ten sentence errors

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Ten Sentence Errors. Exit quiz.  1.__ Many home owners in the northern states use a window sealant , for it will prevent heat loss in the winter. A. for it will prevent B. in which it will prevent C. that will prevent D. for the prevention of E. being able to prevent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Fourteen Sentence Errors

Ten Sentence Errors1Exit quiz1.__ Many home owners in the northern states use a window sealant, for it will prevent heat loss in the winter.A. for it will preventB. in which it will preventC. that will preventD. for the prevention ofE. being able to prevent2.__ Yoni would have been able to avoid the extreme cold air of the Montana winter morning if he had awokenA B Clater. No error. D E3.__The internet is becoming an indispensable part of everyday life, but there is not much use in the developing world.A. life, but there is not much use in the developing worldB. life, but in the developing world there is not much useC. life but it is not used much in the developing worldD. life, but use in the developing world is not muchE. life, but using it is not done much in the developing world4.__ Similar to William Shakespeare were the works of Christopher Marlowe, which included plays, poetry, and translations of ancient works into English.A. Similar to William Shakespeare were the works of Christopher Marlowe, whichB. Similar to Williams Shakespeares works were those of Christopher Marlow, whichC. Similar to William Shakespeare was Christopher Marlowe, whoD. Similarly to William Shakespeares works were those of Christopher Marlowe, whichE. Similar to William Shakespeares works were those of Christopher Marlowe, where they5.__ Having plenty of training, my errors in judgment during my first day on the job were few.A. my errors in judgment during my first day on the job were fewB. I made few errors in judgment during my first day on the jobC. there were few errors in the judgment I used during my first day on the jobD. my first day on the job, I made few errors in judgmentE. the judgment I used during my first day on the job had few errors2Items thrown in conjunction must be parallel: word, phrase, clause1. At the gate they tried both persuasion and to force their way in. A BC D No error. E2. According to my teacher, my composition revealed exceptional A B C creative ability but that I make too many spelling errors. No error. D E1. Parallelism (368)3Parallel Words, Phrases, ClausesWords:My favorite activities are swimming, skating, and dancing

Phrases:Books enable me to see the world and to imagine better worlds.

Clauses:My friends attend school, because they like to make new friends, because they want to play new sports, or because they love to learn new things.Typical Errors in Faulty ParallelismCorrelative Conjunctions: neithernor; eitheror; not onlybut alsoThe doors in the cottage were not only too narrow but also were too short.CorrectedThe doors in the cottage were not only too narrow but also too short.

Typical Errors in ParallelismCorrelative conjunctions:

Faulty parallelism:I was counseled to quit my job or ask for a higher wage.

C orrected:I was counseled either to quit my job or to ask for a higher wageFaulty ParallelismCorrelative conjunctions:


Either you leave town by the train or by the road.

Corrected:You leave town either by the train or by the road.Parallelism4. Hockey fans in the 1990s saw more violence on the rink than the 1950s and 1960s.A. thanB. than didC. than the hockey ofD. than with the fans inE. than did fans in8Faulty Parallelism5. She spent the day visiting all the tourist shops and watched the children on the beach, and then she went back to the hotel for a late lunch.watched the children on the beach, and then she went back to the hotel for a late lunch.watched the children on the beach, and then returned to the hotel.watching the children on the beach, and then she went back to the hotel for a late lunch.watching the children on the beach, and then she had returned to the hotel for a late lunch.Faulty parallelism6. The candidates goals include winning the election, a national health program, and the educational system.a. a national health program, and the educational system.b. to start a national health program, and creating an educational system.c. creating a national health program and improving the educational system.d. creating a nationa health program and to improve the educational system.

Faulty parallelism7. Some critics are not so much opposed to capital punishment as postponing it for so long.a. opposed to capital punishment as postponing it for so long.b. opposing capital punishment as to postpone it.c. opposed to capital punishment as postponed it for so long.d. opposed to capital punishment as they are to postponing it for so long.Parallelism5. The daily responsibilities of a law student are often as strenuous as a medical student.A. as a medical studentB. as those of a medical studentC. like a medical studentD. such as a medical studentE. like a medical student12Confusing adjectives6. This papers going pretty good, although Im not sure Ill be A B C done on time. No error.D E 7. No matter how careful kites are flown, they often get tangledA BC D in trees. No error. E

2. ModifiersAdverbs and Adjectives (583)13Modifiers: adjectives and adverbsMisuse in comparisons: comparative (better) superlative (best)

8. Of the two cars I drive, I like the Lamborghini Diablo best. AB C D No error. E9. Although both Laura and Ted wrote on the same topic, A B Lauras paper was longest. No error. C D E

1410. While the principal of the high school is relatively laid back, the A B vice principal is often accused to be too harsh with the students. No error. C D E11. Its vital to find out whether we will keep that spirit bright or let the light dim to keep the AB C boat from rocking. No error.(mixed metaphor is idiomatic error) D E12. When night fell they realized that it was so dark in there they couldnt hardly see A B C anything in the valley. No error. (hardly and scarcely are negatives) D E

3. Idioms and Negatives (319)1513. After Timmy dropped his filthy socks in the hamper, the offensive garment was washed by his long-suffering father.A. the offensive garment was washed by his long-suffering fatherB. his long-suffering father washed the offensive garmentC. the washing of the offensive garment took place by his long-suffering fatherD. long-suffering, the offensive garment was washed by his fatherE. he left the offensive garment for his long-suffering father who washed it

4. Passive Voice (575)1614. In the New England, deer are found only in sparsely populated areas, since such is the case, very few are ever seen by urban dwellers.A. since such is the case, very few are ever seen by urban dwellersB. and very few are ever seen by urban dwellers because of thatC. no more than a few are ever seen by urban dwellers as a resultD. the number ever seen by urban dwellers is very few for this reasonE. and so no more than a few are ever seen by urban dwellers.

5. Run-on sentences1715. While shopping for a birthday present for Anna, that was when Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mall.A. that was when Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mallB. Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mallC then Julies memory of the outlet malls clearance sale took placeD. the outlet malls clearance sale was what Julie rememberedE. a clearance sale at the outlet mall was remembered by Julie

6. Misplaced/dangling modifier (362-65)18Troublesome verbsTense shift (375)Conditional If clauses

7. Verb Tenses (419-421)19Verbs: Troublesome verbs: lie, lay, swim, drink16. On Saturday afternoon, I laid in the sun for an hour, working on my tan. A B C DNo error. E

17. Mark asked us how long we had swam in the pool before the police got there. A B C DNo error. E

18. When they opened the refrigerator in the morning for breakfast, they discovered that someone had A B C drank was left of the milk. No error D E

Lie, Lay, Lain (recline); Lay, Laid, Laid (place)Swim, Swam, SwumDrink, drank, drunk

20Tenses: Tense shift or sequencingTenses: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect

19. At swimming pools last summer, the heat will have brought hundreds and even A B thousands of people to bathe in chlorine-infested waters. No error.C D E

20. Walt would have done much better on the exam if he was present at our study A B C D sessions. No error. E

21. If Gary would have read the advertisements, he could have saved a hundred A B Cdollars on that camera. No error. D E

21Verbs: subjunctiveUsed in contrary to fact, or wishful thinking = were

22. If I was to see a movie with Mom and Dad, I would risk my reputation. A B C D No error. E23. If she was the captain of the team, we would be doing much better. No error. A B C D E

22Targets repeated terms or ideas.8. Concisenesswordiness (381)23Conciseness23. One way Cameron raised his math grade was because of doing the extra credit problems on his final exam.a. because of doing the extra credit problems on hisb. when he did the extra credit problems on hisc. through his doing of the extra credit problems on hisd. by its doing of the extra credit problems on hise. by doing the extra credit problems on his24Conciseness24. The teachers agreed to meet in a months time and they would discuss a number of issues affecting the school.A. to meet in a months time and they would discussB. to meet in a months time to discussC. to meeting in a months time, thereby discussingD. with meeting in a months time for discussing ofE. on the meeting in a months time to the discussing

252627Find the subject for every verbNeithernor; Eitheror

9. Subject-Verb Agreement (510)28Beware of introductoryor interrupting expressions 25. Even though Esther created a petition to protest the crowning of a Prom Queen, A Bthere is many people who refused to sign, saying they support the 1950s-era C Dtradition. No error. E29Subject-Verb: Beware of introductoryor interrupting expressionsSundaes with whipped cream and cherries, while good if consumed in moderation, ABis heinous if eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No error. C D E30Subject-verb: NeithernorNeither Kylie nor Jason measure up to Carrie. No error. A B C D E31AgreementCaseMe/I confusionMe/My with gerundPronoun shiftAmbiguous pronounsComparisons using pronouns

10. Pronouns (523)32Pronoun: Agreement

1. Every student at the party tried to look their best . No Error.A B C D E

2. Even though some possess the flexibility to put their legs over their heads, most Apeople vary in his or her ability to achieve this feat. No Error. BC D E

33Pronoun: case (subject, object, possessive)Pronoun case1. Despite the harried pace of the office, my secretarial staff and me were able to maintain a calm demeanor thanks A B C to our diligence and cooperation. No error. D EME/I confusion2. There is usually a haze of blue smoke surrounding Jesse and I in Chem lab, especially when we mix together A B Cchemicals of unknown origin. No error. D E

ME/MY (with gerund)3. When it comes to me studying for the math tests, concentration is my middle name. No Error. A B CD E34Pronoun: ME/I confusion

There is usually a haze of blue smoke surrounding Jesse and I in Chem lab, A Bespecially when we mix together chemicals of unknown origin. No error. C D E

35Pronoun: ME/MY (with gerund)When it comes to me studying for the math tests, concentration is my middle A B Cname. No Error. D E36Pronoun: Pronoun ShiftWhen one first begins to arm wrestle, its important to work on ones endurance A Band to make your biceps appear formidable. No error. C DE37

Pronoun: Ambiguous Pronoun ReferenceSarah told Emma that she had a serious foot odor problem, and that medicated A B C spray might help. No error. D E38Pronoun: ComparisonsIm much stronger than her, which is good, because it means Ill dominate this A B C Dwrestling match. No error. E39Exit quiz1. Universities today offer a large number of courses, and it has improved the quality of education.a. a large number of courses, and it hasb. a great deal of courses, and that isc. so many courses: it is, therefored. so many courses that they havee. so many courses, which they have been2. The cake recipe called for sugar, and Chad used a sugar substitutea b instead since he wanted to lower the cakes calorie count. No error. cde40Exit quiz3. The other students and her felt unprepared when tested on facts ab c dnot learned in class. No error. e4. Although their research was neither original or current, the doctors ab c d received grant money from the university. No error. e5. Reaching a weight of up to 100 tons, the great blue whale is likely the a b c largest mammal currently in existence. No error. d e41