t~echnology spirit i is rotten says dbr. …tech.mit.edu/v43/pdf/v43-n41.pdffield dav and tech...

- I 1 I - - I CI I - -- I 111~~~~~~~~~ -"1 II L -FiveCents vol. XLIII No. 41 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., MaONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1923 Fv et Technique C3up Which Stands in Trophy Room at Walker, Replica of Cup Is Given to Highest Point Man. B ; s :i · , E I I I . II I I I I I I I JPHILLIPS EXPLAINS DISCUSSES RELATIVITY Profess~or ITi. 13. Phillip~s, well known~ to, s~utidents of N123. wilil bc: the speakers c o~f tlie veiiing~ at the fir-st illetill of the M~ath Chil) tonirorroxv night ill the F~acultv and Altininnri room, W~\alker. 1-1 i sllbject \will hc "I'lle 'lleort· of 1cClati\. itv·" and \\ill embrac e the so-called .. special" tl-aeory -which asserts tile rela- tiv·it-v (if aill iniiiforni motionl and~ the Litel -- genei-alized" thcory of, tlhe rela- tivi;tv of all iicon-iiniiorrn motio-n. The incetill" w\ill h~e lic](d at 8 o'clock andlt botht~ tile stiideiits an~d F;actilty are cor- COOPER ATIVEE P.Aff v"1VIDEN"US Tv"DAY Arrangements Made for Special Cashier to Be Present to Cash Checks Agniiii the· Technology Cooperac~~crtive Sc)- cletv ( IVC1 LW tX . III( llc(lNc III tile icrill of, dividelidlt ctlcecks. A dividend~1~ of tell perc~ (Xil~t Oil CcaSII ptrchaws s aiind igh~t per celit on1 CII;Ll,(-" a~ccollrns ]ms been vo teofC< 1,) e Il omcc llinleecc thlis giviimg sizablec cliecks to tho.,e wlio ptircliased -)ods alrl flic~T~clinolo-v bran;~lch las~t N-v~ar, a mcllents will begic~ll at 10 o'clockl todaV,\- lasiii--, iintil 12 o)'clodk. A\fter lialf aul li-tir rest, tlie crowd .l \rll h~e allowedct toi ccoilec-l thecir checl-ks until 3:30. ''i mi eN·Dv·t,_,d to trllle carlc of -llost oif talks crowdl thecse two tLivs, ;I sIecizil casilier fromri tile Camb~ridoc Trii~t t 6-nnpany w~sill b.-, Illeselit to casli~ all chcck~ls. A fte r- 't'tlC,.,dLV, 111Cnl~bers call secure· thetir div\i- dcndlt s at tlic store dtiriig the rq,-tdZr ,tcl.e hcatlS. if it is desired bv l ilell wilo (lo II!,t d I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. W. DEXTER '23 WINSa TECHNIQUEE AWARD IN TRAC Cup Given Trmack MBan Obtaaining Greatest Number of Points Yearly WINNER VERSATILIE; IN WI~EIGHCTS AND~ HURDL~ES Securked Thirda in Han,,zner Th~row at Intercolilegiates Last Sprin-iz 11il. Ii1~ctittltcc tr;wlk ;Itlile~te seculill-lg tlic i~~lt the fild cv lts II(]th ltirdls hasd III 1922 Techillllique startedc thc cw~tomn i I I Txv·o-Nx-,iv trin,,lathilntic coninitinlicaition1 'Illizaetur I-Malic, iS 1() Ike undertikencll tlli ji ftu11 bv tieAr . .Rzdl oco 'I'It (m. 15i,111, for the (.Xper ,lInicilt Nvo.-I-1 rect..1111 \ zlrr1111-cd -,v20() il lxr'm DelovC flic)1 ChneFrench zilnmitcu hses etilwlln-i lh(3 Elin pe,11 Qlld (if filC Illo,, , \1i'1 ticd cc lm oftlllc st,.Itioll.~ t 7-~ le,I ill i11 it cl III t t c) 1-11t \ I ; I cl ( 1-t vc11, is·c thit. It,at yctitr at ttcjnpi.', it c\.c 1CI()I) Iiiil c Nver ()I I )III It c) tha, (, a c, it sltcr i(lr m e ( \.I - rctcur Nulic lclll-tht, ill till, cl~l 30-1rv. nictcrs n~as Iatle 8 1 til 1 1iil, tnic 'I' c~lt 1w I N M vll 1(isit \v ovrv xvith f hc his c I 00 s of s cres XA, tile sflfiol 1)f ,1. C. julilhcv I!ecC tcad f t AFrdmcre \\-il al lr itll s tllt ,iinillt llcmiI ,v Nvith EX-M Char hc ge French Transmitter~ough h lizi becii i(-uid fluit.short\vave truh I I I I I T. C. AQ. CABlEINIET ATTENZ~DS SETTFING UP CONgFERENCE Last Sattirday afternoonn the T. C. A.\ Cabinetc~ journevced to the Mlansfield Tav-~· :·nat Man~lsfield where thle anniial Set- ,ing ULp Conferernce wa:;s heltd, ox-er the weeck endti. At this~ conferecnce the mem-n b~ers of tlhe cab~inet, w\hich is comp~riscdl of the officers and headac s of decpartmecnts, each presentcd, In il a fi fteen-minutee talk;, the wo~rk of his departmenlt andt dis- cussedt the plans for th~e yecar. Mlr. K~ings- lev Bir-e, Studeult Y~. Xf.. C. A·. Secre-- tarvy for the Colleges of 'New Eng-aludt anil Professor01 Sti''liraind '11. of tile T. C. Ai. Adv~isory Boardl, -were guests of the Cab~inet. T1his is the second coli- ference, held away from the city as thee buUt of toxvil Conferences hav\e b~cen fomidt tile mlost successful. One ]alf of thee (,ximiises are paid b~y the T. C. A. widd thec othier halfi is b~orne bv· the indivicl- Technologyg Smnoker Success I tals. Freshmen Taking Course to Excused Fromn 5 Weeks Wbork in EHII Be fo~rmed b1,\- tile transfer of sevee\-tral c officcrrs t.(irmcriv w ith1 us to (111tv ulwhere. To MIajor Goodler. h~is of t~lw (111ticss here- reprerc` cnt a return to, Coast A-rtil- lcerv ,ervice, aftetr -1_c·Z~rS Sl)(211 ill tile Arir fle~ fil-st bccannle as~,cCCiatel \vith1 tile ]Better ill Connectic wi with~ tile Ri. 0. T. C. unit (it Ge()rglt Schiool of Technololn, fro~m xh·lich he grzalultatel ill 1908. lie he nie~t \VI tl 1 erioll'; acci~lelit Causing~ h~is temp~lorary rctireinem. Th. hi; (wciirrc( whell lie -%va;s f!·illp c over Satll Divc·o field.. ZI~s it P~l1;11I1,,el- ith Glen~tn Clir-Li.;". btill- S. S. Townsend Acts as Conduc- tor Ahgain IThis Ydear Thel( fir·,t nlc·ectill" cIf tile Chorar~l So-- tkT 2',1('f1 Ill S111 111 , (W NVII() 11;P illdt(,( 1() til, Iluctilun 11 'hC IT"Illar rclwal-"11, m·.C , the s. m~iii wil ty TONVll" lid, whd li, I 1;ti'1o 1 1( " ziiI9 ;I, it 0 I(I ti t, I- I I III I ic; II elicar- l j lav A Rgecord of Continuous News Service for 42 Years Official Und~ergraduate News Organ of Tecbnology "T~ECHNOLOGY SPIRIT IS ROTTEN" SAYS DBR. CONNORS AT SMOKER Activities Join in Makbing Ahll- DEAN EXPRESSES DESIRE FOR MORE DORMITORIES Key to Walker is Presented to Undergraduates by Dr. Rowe From the tilile the first freshmen fl led into the dinmg room until th 5111ging of tile Stem Song closed the i)Eoraiii, Walker Avas alive with the 150o men attending the All Technolog3 Smoker. Addresses by Dr. A. XV. RoN-c '01, Dean 11. P. Tall)ot '85 aiid Dr. T. -1. Conilor, the new Coach, were On- features of the program. Athletic c.-dilbitlons in the gym and displays by tile activities in their offices were held ill the earlier part of the evening ior the elitertaillilient of the 1-nell WIlo 1%-crc not eatiiig. Dr. 1%'.owe made the annual presen- tatloi-l of the gold key to Walker to 1\11. Robinson, Jr., '24. This sym- I)ollz.c(l the giving of the Imilding as ;ill activity headquarters to the stu- dciits froin the Alumni Association. Rol)'llsoll turned tile kev over to T. F. Bull(IN- '24, chairman o f the Walker Ntemorial. Committee, wlio accepted it, sayuig: "Gentlemen, the Imilding is 310111";. Noxv Vll lock the key ill) for -motlier vear." Dean Hopes for More Dorms "Traditions" was the subject of tliou Nall's address. He spoke of Rogers' Steps, the All Teclinology Smoker, Field Dav and Tech Night, and sniok- ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re- grct that Dr. Stratton was not there aiid a hope for niore new dorins, which XVIJ Ll I (I "Imild up a miter for neiv tra(litions." Ill closing lie reminded the gather- ilig of the geiieral good will existing fliroughout the studeiit 1)ody. and also istied a plea "not to forget tilat we lia%-e the reputation of tile Tii,;titiite ill our liands, oil Tech Night." Finally lie tirged the importance of good scllolar- "llip, ,Making "to get by is One of tile (Continued oil Page 4) AERONAUTICALS GIVE FREE RIDES Prof. Heymans Discusses ZR-1 Tests at Smoker Tile Acromitifical Society is going to glc a free ait-Iflane ride to two of its lllcillhel-"; sliall Ilave Signed ill) be- foi-c 'rimrsdaN% The choosm'- will be IW b"t at the societv's Sjll()ker to I)c held (11 -S(IZL3- at 8 ()'clock. The Illaill ptakcr of tile eveiling \will he J)rif. 1'. Il'u\-111alls Who will give it trill (11 tile test-,; C()Il(ltlcte(l 1)- Iiiiii at tile Ill- tilut, xvith the inodel () the navy diri-- iNe Zl\'-I. Tile talk -,vill be illti-;trated In.Hills' Illitel-11 slides sllmvill- tile IICXN, Ill(..tll()(Is of testillo- a piecc Of C , -ilst ructioll. t, E- P. Varncr '17 alsc) intends,; in N' t1lore to gn-e a talk oil "Comillo,!l-clal ill WiliCh he Will di.SCLISS tile lwssflhilltle., of fllc aii-plalic as l (if ti-alisportatioll. Ih%-,t;lt, II to attend is extended in all jll(lclit., "\-11() are llltercstcd, all(] tilose lk'1,1111L to joill the sociely illay (IC) so at fliat tillic. COLLEGES HONOR THREE OF INSTITUTE FACULTY TWcc lileillhers of tile T11stittite Factil- I \k-cre lionored x\-Itli degrees froin otlicr 1111111litions last june.. Prof. S. C. Pres- ('(it '941 heard of tile Department of Bio- ,. ved the honorary degree of D. i SC' Irorn Batcs College ill TATaine. Pro f. ( R. If. Smith of the Mechanical Engin- I eeriiig division received the honorary Al. i aid Prof. A. E. Gill '84, of the Chem- I IStn\· department, thie hionorary D). SC.i fro-III Rhodec Island State Collel-e atI 'MImllenceinent exercises there june 18.t SECOND MEETEING OF JOURNALISTS THIS AFTERNOONO~ MAJOR GOODDIER JOgINS MILITARY` SCIENCE DEPT. Formnerly Has Servedl with Col. F. W. Ph$Pisterer Th~e arri\-al at tlhe Institutce It,,t Satur- filfs one of~ the ~,cvcral depIletions1 in tiw, Staff of d ic M ~ilitarv~Scienice depal;rtmetnt REGISTRATIONI~~ LISST FOR SUJBJECT IS STILL OPEN Abouot twveiitv illei appearedc at tile opeiiiiig of the class iii journllali,11,, wh-tich is beiing givell by\ tile 1,1S~~ zilid History De~cIartmentii for .1 Perio(I of five w\ccks~. ON\·r ha~lf of this imm-11 becr w\-cre fre~shmen w\\ho Nv-jll b~e C-N- cused fromi tile first five weekcs of their EIIII1 if they i nakec a satisfactor\ · gradle, whihle the rest we.re niember.,,s of tile staff of TEE-1 TECH. Tlic scoml. meetting of the class -,ill b~e heldc todav· in rooiii 2-274t at 5i o'clocki. After todav,. howeverr tlie iliecting n-ill b~e at such hours as -%N·ill b~e niostl convenicent to the ma~jority- of thosec enrolled. T'he course is open to ;ill- one atteiidingi tile histitutc, awltl all%- wiishingf to takec it, th·at naive not registcrrtl, should collic to class toda-,. Instructor Experienced Mlr. Pen~ifield Robecrts of the Engnlishi charge of tile course. He planis to u,;e coplitus of THF- Tl,--CH as a sol.11ce off instructioll iii addlitlori to the textb~ook "Pra~ctica~l ilsrc Nc x N-\\ s W'ritilmS had considerablec newspaper experience ;i1 is;t preseicit dloitig feature w\orki alid nni,~,ical criticism for tlhe Bostoii Globe.. If tlle course is a success, 'M r. Robvi~-ts say-s tllat tile Departmenlct of ~ul~tiut cit for thicir five Nvetcks of Composition.. TECH1I GET~S NEW MACHINESS A carloadtl of llexv rnlachilles lhas ar- rived~t for- tile 111situte alld the%- .11-C wa-;s illchided'( all Clcctric (h-11,111101110cr1 for teslhl-~ scaplalle C i,~ilc~ beillg iittllstl nd oON ill tile Dn·· IC- j~aztrtnieiit buildliilg 38 Ill tile saille ( .11-10,1( wa, :,notlicrr ill tile haselliccnit of bilildilig 5. I~ooth of tl]L-,cV 111.1chille's \\-%-cre bult bX\· tll(. C~cii~I·~~ llectric ollipa~liv' at `tll(:Ir CHEM~ICALS TO HEAR DR. F. J. MOO~RE WEDPNESDAY1' i,,try Deparwici-itc~l~ at Tc~~clmllo()g,! · i-ll I~e thet speakcr a ;t thefrs mlkr(f l, SCocl'('t\- 11.1 III ., I halll of W\alkecr. ]his subjcc nlct l~ ",;ollle Great Schooll; of Gihennisti-\I!' DrI. Moorle reccei\-ed h)is degi~-c~e il j11 C11117- isti-v from I-I-cideclbergr- ill 1892. aiid is tile authoo r of "fl(istorl- of Cl~ell-listi-N. He h7as spellt mnost of hiis tiitic at 'I cecllllolog~.? for t17C last tweiltk--line VC;Irs. This stnoker wl b~e ol-)cll to a1lly-cIle des~iring~ to atteind andr all oppo~crttmitN· will h~e giviil to join tlhe societY·. A- table drive fori membership itl the Society il he conducted todayq, tomorrow, atid Wed -l tiesday in Buildiiig 2 near the Chemical Engineering headquarters. The program includes besides Dr. M~oore's adldress,ai Industrial M~ovie on Sugar atid a Mecr- *aid Comedy enltitled "B3ackfire." RADILO SOCIET'Y ]HOPES CHORAL SOCIETY MEETS TO BRIDGEg ATILANTIC IFIRST TIMWE ON FRIDAY

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Page 1: T~ECHNOLOGY SPIRIT I IS ROTTEN SAYS DBR. …tech.mit.edu/V43/PDF/V43-N41.pdfField Dav and Tech Night, and sniok-ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re-grct that Dr. Stratton was

- I 1 I -- I CI I - -- I 111~~~~~~~~~ -"1 II L -FiveCentsvol. XLIII No. 41 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., MaONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1923 Fv et

Technique C3up Which Stands in Trophy Room at Walker,Replica of Cup Is Given to Highest Point Man.








I .









Profess~or ITi. 13. Phillip~s, well known~to, s~utidents of N123. wilil bc: the speakers co~f tlie veiiing~ at the fir-st illetill ofthe M~ath Chil) tonirorroxv night ill theF~acultv and Altininnri room, W~\alker. 1-1 isllbject \will hc "I'lle 'lleort· of 1cClati\.itv·" and \\ill embrac e the so-called.. special" tl-aeory -which asserts tile rela-tiv·it-v (if aill iniiiforni motionl and~ theLitel --genei-alized" thcory of, tlhe rela-tivi;tv of all iicon-iiniiorrn motio-n. Theincetill" w\ill h~e lic](d at 8 o'clock andltbotht~ tile stiideiits an~d F;actilty are cor-



Arrangements Made for Special

Cashier to Be Present

to Cash Checks

Agniiii the· Technology Cooperac~~crtive Sc)-cletv ( IVC1 LW tX . III( llc(lNc III tile icrill of,

dividelidlt ctlcecks. A dividend~1~ of tell perc~(Xil~t Oil CcaSII ptrchaws s aiind igh~t percelit on1 CII;Ll,(-" a~ccollrns ]ms been vo teofC<

1,) e Il omcc llinleecc thlis giviimg sizableccliecks to tho.,e wlio ptircliased -)ods alrlflic~ T~clinolo-v bran;~lch las~t N-v~ar, a

mcllents will begic~ll at 10 o'clockl todaV,\-

lasiii--, iintil 12 o)'clodk. A\fter lialf aulli-tir rest, tlie crowd .l \rll h~e allowedct toiccoilec-l thecir checl-ks until 3:30. ''i mi

eN·Dv·t,_,d to trllle carlc of -llost oif talkscrowdl thecse two tLivs, ;I sIecizil casilierfromri tile Camb~ridoc Trii~t t 6-nnpany w~sillb.-, Illeselit to casli~ all chcck~ls. A fte r-'t'tlC,.,dLV, 111Cnl~bers call secure· thetir div\i-

dcndlt s at tlic store dtiriig the rq,-tdZr,tcl.e hcatlS.

if it is desired bv l ilell wilo (lo II!,t















AWARD IN TRACCup Given Trmack MBan Obtaaining

Greatest Number ofPoints Yearly


Securked Thirda in Han,,zner Th~rowat Intercolilegiates

Last Sprin-iz

11il. Ii1~ctittltcc tr;wlk ;Itlile~te seculill-lg tlic

i~~lt the fild cv lts II(]th ltirdls hasd

III 1922 Techillllique startedc thc cw~tomn



ITxv·o-Nx-,iv trin,,lathilntic coninitinlicaition1

'Illizaetur I-Malic, iS 1() Ike undertikencll

tlli ji ftu11 bv tieAr . .Rzdl oco'I'It (m. 15i,111, for the (.Xper ,lInicilt Nvo.-I-1

rect..1111 \ zlrr1111-cd -,v20() il lxr'm DelovC flic)1

ChneFrench zilnmitcu hses etilwlln-ilh(3 Elin pe,11 Qlld (if filC Illo,, , \1i'1 ticd

cc lm oftlllc st,.Itioll.~

t 7-~ le, I ill i11 it cl III t t c) 1-11t \ I ; I cl ( 1-t vc11,

is·c thit. It,at yctitr at ttcjnpi.', it c\.c1CI()I) Iiiil c Nver ()I I

)III It c) tha, (, a c, it sltcr i(lr m e ( \.I -rctcur Nulic lclll-tht, ill till, cl~l 30-1rv.

nictcrs n~as Iatle 8 1 til 1 1iil, tnic

'I' c~lt 1w I N M vll 1(isit \v ovrv xvith f hc

his c I 00 s of s cres XA, tile sflfiol

1)f ,1. C. julilhcv I!ecC tcad f t AFrdmcre

\\-il al lr itll s tllt ,iinillt llc miI ,v Nvith EX-M

Char hc ge French Transmitter~ough h

lizi becii i(-uid fluit.short\vave truh







Last Sattirday afternoonn the T. C. A.\Cabinetc~ journevced to the Mlansfield Tav-~·

:·nat Man~lsfield where thle anniial Set-,ing ULp Conferernce wa:;s heltd, ox-er theweeck endti. At this~ conferecnce the mem-nb~ers of tlhe cab~inet, w\hich is comp~riscdlof the officers and headac s of decpartmecnts, each presentcd, In il a fi fteen-minutee talk;, the wo~rk of his departmenlt andt dis-cussedt the plans for th~e yecar. Mlr. K~ings-lev Bir-e, Studeult Y~. Xf.. C. A·. Secre--tarvy for the Colleges of 'New Eng-aludtanil Professor01 Sti''liraind '11. of tileT. C. Ai. Adv~isory Boardl, -were guestsof the Cab~inet. T1his is the second coli-ference, held away from the city as thee

buUt of toxvil Conferences hav\e b~cen fomidttile mlost successful. One ]alf of thee(,ximiises are paid b~y the T. C. A. widdthec othier halfi is b~orne bv· the indivicl-

Technologyg SmnokerSuccess

I tals.

Freshmen Taking Course toExcused Fromn 5 Weeks

Wbork in EHII


fo~rmed b1,\- tile transfer of sevee\-tral cofficcrrs t.(irmcriv w ith1 us to (111tvulwhere. To MIajor Goodler. h~is

of t~lw

(111ticsshere- reprerc` cnt a return to, Coast A-rtil-lcerv ,ervice, aftetr -1_c·Z~rS Sl)(211 ill tile Arir

fle~ fil-st bccannle as~,cCCiatel \vith1 tile

]Better ill Connectic wi with~ tile Ri. 0. T. C.unit (it Ge()rglt Schiool of Technololn,fro~m xh·lich he grzalultatel ill 1908. lie

he nie~t \VI tl 1 erioll'; acci~lelit Causing~h~is temp~lorary rctireinem. Th. hi; (wciirrc(whell lie -%va;s f!·illp c over Satll Divc·o field..ZI~s it P~l1;11I1,,el- ith Glen~tn Clir-Li.;". btill-

S. S. Townsend Acts as Conduc-tor Ahgain IThis Ydear

Thel( fir·,t nlc·ectill" cIf tile Chorar~l So--

tkT 2',1('f1 Ill S111 111 , (W NVII() 11;P

illdt(,( 1() til, Iluctilun 11

'hC IT"Illar rclwal-"11, m·.C , the s. m~iii wil ty

TONVll" lid, whd li, I 1;ti'1o 1 1( " ziiI9;I, it 0 I (I ti t, I- I I III I ic; II elicar- l j lav

A Rgecord of

Continuous News Servicefor 42 Years


Und~ergraduate News Organ

of Tecbnology



Activities Join in Makbing Ahll-


Key to Walker is Presented toUndergraduates by

Dr. Rowe

From the tilile the first freshmenfl led into the dinmg room until th5111ging of tile Stem Song closed thei)Eoraiii, Walker Avas alive with the150o men attending the All Technolog3Smoker. Addresses by Dr. A. XV.RoN�-c '01, Dean 11. P. Tall)ot '85 aiidDr. T. -1. Conilor, the new Coach, wereOn- features of the program. Athleticc.-dilbitlons in the gym and displays bytile activities in their offices were heldill the earlier part of the evening iorthe elitertaillilient of the 1-nell WIlo1%-crc not eatiiig.

Dr. 1%'.owe made the annual presen-tatloi-l of the gold key to Walker to1\11. Robinson, Jr., '24. This sym-I)ollz.c(l the giving of the Imilding as;ill activity headquarters to the stu-dciits froin the Alumni Association.Rol)'llsoll turned tile kev over to T. F.Bull(IN- '24, chairman o f the WalkerNtemorial. Committee, wlio accepted it,sayuig: "Gentlemen, the Imilding is310111";. Noxv Vll lock the key ill) for-motlier vear."

Dean Hopes for More Dorms"Traditions" was the subject of tliou

Nall's address. He spoke of Rogers'Steps, the All Teclinology Smoker,Field Dav and Tech Night, and sniok-ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re-grct that Dr. Stratton was not thereaiid a hope for niore new dorins, whichXVIJ Ll I (I "Imild up a miter for neivtra(litions."

Ill closing lie reminded the gather-ilig of the geiieral good will existingfliroughout the studeiit 1)ody. and alsoistied a plea "not to forget tilat welia%-e the reputation of tile Tii,;titiite illour liands, oil Tech Night." Finally lietirged the importance of good scllolar-"llip, ,Making "to get by is One of tile

(Continued oil Page 4)


Prof. Heymans Discusses ZR-1Tests at Smoker

Tile Acromitifical Society is going togl�c a free ait-Iflane ride to two of itslllcillhel-"; sliall Ilave Signed ill) be-foi-c 'rimrsdaN% The choosm'- will beIW b"t at the societv's Sjll()ker to I)c held(11 -S(IZL3- at 8 ()'clock. TheIllaill pt�akcr of tile eveiling \will heJ)ri�f. 1'. Il'u\-111alls Who will give it trill(11 tile test-,; C()Il(ltlcte(l 1)�- Iiiiii at tile Ill-�tilut,� xvith the inodel ()� the navy diri--iNe Zl\'-I. Tile talk -,vill be illti-;tratedIn.Hills' Illitel-11 slides sllmvill- tile IICXN,

Ill(..tll()(Is of testillo- a pieccOf C , -ilst ructioll. t,

E- P. �Varncr '17 alsc) intends,; inN' t1lore to gn-e a talk oil "Comillo,!l-clal

ill WiliCh he Will di.SCLISS tile

lwssflhilltle., of fllc� aii-plalic as �l

(if ti-alisportatioll.Ih%-,t;lt, II to attend is extended in

all �jll(lclit., "\-11() are llltercstcd, all(] tiloselk'1,1�111L� to joill the sociely illay (IC) so atfliat tillic.



TWcc lileillhers of tile T11stittite Factil- I\k-cre lionored x\-Itli degrees froin otlicr

1111111litions last june.. Prof. S. C. Pres-('(it '941 heard of tile Department of Bio-,. ved the honorary degree of D. i

SC' Irorn Batcs College ill TATaine. Pro f. (R. If. Smith of the Mechanical Engin- Ieeriiig division received the honorary Al. i

aid Prof. A. E. Gill '84, of the Chem- IIStn\· department, thie hionorary D). SC.ifro-III Rhodec Island State Collel-e atI'MImllenceinent exercises there june 18.t





Formnerly Has Servedl with Col.F. W. Ph$Pisterer

Th~e arri\-al at tlhe Institutce It,,t Satur-

filfs one of~ the ~,cvcral depIletions1 in tiw,Staff of d ic M ~ilitarv~ Scienice depal;rtmetnt


Abouot twveiitv illei appearedc at tileopeiiiiig of the class iii journllali,11,,wh-tich is beiing givell by\ tile 1,1S~~zilid History De~cIartmentii for .1 Perio(Iof five w\ccks~. ON\·r ha~lf of this imm-11becr w\-cre fre~shmen w\\ho Nv-jll b~e C-N-cused fromi tile first five weekcs oftheir EIIII1 if they i nakec a satisfactor\ ·gradle, whihle the rest we.re niember.,,sof tile staff of TEE-1 TECH.

Tlic scoml. meetting of the class -,illb~e heldc todav· in rooiii 2-274t at 5io'clocki. After todav,. howeverr tlieiliecting n-ill b~e at such hours as -%N·illb~e niostl convenicent to the ma~jority- ofthosec enrolled. T'he course is open to;ill- one atteiidingi tile histitutc, awltlall%- wiishingf to takec it, th·at naive notregistcrrtl, should collic to class toda-,.

Instructor ExperiencedMlr. Pen~ifield Robecrts of the Engnlishi

charge of tile course. He planis to u,;ecoplitus of THF- Tl,--CH as a sol.11ce offinstructioll iii addlitlori to the textb~ook"Pra~ctica~l ilsrc Nc x N-\\ s W'ritilmS

had considerablec newspaper experience;i1 is;t preseicit dloitig feature w\orki

alid nni,~,ical criticism for tlhe BostoiiGlobe..

If tlle course is a success, 'M r.Robvi~-ts say-s tllat tile Departmenlct of

~ul~tiut cit for thicir five Nvetcks ofComposition..


A carloadtl of llexv rnlachilles lhas ar-rived~t for- tile 111situte alld the%- .11-C

wa-;s illchided'( all Clcctric (h-11,111101110cr1for teslhl-~ scaplalle C i,~ilc~

beillg iittllstl nd oON ill tile Dn·· IC-j~aztrtnieiit buildliilg 38

Ill tile saille ( .11-10,1( wa, :,notlicrr

ill tile haselliccnit of bilildilig 5. I~oothof tl]L-,cV 111.1chille's \\-%-cre bult bX\· tll(.

C~cii~I·~~ llectric ollipa~liv' at `tll(:Ir


i,,try Deparwici-itc~l~ at Tc~~clmllo()g,! · i-ll I~ethet speakcr a ;t thefrs mlkr(f l,

SCocl'('t\- 11.1 III ., I

halll of W\alkecr. ]his subjcc nlct l~",;ollle Great Schooll; of Gihennisti-\I!'DrI. Moorle reccei\-ed h)is degi~-c~e il j11 C11117-isti-v from I-I-cideclbergr- ill 1892. aiid is tileauthoo r of "fl(istorl- of Cl~ell-listi-N. Heh7as spellt mnost of hiis tiitic at 'I cecllllolog~.?for t17C last tweiltk--line VC;Irs.

This stnoker wl b~e ol-)cll to a1lly-cIledes~iring~ to atteind andr all oppo~crttmitN·will h~e giviil to join tlhe societY·. A- tabledrive fori membership itl the Society ilhe conducted todayq, tomorrow, atid Wed -ltiesday in Buildiiig 2 near the ChemicalEngineering headquarters. The programincludes besides Dr. M~oore's adldress,aiIndustrial M~ovie on Sugar atid a Mecr-*aid Comedy enltitled "B3ackfire."


Page 2: T~ECHNOLOGY SPIRIT I IS ROTTEN SAYS DBR. …tech.mit.edu/V43/PDF/V43-N41.pdfField Dav and Tech Night, and sniok-ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re-grct that Dr. Stratton was

| l -

- -

I -




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Architecture-Today awnd TomorrowTHE great buildings of today, designed in masses which rear rug-

1Tged, mounting profiles into the sky. foretell even greater andmore massive structures for the next half century. Always a close co-ordination of architecture and engineering, of design and construc-tion, the architecture of the future will find architect and engineerworking ever more closely together.Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organiE-2ation, wrill prove more than equal to the demands of the architectureof the future.

OTI S E LEVATO R COM PANYOffices in all Principal Cities of the 'World







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look fulnny ill those funny clothes. Alleknlows himy hadl locker llext him, lastXyead, me Xvote for hlim."

It might wxell Slave been Nil) M-arsh,~or a Bostonl electioll for that matter.

Official " - -i- - ~~~~A Record ofUndergraduate MXContinuous

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Investment SecuritiesLetters of CreditForeign Exchange

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IFeatutres DivisionW. G. Peirce '24 . General M .anagerl 1 '. R. Goldir~gs '25 R t. S. ChidseyP. JJ. Cardilal '24 . . . Editor i NEWS DEPARTMvENTR. E. DIorr '24 .Manlagring Ed(itor ' Night EditorsD. Al. Schoenfeld, '24 .. ... Business M~anager, 1M. S. M~ac'Natght '24 S. H. CaldwellG. . An flderson, .Jr. '2 4 E. . H. I0lg

ASSOCIATE BOARD }'. K ;. Bates '24 Nw rtr Charles RichJ1 1' RamseyJr, Jr.25 5;rs 17dixtor W\. F1.MSc(:ornack '26 O. BJ. Robzinson

R. I. Dietzo~ld '25 . eatures ls ( it( or S por'ts WritersA. AI. XVrthinlgtonl 2;5 Adv ertisinlg M~amiger C. epo Brtrys21). A . I enrlersoz1 '25 . Circulation .\Jan ager l .. nl R eporters T.C~lderJ. 1 . I looks '25 ... .... .... ... T restirer .E ndro 2 L. J. Goenl i l dberg

OFFICES OF THE TECHBUSINESS DEPARTMENTOFFICES OF THE TECH ~~Advertising DivisionNcws and Editorial-Room 3, Walker Afe- Staffm lorial, TelepJhone, Un iv. 7029 R. W. earo-cl a2Businless-Rooml 302, Wallkcr Memorial, CNsircstionl L.DiviLuso'2Felephone, Univ. 7415 Asitnt t.1 uasff 2

INr. P. Wnoodlasol '26SU13SCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR TrauyDvStaff

Entered a Second lass Mattr at theC. J. Everett '26Boston Post Office PUBLICTY DEPRTMN

\N ;rler .iiinb lard l '25-Memlber of Eastern Intercollegiate staly,_,__ .~Sainu tel (;ltser '25 A. D). Phelps

"Fair H-arv-ard" and~ "Old 'Nassau"may bee sonlgs that send the thrills of3-ou~th thr'ough the follo-xecrs of the crii--


Harvard Frosh Demand Meat'23'25



A1)out nlinetv 1Harvard fresliniansignecd a p~etitionl tile othler day dec-naniding somie -other mlainl dish than

eggs for b~reakfast. The '27 incr1\\icarry the fight against eggs to a bit-ter cend.

Erect Aerodynamic LaboratoryThe Unliversitv- of Toronlto has a(kled

to its eqluilmlilent all aerodyn lamic 1albo-ratory. Thisi lafioratory colitainis as itsmainl pieccc of aplparatus tile oniv wvindchiannlel in Canada.

The Heights ReflectsThc 11eighlts, the official nIews' organl

of blostonl College, comilccts tile w\ordprogr-ess wvitll tle nainlle TevchnollogyilIllenltiOnnig the lvewN dormlitory llow lbe-ilig Conistructedl. W~ith anl a ttempl atironvx it conltiiiiies nider the samel headto sav that "The 'XI.I.T. Musical Club"is reputedl as l)einig a superior college, mlusical clubJ, bult ask the B~ostonl Iub-

lic for a justificatioll of tilis rep~utationl.

Yale Sopbs Pay Fine

creatinlg a spirit of good fellowsllip 'TllSteinl Swig- has y et to finad its eqlual.At least such are the Lounger's OpilliOllS. Trule Tile Steinl Som," does notmentionI thc Nvord Technlology or bulul)-lber albout tlle beauties of tlle cardlinalanld tlle g-rey. Its real app~eal lies iln tle-atincosphler-e that it creates for Technlol-ogy menl. ANt atmosphlere of college dlaysand carefreenless anld tlle foolisllless ofyOllthl tllat Nvould drinlk unltil sunlrise. ATechnlolo-y Rubalyaat wvitllout thc pessi-mnisin1 of Omiar Ksalvani.

Tte Lotiniger llas freshl il }liS minldthe effect of the son-g at tlle All Tchl-nology Smokser last Tllurslay e venlinlgIt was rathler discoutaginlg that tlle songtNvas nlot bretter knlown Ni})t evenl as itNvas stling it sxas a fittin'g ende to a suc-

cessfull smokser. It wvas "a b~igger anldIbetter" smokecr thanl the Lotin-er hlascvcr p~articip ated inl. Evenl the sIpeecllescouldk lb listcllcd to. Tlle Deanl tokljolkes tllat really baroughlt sp~ontaneoulsIatililter anld "Doc" Row e p~resellted tlle

samel xir-ax mustachled smoothnless tllatis al\sra.-s hlis. It is bevond the Lotinger

1c\ tllat manl (los it. Ilis tonlgne rtml-nlethl liikc a goklden strearn andl lis wvit

call evenI doxv ii tllc lbubblinlgs of otir inl-estimlable frienlds, tlle A~ssistanlt Deanl anldEiric 11odlgins. 11sc Lotinger has alwacyshildt the: Wi~tmlest of feclilgs for DoctorRtower sincc onle grey afternloonl Nvlen thc

Doc fed liiin Rvichlmond Straighlt Cuits.It is too bade thlat the Doctor cannlot fol-lowv his cigarettes whienl choosiig hlistrouscrs.

Thc nIlOSt startling part of t71e speech-es, to tlle Lounlger, layr in George Par-Ikcr's descri1)tioll of activities. He anl-nlomlcedl tllat thc T. E. 'N-. llad Schell-

matized its ofi~ce anld liad. pulblished a 200-l'age bsook onl office mnatagemenlt. T. E.;N. is tile most repsortinlgest activity thatthc Lounger has ever had tlle plcasurc ofrunnlini - across. A p~urchase of a nlewdesl; brings out a telve-p~age report,chanlging a stenograpller fromn a blondto* a b~runlette intist h1ave cost at leasttwventy sheets, and now\\ a 200-page b~ookoil office manlagemlenlt. Heaven forbid !W\e shlall e~xpect to see tlle floor marked

off wvith wXhlite lines and baslket b~all rtilesin force to kieep tlle manlagemenlt inl tlleirterritory. A&sh trays xvill le in anl armislenlgth of anly p~ortionl of tlle office anldcandlidates w-ill undoubltedly be instruct-ed to aski thc genleral manlager at statedlinltervals whetller they may gir e h1in a

cigarette. Thc Lounlger wvonders lvletllerT. E. X. es-er is origillal outside of itsrep~orts.

Tlic office floor camp~aign for obtainl-ing calldicates Lvas quite sticessftlThlursdav evenling. F;ree f ool and~smolkes wvere presenlt in every office, aml.

h1ow the menl <lic pile inl. Onle little JapNvanderedl into THE TECH office wvith

llis arllies full of literatllre and 71iS Ttouthcrowvded1 with lollX plo~s. "Nhat y ou-iv'in' Ollt llere?'' lie Cemalide(. te wa'Cspr Cesentedl xvith somel chlocolate b~ars and~

a copys of lats year's Prom issue. "Allfree, all frce. hc inquliredl. He was in-formlied that they Nvere. A lonig grin

b~roke hlis vellov coluntenlance. "Yecs,ev er tillig ree toligilit, me talkc everyX-

thinig I finld,'' lie proudily lxrasted. Thenlh1is ev caulght a ~ictulrc of the Prom

c(lllittee i t7e roto-ravutre SeCtiOnl lieh1ad b~eenl t ive. Ha, lla, wv o thlesc

men Nvh\1 o tlis ftumvll face herc " ? lhe<rgleel, Downt came hlis fillger Oil thec

fae of Bill Rob)inson, Nvhlo had Iput olla sickkl swveet face for the pzicture. Thle

Tap) was tokld in firmn tones thatt it wvasthe Presidlent of tlle Senlior class. Hisface dlrop~ped a few degrees. bult qulickIlybleamed( again. Oh1 yes Rtob~inson. lie

Newspaper Association As, W G\rat (F-t Ia

; '25 1, " 11

E. H. Long '25In Charge of This Issue:Our next showing at


will be on Thursday October 25, 1923As an u ttcomel of the llotoriolls riot

in w-hichl thc enel of 1926 took part lastSprlin~g the Y ale Studenlt Counlcil halsplaced a tax; of seventy-five ceiits Olleach mlembller of tllc class, andl in ad-dition is reqluirinlg Ail Sophomlores tosignl a promise to be good boys and1lot get roulgh. Thc p~ledge is a pzroml-isc of good bhelavior atied orderly col-dulct Oil the streets of N~ew llavc1.


Tncluded~ il txN~enty-onc 13clgianScholar-shlip studelts jllSt arrivedlil Ne Yx 5ork onl thc S. S. Be4gell-land are txvo meln, Joseph Goosenls ofErtissels and Albecrt ILecron of GlicntUniver-sity who are coming to the In-

stitutc. Goosens wsill studv chemistr-and Lccron is plaurling to take a coursein tractionl electricity.

All e~xpcnses of thre students arc be-ing paid by the CommllissionI for thc Re-lief of Belgiuml F-dulcational Founda-tiOnl, which iS headed bvy HerbertHoover. This organization was founml-ed as successor to the Belgiumll ReliefCommllission to adinilistcr the balancesremainillg froml the Relief Commlis-SiOll'S funds. In additioll to estalblisli-ing these scholarsllips the Foundaltionlhas made cndowmcnts to tlle universi-ties of PBrussels. GThent, L~iege, Louvalin,the School of Mines at Alons, an(l thleHigher Colonial School at Antwcrp.


The FLY-FRONT CoatTHE styleapproved by college

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;332.50 to $47.50

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841 Broadway N. W. Cor. 1 3th St.Stuyvesant 9898 New York City


I ut style.=emo. book will be vent free, on requesf


Page Two THE TECH Monday, October 15, 1923



_l_.A1ZTTIES ustiallzr select atttum11 as tlle llOSt logical time inC \' hichl to carrv- oll tlleir cainpaigns for raisinlg nilonet. Theschlooal A-ar is 1lo\-, sxell unlder vay alld it ANill not be long b~e-foreC thc lovNa] cohlorts of frlst onle O1r-alizationl and tllel allotler

M l talke tileir p)osts in thle m~ain Lobbyl aiid beseechl us to con-triboute to tllcir supplort. Whrten v iewed in a certaill lighlt, e\-erv-cauell iS worIthy\, sonle caltses mlore thlan otllers, so that it iS vervdifficutlt to discrimlilate and allow~ onle caniplaig~n alld nlot anotller-.Yet tllis alllltal att.ack oll tle studellt's pockvet b~ookx is lsoth inlcon-venlielit alld annoy)inlg. As Ion- as a caimpaigt-n is in progress thereis a nervotlsles~s exhib~ited 1)y, evreryone andl a tenldency to kseepingtaloof fromt tlle Alain Lobbl

It is not that tlle students do not wlalt to hlelp) out tlle -,ariollscauses. It is the fact that tllere are sc> manlxv of theml -,rhichl maketlleir plelas at diflferent tinles dulring the vea.r. Some of tlle so-called drives are admillistered efficiently. Others are not, alld w-hentlicv fall sllort of thleir goals, are prolonged for anotller wxeek. Thisis anothler source of annloyance. Last year tlle T. C. A. decided tolimit its campzaignling to onle w-eek, thle decision nilet writh inlstan-taneouts sttldent apptroval, and tlle sumll attained wvas proof that itis +rasteful to spreadl a carnpaign ov~er a nullller of Aveekss Avrllenit Ca11 be m-acle fetr more effectivte lby constrainling it iv ithlin tlleb~ounads of a wreek;. OI1 othe other I-land, the Rked Cross drive last

year Avras run in a haphlazard mianner and tlle SUnI1 contrihuted adisgrace to the nma;,-nanliiiitvr of the students of Technlologyr.

A;\Vliv not eliinail~te the inconvenience to tlle students, save the.caiwa~ssers the ex^pellditure of iluchl timie -alld otherwRise Nvrasteenlerg-v, and at the samle timec secure a mlaxillutm efficiency of effortbyr hav\i1cg o11C colllliled drivc once a ,year for tlle T. C. A\., Re(]

Cl-oss, Stud~ellt FTrienldship Ftlnd, and possiblyl any otller org~aniza-tiOlt w\hichl nlol-itt seek; to securc fillalcial Stlppol t from the stu-clents of Technlology-, this drivc to lave a defillite timle linlit and leso or-anlized as to reacll evrery student? Ili past yrears, som-e stu-dlents h1aN-e colltriulted to olle cause, alld otllers to allotler. :Never

11ave all of tlheii -iv cn tox any one, unlless it was thle T. C. AV., X-whicliis more or leSS conceded to be a pulrely- Teclinlology- institution andto ftulfill sev-eral esselltial 1eeds. F;urthlermlore, by- hlaving suci acolllliee dlrivre rulll byX inenl A-lio are prlomlilellt "andc Avelllloll konatthe In stitutet tlle percenta-e of mlen fa il in- to conltrib~ute anyathlin-at a~~~~l lR o~~~~lkl l~~~~c Illillimi~~~~~~ed. So tllat tlle total a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~noullt coilecteel~~~~C,1alCtll Ilt1eesrlall woulldN bel minimizedec SIIlI of the toa iiutclletedshould selorte lleessari s fall belowthe of bne sl atim ofla a h 11a e Are

ltofo grel lseprtl hol~la drto s iacl sc pirtel+ Rof t l nactutot aesiateA~hhat -i1ven^ fitte ella(01r-s to eacem solepartiely vudn outhsttTlclat ivrla fiftee Co dolrsx to theginl clla ectieelss. \rl

The, i nal-tlionlli Rdoe Cross dtric ofin lle a fen ivegeks.e Malt-toIC{eA-ner if ss am thiisroe is lttle doature ofl thplan. suggeslts edi -otigto cir dllaona l e no. herle i Tltle doubt t af the studentls chait viesshlould ex lrc.ss tllcir v iceivpoint ol tlle natter.


AN ITH- Field Darr oiily a little over tlll A-ccka-els a\Nav it is stalt-5/v ling to ob~serv e tllat thlere al e scar celyr enoltigh Sophloinaor-

calldicates to mak~e tl) teanls inl footlball -end ti--of-A\ar-. GranltillCtllis sittuation to continute, conllctitiol for poeSitioS 'Will certain]l-\b~e relucdc to a miillll alld tlle coachles w-ill, le tincer a -reat

resp~onsibility inll niakincl anyr equlitable selectiol of elln for tlloseplaccss.

N\\re are clnoi coninienlcin-b our tllird Avceek of schlool and it isw-eil p)ast tllce ordlinary time to b~egin all activ-e participatiol iln classanld schlool fullctiotls. Tllere iS little reason for sllIde a lax;itv aS the

Class of '26 1.S shlow\in-t tosrard tlle sulpport of a F;iceld Day p'rocrrarmIt is not onlly tlle parestige of tllat class thlat weill suf~fer, fobr al-thlou-11l it exilsts as a unlit, it llllSt beC inl reater senlse representatiwzeOf Technlologyx's ulnder-raduate attitude.

Fortulnatelyt tllis is IlOt a post examinlationl of iFiielcl Dawr andtllere IS still thnle to entcr illtO the spirit of tlle aff~air, and still timeto train ; Iout I10 nollnent catl be Avtasted and no inan sllould deliber-ate as to }liS ab~ility to niake the team. There is only one qualifica-tiOnl that iS necessaryt for tlle try outs and that is a wsillin-~ness tocompete for positio:ns..,ag to cooperate for the success of the class.The Sophonlores canilot afford to lose tllis year and suffer thehumiliation of not havinlg tlleir nllmerals inscribed on the FieldDay Cup.

MAJESTICTwvice Daily 2:15 &: 8:15. Suin. at 3 & 8:15



A PARAMOUNT PICTUREFounded Upon Emerson Hough's SplendidRomance of the Oregon Trail.

PRICES:Eves. & Sat. IIats-, 50c, $1 & $1.50

Other lats., 50c anid S1

Page 3: T~ECHNOLOGY SPIRIT I IS ROTTEN SAYS DBR. …tech.mit.edu/V43/PDF/V43-N41.pdfField Dav and Tech Night, and sniok-ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re-grct that Dr. Stratton was


II M- -



From The





Technology Branch, Harvard Co-op, 76 Mlass. Ave.also

Harvard Co-op at Harvard Square
































monday, October 15, 1923,.



fumbles and Ragged PlayingWeaken Engineers But

M 9en Fight Hard

r '\fter a scol-elesis first hlalfDeall ;\cademylt bllocked a p)ult Oill

the Tiler five yrard line. TheLjeIle ; tf C N. lay s restllted lil tlle

@'onk, tallyr of thle afternoonl. TlleL esailin'r~s, thlou-1i out-wreitl-edl oilile lille, ftottiht halrd and heltdtheltl- J)re) SCllool oppon)Ienlts to,,IC tii-st dow-nl. Onlv on1e -oodc lianlce to scor-e facls givenl thefl-CS11111ce, in1 tlle Last feN1 MlinlutesC~f p~lav, thley lost tile b)a11 by aiullibllle oin Dean'ls 12 y ard linle.

ttEngineers Fumbl3e OftenTllC gainlC oplened vith tile freshl-

111'l o011 thc receiv-ilg cnd. Volanteraii r~anltck thc lball to the 3() yard lile.0, Cllc.lshed throughl left tacklel for

a gainl of 5 yards, i)ut a flunil~e inl the' Itt flayst gave Deaal Acadlemy tlle

]),-l] Oil tlle 35 vrad line. Thc acz-idenivconl11detel .t patss for 1D vardls, l)ut lo~st

rtilc' i)a'til 01d(own s. W\ithl tht ])all oi1flilei- 15 vard( linec tlle IElgineers pulntedlo safetv-. Giles, learlilg righlt endl, ill-tercel)tedl a forwvard pass. The vyea-r-iligas futinlilcd againl -lut recovered

11tith lo.ss of grounde. Again ill danlger,Halei-tl signlalledl for a punlt. The Il)a~limas nini I)ack; to the Enlgineer 30 vardline. l- arl, left lend, threwv the A'cad-C111V hallf for a 10 v ard loss alld tlle

lalchlangLed hanlld, 011 downis. Tlleiirediinlcii tailed to gaiii aegain. On thcfotirtli (Iowvii the lDean left tackle l~rokefliroutigh to throws Clinc on thc 30 vardlinc. E tnd of first qluarter.

Dean Completes 30 Yard PassIii tlle secolid quarter Deall lost

the I)all oll downls. NWithl six; vards, to'lo oil thc foulrth dowvl, Cargile putitedlotit of dlanger. Dean lost ground lbutmiadc a 45 yard punt that put the En-giineers b~acl; on their 35 yard line.Cargile immelldiately- punted beack. DeanA0ca(Ic'my, again fosii-ig ground, triedwlo passes. The first wsas illcompletc,I)ut thc secondl netted 30 yardls, Bllrk,at fullleack, intersceptedl a pass oll theie~xt I)Iavr, Ibut w as tackled oil the 30yard linc. Cargile wvas taken out and

Bro~Nln event in at rigllt half. Tllc En-'iicecrs lost ground andl a fullilbledpiunt gavc Dcan tlle balll on the 15!ard] lillc. The whistle lost themn theirdiajice to score.

Dean Blocks Put to ScoreDeanl rececivecl and~ vas dowt-led~ oil 30

yard Ilnle. Tlle E-nginecer linec lekl, Da-sier at ceniter hareak~ing tilrough anidthiro ill- tle A~cadleiv fullllack; for at5ffe'tl " ;rd losss. A lonlg ~inint putt lilen(,,it olf dalii-er andwl~l \ ilnto Eligileer ter-rito~ry Dyer rej)laced Clinle ait left hallf.Tlle ycarlinlgs Nvere liilal)e to) gaill, and~ ahl)kl; c(1 ptiit gar c Deami th ic all oil otirI!) var(l linle. AS r-unl arotind~ rifr-ht endc1letfted .six vardls. 'rwo I ile sinasiles,zave tile AZcad(eniv flicir onIlv totichldosivi.Pie%. failedl to Ikiel; tile goail, goliig wvide.

k~i cklit~ed off for tlic Eiighilecrs anidDeal,1 xas (lc~x-lle(l onl thleir IS yardl lille.(8.,rgilc rettrnecd to tile gramel, -rellaciligI)ver at le ft h1alf. D~eanl ilnimleiatels-Ptlli~t'(, G;iles runnlini"~ tie 1)all hacl; to,tle 4.1 lrai- linle. As forkNardl 1)ass, Mitrk;

(7.ilc.,, netted l vn+ar(ls,. .Anothecr was'ttelillxtc(l lunlt lDeanl inltercce)ted ol01 theirw5.Ian'l Ille. Etidl of thlirdl qutartcr: DeanAMCt(kn iv 6): NL1T. 1'. 27-0.

1)L-all tr-ide to) ])aSs hNit failedl to CO~ln-it 1 r] llock~ed andc recovere ccla1

(,IIl tile ell(,llv 2 .; v ard l line c. A tli,11 btl vn Car- ile left file Enigineer-s

])it-ll, 13 vin-(ls to go. Tile ]lval]llf,,vr(ld ol~is )l a fill-lilble, thelel a prell-

!" 1,i ,,(l tile fresh en illl 1 tile de feil-()II°X thezir - OvlV 47 v .11d litC. Tile

EIIQjl,.vI-,; h tld, W~ld tlle E4 £tallC XV\-tS called lx~tlI )(-II Ac, detd llvI pl), ssessio~ll of tihe;,11 ill tile Middle of tile fiekld.

Team Fought Hard.W tl llit .a ,veek o>t practic} lback of

tlIc ll. I'ie t fre slillell f ( lIt,'h t W Nith l ;III O tilIII fic il~ll. T ler-e wcr l-ilaillz fail)])lw(s.;

"OIC 1)()C)I taic lvilu, a l ,ld blo ick sing , lut.I'lnv olllX (f tile n IvI l ()II tile Squ tad l llew

l> ft-all,ll tle resullt is lot disced-~itableu.Ca 14 ai6 I-l<Ztrt] s geuicrallshipi was gond

htiz, mad1l~~ f.'0N b}tuid~ers. I utrk a~ttlback; got o1ff some good p~asses wi'-l nod)( jo l> ill ])Pic illg up l tile lille.

ll(th ]kes an ci(l ns C vere fas jut lut igilt.Da ler, .at ceinter. formedl tilc cnlter of

t'e}ii-hileer defeiise. Thc p~ahinig Wa~sraggeel at finmcs bult the spirit was goocl.

Coach Connlor's policy for develop~ingtten ior the cveiicts helps to b~ring out(111Y fu~ttire stars that might remain

ttrie(I in Techniology's class roomis. OnieOlthe new coach plans is to get all

the Possible raw~ material on thc fiekld,and then start right in anid mould the!"(Per ksind of anl athlete. In regard tothe fifeld events, lie hop~es to round tipall the b~ig, heavy menl of the school, anidgivC them the rudiments of the game.

Pythzias-" No-dlog-one it. Isk~ippled over to class,

Ache ,,ss*erd~ram,w,&Eoaemwd,;


6 'I 4 I 41 : 9t


TheirFluentWRITING rnducesFluent THINKING

Your E6ducation 'Demands It

IF there's any one thing that stu.idents are entitled to have, it's afoun.

tain pen that makes their thoughtsflow freely. So don't let "False Econo-my" put an unruly pen in your hand.That is a mental hazard you can't af-ford to hold before your eyes through-out your college days. Pay a littlemore and use the pen that gives your thought free rein -the black - tipped,lacquer-red Duofold-the fountainpen classic.

Parker Duofold is not only hand-somer than gold -its color makes ithard to lose. Its balanced swing andsuper -smooth point make it a fasci-nating pen to use -a point no styleof writing can distort, no years of usecan wear away.

Get the $7 Over-size Duofold or$5 Duofold Jr. or Lady Duofold now,and you're fixed for life. Neat goldpo~cket-clip or ring-end for ribbon orchain included free.


A\ltlloll,'hl CO;IC,11 C011110o- ]lletS 01V hCI)e

intlie POl) le<tlzali t-o) -wclss dliretitila11 1Jloile (radiietes .-),, Trecii I'i(+ ld x1.

ha.s Ill~lde a filic iltlpress~iol on1 all tll(-

tlrack; i11e'. H is fil St !)ib X(-) w l; was1 togiet acquIaillte(l withl tile limmerlCOls atli-let('s tilat canic tillder- lii.-, ('are. and~ sittilis Coalcli Connlor prlovedl to) lbe anl til-*lLlalifie~d StlC(CSS. A fellowv can't lielptlktillg kilnd]ly to a mlall N lio comies llpto) 1li111 Oil tfie trael;, initrodutces 11ilsel f.tells; 1im aix)iit tile cllalces Oil l iC va-rioti1s teani1s, and~ then prlaces 11iin il th1etracks work lie is leest fitte(I for. Nfamla inall, wlio hac' nlo sp~ecial llOtiOII ofgoingt out for tracl; bit w~as julst wNail-derinlg aroulld the fieldl, hias becen secure(linl tllis wvay.

Tech Fielhl looks mnighty neat anl(ldanldy nIow. From the tracl; itself, tothe rulling anid jililpilig pits, ev'erythinigis laid out as i f a oclampionlslliip meetwas to be ie 1d ev ery dlay, and Nl ike isright onl the job to see that llOt a cinderis out of place.

THE TECH Page Three



Time Trials on Saturday ShowProspects Favorabec for

F rosh Team


Tlle var~sitv andl freslinlanl C1-OSS counl-try Sqluad~s Ire fhst <ettinig dIown1 to

real wrvkrl as the first of tlle tcam ratcesxvill talze lplace ovRer tlle Belmonlt Cotirsellvx.t Satuirdavt~. Coatch Colinior wvill liv--idle tllc cand~idlates inlto sevenl group~s

Send~inlg tilemn o)ff fo--r a tllree mile runl.'I'}ll tril ts fOr tilC Co-rnlell illeet wXillIte liel~d a week fr-oni tomolrrowv ct Be]-

!ont. :\s tile Ithatctl incet tak~es p~lace

()ctober 27, tile nieli call lose nlo timie il,e'ttillt, ill condeitionl f<or tlle conltest.

ILast Satulrday CnLCll Connlor put anlumbe)(r *)t inlen throt-htg tinilc tr-ials andl~

thle r e:>tilts give h1igh1 hlopes fo~r dlevelop)-illt, a gond freshmanctl textill, esp~ecially as'nine (-f tllc inel werer entirelv nlew at[lie gtanil. Dutffy, D~avidson, and~ F<i feof tile va;rsity squladl rall. a tsvo milee-nurse end~ing tll) ill tlle order nlalnedl.K9. A'. Smllith anl(i Jultt of the fre;hilenx-erc r un over a onle and a hial f miletl ial I)v' Co~ach Connolr. SmlithI nial~illgthle distanlce ill 8Q mini. 22 see. anld Jutlcill 8 Ililln. Gayl ordl, allotller freslllnlan.at his first atte+mpt at tile runnlin-g gamne,C(T\CIe(l *)tle andll llf nli'les ill S :17.

Coac~l V-'arlrlt'l o f tile f roshi relay- teanixv-ill hold)~ tl-ials tonilwrroxv anld A;ediesh-

Iday for the ptirt)ose of gettinlg a linle oithe first 3 ear material.


A^Nfter carefull thoulgllt the ineinhlerso)f tlle Class of 19276 have perfected aplan1 whlerel)N' tlilev call )tuildl Up a mlaclh-ine flilat xvill dleinolisli tile freshlmanl foot-beall teamil on 1, ieldl Day. Tle p~lan isas follows ~: first, to see hlow inanl b~ig,huisky nilen calil stay awvay froin Techlfielcl unitil twvo dlays before tile gamne,anid secondc, nlot to x)otiler wvithl lracticegnimes xvitl parcp schlools. Thlis is a fit-tinig examp~le of tile Sop~homnore class anmore credlit is dlue thein fromn tlae factthwart tilcy are tile origiliators. Doubt-less tile leadling college footlball tcamist~iroughlout tilc counltry ,vill followr suitalnd stop tile unnlecessary lpractice CIIS-toniary l)efore gaines. Thctt tile classis liv ing tip tol tilis canl be seenl from thefact tilat olil],. 1ll m llaesl n 11aeSOVIE1)for 1)rtctice so far. T7e teamn ( ) adaI gaine w\fitll Deanl Acadelem schieduledlfor last Satuirdav buvt acocrdinig, to thlesecond~ p~art of tileir p~lail, s11ch gal11es<re to l)e atl)(lishel. To Ile stire, aSophlomilore at college siloullc nost lowserhlimlself sn) far a sto play agaillst prlepscllool.s ]ItS b~ad el1otigli to hiave to p~la,,againlst tlle frc.shinan.

Practice Games UnecessaryTlic Sophls are to er cozmp~limenited oil

tileir .sa aity alonig folotbalil linles. Tn1-,;te.ad of wearinig flicin:,elves olit againistDeantl Saturdlay, tile frolsh teami was senitto acqutir-e tile detstt stedl lractice. if \o*lowibt tile Soj)lis xv ill stav- aw-av fromt1e g~anil xvithl Nnclovler for N lichl thleyatrc SCIeM11.d nlext Saturdlay. Any5thlingt(-) carrv tilrotigi tile l)]an, tile restilts ofxviicli are awvaited] vith initerc.,t. Lestw-e fovrg-ct, tile Class lif 19)26 las goallto dlefeat onlce alreadyl. BLt ].ISt yearthlev Xtere freshlmen andc c~rildl not as-Iscrt flicelvltles stiff lcienlth, to albStaillf rorn p]ractice. 'F1iis freedoin1 thlart C0111CSfrnnn I)einig a Snp~lninore eniables lileni

to ) (aOst tl{(, .viS~l, atiso to (o.c asI tilevw~ish


Freshmen Have Enough Oars-men to Make Three Regular

Crews and M\@ore.star tim,~ todayt 011 thc .second~ lveek o f

fall p~ractice, tile Tiistittite Oalrsmenl al efirinlv establ]isliedl at tile lboatltiotse. Evervaltermlonl upwXxa rds of seve ewlC tVs are get-tilig~ vorlsOtits ill p~reparati~ml f-r tlle iall1

clztSS ratCe. ~l~id I Fie'ld Davl, aIS w~ell atsfor v arsitv wvork; ill tlle spring5>.

Ti'le fl-C"1ill11Cwl liavse }n. farl tlie greatet.t

mumb~lIer ()f catilididates of anvl of tilc clas--e ;. 'Fiev! hiave thlree regularly listveleiglits allil oftell ilie~ll elloll^-ll to Iboat ad~-ditiOlla]l crws. Uii(ler tile dlirectionl ofCo<tcil A\. W\. St cvi- fls iev ;tre rl-tindl~im,,illtO silap~e andl~ will giv e tile clip)-wilinll"i.S(loplionore ouitfit at run1 for thleir 111olley,iii;(der all,, cond~itionl of xviii] l(l mid wave.

S~oph's Old Crews BackTille fir,;t Vald .Stc()ld~ SI)pl()1lllore otilt-

fits (lre lbacl; again iii p~ractically tile-,alllc lilielip~s flicy lad1 last sp~rilig. W\itlljilcir p~reviouis explerielice to b~ack thleinit ]aTo.ts tak~en little timne for thi n to getto-ectlier alled thecir p~ractice .pinis Slowtiloinl to 1bc iii good l ilape for so eatrlyill tile .seasoll.

NN itil lv.>s (lefillite pl)alls for tllC fal1,tile jimlior atid~ Senior~ caii(lidastts havex .i(,t yet trtiried otit sill Stttcielt Iljiubersto l)o)at Cr'ew S re-1;Il,llali wN 11( \itil 111oreor less permaimi1!t1t Iiiietip~s. Coclcil Dcel-4(Il1latgL21 talkes clmr-e o-f tliev>> mine wvileiif~lcl tuirn ouit, butt is dlevotill" mo10re ofils time to van-ity mater-ial ioar tile spli-ilg

Varsity Material in Blue CrewTlesels mlen are gettiiig \-vork~outs ill a

Iiiletip) called tile TIlule Crew.' Tllisciglit iiicludles for plractice ctll of tile oklvar.'tvt ilel atv-al 'ile and~ thet mIOt(' pr1'1m-kililg of tile matce-ial from last vear's 15())Otnllei-Ci lt wid~ tile class crewxs. Tlii:-)reliliilrl-y sizing-Llp of tile me101 slould]mal- tile wvork of finial selection of a

v arsitv *mitfit falr easier ill the spriiig.Tlle freslinicii at till otho~ttl(ise this

year havc been pzut wider definlite rulillg1))' the imaiiageincent. Eachl mail is re-quired to -wecar a redl buttonl, andl iS re-stricted to certaiii marksed areas whlile

vaitinig for hlis crewv to lc inade til).This sy-stem is e~xlectedl to resullt ill muliUl

cess crowvdedl coiifusion in tile afternloonlswVlell mlOSt all of tile elgiits are wvaitinlgfor a chliace to latnicli anld get ouit.


Sophlomores, -\vake tip ! W\ritli lessflianl three weekcs for lpractice, tile '26

(ntfits are still ill thlC emblrN o state sole-]Nv b~ecause tlle mlen ill tlC cltss wvilo are

capeable of gvi ilig real] sers-ice are nlotvilliiig to shlow thecir sp~ilit. Ill sp~ite of

persoiial appleals fromi tliose wvilo arerealh, w ork~inlg for a Soplilonore victor-SOIle of tile lbcst afilletes ]1lev slirm-tzedltller shloud~lers and~ ,Nulkied awav<l.

Wi lile Ill1lt' 111e;11 Elle Oult for- }racticenow)X trivall a wveek; igo. tle s~low~ing- is re-garded as most milsatisfactory-, p)articti-lcark wlileii it is a knIowni fact lilat Iiimnyof last X car's stairs, ae~r do(}niiii- flicirclalss to dlefeat betCatist' thlev -lle t-)() COII-fidenlt to) sttlrt tr aluill",

Stars Are Not ShiningAV scaiit dlozeii liave mladle flicir p~res-

enice kniowni to tile footlball fieldl, aud~ ;asl resuilt '26) practice lkes beenl greitly

detlayecc xxvllle tlleir freslim,-,n rivtl.s lamve

b~eenl actively- inl tle gmnl. Tug-o f-war

llaS, fatredl s( Iinewimlt lbetter, buit Cmi iiev -ertlieless tise all tic liusksies flat applear-.'.%le w~i.,ilig to) try ()tit mlay liave tile<'lanlce byN r ep1ortiml, at tile fickl tonighlt

ait .5 o'clock.Thle re~lay temnil is aiixioii.,l< waitiiigr

fo r tile returnlwi of several of last yearl'z,runnerltlS. A\ y('<l aso, is. frotslilmle, tile-%camel xvitl~inl a liair of bcit'>ings tileo rix-

ca]s. allid tile CllallCe'S for tile StailC Co'ln-biiiatiosii to wviii thlis N-(ar are c()ii.idereIgoocl, IF tle. 111C1 Wlxill tulrn olit. _Alo:-t

otf tilCd l alre still at tlle T 11.>titlte. buvtli'k;e tile fo,)tbll 1(', flylia 1(x-c' tak~en

tioll1 of MCl DIV.l~! Banqtset to Honor Players

T11 c;asW 11W1lt *ir<c 1](dd(1liig- bzick\ s;inipN!Ct^CIt1CllteN 11 ]lo1 1111iJI'o^111, II-rCW tilt,

Statemlenlt lla'; lbell ailth~orizedl thlat ifthCV'N C0lC ()tUt .;11(l11V l'lltlS toI' !\'Ec }).Sliii'il('y \%-I ibe oit ltrittedl.'i}Thcre arc 110 r-itid ttraillillt" lInCS to

pi'alls Ilave bcol>l ilal'e tt'litivch'l f6Ira l (1a." bl1ilficst. Nvithilil .a f(:"N (l,1; s ofU~idd DtNas. at wh1ich1 tile athIllees, xilllivc a )Iace of hoilorl. ( 4)Is( (Itileltl-

f<>r tile ilCen -who1( play' thlere will b~e aniopp~orttiliity to lxe hoaloredl by thleir class-iiates regardlles; o f v ictorv or defeat.

Coachl N sarren is gridlially gathleriiigtogetiler canididates f or tilc freshilml~ilcross-counitry teani b~ut thinigs wvill liaIN-eto livenl tip withl a lig banig if tie yearl-ilngs hope to tulrn out somne goodi har-r iers. Caiididates resort to the tracl;imm-ediatcly .

Tlic cindler path at Technology 1hasproved to be onle of the most <lesnocraticinstituitionis-only day before yesterdaya certain Professor in the '_%iliiig De-partminet wvas seen joggilig ovecr thetrack.


Several of Thirty Out Have Had'Experience at Their

Prep S7chools

Tlle fI'l Il~lllslll ItxLOV :,(111;Ldl 1l-tS g xill tile I]at fe dx (i!s to (1111te} ,tl (l >egatiml, Zt;](! II()NV Clisi.st. ,, of mie till t1Nor forty- meli, severail of xvdioni hiave hadtprev) scilool expecrienlce. CoachlA Wai-nr.

hlas Ixeen imlttinig tile canl(li(laites tilrt tlzilcond~itiollillg Nvorlkotlt.s, and~ as Inmlivx oither^il arle} roillid~ill-< illto goodl sha'l)'', .afewl time trials wxril lc hleld Ilext Tiles>-lav zand~ W\ednlesd~av. .kfter thlat it wxill

b~e 1)ossiblel to (olo)eX, w~itil ,I't'.ater aCc'ilr'iCv'tile clianices of tile Yearlinlgs to takse tilespl-ilitill- exvelt iiolli tile -,ipp~losedlys fas.tSoiulebomoie tc ami.

'ri e sccw~l yearl mlen gevlerally- riaav\,! w\ithl tile. mile <1nd( a1 hllf eve(lt,whichl C()Illtv- letwee(ll tile 11lal(ve of tilef,-o(tl bl gIlc 19a IIe l l~ildI ]),1 I v. bt t Ile

aries tf quIlite a few 111011, who ha1b~een plzrominlent ill l1rel)ara;to ry scb ll ,aIthletics, appecar oil til> ros.,tei- of tilefroish a.w.>jdranlts allis y-var. Conlsequlentlytile cla~ss of 1927 Ilas m-cll fotvdedl 1101)(S

*)f givinlg tile Sop)ls a ,psood race, *oll."id-cl-ingb the fc It tilat ]9(20 .lmlost ,%toll tile

rehl\,. la't X ecar, it will twelle somc1-i( -oodlfot-wol-k.l on1 tile pl-ctt of thet lattc 1Mcps-chool selliors, to (ho tilis. A\t vIll\ raltei

thi-cr appl~(lrs ttn be p~re.li til, riglt. kind~*)f froshl mal~tel-iall to- imikle tile rac loc((>U

cilolligh to b)e initeresting£ fl-olll tile p~oilitof -iewx of tile -S;lctattor. i lalrd worl;ill pireplantlti orl10 tile race 'x-ill lbep il Isooll, alld( il Ilell1t1 \'xho) waltlt to co-)lile ouitshtld rep(or''l0lt t(- t11(' tr;LC';I,: l% ho se fter 2

o-'1(C chwk \ am, atel-Ilo()ll. MeCl \'who *tl'e

alreadvl 011t ai c al.so w-red Xto be oil 1all(1

for the( tilue triails xaext Ttiesday ands

Th'1ingbs 1{ookA had1 fors thl, iSo7ph ill foowt-1ball-jl'ndyinq fromZl the( tionu zllt of frcsh-

men( sl (r till las~t fczv wig /I ts. .Z1)br1(ttzi-anti-five frexlshman candi(licist> ol.(Xhlandl to dfo thelir slteff v~/Included-lxt^ (lo-In izl( got'osc7V(-ste lip aild dZf wilzs thc( fi ldf.F 1-lo7-du~tc thle so{phs halnttez t/''7 be ll abbfo Ig e t chtven1 11c(t Olthe fX fie ld.

this mlornhipl, wvitlout my Dixon's E~ldorado3!" |

17 leads--all dealers


Take it home tothe kids.Have a packet inyour pocket for anever-ready treat.A delicious confec-

tion and an aid toithe teeth, appetite,

digestion. A

Parker ]Duofold, ,7and

Lacdy Duofolc , 65 j

Page 4: T~ECHNOLOGY SPIRIT I IS ROTTEN SAYS DBR. …tech.mit.edu/V43/PDF/V43-N41.pdfField Dav and Tech Night, and sniok-ill,,, ill tile corridors. He expressed re-grct that Dr. Stratton was

Monday, October 15, 1923-- r I e _~- %f- I r III

THE TECH]Page Four


NTotices and Announcements Trade Mark


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See Us FIRIST for YTourDrawing Sets andf Instrumlents,, Dralwingg Tab~les,Draw-ing Boards. Drawingu Paper, Draftting: RoomSupplies, Slide Rules, Tee Squares, Pencils, Pens,Crayons, etc.I


Drawing Instrument Sets from7 .. .............. ~...$1.50 to $30.00

Ask to see our SPECIAL Set at $7..... $30

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I. T. Dormitories, Cambridge. Univ.7077.

Business -Manager: D. A. Meeker, 106Sewall Ave., Brookline. Brook. 7710

Tech ShowGeneral Manager E. P. Dulielavy, 4

Aines St., Cambridge. Univ. 4755.Business Mana-er: ANT. F. Sonnekalb, Jr.,

400 Charles River Road, Cambridge.Univ. 2341.

Stage \Ianager (acting) : J. K. Price, 33Bay State Road, Boston. BB. 5921.

Publicitv 'Nfanager: C. R. Aslabley, Jr.,28 The Fenway, Boston BB. 5921.

Treasurer: D. R. Taber, 106 SewallAve.,Br(okline. Brook. .7710.

T. E. N.General Manager: D. F. Elliott, 528

Beacon St., Boston. BB. 5549.Editor-in-Chief: H. R Clark,52SBeac-

oil St., Boston. BB 5549.Business Mana-er: H. G. Donovan, 520

Commonwealth Ave., Boston.THE TECH

General Mana-er: NV. G. Peirce, 106Sewall Ave., Brookline. Brook. 7710.

Editor: P. J. Cardinal, 349 Common-wealth Ave.. Boston. BB. 8468

Managing Editor: R. E. Dorr, 30 Chat-ham St., Cainbri(lge. Univ. 9510-AL

Business Manager: D. M. Schoenfeld, 179Bay State Road, Boston. BB. 5912.

Voo DooGeneral Manager: W. D. Rowe, 37 BaN

State Road, Boston. BB. 3137.Yanaging Editor: H. A. Morse, 517

Beacon St., Boston. B B. 4.5 65.'Business Manager: C. X1. Billnian, 532

Beacon St., Boston. BB. 4057.Art Editor: IL B. Kane, 528 Beacon

St., Boston. BB. 5549.Publicity Xianager: F. NV. Westnian, 530

Beacon St., Bostoil. BB. 1369.Advertising %,lanager: F. H. Riegel, 526.

Beacon St., Boston. BB. 4357.Circulation Mana-er: IV. C. Bartow, 517

Beacon St., Boston. -BB. 456.5.Walker Memorial Committee

Chairman: T. F. Bundy, 526 BcaconSt., Boston. B.B. 4375.

Junior Member: Austin Cole, Jr., 106Sewall Ave., Brookline. Brook 7710.

Aeronautical Engineering Society-President: V. J. Weaver, 82 Ivy St.,

Brookline.Chemical Society

President: E. W. Brugnian, 2NI. I T.Dormitories, Canibridge. Univ. 7077.

Civil Engineering SocietyPresident: J. E. Jagger, M. I. T. Dor-

initories, Cambridge. Univ. 7077.Combined Professional Societies

President: C. A. Frank, 844 BeaconSt., Boston.

Corporation XV.President: J. M. Naiighton.

Mechanical Engineering SocietyPresident: F'. S. Hungerford, 621 Com-

nionwealth Ave., Boston. B.B. 5231.Mining Engineering Society

President: C. A. Frank, Jr., 844 BeaconSt., Boston.

Electrical Engineering SocietyPresident: R. P. Shaw, 844 Beacon St.,

Boston.Naval Architecture Society

President: G. F. Ashworth, 49 LincolnSt., 'Winchester. Winchester 0609-j.

Choral SocietyPresident: E. W. Bruginan, M. 1. T.

Dormitories, Cainbridge. Uiliv. 7007.Outing Club

President: B. B. Zavoico.Radio Society

Presi(lent: C. F. Mtickenhoupt, 499Beacon St., Boston.

Speaker's ClubPresident: F. R. Shaw, 24 Queens-

berry St., Boston.





THE GLEE CLUBNeedcs morte inen. If vou call sinig a

little, co~me o~ut for trv·outs toniighit at 5rooni 10-250.

TECH HPANDBOOKS1The 'F. C. A\. has a sujppl1v of about

300 Handb~ooks. xvithout leathecr covers,rem~ainingg copies of whlich~ inay le ob--tainecd o7 il applicationl at the t. C. A.Office. Blotters mavr al~o be obtained..

OUTING CLUBThe Outing Club wiill inleet ~Vedncs-


L-L .m




greatest we~aknesses in our nationalcharacter toda-%."

"LTechnology Spirit Rotten"Interspersed -,wth the speeches were

sihort acts furnished by the MusicalClubhs and Tech Show. D. A. Shep-pard '26 and Raymnond Manclia, Jr.,'26 playedd three banjo ducts. J. L.C:liffordc '25 bang several songs fronitile last two v-ears' Showis G. B.I-1ctcherr '25 and~ Richard W1;hiting '26of the cast of Tech Showv 1923 gave ash~ort skiit entitled "Just Us Girls."l'ianio accomipaniment w~ias by GavinW'atson '24..

Dr. Connors opened his talk by tell-ing w~hat lie thought of Technology

pri."Individually it is rotten andmiles-, a different spirit is show~n wew I']I be lositig meets next spring, andI w~e are hearten it -will be the faulto~f those who are too lazv to go otlt."WI. WI. Quarles, Jr., '24. told of tiletrip to Silver Bav by Institute menlast June. G. E. Piark~er '24 then out-lined to the fresilnen the history ofthe various activities at Technolog!·anld the benefits to be derived fromgoing out for each.

Athletic Program in GymBjuster Keaton in "'The Love N~est"

w.-ts throxvii on the screen just beforethe close of the program. It w1as an-nouncedl that a free copy of Techniquew~as w5on 1)v the holder of handbillnulllerc 687.

Befiore tile main programn in the din-ing rooin. athletic exhibitiotis wereIgiven7 in the gyTm. There wvere severalnmatches in both boxingg and wirestling1,\v tlhe stars of the varsity teanis. M~ikeH-oar occupied a prominjtent position asusual, officiatingr as timekeeper.

All of the chief activities likd theiroffices open andd gave awaav some sortof souvenir as advertisenients. T. E. N.had a k~iss for. evcrrlbodv. TechniqueiSave awaya cry-ing toy balloons, VooDoo quenched the thirst of the crowdNvith g-lasses of "Moxloie." Tile MusicalClulbs distributed lollypops, Tech Showvdoiiated ten and twenltv thousand marknotes, and THE TffCH gave awaychlocolate candy and sinokes. Severalfraternities established games ofchance anid skill in the balconies, -usingcigarettes for money.

RADIO SOCIETYTtieory classes wTill b~e lield A,1011

davs and codle classes oil Tuesda\·s andtlThlursdavs· from 12 to 1 o'clock andit 1to 2 o'clock. Those mniberscr of theSocietv decsirin- to take ad\·antage ofthese classes sign up oil the Radio So-cietv BulletinI board.. second floor ofb~uildling 10, indicating the hours theyxvish to attend. Classes evil start thisWecek.

U. E. B.Undelrgradluat e Emplloyment Bureau is

o~penl froin 9 to 5 dail-y. Saturdayv from9 to 1.

Studenrts w·ho hav·e filedl applicationsfor w-ork should call at once anld com-plete apj~lication cards, givinig correctterm adtdress, p~hone niumbecr, anid classschedtule. Without this iniformationi itis practically· imnpossible for tile Bureauto aitl you.

FINANCE COMMITTEETile Financie Committett e w\ill niect

in the Facultv- and Alumnni Rooln, Wal-toniorrow\\ at 5. Each activ.ity and so-cicety should b le represclltec bv- its Treas- tirer.

LOCKER KEYSStudentts holding locker keys fromi

last N-ear are requested to return themlto the offi~ce of the superintendecnt ofb~uildingas and powe~·r, room 3 -019, asSoonl as p~ossible.

ATHLETESStudents taklug phy,,ica~l traiiiing or

conipectitiv·e atlhletics wvho leave niot a]-rcadvl? done : , are to niakeli arrange-

Ill'nt fo nedicnll examlinatio n III roomi3-015 as ,soonl as possible.

TECHNOLOGY DAMESThle Technology- Daines w\ill meet to-

day a ~t 3, Emilia Izoger1s rooin.


La~tt Nvce~k llan-iion Brown-ing. Direc-to~r of Church Reclations for tlhe T. C. A..Inaiiicet to ach frehinan an11 nl. transfer alist ofi tie ch~urches in andl around Bor~s-tolil, and it lectter ur_.giii- C'arefull coallsider-aItio~il ofi tile advanta-en~s oi a "chlurchIlotrl(c·." W\ithl tlh li-,t there wans also allarticle by. tlhe J'c\-. New~ton C. Fectter.Chlairmanl of thet Studentt W\ork Com-inittee of tlhe Greater B~oston Fedecrationlrof Chlurches~. Our own W\\allv Ross is.,ecretarv -of thiis comtnittee.

The nilailingS of these lists is the con-tiinuance of a cus~toin establisheed to helpacqluainit the many nron-resident studetits-\vital the churches Hear Boston. Theclhurches are arran.1-ed accorditig to de-nomination7, and the men canl tell at aglance· just whlat churches there are ofhis denomination prepared to weclcomeehim. Over 700 letters wvere sent out.

� I





M. I. T. A. A.President:: Georlge S-wartz, 4100 Charles

Rive-r Roadt, Caml~ridge. Univ, 2341.Vicye Pre~sident: F. S. liutingerford, 621

Commlnonwealth~ Ave., Boston. B.B..523 1.

Secretary: W~~. 1-I. IAanning,, 334 Har-vard 9~t., Camll~ridge. Univ. 29)66.

Treastirer: J. WV. C'11111011 11 CcntreSt., Camlbridg-e. 'L'niv. 2357-NV.

Musical ClubsGenecral X4alagegr: G. E. Parkecr. 33

13-1v State Road, Boston, B.B. 1568.Stage Xfmager:r S. Ri. Spiker. 4000Cliarles River Road, Camnbridge. Univv

23 11.T,,asiii-er J. A. 11oxie, 4 Anness St.

PIII)Iicitx- -Nfanagerc~r: IN. 11. De·Foe. 400Ch~arlesRie R~oad, Camblridge..

T. C. A.

Comm~llonwe-alth Ave·., Do-stoni. B.B.

V-ice Presidenrt: Denton -Hassey,, 126Nnabcock St., Brookline. Brook..

Treastirer: R. L. I-olt. 2241 NIeeburvSt.. Boston.. B.B3. 5257.

Cabinetc Representative: C. M.I Phelps.106 Sew·all Ave., B3rookline. Brook.7710.

General Scretary: ~r. Mi. Ross, 56Greenough St., Brookline. Brook.5158-W.

Technique 201 Devonshire Street, Boston'o San Franc~isco NewChicagg


I (Continued from Page 1)


Glen-I-Iateman `255, presidlent of tilejunior class~, returnecd last W-ednesdaynight from Iiis hoine in A~frica. As thetrip from tile Transvaal to the UnitedStates re(Iiiiies 235 days, BIatenian wasable to b~e hoine onlv six weeks. Thiswas laid firs-t \-isit horiie ill 4 years. He/rnade the· journeyv from the Transyaalto EnglanL~d ()II itile UnionI Ca~stle -MajlLine. The~c trip aicross the Atlamtic wasmad~e oil tlle iaies'tic.



According to 1_\r. W. E. W7ickenden,Assistant Vice-President of the Alneri-call Telephonnc & Telegraph Comipany,,the Techlnology men in the severalcompanies of the Bell Sy~stem, make -upI,\y far the largest group front any oneiinstitution. This group of Tech niennumlbers close to 250 meen and an un-usual proportion of themi have won po-sitions of great responsibility. IIIrecent v.ears the contributions of Techme~n to the advancenient of the com-mlunicationn art have been particularlyconspicuous. IIn the field of researchand developnient, Dr. G. A. Campbell'91. 0. B~. Bl!ackwell '06, B. W- Ken-dall '06, 1-1. S. Osborne '08. J. R. Car-son '09, Ri. L. Joiles '09, L. P. Ferris'II and N;V. H. -Martin '11 have takenleading parts in creatirng the niodernart 01 long distanice transmiission. K.NV. WYaterson '98, the Assistant ChiefEngiiieer of the Am~erican Telephone

Telegraph Comlpanyr. has beenl thedirectin- -enius behind the Traffic En-gineering work of the system, involv-in,- the handling of 35,060,000,000 tele-phone connections a dav. H. P.Chiarlesw~orth and W. H. MPatthies '02have had iniportant parts in developingcentral office equipment, particularlyof the miachine switching type. F. L.R~hodess '92, is in charge of all new de-velopmients in outside plant construc-tioni. Dr. F;. Bi. Jewett 'O.). a formiermemnber of the Facultv. has for inanv,,,cars directed the -reat Research La-!)oratorios of the Srystein and is nowVice President of tile WTestern ElectricComnpany,, in charge of all its telephoneactivities.

Technology mein have been equall\Ndistinguishctl in the admninistrative anilfechnical -,ork of the operating coin-panics. W. A. Drake '95 is Cliief Coillmiercial Superintendent of the LongLines Departmeint. 1-. B. Coolidg-e '94.occupies a like post with the PacificTelephone &~ Telegraph Company. W.0. Pennell '96, is Chief Engincer of theSoutliw-estern Bell Telephone Comlpanyl.F. J. Cliesternian '05, is Chief Engin-eer of the Bell Telephone Company ofPenns-v-lvania- G. WC. M;cRae '10, hasrecentiv· been appointed Chief Engineerof the Illinois Bell1 Telephone Corn-

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Student DanarcesHOTIEL HEMENW~AY


Saturday evening, bfeginningOctober 6AN~D EVERY

Fridayr evrening, beginningOctober 19

JACK BROWN'S ORCHESTRAJackz Browiut HoTo-ward liills



lphone 972 MASS- AVE., CAMLB. phn-nclUniv. 5109 "LNever Closed" jj.57(-"

WHrIO'S WHOOAt Technology 'We OfferP Student Discouants

v York