tedd koren. · koren's recent discovery, koren specific technique has given chiropractors more...


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Page 1: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,
Page 2: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Dr. Weinstein: Well hello and welcome to another live event brought to you by Dr. Stu Hoffman and ChiroSecure, the leader in avoiding claims backed up by the best malpractice defense. ChiroSecure's live events educate and support you the practitioner by making sure you have have the information you need to protect you, your practice, and your future.

We have a great show today. Dr. Tedd Koren talking about maintaining lower risk through patient education. Let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Tedd then I'll bring on the man responsible for the ChiroSecure live shows, Dr. Stu Hoffman. Dr. Tedd Koren revolutionized Chiropractic education, making it scientifically referenced and distributing nearly one hundred million patient education brochures, plus posters, books, booklets stickers, and a host of other creative products. He defeated the Federal Trade Commission's attempt to destroy Chiropractic doctor patient communication. He's the only Chiropractic to take on Chiropractic's adversary Stephen Barrett, MD, in court, and he took him on four times. His discovery KST is revolutionizing clinical Chiropractic. Dr. Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages, and disharmony in the mind/body.

He really has a great sense of humor. I spent a lot of time actually on the phone preparing for this with Dr. Tedd. Let me bring on Dr. Stu Hoffman and he'll introduce Dr. Tedd. Dr. Stu.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: Thanks Alan. I'd like to welcome everyone back to another one of our live events. We've been having a fantastic reception to this. We have another great guest this week. I've known doctor Koren many many years. I consider him a colleague and a friend. Tedd has held audiences of thousands. I've witnessed people showing up to each and every one of his talks and walking away thrilled that they were there in the first place. Tedd knows how to educate patients, he's done that for his own patients. He's taught thousands upon thousands of chiropractors all over the world about educating their patients. But more than anything else one of the things I love and respect about Tedd is he doesn't take anything from anybody. That's what Alan was just referring to. When the FTC tried to shut Tedd down, and his patient education materials, he went right at them because he was protecting not just his right to sell information to doctors to distribute, but he also was protecting us as a chiropractic profession. You see, a lot of people think at that time he was just

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investing in protecting his business, but the outcome of that lawsuit could have been very, very different, and it could have shut down our profession's right to educate our own people. We have a lot to thank Tedd for and I know that you're going to enjoy his talk today. He will, his tips will absolutely help you in your practice, as well as to keep you safe in terms of risk management. I want to bring on a friend of mine, Doctor Tedd Koren.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Thank you to Dr. Stu Hoffman, let's hear it. And ChiroSecure for the opportunity to address everyone today. So hang on and hold on for the ride. There you are. I think life feels that way for a lot of us. Sometimes I feel like the guy at the very back holding on. It's exciting, but it's also terrifying at times. The terrifying time started actually, Stu alluded to this just a little while ago. This is my son when he was sixteen months old, and we were selling Koren publications products and used him in a little promotional photo, and free... Didn't have to pay him at that time. I've since had to pay a lot. He's nineteen ... He's twenty three now. But that's Seth ... And I thought I was being a great educator and teacher and I was having a great time, and people just loved our products. And suddenly I get hit with a letter from the Federal Trade Commission, the FTC, and they said we don't like your stuff, and it's illegal, and we're essentially shutting down Koren Publications.

We said "who's behind it?" We believe these are the guys who were behind it. That's one of the books they put out. You can see a familiar name. On top, Stephen Barrett, MD, but he started some weird organization called the National Association for Chiropractic Medicine. These people have been around for a while, they put out this book "At your own Risk", secretly funded by the AMA, and Stephen Barrett is well known for saying that Chiropractic is the only licensed medical superstition in the US today. I don't think that was a compliment. He also called us "bone cracking charlatans".

The FTC attack was on chiropractic, not on Koren Publications. As Stu so rightly observed. In fact, our attorney said "why did you pick us", and they said "really, you're a test case". We only think Chiropractic, based on what our experts tell us, that it only treats certain kind of low back pain and doesn't include sciatica, no whip lash, no headaches, none of the neck nor muscular or skeletal except some kinds of low back pain. If you tell a patient anything to the contrary, either I patient literature or even a lay lecture, a lay lecture, they can actually fine you ten thousand dollars if you gave a lecture that they didn't like. That meant an agent from the Federal Trade Commission, listening to just one chiropractor, fining him or her, and then making it public. It's called the chilling effect, the IRS

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uses it a lot, right before tax day they ... A few weeks before they usually go after some big name, and suddenly it's all over the papers how somebody cheated on his taxes and is going to get fined and thrown in jail or whatever.

It was the chilling effect, and they wanted Koren publications to go down so that the entire profession would lose the ability to communicate. When they want to affect an entire industry they go after one company only. Not that long ago the FTC tried to make vitamins illegal, and to do so they went after only one vitamin company. You don't go after everybody; you don't sue a thousand vitamin companies, you just sue one and the regulation is promulgated that affects everybody. Well they did the same thing with chiropractic and they picked Koren publications. They made a mistake, because we fought back.

But why did they pick Koren publications? The answer was rather nice. They said "we picked Koren because they have the best quality literature out there and it's the most convincing and it's really the best referenced". You'd think they'd give me a medal. Instead they sued me, well actually I was never sued. I was investigated, only, but they can destroy someone just from an investigation. As we know the government has unlimited money and unlimited lawyers. Well, it took six and a half years and we beat them. Their entire case collapsed and the whole division of the Federal Trade Commission going after us was actually eliminated. Fifty jobs were lost and the people going after us were demoted. We really had a tremendous win. Had we lost, the entire profession would have been destroyed because we would not have been able to say anything other than low back pain, and not even to give lectures or write or communicate anything else than just nothing, really, God knows what would have happened. We would have been destroyed. The quack-buster's goal was to have us all re licensed as physical therapists.

Anyway, Quack-busters hate to lose, so I was then sued privately as well as publicly by Stephen Barrett himself. Instead of using the government to do his dirty work, he came after me. One on one. Now he's beaten every chiropractor he ever went after, except me. We had a four day jury trial. Here's a quote, we dug up a lot of his quotes, that's his picture, "the nervous system does not control all the organs and tissues of the body", so you can tell he's a real physiologist.

Here's another one, Interview on Biography, "necks and spines do not get out of alignment. That's a nonsensical chiropractic concept." We had a lot more on him, and I mean we have a lot on him, and we used it in quote. It was a four day jury trial. By the fourth day the judge was so disgusted

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with Barrett and his lawyer that he just threw the case out of court. He told the jury to go home, that he was giving what is called a directed verdict, and the case was closed. In other words, there was no case. No laws were really broken, Barrett was just a shakedown artist. He demanded a hundred thousand dollars from me to drop the case, because hey, "you know Dr. Koren, you never know what a Jury will do. They might... You could be hit for two million dollars". I was scared, I really was. But we bit the bullet and said "we're not going to let the profession down". I didn't want that. Couldn't have that.

So we formed the foundation for Health Choice. Jim Turner, our attorney and I, and a number of others, so that if anyone is ever attacked like this again we will be there for you. I went through many years looking for the right legal counsel and most of them were terrible. The more horrible they were, the more expensive they were. The more incompetent they were, the more they charged. Finally found Mr. Turner and we formed this to help all of us. We're now fighting for health care freedom for chiropractors, naturopaths, we're fighting for vaccination freedom also. A little more on that later.

Fortunately Koren Publications was not destroyed, and we survived and thrived, and now we got lots of great material, that's just from many years ago actually. We have many more pieces of material on it, if you go to Korenpublications.com you'll get to see all of our latest and greatest products. We're real happy and proud to say that we were not destroyed. I can't say that we were endorsed by the Federal Trade Commission, but they did say we have the best stuff. That's sort of close to it.

Anyway, we're talking about malpractice because patient education, this ties in with malpractice, and I found this really cool article in the journal of the AMA. They interviewed loads of doctors that were sued like crazy and doctors that were never sued. They said "hey, what's the difference"? And here's what they found ... Here's the quote, "no claims" physicians, the physicians that were not sued, they did two things. They educated their patients and they laughed and used humor more. How do you like that? In fact one chiropractor once said to me, if he can't get his patients to laugh during the reported findings he refers them out. He doesn't want any lawsuits. I think he said he refers them to some chiropractor that he doesn't like.

Anyway, if you educate your patients... Laugh and use humor. I'm sorry Stu, yeah?

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Dr. Stu Hoffman: No go ahead Tedd. I was just going to add in that there's appropriate humor and then there's inappropriate humor. It's unfortunate that we sometimes have to distinguish that when we're sharing with our audience. I've had too many calls from doctors over the years when they were just kidding with the patient but it was of a sexual nature, or this or that, and it comes back and haunts them. Yes, I wanted to support the concept one hundred percent of keeping things light and friendly and full of humor. It's great, as long as it's appropriate.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Okay, very good point, thank you. To sort of tie that together, there are three ways to use patient literature, and you could use this with anyone's literature, not just ours. I call one the Plop and Pray method. You just plot the literature in the holder and pray somebody will take it and read it. I'm going to say that's not very effective. A better method is to give something to the patients, just hand it to them. It's you, you're the doctor. "Here, read this". Then it's much more powerful. The best way is personalization. When you actually open something up and highlight it or circle it or anything like that, it's far more effective. When you personalize anything its more effective. Even if you just circle a paragraph, and say "be sure to read this part", patients really feel connected to you because humor and education does one thing. It connects people. The more connected they feel you are, the better it is.

This is a little example of some inappropriate humor probably. That Stu just talked about. There's something called the Ignobel Awards. You've probably heard of the Nobel Awards. Well there's the Ignobel Awards. It's for the most ridiculous scientific paper to appear in a biomedical journal. This was given out to Dr. Harold Moi who wrote a paper and the title was "Transmission of Gonorrhea through an Inflatable Doll". He got his Award for that paper, and I said, "no way, it can't exist." So I went to the Medical Library and asked for it. You should have seen the looks I got. It did exist. They were on a Greek Troller. Need I say more? Anyway, that's the actual paper. Unfortunately there's no photos. I would have liked to see a picture maybe of the doll, but there's nothing there. However, the runner up was this. "Acute Management of the Zipper-entrapped Penis". Which did come with a number of photos. I will spare you that. I'm sure Stu is very pleased that I am sparing us those photos.

I did learn... Talk about instrument adjusting, and this is an early version of it. This is ... Used to teach at the National College, these people. Actually I once wrote that in one of my newsletters and you wouldn't believe all the National Graduates calling and screaming at me. Obviously they didn't teach at National. They taught at CMC.

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Dr. Stu Hoffman: I want to introduce a little bit of the technique concept to everybody, even though you bring it up with humor, but one of the reasons that we talk together is because the technique that you have developed and teach, KST, is instrument adjusting. One of the benefits that we've seen from a risk management point of view for a long, long time is instrument adjusting has less injury end results. An example that I've given a lot of times, even on these live shows, is one of the most common calls we get in terms of actual injury is broken ribs. That's one thing, very specifically, that we just don't get when it comes to utilizing instrument adjusting, and you've developed an entire technique around it. I've sat in on your class and the people that we have through our insurance that use KST seem to be very into the technique that they're utilizing but also the instrumentation as well. Even that, Tedd, takes a lot of communication when we talk about instrument adjusting, explaining to the patients what the difference is, what's going to happen, what to expect, what not to expect. I'm hoping that you'll touch on that a little bit too.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Absolutely, thank you for mentioning it. I want everybody to know that that is not the instrument we use. Although I'm sure you can find a use for it somewhere. I'll talk on that a little bit. I wanted to mention a little bit on vaccination, because you mentioned that I'd be talking about it a little bit. I wrote a book actually, with this Title, "Childhood Vaccinations: Questions All Parents Should Ask", and it's a hot issue now. Of course I could do an hour or two or more on the subject of vaccinations, it's so fascinating. But I just want to touch a few key things in the moment.

We all want what is best for our children. People that are not in favor of vaccination want healthy children. People in favor of vaccination want healthy children. The question is, what brings us health in children. For that, we are finding that more and more parents are rejecting vaccinations for their children. There are more than this, but these are the main ones.

One is that they consider the vaccines more dangerous than the disease. More and more, we see that is statistically the case. The vaccines are far more dangerous than the disease. In the free gift I'm going to be giving at the end, we talk about Measles. According to the center for disease control, in the last ten years, zero children have died from measles. Zero, however in that same period the US government reports one hundred and eight died from the measles vaccine. So, you might say "which is more dangerous? The disease or the vaccine?" Of course the vaccine is far more dangerous.

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Another reason is that parents prefer natural to so called artificial immunity. When a child gets a condition naturally, and these are mild conditions, we're not talking about life and death diseases, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whatever, when they get them naturally they have lifelong protection. Not only protection against the particular disease they got, or the virus bacterium whatever, but protection from many, many other conditions. Studies have shown that children that have infectious diseases in childhood have less cancer when they're adults. Many other conditions too have an indirect correlation to infectious disease. Infectious disease strengthens the immune system. That's incredibly important, if you want to be healthy.

A third reason is they may have a vaccine injured child, and sadly, a growing number ... After that, they'll say no more vaccines for my vaccine injured child, and my other children. Another is they may have a religious or philosophical or scientific objection to vaccination. Many parents have a mixture of these, or others. More and more parents are rejecting vaccines, questioning vaccines. The numbers are getting higher and higher, and that's why I think the hysteria is coming from the pro vaccine community.

This is not unusual in Chiropractic, to say no to vaccines. Chiropractors have always opposed vaccines. Especially mandated vaccines.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: Tedd.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Go ahead.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: One of the important parts for today's purpose... Because I've known about the presentations that you've taught about vaccinations and other things. Truly, patients come in when you have a family style practice, patients will come in and ask about vaccinations. The assumption is that you're going to be opposed to it. What kind of responses, other than going into an entire presentation, like you offer to doctors to teach the public about vaccinations. What type of response do you seem to put out there for patients that do ask about vaccination?

Dr. Tedd Koren: So you want my elevator pitch, as they call it. It's very simple. I'll say "do you want an autistic child?" Let them answer it. I'll say "autistic kids are vaccinated kids". Do you want a kid with allergies, asthma? Do you want a kid with neurological problems? Then vaccinate your child. But if you want a healthy child, don't. Actually there's a few, let me see, where is it. I talk about this. I don't take out my slide presentation, although we have one for doctors, if they wish to purchase, they can give their own

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presentation which includes this in it. I said, "Which are healthier, vaccinated or non-vaccinated children?" The answer is no major study has ever shown vaccinated children to be healthier. They keep finding that non-vaccinated children are healthier in every area. Healthier than vaccinated. Why would you do something to a child if you know it's going to make them sick? And has the potential to kill them?

Dr. Stu Hoffman: On this topic Tedd, this is what, I love you and I am sure of you...

Dr. Tedd Koren: Oh oh...

Dr. Stu Hoffman: But I want to to recommend an alternative to that, for our doctors that are paying attention here. What you're explaining now is right on, about there is no major study that shows that vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated children, but what I'd like to offer up to patients, in the past, is more in the line of "you know, vaccinations are a personal choice", if you're asking my choice, we've certainly chosen not to, and this is why. A: there are links to autism. There are no major studies showing healthier children that are vaccinated, in fact quite the opposite. Rather than giving them, which is your personality and somewhat my personality, "well if you want your kids to have autism go and vaccinate them". In a clinical environment that doesn't always work out well in this day and age. I just want to bring it into a balance with what you're telling people and how they may be receiving it.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Okay, thank you. I sometimes will tell them "I've taken care of so many vaccine injured children". If the issue is having measles for a few days, or chicken pox for a few days, or autism for life, the parent has to make the choice. I let it go from there. Yes, I am biased against vaccines and there's no doubt about it. Proudly so. Whereas other people, when they're in the media, will say "well, you know, it's a choice". I've seen doctors and heard them on radio and TV, Mds and others, when they're anti-vaccine, will say "well, you know we're not going to tell you what to do". I tell people what to do. On TV I've actually said "Vaccines are bad, don't do it". I let them know it's a choice, of course. But yes, you have to be open and don't come across crazy. I think vaccinated people, the pro vaccine people are sort of like religious fanatics. They're really going after our freedoms now, as you know.

This is a vaccine schedule, I updated it. As of 2014 by the time a child is school age they're to be injected with 101 vaccines. That is not a typo. 101. MMR is three, DPT is three, and they get five of those. Prevnar is eight or nine. The numbers increase tremendously. When somebody says "I've got a Prevnar shot" or a Gardasil shot or Measles shot, they usually

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got a bunch of vaccines all at once. One hundred and one vaccines by the time a kid is school age. This is insanity. My material gets into this. I don't want to belabor it too much.

I'm inspired by a quote from Hosea, from the Bible. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Autism went from one in ten thousand to one in fifty. When are we going to stop the shots, when it's one in two? I feel very strongly about the issue. I feel that all chiropractors should be strong, because who else is going to tell them? Their pediatrician? Very rare. Not very rare...

Dr. Stu Hoffman: We're running a little bit low on time. I want to touch on a couple of things with you while we still have you with us. We'll talk about your KST seminars at the end here. In general, when you're taking care of a new patient, and they've been to another chiropractor, I know that you don't talk down about other techniques or other chiropractors. How do you describe utilizing instrument adjusting in general since it is a little bit different for most new patients that show up. How do you describe it to them so they have an instant feeling of comfort when they're coming in?

Dr. Tedd Koren: You bring a good point up Stu, and there is no denying that there are some Chiropractors and patients that are still addicted to crack. What we do is very simple. We know that some people just want to get a good crack, and some doctors just like to crack people. That's their choice. I tell them, look there... Especially patients that have plateaued, and are not getting the results ... They're very open to trying something different and new. You have to respect the doctors and the patients. Just say "look, try it". Some patients are desperate for anything, and of course they love the doctor and will say "anything you say doctor, you're the doctor and I'll do it". Other patients are stubborn and difficult, we know who they are. No matter who they are, we know that if they're in pain, and what you're doing is not working, we say "try something more specific, more gentle, and more effective."

I especially would like to thank Stu for giving me this opportunity. Stu, thank you very much.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: Thanks Tedd.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Look, you can see me now.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: What's that? Yes, yes. I just want to add in for everybody that's on with us today that we always from ChiroSecure, key into certain points about the actual patient communication, and I thank you for that. I'm glad that you mentioned, you know, there are tons of great techniques and more

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important than the technique is the person who becomes the master of that technique. I do support you as well, Tedd, with what you're teaching and how you're teaching, and appreciate that. I just don't want others to think that's the only way out there. I get that from people and just want to be clear about it. Even when we talk about controversial things, which shouldn't be controversial but sometimes are, like vaccinations, in terms of today's health care environment, the way Tedd speaks and teaches and acts, he is who he is, and he's one hundred percent convicted in what he's saying and what he's doing.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Convinced, I haven't been convicted yet.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: For the 98 percent of the rest of us, I think that it's important to remember that you can still give whatever topic we're talking about... We just happen to be talking about vaccinations because it's a hot issue at this time, but you can give the information out to the patients in such a way that will give them confidence in you, in your opinion and words by offering them up. Just like Tedd did, some concrete documentation, some research and make your own opinion, but at the same time, we still get to lead them based on information that makes more sense than what they're being given by other types of doctors or the media. I want to thank you... A lot of things that have taken place in the chiropractic profession and for fighting for our rights to communicate and educate patients, and you've done such a terrific job over the years, and I really appreciate that. I just wanted to pretty much end our time together by letting people know a little bit more about these topics. So I want to thank you Tedd.

Dr. Tedd Koren: Thank you, you've been very kind in letting me come on and present my materials.

Dr. Stu Hoffman: Alan, are you back with us?

Dr. Weinstein: I'm with you, and I have a little business to take care of if I can. First, let me tell everyone, realize you will get the complete recording even though the beginning we had a technical difficulty because Google broke our link which we did rebuild in about six minutes. You didn't see the first six minutes, but you will get a recording that should include those six minutes. You will also get of course the transcript and a copy of doctor Tedd's slides. I'm going to have to mute doctor Tedd out because he's banging things around there. Sorry about that. Anyway, I want everyone to realize that if you look on the right side of the page that I'm showing you right now, that there is a place to sign up to get the notes and the slides and the transcript in case you didn't already do that. Of course, if

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you go to the concierge page by clicking on the link on the right you're able to sign up to get automatically the shows slides, transcripts and notes, so you'll want to do that just in case. You will, when you get to that page, have an opportunity to get a quick quote so that you can compare the rates that you're paying now for the great rates that you can get from ChiroSecure. Two other things and then I will say goodbye. Number one is, give us from five to seven days before you expect to receive the notes and transcripts because we have to send them out to the transcriber first. You will get them, no one has ever failed to get them if they signed up for the notes or the concierge service.

The other thing I want to point out is at the very top of the page you'll see our links to Facebook, Twitter, Googleplus and Youtube. If you're not already a fan of ours on Facebook, make sure you click on those. If you don't already have us in your circles on Google make sure you click on that. And of course, Twitter and Youtube.

On behalf of myself, Dr. Alan Weinstein, Dr. Stu Hoffman, ChiroSecure, and a great presentation by Dr. Tedd Koren, we look forward to seeing you again next month when we'll be bringing you Dr. Patrick Gentempo, when he'll talk about the risk related to your philosophy. I'm Doctor Alan Weinstein and I look forward to speaking with you soon. Have a great day, everybody.

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s of age, DTaP, PCV, and RVs of age, HepB (6-18 TaP, PCV, Hib, Polio

ths), RV, and Influenza onths through 18

ths of age, MMR (12-15

CV (12-15 months)†

, months), Varicella

1 2 Birth month months








4 6 months months




Hib Hib






Influenza (Yearly)*


MMR Varicella

12 15 18 19–23 2–3 months months months months years

4–6 years






olio, onth

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ths), P12-155 months), HepA (12-23 ths)§, and Influenza (yearly, 6 ths through 18 years)*6 years, DTaP, IPV, MMR, ella, and Influenza (yearly, 6

Is your family growing? To protect your new baby and yourself against whooping cough, get a Tdap vaccine in the third trimester of each pregnancy. Talk to your doctor for more details.

Shaded boxes indicate the vaccine can be given during shown age range.

At 1 month of age, HepB (1-2 months), At 2 months of age, HepB (1-2 months), DTaP, PCV, Hib, Polio, and RAt 4 mHib, PAt 6 mmon(6-18(yearyearsAt 12

monHib ((12-1monmonAt 4-Varic

months through 18 years)*

2015 Recommended Immunizations for Children from Birth Through 6 Years Old

NOTE: If your child misses a shot, you don’t need to start over, just go back to your child’s doctor for the next shot. Talk with your child’s doctor if you have questions about vaccines.

FOOTNOTES: * Two doses given at least four weeks apart are recommended for children aged 6 months through 8 years of age who are getting a flu vaccine for the first time and for some other children in this age group.

§ Two doses of HepA vaccine are needed for lasting protection. The first dose of HepA vaccine should be given between 12 months and 23 months of age. The second dose should be given 6 to 18 months later. HepA vaccination may be given to any child 12 months and older to protect against HepA. Children and adolescents who did not receive the HepA vaccine and are at high-risk, should be vaccinated against HepA.

I f your child has any medical conditions that put him at risk for infection or is traveling outside the United States, talk to your child’s doctor about additional vaccines that he may need.

See back page for more information on vaccine­

preventable diseases and the vaccines that prevent them.

For more information, call toll free 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)

or visit http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines

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Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and the Vaccines that Prevent Them

Disease Vaccine Disease spread by Disease symptoms Disease complications

Chickenpox Varicella vaccine protects against chickenpox. Air, direct contact Rash, tiredness, headache, fever Infected blisters, bleeding disorders, encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs)

Diphtheria DTaP* vaccine protects against diphtheria. Air, direct contact Sore throat, mild fever, weakness, swollen glands in neck

Swelling of the heart muscle, heart failure, coma, paralysis, death

Hib Hib vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b. Air, direct contact May be no symptoms unless bacteria

enter the blood

Meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), intellectual disability, epiglottitis (life­threatening infection that can block the windpipe and lead to serious breathing problems), pneumonia (infec­tion in the lungs), death

Hepatitis A HepA vaccine protects against hepatitis A. Direct contact, contaminated food or water

May be no symptoms, fever, stomach pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), dark urine

Liver failure, arthralgia (joint pain), kidney, pancreatic, and blood disorders

Hepatitis B HepB vaccine protects against hepatitis B. Contact with blood or body fluids

May be no symptoms, fever, headache, weakness, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), joint pain

Chronic liver infection, liver failure, liver cancer

Flu Flu vaccine protects against influenza. Air, direct contact Fever, muscle pain, sore throat, cough, extreme fatigue Pneumonia (infection in the lungs)

Measles MMR** vaccine protects against measles. Air, direct contact Rash, fever, cough, runny nose, pinkeye Encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death

Mumps MMR**vaccine protects against mumps. Air, direct contact Swollen salivary glands (under the jaw), fever, headache, tiredness, muscle pain

Meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord) , encephalitis (brain swelling), inflam­mation of testicles or ovaries, deafness

Pertussis DTaP* vaccine protects against pertussis (whooping cough). Air, direct contact Severe cough, runny nose, apnea (a pause in

breathing in infants) Pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death

Polio IPV vaccine protects against polio. Air, direct contact, through the mouth

May be no symptoms, sore throat, fever, nausea, headache Paralysis, death

Pneumococcal PCV vaccine protects against pneumococcus. Air, direct contact May be no symptoms, pneumonia (infection in the lungs)

Bacteremia (blood infection), meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), death

Rotavirus RV vaccine protects against rotavirus. Through the mouth Diarrhea, fever, vomiting Severe diarrhea, dehydration

Rubella MMR** vaccine protects against rubella. Air, direct contact Children infected with rubella virus sometimes have a rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes

Very serious in pregnant women—can lead to miscar­riage, stillbirth, premature delivery, birth defects

Tetanus DTaP* vaccine protects against tetanus. Exposure through cuts in skin Stiffness in neck and abdominal muscles, difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, fever Broken bones, breathing difficulty, death

* DTaP combines protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. ** MMR combines protection against measles, mumps, and rubella. Last updated January 201 • CS245366-A­

Page 15: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Thank you to Dr. Stu Hoffman and ChiroSecure for the opportunity to address you all today.

I will have free gifts for you at the end of this presentation.

So hang in there and hold on for the ride.

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Page 18: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

FTC attack on chiropractic

• “Koren Publications is a test case…. Chiropractic is recognized by our experts as a treatment for certain types of lower back pain … any communication to the contrary will carry a $10,000 fine, per occurrence.”

• They wished to affect the entire industry (i.e. vitamins).

• Why did they pick Koren Publications?

Page 19: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Edited by: Stephen Barrett, MD

Advisor: Charles DuVall, DC

National Association for Chiropractic Medicine

Page 20: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

“The only licensed medical superstitionin the US today….”

“Cultists … bone-cracking charlatans.”Stephen Barrett, MD, 1972

Chiropractors wangle $100 million windfall. New Physician. December 1972;721-725.

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When things were darkest…

Page 22: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Stephen J. Barrett, MD

• “The nervous system does not control all the organs and tissues of the body.”

Improper Claims on Chiropractic

College Websites, 5/21/04

Page 23: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Interview on Biography

• “Necks and spines don't get out of alignment. That's a nonsensical chiropractic concept.”

Stephen J. Barrett, MD

Page 24: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Choice, Information, Safety and Redress

• We'll defend your children's freedoms!• Your personal freedom!• Your professional freedom!


Page 25: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

“No claims” physicians …

educated patients … laughed

and used humor more.

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Page 27: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,
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Moi H. Transmission of gonorrhea through an inflatable doll. Genitourinary Medicine. 1993;69:322.

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Page 31: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Three ways to use patient literature

• Plop and pray method

• “Here, read this” method

• Personalization

• P.S. Don’t forget to smile and laugh

Page 32: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

More parents are rejecting vaccinations for their children

• They consider the vaccines more dangerous than the disease.

• They prefer natural rather than “artificial immunity.”

• They have a vaccine-injured child (a growing number).

• They have religious or philosophical objections to vaccination.

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Chiropractors have always opposed mandatory vaccination

• “Compulsory vaccination is an outrage and a gross interference with the liberty of the people in a land of freedom.”

Palmer DD. Textbook of the Science,Art and Philosophy of Chiropractic.

Portland, OR: Portland Printing House Company. 1910.

Page 34: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Robert Mendelsohn, MD

• “There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease…. I urge you to reject all inoculations for your child."

Mendelsohn R. How to raise a healthy child...in spite of your doctor. Chicago: Contemporary Books. 1984:210.

Page 35: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

By the time a child is 6 months old

they are to be injected with 45

vaccines; at 18 months 64, and at 4-

6 years at least 74!!

Page 36: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

If not you, who?

Heal and Repair the world

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Hosea 4:6

Page 37: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Challenges So Many Are Facing ...

Page 38: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Have You Ever


Page 39: Tedd Koren. · Koren's recent discovery, Koren specific Technique has given Chiropractors more tools than ever before to correct subluxation, imbalances, malfunctions, blockages,

Free stuff fromTedd Koren, DCwww.giftsfromtedd.com