tehnologii de ardere biomasa

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Post on 13-Oct-2015




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cum se poate arde biomasa


  • Tehnologii inovative pentru arderea ecologic i eficient a biomasei

    Aplicaii n dezvoltarea durabil a

    comunitilor rurale i urbane

    Autor: Inventator Iuliean HORNE

    S.C. Ecohornet S.R.L. Romania

  • POLUAREA NE UCIDE MAI REPEDE decat vom reusi noi sa cheltuim banii castigati in boom-ul

    economic, pe solutii de salvare a mediului in care traim.

    Smok la Beijing

    Raportul O.M.S. pentru anul 2012 - 7 milioane de decese

    premature anual sunt legate de poluarea aerului, iar peste 150 milioane in incapacitate de munca

  • POLUAREA provoaca pierderi in PIB-ul tarilor

    Pe termen scurt afecteaza bugetele guvernamentale cu

    cheltuieli pentru repararea efectelor dezastrelor ecologice:

    - Servicii de sanatate pentru persoanele afectate;

    - Pagube materiale;

    - Decontaminari;

    - Pierderea fortei de munca;

    - Decese premature.

  • POLUAREA costa mai mult decat putem plati

    Pe termen lung, efectele poluarii sunt devastatoare:

    - Creste frecventa evenimentelor meteorologice extreme;

    - Duce la schimbari climatice ireversibile;

    - Afecteaza agricultura si productia de alimente;

    - Scade disponibilitatea de apa dulce;

    - Creste incidenta bolilor,a bolii de cancer, si mai ales, la persoane cu

    varste tot mai mici;

    - Determina migratia populatiei din zonele afectate catre alte zone,

    suprapopularea acestora si, implicit, aparitia de noi zone poluate.

  • Cauza nr. 1 in producerea gazelor cu efect de

    sera o reprezinta arderea combustibililor fosili

    2013, emisii CO2 in atmosfera:

    22.5 miliarde tone 2012 + 400 ppm

    2050, Populatia Terrei

    va creste cu 50%, necesarul de energie cu 60%

    Daca vom polua in acest ritm, in 2050 emisiile de CO2 (+700

    ppm)vor depasi 40 miliarde tone/an.


  • Cauza nr. 2 in producere gazelor cu efect

    de sera: defrisarea padurilor 20%

    Vom taia de 10 ori mai mult din suprafata impadurita a planetei pentru a fabrica peleti albi (curati) necesari tehnologiilor de ardere invechite, neperformante ?

    Organizatia pentru Agricultura si Alimentatie a Natiunilor Unite estimeaza ca in doar 5 ani 2000- 2005 au fost pierdute, in medie,12.9 milioane hectare de paduri, in special in America de Sud, Africa, Asia dar si in Europa (Romania detine primul locul la defrisari, circa 4 ha/h). Acestor defrisari le sunt asociate si productia de energie termica, cogenerare si trigenerare cu instalatii pe biomasa, scumpe, neperformante si poluante.

    Se estimeaza o crestere de aproape 10 ori a cosumului de peleti pana in 2020.

  • Ce este de facut? Folosirea pe scara larga a tehnologiilor curate si imbunatatirea

    eficientei consumatorului final

    Evaluarile economice indica faptul ca fuga de raspundere are costuri care vor depasi de cateva ori costul actiunilor de prevenire.

    Guvernele pot juca un rol major in motivarea sectorului privat pentru al determina sa investeasca in tehnologii inovatoare, oferindu-le stimulente clare, previzibile, durabile si consistente. Guvernele se pot folosi de o gama larga de politici si metode pentru a combate schimbarile climatice, incluzand aici regulamente si standarde, taxe si accize, licente comerciale, acorduri voluntare, subventii, stimulente financiare, programe de cercetare si dezvoltare si instrumente de informare.

    La nivel international si national, guvernele sa inteleaga ca, schimbarile climatice sunt o prioritate, ca trebuie sa asigure mediului de afaceri anumite directii de actiune. si pe baza unor astfel de directii, mediul de afaceri va investi cu incredere in tehnologiile si strategiile necesare.

  • E timpul sa fim ECO, sa gandim de doua ori inainte de a face ceva, si cand o facem, sa fie ECOlogic

    si sa fie ECOnomic si sa aiba ECOu si asupra celorlati!

    Si putem incepe chiar acum...

    Sa ne obligam la o viata ECOnomica, sa avem o conduita ECOlogica, pentru a ne ajuta pe noi

    insine sa supravietuim in confruntarea pe viata si pe moarte pe care o ducem...

    tot cu noi!(Ramona Panaite)

  • o nou abordare n dezvoltarea durabil a zonelor rurale i urbane prin conversia biomasei:

    gunoaie, resturi si deseuri vegetale, agricole, forestiere, silvice, agrozootehnice,

    selectie de deseuri menajere combustibile, plante energetice, tocatura lemnoasa, n

    special a lemnului degradat si uscat din padurile si terenurile necultivate, chiar si

    pe cele cu un continut mare de siliciu, rumegus de lemn sau in amestec etc.,

    granulata prin compactare sub forma de peleti, granule curate, fara miros, nontoxice,

    nealterabile, in cea mai ieftina si curata energie termica si electrica, utiliznd echipamente de

    foarte nalt performan, licentiate sub marca ecoHORNET, fabricate n Romnia de S.C.

    Ecohornet S.R.L

    Eu, Iuliean Hornet,




    va propun:

  • buruieni neselectate

    anghinare,culturi perene

    toaletarea solului

    selectie deseuri menagere

    miscanthus salcie energetica

    paie de grau, orz, ovaz

    resturi, deseuri vegetale

    deseuri hartie, carton

    asternuturi cu dejectii

    srot, coji, tulpini floarea soarelui

    corzi vita de vie, deseuri

    rumegus, resturi conifere rumegus, resturi foioase

  • BIOMASA Combustibilul viitorului

    Compactarea biomasei in peleti asigura depoluarea imediata a solului, aerului si apei.

    Producerea energiei termice si electrice din biomasa si folosirea la scara larga in toate sectoarele, asigura in mare masura independenta energetica a statelor.

    Arderea prin incinerare la peste 1250C a

    peletilor din biomasa, cu cel mai scazut nivel al

    emisiilor poluante, face din acest combustibil, o

    solutie incontestabila a viitorului energetic al

    planetei alaturi de energia sezoniera produsa de

    soare, apa si vant.

  • Echipamentele ecoHORNET au fost concepute de inventator pentru:

    conversia biomasei , in mod eficient, economic si ecologic in energie

    termica si electrica

    creaza premisele dezvoltarii industriei verzi, se creaza milioane de locuri

    de munca in sectoare economice ca: industria, agricultura, transportul,

    serviciile. (Romania. 1.000.000 locuri de munca )

    asigura independenta energetica la nivelul familiei, administratiilor locale,

    la nivel national.

    salveaza suprafetele impadurite de la defrisari

    inlocuieste combustibilii fosili

    genereaza depoluarea imediata a solului, apei si aerului prin conversia

    deseurilor in combustibili regenerabili (peleti) si apoi in energie.

  • Nu da foc la deseuri ! 2 kg peleti = 1 mc gaz, 1 litru motorina, 4 kg lemne.

    Nu taia padurea !

    Energia pentru incalzire , apa calda si electricitate o produci

    zilnic, se afla in gospodaria ta, pe terenul tau, te inconjoara de

    peste tot, este ieftina si ecologica, si te invita sa o folosesti.

    Aceste gunoaie, resturi i deeuri care, astzi, zac mai peste tot i

    sufoc prin poluare mediul nconjurtor, constituie un combustibil ideal

    pentru arztoarele incineratoare ecoHORNET si, aceasta, datorit

    tehnologiei de ardere de foarte mare performan ce integreaza

    simultan procese precum gazeificare, condensare, ardere directa,

    incinerare, post ardere i transfer de cldur optimizat. Sistemele

    includ automatizarea total a procesului i sunt concepute pentru a opera

    cu un nivel foarte mic al emisiilor.

  • Tehnologia de ardere si echipamentele ecoHORNET

    pe peleti produc cel mai ieftin MW

    - ecoHORNET produce 1 MW

    - -cu 190 kg peleti (5,6kw/kg) = 30 euro/MW (150 euro/to).

    - -cu 230 kg peleti (4,6kw/kg) = 9,2 euro/MW (40 euro/to peleti

    - din deseuri proprii)

    - de 1,5-2,5 ori mai mic decat cel obtinut cu GAZ NATURAL

    - de 3-4 ori mai mic decat cel obtinut de sistemele centralizate, CET-uri;

    - de 2-3 ori mai mic decat cel obtinut cu PROPAN, GPL si CLU;

    - de 4-5 ori mai mic decat cel obtinut cu curent ELECTRIC si MOTORINA.

    Costul energiei este si mai scazut daca utilizatorii isi produc peletii din propriile


    = 4,7 ori (diesel 1,4 euro/L/11kw- peleti 0,30euro/2kg/11kw(150euro/to)

    = 15.5 ori (diesel 1,4 euro/L/11kw- peleti 0,09 euro/2,3kg/11kw(40euro/to)

  • Certified Performances of ecoHORNET Boilers











































    ral G







    on N




    80-85 83-89

    89-92 94-97

    Efficiency of Boilers

    Efficiency: 94-97 % Emissions CO : 0-100 mg/m

    Particulate emissions: < 7.4 mg/Nm VOC emissions < 10mg/Nm

  • Tehnologia de ardere ecoHORNET a fost creata sa sprijine:

    acetia putndu-i valorifica cu mare rentabilitate, gunoaiele, resturile i deeurile, cu o investitie minima.

    - productorii agricoli;

    - procesatorii de lemn;

    - procesatorii de resturi i deeuri menajere;

    - cresctorii de animale i psri;

    - cultivatorii de plante energetice;

    - administratiile locale, regionale si statale;

    - gospodariile familiale;

  • Aplicand propria tehnologie am realizat 3 echipamente cu performante superioare

    - Centrale termice cu peleti

    20 kW - 500 kw(1MW);

    - Arzatoare cu peleti tip injector

    20 kW - 500 kw(1MW);

    - Arzatoare cu peleti tip injector cu tuburi radiante

    20 kW - 75 kw.


  • ecoHORNET Centrale Termice cu Peleti

    Centralele termice ecoHORNET 20 - 500 kW (1 MW), (puteri mai mari, cu montaj in cascada), acoper, n totalitate, necesarul de cldur i apa cald pentru sectorul civil i industrial.

    Pot fi utilizate la: blocurile de locuinte, locuintele individuale, birouri, scoli, spitale, hoteluri, cladiri

    administrative, hale, sere, crescatorii de pasari i purcei, sali de sport, piscine, terenuri de fotbal, sau

    in orice fel de incinta care impune asigurarea unui regim termic adecvat si folosirea apei calde.

  • Sere incalzite cu centrale termice ecoHORNET

    Sera 1000mp, productie de flori, Slatina, Olt, incalzire in sol Primul oras plin de flori timpurii din Romania

    Sera 400mp, pentru cresterea florilor in ghivece Chiajna, Ilfov

    Sera 300 mp, pentru cultura de legume, Gaesti, Giurgiu Sera 2000 furnizor florarii, Floresti, Giurgiu

  • Hotel Larisa Busteni (2x80kw=160kw)

    Pensiuni Iulcover, Ramif Pestera, jud Dambovita ( 60+60+80kw=200kw)

    Club Spa G, hotel si Piscina semi-olimpica, Breaza, Prahova (3x60kw=180kw)

    Hoteluri si pensiuni

  • Cladiri de apartamente

    Locuinte de serviciu Corabia, Olt, 2 x 60 Kw (functionare in cascada)

    Bloc de apartamente, 13 etaje, Bucuresti, 2 x 150 Kw (functionare in cascada)

  • Cladiri municipale

    Cinema si sala de spectacole, Resita, Caras Severin, 1800 m, 22000m, 600 locuri, incalzire cu tevi cu aripioare, -2 x 100 Kw(functionare in cascada), -1 x 60 Kw, tub radiant pentru incalzirea scenei

    Scoala generala Brebeni, Olt(20kw)

  • Ferma de vaci de lapte Calarasi, 1 x 100 kw, incalzirea aparatelor de muls, a sediului si preparare apa calda la 90C

    Aplicatii in zootehnie

  • Un proiect inovativ

    Statia de beton Aedificia Carpati Incalzirea cu costuri reduse a sorturilor si producere apa calda necesara la fabricarea betonului cu centrale termice ecoHORNET. Astfel, beneficiarul produce beton pe timpul iernii.

  • ecoHORNET Premiera mondiala!

    Arzatoare cu peleti cu tuburi radiante

    cea mai eficienta solutie de incalzire a spatiilor inalte

    3 in 1= 99% randament incalzeste simultan:

    - prin radiatie

    - cu aer cald

    - produce apa calda de consum

    Destinat spatiilor inalte:

    Hale industriale


    Sali de sport

    Centre expozitionale


  • Un alt proiect inovativ

    Aceasta companie produce celule din beton pentru transformatoare electrice. Pe timpul iernii circa 3 luni, compania oprea activitatea si concedia muncitorii deoarece era imposibil de incalzit hala de productie h=15m la temperatura de uscare a betonului. EcoHORNET a montat un arzator pe peleti cu tuburi radiante mobil, ATR 60- 60kw U 12 ml. Astfel, in 8 ore se executa 4 turnari a 200 mp, circa 800 mp placile de beton, cu un cost de doar 10 euro Compania poate sa-si desfasoare activitatea si pe timpul iernii.

  • ecoHORNET O noua premiera! Arzator tip injector pe peleti


    Centrale termice,

    Generatoare aer cald,

    Cazane cu abur,

    Cazane cu ulei diatermic,

    Cuptoare de paine,

    Uscatoare de cereale,

    Produce energie electrica cu motoare stirling, turbine abur, etc.

    Putere 20 500 kW Inlocuieste cu succes injectoarele si arzatoarele pe: gaz,

    motorina, ulei, pacura, CLU, GPL etc.

  • Cateva aplicatii ale

    arzatoarelor ecoHORNET pe peleti tip injector

    Arzator tip injector ecoHORNET montat pe cazan pe lemne Bosch Eficienta lemn uscat 65%/34kw

    Eficienta peleti 92%/50kw Curatire cazan la 2 ani Arzator tip injector ecoHORNET AHP 200 kw montat pe

    generator aer cald Master 220 kW-Debit 12.500 mc/h la 70C ( A fost inlocuit injectorul pe motorina 200 Kw)

    Cost de exploatare: motorina 20L x 1,4 Euro = 28 Euro/ora, peleti = 40 kg x 0,12 = 4,8 Euro/ora (120 Euro/tona)

    Arzator tip injector ecoHORNET montat pe cazan pe gaze Buderus

    Eficienta gaze 78%/145kw Eficienta peleti 95%/200kw

  • Cateva aplicatii

    ale arzatoarelor ecoHORNET pe peleti tip injector

    Doua arzatoare tip injector ecoHORNET

    AHP 500 KW montate la un uscator de

    cereale Silos Cordoba, Adunatii Copaceni,

    jud. Giurgiu

    Beneficiarul instalatiei are in plan sa-si

    produca el insusi peletii din paie si resturi


  • Beneficiile

    aplicarii tehnologiei ecoHORNET

    - Minimalizarea emisiilor poluante rezultate din procesul de ardere.

    - Renuntarea la utilizarea padurilor pentru incalzire si fabricarea peletilor

    - Independenta energetica a localitatilor, regiunilor fiecare isi produce combustibilul de care are nevoie din propriile deseuri.

    - Creste gradul de ocupare al fortei de munca prin cooptare in procesul de

    colectare deseuri, producere distributie peleti, transport si service, producere si instalare; prese de peleti, echipamente de producerea energie

    termice si electrice ecoHORNET, service si mentenanta, etc. (100 tone de

    peleti consumati, creaza 3-4 locuri de munca, permanente, bine renumerate)

    - Elimina total combustibilii fosili, poluati si scumpi, produce energie termica

    si electrica in mod eficient, economic si ecologic cu ajutorul celei mai

    abundente bogati a Planetei BIOMASA.


    Prin utilizarea tehnologiei de ardere ecoHORNET, BIOMASA (peleti) a devenit o surs de energie: eficient i inepuizabil, economica i independent, ecologic i inteligent, permite elaborarea i aplicarea de strategii de independen energetic a comunitilor, crearea de locuri de munc, reducerea polurii n ritm accelerat(50%), reducerea pn la eliminare a utilizrii combustiblilor fosili i ne scutete de griji pe noi, dar mai ales generaiile viitoare, cnd va fi foarte important ct poluam i va fi foarte costisitor s polum.

    ECOHORNET SRL Autostrada A1 km. 13.2, iesire Ciorogarla, strada Italia, nr. 4, Chiajna, Ilfov , Romania

    Mobil: +40 745 050 050, +40 740 888 085, Fax: +40 21 351 58 64

    E-mail: [email protected], www.ecohornet.ro

    Acum, in Romania, energia provoaca saracie. Eu nu simt ca guvernul meu cheltuie banii mei pentru a-mi asigura un viitor.

  • Innovative Technologies for Ecological and Efficient Combustion of the Biomass

    Applications in the Sustainable

    Development of Rural and Urban Communities

    Author: Mr. Iuliean HORNE, inventor

    S.C. Ecohornet S.R.L. Romania


    KILLS US FASTER than we will be able to spend the money earned in the

    economic boom on solutions for saving our environment.

    Smog in Beijing

    The World Health Report 2012 - 7 million premature deaths per

    year are linked to air pollution, and over 150 million people

    are faced with the inability to work.

  • POLLUTION causes losses in the countries' GDP

    In the short term, it affects government budgets by involving

    expenses necessary to repair the effects of environmental disasters:

    - Health services for affected people

    - Property damage

    - Decontamination

    - Loss of labour

    - Premature deaths

  • POLLUTION costs more than we can pay

    In the long term, pollution has devastating effects:

    - It increases the frequency of extreme weather events;

    - It leads to irreversible climate changes;

    - It affects agriculture and food production;

    - It decreases the availability of fresh water;

    - It increases the incidence of diseases, of cancer, especially in younger


    - It determines the migration of the population from the affected areas to

    other areas, their overpopulation and, thus, the emergence of new

    contaminated areas.

  • Cause no. 1 in the production of greenhouse

    gas is the combustion of fossil fuels.

    2013, emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere:

    22.5 billion tons 2012 + 400 ppm

    2050, The population of the Earth

    will increase by 50 % and the energy demand, by 60 %

    If we pollute at this rate, in 2050, the emissions of CO2

    (+700 ppm) will exceed

    40 billion tons/year.


  • Cause no. 2 in the production of

    greenhouse gas: deforestation 20%

    Will we cut 10 times more of the forest area of the planet to produce white (clean) pellets needed for outdated and

    inefficient combustion technologies?

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that, in just 5 years (2000 - 2005), on average, 12.9 million hectares of forests, especially in South America, Africa, Asia, but also in Europe, were lost (Romania holds the first place in deforestation, about 4 ha/h). These deforestations are also associated with thermal power generation, cogeneration and tri-generation with expensive, inefficient and polluting biomass plants.

    The pellet consumption is expected to increase almost 10 times by 2020.

  • What can be done?

    Widespread use of clean technologies and improvement of the efficiency of the final consumer

    Economic evaluations indicate that the reluctance to assume responsibility generates costs that will exceed several times the cost of preventive actions.

    Governments can play a major role in motivating the private sector, to push forward the investment in innovative technologies, offering clear, predictable, sustainable and consistent incentives. Governments can use a wide range of policies and methods to combat climate changes, including regulations and standards, taxes and excises, commercial licenses, voluntary agreements, subsidies, financial incentives, research and development programs and information tools.

    At international and national levels, governments must understand that climate change is a priority, that they need to ensure specific courses of action for the business environment and, based on such courses, business environment will invest with confidence in the technologies and strategies needed.

  • Its time to be ECO,

    To think twice before doing once, and when we do, let's do it ECOlogical and ECOnomical and

    make it have an ECHO on others, too! And we can start right now...

    To commit to an ECOnomical life, to have an ECOlogical conduct, to help ourselves survive in the life and death confrontation we have ...

    With US!(Ramona Panaite)

  • a new approach on sustainable development of both rural and urban areas through

    conversion of biomass: garbage, debris and green waste, agricultural, forestry and woods,

    livestock animal waste, selection of household waste, energy crops, wood chips, especially dry

    and damages of forests and uncultivated lands, even those with high content of silica or mixed

    sawdust, etc., compacted and granulated in form of pellets, clean granules odourless,

    non-toxic, unalterable, into the cheapest and cleanest thermal and electrical energy, by

    using high performance equipments, ecoHORNET licensed, made in Romania by EcoHornet


    I, Iuliean HORNET,

    the inventor of the



    am pleased to introduce you:

  • unselected weeds

    artichokes, perennial crops

    ground trimming

    household waste selection

    miscanthus energy willow

    wheat, barley, oats straws

    waste, vegetable waste

    paper, cardboard waste

    manure bedding sunflower

    meal, hulls, stalks

    vine ropes, waste

    sawdust, conifer debris sawdust, hardwood debris

  • THE BIOMASS The fuel of the future

    Biomass compacting in pellets provides immediate depollution of soil, air and water.

    The production of heat and electricity from biomass and their use on a large scale in all sectors largely ensure the energetic independence of states.

    Combustion by incineration at more than 1250 C

    of biomass pellets, with the lowest level of

    emissions, makes this fuel an indisputable

    solution for the planet's energy future together

    with the seasonal energy produced by the sun,

    water and wind.

  • ecoHORNET equipment was designed by the inventor:

    to convert biomass effectively, economically and ecologically into heat and electricity

    to create the prerequisites of the green industry development, to create millions of jobs in sectors such as: industry, agriculture, transport, services (Romania: 1,000,000 jobs)

    to ensure energetic independence at the family level, local governments and at national level

    to save wooded areas from deforestation

    to replace fossil fuels

    to generate immediate depollution of soil, water and air by converting waste into renewable fuels (pellets) and then into energy.

  • Do not burn waste! 2 kg of pellets = 1 m gas, 1 litre of diesel fuel, 4 kg of wood.

    Do not cut the forest!

    You produce daily the energy for heating, hot water and

    electricity, in your household, on your land; it surrounds you

    everywhere, it is cheap and ecological and invites you to use it.

    The garbage, debris and waste, which today are lying everywhere and

    are polluting the environment, are the ideal fuel for the ecoHORNET

    incinerator burners, and all this thanks to the high performance

    combustion technology that simultaneously integrates processes

    such as gasification, condensation, direct combustion,

    incineration, post combustion and optimized heat transfer. The

    systems include full automation of the process and are designed to operate

    with a very low level of emissions.

  • The ecoHORNET combustion technology and equipment

    using pellets produce the cheapest MW

    - ecoHORNET produces 1 MW with:

    - - 190 kg of pellets (5.6 kW/kg) = 30 euro/MW (150 euro/t pellts).

    - - 230 kg of pellets (4.6 kW/kg) = 9.2 euro/MW (40 euro/t - pellets from your own waste)

    - 1.5-2.5 times lower than that obtained with NATURAL GAS

    - 3-4 times lower than that obtained with centralized systems, thermal power stations;

    - 2-3 times lower than that obtained with propane, liquefied petroleum gas and light liquid


    - 4-5 times lower than that obtained with electricity and diesel fuel.

    The energy cost is even smaller if the users produce themselves the pellets from their own waste:

    = 4,7 times (diesel fuel 1.4 Euro/L/ 11kw- pellets 0.30 euro/2kg/11kw (150 euro/t)

    = 15.5 times (diesel fuel 1.4 Euro/L/11kw - pellets 0.09 euro/2.3 kg/11 kw(40 euro/t)

  • Certified Performances of ecoHORNET Boilers











































    ral G







    on N




    80-85 83-89

    89-92 94-97

    Efficiency of Boilers

    Efficiency: 94-97 % Emissions CO: 0-100 mg/m

    Particulate emissions: < 7.4 mg/Nm VOC emissions < 10 mg/Nm

  • ecoHORNET combustion technology was created to support:

    ... enabling them to capitalize garbage, debris and waste with the highest return and a minimal investment.

    - farmers

    - wood processors

    - processors of debris and household waste

    - breeders of livestock and poultry

    - growers of energy crops

    - local, regional and state governments

    - family households

  • By applying our own technology, we have created 3 pieces of

    high performance equipment

    - pellet heating units

    20 kW - 500 kW (1 MW);

    - pellet injector burners

    20 kW - 500 kW (1 MW);

    - pellet injector burners with radiant tubes

    20 kW - 75 kw.


  • ecoHORNET Pellet Heating Units

    The 20-500 kW (1 MW) ecoHORNET heating units (higher power, cascade mounting) cover entirely the heat and hot water demand for the civil and industrial sector.

    They can be used in: apartment buildings, individual homes, offices, schools, hospitals,

    hotels, administrative buildings, warehouses, greenhouses, poultry and piglets farms, gyms,

    swimming pools, soccer fields or any premises requiring a suitable heat regime and hot water use.

  • Greenhouses heated

    by ecoHORNET pellet heating units

    1000 sqm greenhouse, flower production, Slatina, Olt, soil heating The first city full of early flowers in Romania

    400 sqm greenhouse, flower growing in pots Chiajna, Ilfov

    300 sqm greenhouse, vegetable crops, Geti, Giurgiu 2000 sqm greenhouse - florist supplier, Floreti, Giurgiu

  • Larisa Hotel, Buteni (2x80kw=160kw)

    Iulcover Pensions, Ramif Petera, Dmbovia ( 60+60+80kw=200kw)

    Club Spa G, hotel and semi-olympic pool, Breaza, Prahova (3x60kw=180kw)

    Hotels and pensions

  • Apartment buildings

    company housing, Corabia, Olt, 2 x 60 Kw (operating in cascade)

    Apartment building, 13 floors, Bucharest, 2 x 150 Kw (operating in cascade)

  • Municipal buildings

    Cinema and auditorium, Reia, Cara-Severin, 1800 m, 22000 m, 600 seats finned pipe heating, - 2 x 100 Kw (operating in cascade) - 1 x 60 Kw, radiant tube for heating the stage

    School Brebeni, Olt (20kw)

  • Dairy farm, Clrai 1 x 100 kW, heating of milking machines, of the premises and hot water preparation at 90 C

    Applications in zootechnics

  • An innovative project

    Aedificia Carpai concrete plant Low cost heating of different classes of gravel and production of hot water needed to produce concrete with ecoHORNET thermal plants. Thus, the beneficiary produces concrete in winter.

  • ecoHORNET World premiere!

    Pellet burners with radiant tubes

    - the most efficient solution for heating high spaces

    3 in 1 = 99 % yield simultaneous heating:

    - by radiation

    - with hot air

    - production of consumption hot water

    Designed for high spaces:

    Industrial buildings



    Exhibition centres


  • Another innovative project

    This company produces concrete cells for electrical transformers. In the past, during the winter, for about 3 months, the company used to shut down and to dismiss its workers because it was impossible to heat the production hall (h = 15 m) to the temperature necessary for drying the concrete. EcoHORNET mounted a mobile pellet burner with radiant tubes - ATR 60 - 60kw U 12 ml. Thus, in 8 hours, 4 casting operations are performed, covering 200 sqm, and also 800 sqm of concrete slabs, with a cost of only 10 euro. Thus, the company remains operational also in winter.

  • ecoHORNET A new premiere! Pellet injector burner


    Thermal plants

    Hot air generators

    Steam boilers

    Diathermic oil boilers

    Bread ovens

    Grain dryers

    Electricity generation with stirling engines, steam turbines etc.

    Power 20-500 kW

    Successfully replaces injectors and burners working with:

    gas, diesel fuel, oil, fuel oil, light liquid fuel, liquefied

    petroleum gas etc.

  • Some applications of

    ecoHORNET pellet injector burners

    ecoHORNET injector burner mounted on Bosch wood boiler

    Dry wood efficiency 65% / 34kw Pellet efficiency 92% / 50kw

    Boiler cleaning - 2 years AHP 200 kw ecoHORNET injector burner mounted on Master 220 kW hot air generator - Flow rate 12,500 m/h at 70C

    (it replaced the 200 Kw diesel injector) Cost of operation: diesel fuel 20L x 1.4 Euro = 28 Euro/hour,

    pellets = 40 kg x 0.12 = 4.8 Euro/hour (120 Euro/ton)

    ecoHORNET injector burner mounted on Buderus gas boiler

    Gas efficiency 78% / 145kw Pellet efficiency 95% / 200kw

  • Some applications

    of the ecoHORNET pellet injector burners

    Two AHP 500 KW ecoHORNET injector

    burners mounted on a Silos Cordoba grain

    dryer, Adunaii Copceni, Giurgiu

    The beneficiary of the plant plans to produce

    pellets itself from straws and agricultural


  • Benefits of

    the ecoHORNET technology

    - Minimising polluting emissions resulting from the combustion process,

    - Stop using forests for heating and pellet production

    - Energetic independence of localities, regions - each one produces the fuel it

    needs from its own waste.

    - Increase of employment by co-option in the waste collection process,

    production - distribution of pellets, transport and service, production and

    installation; pellet presses, ecoHORNET equipment for producing heat and

    power, service and maintenance etc. (100 tons of pellets create 3-4

    permanent, well-paid jobs)

    - Total exclusion of polluted and expensive fossil fuels; production of heat and

    electricity in an efficient, economical and ecological way with the help of the

    most abundant wealth of the Planet, the BIOMASS.


    By using the ecoHORNET combustion technology, the BIOMASS (pellets) has become a source of energy which: is efficient and inexhaustible, economic and independent, green and smart; it enables the development and implementation of strategies for energetic independence of communities; it creates jobs; it reduces pollution rapidly (50 %); it reduces fossil-fuel use and relieves us of worries, but, especially, the future generations, when the extent of the pollution will be very important and pollution will be very expensive.

    ECOHORNET SRL Autostrada A1 km. 13.2, ieire Ciorogrla, strada Italia, nr. 4, Chiajna, Ilfov , Romnia Mobile phone: +40 745 050 050, +40 740 888 085, Fax: +40 21 351 58 64

    E-mail: [email protected], www.ecohornet.ro

    Now, in Romania, the energy causes the poverty. I do not feel that my government spends my money to provide the future to me.

    ecoHORNET RCEPB 2014.pdfAIIR EN ecoHORNET 2014.pdf