tecumseh soccer club - 04 girls parent meeting - presentation oct. 1, 2014

tecumseh soccer club family education & communication October 1, 2014

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  • 1. tecumseh soccer clubfamily education & communicationOctober 1, 2014

2. Nurturing talent and future players should bethe main role of a club. If each club has its owntraditions and if there is no single recipe forsuccess. The case studies clearly show that themost effective Youth Academics are thosewhich pursue their vision and their objective withperseverance. It is not only a question of size; itis a question of spirit and belief.- ECA report on Youth Academies in Europe 3. agenda1. mission, vision & values2. club structure & technical staff3. player development pathways4. TSC 04G coaching staff &team structure5. TSC & individual coachingphilosophies6. TSC 04G program goals7. fall/winter/spring scheduling8. coaching curriculum9. goalkeeper training (LLGKA)10. coach expectations11. player expectations12. parent expectations13. P3 Program14. PSG 201515. Q & A 4. The TSC is committed to lead the development,promotion and administration of the game ofsoccer while providing quality service,communication and education to our members.our mission 5. To be a highly recognized and respectedsoccer club in our town, district and provincewhich develops our members to the best of theirability while exhibiting sporting values andintegrity and maintaining community identity.our vision 6. values The needs of the Player will be put first in all decisions.Developmental Needs of the player will guide decisions, especiallyin Talent Identification and Selection and ongoing scouting. Strong foundation in Participation starting from bottom up. LoweringBarriers to participation, especially in the early development stages. Importance of Balance - Retention and Pathways for all (Player,Coach, Referee and Administration). Consistency and Alignmentthroughout the club, cognizant of economic, geographic and generaltime constraints on members. Ongoing Communication and Education is critical at all times. 7. why? We believe in a player-centred approach, whereby young athletes are guided through theirlearning and playing experience. TSC Coaches encourage and inspire creativity, allowing players tomake their own mistakes and learn from them. We believe in an inclusive environment that allows players of all levels to participate and learn attheir own pace, understanding that the same league/intensity is not right for all, but also thateveryone should be given the same opportunity. We believe that soccer players must train to play soccer and when they are done, train somemore. Canada is playing catch up - so are we.On-Ball time & training is available year round in a44 week development model. If a young player has a conflict due to another sport or wholesomeactivity (that is ok, we support a balanced lifestyle) he or she has the opportunity to make thatsession up on another night or weekend, so as not just to miss out on training/playing! We believe in providing the highest level of play for players who need/seek out opportunities atthe next level, while understanding that cost/travel barriers must be overcome and alleviated atyoung ages for all families. We believe in a committed, collaborative & qualified technical staff. TSC identifies, appointsand unites coaches who believe in the development of all players within the club. 8. organizational structuretecumseh soccer club 9. technical stafftecumseh soccer club 10. COACH PLAYER TD DOC GKTSC.DOC Y. Berer P. Langens S. Grigorakis D. MendoncaGRASSROOTS PLAYER DEV ASSOCIATE TD BOYS DOC GIRLS DOCJJ Dowhan R. Mendonca D. Mendonca TSC.DOC K. MulveyU6 (JJ Dowhan) U9 (M. DAmore) U12 (R. Mendonca) U15 Boys U15 GirlsU7 (JJ Dowhan) U10 (M. DAmore) U13 (D. Mendonca) U16 Boys U16 GirlsU8 (JJ Dowhan) U11 (R. Mendonca) U14 (D. Mendonca) U17 Boys U17 GirlsU9 (M. DAmore) U12 (R. Mendonca) U15 (D. Mendonca) U18 Boys U18 Girls 11. coaching staff education& certificationtecumseh soccer club 12. NATIONAL CSA/ USSF A/B (Two + 2 Consultants)PROVINCIAL OSA B/USSF C (Seven)OSA PRE B/ USSF D(Eleven)SOCCER FOR LIFE/USSF E (Twenty +)Y. Bere (USSF A) K. Mulvey P. Danelon (2013) C. MulveyP. Langens (USSF A) S. Compton D. Olagbegi (2013) J. Sovran* R. Van Baren (UEFA A) JJ Dowhan (2013) R. Browne (2012) S. Hales** J. Hodgson (USSF B) D. Mendonca (2013) T. Giorlando (2012) A. MendoncaM. DAmore (2013) D. Habuda (2012) C. LottR. Mendonca (2013) J. Grigorakis (2012) A. JewellM. Helal (2014) S. Grigorakis (2012) A. BlencoweG. Stevenson (2012) N. PaltridgeR. Mendonca completed OSA Grassroots Course S. Jewell (2012) N. MilosevskiS. Grigorakis J. NicodemoS. Jewell one of 6 in OSA Female Mentorship Program (2014) K. Geier M. WrightS. SivitterR. Mendonca completed his USSF C License in Fredericksburg, VA, awaiting results from US Soccer. E. JewellH. ToccoD. Mendonca, Steve Grigorakis, Stefan Grigorakis & JJ Dowhan all OSA Goalkeeper Certified. S. ToccoT. McCauley (2014)D. Mendonca, R. Mendonca, M. DAmore & JJ Dowhan eligible and enrolling for CSA B course 2015. C. Sivitter (2014)S. Basile (2014)All TSC coaches completed Rene Meulensteen Academy 100 Level Course Moves & Skills inFebruary 2014. Continued education & youth application 200 Level Course in Spring 2015.C. Cirovski (2014)J. Barchale (2014) 13. development &enrolmentpathwaystecumseh soccer club 14. High Performance (Elite)Talented Player (Advanced)Competitive Player (Soccer for Life)Futsal Experience (indoor league)Tecumseh Recreational Soccer LeagueDutch Touch Soccer Campsdevelopment components2014 15. player developmentpathwaystecumseh soccer club 16. Tecumseh Soccer Club Grassroots (U9 - U12): Player Development Pathways - Weekly Soccer Events2015 Training Month: January February March April May June July AugustHigh PerformancePlayer Pathway(SupplementalDevelopmentOpportunities)Team Tactical Sessions currently available bi-weekly beginning June -August 2014 to U11 & U12 teams only (under age players need DOC/TDapproval to participate).1 BiweeklyU11/U12TacticalSession1 BiweeklyU11/U12TacticalSession1 BiweeklyU11/U12TacticalSessionPhysical Literacy to include but not limited to: RunningMechanics, SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quickness), Strength &Conditioning, Vertical Jump Training and Plyometrics.1 BiweeklyU9 - U12PhysicalLiteracy1 BiweeklyU9 - U12PhysicalLiteracy1 BiweeklyU9 - U12PhysicalLiteracy1 BiweeklyU9 - U12PhysicalLiteracyTalented PlayerPathway (SupplementalDevelopmentOpportunities)MYSL League registration open to all U9 -U12 players. Team age grouping & gendercomposition may vary as needed/directed byTecumseh Soccer Club DOC/TD.1 MYSLSpringLeagueGame1 MYSLSpringLeagueGame 1 AdvancedSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkills1 Advanced SessionSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkillsSession1 AdvancedSkillsSessionCompetitive PlayerPathway (ClubDevelopment Initiatives)1 FutsalFestival1 FutsalFestival1 FutsalFestival2 TeamTrainingSessions2 TeamTrainingSessions1 WADSLLeagueGame1 WADSLLeagueGame1 WADSLLeagueGame2 TeamTrainingSessions2 TeamTrainingSessions2 TeamTrainingSessions2 TeamTrainingSessions2 TeamTrainingSessions 2 TeamTraining1 Week SessionsDutchSoccerCamp 17. TSC 04G Manager: Ryan Mendonca Leader: Tony Giorlando Guide: Settimo Tocco Guide: Harrison Tocco Administration: Cheryl Amlin 18. TSC 04GWe are not a team. We are a consistently growing academy style player pool. Fun is pivotal if its not fun, young people wont play a sport. Skill development is a crucial aspect of fun - it is more important than winning even among the bestathletes. The most rewarding challenges of the sports are those that lead to self-knowledge. Intrinsic rewards (self-knowledge that grows out of self-competition) are more important in creatinglifetime athletes than extrinsic rewards (victory or attention from others). During childhood allow the children to have a good time playing the game while instilling the passionto love playing soccer on their own. Only a passion for the game can lead to success. Success issomething players take ownership of and in time it becomes personally meaningful. Success is aprocess, not a product. The process of doing ones best is the key to success. The determiningcriterion of success is whether a player gave his or her best that day. Doing ones best is the mostimportant statement a player can make about the importance of an activity and the meaning it has.With years of experience comes self-knowledge and self-awareness. So players learn over timewhat it means to do your best, to give 100%. Winning isnt everything, but trying is! -Rainer Martens, sports psychologist 19. A Growth Mindset 20. U11 development stages U6 Me and My Ball: The Fundamental Stage Egocentric - a me, my, mine mentality. Young children do not play together; they play next to one another. U8 Me and My Partner: Igniting the Passion Stage Igniting a passion for the game must be the number one objective for coaches of this age group. The aim of the coach is to keep theirsoccer experience fun, enjoyable and to foster a desire to play. This love of the game keeps people in the game for a lifetime. U10 The Start of Us: The Learning to Train Stage In this stage children gradually begin to change from being self-centered to self-critical and develop the need for group games. This isa flux phase in a youngsters soccer career. The motivation to learn basic skills is very high at the age. U12+ Us: For the Love of the Game Many players at this age are deciding if they want to commit deeply to soccer, stay in the game with a part-time commitment or dropthe sport all together. U16+ Us vs. OpponentThe major challenge is finding the right balance between technical and tactical development of the players. Within the differentage groups with the increasing speed of the game, it is even more important to focus on technical development in all agegroups (in the youngest age group, all the individual creativity unwinds through fun and play without coaching interferences,the middle age group sees introduction of more specific technical development for defense, midfield and forward positions and,in older age groups there is more focus on tactical playing systems). 21. TSC 04G ProgramGoals Skill Mastery: Technical Training vs. Skill Training Time on Task: No Wasted Words (John Wooden) Train with a Purpose: Game Realistic & RelatedScenarios Progression of Practices: (GAG vs. 4 Stage) Competitive Cauldron: Statistical Analysis 22. TSC 04G ProgramGoals TECHNICAL: Skill Mastery TACTICAL: Awareness &Decision Making Autonomy PHYSICAL: Improve SAQ &Mechanics - Athletic Ability PSYCHO-SOCIAL: DevelopConfidence, Communication &Drive 23. TSC 04G ProgressionU8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18Secondary & PostSecondary Soccer lineSKILL: Individual Ability to make decisions &successfully implement technique in games.Individual Drive & Desire toconstantly ImproveUS Soccer Development Curveand/orIndividual Ability to traincompetitively within aGroup EnvironmentIndividual Ability & Passionto Play the GameCanadian Soccer Development CurveFoundation in Fundamentals Competition Showcase 24. fall & winter trainingscheduleTSC 04G 25. fall & winter trainingSeptember & October (2:1) Monday & Wednesday (Tecumseh Vista/ Green Acres Park) Weekend MYSL GameNovember & December (2:1) Monday & Wednesday (The Soccer Place - Mic Mac Park) Weekend Futsal or Indoor LeagueJanuary, February & March (2:1 or 3:1) Monday & Wednesday (The Soccer Place - Mic Mac Park) Weekend Futsal or Indoor League Optional Advanced Skill Sessions 26. planning & curriculumAn integrated club-wide curriculum is the key for optimum player development. Theremust be a line that connects U-6 to U-19, a line that everyone in the club understandsand follows. Without a curriculum, the player development process becomes disjointed,difficult to monitor and evaluate, causing players to graduate with skill gaps. A deficit inone stage of the development process will tend to inhibit acquisition of more complexskills at a later stage.Let us say that you and I coached two teams with kids that are 10, 11, and 12 years-oldand all are about equally good. You try to teach them to play good football, a passinggame with tactical basics while I tell mine to only play long balls and try to shoot. I canassure you that at first I will always win against you, by using your mistakes. Intercept abad pass and goal. If we however continue with the same training methods during a threeyear period, you will most likely win every game against us. Your players will havelearned how to play while mine havent. Thats how easy it is.Laureano Ruiz (Former Head Coach and Youth Academy Coordinator F.C. Barcelona) 27. 2014 U10 TECUMSEH SOCCER CLUB ANNUAL TRAINING PLAN# WEEK OF U10 PRACTICE 1 U10 PRACTICE 236 Sep 1, 2014 Fast Footwork (1v1 Attacking: Back to Goal) Combination Play: Finishing37 Sep 8, 2014 Fast Footwork (2v1 Attacking) Possession with Penetration38 Sep 15, 2014 Fast Footwork (2v1 Attacking) Possession with Penetration39 Sep 22, 2014 Fast Footwork (2v2 Attacking) Possession: Switching the Point of Attack40 Sep 29, 2014 Fast Footwork (2v2 Attacking) Possession: Switching the Point of Attack41 Oct 6, 2014 Fast Footwork (3v2 Attacking) Transition: Defending to Attacking42 Oct 13, 2014 Fast Footwork (3v2 Attacking) Transition: Defending to Attacking43 Oct 20, 2014 Fast Footwork (3v3 Attacking) Combination Play: Finishing44 Oct 27, 2014 Fast Footwork (3v3 Attacking) Combination Play: FinishingPlanning & Curriculumtecumseh soccer club 28. fall & winter trainingAdditional Expenses (Per Player) Training Kit (x2) $75.00 (shirt, short, sock) Indoor Turf (extra time) $175.00 (37.5 added hours) 29. goalkeeper trainingtecumseh soccer club 30. goalkeeper trainingtecumseh soccer club 31. coach expectations Peter Rudbaek, the Danish FAs technical director, had a grassroots moment manyyears ago when he was the head coach of Aalborg BK. Peter had just won the coachof the year award when he met his five-year-old neighbor in the street. In a loud,enthusiastic voice, the youngster said: Congratulations Mr. Rudbaek. This makes youthe third best coach in Denmark. Peter thanked the boy and then asked: Out ofinterest, who are first and second? Without hesitation, the diminutive neighbordeclare: Mr. Sepp Piontek (Demarks national coach at the time) and Poul, my coach.In the childs small world, his football teacher was more important than the best clubcoach in the country. However, it was the inanimate object under the boys left armthat was more significant to him than any coach, no matter how famous or howpersonal. It was his ball that fascinated him it was the ball that was at the center ofhis universe. - Andy Roxburgh, UEFA Technical Director You are a role model to your players. The words you choose, your appearance, it allmatters. Young players are influenced by their coaches and often continue thosesame traits if they become coaches. There is no better feeling in life than to haveformer players come back and thank you for making a positive difference in their life. 32. player expectations1. Open to Having Fun2. Desire to Get Better Advance & Improve3. Willingness & Understanding the work necessary toachieve both 1 & 2. 33. parent expectations1. Drive me to the game & Cheer for me2. Clap and yell when I do good things3. Gasp when I almost get injured4. Love me unconditionally (win, lose or draw)5. Cheer me on when I work hard or try hard6. Support my team and teammates7. Encourage me to be respectful to authority figures and a goodcitizen in sportsmanship (life skill) 34. parent expectations Any time we (coach, parent, ref, authority figure, teacher, ect.) draw arelationship between the child and ANY ASPECT of the game of soccer (couldbe as simple as "kick the ball harder" or "why didn't you start", ect) we areimpacting the psycho-social development of the player (not just the child). This is where we must share information on how, when and why tocommunicate - when we are actually impacting player development, even soslightly as a conversation involving the game, or actions/comments during thematch. We all sometimes under-estimate the true impact of our words and actionsupon young players and their motivation in the game. One hour of a parent talking in a car, can negate a week of practicepreparation. A 30 min discussion on the ride home, can completely erase theeffect of a half time and/or post game talk/debrief. 35. P3 Program 36. P3 = Player Planned Practices A true Player Centered Approach Trial & Error (experimental environment) Video & Photography - Recorded for Case Study Feedback & Comments welcome. 37. Questions? next meeting in Novemberend 38. PSGCANTWENTY FIFTEEN 39. PRO AM & Academy Senior(U18 & U23)Club Senior (U18, U21 & Senior)Academy (Under 12 - Under 18)Juniors, Youth & ShowcaseClub (Under 12 - Under 18)Juniors, Youth & SecondaryAcademy 11 MYSL & Training (Under 11) Club Team Playcontinues duringSummer MonthsAcademy 9/10 MYSL & Training (Under 9/10) (Under 9/10/11)Grassroots Academy(U5 & U6, U7 & U8)Pre-Academy Programs(U3 & U4)Dutch Touch Soccer Camps Local Recreational/House Leagues