teks speech

 Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. F irst of all, let’s exspress our endless gratitude to Allah that until this moment we are still endowed with faith and Islam that we are still able to praise Him on His earth. Our he arty alawat and alam also goes to Our prophet !uhammad AW . In this good "han"e, I would like to deli#er my spee"h by title $%o# e !onkey&. Why is there a term $lo#e monkey& ' What to do with a monkey ' (o one knows the origin of this term . (one of the di"tionaries that relate to animal monkey . )ut many people who de*ne $l o#e monkey& is lo#e + roman"e teenagers in their age that "ould be "onsidered young . unior high is a good period into a fun time when the $lo#e monkey& blossomed . - een world is uniue , a million e#ents o""ur and are often "reated with great ideas and interesting . One of the interesting things happening in the world is a trend dating teen or often "alled $lo#e monkey& , it is popular with some teenagers . $lo#e monkey& and dating were related and arguably one meaning . ome are de*ning dating is an e#ent to going out /ust as the label 0 I ha#e a boyfriend and "an boost self+"on*den"e 0 . Or dating is an important thing be"ause we had a dating with someone who "an help us in addressing the issues life . a""tualy it depends on the de*nition of dating thought e#ery person , there is "onsidered important as for whi"h "onsiders unimportant . In an"ient times they were already ha#ing $lo#e monkey& seem shy when there are people who know that they are in a relationship more than friends . It is in#ersely proportional to the "hild1s "urrent style "rush . Instead, they proudly spit $lo#e monkey& relationship . A"tually, many fa"tors that lead to "hildren ha#ing $lo#e monkey& with the opposite sex . Among other things 2 3. -he *r st $tr end& . 4ating is "o nsider ed a tr end amo ng the students , and if they do not ha#e a girlfriend , the "hild looks up trend. 5. hame wi th frien ds who ha #e boy friends , while we do not ha #e a girlfriend . A"tually we do not ha#e to feel embarrassed when we do not ha#e a boyfriend . Instead we should be proud be"ause we "an still keep our passions to the opposite sex . 6. 7i"t im soap opera . Fo r those st udents who lik es to wat" h soap oper as sometimes their minds terforsir in soap operas . o it is not un"ommon among those who went along with a lot of "ourtship as in soap operas . 8. 9ise in interes t be"aus e of physi "al appe aran"e , abilities : smart ; , "hara"teristi" or trait , for example patient, "ompassionate , humorous , and others . A""ording to experts , most of the men at *rst sight more interested in physi"al appearan"e . While women are more due to the "hara"teristi"s or ability owned the $lo#e monkey& . <. %a" k of a=e "ti on fr om those around hi m .

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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.First of all, lets exspress our endless gratitude to Allah that until this moment we are still endowed with faith and Islam that we are still able to praise Him on His earth. Our hearty Salawat and Salam also goes to Our prophet Muhammad SAW.In this good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by titleLove Monkey.Why is there a term love monkey ? What to do with a monkey ? No one knows the origin of this term . None of the dictionaries that relate to animal monkey . But many people who define love monkey is love - romance teenagers in their age that could be considered young . Junior high is a good period into a fun time when the love monkey blossomed . Teen world is unique , a million events occur and are often created with great ideas and interesting . One of the interesting things happening in the world is a trend dating teen or often called love monkey , it is popular with some teenagers . love monkey and dating were related and arguably one meaning . Some are defining dating is an event to going out just as the label " I have a boyfriend and can boost self-confidence " . Or dating is an important thing because we had a dating with someone who can help us in addressing the issues life . acctualy it depends on the definition of dating thought every person , there is considered important as for which considers unimportant .In ancient times they were already having love monkey seem shy when there are people who know that they are in a relationship more than friends . It is inversely proportional to the child's current style crush . Instead, they proudly spit love monkey relationship .Actually, many factors that lead to children having love monkey with the opposite sex . Among other things :1. The first trend . Dating is considered a trend among the students , and if they do not have a girlfriend , the child looks up trend.2. Shame with friends who have boyfriends , while we do not have a girlfriend . Actually we do not have to feel embarrassed when we do not have a boyfriend . Instead we should be proud because we can still keep our passions to the opposite sex .3. Victim soap opera . For those students who likes to watch soap operas sometimes their minds terforsir in soap operas . So it is not uncommon among those who went along with a lot of courtship as in soap operas .4. Rise in interest because of physical appearance , abilities ( smart ) , characteristic or trait , for example patient, compassionate , humorous , and others . According to experts , most of the men at first sight more interested in physical appearance . While women are more due to the characteristics or ability owned the love monkey .5. Lack of affection from those around him .6. Family environment . For example , the child is often seen dating older siblings or alone at home , so that this child was also wants to have a boyfriend .7. Lack of faith and piety . The lack of knowledge of the students that dating / love monkeys is forbidden in the religion of Islam .8. Students sometimes feel bored with life mediocre , too bored with the atmosphere of learning and want to get a new sensation . Teenagers do have a curiosity very large . It is no wonder , if a student wants to know what it's like to have a boyfriend . Perhaps the feeling of having a girlfriend they would be happier and more colorful life not only with regard to learning .9. Want to have people with whom to confide . Sometimes , children often feel embarrassed if they want to confide in their parents . So they prefer to find a girlfriend for a place to vent .10. And the last factor is the factor of feeling . Many of the students were not able to bury his eye towards the opposite sex . They do not want to lose with rivals like also with people he likes . So the boy decided to establish puppy love .Many factors that affect the youth to establish a monkey is a lot of love . More than 60 % of students had ever even today is in a puppy love . Actually love monkey relationship is often called dating cause various effects .Negative impact, is : Dating can lead to sex free (free-sex). Can lower the learning achievement. For example, when the time to learn but not to learn, even used to play facebook, BBM, Twitter, Messages, etc. Raises many sins.How to overcome the negative impact of dating, is : Provide the means to actualize teen spot talent and potential. Using aspects of religion. In this case adolescents should consider the religious aspect.It required the cooperation of various parties to our friends and all teenagers do not fall into unhealthy dating that leads to free sex . Only that all wich can I say to all of you and I hope in this speech there are some adventage for us, if I have any mistake in my speech I hope you can forgive me. Thanks for you attentionsWaalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr . Wb .Pertama-tama , mari kita Exspress rasa syukur kita kepada Allah tak berujung bahwa sampai saat ini kita masih diberkahi dengan iman dan Islam bahwa kita masih mampu untuk memuji-Nya di bumi -Nya . Hangat kami Salawat dan Salam juga pergi ke Nabi kita Muhammad SAW .Dalam kesempatan yang baik ini , saya ingin menyampaikan pidato saya dengan judul " Cinta Monyet " .Mengapa ada istilah " cinta monyet " ? Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan monyet ? Tidak ada yang tahu asal-usul istilah ini . Tak satu pun dari kamus yang berhubungan dengan monyet hewan . Tapi banyak orang yang mendefinisikan " cinta monyet " adalah cinta - remaja asmara di usia mereka yang bisa dibilang muda . SMP adalah masa yang baik menjadi menyenangkan waktu ketika " cinta monyet " berkembang . Dunia remaja adalah unik , satu juta peristiwa terjadi dan sering diciptakan dengan ide-ide besar dan menarik . Salah satu hal yang menarik terjadi di dunia adalah remaja tren kencan atau sering disebut " cinta monyet " , sangat populer dengan beberapa remaja . " Cinta monyet " dan kencan yang terkait dan bisa dibilang salah satu makna . Beberapa mendefinisikan kencan merupakan ajang untuk pergi keluar seperti label " Saya punya pacar dan dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri " . Atau kencan merupakan hal penting karena kami memiliki kencan dengan seseorang yang dapat membantu kita dalam mengatasi masalah kehidupan . sebenarnya itu tergantung pada definisi kencan pikir setiap orang , ada dianggap penting karena yang menganggap tidak penting .Pada zaman kuno mereka sudah memiliki " cinta monyet " tampak malu ketika ada orang yang tahu bahwa mereka berada dalam suatu hubungan lebih dari teman . Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan gaya saat menghancurkan anak . Sebaliknya , mereka dengan bangga meludah " cinta monyet " hubungan .Sebenarnya , banyak faktor yang menyebabkan anak-anak memiliki " cinta monyet " dengan lawan jenis . Antara lain :1. Pertama " trend " . Kencan dianggap sebagai tren di kalangan mahasiswa , dan jika mereka tidak punya pacar , anak terlihat up trend .2. Malu dengan teman-teman yang punya pacar , sementara kita tidak punya pacar 2 . . Sebenarnya kita tidak perlu merasa malu ketika kita tidak punya pacar . Sebaliknya kita harus bangga karena kita masih bisa menjaga nafsu kita dengan lawan jenis .3. Sinetron Korban . Bagi siswa yang suka menonton sinetron kadang-kadang pikiran mereka terforsir sinetron . Sehingga tidak jarang di antara mereka yang pergi bersama dengan banyak pacaran seperti dalam sinetron .4. Kenaikan bunga karena penampilan fisik , kemampuan ( pintar ) , karakteristik atau sifat , misalnya pasien , penyayang , lucu , dan lain-lain . Menurut para ahli , sebagian besar pria pada pandangan pertama lebih tertarik pada penampilan fisik . Sementara perempuan lebih karena karakteristik atau kemampuan yang dimiliki para " cinta monyet " .5. Kurangnya kasih sayang dari orang-orang di sekelilingnya 5 . .6. Lingkungan keluarga . Misalnya, anak sering terlihat berkencan kakak atau sendirian di rumah , sehingga anak ini juga ingin punya pacar .7. Kurangnya iman dan taqwa 7 . . Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang siswa yang kencan / cinta monyet dilarang dalam agama Islam .8. Siswa terkadang merasa bosan dengan kehidupan biasa-biasa saja , terlalu bosan dengan suasana belajar dan ingin mendapatkan sensasi baru . Remaja memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang sangat besar . Hal ini tidak mengherankan , jika seorang siswa ingin tahu apa rasanya punya pacar . Mungkin perasaan memiliki pacar mereka akan lebih bahagia dan lebih berwarna hidup tidak hanya berkaitan dengan pembelajaran .9. Ingin memiliki orang-orang dengan siapa untuk curhat . Kadang-kadang , anak-anak sering merasa malu jika mereka ingin curhat orang tua mereka . Jadi mereka lebih memilih untuk mencari pacar untuk tempat curhat .10. Dan faktor terakhir adalah faktor perasaan . Banyak siswa tidak mampu mengubur matanya terhadap lawan jenis . Mereka tidak mau kalah dengan rival seperti juga dengan orang-orang yang dia suka . Jadi anak itu memutuskan untuk mendirikan cinta monyet .

Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pemuda untuk membentuk monyet adalah banyak cinta . Lebih dari 60 % siswa telah pernah bahkan hari ini berada dalam cinta anjing . Sebenarnya " cinta monyet " hubungan sering disebut berkencan menyebabkan berbagai efek .Dampak negatif , adalah : Kencan dapat menyebabkan seks bebas ( seks bebas ) . Dapat menurunkan prestasi belajar . Misalnya, ketika waktu untuk belajar tetapi tidak untuk belajar , bahkan digunakan untuk bermain Facebook , BBM , Twitter , Pesan, dll Meningkatkan banyak dosa .Bagaimana mengatasi dampak negatif dari kencan , adalah : Menyediakan sarana untuk mengaktualisasikan remaja tempat bakat dan potensi . Menggunakan aspek agama . Dalam hal ini remaja harus mempertimbangkan aspek agama .Untuk itu diperlukan kerja sama dari berbagai pihak untuk teman-teman kita dan semua remaja tidak jatuh ke dalam kencan yang tidak sehat yang mengarah ke seks bebas. Hanya itulah yang dapat saya sampaikan kepada Anda semua dan saya berharap dalam pidato ada manfaatnya untuk kita semua, jika saya tersapat kesalahan dalam pidato saya ini, saya harap Anda bisa untuk memaafkannya. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.

Wa'alaikumsalam Wr . Wb .