Item

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A The Architect shall make such visits to the Works as hemay from time to time deem necessary. In the event of anymatter arising which the Contractor considers of suchimportance that the Architect must be consulted, everyreasonable attempt shall be made by the Contractor tocommunicate with him before proceeding with the point atissue. Item

B It must, however, be borne in mind that the Architect isemployed, to ensure correct compliance with the terms ofthis contract, proper building procedures in accordancewith the best traditions of the various trades and adequatefinishes as specified and to his satisfaction. The Architectis thus in no way responsible for any act or omission on thepart of the Contractor which may result in any patent orlatent defects in materials or workmanship, breach orneglect of any local regulations. The Contractor thereforeremains at all times responsible for any neglect, deviationor wrong act, whether the same be discovered before orafter the final certificate, or any other certificate is issued. Item


C A registered Land Surveyor shall set out the works, gatherall relevant data such as datum levels, platform heightsetc. and hand this information to the Principal Agent in anelectronic format. The contractor shall submit on a weeklybasis and updated "Schedule of Information Required" toall parties concerned, indicating dates upon which suchinformation and details are required in relation to thebuilding programme. Timeous advanced notice is to begiven by the contractor for information or drawings whichare required on site. The contractor shall be responsiblefor the timeous notification to the Quantity Surveyor toenable him to call for tenders for all work to be executedby selected sub-contractors and shall, therefore, notify thequantity surveyor in writing at least fourteen (14) days priorto required availability date of these tender documents. Noclaim whatsoever will be afterwards admitted due to thecontractor having failed to comply with this condition. Item

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A Upon receipt of detail drawings for any works, thecontractor shall, before putting that work in hand, ascertainthat the dimensions given on the detail drawingscorrespond with the dimensions of any work already built.In the event of a discrepancy between the detail drawingsand the work already built, the discrepancy, shall bebrought to the principal agent's attention who shall decidethe procedure. All drawings, whatever their origin, are tobe issued to the site, or to any other designated person orpersons, only through the principal agent's office and shallbear the principal agent's office stamp and signature. Anup to date register of all drawings issued to the contractorshall be kept on the works. Any other drawings used on thesite will be used at the contractor's risk and should anywork be incorrect due to the use of unauthorised drawings,the cost of rectifying such work shall be for the contractor'saccount. All drawings used on the works shall be properlymounted on suitable sheet material, or otherwiseprotected and kept in good condition. Any drawingsbecoming bleached or otherwise obscured so that theycannot be properly read shall be returned to the principalagent for replacement, as any errors due to misreading ofdamaged or obscured drawings shall be made good by thecontractor at his own expense. Item


B The Contractor shall in terms of the Compensation forOccupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act 130,1993) (COID Act) be registered with the Director Generalof the Department of Labour as an Employer by the namein which the accepted tender was submitted and for theintended line of business pertaining to the Contract and therelevant COID Act Section 83 Assessments shall be keptfully paid up throughout the duration of the Contract. TheContractor must allow under this clause for allrequirements as specified in the Compensation forOccupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act 130,1993) and must fully adhere to all requirements and shouldallow to comply with all the relevant Legislation, as well asC.S.I.R Internal Services Health and Safety Specification -Annexure A. A safety audit will be done on a regular basisof all requirements. Item

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A All right of publication of articles in the media, together withany advertising relating to, or in any way connected withthis project shall vest in the employer. The contractor,together with his sub-contractors shall not, without thewritten consent of the employer, cause any statement oradvertisement to be printed, screened or aired by themedia. Item


B The site is within a security village. The contractor will besubject to the rules of the estate as it may apply andchange from time to time. Working hours are restricted.The current allpicable rules form part of this tenderdocument and is attached. Workers, supervisors,suppliers, sub-contractors may be required to register andpay for a contractor's access card Item


C Notwithstanding any information to the contrary in thecontract document or preliminaries, references to "PrimeCost" or "PC" shall mean the cost at which an item ormaterial is obtained inclusive of delivery to site andexclusive of value added tax. Unless otherwise statedinstallation is not included in the Prime Cost and thecontractor is to include this in his rate. The prime Costdoes not include any allowance for wastage and refers tocost per net measurable unit. The contractor is to allow forwastage, shrinkage, bulking etc. Item

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Net measurements

All units of measurement are net and no allowance have beenmade for bulking

Nature of ground

The nature of the ground is assumed to be loose sandy/ claymaterial, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hardrock" or "soft rock"

Carting away of excavated material

Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall bedeemed to include loading excavated material onto trucksdirectly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock pilessituated on the building site, paying any fees levied by theauthorities including estate management, etc


Site clearance

A Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation,hedges, shrubs, bush, etc and trees not exceeding 200mmgirth and 100mm deep topsoil and cart away m2 1,500

B Remove topsoil 100mm deep and stockpile m2 1,500



Open face excavation in earth over sloping site

C Open face excavation to fill and compact in layers of150mm to approved 95% Mod AASHTO in platforms m3 550

D Open face excavation and carting away m3 20

E Open face excavation, temporary stockpile on site andspread over site in 100mm layer m3 20

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Extra over bulk excavations in earth for excavation in

A Soft rock m3 50

B Hard rock m3 30


Spreading of topsoil

C Spread topsoil, previously stockpiled, 100mm thick oversite m3 150

G5 Earth filling supplied by the contractor, compacted in150mm layers to 93% MOD AASHTO density

D Over site to form platforms m3 50


Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep

E Trenches and Holes m3 163

Extra over trench and hole excavations in earth forexcavation in (including allowance for excavation for raftfoundation)

F Soft rock m3 16

G Hard rock m3 8

Risk of collapse of excavations (Rafts excavationelsewhere)

H Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5mdeep m2 433

Keeping excavations free of water (Rafts excavationelsewhere)

J Keeping excavations free of all water other thansubterranean water Item

Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/orprescribed stock piles on site compacted to 95% ModAASHTO density

K Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc m3 85

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Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/orprescribed stock piles on site, stabilised with 2% OPC,compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density

A Backfilling behind retaining walls m3 97

Compaction of surfaces

B Compaction of ground surface under floors etc includingscarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversizematerial, adding suitable material where necessary andcompacting to 95% Mod AASHTO density m2 425

19mm Gravel

C 50mm Thick laid loose m2 214


Soil insecticide (Under Rafts is measured elsewhere)

D Under floors m2 639

E To bottoms and sides of trenches etc m2 580

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Cost of tests

The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubesas required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shallinclude the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for thepurpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on thetests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by anindependent firm or institution nominated by the contractor tothe approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measuredseparately)


Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use andwaste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"),for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing andfixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easyrelease during stripping and for reconditioning as necessarybefore re-use

The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such constructionas is sufficiently strong to afford the required support withoutdamage and shall remain in position until the newly constructedwork is able to support itself.

Formworks to soffits of solid etc shall be deemed to be slabsnot exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described

Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc willonly be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity orcollapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the costthereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance fortaking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations,provision for which is made in "Earthworks"

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25MPa /19mm concrete

A Strip footings and column footings m3 75

B Surface beds m3 48

C Steps on sloping compacted fill, between walls m3 1

D Beams m3 8

E Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 31


F Making and testing of three 150 x 150 x 150mm concretestrength test cubes per set No 20


Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel

G Surface beds, slabs, etc m2 57

High density Polystyrene

H 25mm Insulation under surface beds m2 295

J 10mm Insulation under surface beds m2 295


Formwork to sides

K Upstand beams m2 6

L Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mmhigh or wide. (Note edge of slab where supported in centreof 230mm brickwall is not measured.) m 85

Formwork to soffits

M Slabs propped up not exceeding 3,50m high m2 178

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Formwork to sides and soffits

A Beams and inverted beams propped up not exceeding3.5m high m2 65


0,6mm uPVC sleeves for pipes exceeding 100mm and notexceeding 200mm diameter

B Sleeves exceeding 250mm and not exceeding 500mmlong No 5


Fabric reinforcement

C Type Ref 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete surfacebeds, slabs, etc m2 425

Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work

D 8 mm Diameter bars MS t 0.042

High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concretework

E 20mm Diameter bars t 0.176

F 16mm Diameter bars t 1.399

G 12mm Diameter bars t 6.498

H 10mm Diameter bars t 1.689

J 8mm Diameter bars t 1.162

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Blocks, sills, etc measured linear shall be made in suitablelengths. Large size setting out drawings shall be preparedwhere necessary and submitted to the architect for approvalbefore moulds are made


Where kerbstones, blocks, etc are laid in ground descriptionsshall be deemed to include necessary excavation, filling in andramming


Precast lintels 75x110mm

A Standard precast concrete lintels m 73

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Sizes in descriptions

Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick"shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick

Hollow walls etc

Descriptions of hollow walls shall be deemed to include leavingevery fifth perpend of the bottom course of the external skinopen as a weep hole.

Walls in two skins described as "bagged and sealed" shall bedeemed to include having the outer face of the inner skinbagged with 1:6 cement and sand mixture and sealed with twocoats "Brixeal" bitumen emulsion waterproofing coating.

Face bricks

Face Bricks shall be ordered timeously to obtain uniformity insize and colour. Face Bricks to be selected from three palletssimultaneosly to avoid to ensure uniformity of colour.


Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork andface brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed,hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc


Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar

A 230m Brick walls m2 143

B 330mm Walls m2 114


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Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar

A 115mm walls m2 67

B 115mm walls in beamfilling m2 7

C 230mm Walls m2 557

D 330mm Walls m2 9


Fair face brickwork

E Extra over ordinary brickwork for fair face brickwork withflush joints m2 60

Brickwork reinforcement

F 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 300

G 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 1,551


110 x 220 x 50mm Brick pavers (PC amount R 175.00/m2)on 50mm riversand on approved weedkiller, includingpreparation.

H Paving to falls m2 40

J Extra for paving edge including mortar bed m 20


300 x 300 Natural Slate tiles including approved sealant(Tile PC of R 150/m2)

K Window sill 300mm wide set sloping m 4

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Waterproofing of roofs, basements, etc shall be laid under a tenyear guarantee. Waterproofing to roofs shall be laid to evenfalls to outlets etc with necessary ridges, hips and valleys.Descriptions of sheet or membrane waterproofing shall bedeemed to include additional labour to turn-ups and turn-downs


One layer of 375 micron "Consol Plastics Brickgrip DPC"embossed damp proof course.

A In walls m2 66

B Under Cills m2 15

One layer of 250 micron "Gunplas USB Green " waterproofsheeting sealed at laps with "Gunplas Pressure SensitiveTape".

C 250 Micron behind foundation walls m2 39

D Under Floors m2 719


"Thermo-Ins" ecological insulation plaster tomanufacturers specification. Tel 011 802 8171 Cel 084 4616161. www.thermoins.com.tr

E On screeded conrete roofs, turn-ups and parapets m2 178


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"Multi-Dex" system comprising 4mm dual reinforced"Derbigum Unitorch" with 75mm side laps and 100mm endlaps on 3.2mm support board on 25mm polystyrenemechanically fixed to plywood (plywood elsewhere)Multi-Dex tel 011-452-3605

A On flat roofs m2 90

B Seal edges at junction with parapet, gutters, etc m 34

C 50 x 50 x > 1.5mm Aluminium angle section fittedbetween waterproofing and support board, screwed on m 42


Three coat "Fibre seal" fibre reinforced Acrylicwaterproofing per manufacturer's specification

D On parapet walls including 85mm turn down to bottom oftop corbelling course m2 13

E On walls and floors of showers m2 12



F 3mm "CG" Modified bitumen membrane on off-shutterconcrete walls per manufacturer's specification m2 65


Silicone sealing compound including backing cord, bondbreaker, primer, etc

G 5 x 10mm In joints between tiles and sanitary fitting orworktop, etc m 23

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0.58mm ISQ 230 corrugated roof sheeting pre-painted onboth sides with Charcoal coloured Globalcoat Siliconemodified polyester / Chromadek, fixed with no 14Topspeed Hex Head screws with neoprene gasket washersat 600mm centres to specification to timber purlins (purlinselsewhere).

A With pitch not exceeding 25 degrees, including approvedside lap sealant m2 270

B Moulded corrugated polyethelene filler blocks m 58

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Roof trusses to be designed and constructed with soft woodstructural timber to include for live loads, wind loads and to taketile roof covering, purlins and fibre cement of gysumplasterboard ceilings with brandering. Each roof truss shallhave all its members accurately cut and close butted togetherand rigidly fixed by CSIR approved patented galvanized metalspiked connectors, fixed on both sides of each intersection byan approved method, all in accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions.

The design, manufacture and transportation of the roof trusses,bracing, etc. shall be under the control of a registered Engineerin accordance with SABS 0243 and it shall be required from themanufacturer of the trusses to lodge a written guarantee thathis construction has been designed by a qualified StructuralEngineer and that he is in possession of a capability certificateissued by the Institute for Timber Construction an approved bythe Repressentative/agent.

The tenderer's attention is drawn to the fact that the tenderdrawings only represent the overall size and bearing points ofthe trusses and not the required design.

Erection must be carried out as described in "The Erection andBracing of Timber Roof Trusses" published by the Truss PlateAssociation of South Africa Ltd. and the National TimberResearch Institute, CSIR.

Descriptions of roof trusses shall be deemed to include fordesigh, manufacture, supply, hoisting and fixing in position,trimming ends, notching, etc. and for any temporary bracing.


Grade 6 SA Pine

A 114 x 38mm Wall plate m 12

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A 50 x 76mm Purlins m 271

B 228 x 50mm Facia supports cut and fit between rafters(rafter at 800mm centres) m 59

C 228 x 50mm Rafter 7450mm long with both ends splay cut No 16

D 228 x 50mm Rafter 5600mm long with both ends splay cut No 15

E 228 x 50mm Rafter 5400mm long with both ends splay cut No 5

F 228 x 50mm Rafter 8700mm long No 10


G Two coats creosote to sawn timbers m2 25


Grade 6 SA Pine

Descriptions shall be deemed to include all labour itemsincluding notching

H 228 x 50mm Beams & Rafters m 192

J 18mm Plywood, screwed on m2 90

K Column 2,80m long formed of two x 150 x 38mm sectionsbolted together (bolts, etc elsewhere) No 14


Fibre Cement

L 12 x 330 mm Fibre cement facia including steel jointingstrips between lengths. m 46


Wrought Meranti

M 19 x 130mm Moulded skirting at Prime cost of R 70.00 perm m 102


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Solid Balau

A 40mm Door size 1084 x 2542mm high of 40mm solidvertical T&G flush planed panels in and including framesize 1200 x 2600mm high overall of 90 x 76mm lining withand including sill to bottom. Refer drawing attached - D1 No 1

Solid Meranti

B 40mm Door size 813 x 2044mm high of 40mm solidvertical T&G flush planed panels, 40 x 100mm top andside framing and two x 40 x 100mm bottom rails, in andincluding frame size 925 x 2130mm high overall of 90 x76mm lining. Refer drawing attached - D2, D4 No 2

C 40mm Double door size 1088 x 2044mm high of 40mmsolid vertical T&G flush planed panels, 40 x 100mm topand side framing and two x 40 x 100mm bottom rails, inand including frame size 1200 x 2130mm high overall of 90x 76mm lining. Refer drawing attached - D3 No 1

D 40mm Double door size 3000 x 2125mm high, in andincluding frame size 1620 x 2075mm high overall of 90 x76mm lining. Refer drawing attached (PC R 13,000.00 fordoor and frame delivered) - D24 No 1

Semi-solid door with masonite veneer

E 40mm Door with hardwood edges size 750 x 2044mm highin and including frame size 850 x 2100mm high overall of90 x 76mm lining. Refer drawing attached - D13, D14,D16, D19

No 4

F 40mm Door with hardwood edges size 813 x 2044mmhigh, in and including frame size 900 x 2100mm highoverall of 90 x 76mm lining. Refer drawing attached - D15,D17, D18, D22, D23

No 3

G 40mm Sliding door size 900 x 2080mm high. Referattached drawing - D 20, D 21 No 2


Solid Balau on painted mild steel

H Single gate size 930 x 1950mm high overall including finishto timber and steel frame, and including ironmongery allper drawing attached (G01, G04) No 2

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A Single gate and sidepanels size 1800 x 1950mm highoverall including finish to timber and steel frame, andincluding ironmongery all per drawing attached (G03) No 1


Wrought Meranti

B 30mm Tread 1200mm long by 330mm wide with roundededges, with pink wood primer to non-exposed edges,plugged to brickwork with concealed screws (PC of R 300per tread supplied and installed)

No 18


Duct covers of 10mm x 300mm Everite Fibre Cement"Nutec Flatsheet" screwed on, spaced 325mm centresvertically.

C Cover to opening 300 x 2500mm high (Provisional) No 2

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Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed withhardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork orconcrete or Bolted to steel trusses.

Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to includescrewing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding600mm centres, and where described as "bolted" the boltshave been given elsewhere



A 25mm Thick between rafters on and including 38 x 38mmbrandering at 300mm centres m2 72


Timber Ceilings formed of 152 x 25mm machine cut SAPine planks with each alternate plank overlapping by20mm, and brass screwed through overlaps to andincluding 38 x 38mm brandering at 400mm centres

B Raking ceilings to underside of rafters m2 72

25mm "Thermocoustex" ceiling boards nailed to andincluding 38x38mm SAP brandering to bottom of timbertrusses/rafters at 300mm intervals, Apply 48mm RhinoTapeover joints and FibaTape over butt joints and apply onecoat minimum 3mm RhinoLite or similar skim coat to asmooth and even polished finish

C Horizontal ceilings m2 73


D 175 x 170 mm Polystyrene cornice PC of R 40/m m 88

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Stretch Carpets on underlay (PC of R 300/m2 installed)

A On floors m2 43

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Finishes to ironmongery

Where applicable finishes to ironmongery are indicated bysuffixes in accordance with the following list: BS Satin bronze lacquered CH Chromium plated SC Satin chromium plated SE Silver enamelled GE Grey enamelled AS Anodised silver AB Anodised bronze AG Anodised gold ABL Anodised black PB Polished brass PL Polished and lacquered PT Epoxy coated SD Sanded



A DFB-SC-180/150 Flush bolt No 4

B 150mm Cabin Hook (PC R 100.00) No 14

C DBB-SS-009 3mm X 120 x 75mm Ballbearing Hinge pair No 14

D 8062 Double action top centre No 1

E 7421 Bottom door strap for double action timber doors No 1

F 7475 Free swing flow bottom pivot No 1



G D036S Cylinder sashlock No 11

H CISA 5C621/50.12 Cylinder sashlock with double throwdeadbolt and roller bolt latch 50mm backset No 1

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A CISA 45100-60-12 Cylinder Mortice hookbolt m 2

B D038R Double door rebate convertion kit No 2

C DDC056501 65mm Double Cylinder No 10

D CISA 08525-04-12 65mm Privacy Cylinder No 4



E DSQ55H-450 Pull handle pair No 1

F DSQ902 Lever Handles No 13

G DSQ002 Escutcheon No 28



H Sliding gear for single door size 900mm wide (PC R700.00) No 2



J Toilet roll holders (PC Amount R 400.00) No 4

K Soapdish (PC Amount R 150.00) No 8

L Towel rail (PC Amount R 500.00) No 8


Stainless Steel

M 3x32mm dividing strip m 25

N DORMA DDS-SS-017 Doorstop No 14

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Hot dip galvanising of mildsteel by single immersion ofcomponents to be in accordance with SANS 121 (ISO 1461)standards as set out by the Hot Dip Galvanizers Association ofSouthern Africa (Tel: 011-458 7900). Care must be taken not todamage galvanizing or necessitate welding over galvanizedareas since touch-up or repairing and spray painting with silverpaint will not be accepted.


Approved windows with glasing per AAAMSA standards(unless otherwise stated) with frames in powdercoating toSANBS ANP3055 and with paintable acrylic sealant on bothsides between frame and steel member / plaster.Installation after curing of plastering. Protect againstdamage after installation. No 'touch-ups' allowed. Profiles,glazing and installation to conform to AAAMSA standards.Pricing to include window handles and friction stays toopening sections

A Window size 1200 x 2635mm high overall of one top hungsection and one fixed section. Refer drawing attached -W1 No 1

B Window size 1000 x 1210mm high overall of one top hungsection and one fixed section. Refer drawing attached -W2, W5 No 2

C Window size 1000 x 2635mm high overall of two top hungsections and two fixed sections. Refer drawing attached -W3, W4, W11 No 3

D Window size 4000 x 600mm high overall of one fixedsection. Refer drawing attached - W7 No 1

E Window size 1970 x 1685mm high overall of two slidingsections. Refer drawing attached - W09 No 1

F Window size 1725 x 2185mm high overall of one fixedsection. Refer drawing attached - W10 No 1

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A Window size 1200 x 1200mm high overall of two slidingsections. Refer drawing attached - W12, W13 No 2

B Window size 1500 x 300mm high overall of one fixed panelsection. Refer drawing attached - W28 to W34 No 7

C Window size 2200 x 300mm high overall of one top hungopening section with fanlight catch. Refer drawing attached- W17, No 1

D Window size 700 x 300mm high overall of one top hungopening section with fanlight catch. Refer drawing attached- W18, W20 No

E Window size 701,5 x 852mm high overall of one fixedpanel sections. Refer drawing attached - W21, W23 No 4

F Window size 2304,5 x 852mm high overall of one fixedpanel section. Refer drawings attached- W22 No 1

G Window size 2215 x 852mm high overall of one top hungopening section with fanlight catch. Refer drawingattached- W22 No 1

H Window size 3106 X 852mm high overall of one top hungopening section with fanlight catch. Refer drawing attached- W26,

m 1

J Window size 1500 x 878mm high overall of one top hungopening section with fanlight catch. Refer drawing attached- W36 to W42 No 7

K Window size 987 x 878mm high overall of one fixedsection Refer drawing attached - W35 No 1

Approved sliding doors / sliding-folding doors with glasingper AAAMSA standards (unless otherwise stated) withframes in powdercoating to SANBS ANP3055 and withpaintable acrylic sealant on both sides between frame andsteel member / plaster. Installation after curing ofplastering. Protect against damage after installation. No'touch-ups' allowed. Profiles, glazing and installation toconform to AAAMSA standards. Pricing to include doorhandles (Allow PC of R 500 per door for handles), 2 x 7lever barrel bolts per door, sliding gear, hinges etc

L SIngle swing door in frame size 930 x 2600mm high withone top hung opening section fanlight. Refer drawingattached - D05 No 1

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A Sliding door size 15500 x 2600 in four equal panel slidingpanes. Refer drawing attached - D06 No 1

B Double sliding door size 4080 x 2600mm high overall oftwo sliding panes 1000 x 2600mm high each (fixed endsconcealed in brick and drywall cavity). Refer drawingattached - D07 No 1

C Sliding/folding door in five leaves size 3700 x 2600mmhigh overall. Refer drawing attached - D08 No 1

D Sliding door size 4000 x 2600 in two equal panel slidingpanes and one fixed pane. Refer drawing attached - D09 No 1

E Sliding door size 4750 x 2600 in three equal panel slidingpanes and one fixed pane. Refer drawing attached - D11 No 1

F Sliding door size 2400 x 2125mm high in one fixed andone sliding panes. Refer drawing attached - D12 No 1


Mild Steel

G 100 x 100 x >2.5mm welded Frame m 67

H Flat section baseplates kg 41

J 8 x 60mm "Fischer" or "Hilti" masonry plug to concretebeam including 8mm Hole through 5mm steel No 68


Mild Steel

K 150 x 150 x 12mm Flat section base plate twice drilled forand including M12 x 100mm Expansion bolts bolted toconcrete, with 150 x 150 x 12mm half rounded and oncedrilled plates welded perpendicular onto base plate No 14

L 203 x 133 x 30kg/m I beam, 3200mm long, one flangecut-off and finished smooth, built into concrete or brickwork No 1

M Bolts, Nuts, Spacers kg 42

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1:4 Cement screeds wood floated on concrete

A 25mm Thick on floors m2 185

B 25mm Thick on treads m2 6

C Average 80mm thick on floors to falls and currents onwaterproof sheeting (elsewhere) m2 124

D 75 X 75mm Triangular fillet m 120

1:4 Cement screeds steel floated on concrete

E 25mm Thick on floorsm2 43

Tinted Screed

F Cement Screed using 50% white cement, steel floated to asmooth and even finish in blocks of 9m2. m2 203


Wood Floated Cement plaster on brickwork

G On walls m2 172

H On narrow widths m2 1

Cement plaster on concrete

J On sides and soffits of beams m2 36

Cement plaster rendering coat with gypsum skim plasterfinishing coat, on brickwork

K On walls m2 390

L On narrow widths m2 6


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Wood Floated Cement plaster on brickwork

A On walls m2 824

Cement plaster on concrete

B On sides and soffits of beams m2 23

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uPVC pipes and fittings:

Soil, waste and vent pipes and fittings shall be solvent weldjointed

uPVC pressure pipes and fittings:

Pipes for water supply shall be of the class stated

Pipes of 40mm diameter and smaller shall be plain ended withsolvent welded uPVC loose sockets and fittings

Pipes of 50mm diameter and greater shall have sockets andspigots with push in type integral rubber ring joints. Bends shallbe uPVC and all other fittings shall be cast iron, all with similarpush-in type joints

Copper pipes:

Pipes shall be hard drawn and half-hard pipes of the classstated. Class 0 (thin walled hard drawn) pipes shall not bebent. Class 1 (thin walled half-hard), class 2 (half-hard) andclass 3 (heavy walled half-hard) pipes shall only be bent withbenders with inner and outer formers. Fittings to copper waste,vent and anti-syphon pipes, capillary solder fittings andcompression fittings shall be "Cobra Watertech" type. Capillarysolder fittings shall comply with ISO 2016. Only compressionfittings shall be used in walls or in ground

Reducing fittings

Where fittings have reducing ends or branches they aredescribed as "reducing". In the case of pipes with diametersnot exceeding 60mm only the largest end or branch size isgiven. Should the contractor wish to use other fittings andbushes or reducers he may do so on the understanding that noclaim in this regard will be entertained. In the case of pipeswith diameters exceeding 60mm all sizes are given and noclaim for extra bushes, reducers, etc will be entertained

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Exposed concrete surfaces

Exposed surfaces of concrete stormwater channels, coverslabs, inspection eye marker slabs, gulley tops, cleaning eyetops, catchpits, inspection chambers, etc shall be finishedsmooth with plaster


No claim for rock excavation will be entertained unless thecontractor has timeously notified the quantity surveyor thereofprior to backfilling

"Soft rock" and "hard rock" shall be as defined in "Earthworks"

Laying, backfilling, bedding, etc. of pipes

Pipes shall be laid and bedded and trenches shall be carefullybackfilled in accordance with manufacturers' instructions

Where no manufacturers' instructions exist pipes shall be laid inaccordance with clauses 5.1 and 5.2 of each of the following: SABS 1200 L : Medium-pressure pipelines LD : Sewers LE : Stormwater drainage Pipe trenches etc shall be backfilled in accordance with clauses3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 7 of SABS 1200 DB : Earthworks (Pipe trenches) Pipes shall be bedded in accordance with clauses 3.1 to 3.4.1,5.1 to 5.3 and 7 of SABS 1200 LB : Bedding (Pipes). Unless otherwise described bedding of rigid pipes shall beclass B bedding

Wire gratings

Descriptions of gutter outlets etc shall be deemed to includewire balloon gratings

Flush pans

Flush pans shall have straight or side outlets and "P" or "S"traps as necessary

Stainless steelbasins, sinks, wash troughs, urinals, etc.

Units shall have standard aprons on all exposed edges andtiling keys against walls where applicable

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Waste unions

Descriptions of waste unions shall be deemed to include rubberor vulcanite plugs and chains fixed to fittings

Steel sectional water tanks

Tanks shall comply with SABS CKS 114

Rainwater disposal

Description of "suspended" deem to include patent metalhangers as "Plumblink" Pear-shaped hanger bracket or similar of galvanised threaded rod let into soffit of concrete slab andother end fastened to galvanised strap around rainwater pipesuspended not exceeding 1m below soffit, including holes andbolting, not exceeding 1m apart.


uPVC Pipes

A 110mm Pipes vertically in brickwork m 29

Extra over uPVC pipes for fittings

B 110mm bend No 27

"Fulbore" cast iron outlets

C 100mm Vertical outlet No 9


Open concrete channel

D 85mm Thick stomwater open channel size 1000mm wide x200mm deep in 20Mpa concrete including preparation,formwork, finishing top surfaces smooth, cast in lengths of3,00m at a time m 90


Subsoil drainage

E 110mm Perforated pipe in 400 x 400 x 19mm crushedstone wrapped in geofabrick in trench 300mm deep,including all pipe fittings, etc m 22


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Concrete gulleys with cast Iron Grid

A Gulley not exceeding 500mm deep No 2

Underground quality PVC pipes

B 110mm Pipes laid in trenches not exceeding 1.00m deep m 162

Extra over PVC pipes for fittings

C 110mm ABC cleaning eye in end of pipe No 12

D 110mm Bend No 22

E 110mm Access junction No 11

F 110mm Access pipe No 2

Concrete encasement

G Encase soil pipe in 300 x 300 x 20MPa concrete including3 x Y10 top rebar and 3 x Y 10 bottom rebar and R 8Stirrups @ 500c/c m 10


NOTE: Prime Cost (PC) Amounts below include wastefittings, connectors, traps, ballcocks etc. Contractor toallow for taking delivery, installation, testing,commissioning

Stainless Steel

H 1600 x 450mm Double bowl sink (PC of R R 2,500) sunkinto worktop . No 3

J 450mm Drop-in prep bowl (PC of R R 1,200) No 2

K Single Bowl washtrough (PC of R 1500.00) hung tobrickwork No 1

White Vitreous China

L Close coupled WC suite with toilet seat (PC of R 7,500.00) No 2

M Close coupled WC suite with toilet seat (PC of R 3,000.00) No 2

N Basin with pedestal (PC of R 2,500.00) No 1

P Drop-in or sit-on basin (PC of R 2,000.00) No 2

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A Built-in bath 1700 x 600mm (PC of R 4,000.00) No 1

B Built-in bath 1700 x 600mm (PC of R 6,000.00) No 1


NOTE: Prime Cost (PC) Amounts below include delivery, Contractor to allow for taking delivery, installation, testingand commissioning

Chromium Plated

C 15mm Shower arm and head (PC R 3,500.00) No 2

D 15mm Shower arm and head (PC R 1,000.00) No 1

E 15mm Shower mixer, (PC R 1,200.00) plus shower trapand outlet (PC R 350.00) No 1

F 15mm Shower mixer, (PC R 3,000.00) plus shower trapand outlet (PC R 350.00) No 1

G 20mm Bath mixer (PC R 2,500) No 1

H 20mm Bath mixer (PC R 3,500) No 1

J 15mm Topfix WHB Mixer (PC of R 2,000.00 each) No 3

K 15mm Sink mixer (PC of R 2,000.00) No 1

L 15mm Prep Bowl mixer (PC of R 2,000.00) No 2

M 15mm Bibtaps ( PC of R 200.00 each) (Washtrough) No 2

N 15mm Pillar tap (PC of R 600.00 each) No 2


Waste water removal system from sanitary fitting toconnection with external sewer system / discharge intogulley, including testing of system.

P For one cluster servicing 1 x prep bowl, 1 x washtrough No 1

Q For one cluster servicing 1 x sink, 1 x washing machineand 1 x dishwasher No 1

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A For one cluster servicing 1 x WHB and 1 x WC (Guesttoilet) No 1

B For one cluster servicing 2 x baths, 3 x WHB, 2 x showersand 2 x WC's (Bedrooms) No 1

C For one cluster servicing 1 x WHB, 1 x shower, 1 x WCand 1 x prep bowl (Staff) No 1


Hot and cold water supply in Galvanized mild steel orClass 2 Copper or NHBRC approved alternative pipingfrom point of entry into building up to termination atsanitary fitting, including routing via electric water heaters,including testing

D For one cluster servicing 1 x prep bowl, 1 x washtrough No 1

E For one cluster servicing 1 x sink, 1 x washing machineand 1 x dishwasher No 1

F For one cluster servicing 1 x WHB and 1 x WC (Guesttoilet) No 1

G For one cluster servicing 2 x baths, 3 x WHB, 2 x showersand 2 x WC's (Bedrooms) No 1

H For one cluster servicing 1 x WHB, 1 x shower, 1 x WCand 1 x prep bowl (Staff) No 1

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Bill No. 13

Plumbing and Drainage


Page AmountNo

Total Brought Forward from Page No. -47-






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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo





Provide the Prime Cost amount of R300,00/m² for 600 x600mm porcelain tiles fixed with porcelain tile adhesive toplaster (plaster elsewhere) flush pointed with waterproofjointing compound. (showers)

A On walls m2 4

Provide the Prime Cost amount of R1100,00/m² for 30 x30mm mosaic tiles fixed with tile adhesive to plaster(plaster elsewhere) flush pointed with waterproof jointingcompound.

B On walls m2 17

C On walls m2 8

D On walls in narrow widths m2 1

E Cut tile skirting 100mm high (Provisional) m 17

Polished Aluminium trims, listello's etc

F Corner trim PC of R 45 per metre m 27


Provide the Prime Cost amount of R300,00/m² for 300 x600mm porcelain tiles fixed with porcelain tile adhesive toplaster (plaster elsewhere) flush pointed with jointingcompound.

G On floors and landings m2 185

Provide the Prime Cost amount of R900,00/m² for 25 x25mm mosaic tiles fixed with tile adhesive to screed(screed elsewhere) flush pointed with waterproof jointingcompound.

H On floors to falls and currents m2 4

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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo




6mm Silvered float glass copper backed mirrors withpolished edges holed for and fixed with chromium plateddome capped mirror screws with rubber buffers to plugs inbrickwork or concrete

A Mirror 900x1200mm high No 3

Glazing to timber sash windows fixed with glazing beads

B 6 mm Laminated safety glass in panes exceeding 0,5 andnot exceeding 2,0 m2. m2 5

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One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Weathershield" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

A On Facias m2 16

B On Nutec covers m2 2


One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 100" orsimilar approved PVA emulsion paint in colours whichhave a value of 7 or less on the Munsell system inaccordance with SABS 1091

C On internal walls m2 172

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 65" or similarapproved PVA emulsion paint in colours which have avalue of 7 or less on the Munsell system in accordancewith SABS 1091

D On ceilings and beams m2 58

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Weathershield" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

E On exterior walls and columns m2 759

Two coats mixture of one part lniseed oil and one partturpentine

F On steel trowelled screed m2 203


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One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 100" orsimilar approved PVA emulsion paint in colours whichhave a value of 7 or less on the Munsell system inaccordance with SABS 1091

A On internal walls m2 396

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 65" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

B On ceilings and cornices m2 73


Clean, prepare and apply two coats alkyd enamel paint incolours which have a value of more than 7 on the Munsellsystem in accordance with SABS 1091

C General surfaces of steel brackets, footplates etc m2 5

D Window support frames 400mm girth m 67


One coat acrylic wood primer and three coats "Dulux pearlglo" super acrylic pva white.

E Rafters and beams in whitewash effect (undercoat and topcoat in different colours) m2 170

F Plywood soffit in whitewash effect (undercoat and top coatin different colours) m2 90

One coat stain and two coats teac oil

G On doors and frames m2 123

H Timber Ceilings m2 72

J On skirtings and architraves not exceeding 300mm wide m 102

K On timber treads m2 9

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Bill No. 16



Page AmountNo

Total Brought Forward from Page No. -56-


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Bill Page AmountNo No

1 -17-Earthworks

2 -21-Concrete Formwork & Reinforcement

3 -22-Precast Concrete

4 -25-Masonry

5 -28-Waterproofing

6 -29-Roof Coverings etc

7 -34-Carpentry & Joinery

8 -35-Ceilings Partitions and Access Flooring

9 -36-Floor covering, Plastic linings

10 -39-Ironmongery

11 -43-Metalwork

12 -46-Plastering

13 -53-Plumbing and Drainage

14 -54-Tiling

15 -55-Glazing

16 -58-Painting

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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo




All cost price items and provisional sums will be nett and noBuilder's discount will be applicable


Budgetary amount

A Allow the budgetary amount of R 25,000 for builders workto be quantified and priced using tender rates Item 25,000 00


B Allow the amount of R 50,000 for contingencies. Item 50,000 00


Kitchen Cupboards

C Allow the amount of R 190,000.00 for supply andinstallation of kitchen and scullery cupboards and tops,pantry shelving etc (Stoves & Ovens elsewhere) (Staffarea included) Item 190,000 00

D Profit Item

E Attendance Item

Bedroom Cupboards/ wardrobes

F Allow the amount of R 35,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of wardrobes Item 35,000 00

G Profit Item

H Attendance Item

Storeroom Shelving

J Allow the amount of R 3,500.00 for supply and installationof shelving in storeroom Item 3,500 00

K Profit Item

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A Attendance Item


B Allow the amount of R 28,000 for supply and installation ofvanity cupboards and tops / basin units Item 28,000 00

C Profit Item

D Attendance Item


E Allow the amount of R 10,000 for design, supply andinstallation of handrails etc. Item 10,000 00

F Profit Item

G Attendance Item


H Allow the amount of R 10,000 for the supply, installationand finishing of pergola at staff unit, and at bedrooms Item 10,000 00

J Profit Item

K Attendance Item

Gas Installation

L Allow the amount of R 7,000.00 for gas installation andcage Item 7,000 00

M Profit Item

N Attendance Item

Gas Fireplace

P Allow the amount of R 6,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of no-vent fireplace Item 6,000 00

Q Profit Item

R Attendance Item

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Water tanks

A Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for the installation ofwater tanks and pumps Item 20,000 00

B Profit Item

C Attendance Item

Washing Lines

D Allow the amount of R 3,000.00 for the installation ofwashing lines Item 3,000 00

E Profit Item

F Attendance Item

Shower doors

G Allow the amount of R 10,000 for the supply, installationand sealant to shower doors Item 10,000 00

H Profit Item

J Attendance Item

Curtain rails

K Allow the amount of R 15,000 for the supply andinstallation of curtain rails Item 15,000 00

L Profit Item

M Attendance Item


N Allow the amount of R 10,000 for the supply andinstallation of mirrors, shelving, bathroom accessories andsmalls Item 10,000 00

P Profit Item

Q Attendance Item


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Solar water / underfloor Heating

A Allow the amount of R 70,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of water underfloor heating / solar geysers Item 70,000 00

B Profit Item

C Attendance Item


Internal Electrical installation

D Allow the amount of R 160,000.00 for the domesticelectrical installation including light fittings Item 160,000 00

E Profit Item

F Attendance Item

Lightning protection

G Allow the amount of R 30,000 for the supply andinstallation of lightning protection Item 30,000 00

H Profit Item

J Attendance Item

Stoves and Extractors

K Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for ovens, stoves andextractors. Item 20,000 00

L Profit Item

M Attendance Item


Water supply and reticulation

N Allow the amount of R 15,000.00 for water supply mains,site reticulation and garden taps, etc

Item 15,000 00

P Profit Item

Q Attendance Item

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Pine fence

A Allow the amount of R 7,000.00 for the supply, installationand finishing of pine fencing. Item 7,000 00

B Profit Item

C Attendance Item


D Allow the amount of R 100,000.00 for swimming poolincluding filters, pump and controls

Item 100,000 00

E Profit Item

F Attendance Item


G Allow the amount of R 100,000.00 for landscaping andirrigation Item 100,000 00

H Profit Item

J Attendance Item

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Bill No. 1

Provisional Sums


Page AmountNo

Total Brought Forward from Page No. -60-





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Section Page AmountNo No




Sub-total R

Add: VAT @ 14% R

Carried to Form of Tender R


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21/01/2010 Revision 4

BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS Annexure A CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, CONDUCT RULES FOR BUILDING CONTRACTORS, SUB-CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS, OPERATING WITHIN MONAGHAN FARM As building within Monaghan will be undertaken over a lengthy time period, the following guidelines have been formulated for the benefit of all Monaghan Farm Home Owners Association members. Please Note that these regulations are subject to change from time to time. The Home Owners Association will acquaint the contactors with these changes. The owner will make contact with one of the Monaghan approved builders who are bound by the code of conduct, drafted by the HOA (Home Owners Association) from time to time, and will ensure that they (the home owner) have paid the building deposit. The owner acknowledges that he/she is aware that Monaghan is a secure Farm and that he/she will at all times adhere to the security regulations and controls, and agree to co-operate with the HOA in the interest of maintaining security on the Farm. 1. Site Access and Exit: 1.1 Detailed procedures will be made available by the HOA to Contractors in terms of security measures for authorized access and identification of vehicles and all personnel. 1.2 Each Builder will have access to the builders yard and can rent space therein from the Developer/HOA. Please note that site offices will not be allowed on the individual stands. 1.3 As improvements to the security and the access controls are ongoing, these procedures will be reviewed from time to time. 1.4 Hours of work: Contractors may only enter the Farm after 06h30 in the morning and must vacate the Farm by 18h00. No workers will be allowed to remain overnight on site. Contractors may negotiate with the HOA’s appointed security company for this service, if required. 1.5 Construction will be limited to Monday 06h30 to Friday 18h00. No construction work will be permitted on Saturday, Sundays and public holidays unless by prior written agreement with the HOA. Only emergency work with approval of HOA may be implemented. 1.6 Only authorized vehicles will be allowed onto the Farm. There is a load restriction of 6 tons per axle and all vehicles must have fixed chassis. Excepting for roof truss deliveries, no articulated vehicles are permitted on the Farm. It is the obligation of the Contractor to notify his suppliers of this, and the HOA shall not entertain any claims of losses or damages in this regard. 1.7 Brick loads are limited to 6000 bricks per truck. 1.8 Deliveries must be scheduled for between 07h00 and 15h30 on weekdays only, and contractors must collect all delivery vehicles at the Builder’s Yard and escort them to the building site and back.

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21/01/2010 Revision 4

1.9 The Farm Security personnel reserve the right to subject vehicles entering or leaving the Farm to a search. 1.10 Points of access: Contractors shall only access and exit through the designated contractors gates. With the exception of the driver, all contractors entering the farm will be directed

through pedestrian turnstiles with bio-metric controls. Contractors must therefore pre-register all

personnel with the security company. Furthermore, they must acknowledge that delays entering and

exiting the Farm are inevitable. (See Annexure “D”)

1.11 Contractors staff will not be allowed to proceed to the building site on foot, and must therefore be

transported to and from the builder’s yard.

1.12 The “take on” for any new contractors or those coming to site for the first time will only be done from

08:00 to 09:30, Monday to Friday.

1.13 All drivers must be in possession of a valid driver’s license and shall be required to produce their license prior to entry. 1.14 Contractors and sub-contractors need to adhere to the speed limit as displayed to at all times. Fines relating to speeding is tabled on the Contractor’s fine structure. 1.15 Any contravention of security and access rules will be severely dealt with by the HOA, and depending on the nature and the circumstances, could lead to the suspension of building work, barring of access to the farm and/or fines being imposed. 1.16 Access may be denied to site if fines are not paid up to date. 1.17 The Homeowner accepts responsibility for any loss or damage caused by his contactor, sub-contractor or supplier, and is responsible for the payment of any fines related thereto. See Annexure C – Contractors fine’s structure. 2. Housekeeping and Tidiness: HOMEOWNERS AND CONTRACTORS ARE SUBJECT TO THE GDACE APPROVED EMP AND ARE BOUND TO AQUAINT THEMSELVES WITH ALL EMP STIPULATIONS THEREIN. OMMITION OF EMP CONDITIONS IN THE RULES BELOW IN NO WAY EXCUSES NON-COMPLIANCE TO THE EMP. 2.1 The site is to be kept as clean as possible of building rubble and general cleaning and good housekeeping practice must take place during building operations. The development pocket shall not cover more than 50% of the site. 2.2 The development pocket must be screened off on all sides, with black shade cloth 1,4m high, and 85% density, and must remain screened at all times during building operations. Proper fencing materials should be used. Corner posts, y-standards every 4 meters etc. to achieve same as per photo below. 2.3 No concrete, cement or other building materials may be stored, or mixed or prepared on any of the roadways, curbs and pavements or on the remainder of the site that does not form part of the development pocket. Concrete / cement to be mixed at designated area on building site only.

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21/01/2010 Revision 4

2.4 Materials, which are off-loaded, by a supplier or Contractor may not encroach onto the adjacent site, the pavement or roadway or onto the remainder of the site that does not form part of the development pocket. Where suppliers fail to adhere to this, the responsible Contractor shall move the materials accordingly. The Contractor is also responsible for removal of any sand or rubble that may have washed or moved off the development pocket onto the road. 2.5 The Contractor is to ensure that the roads and the vicinity of his house site is always kept neat and tidy, including materials or mud spoil being driven or dropped onto the road or sidewalk. 2.6 The Contractor shall provide adequate facilities for rubbish / building rubble collection and disposal by way of a skip bin and ensure that the workers use the provided facilities for rubbish disposal and that the rubbish is removed once the skip bin is full. No rubbish may be burnt or buried on site. No form of paper, cement bags, tile off cuts, ceiling boards, roof tiles, rubble, or the like is to be left lying around, nor be allowed to blow off the site. 2.7 Accumulation of hardcore for fill shall be neatly piled. With the HOA’s consent on-site disposal dump or spoil zones may be arranged within the development pocket.

2.8 Contractors shall ensure special care in their handling, disposal and cleaning up operations, with particular note to paint, tile grout, tile adhesive, cement and rhinolite, chemicals, oil and fuel, etc. Special preventative controls must be taken to avoid spillage of any kind. 2.9 Fires for cooking or other purposes will not be permitted, and Contractors shall ensure approved alternative meal arrangements are made. Contractors must ensure that their employees make no fires for heating purposes. 2.10 The Contractor shall provide approved portable chemical toilets for the workers. Adjacent construction sites may share toilets if approved by the HOA. Toilets and changing facilities shall be suitably positioned and kept hygienic. 2.11 Only one standard builder’s/architect’s board as purchased from the HOA shall be erected per site, and such board is to be erected neatly in the corner of each site. Boards are to be maintained in plumb and level position throughout the contract, and must be removed immediately after completion of each house construction. 2.12 No Contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers or advertising boards of any kind will be Allowed on the site. 2.13 Construction materials may not be allowed to visibly accumulate on the house site but should be stored in the builder’s yard. 2.14 The certificate of completion by the HOA includes for the site to be entirely cleared of all rubble, surplus materials, and be impeccably clean, the verge re-installed and all damage repaired, all to the satisfaction of the HOA. 2.15 Upon submission of building plans, a building performance deposit of R 5000.00 will be deposited and held in trust (free of interest) by the HOA. 2.16 The deposit amount will be used in event there is a breach or non-performance to

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21/01/2010 Revision 4

remove rubble or make good any damage caused by the Contractor or his sub-contractors or suppliers, including kerbing, landscaping, community services, roads, irrigation etc. and for any outstanding spot fines on completion of the building. 2.17 The deposit will be forfeited if there is any non-compliance or breach of any or all of the provisions of the Architectural and Landscaping Guidelines by the owner, contractor or subcontractors or suppliers and fines will be drawn against this amount for breaches of the EMP. 2.18 The building performance deposit shall be released once clause the certificate of completion by the HOA has been issued and the Local Authority’s certificate of compliance and occupancy has been issued. 2.19 Contractor vehicles shall not be parked or left in the road, or park on the grass (swales), but should park within the screened designated development pocket of each site. 2.20 No “Site Office’s” will be allowed on the building site.

2.21 Should the building Contractor not make use of the space available in the Builder’s Yard (Renting of

a unit) the Contractor will ensure that all staff arrive fully clothed, and leave the site fully clothed. No areas

on Monaghan Farm will be used for staff to change into other clothes.

2.22 Payment of fines shall be made directly to the Monaghan Farm Home Owners Association within 7

days of being fined, should no appeal be made to the MFHOA.

2.23 Access to the building site will be denied should fines be outstanding for 30 days or more.

2.24 Contractors staff must wear clearly identifiable overalls (company logo), or specific colour overalls as

agreed with the MFHOA.

2.25 All contractor’s staff are to remain within the screened off area at all times, and may not roam the


2.26 The principal contractor needs to ensure that he at all times has a copy of the council

approved building plans as well as any approved (Monaghan Aesthetics Committee) VO’s on-site.

2.27 The contractor shall provide adequate ablution facilities within the screened off area. (1 Toilet for

every 20 staff)

2.28 Landscaping contractors will also be bound by these rules and regulations, as well as the EMP.

2.29 No physical construction (including stripping of top soil) may commence before the following is in


Copy of Tshwane approved building plans received by MFHOA. Should the plans be awaiting

approval by council, the home owner will be allowed to only perform the bulk earthworks.

Building operations will have to be halted after the bulk earthworks if council have not yet

approved the plans.

Screening completed as per 2.2 of this document.

Builder’s / Architectural sign erected as per 2.11 of this document.

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21/01/2010 Revision 4

Ablution facilities to be in place as per 2.26 of this document.

Provide a SDP (Site Development Plan) showing the complete layout of the building site,

providing for mixing area, storage of bricks sand etc. Such SDP must also be available on

site on demand.